
Race and ethnicity in the United States census

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follow-up survey concluded that the miscounting of children under five years of age and that American Indians and Alaska Natives living on reservations continued to have the highest net undercount rate, similar to 2010. One of the leading factors of the misrepresented information in the 2020 census is the coronavirus pandemic, which caused notable delays in the Census Bureau's Post-Enumeration Survey. The Post-Enumeration Survey is used to determine how accurate the census results are and inform planning for the next national count in 2030. Furthermore, discrepancies persisted due to the irrefutable variables of delays to field work, migration of many college students and others, and some respondents failed to answer the necessary questions required for the Post-Enumeration Survey to match the census. Journalist Michael Wines of the
2309:"ethnicity" or "ethnic group" are more salient for scientific purposes and have fewer of the negative, racist connotations for which the concept of race was developed. Yet the concept of race has become thoroughly—and perniciously—woven into the cultural and political fabric of the United States. It has become an essential element of both individual identity and government policy. Because so much harm has been based on "racial" distinctions over the years, correctives for such harm must also acknowledge the impact of "racial" consciousness among the U.S. populace, regardless of the fact that "race" has no scientific justification in human biology. Eventually, however, these classifications must be transcended and replaced by more non-racist and accurate ways of representing the diversity of the U.S. population. 985:"). A person of mixed black and American Indian ancestry was also to be recorded as "Neg" (for "Negro") unless they were considered to be "predominantly" American Indian and accepted as such within the community. A person with both white and American Indian ancestry was to be recorded as American Indian, unless their Indigenous ancestry was small, and they were accepted as white within the community. In all situations in which a person had white and some other racial ancestry, they were to be reported as that other race. People who had minority interracial ancestry were to be reported as the race of their father. 91:". The development of the data standards stem in large measure from new responsibilities to enforce civil rights laws. Among the changes, The OMB issued the instruction to "mark one or more races" after noting evidence of increasing numbers of mixed-race children and wanting to record diversity in a measurable way after having received requests by people who wanted to be able to acknowledge theirs and their children's full ancestry, rather than identifying with only one group. Prior to this decision, the census and other government data collections asked people to report singular races. 1625:
generally Black (B) and Mulatto (M). In 1900, there were no specified categories on the census listing form, and the instructions called for enumerators to list "B" for "Black (or negro or negro descent)", displaying the first occurrence of the controversial term "Negro". In 1930, there were specific instructions that used the term "Negro". Mixed persons were to be counted as "Negro" no matter how small the share of blood, also known as the one-drop rule. It was not until 1970 that the term Black appeared on a census form, and in 1990 the enumerator of color was eliminated.
dis-aggregated data on MENA populations, which made up over 3.5 million Americans. California, New York, and Michigan have the largest MENA populations, and Lebanese, Iranian, and Egyptian populations made up nearly half of them. This was almost triple the 2000 census' estimate of a population of 1.2 million Arab Americans, based on the "Ancestry" question rather than the racial category question. That number may have been an under count however, as 19% of the American population provided no answer for the "Ancestry" question.
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to "Print, for example". The removal of the word origin was due to the surveyed confusion and differentiating meanings origin has for respondents or varying backgrounds. Furthermore, the Census Bureau updated the write-in instructions for the "Some Other Race" category and included the instruction to "Print race", but changed the instruction to read "Print race or origin" to match the primary instruction to "
184: 1621:"White", "Black or African American", and "American Indian or Alaska Native" racial categories. In addition, after 100 years, the term "Negro" was removed from the 2020 census, as a large portion of respondents advocated for its removal. Instead, the category shifted from "Black, African Am., or Negro" to "Black or African Am." on paper questionnaires and electronic instruments. 1887: 157: 1878:
political shifts, apprehensions of unauthorized Mexican immigrants increased considerably after the pandemic started in 2020. In fiscal 2020, the number of detainments of Mexican adults at the US-Mexican border reached sky-high new levels under former president Donald Trump. There were 253,118 such encounters, up 52% from 166,458 the previous year.
2295:(AAA) recommended that OMB combine the "race" and "ethnicity" categories into one question to appear as "race/ethnicity" for the 2000 census. The Interagency Committee agreed, stating that "race" and "ethnicity" were not sufficiently defined and "that many respondents conceptualize 'race' and 'ethnicity' as one and the same [ 1860:
attributes group quarters like college dormitories, long-term care facilities and prisons to have the largest contingencies in the tally as the pandemic pushed many university students to return home, making it harder to count them in the dormitories or apartments where they normally would have been.
The next change was reordering the example groups from "Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on." to "Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian, Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc." to reflect the ever-increasing geographic diversity of the Hispanic or Latino category
The improvements are part of a larger effort reviewing the 1997 OMB guidelines, specifically to move MENA from under the White racial category into a new label. An OMB working group officially recommended a new MENA category in 2023 based on public feedback going back to 2015 and "plans to make final
has mandated that "in data collection and presentation, federal agencies are required to use a minimum of two ethnicities: "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino". The Census Bureau defines "Hispanic or Latino" as "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other
in several other ways than previously. Most significantly, respondents were given the option of selecting one or more race categories to indicate racial identities. Data show that nearly seven million Americans identified as members of two or more races. Because of these changes, the 2000 census data
The 1990 census was not designed to capture multiple racial responses, and when individuals marked the "other" race option and provided a multiple write-in. The response was assigned according to the race written first. "For example, a write-in of 'black-white' was assigned a code of 'black,' while a
Corrected figures are 85,425, or 114 less than the figures published in 1790, due to an error of addition in the returns for each of the towns of Fairfield, Milton, Shelburne, and Williston, in the county of Chittenden; Brookfield, Newbury, Randolph, and Strafford, in the county of Orange; Castleton,
found significant inequalities in household income, citizenship rates, and English-speaking rates between New Jersey's White population and Arab population, concluding that America's White and Arab populations might be different enough both culturally and economically to justify a separate category.
The Hispanic origin question included the same checkboxes as the 2010 census ("Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano", "Puerto Rican", "Cuban"), along with a "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin". Under this category, two changes emerged. The first was the shift from "Print origin, for example"
The 1910 census was similar to that of 1900, but it included a reinsertion of "Mulatto" and a question about the "mother tongue" of foreign-born individuals and individuals with foreign-born parents. "Ot" was also added to signify "other races", with space for a race to be written in. This decade's
represent a social-political construct for the race or races that respondents consider themselves to be and, "generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country". The OMB defines the concept of race as outlined for the census to be not "scientific or anthropological", and takes
The total number of non-immigrant visas processed in Mexico by the US Department of State dropped 35% in 2020 compared with the prior year, from about 1.5 million in 2019 to about 960,000 in 2020. The temporary visas were processed for tourism, business, or crossing the border. Consequently, due to
1874:. The predominant reasoning being shifts in political authority and the coronavirus pandemic resulting in policy changes. More specifically, immigrants entering through a permanent legal residency (green card), visa overstays, and apprehensions have drastically changed the input and output of data. 980:
The biggest change in this census was in racial classification. Enumerators were instructed to no longer use the "Mulatto" classification. Instead, they were given special instructions for reporting the race of interracial persons. A person with both white and black ancestry (termed "blood") was to
During 1900, the "Color or Race" question was slightly modified, removing the term "Mulatto". Also, there was an inclusion of an "Indian Population Schedule" in which "enumerators were instructed to use a special expanded questionnaire for American Indians living on reservations or in family groups
The OMB states, "many federal programs are put into effect based on the race data obtained from the decennial census (i.e., promoting equal employment opportunities; assessing racial disparities in health and environmental risks). Race data is also critical for the basic research behind many policy
According to James P. Allen and Eugene Turner from California State University, Northridge, by some calculations in the 2000 census the largest part white biracial population is white/Native American and Alaskan Native, at 7,015,017, followed by white/black at 737,492, then white/Asian at 727,197,
Though the issues of identification questions of origin were addressed, the accuracy of the 2020 census displays undercounts and overcounts of Black people, Latinos, and Native Americans according to the work conducted under Robert Santos, the current director of the United States Census Bureau. A
According to the United States Census Bureau, as a result of significant feedback, a detailed write-in response and example were included for the "White" and the "Black or African Am." racial categories to compensate a wider horizon of identities. There were also six example groups for each of the
Use of the word "ethnicity" for Hispanics only is considerably more restricted than its conventional meaning, which covers other distinctions, some of which are covered by the "race" and "ancestry" questions. The distinct questions accommodate the possibility of Hispanic and Latino Americans' also
The census of 1790, published in 1791, reports 16 slaves in Vermont. Subsequently, and up to 1860, the number is given as 17. An examination of the original manuscript allegedly shows that no slaves were ever in Vermont. The original error occurred in preparing the results for publication, when 16
The law required that every household be visited, that completed census schedules be posted in two of the most public places within each jurisdiction, remain for the inspection of all concerned, and that "the aggregate amount of each description of persons" for every district be transmitted to the
The recommendations of the AAA were not adopted by the Census Bureau for the 2000, 2010, and 2020 censuses. This includes Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, which remained an ethnicity, not a race. While race/ethnicity definitions for 2020 remained consistent, individuals who identify as White,
Translating the data set, the 3.45 difference in net coverage error for the Hispanic or Latino category proves widely problematic, but is an avid reflection of the seismic shifts in the United States. Mexican immigrants have been at the center of one of the largest mass migrations in contemporary
The 2020 census was also "the first to specifically solicit Middle Eastern North African (MENA) responses" through the write-in response for the White racial category. The term MENA includes the Arab American population, which is growing quickly as of 2023. This allowed the 2020 census to include
featured similar designs to the 2000 and 2010 censuses. Subsequently, the Census Bureau adhered to the 1997 OMB standards and thus used two separate questions to collect data on race and ethnicity. However, there were improvements in the phrasing of the race and ethnicity questions within the OMB
Some other race — Includes all other responses not included in the "White", "Black or African American", "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", and "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" race categories described above. Respondents providing write-in entries such as multiracial, mixed,
Although used in the census and the American Community Survey, "Some other race" is not an official race, and the Bureau considered eliminating it prior to the 2000 census. As the 2010 census form did not contain the question titled "Ancestry" found in prior censuses, there were campaigns to get
For the first and only time, "Mexican" was listed as a race. Enumerators were instructed that all people born in Mexico, or whose parents were born in Mexico, should be listed as Mexicans, and not under any other racial category. In prior censuses and in 1940, enumerators were instructed to list
in 2010. The Arab American population was then estimated through the number of responses that included one or more Arab ancestries. The 2020 census changed this by explicitly prompting write-in responses with Arab American examples listed as "Print, for example, German, Irish, English, Italian,
The Interagency Committee has suggested that the concept of marking multiple boxes be extended to the Hispanic origin question, thereby freeing individuals from having to choose between their parents' ethnic heritages. In other words, a respondent could choose both "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not
that sought better relations with Mexico. In 1935, a federal judge ruled that three Mexican immigrants were ineligible for citizenship because they were not white, as required by federal law. Mexico protested, and Roosevelt decided to circumvent the decision and make sure the federal government
The 1850 census had a dramatic shift in the way information about residents was collected. For the first time, free persons were listed individually instead of by head of household. Two questionnaires were used - one for free inhabitants and one for slaves. The question on the free inhabitants
Census data included the name of the head of the family and categorized inhabitants as: free white males at least 16 years of age (to assess the country's industrial and military potential), free white males under 16 years of age, free white females, all other free persons (reported by sex and
are considered separate and distinct identities, with a person's origins considered in the census. Thus, in addition to their race or races, all respondents are categorized by membership in one of two ethnic categories, which are "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino." However, the
The American Anthropological Association recommends the elimination of the term "race" from OMB Directive 15 during the planning for the 2010 census. During the past 50 years, "race" has been scientifically proven to not be a real, natural phenomenon. More specific, social categories such as
The identification of the term African American first occurred in the 2000 census, reflecting a long-standing history of offensive terminology since the censuses' inception. The 1790 census included other "free persons" by color and "slaves". From 1850 to 1880, the codes for enumerators were
The figures for Virginia do not include the population of Kentucky. Though Kentucky was then a part of Virginia, the Kentucky figures were compiled separately, and are shown on the line for Kentucky. The Virginia figures do include the portion of Virginia that later became the state of West
For 1890, the Census Office changed the design of the population questionnaire. Residents were still listed individually, but a new questionnaire sheet was used for each family. Additionally, this was the first year that the census distinguished among different Asian ethnic groups, such as
The Census Bureau implemented a Census Quality Survey, gathering data from about 50,000 households to assess the reporting of race and Hispanic origin in the 2000 census with the purpose of creating a way to make comparisons between the 2000 census with previous census racial data.
