Knowledge (XXG)

Dutch Brigade (Peninsular War)

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713:, this lack of resolve was, to a large extent, responsible for the low state of fitness of the brigade as many sick and wounded were lost to the brigade for all practical purposes. In February 1809 Krayenhoff had already warned that about 400 men had "disappeared" in this way. Chassé defended himself against the reproaches by pointing out that the King himself had ordered him to obey the French orders. In addition he asked for understanding of the difficult circumstances under which he had to work: supplies were lacking; clothing, shoes and medications were not available; and weakened soldiers were unable to keep up with the marching tempo. Chassé asked rhetorically: "Which barbarian would lash these exhausted men forward?" He also pointed out that the German units of the division-Leval were even more depleted. 230: 1082:;Cf. C. Mullié, Biographie des célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850/C, 1851, pp. 304–305 and Eugène Fieffé, Histoire des troupes étrangères au service de France depuis leur origine jusqu'à, nos jours, et de tous les régiments levés dans les pays conquis sous la première République et l'Empire: avec 32 gravures coloriées représentant plus de 80 types d'uniformes, Tome 2, Librairie Militaire Dumaine, 1854, p. 342 note 1. This may be explained as follows: the Dutch biographer of Chassé, Del Campo, writes: "Chassé traveled to Paris to take care of his affairs and to ask to be released from French service. He was honorably discharged by the Minister for War, Marshal Soult, in a letter dated 765:
broke after Polish lancers took them in the flank. A general Spanish rout ensued. Many Spanish soldiers were killed by French and allied cavalry. Many others were taken prisoner after their flight was cut short by the French 1st Corps, which had not taken part in the battle, but had just crossed the Tagus. More than 14,000 Spanish soldiers surrendered. The German division was praised extensively by the French command. Marshal Sébastiani, in a speech to Chassé, was highly complimentary, especially of the Dutch artillerists. Trip was knighted with the Legion of Honour, and a number of Dutch officers were mentioned in dispatches. The Dutch brigade suffered relatively heavy casualties, with 82 killed and 89 wounded.
682:. Meanwhile, the French artillery duelled it Spanish counterpart, while Polish and Dutch horse artillery attacked the Spanish detachment in the olive grove; leading to the retreat of the Spaniards. Next Sébastiani attacked the Jaén and Bailén battalions on top of the hill. First, the Spaniards repelled the Polish infantry which took heavy losses. Sébastiani then ordered Chassé to make an enveloping movement. This was countered by Spanish cavalry. The division-Leval quickly formed squares and repelled the Spanish cavalry, which suffered heavy losses. After this set-back, the Spanish troops left their positions on the hill, leaving the main force without flanks. By this time, King 1005:
heinous that almost anything was justified to exact revenge, but that Dutch officers were so shocked and shamed by the affair. Captain Van Zuylen van Nijevelt wrote in a letter home: "Sixty people have been killed, among whom women, children and greybeards. Pregnant women were not spared ... , fourteen Frenchmen were butchered in this town, the regiment has avenged them in a horrible, unworthy and cruel manner ... There is nothing so terrible, nothing so dreadful, as a soldier in these times. Our profession, the finest and noblest that exists, is so tarnished, that one hesitates to admit to being a soldier."; cf. Moor and Vogel, pp. 105–108.
551:, where the inhabitants had murdered a number of Westphalian dragoons, and mutilated their bodies. The Germans were enraged and under the direction of Major Von Holzing, they sacked the town on 25 February 1809 during which even infants were not spared. To the horror of their own officers, Dutch soldiers also were involved in the carnage. The officers swore that they would never allow things to get out of hand like this again. Apparently they kept their word because as far as is known the atrocities at Arenas are the only ones in which the Dutch troops were involved during the war. 397:
Thanks to the efforts of Quartermaster Romar, the French were persuaded to provide new uniform coats and shoes amidst this chaos. At this point the strength of the brigade had shrunk to 1,700 men. The remaining soldiers were the strong men; the march had inadvertently eliminated the weak. Common experiences had forged a sense of comradeship among the troops. When the brigade entered Spain the brigade had to fend for itself in competition with French and allied units for food and shelter. The brigade leadership for the first time was confronted by the dangers posed by the Spanish
French regiment of the line. The hussars, for the most part, had already returned to the Netherlands in February 1810. Their first task was to learn French, as their new officers could not speak Dutch. The miners and sappers became the sixth company of the French First Battalion of Miners. Some Dutch soldiers deserted. ChassĂ© had a number of those deserters executed by firing squad in front of the troops in September 1810, at which occasion he reminded the troops that despite the dissolution of the Kingdom and the army, they were still bound (as was he) by their oaths. 