included changes designed to more clearly distinguish Hispanic ethnicity as not being a race. That included adding the sentence: "For this census, Hispanic origins are not races." Additionally, the Hispanic terms were modified from "Hispanic or Latino" to "Hispanic, Latino or
and Thomas Jefferson maintained the population was undercounted. The potential reasons Washington and Jefferson may have thought this could be refusal to participate, poor public transportation and roads, spread-out population, and restraints of current technology.
This year added several options to the race question, including Vietnamese, Indian (East), Guamanian, Samoan, and re-added Aleut. Again, the term "color" was removed from the racial question, and the following questions were asked of a sample of respondents:
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decisions on revisions by Summer 2024". Many people in the community "may not be perceived, nor perceive themselves, to be White". The added category could allow for more targeted funding, social programs, and political representation. A 2015 study from
The 1920 census questionnaire was similar to 1910, but excluded a separate schedule for American Indians. "Hin", "Kor", and "Fil" were also added to the "Color or Race" question, signifying Hindu (Asian Indian), Korean, and Filipino, respectively.
into account "social and cultural characteristics as well as ancestry", using "appropriate scientific methodologies" that are not "primarily biological or genetic in reference." The race categories include both racial and national-origin groups.
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The 1820 census built on the questions asked in 1810 by asking age questions about slaves. Also the term "colored" entered the census nomenclature. In addition, a question stating "Number of foreigners not naturalized" was included.
877:. However, the categories of "Free white males" of 16 years and upward, including heads of families under 16 years, "Free white females", including heads of families, All other free persons, and "Slaves," existed in the census form. 1395:
including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes "Asian Indian", "Chinese", "Filipino", "Korean", "Japanese", "Vietnamese", and "Other
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treated Hispanics as white. The State Department, the Census Bureau, the Labor Department, and other government agencies therefore made sure to uniformly classify people of Mexican descent as white. This policy encouraged the
notice regarding revisions to the standards for the classification of federal data on race and ethnicity. The OMB developed race and ethnic standards in order to provide "consistent data on race and ethnicity throughout the
No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity that included a combined question and a MENA category, while also collecting additional detail to enable data disaggregation.
The 1940 census was the first to include separate population and housing questionnaires. The race category of "Mexican" was eliminated in 1940, and the population of Mexican descent was counted with the white population.
The 1960 census re-added the word "color" to the racial question, and changed "Indian" to "American Indian", as well as adding Hawaiian, Part-Hawaiian, Aleut, and Eskimo. The "Other (print out race)" option was removed.
1420:— People may have chosen to provide two or more races either by checking two or more race response check boxes, by providing multiple write-in responses, or by some combination of check boxes and write-in responses. 2279:
In the 2000 census, respondents were tallied in each of the race groups they reported. Consequently, the total of each racial category exceeds the total population because some people reported more than one race.
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on race are not directly comparable with data from the 1990 census or earlier censuses. Use of caution is therefore recommended when interpreting changes in the racial composition of the US population over time.
Clarendon, Hubbardton, Poultney, Rutland, Shrewsburg, and Wallingford, in the county of Rutland; Dummerston, Guilford, Halifax, and Westminster, in the county of Windham; and Woodstock, in the county of Windsor.
131:). Data on ethnic groups is also needed by local governments to run programs and meet legislative requirements (i.e., identifying segments of the population who may not be receiving medical services under the 1962:
The Census Bureau warns that data on race in 2000 census are not directly comparable to those collected in previous censuses. Many residents of the United States consider race and ethnicity to be the same.
915:. Slaves were listed by owner, and classified by gender and age, not individually, and the question about color was a column that was to be marked with a "B" if the slave were black and an "M" if mulatto. 2359: 813:
The figures for Massachusetts do not include the population of Maine. Though Maine was then a part of Massachusetts, the Maine figures were compiled separately, and are shown on the line for Maine.
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Census data indicate that the number of children in interracial families grew from less than one-half million in 1970 to about two million in 1990. In 1990, for interracial families with one
4047: 3034: 4183: 4126: 3988: 3854: 932:, due to increased immigration. This census also marked the beginning of the term "race" in the questionnaires. Enumerators were instructed to write "White", "Black", "Mulatto", " 989:
Mexican Americans as white, perhaps because some of them were of white background (mainly Spanish), many others mixed white and Native American and some of them Native American.
1367:. It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am., or Negro", or provide written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian. 885:
In 1800 and 1810, the age question regarding free white males was more detailed with five cohorts and included All other free persons, except "Indians not taxed", and "Slaves".
in the history of the United States. The population of the United States was recorded as 3,929,214 as of Census Day, August 2, 1790, as mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the
3638: 1901: 992:
The supplemental American Indian questionnaire was back, but in abbreviated form. It featured a question asking if the person was of full or mixed American Indian ancestry.
2354: 874: 3526: 1049:
This year's census included "Negro or Black", re-added Korean and the Other race option. East Indians (the term used at that time for people whose ancestry is from the
3122: 2667: 52:
chosen by residents, with which they most closely identify. Residents can indicate their origins alongside their race, and are asked specifically whether they are of
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Reynolds, Gerald A.; Thernstrom, Abigail; Gaziano, Todd; Heriot, Gail; Kirsanow, Peter N.; Melendez, Arlan D.; Taylor, Ashley L. Jr; Yaki, Michael (April 7, 2006).
160: 3003: 1353:. It includes people who indicate their race as "white-skinned people" or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish. 5022: 4040: 3342: 2725:"OMB Publishes Revisions to Statistical Policy Directive No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity | OMB" 2364: 3731: 2554: 1456:
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print origin, for example, Argentinian, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on.
3920: 6300: 4193: 4161: 4091: 1241:
The racial categories in this year are as they appear in the 2000 and 2010 censuses. The following questions were asked of a sample of respondents for the
285:. However, the census was proven factual and the existence of most of this data can be confirmed in many secondary sources pertaining to the first census. 6290: 4211: 2444: 3365: 2972: 2879: 2796: 911:
schedule about color was a column that was to be left blank if a person were white, marked "B" if a person were black, and marked "M" if a person were
5334: 4451: 4111: 4065: 4033: 1010: 225:
About one-third of the original census data has been lost or destroyed since documentation. The data was lost in 1790–1830, and included data from
4335: 4310: 4178: 3903: 2389: 2384: 2333: 2323: 1519: 88: 60: 49: 4540: 4151: 4131: 4121: 4086: 1542:
In the 2000 census, 12.5% of the US population reported "Hispanic or Latino" ethnicity and 87.5% reported "Not-Hispanic or Latino" ethnicity.
5493: 4456: 4106: 4018: 2921: 2349: 1370: 1309: 963:
version of the Indian Population Schedule featured questions asking the individual's proportion of white, black, or American Indian lineage.
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Data on ethnic groups are important for putting into effect a number of federal statutes (i.e., enforcing bilingual election rules under the
3493: 2477: 4427: 4226: 4156: 4141: 2843: 2292: 1403: 72: 2516: 1032:
The 1950 census questionnaire removed the word "color" from the racial question, and also removed Hindu and Korean from the race choices.
5477: 4719: 4712: 4650: 4439: 4325: 4166: 1536: 1532: 1528: 1435:
The 23rd federal census, 2010 asks one ethnic and one race question (questions 1-4 not reproduced here, questions 5 and 6 paraphrased):
6295: 4567: 4493: 4444: 4422: 4241: 4101: 1374: 116:
decisions. States require this data to meet legislative redistricting requirements. The data is needed to monitor compliance with the
3414: 3162: 3076: 2301:] underscor the need to consolidate these terms into one category, using a term that is more meaningful to the American people." 5406: 4278: 4221: 4173: 4096: 4056: 2337: 1053:) were counted as White. There was a questionnaire that was asked of only a sample of respondents. These questions were as follows: 200: 3789: 2414: 1406:. It includes people who indicate their race as "Native Hawaiian", "Guamanian or Chamorro", "Samoan", and "Other Pacific Islander". 3555: 3310: 3226: 3196: 902:
In the 1830 census, a new question, which stated, "The number of White persons who were foreigners not naturalized" was included.
4357: 4315: 4300: 4116: 1021: 305: 1414:, or a Hispanic/Latino group (for example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban) in the "Some other race" category are included here. 4367: 4305: 3488: 2641: 99: 41: 4412: 4387: 4268: 4188: 4081: 2379: 212: 208: 3114: 167:, February 6, 2015. An illustrated history of the racial and ethnic categories used in the US census from 1790 through 2010. 6305: 5929: 4248: 4216: 4203: 2329: 2314:
Black/African American, and/or American Indian or Alaska Native were asked to specifically identify their racial origins.
76: 53: 2779: 1632:
This is significant because MENA identities were previously only tracked through the "Ancestry" write-in question on the
5999: 4320: 4253: 4146: 3992: 3585: 3011: 2754: 2291:
In September 1997, during the process of revision of racial categories previously declared by OMB Directive No. 15, the
to indicate their ethnic or national background through the race question, specifically the "Some other race" category.
297: 164: 103: 95: 6265: 6240: 6036: 4392: 3758: 2976: 2883: 2520: 2481: 2448: 2418: 2374: 3346: 3910:, James P. Allen and Eugene Turner, Department of Geography, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA 3879: 6021: 4263: 3527:"Improvements to the 2020 Census Race and Hispanic Origin Question Designs, Data Processing, and Coding Procedures" 3046: 1399: 136: 98:(MENA) racial category and considered combining racial and ethnic categories into one question. In March 2024, the 6245: 6212: 5856: 5346: 4946: 3962: 3928: 1633: 1601: 1556: 1327: 1242: 192: 132: 124: 117: 3943:"Amendment: NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research" 949:
off of reservations." This expanded version included the question "Fraction of person's lineage that is white."
6260: 6235: 5031: 4878: 4627: 4577: 4518: 4295: 2693: 128: 6197: 5804: 5356: 4555: 4471: 2980: 2887: 2800: 2369: 3815: 135:; evaluating whether financial institutions are meeting the credit needs of minority populations under the 5984: 4582: 4417: 4288: 3586:"Lebanese, Iranian and Egyptian Populations Represented Nearly Half of the MENA Population in 2020 Census" 866: 313: 1258:
If this person was not born in the United States, when did this person come to the United States to stay?
6164: 6081: 6046: 6041: 5942: 5401: 5376: 5113: 5076: 4998: 4846: 4841: 4461: 4362: 4136: 1569: 1417: 1001: 3900: 3666:"Middle Eastern and North African Americans may not be perceived, nor perceive themselves, to be White" 3469: 2580: 2452: 71:
practice of separating "race" and "ethnicity" as different categories has been criticized both by the
6154: 6144: 6134: 6124: 6076: 5967: 5962: 5957: 5947: 5386: 5361: 5351: 5205: 5118: 5008: 4978: 4932: 4785: 4773: 4622: 4560: 4432: 3942: 3677: 3613: 2866:"A Century of Population Growth from the First Census of the United States to the Twelfth, 1790–1900" 2634: 1428: 1005: 720: 234: 196: 33: 3137: 6149: 6119: 6109: 6099: 5979: 5873: 5472: 5465: 5443: 5421: 5416: 5319: 5252: 5056: 4993: 4963: 4915: 4905: 4858: 4829: 4819: 4800: 4528: 4503: 4466: 4397: 4382: 4377: 4273: 4008: 1871: 1392: 1050: 309: 3855:"Before COVID-19, more Mexicans came to the U.S. than left for Mexico for the first time in years" 6139: 6129: 6104: 6013: 5952: 5937: 5922: 5391: 5371: 5304: 5282: 5262: 5240: 5195: 5190: 5185: 5172: 5128: 5108: 5103: 5066: 5041: 4968: 4910: 4873: 4824: 4809: 4687: 4675: 4660: 4632: 4617: 4607: 4592: 4572: 4550: 4523: 4498: 4476: 4407: 4372: 4013: 3483: 3058: 2927: 2698: 1642: 1577: 822:
Corrected figures are 59,096, or 2 more than figures published in 1790, due to error in addition.
67: 2847: 2524: 1511:
This census acknowledged that "race categories include both racial and national-origin groups."
persons, returned as "Free colored", were carried forward to the following page as "Slave". See
6230: 6114: 6056: 5989: 5846: 5660: 5448: 5433: 5426: 5396: 5366: 5341: 5329: 5287: 5267: 5257: 5230: 5225: 5220: 5215: 5210: 5160: 5155: 5143: 5133: 5123: 5061: 5046: 4988: 4983: 4951: 4920: 4883: 4868: 4851: 4834: 4778: 4756: 4729: 4670: 4602: 4597: 4587: 4545: 4533: 4402: 4352: 3823: 3713: 3695: 2917: 1870:
history, reaching a peak of 12.8 million in 2007, but have since declined, as reported by the
1585: 1573: 1356: 853: 789: 17: 2865: 1481:
Other Asian – Print race, for example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.
for small areas and their compatible cartographic boundary files, can be downloaded from the
6066: 6061: 6051: 6031: 5710: 5588: 5508: 5438: 5411: 5381: 5309: 5292: 5200: 5150: 5096: 5091: 5081: 5017: 4925: 4898: 4888: 4863: 4814: 4761: 4746: 4741: 4736: 4724: 4682: 4665: 4655: 4639: 4612: 4513: 4508: 4231: 3732:"Why Arab Americans are pushing for a 'Middle East or North African' category on the census" 3703: 3685: 3050: 2394: 1134: 1124: 1118: 495: 301: 258: 83: 37: 6026: 5974: 5615: 5578: 5533: 5460: 5324: 5314: 5277: 5272: 5245: 5180: 5086: 5071: 5051: 4973: 4956: 4937: 4893: 4795: 4790: 4766: 4751: 4707: 4283: 3966: 3907: 3155: 2485: 1402:— A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other 1380: 1338: 1305: 1301: 1297: 1139: 1129: 1083: 925: 4003:(Princeton University Press; 2013) argues for dropping the race question from the census. 3901:
Bridging 1990 and 2000 census race data: Fractional assignment of multiracial populations
2635:"Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity" 3891:(see Table 10. Hispanic and Not Hispanic Population by Race for the United States: 2000) 3681: 1945:
Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.
5868: 5821: 5685: 5680: 5645: 5630: 5235: 5036: 5003: 4488: 4483: 3708: 3665: 3317: 3237: 3204: 1581: 1388: 1313: 870: 785:
The Connecticut River Valley in southern Vermont and New Hampshire; historical sketches
695: 670: 274: 262: 6284: 5913: 5784: 5732: 5720: 5715: 5705: 5695: 5690: 5610: 5583: 5573: 5568: 5563: 5138: 4258: 3270: 3062: 2931: 2911: 2668:"Census Changes: Biden Administration Proposes New Categories For Race And Ethnicity" 1087: 1073: 982: 783: 420: 370: 250: 246: 4025: 2816:
The Census Book: A Genealogists Guide to Federal Census Facts, Schedules and Indexes
5893: 5769: 5553: 3790:"The 2020 census had big undercounts of Black people, Latinos and Native Americans" 1360: 1350: 1024:. The Census Bureau's role was denied for decades, but was finally proven in 2007. 545: 445: 270: 266: 45: 3100: 2332:
adopted the new language to comply with the revisions to Directive 15, as did the
2422: 1900:
Please expand the to include this information. Further details may exist on the
308:, directed US Marshals to collect data from all 13 original states, and from the 94:
As of 2023, the OMB built on the 1997 guidelines and suggested the addition of a
6172: 5888: 5809: 5789: 5675: 5548: 5453: 3115:"Confirmed: The U.S. Census Bureau Gave Up Names of Japanese-Americans in WW II" 2720: 1346: 929: 470: 226: 183: 3639:"Initial Proposals for Updating OMB's Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards" 3294: 5898: 5851: 5794: 5650: 5625: 3054: 520: 254: 3989:"The Evolution of Race and Ethnicity Classifications in the Decennial Census" 3827: 3699: 2614:
Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting
American Indian or Alaska Native – Print name of enrolled or principal tribe.
6225: 6202: 6177: 5903: 5799: 5655: 5605: 5523: 3690: 3197:"2000 Census of Population, Public Law 94-171 Redistricting Data File: Race" 2829: 1561: 1502:
Other Pacific Islander – Print race, for example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on.
1093: 5635: 3717: 1886: 4001:
What Is Your Race? The Census and Our Flawed Efforts to Classify Americans
Maghbouleh, Neda; Schachter, Ariela; Flores, René D. (February 15, 2022).
3418: 6182: 5836: 5826: 5754: 5727: 5640: 5620: 5558: 5538: 5518: 5513: 3446: 3343:"Census Bureau to Test Changes in Questionnaire, New Response Technology" 3089:
A Quiet Victory for Latino Rights: FDR and the Controversy over Whiteness
2609: 2284:
and finally white/Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander at 125,628.
1411: 1384: 1114: 1068: 933: 645: 620: 595: 570: 312:. The census was not conducted in Vermont until 1791, after that state's 282: 242: 230: 6207: 5994: 5908: 5883: 5831: 5816: 5700: 5528: 5498: 4236: 1654:
Percent Net Coverage Error by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2010 and 2020
original peoples of North and South America (including Central America)
912: 345: 325:
Free white males at least 16 years of age, including heads of families
278: 3959: 1013:
in its quest to minimize discrimination by asserting their whiteness.
6187: 5779: 5764: 5759: 5747: 5742: 5670: 5600: 5503: 5297: 1852:*Net coverage error is statistically significantly different from 0. 1364: 1342: 1107:
a. For persons born in a foreign country – Is the person naturalized?
1078: 981:
be recorded as "Negro", no matter the fraction of that lineage (the "
3441: 3816:"Despite Many Obstacles, the 2020 Census Gets a Cautious Thumbs-Up" 3345:(Press release). US Census Bureau. January 16, 2003. Archived from 2610:"American Anthropological Association Response to OMB Directive 15" 5878: 5861: 5841: 5774: 5737: 5665: 5595: 2913:
Who Counts?: The Politics of Census-Taking in Contemporary America
843: 395: 238: 182: 127:
and monitoring/enforcing equal employment opportunities under the
Race and ethnicity in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission § Race and ethnicity
6192: 5543: 3505: 1383:— A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the 1197:
a. Does this person speak a language other than English at home?
4029: 3033:
Gratton, Brian; Merchant, Emily Klancher (September 19, 2016).
2751:"Infographic: Government Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data" 3970: 2560:(Report). American Anthropological Association. September 1997 2360:
Historical racial and ethnic demographics of the United States
2297: 1925: 1880: 3560:
Pew Research Center's Social & Demographic Trends Project
a. Is this person a naturalized citizen of the United States?
and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.
1341:— A person having origins in any of the original peoples of 1423: 1304:
for about 20 percent of all children, the other parent was
In what U.S. State or foreign country was this person born?
Final Revisions of the Employer Information Report (EEO-1)
2859: 2857: 1194:
b. When did this person come to the United States to stay?
3271:"Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin: Census 2000 Brief" 1668:
Is There A Significant Difference Between 2020 and 2010?
The following definitions apply to the 2000 census only.
Lai, K.K. Rebecca; Medina, Jennifer (October 16, 2023).
guidelines, that would enhance clarity for respondents.
write-in of 'white-black' was assigned a code of 'white.
b When did the person come to the United States to stay?
Births of U.S. states and territories by race/ethnicity
3759:"U.S. Census Bureau Classification of Arab Populations" 3389:"Census Takes Aim to Tally 'Hard to Count' Populations" 3269:
Grieco, Elizabeth M.; Cassidy, Rachel C. (March 2001).
Is this person of Spanish/Hispanic origin or descent?
743: 2588:
University of Maryland: Thurgood Marshall Law Library
2445:"American FactFinder Help: Hispanic or Latino origin" 1922:
Relation between ethnicity and race in census results
Is the person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
In what state or foreign country was the person born?
3470:"They ask, 'Where are we going to write Armenian? '" 3362:"Caribbeans urged to write in ancestry on US Census" 2517:"Questions and Answers for Census 2000 Data on Race" 6163: 6092: 6012: 5486: 5171: 4700: 4345: 4334: 4202: 4072: 3987:Ahmad, Farah Z.; Hagler, Jamal (February 6, 2015). 3848: 3846: 3844: 3442:"Arab-Americans Aim to Increase Their Census Count" 2749:Ahmad, Farah Z.; Hagler, Jamal (February 6, 2015). 1203:
c. If yes, how well does this person speak English?