786:. French counter-measures were largely ineffective often because their troops alienated the population with their harshness. Every action by "brigands" led to reprisals against the civilian population of nearby settlements. This caused a spiral of atrocities and reprisals. Civilians, blinded by hatred, murdered isolated patrols, gallopers, and wounded soldiers if they had a chance. The Dutch brigade was generally unsuccessful, too, though Captain J. P. Sprenger, with a detachment of 100 men, defeated a troop of 900 Spanish irregular cavalry near 596:, contact with home was sporadic. The soldiers did not receive many Dutch newspapers, which may have been just as well from the standpoint of morale. This precluded them from knowing that apparently nobody in the Netherlands was aware of, or cared, what was happening to them. Many soldiers and officers were pining for their homes and hoped that the brigade would soon be recalled or failing that, they themselves would be able to return home. Influential family members of some officers applied pressure to have their loved-ones recalled. 38: 709:, and King Louis demanded the recall of the brigade to help defend the Fatherland. The French supreme command refused. The Dutch Brigade could not be released; the Kingdom of Holland would have to take care of its own defense. The Dutch army command at home, informed by private letters from officers in the brigade, had become rather dissatisfied with Chassé's policies and his "lack of firmness" in the face of French attempts to disperse the several units of the brigade. According to Minister of War 249:, for a grand total of 3,000 men. The brigade was to consist of veteran soldiers and was to march within ten days of receipt of the demand. Despite being the Emperor's brother, King Louis did his best to defend the interests of his kingdom, often dragging his feet when it came his brother's demands. Nevertheless, with this request he found it politic to comply immediately, despite the fact that the Dutch army (about 22,000 men) had already sent 6,000 men to Germany. The Minister of War, General 592:. Although the Dutch were able to recuperate during this tranquil period, supplies for the troops were a problem, as the local population refused to cooperate. Quartermaster Romar therefore organized a military bakery and butchery, with Dutch bakers and butchers recruited from the ranks, to take care of the brigade's needs. Also, the paymaster received enough funds to pay the troops' arrears in pay. The relative calm caused some troops to feel the pangs of homesickness. Due to the deficient 828:
were involved unsuccessfully in the hunt for the guerrilla-leader El Chaleco, though there was some severe fighting with the guerrillas. During 1811, the left-over troops of the 123rd regiment in Spain were placed 'a la suite', meaning they were surplus, and could be re-designated. They were incorporated into either the 1st, 3rd or 6th Bataillon Auxiliaire de l'Armee du Nord, which were used to form the 130th Regiment of the line, which continued to fight in Spain, being present at the
563:. General Leval first sent in the Nassau regiment against the ensconced Spaniards, but they were repulsed by heavy Spanish fire. Then Leval decided on a general attack on a broader front. The Dutch Brigade was in the center, flanked by the Baden regiment on the left, and the regiment Hessen-Darmstadt on the right. Chassé ordered a bayonet attack and the Dutchmen stormed the Spanish field works without firing a shot. Though the troops suffered from 620:. The Dutch Brigade, as part of the division-Leval, bivouacked in an olive grove on the night of 27 July, the eve of the battle. The next day, initial attacks by the French on the British positions were repelled with heavy losses. Around noon there was a pause in the hostilities during which the French held a council of war. On the advice of Marshal Victor, the French decided not to wait for reinforcements from the corps of Marshal 769:
division, now under Chassé's command, was given the unenviable task of escorting the transports. The Dutch Brigade departed on 26 November with 4,000 prisoners. The Nassau and Baden regiments had already left on previous days with other transports (in total, 10,000 prisoners). To escort the transports with entire regiments would seem unnecessary, but with the number of guerrillas along the route, which went by way of Burgos and
470:, faced the Spaniards. Villatte let them attack the Spaniards by moving uphill and, despite the difficult terrain, they first succeeded in driving the Spanish from the hillock of Bernagoitia, and then Nevera. There the Dutch lit a fire to signal the French center (Sébastiani) and right wing (Leval) to start their advance. General Chassé subsequently led the pursuit of the fleeing Spaniards. In passing, Dutch 584:. In this battle the only Dutch unit involved was the Dutch hussars, who were part of the cavalry attack that broke the Spanish line. After the bloody battle, Major Steinmetz, tasked with collecting the weapons that had been thrown away, found more than 8,000 muskets. After the battle, the Dutch infantry was kept in reserve. Chassé was appointed military governor of the province of Trujillo in the 774:
died. This march was very distasteful to Chassé and his men, who pitied the poor wretches, but lacked the means to lessen their suffering. Accompanying the transport were several Dutch officers who had been recalled to the Netherlands. Among them was Captain Van Zuylen van Nijevelt who was replaced by the French Colonel Brenot as chief-of-staff. They arrived in Bayonne on 28 December 1809.