869:from the 1790 population census are available, but 149: 3415:"The Arab American Institute | Get Involved!" 2818:. North Salt Lake, Utah: HeritageQuest. p. 7. 1650:and the variations in populations sums each year. 1272:Questions on Spanish or Hispanic Origin or Descent 1212:Questions on Spanish or Hispanic Origin or Descent 1153:Questions on Spanish or Hispanic Origin or Descent 161:"Government Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data" 2910:Anderson, Margo J.; Fienberg, Stephen E. (1999). 2355:Classification of ethnicity in the United Kingdom 1291:Yes, other Spanish/Hispanic, print one group ... 875:National Historical Geographic Information System 2905: 2903: 2901: 2899: 2897: 852:Some doubt surrounded the numbers, as President 331:Free white females, including heads of families 215:were also responsible for governing the census. 3783: 3781: 3779: 3670:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 3035:"La Raza: Mexicans in the United States Census" 2791: 2789: 2306: 1523:Spanish culture or origin regardless of race." 1188:If this person was born in a foreign country... 3614:"Census 2000 Brief: The Arab Population: 2000" 3556:"Race and the Census: The "Negro" Controversy" 1967:Population distribution by race (2000 census) 1527:declaring various racial identities (see also 1444:No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin 1255:Is this person a citizen of the United States? 27:Self-identification collected by the US census 4041: 2365:Judicial aspects of race in the United States 1121:, was spoken in the person's home as a child? 1104:What country was the person's mother born in? 1101:What country was the person's father born in? 8: 3880:"Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000" 3549: 3547: 3289: 3287: 3608: 3606: 3580: 3578: 3576: 3264: 3262: 3260: 3258: 2694:"An American Puzzle: Fitting Race in a Box" 2553:"A Brief History of the OMB Directive 15". 1276:Is this person of Spanish/Hispanic origin? 316:as the 14th state on March 4 of that year. 4342: 4048: 4034: 4026: 3305: 3303: 3075:copy of the full 1930 census instructions 2581:"Racial Categorization in the 2010 Census" 1965: 1809:Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1400:Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 936:", "Octoroon", "Chinese", "Japanese", or " 318: 3707: 3689: 3521: 3519: 3517: 3515: 2832:. 1930 Census Resources for Genealogists. 2511: 2509: 2507: 2505: 2503: 2478:"American FactFinder Help: Ethnic Groups" 1308:for 45 percent, and the other parent was 848:Commemorative pitcher with census results 3969:by the EEOC. The page contains links to 2967: 2965: 2963: 2961: 1652: 1373:— A person having origins in any of the 1359:— A person having origins in any of the 1282:Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano 1224:Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano 1065:b. Is this person's origin or descent... 1011:League of United Latin American Citizens 6226:People of the United States / Americans 4452:African immigrants to the United States 3138:"Papers show Census role in WWII camps" 2959: 2957: 2955: 2953: 2951: 2949: 2947: 2945: 2943: 2941: 2844:"1790 Census of Population and Housing" 2661: 2659: 2406: 2390:Racial segregation in the United States 2385:Race and ethnicity in the United States 2334:Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1520:federal government of the United States 772: 187:Title page of 1790 United States census 4541:Southern Africans in the United States 3853:Gonzalez-Barrera, Ana (July 9, 2021). 3191: 3189: 3187: 3185: 3183: 3181: 3179: 3177: 3175: 3168:from the original on October 20, 2003. 2472: 2470: 1781:American Indian Areas Off Reservation 146: 111:How data on race and ethnicity is used 4457:Central Africans in the United States 4019:American Academy of Arts and Sciences 3814:Wines, Michael (September 14, 2021). 3496:from the original on January 21, 2017 3125:from the original on August 29, 2013. 2864:Census Office, United States (1909). 2548: 2546: 2544: 2542: 2350:Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood 7: 4428:Trinidadian and Tobagonian Americans 4363:Afro-Caribbean/West Indian Americans 3921:"Race/Ethnicity and the 2020 Census" 2846:. U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from 2799:. U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from 2778:. U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from 2293:American Anthropological Association 1157:Is this person's origin or descent? 788:. Rutland, Vt., Tuttle Co. pp.  73:American Anthropological Association 5478:White Hispanic and Latino Americans 4713:Asian Hispanic and Latino Americans 4651:North Africans in the United States 4440:Black Hispanic and Latino Americans 3360:Kay, Jennifer (February 24, 2010). 3293:Waite, Preston. US Census Bureau. " 3091:(University of Arizona Press, 2012) 1537:Asian Hispanic and Latino Americans 1533:Black Hispanic and Latino Americans 1529:White Hispanic and Latino Americans 6301:Ethnic groups in the United States 4568:West Africans in the United States 4494:East Africans in the United States 4423:Stateside Virgin Islands Americans 4009:"Racial classification in America" 3440:Ashmawey, Roqaya (March 1, 2010). 1447:Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano 1326:Race was asked differently in the 25: 6291:Demographics of the United States 6073:Americans of Euro Oceanic origin 5407:Nordic and Scandinavian Americans 4057:Demographics of the United States 3788:Lo Wang, Hansi (March 11, 2022). 3554:Cohn, D'Vera (January 21, 2010). 3136:Haya El Nasser (March 30, 2007). 2338:United States Department of Labor 1753:American Indian or Alaska Native 1371:American Indian and Alaska Native 1200:b. If yes, what is this language? 6251:Race and ethnicity in the census 4358:African diaspora in the Americas 4007:Prewitt, Kenneth (Winter 2005). 3927:. March 23, 2019. Archived from 2523:. March 14, 2001. Archived from 2415:"American FactFinder Help: Race" 1930: 1885: 328:Free white males under 16 years 155: 4368:Antiguan and Barbudan Americans 3531:The United States Census Bureau 3489:Office of Management and Budget 3297:." 2006. accessed July 7, 2008. 3113:J. R. Minkel (March 30, 2007). 2642:Office of Management and Budget 2590:. US Commission of Civil Rights 1206:What is this person's ancestry? 1166:Central American Other Spanish 100:Office of Management and Budget 96:Middle Eastern or North African 56:origin in a separate question. 42:Office of Management and Budget 4413:Kittian and Nevisian Americans 4388:Dominican Americans (Dominica) 3101:The 1930 Census in Perspective 2555:"Response to OMB Directive 15" 2380:Race and ethnicity in censuses 2155:Hawaiian N. & Pacific Is. 1300:partner, the other parent was 1060:a. Where was this person born? 1020:1940 census data was used for 18:African-American (U.S. Census) 1: 5930:Hispanic and Latino Americans 3947:National Institutes of Health 3468:SMITH, DOUG (April 5, 1990). 3295:2010 Decennial Census Program 2330:National Institutes of Health 1795:Balance of the United States 1686:Race Alone or in Combination 1505:Some other race – Print race. 77:US Commission on Civil Rights 6000:Indigenous Mexican Americans 3993:Center for American Progress 3039:Journal of Political History 2814:Dollarhide, William (2001). 2755:Center for American Progress 1233:Yes, other Spanish/Hispanic 1022:Japanese American internment 782:Lyman Simpson Hayes (1929). 165:Center for American Progress 104:Statistical Policy Directive 6241:Maps of American ancestries 6037:French Polynesian Americans 4393:Dutch West Indian Americans 3065:– via Cambridge Core. 2977:United States Census Bureau 2916:. Russell Sage Foundation. 2884:United States Census Bureau 2521:United States Census Bureau 2482:United States Census Bureau 2449:United States Census Bureau 2419:United States Census Bureau 2375:Race (human categorization) 1460:What is the person's race? 6322: 6022:Pacific Islander Americans 3973:, forms, and instructions. 3047:Cambridge University Press 2776:"History: 1790 Fast Facts" 2321: 1725:Black or African American 1637:Lebanese, Egyptian, etc". 137:Community Reinvestment Act 82:In 1997, the OMB issued a 6296:Race in the United States 6221: 6213:Punjabi Mexican Americans 5347:Liechtensteiner Americans 4063: 3387:The Washington Diplomat. 3055:10.1017/S0898030616000257 2229: 2202: 2200: 2060: 2033: 2031: 2006: 1971: 1939:This section needs to be 1711:Non-Hispanic White alone 1659:Race and Hispanic Origin 1634:American Community Survey 1611:Mark ☒ one or more boxes 1466:Black or African American 1357:Black or African American 1279:No, not Spanish/Hispanic 1221:No, not Spanish/Hispanic 193:1790 United States census 154: 143:Brief overview of history 133:Public Health Service Act 120:by local jurisdictions". 6236:Native American ancestry 5023:Hungarian Slovak Gypsies 4879:Indo-Caribbean Americans 4628:Sierra Leonean Americans 4578:Bissau-Guinean Americans 4519:South Sudanese Americans 3965:August 13, 2009, at the 3906:October 2, 2008, at the 3156:"US Census Bureau, 2000" 2797:"History: 1790 Overview" 1184: 1097: 1091: 1082: 1077: 1072: 1067: 1064: 1059: 6198:Louisiana Creole people 5357:Luxembourgish Americans 4556:South African Americans 4472:Equatoguinean Americans 3691:10.1073/pnas.2117940119 2370:Language Spoken at Home 1439: 1251: 840:Contemporary perception 334:All other free persons 174:18th and 19th centuries 102:published revisions to 5985:Puerto Rican Americans 4583:Cape Verdean Americans 4418:Saint Lucian Americans 4194:Ethnocultural politics 4162:Racial achievement gap 4092:Educational attainment 3236:. 2010. Archived from 3002:Census History Staff. 2311: 2109:A. Indian/Alaska Nat. 1896:is missing information 1427:Snapshot: Race in the 1319: 1261: 1209: 1150: 849: 314:admission to the Union 188: 44:(OMB) define a set of 6082:New Zealand Americans 6047:Micronesian Americans 6042:Marshallese Americans 5943:Costa Rican Americans 5402:Sammarinese Americans 5377:Montenegrin Americans 5114:Azerbaijani Americans 5077:Palestinian Americans 4999:Singaporean Americans 4847:Bangladeshi Americans 4462:Cameroonian Americans 4184:Unemployment by state 3794:National Public Radio 3472:– via LA Times. 3395:on September 16, 2011 3311:"2010 US Census form" 3227:"2010 US Census Form" 3014:on September 28, 2009 2973:"Through the Decades" 2932:10.7758/9781610440059 2890:on September 5, 2009. 2803:on September 5, 2009. 2322:Further information: 2304:The AAA also stated: 2232:Some other + W/B/N/A 1592:Hispanic or Latino". 1570:West Indian Americans 1496:Guamanian or Chamorro 1316:for about 34 percent. 1293: 1247: 1180: 1055: 1002:Franklin D. Roosevelt 847: 203:and applicable laws. 186: 6306:United States census 6155:Venezuelan Americans 6145:Surinamese Americans 6135:Paraguayan Americans 6125:Ecuadorian Americans 6077:Australian Americans 5968:Salvadoran Americans 5963:Panamanian Americans 5958:Nicaraguan Americans 5948:Guatemalan Americans 5387:Portuguese Americans 5362:Macedonian Americans 5352:Lithuanian Americans 5206:Belarusian Americans 5119:Circassian Americans 5009:Vietnamese Americans 4979:Indonesian Americans 4933:Sri Lankan Americans 4786:Fuzhounese Americans 4623:Senegalese Americans 4561:Zimbabwean Americans 4433:Vincentian Americans 3931:on October 12, 2019. 3349:on October 12, 2006. 2983:on September 1, 2009 2086:Black or African A. 1006:Good Neighbor policy 881:1800 and 1810 census 34:United States census 6150:Uruguayan Americans 6120:Colombian Americans 6110:Brazilian Americans 6100:Argentine Americans 5980:Dominican Americans 5874:Alaskan Athabaskans 5473:Non-Hispanic whites 5466:Ukrainian Americans 5444:Slovenian Americans 5422:Norwegian Americans 5417:Icelandic Americans 5320:Hungarian Americans 5253:Bulgarian Americans 5057:Jordanian Americans 4994:Malaysian Americans 4964:Cambodian Americans 4916:Pakistani Americans 4906:Maldivian Americans 4859:Bhutanese Americans 4830:Taiwanese Americans 4820:Mongolian Americans 4801:Hong Kong Americans 4529:Tanzanian Americans 4504:Ethiopian Americans 4467:Congolese Americans 4398:Grenadian Americans 4383:Bermudian Americans 4378:Barbadian Americans 4112:Housing segregation 4066:Demographic history 3889:. US Census Bureau. 3859:Pew Research Center 3682:2022PNAS..11917940M 3119:Scientific American 3087:Patrick D. Lukens, 2850:on October 3, 2014. 1968: 1872:Pew Research Center 1837:Hispanic or Latino 1655: 1393:Indian subcontinent 1361:black racial groups 1163:Puerto Rican Cuban 1051:Indian subcontinent 310:Southwest Territory 6140:Peruvian Americans 6130:Guyanese Americans 6105:Bolivian Americans 6027:Chamorro Americans 5953:Honduran Americans 5938:Belizean Americans 5923:Canadian Americans 5392:Romanian Americans 5372:Moldovan Americans 5305:Galician Americans 5283:Estonian Americans 5263:Croatian Americans 5241:Scottish Americans 5196:Austrian Americans 5191:Asturian Americans 5186:Albanian Americans 5129:Georgian Americans 5109:Assyrian Americans 5104:Armenian Americans 5067:Lebanese Americans 5042:Bahraini Americans 4969:Filipino Americans 4911:Nepalese Americans 4874:Gujarati Americans 4825:Ryukyuan Americans 4810:Japanese Americans 4688:Egyptian Americans 4676:Tunisian Americans 4661:Algerian Americans 4633:Togolese Americans 4618:Nigerian Americans 4608:Liberian Americans 4593:Ghanaian Americans 4573:Beninese Americans 4551:Malawian Americans 4524:Sudanese Americans 4499:Eritrean Americans 4477:Gabonese Americans 4408:Jamaican Americans 4373:Bahamian Americans 4279:Moorish Scientists 4179:Standard of living 3999:Prewitt, Kenneth. 3949:. October 9, 2001. 3887:2000 Census Briefs 3820:The New York Times 3763:Rutgers Policy Lab 3757:Swedberg, Tamara. 3645:. January 27, 2023 3207:on August 31, 2009 2723:(March 28, 2024). 2699:The New York Times 2644:. October 30, 1997 2488:on August 19, 2018 2425:on August 19, 2018 1966: 1898:about 2020 census. 1865:Hispanic or Latino 1653: 1643:Rutgers University 1578:Armenian Americans 1285:Yes, Puerto Rican 1227:Yes, Puerto Rican 1169:No, none of these 1147:None, only English 850: 306:Secretary of State 189: 89:federal government 68:Race and ethnicity 54:Hispanic or Latino 50:race and ethnicity 6278: 6277: 6274: 6273: 6231:American ancestry 6115:Chilean Americans 6057:Palauan Americans 5990:Mexican Americans 5449:Spanish Americans 5434:Serbian Americans 5427:Swedish Americans 5397:Russian Americans 5367:Maltese Americans 5342:Latvian Americans 5330:Italian Americans 5288:Finnish Americans 5268:Cypriot Americans 5258:Catalan Americans 5231:English Americans 5226:Cornish Americans 5221:British Americans 5216:Bosnian Americans 5211:Belgian Americans 5161:Turkish Americans 5156:Kurdish Americans 5144:Israeli Americans 5134:Iranian Americans 5124:Chechen Americans 5062:Kuwaiti Americans 5047:Emirati Americans 4989:Laotian Americans 4984:Iu Mien Americans 4952:Burmese Americans 4921:Punjabi Americans 4884:Punjabi Americans 4869:Bengali Americans 4852:Bengali Americans 4835:Tibetan Americans 4779:Chinese Americans 4757:Turkmen Americans 4730:Pashtun Americans 4671:Moroccan American 4603:Ivorian Americans 4598:Guinean Americans 4588:Gambian Americans 4546:Angolan Americans 4534:Ugandan Americans 4403:Haitian Americans 4353:African Americans 4152:Racial inequality 4122:Income inequality 4087:Gender inequality 3506:National Archives 2923:978-0-87154-256-4 2782:on June 25, 2010. 2277: 2276: 1960: 1959: 1919: 1918: 1850: 1849: 1586:Iranian Americans 1574:Turkish Americans 1516: 1515: 1450:Yes, Puerto Rican 1418:Two or more races 861:Data availability 854:George Washington 769: 768: 171: 170: 125:Voting Rights Act 118:Voting Rights Act 61:racial categories 16:(Redirected from 6313: 6067:Tongan Americans 6062:Samoan Americans 6052:Native Hawaiians 6032:Fijian Americans 5934:Central America 5494:Native Americans 5439:Slovak Americans 5412:Danish Americans 5382:Polish Americans 5310:German Americans 5293:French Americans 5201:Basque Americans 5151:Lezgin Americans 5139:Jewish Americans 5097:Yemeni Americans 5092:Syrian Americans 5082:Qatari Americans 5018:Romani Americans 4926:Sindhi Americans 4899:Telugu Americans 4889:Sindhi Americans 4864:Indian Americans 4815:Korean Americans 4762:Uyghur Americans 4747:Kyrgyz Americans 4742:Kazakh Americans 4737:Baloch Americans 4725:Afghan Americans 4683:Coptic Americans 4666:Libyan Americans 4656:Berber Americans 4640:Yoruba Americans 4613:Malian Americans 4514:Somali Americans 4509:Kenyan Americans 4343: 4336:By continent and 4107:Household income 4050: 4043: 4036: 4027: 4022: 3996: 3974: 3957: 3951: 3950: 3939: 3933: 3932: 3917: 3911: 3898: 3892: 3890: 3884: 3876: 3870: 3869: 3867: 3865: 3850: 3839: 3838: 3836: 3834: 3811: 3805: 3804: 3802: 3800: 3785: 3774: 3773: 