337:. Although French authorities had promised support, it turned out that none of the local authorities had been made aware that they were to provide food and shelter. The Dutch quartermaster, O. J. Romar, was often fobbed off by the local French commanders and had to organize victualling himself. This depleted his war chest. Soldiers often had to buy food themselves from their pay (three 687:
troops retreated up-hill where they formed a defensive line around their artillery. Despite the heavy fire of the Spanish guns, which caused major losses in the advancing French and allied infantry, the infantry kept advancing, and finally charged the Spanish line with their bayonets. There was a short man-to-man fight before the Spaniards fled in disarray. The Spanish lost ten
291:) that most of its members were unfit for duty. The army leadership therefore had to replace this battalion with the 2nd battalion of the 4th regiment of the line, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. von Pfaffenrath. The other infantry battalion designated to the brigade, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel A. W. Storm de Grave, came from the 2nd regiment of the line in 361:. Napoleon used the occasion to change the organisation of the infantry battalions reducing their nine companies to six, thereby beefing up the strength of the individual companies. He also decreed that the brigade would become part of the German division, composed of troops from a number of German states that were allied with the French Empire commanded by General 217:. After the annexation of the Kingdom of Holland by the French empire in 1810, the brigade was formally decommissioned and its members, now French subjects, absorbed into the French 123rd Line Infantry Regiment, and later into the 130th Line Infantry Regiment. The other battalions of the 123rd remained in the Netherlands and were later reassigned to the 450:, a battalion of Parisian guards, and two batteries of artillery. Together with the division-SĂ©bastiani, and the division-Villatte. the division-Leval formed the IVth French Corps under the command of Marshal Lefebvre. The IVth corps was concentrated around Durango and its objective was to march on Bilbao and from there to 503:
he was recalled to lead the brigade to Madrid in the train of the 4th Corps. The march across high country was hard because an extremely cold winter had set in. Foraging was difficult, because other troops had effectively looted everything of value, and the population had fled. Madrid was reached on New Year's Eve 1808.
494:, while the town was being sacked in reprisal for the murder of three Frenchmen. After marching through the burning town, Dutch troops initially joined the looters, but were quickly brought under control. Captain Van Oudheusden, sabre drawn, rescued a few Spanish women from being raped by French grenadiers. 761:
fire. Colonel Von Pfaffenrath, commander of the two Dutch battalions, led the advance in the first line of the troops. He was accompanied by the Dutch surgeons who helped the wounded as best they could; one surgeon, Jacobsen, was killed; another, Dieudonné, though severely wounded, continued to serve.