3771: 3769: 3754: 3748: 3747: 3745: 3743: 3738:. April 28, 2023 3728: 3722: 3721: 3711: 3693: 3661: 3655: 3654: 3652: 3650: 3643:Federal Register 3635: 3629: 3628: 3626: 3624: 3610: 3601: 3600: 3598: 3596: 3582: 3571: 3570: 3568: 3566: 3551: 3542: 3541: 3539: 3537: 3523: 3510: 3509: 3503: 3501: 3480: 3474: 3473: 3465: 3459: 3458: 3456: 3454: 3437: 3431: 3430: 3428: 3426: 3417:. Archived from 3411: 3405: 3404: 3402: 3400: 3391:. Archived from 3384: 3378: 3377: 3375: 3373: 3364:. Archived from 3357: 3351: 3350: 3339: 3333: 3332: 3330: 3328: 3323:on July 24, 2017 3322: 3316:. Archived from 3315: 3307: 3298: 3291: 3282: 3281: 3278:US Census Bureau 3275: 3266: 3253: 3252: 3250: 3248: 3243:on July 24, 2017 3242: 3234:US Census Bureau 3231: 3223: 3217: 3216: 3214: 3212: 3203:. Archived from 3201:US Census Bureau 3193: 3170: 3169: 3167: 3160: 3152: 3146: 3145: 3133: 3127: 3126: 3110: 3104: 3103:, 3098: 3092: 3085: 3079: 3073: 3067: 3066: 3030: 3024: 3023: 3021: 3019: 3010:. Archived from 3008:US Census Bureau 3004:"1930 - History" 2999: 2993: 2992: 2990: 2988: 2979:. Archived from 2969: 2936: 2935: 2907: 2892: 2891: 2886:. Archived from 2876: 2870: 2869: 2861: 2852: 2851: 2840: 2834: 2833: 2826: 2820: 2819: 2811: 2805: 2804: 2793: 2784: 2783: 2772: 2766: 2765: 2763: 2761: 2746: 2740: 2739: 2737: 2735: 2717: 2711: 2710: 2708: 2706: 2689: 2683: 2682: 2680: 2678: 2663: 2654: 2653: 2651: 2649: 2639: 2631: 2625: 2624: 2622: 2620: 2606: 2600: 2599: 2597: 2595: 2585: 2576: 2570: 2569: 2567: 2565: 2559: 2550: 2537: 2536: 2534: 2532: 2527:on April 5, 2001 2513: 2498: 2497: 2495: 2493: 2484:. Archived from 2474: 2465: 2464: 2462: 2460: 2451:. Archived from 2441: 2435: 2434: 2432: 2430: 2421:. Archived from 2411: 2395:Visible minority 1969: 1955: 1952: 1946: 1934: 1933: 1926: 1914: 1911: 1905: 1889: 1881: 1823:Some Other Race 1656: 1424: 1267: 833: 829: 823: 820: 814: 811: 805: 801: 795: 793: 777: 319: 302:Thomas Jefferson 159: 158: 147: 129:Civil Rights Act 84:Federal Register 38:US Census Bureau 21: 6321: 6320: 6316: 6315: 6314: 6312: 6311: 6310: 6281: 6280: 6279: 6270: 6217: 6159: 6088: 6008: 5975:Cuban Americans 5616:Mission Indians 5482: 5461:Swiss Americans 5325:Irish Americans 5315:Greek Americans 5278:Dutch Americans 5273:Czech Americans 5246:Welsh Americans 5181:White Americans 5167: 5087:Saudi Americans 5072:Omani Americans 5052:Iraqi Americans 4974:Hmong Americans 4957:Karen Americans 4938:Tamil Americans 4894:Tamil Americans 4796:Hoklo Americans 4791:Hakka Americans 4767:Uzbek Americans 4752:Tajik Americans 4708:Asian Americans 4696: 4338:ethnic ancestry 4337: 4330: 4296:Native American 4284:Nation of Islam 4274:Five Percenters 4198: 4167:Racial wage gap 4157:Race and health 4142:Personal income 4074: 4068: 4059: 4054: 4006: 3986: 3983: 3981:Further reading 3978: 3977: 3967:Wayback Machine 3958: 3954: 3941: 3940: 3936: 3919: 3918: 3914: 3908:Wayback Machine 3899: 3895: 3882: 3878: 3877: 3873: 3863: 3861: 3852: 3851: 3842: 3832: 3830: 3813: 3812: 3808: 3798: 3796: 3787: 3786: 3777: 3767: 3765: 3756: 3755: 3751: 3741: 3739: 3730: 3729: 3725: 3663: 3662: 3658: 3648: 3646: 3637: 3636: 3632: 3622: 3620: 3612: 3611: 3604: 3594: 3592: 3584: 3583: 3574: 3564: 3562: 3553: 3552: 3545: 3535: 3533: 3525: 3524: 3513: 3499: 3497: 3484:"OMB Standards" 3482: 3481: 3477: 3467: 3466: 3462: 3452: 3450: 3439: 3438: 3434: 3424: 3422: 3421:on May 26, 2010 3413: 3412: 3408: 3398: 3396: 3386: 3385: 3381: 3371: 3369: 3359: 3358: 3354: 3341: 3340: 3336: 3326: 3324: 3320: 3313: 3309: 3308: 3301: 3292: 3285: 3273: 3268: 3267: 3256: 3246: 3244: 3240: 3229: 3225: 3224: 3220: 3210: 3208: 3195: 3194: 3173: 3165: 3158: 3154: 3153: 3149: 3135: 3134: 3130: 3112: 3111: 3107: 3099: 3095: 3086: 3082: 3074: 3070: 3032: 3031: 3027: 3017: 3015: 3001: 3000: 2996: 2986: 2984: 2971: 2970: 2939: 2924: 2909: 2908: 2895: 2880:"1790 Overview" 2878: 2877: 2873: 2863: 2862: 2855: 2842: 2841: 2837: 2828: 2827: 2823: 2813: 2812: 2808: 2795: 2794: 2787: 2774: 2773: 2769: 2759: 2757: 2748: 2747: 2743: 2733: 2731: 2729:The White House 2719: 2718: 2714: 2704: 2702: 2691: 2690: 2686: 2676: 2674: 2665: 2664: 2657: 2647: 2645: 2637: 2633: 2632: 2628: 2618: 2616: 2608: 2607: 2603: 2593: 2591: 2583: 2578: 2577: 2573: 2563: 2561: 2557: 2552: 2551: 2540: 2530: 2528: 2515: 2514: 2501: 2491: 2489: 2476: 2475: 2468: 2458: 2456: 2455:on May 24, 2017 2443: 2442: 2438: 2428: 2426: 2413: 2412: 2408: 2403: 2346: 2326: 2320: 2001: 1996: 1991: 1986: 1981: 1976: 1956: 1950: 1947: 1944: 1935: 1931: 1924: 1915: 1909: 1906: 1899: 1890: 1767:On Reservation 1598: 1553: 1548: 1493:Native Hawaiian 1404:Pacific Islands 1324: 1310:American Indian 1265: 1239: 1175: 1047: 1038: 1030: 998: 978: 969: 960: 955: 946: 921: 908: 900: 891: 883: 863: 842: 837: 836: 830: 826: 821: 817: 812: 808: 802: 798: 781: 778: 774: 293: 291: 223: 221: 201:US Constitution 181: 176: 156: 145: 113: 75:and members of 46:self-identified 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6319: 6317: 6309: 6308: 6303: 6298: 6293: 6283: 6282: 6276: 6275: 6272: 6271: 6269: 6268: 6263: 6258: 6255: 6254: 6253: 6243: 6238: 6233: 6228: 6222: 6219: 6218: 6216: 6215: 6210: 6205: 6200: 6195: 6190: 6185: 6180: 6175: 6169: 6167: 6161: 6160: 6158: 6157: 6152: 6147: 6142: 6137: 6132: 6127: 6122: 6117: 6112: 6107: 6102: 6096: 6094: 6090: 6089: 6087: 6086: 6085: 6084: 6079: 6071: 6070: 6069: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6049: 6044: 6039: 6034: 6029: 6018: 6016: 6010: 6009: 6007: 6006: 6005: 6004: 6003: 6002: 5997: 5987: 5982: 5977: 5972: 5971: 5970: 5965: 5960: 5955: 5950: 5945: 5940: 5926: 5925: 5919: 5918: 5917: 5916: 5911: 5906: 5901: 5896: 5891: 5886: 5881: 5876: 5869:Alaska Natives 5866: 5865: 5864: 5859: 5854: 5849: 5847:Tohono Oʼodham 5844: 5839: 5834: 5829: 5824: 5819: 5814: 5813: 5812: 5807: 5797: 5792: 5787: 5782: 5777: 5772: 5767: 5762: 5757: 5752: 5751: 5750: 5745: 5740: 5735: 5730: 5725: 5724: 5723: 5718: 5713: 5708: 5703: 5693: 5688: 5683: 5678: 5673: 5668: 5663: 5658: 5653: 5648: 5643: 5638: 5633: 5628: 5623: 5613: 5608: 5603: 5598: 5593: 5592: 5591: 5586: 5581: 5576: 5571: 5566: 5556: 5551: 5546: 5541: 5536: 5531: 5526: 5521: 5516: 5511: 5506: 5501: 5490: 5488: 5484: 5483: 5481: 5480: 5475: 5470: 5469: 5468: 5463: 5458: 5457: 5456: 5446: 5441: 5436: 5431: 5430: 5429: 5424: 5419: 5414: 5404: 5399: 5394: 5389: 5384: 5379: 5374: 5369: 5364: 5359: 5354: 5349: 5344: 5339: 5338: 5337: 5327: 5322: 5317: 5312: 5307: 5302: 5301: 5300: 5290: 5285: 5280: 5275: 5270: 5265: 5260: 5255: 5250: 5249: 5248: 5243: 5238: 5236:Manx Americans 5233: 5228: 5218: 5213: 5208: 5203: 5198: 5193: 5188: 5177: 5175: 5169: 5168: 5166: 5165: 5164: 5163: 5158: 5153: 5148: 5147: 5146: 5136: 5131: 5126: 5121: 5116: 5111: 5106: 5101: 5100: 5099: 5094: 5089: 5084: 5079: 5074: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5054: 5049: 5044: 5037:Arab Americans 5028: 5027: 5026: 5025: 5014: 5013: 5012: 5011: 5006: 5004:Thai Americans 5001: 4996: 4991: 4986: 4981: 4976: 4971: 4966: 4961: 4960: 4959: 4947:Southeast Asia 4944: 4943: 4942: 4941: 4940: 4930: 4929: 4928: 4923: 4913: 4908: 4903: 4902: 4901: 4896: 4891: 4886: 4881: 4876: 4871: 4861: 4856: 4855: 4854: 4839: 4838: 4837: 4832: 4827: 4822: 4817: 4812: 4807: 4806: 4805: 4804: 4803: 4798: 4793: 4788: 4771: 4770: 4769: 4764: 4759: 4754: 4749: 4744: 4739: 4734: 4733: 4732: 4717: 4716: 4715: 4704: 4702: 4698: 4697: 4695: 4694: 4693: 4692: 4691: 4690: 4680: 4679: 4678: 4673: 4668: 4663: 4647: 4646: 4645: 4644: 4643: 4642: 4637: 4636: 4635: 4630: 4625: 4620: 4615: 4610: 4605: 4600: 4595: 4590: 4585: 4580: 4575: 4565: 4564: 4563: 4558: 4553: 4548: 4538: 4537: 4536: 4531: 4526: 4521: 4516: 4511: 4506: 4501: 4491: 4489:Igbo Americans 4486: 4484:Fula Americans 4481: 4480: 4479: 4474: 4469: 4464: 4449: 4448: 4447: 4442: 4437: 4436: 4435: 4430: 4425: 4420: 4415: 4410: 4405: 4400: 4395: 4390: 4385: 4380: 4375: 4370: 4349: 4347: 4340: 4332: 4331: 4329: 4328: 4323: 4318: 4316:Scientologists 4313: 4308: 4303: 4298: 4293: 4292: 4291: 4289:Value Creators 4286: 4281: 4276: 4271: 4261: 4256: 4251: 4246: 4245: 4244: 4239: 4234: 4229: 4219: 4214: 4208: 4206: 4200: 4199: 4197: 4196: 4191: 4186: 4181: 4176: 4171: 4170: 4169: 4164: 4159: 4149: 4144: 4139: 4137:Middle classes 4134: 4129: 4124: 4119: 4114: 4109: 4104: 4102:Home-ownership 4099: 4094: 4089: 4084: 4078: 4076: 4070: 4069: 4064: 4061: 4060: 4055: 4053: 4052: 4045: 4038: 4030: 4024: 4023: 4004: 3997: 3982: 3979: 3976: 3975: 3952: 3934: 3912: 3893: 3871: 3840: 3806: 3775: 3749: 3723: 3656: 3630: 3602: 3572: 3543: 3511: 3475: 3460: 3432: 3406: 3379: 3368:on May 1, 2019 3352: 3334: 3299: 3283: 3254: 3218: 3171: 3147: 3128: 3105: 3093: 3080: 3068: 3025: 2994: 2937: 2922: 2893: 2871: 2853: 2835: 2821: 2806: 2785: 2767: 2741: 2712: 2684: 2655: 2626: 2601: 2571: 2538: 2499: 2466: 2436: 2405: 2404: 2402: 2399: 2398: 2397: 2392: 2387: 2382: 2377: 2372: 2367: 2362: 2357: 2352: 2345: 2342: 2319: 2318:Other agencies 2316: 2275: 2274: 2271: 2268: 2265: 2262: 2259: 2256: 2252: 2251: 2248: 2245: 2242: 2239: 2236: 2233: 2230: 2227: 2226: 2223: 2220: 2217: 2214: 2211: 2208: 2201: 2198: 2197: 2194: 2191: 2188: 2185: 2182: 2179: 2175: 2174: 2171: 2168: 2165: 2162: 2159: 2156: 2152: 2151: 2148: 2145: 2142: 2139: 2136: 2133: 2129: 2128: 2125: 2122: 2119: 2116: 2113: 2110: 2106: 2105: 2102: 2099: 2096: 2093: 2090: 2087: 2083: 2082: 2079: 2076: 2073: 2070: 2067: 2064: 2061: 2058: 2057: 2054: 2051: 2048: 2045: 2042: 2039: 2032: 2029: 2028: 2025: 2022: 2019: 2016: 2013: 2010: 2004: 2003: 1998: 1993: 1988: 1983: 1978: 1973: 1958: 1957: 1938: 1936: 1929: 1923: 1920: 1917: 1916: 1893: 1891: 1884: 1858:New York Times 1848: 1847: 1844: 1841: 1838: 1834: 1833: 1830: 1827: 1824: 1820: 1819: 1816: 1813: 1810: 1806: 1805: 1802: 1799: 1796: 1792: 1791: 1788: 1785: 1782: 1778: 1777: 1774: 1771: 1768: 1764: 1763: 1760: 1757: 1754: 1750: 1749: 1746: 1743: 1740: 1736: 1735: 1732: 1729: 1726: 1722: 1721: 1718: 1715: 1712: 1708: 1707: 1704: 1701: 1698: 1694: 1693: 1691: 1689: 1687: 1683: 1682: 1680: 1677: 1674: 1670: 1669: 1666: 1663: 1660: 1597: 1594: 1582:Arab Americans 1552: 1549: 1547: 1544: 1514: 1513: 1509: 1508: 1507: 1506: 1503: 1500: 1497: 1494: 1491: 1488: 1485: 1482: 1479: 1476: 1473: 1470: 1467: 1464: 1458: 1457: 1454: 1451: 1448: 1445: 1441: 1438: 1432: 1431: 1422: 1421: 1415: 1407: 1397: 1389:Southeast Asia 1378: 1368: 1354: 1323: 1320: 1260: 1259: 1256: 1253: 1250: 1238: 1235: 1208: 1207: 1204: 1201: 1198: 1195: 1192: 1189: 1186: 1183: 1174: 1171: 1149: 1148: 1145: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1127: 1122: 1111: 1108: 1105: 1102: 1099: 1096: 1090: 1088:South American 1081: 1076: 1071: 1066: 1063: 1061: 1058: 1046: 1043: 1037: 1034: 1029: 1026: 997: 994: 977: 974: 968: 965: 959: 956: 954: 951: 945: 942: 920: 917: 907: 904: 899: 896: 890: 887: 882: 879: 871:aggregate data 862: 859: 841: 838: 835: 834: 824: 815: 806: 796: 771: 770: 767: 766: 763: 760: 757: 754: 751: 748: 742: 741: 738: 735: 732: 729: 726: 723: 717: 716: 713: 710: 707: 704: 701: 698: 696:South Carolina 692: 691: 688: 685: 682: 679: 676: 673: 671:North Carolina 667: 666: 663: 660: 657: 654: 651: 648: 642: 641: 638: 635: 632: 629: 626: 623: 617: 616: 613: 610: 607: 604: 601: 598: 592: 591: 588: 585: 582: 579: 576: 573: 567: 566: 563: 560: 557: 554: 551: 548: 542: 541: 538: 535: 532: 529: 526: 523: 517: 516: 513: 510: 507: 504: 501: 498: 492: 491: 488: 485: 482: 479: 476: 473: 467: 466: 463: 460: 457: 454: 451: 448: 442: 441: 438: 435: 432: 429: 426: 423: 417: 416: 413: 410: 407: 404: 401: 398: 392: 391: 388: 385: 382: 379: 376: 373: 367: 366: 363: 360: 357: 354: 351: 348: 342: 341: 338: 335: 332: 329: 326: 323: 292: 289: 287: 275:South Carolina 263:North Carolina 222: 219: 217: 195:was the first 180: 177: 175: 172: 169: 168: 152: 151: 150:External image 144: 141: 112: 109: 48:categories of 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6318: 6307: 6304: 6302: 6299: 6297: 6294: 6292: 6289: 6288: 6286: 6267: 6264: 6262: 6259: 6256: 6252: 6249: 6248: 6247: 6244: 6242: 6239: 6237: 6234: 6232: 6229: 6227: 6224: 6223: 6220: 6214: 6211: 6209: 6206: 6204: 6201: 6199: 6196: 6194: 6191: 6189: 6186: 6184: 6181: 6179: 6176: 6174: 6171: 6170: 6168: 6166: 6162: 6156: 6153: 6151: 6148: 6146: 6143: 6141: 6138: 6136: 6133: 6131: 6128: 6126: 6123: 6121: 6118: 6116: 6113: 6111: 6108: 6106: 6103: 6101: 6098: 6097: 6095: 6093:South America 6091: 6083: 6080: 6078: 6075: 6074: 6072: 6068: 6065: 6063: 6060: 6058: 6055: 6053: 6050: 6048: 6045: 6043: 6040: 6038: 6035: 6033: 6030: 6028: 6025: 6024: 6023: 6020: 6019: 6017: 6015: 6011: 6001: 5998: 5996: 5993: 5992: 5991: 5988: 5986: 5983: 5981: 5978: 5976: 5973: 5969: 5966: 5964: 5961: 5959: 5956: 5954: 5951: 5949: 5946: 5944: 5941: 5939: 5936: 5935: 5933: 5932: 5931: 5928: 5927: 5924: 5921: 5920: 5915: 5912: 5910: 5907: 5905: 5902: 5900: 5897: 5895: 5892: 5890: 5887: 5885: 5882: 5880: 5877: 5875: 5872: 5871: 5870: 5867: 5863: 5860: 5858: 5855: 5853: 5850: 5848: 5845: 5843: 5840: 5838: 5835: 5833: 5830: 5828: 5825: 5823: 5820: 5818: 5815: 5811: 5808: 5806: 5803: 5802: 5801: 5798: 5796: 5793: 5791: 5788: 5786: 5783: 5781: 5778: 5776: 5773: 5771: 5768: 5766: 5763: 5761: 5758: 5756: 5753: 5749: 5746: 5744: 5741: 5739: 5736: 5734: 5731: 5729: 5726: 5722: 5719: 5717: 5714: 5712: 5709: 5707: 5704: 5702: 5699: 5698: 5697: 5694: 5692: 5689: 5687: 5684: 5682: 5679: 5677: 5674: 5672: 5669: 5667: 5664: 5662: 5659: 5657: 5654: 5652: 5649: 5647: 5644: 5642: 5639: 5637: 5634: 5632: 5629: 5627: 5624: 5622: 5619: 5618: 5617: 5614: 5612: 5609: 5607: 5604: 5602: 5599: 5597: 5594: 5590: 5587: 5585: 5582: 5580: 5577: 5575: 5572: 5570: 5567: 5565: 5562: 5561: 5560: 5557: 5555: 5552: 5550: 5547: 5545: 5542: 5540: 5537: 5535: 5532: 5530: 5527: 5525: 5522: 5520: 5517: 5515: 5512: 5510: 5507: 5505: 5502: 5500: 5497: 5496: 5495: 5492: 5491: 5489: 5487:North America 5485: 5479: 5476: 5474: 5471: 5467: 5464: 5462: 5459: 5455: 5452: 5451: 5450: 5447: 5445: 5442: 5440: 5437: 5435: 5432: 5428: 5425: 5423: 5420: 5418: 5415: 5413: 5410: 5409: 5408: 5405: 5403: 5400: 5398: 5395: 5393: 5390: 5388: 5385: 5383: 5380: 5378: 5375: 5373: 5370: 5368: 5365: 5363: 5360: 5358: 5355: 5353: 5350: 5348: 5345: 5343: 5340: 5336: 5333: 5332: 5331: 5328: 5326: 5323: 5321: 5318: 5316: 5313: 5311: 5308: 5306: 5303: 5299: 5296: 5295: 5294: 5291: 5289: 5286: 5284: 5281: 5279: 5276: 5274: 5271: 5269: 5266: 5264: 5261: 5259: 5256: 5254: 5251: 5247: 5244: 5242: 5239: 5237: 5234: 5232: 5229: 5227: 5224: 5223: 5222: 5219: 5217: 5214: 5212: 5209: 5207: 5204: 5202: 5199: 5197: 5194: 5192: 5189: 5187: 5184: 5183: 5182: 5179: 5178: 5176: 5174: 5170: 5162: 5159: 5157: 5154: 5152: 5149: 5145: 5142: 5141: 5140: 5137: 5135: 5132: 5130: 5127: 5125: 5122: 5120: 5117: 5115: 5112: 5110: 5107: 5105: 5102: 5098: 5095: 5093: 5090: 5088: 5085: 5083: 5080: 5078: 5075: 5073: 5070: 5068: 5065: 5063: 5060: 5058: 5055: 5053: 5050: 5048: 5045: 5043: 5040: 5039: 5038: 5035: 5034: 5033: 5030: 5029: 5024: 5021: 5020: 5019: 5016: 5015: 5010: 5007: 5005: 5002: 5000: 4997: 4995: 4992: 4990: 4987: 4985: 4982: 4980: 4977: 4975: 4972: 4970: 4967: 4965: 4962: 4958: 4955: 4954: 4953: 4950: 4949: 4948: 4945: 4939: 4936: 4935: 4934: 4931: 4927: 4924: 4922: 4919: 4918: 4917: 4914: 4912: 4909: 4907: 4904: 4900: 4897: 4895: 4892: 4890: 4887: 4885: 4882: 4880: 4877: 4875: 4872: 4870: 4867: 4866: 4865: 4862: 4860: 4857: 4853: 4850: 4849: 4848: 4845: 4844: 4843: 4840: 4836: 4833: 4831: 4828: 4826: 4823: 4821: 4818: 4816: 4813: 4811: 4808: 4802: 4799: 4797: 4794: 4792: 4789: 4787: 4784: 4783: 4782: 4781: 4780: 4777: 4776: 4775: 4772: 4768: 4765: 4763: 4760: 4758: 4755: 4753: 4750: 4748: 4745: 4743: 4740: 4738: 4735: 4731: 4728: 4727: 4726: 4723: 4722: 4721: 4718: 4714: 4711: 4710: 4709: 4706: 4705: 4703: 4699: 4689: 4686: 4685: 4684: 4681: 4677: 4674: 4672: 4669: 4667: 4664: 4662: 4659: 4658: 4657: 4654: 4653: 4652: 4649: 4648: 4641: 4638: 4634: 4631: 4629: 4626: 4624: 4621: 4619: 4616: 4614: 4611: 4609: 4606: 4604: 4601: 4599: 4596: 4594: 4591: 4589: 4586: 4584: 4581: 4579: 4576: 4574: 4571: 4570: 4569: 4566: 4562: 4559: 4557: 4554: 4552: 4549: 4547: 4544: 4543: 4542: 4539: 4535: 4532: 4530: 4527: 4525: 4522: 4520: 4517: 4515: 4512: 4510: 4507: 4505: 4502: 4500: 4497: 4496: 4495: 4492: 4490: 4487: 4485: 4482: 4478: 4475: 4473: 4470: 4468: 4465: 4463: 4460: 4459: 4458: 4455: 4454: 4453: 4450: 4446: 4445:Black Indians 4443: 4441: 4438: 4434: 4431: 4429: 4426: 4424: 4421: 4419: 4416: 4414: 4411: 4409: 4406: 4404: 4401: 4399: 4396: 4394: 4391: 4389: 4386: 4384: 4381: 4379: 4376: 4374: 4371: 4369: 4366: 4365: 4364: 4361: 4360: 4359: 4356: 4355: 4354: 4351: 4350: 4348: 4344: 4341: 4339: 4333: 4327: 4324: 4322: 4319: 4317: 4314: 4312: 4309: 4307: 4306:Non-religious 