It is less remarkable that the atrocities at Arenas occurred in a war that was rife with atrocities from both sides, or that German and Dutch troops took part in it, as in this era most military men would consider murder by civilians, especially women (as was the case in Arenas), of their comrades so
Meanwhile, the Dutch infantry fortified the bridge at Arzobispo under the direction of engineer officers Van Schelle and De Boer, making it impassable. But the Corps command directed them to make the bridge passable again at the end of February. Chassé, aware that Spanish troops were nearby, formed a
had to be drawn by three, instead of the usual six horses. Because the Dutch infantry used a different type of musket that could not use French ammunition, a shortage of ammunition soon occurred. The younger officers blamed Chassé for being insufficiently forceful in his representations to the French
Galerie historique des contemporains, ou Nouvelle biographie, dans laquelle se trouvent réunis les hommes morts ou vivans de toutes les nations, qui se sont fait remarquer à la fin du 18me siècle et au commencement du 19me, par leurs écrits, leurs actions, leurs talens, leurs vertus ou leurs crimes,
it again formed part of the rear-guard that was sacrificed to cover the French retreat. At the beginning of the battle the regiment still had 100 men fit for duty; after the battle it no longer existed. "Berezina" is another of the modern French regiment's battle honors. Chassé, in the meantime, had
and 26 guns, and thousands of their soldiers were taken prisoner of war. The Dutch hussars under Van Merlen (now in charge of the Dutch cavalry), took part in the pursuit and captured a great number of Spanish carts and mules. King Louis was so pleased with the Dutch contribution to the victory that
in 1814. By then, there were preciously few Dutchmen left. As early as January 1812, only 800 Dutch infantrymen were left in Spain. Meanwhile, the other, newly formed battalions of the 123rd regiment, augmented with new Dutch conscripts, became part of the army with which Napoleon invaded Russia in
to Ocaña, arrived at daybreak. There, Areizaga's army was already deployed across the plain. The Spanish army had 50,000 men (though they were very fatigued after their forced marches of the previous days); the French and allies had about 30,000. Marshal Soult was in command of the French with King
arrived on the scene with reinforcements for the French. Sébastiani then launched a general attack on the Spanish center with cavalry, supported by Trip's horse artillery, attacking on the Spanish right, while Chassé led the infantry against the Spanish left. Under the ensuing pressure, the Spanish
In the following months, the brigade was used mainly to perform guard and escort duties. Chassé was appointed military governor of Bilbao on 9 November and the brigade was tasked with occupation duties. Chassé led a reconnaissance force of 500 men in the coastal area west of Bilbao. On 14 December,
Almost immediately after the brigade's arrival on Spanish soil, Marshal Lefebvre took away General Chassé's miners, sappers, cavalry and artillery. Chassé's protests were ineffective, despite the orders by King Louis to keep the brigade together. The combat engineers disappeared without a trace. It
At the time the army of the Kingdom of Holland did not have the rank of "Brigadier-General". This rank was only in 1952 inserted between the ranks of "Colonel" and "Major-General" in the organisation of the modern Dutch army. At the time a Major-General commanded a brigade and a Lieutenant-General
Despite the dissolution of the brigade as a Dutch unit, the war, and the role of the Dutch soldiers in it, was not finished. The 123rd regiment remained a preponderantly Dutch unit, even under the command of French officers. Chassé was put in charge of a French brigade. From December 1810 on, they
behind them. The Spanish artillery fired over the heads of its own troops and caused many casualties in the division-Leval. Many horses, including Trip's, were killed, hampering his batteries of horse-artillery. However, the division-Leval managed to re-form and advance against the hail of Spanish
The logistical problems that plagued the entire Iberian army, were felt even more keenly by the Dutch, as they were supplied only after the French needs were fulfilled. The Dutch cavalry, in particular, had insufficient high quality fodder for the horses, and the horses often lost shoes due to the
On 9 July 1810, the Kingdom of Holland was "reunited with" (i.e. annexed to) the French Empire by decree of Emperor Napoleon. This was followed by the abolition of the royal army and its units, like the Dutch brigade, on 16 July 1810. The infantry of the Dutch brigade were absorbed into the 123rd
The large number of prisoners of war posed insurmountable problems for the French command. There was simply no way to feed them, and there was a good chance that there would be an attempt to liberate them by Spanish guerrillas. It was therefore decided to march the prisoners to France. The German
General Leval was wounded and General Chassé assumed command of the division. The allied soldiers managed to infiltrate the ranks of the Spanish infantry, and man-to-man fights ensued which put the Spaniards on the defensive. French artillery prevented the Spanish infantry from rallying, and they
to march to France on 2 September 1808. It was promised that the lacking 800 would follow later. On 1 September part of the infantry rioted because of arrears in pay. The government hastily arranged an advance, which restored the peace. The brigade was sent off on 2 September by Marshal Dumonceau
to Bayonne, was so large, that this was certainly necessary. The prisoners were in a very sorry state. They had been robbed of all their possessions and had hardly eaten during the week they had spent in Madrid. The transport became a true "death march" during which 2,000 of the 10,000 prisoners
434:. They did this although Captain Lambert, was forced to pay them from his own purse. The engineers would later destroy the citadel in a rear-guard action on 10 May 1811, just before the British could enter it. The hussars were integrated into a cavalry brigade attached to the division of General 396:
and Bordeaux. On this leg of their march, the reception by the local population was much better and the troops were treated on a par with French troops. The brigade arrived in Bayonne on 24 October. The city had been the staging point for the French invasion of Spain, and was now full of troops.