4304: 4302: 4299: 4297: 4294: 4290: 4287: 4285: 4282: 4280: 4277: 4275: 4272: 4270: 4267: 4266: 4265: 4262: 4260: 4257: 4255: 4252: 4250: 4247: 4243: 4240: 4238: 4235: 4233: 4230: 4228: 4225: 4224: 4223: 4220: 4218: 4215: 4213: 4210: 4209: 4207: 4205: 4201: 4195: 4192: 4190: 4187: 4185: 4182: 4180: 4177: 4175: 4172: 4168: 4165: 4163: 4160: 4158: 4155: 4154: 4153: 4150: 4148: 4145: 4143: 4140: 4138: 4135: 4133: 4130: 4128: 4125: 4123: 4120: 4118: 4115: 4113: 4110: 4108: 4105: 4103: 4100: 4098: 4095: 4093: 4090: 4088: 4085: 4083: 4080: 4079: 4077: 4071: 4067: 4062: 4058: 4051: 4046: 4044: 4039: 4037: 4032: 4031: 4028: 4020: 4016: 4015: 4010: 4005: 4002: 3998: 3994: 3990: 3985: 3984: 3980: 3972: 3968: 3964: 3961: 3956: 3953: 3948: 3944: 3938: 3935: 3930: 3926: 3922: 3916: 3913: 3909: 3905: 3902: 3897: 3894: 3888: 3881: 3875: 3872: 3860: 3856: 3849: 3847: 3845: 3841: 3829: 3825: 3821: 3817: 3810: 3807: 3795: 3791: 3784: 3782: 3780: 3776: 3764: 3760: 3753: 3750: 3737: 3733: 3727: 3724: 3719: 3715: 3710: 3705: 3701: 3697: 3692: 3687: 3683: 3679: 3675: 3671: 3667: 3660: 3657: 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Retrieved 2697: 2687: 2675:. Retrieved 2671: 2666:Faguy, Ana. 2646:. Retrieved 2629: 2617:. Retrieved 2613: 2604: 2592:. Retrieved 2587: 2574: 2562:. Retrieved 2529:. Retrieved 2525:the original 2490:. Retrieved 2486:the original 2457:. Retrieved 2453:the original 2439: 2427:. Retrieved 2423:the original 2409: 2327: 2312: 2307: 2303: 2296: 2290: 2286: 2282: 2278: 2204: 2203: 2035: 2034: 2007: 1990:Not Hispanic 1961: 1948: 1940: 1907: 1895: 1876: 1868: 1864: 1863: 1857: 1854: 1851: 1648: 1639: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1612: 1610: 1607: 1599: 1590: 1566: 1554: 1546:21st century 1541: 1525: 1517: 1510: 1472:Asian Indian 1351:North Africa 1333: 1325: 1295: 1294: 1290: 1287: 1284: 1281: 1278: 1275: 1271: 1270: 1262: 1240: 1232: 1229: 1226: 1223: 1220: 1217: 1214: 1211: 1210: 1176: 1168: 1165: 1162: 1159: 1156: 1152: 1151: 1074:Puerto Rican 1048: 1039: 1031: 1019: 1015: 999: 991: 987: 979: 970: 961: 953:20th century 947: 922: 909: 901: 892: 884: 864: 851: 827: 818: 809: 799: 794:for details. 784: 775: 745: 546:Pennsylvania 446:Rhode Island 296:color), and 294: 271:Rhode Island 267:Pennsylvania 224: 220:Loss of data 205: 190: 122: 114: 93: 81: 66: 58: 31: 29: 6246:2010 census 6165:Multiethnic 5454:Californios 5335:before 1880 4242:Protestants 4204:By religion 4117:Immigration 4073:By economic 3768:October 10, 3623:October 10, 3247:December 9, 3049:: 537–567. 2987:January 18, 2705:October 22, 2619:December 7, 2594:December 7, 2255:2+ W/B/N/A 2178:Some other 2075:194,552,774 2050:241,513,942 2021:246,116,088 1975:Hispanic or 1602:2020 census 1596:2020 census 1557:2010 census 1551:2010 census 1347:Middle East 1328:2000 census 1322:2000 census 1288:Yes, Cuban 1243:1990 census 1237:1990 census 1230:Yes, Cuban 1173:1980 census 1045:1970 census 1036:1960 census 1028:1950 census 1004:promoted a 996:1940 census 976:1930 census 967:1920 census 958:1910 census 944:1900 census 919:1890 census 906:1850 census 898:1830 census 889:1820 census 471:Connecticut 304:, then the 227:Connecticut 213:US Marshals 179:1790 census 6285:Categories 6173:Afro-Asian 5795:Potawatomi 5626:Chemehuevi 4842:South Asia 4311:Rastafaris 4269:Ahmadiyyas 4222:Christians 4097:Emigration 4075:and social 3742:October 6, 3649:October 2, 3595:October 2, 3211:January 5, 2677:October 2, 2648:October 7, 2401:References 2181:14,891,303 2144:10,123,169 2098:33,947,837 2066:16,907,852 2041:33,081,736 2012:35,305,818 1490:Vietnamese 1453:Yes, Cuban 1000:President 765:3,893,635 756:1,541,263 521:New Jersey 255:New Jersey 6203:Melungeon 6178:Amerasian 5904:Tsimshian 5711:Chochenyo 5656:Kitanemuk 5606:Menominee 5589:Tuscarora 5524:Chickasaw 5509:Blackfeet 5032:West Asia 4774:East Asia 4301:Neopagans 4227:Catholics 4217:Buddhists 4082:Affluence 3828:0362-4331 3799:March 22, 3700:0027-8424 3500:April 25, 3453:March 14, 3425:March 15, 3372:March 14, 3327:March 15, 3142:USA Today 3063:157124212 3018:April 22, 2734:March 28, 2531:April 25, 2340:in 2007. 2267:3,299,271 2244:1,302,875 2235:1,859,538 2219:4,602,146 2210:2,224,082 2121:2,068,883 2008:All races 1992:or Latino 1902:talk page 1564:origin". 1429:US census 1391:, or the 867:microdata 832:Virginia. 322:District 209:president 6183:Blaxican 5995:Chicanos 5889:Gwich'in 5837:Shoshone 5827:Seminole 5755:Muscogee 5728:Tataviam 5691:Suisunes 5641:Diegueño 5621:Cahuilla 5579:Onondaga 5559:Iroquois 5539:Comanche 5534:Colville 5519:Cheyenne 5514:Cherokee 4127:Language 3963:Archived 3904:Archived 3864:April 1, 3833:April 1, 3718:35131945 3565:April 1, 3536:April 1, 3494:Archived 3447:Newsweek 3163:Archived 3123:Archived 2760:July 24, 2344:See also 2205:2+ races 2036:One race 1995:% of not 1484:Japanese 1478:Filipino 1385:Far East 1160:Mexican 1115:language 934:Quadroon 926:Japanese 762:694,280 753:791,850 750:807,094 715:249,073 712:107,094 690:393,751 687:100,572 681:140,710 646:Kentucky 640:747,610 637:292,627 631:215,046 628:116,135 625:110,936 621:Virginia 615:319,728 612:103,036 606:101,395 596:Maryland 571:Delaware 565:434,373 556:206,363 553:106,948 550:110,788 540:184,139 515:340,120 506:152,320 496:New York 490:237,946 481:117,448 440:378,787 431:190,582 390:141,885 283:Virginia 259:New York 243:Maryland 231:Delaware 40:and the 6208:Mulatto 6014:Oceania 5909:Tlingit 5899:Iñupiat 5884:Alutiiq 5832:Shawnee 5817:Quechan 5701:Awaswas 5686:Serrano 5681:Salinan 5661:Luiseño 5651:Juaneño 5646:Esselen 5631:Chumash 5529:Choctaw 5499:Abenaki 4264:Muslims 4237:Mormons 4232:Coptics 4212:Baha'is 4147:Poverty 4014:Dædalus 3709:8851556 3678:Bibcode 2564:May 18, 2336:of the 2258:364,544 2190:467,770 2167:353,509 2164:<0.1 2141:<0.1 2135:119,829 2112:407,073 2089:710,353 1941:updated 1843:-4.99* 1840:-1.54* 1829:-4.34* 1826:-1.63* 1801:-0.86* 1773:-5.64* 1770:-4.88* 1759:-0.91* 1731:-3.30* 1728:-2.06* 1562:Spanish 1475:Chinese 1412:We-Sort 1396:Asian". 1135:Italian 1125:Spanish 1119:English 1094:Spanish 1084:Central 1069:Mexican 930:Chinese 913:mulatto 759:59,150 740:82,548 737:29,264 731:25,739 728:14,044 725:13,103 721:Georgia 706:66,880 703:37,722 700:35,576 678:77,506 675:69,988 665:73,677 662:12,430 656:28,922 653:17,057 650:15,154 634:12,866 603:51,339 600:55,915 590:59,094 581:22,384 578:12,143 575:11,783 537:11,423 531:83,287 528:41,416 525:45,251 512:21,324 503:78,122 500:83,700 478:54,403 475:60,523 465:68,825 456:32,652 453:15,799 450:16,019 428:87,289 425:95,453 415:96,540 406:46,870 403:24,748 400:24,384 381:70,160 378:34,851 375:36,086 365:85,539 356:40,505 353:22,328 350:22,435 346:Vermont 337:Slaves 279:Vermont 235:Georgia 32:In the 6266:Racism 6188:Cajuns 5857:Yakama 5822:Salish 5800:Pueblo 5785:Pawnee 5780:Paiute 5765:Ojibwe 5760:Navajo 5748:Yokuts 5743:Wintun 5733:Tongva 5721:Tamyen 5716:Karkin 5706:Chalon 5696:Ohlone 5671:Patwin 5636:Cupeño 5611:Mohave 5601:Lenape 5584:Seneca 5574:Oneida 5569:Mohawk 5564:Cayuga 5504:Apache 5298:Cajuns 5173:Europe 4346:Africa 4249:Hindus 4189:Wealth 3826:  3716:  3706:  3698:  3399:May 5, 3061:  2930:  2920:  2672:Forbes 2158:45,326 2132:Asian 2063:White 1977:Latino 1894:This 1812:-1.02 1756:-0.15 1745:2.62* 1739:Asian 1717:1.64* 1714:0.83* 1703:0.66* 1700:0.54* 1697:White 1679:-0.24 1673:Total 1584:, and 1535:, and 1499:Samoan 1487:Korean 1365:Africa 1345:, the 1343:Europe 1140:German 1130:French 1092:Other 938:Indian 709:1,801 684:4,975 609:8,043 587:8,887 584:3,899 562:3,737 559:6,537 534:2,762 509:4,654 487:2,764 484:2,808 459:3,407 434:5,463 340:Total 298:slaves 281:, and 211:. 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African-American (U.S. Census)
United States census
US Census Bureau
Office of Management and Budget
race and ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino
racial categories
Race and ethnicity
American Anthropological Association
US Commission on Civil Rights
Federal Register
federal government
Middle Eastern or North African
Office of Management and Budget
Statistical Policy Directive
Voting Rights Act
Voting Rights Act
Civil Rights Act
Public Health Service Act
Community Reinvestment Act
"Government Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data"
Center for American Progress

1790 United States census
US Constitution
US Marshals

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.