After the battle of Talavera, the depleted infantry battalions, now re-organised as the 2nd regiment of infantry, were reunited with the cavalry and artillery of the brigade. The battalions were again made part of IV Corps, now commanded by the newly promoted Marshal SĂ©bastiani. They marched to
On 17 August 1808, Emperor Napoleon of France sent a peremptory demand to his brother, King Louis of Holland, to furnish a brigade for service in the campaign in Spain. The brigade was to include a cavalry regiment of 600 horses, a company of artillery with three guns and three howitzers, three
and improvised a patrol base. When Aberson left with most of his men on one of those patrols, the local population attacked the remaining Dutchmen, who retreated to the local church. They were besieged for a few days until Chassé and Aberson relieved them. The Dutchmen plundered the church and
bridgehead on the "Spanish" side of the Tagus and had his troops patrol intensively from 19 to 23 February in the Sierra de Altamira to guard against guerillas. The local guerillas, about 10,000 in number, were mostly escaped prisoners of war, former soldiers of the army of General
Joseph observing. Soult's opening move was an assault by the French left wing, consisting of Polish, German and Dutch troops, on the Spanish right. However, the Spaniards anticipated this move and launched a frontal assault that drove the French allies back to the French division-
All in all, only a few of the Dutch veterans of the Peninsular War returned to the Netherlands. Among the returnees was General Chassé who, despite his personal misgivings about the Annexation, had remained in French service in Spain. At first he was promoted sideways to
The French offensive soon stalled. In June 1809, the French position in Extramadura became untenable due to supply problems and disease among the troops. I Corps gave up its position and withdrew between 14 and 19 June behind the Tagus; the Dutch were again encamped near
as commander of the newly created brigade. Chassé's staff consisted of Colonel A. Lycklama à Nijeholt as commander of the infantry; Major F. F. C. Steinmetz as commander of the artillery, and sappers; Colonel O. F. von Goes as commander of the cavalry (later Colonel
corps command, and they openly showed their displeasure making personal relations with the general difficult. Chassé subsequently removed a number of "difficult" officers, among them the chief-of-staff Vermeulen, who was replaced by Captain Van Zuylen van Nijevelt.
had ended with a French victory on 24 February 1809, Marshal Victor decided to attack the Spanish forces on the south bank of the Tagus. He gave the German division a lead role in this attack. On 17 March 1809, the division encountered a strong Spanish force at
624:, but to attack again in the afternoon. The division-Leval attacked the British 4th division under General Alexander Campbell. The Dutch troops were repelled and pursued by the British guards, who in turn were repelled as well. Later that afternoon the 348:
near Paris on 19 September. At this time its strength was 2,130 men and 846 horses. Chassé complained to Kingdom of Holland Minister Janssens about the lack of support he had received. The Minister instructed the Dutch ambassador in Paris, Admiral
In the first half of 1810, the Dutch brigade was tasked with counter-guerrilla warfare in La Mancha. The guerrillas were numerous and very successful at harassing French supply lines. They operated in large bands, led by legendary leaders like
had not been introduced at this time, (this would only happen in 1811), makes it likely that an appreciable number of the soldiers would not have been Dutch nationals, because the army of the Kingdom of Holland, like its predecessors, the
Chassé complained in early 1809 that Dutch soldiers were still waiting for their second pair of shoes, while French soldiers, who had served an equal length of time, had already received their third replacement. Cf. Moor and Vogel, p.
748:, they met the Spanish cavalry and a fierce firefight ensued. The Poles and Dutchmen won, but the event was worrisome enough to the French command that it ordered all available units across the Tagus to stem the Spanish advance. 882:. He made rapid career steps because of his abilities, however, and ended up as a Lieutenant-General. After Napoleon's abdication he asked to be allowed to resign from the French service. He then offered his services to the new 692:
he authorized that every year of service in the campaign in Spain would count double. Though the number of losses on the French side was large (2400 killed and wounded), the Dutch Brigade only lost seven killed and 37 wounded.
commanded a division. These ranks have shifted upwards later on. This may have introduced the misunderstanding under later historians that Chassé was demoted. This would be an anachronism, however. The equivalent ranks in the
In Madrid, the entire German division was transferred to I Corps under the command of Marshal Victor (who was married to a Dutch woman) in January 1809. The brigade received orders to guard one of the three bridges across the
that the brigade had lost nine officers and 815 men. But, after the reinforcements of early 1809, there was no prospect of additional manpower. On the contrary, the Netherlands itself was involved in war due to the
on 31 October 1808. The Dutch Brigade had been inspected by Marshal Lefebvre on 30 October, and had been given a pep talk by him. The Dutch troops, among other foreign troops under the temporary command of General
1382: 984:
This number would be replenished by reinforcements the Dutch government sent in November and December of about 800 men under command of colonel Alberti and captain C. van Stapele.; cf. Moor and Vogel, pp.
and musket fire they did not waver. Miraculously, only ten Dutch soldiers were killed and 49 wounded in the hail of fire. The Spanish troops fled from the Dutch bayonets. The rest of the Spanish front at
slaughtered a flock of sheep, grazing in a wood; they appreciated the meat after going without for a long time. The Dutch troops received much praise for their actions in battle; Chassé was awarded the
According to Costa de Serda, of the 3,300 prisoners arriving in the column, escorted by the Dutch Brigade, in Bayonne, no less than 2,219 were put in hospital right away; Cf. Costa de Serda, pp. 80–81.
678:, covered the entire battlefield. To the left of the Spanish main force, an unknown number of soldiers hid in an olive grove. SĂ©bastiani directed the division-Leval (on the French right) to encircle 1367: 1377: 353:, to press the French authorities to fulfil their obligations, and pay the promised advances through the Paris bankers Audenet and Slingeland. On 20 September, the brigade paraded before Queen 1362: 655:
which happened in many cases. Major Steinmetz (by now commander of the artillery of the division-Leval), who had been ill for a very long time, died on the battlefield from complications of
sheep being driven to Portugal by guerrillas on orders of the Junta Central. In mid-June, he arrived with the severely depleted brigade (only 600 men, 260 horses and two guns were left) in
with his army of 50,000. The French could not allow this, and on 9 November Marshal Soult ordered Polish hussars, reinforced by the horse artillery of Captain Trip, to occupy the town of
1078:. This may explain a certain amount of confusion, as Chassé had already left French service by that time. Several French sources give the promotion as to "lieutenant-general" instead of 295:. Problems with equipment and lack of basic supplies, including shoes, also delayed the deployment of the brigade. On the other hand, the cavalry, four squadrons of the 3rd regiment of 674:. The Spanish army, consisting of 23,000 men and about 8,000 horses, was drawn up in a line in front of the village. Venegas had positioned artillery on two steep hills, one of which, 837:
June 1812. There were no Dutch Peninsular veterans amongst those battalions, however. Some battalions of the 123rd Regiment became part of the brigade Coutard in the division-
435: 206: 1086:, with the simultaneous promotion to the rank of Lieutenant-General, and the expression of the highest satisfaction with the way he had served France"; Cf. Del Campo, p. 56. 341:
a day), a sum which could not provide adequate sustenance. Hunger and fatigue caused a growing stream of stragglers. The younger officers began to criticise Chassé openly.
1357: 717: 547:
This counter-guerrilla operation, the first of its kind in the Peninsular War, soon led to excesses. The Dutch Brigade became involved in a reprisal against the town of
1312: 1352: 700:
After the battle of Almonacid there was a pause in the hostilities which the Dutch Brigade sorely needed. In October 1809, Chassé reported to the army command in
524:, where they arrived at the end of January. The Dutch hussars remained with IV Corps, now commanded by General SĂ©bastiani, and took part in, among others, the 1372: 886:, which was only too happy to accept him. As a Dutch Lieutenant-General, and commander of the Third Netherlands division, he played an important part in the 806:
to fight the local guerrillas, but his troops were too exhausted to do anything noteworthy. However, a detachment under Lieutenant-Colonel Aberson occupied
229: 670:
On 11 August 1809, IV Corps left Toledo to cut off the advance of the Spanish army of General Venegas marching to Madrid. The armies met at the village of
respectively. It is true, however, that Napoleon thought his brother had allowed too much "grade inflation" in the royal army; Cf. Moor and Vogel, p. 35.
438:. The infantry battalions, the Nassau regiments, forming the core of the brigade, were assigned to the division-Leval. They would be the only ones to 971:
Romar was actually a civilian from the Ministry of War with the official title of "commissioner of war," but his tasks were comparable to those of a
613: 373:, where stragglers and sick personnel (208 men, among whom was Major Steinmetz) were to be collected for eventual transfer to their units in Spain. 1035:) G. F. Blom was trained in Dutch military law, but after the Annexation French military law would have been applicable; Cf. Moor and Vogel, p. 50. 909: 807: 710: 317:
The brigade had to march all the way to Spain, a distance of over 2,000 kilometres. Transport by sea was impossible due to the blockade by the
271: 783: 628:
twice counterattacked from its base in the olive grove, but without result. The battle ended in a tactical draw, but the British retreated to
1247: 1392: 210: 1171: 883: 1032: 507:
difficult terrain. Arriving at Bilbao, only 91 of 231 horses were fit for duty. The horse artillery lost so many horses that their
287:, was selected to form the core of the brigade. But it turned out that the regiment was so stricken by "Zeeland fever" (probably 794:
and disappeared without trace; only a few bandoliers were recovered. In mid-April 1810, Chassé established his headquarters in
605: 954:, was forced to make extensive use of foreign mercenaries. Unfortunately, the regimental rolls are lacking, both in the Dutch 1027:
that had been attached to the brigade since its formation. A question is which law they applied in this particular case. The
757: 688: 345: 263: 365:. The German division was to become part of IV Corps under the command of Marshal Lefebvre. Finally, Napoleon organised two 270:
under command of surgeon G. Sebel. Lieutenant-Colonel Vermeulen would serve as chief of staff, assisted by captain of horse
213:'s Ist Corps. The brigade distinguished itself initially in several major battles, and was later employed mainly in counter- 900:, but possibly on troops of the brigade commanded by general Jean Gaudens Claude PĂ©got, in a decisive phase of the battle. 442:
of the brigade as a fighting unit. Besides the Dutch troops, the division consisted of: the regiment Baden, the regiment
838: 1387: 896: 632:, rebuffing offers from the Spanish to pursue as they did not trust their allies to provide sufficient supplies.  401:(usually called "brigands" by the French), who continually preyed on the French supply lines. The brigade marched to 358: 202: 959: 733: 621: 467: 190: 486:
After the battle, the French army pursued the Spanish, looting along the way. On 9 November, a few days after the
threatened to encircle the armies. By the end of July 1809, the Spanish and British armies met the French at the
537: 357:, King Louis' estranged wife. The next day Emperor Napoleon honored the brigade with an inspection with Marshal 1397: 871: 853:
and so distinguished itself that "Polotsk" is one of the battle honors on the standard of the regiment. At the
850: 609: 555: 533: 218: 458: 37: 803: 625: 521: 354: 350: 299:, was available immediately. These 2,200 troops, short of the requested 3,000, eventually concentrated near 258: 254: 233: 178: 138: 105: 17: 867: 729: 362: 198: 721: 639:
The Dutch Brigade's losses at Talavera amounted to 31 killed and 146 wounded, with many wounds becoming
525: 581: 751:
On 18 November, Chassé, ordered to march overnight with the Dutch Brigade and the Polish cavalry from
1075: 845:. On 19 October 1812, it was part of the rear-guard that covered the retreat of the Corps across the 795: 601: 589: 508: 443: 370: 292: 186: 181:
and was made part of the so-called "German Division". The Division also consisted of units from the
671: 548: 487: 278: 250: 194: 117: 1306: 1067: 929: 887: 854: 706: 617: 580:
The French now aimed to force the Spanish army to accept battle, which they did on 28 March near
162: 113: 109: 59: 121: 277:
Organising the brigade proved difficult. Initially, the first battalion of the 3rd regiment of
1243: 1167: 955: 951: 947: 859: 833: 725: 593: 462: 398: 242: 214: 101: 941:
An interesting question is what nationalities were represented in the brigade. The fact that
890:. Not surprisingly, he ordered a bayonet charge, which he led on horseback, with the brigade- 683: 476: 366: 891: 842: 829: 770: 612:
threatened the French from two sides, while the British expeditionary force under General
418: 267: 182: 166: 1046: 741: 541: 1210: 540:. The German division was tasked with suppressing their activity in the area beyond the 863: 300: 170: 154: 430:
later turned out that they had been ordered to improve the defences of the citadel of
1346: 1236: 1024: 972: 846: 787: 779: 664: 560: 439: 410: 942: 644: 528:
of 27 March 1809, in which Colonel Roest van Alkemade was mentioned in despatches.
414: 457:
To achieve the march on Bilbao and ultimately Madrid the Spanish army of General
647:. Most wounds to limbs were treated, often unnecessarily, by amputation without 585: 866:, and was recalled to fight in France in 1814, serving with distinction at the 1265:
Documents historiques et réflexions sur le gouvernement de la Hollande, Tome 1
745: 648: 461:
first had to be defeated. The Spanish and French armies met near Durango, the
318: 1238:
The First Total War: Napoleon's Europe And the Birth of Warfare As We Know It
Duizend miljoen maal vervloekt land. De Hollandse Brigade in Spanje 1808–1813
Which would in 1809 also bring the British invasion of Zeeland, known as the
643:. The surgeons did not improve the prospects of their patients by the use of 16:
For the Dutch Brigade that formed part of the British Army in 1799-1802, see
737: 701: 564: 491: 471: 447: 832:
in 1812, the fighting around Pamplona and in the Pyrenees in 1813, and the
266:); Captain H. R. Trip as commander of a company of horse artillery; and a 1211:"Les batailles de la "Guerra de la Independencia" vues par les Espagnols" 752: 652: 381: 174: 791: 629: 569: 385: 377: 338: 322: 288: 284: 201:. It was, in turn, part of the IVth French Corps commanded by Marshals 369:, one for the infantry in Saint-Denis, and another for the cavalry in 241:
battalions of infantry with a total of 2,200 men, and a detachment of
799: 790:
on 24 January. However, a month later, a Dutch squad was ambushed in
640: 451: 431: 402: 389: 334: 296: 246: 517: 393: 330: 326: 228: 1296:
Pascal de Julian, P. L.; Ph. Lesbroussart; G. van Lennep (1827).
Het leven en de krijgsbedrijven van David Hendrikus baron Chassé
citizenry in reprisal; they left with two cart-loads of silver.
656: 572:
collapsed and the French were able to advance across the Tagus.
406: 716:
The pause in hostilities lasted only a few weeks. General the
of France. The brigade was under the command of Major-General
on 16 May 1814, therefore after the coming to power of King
French military units and formations of the Napoleonic Wars
Opérations des troupes allemandes en Espagne de 1808 à 1813
The deserters were duly tried and convicted by the mobile
604:. The Spanish troops hastened to fill the gap. Generals 380:
near the Spanish border on 22 September. It marched via
sent the brigade in September 1808, to take part in the
Vers la Bérésina (1812): D'apres des documents nouveaux
421:; it arrived in Bilbao around the end of October 1808. 1368:
Military units and formations disestablished in 1810
Military units and formations of the Peninsular War
132: 127: 97: 89: 81: 73: 65: 55: 47: 27: 1235: 42:Dutch soldiers in action during the Peninsular War 1363:Military units and formations established in 1808 536:, who had been defeated by Marshal Victor at the 173:on the French side at the request of his brother 479:, and five other officers received a medal for 321:. The troops first marched to Paris, by way of 728:on 18 October 1809, and this made the Spanish 498:From Durango to Mesas de Ibor (17 March 1809) 8: 1311:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 1326: 1324: 1322: 1267:. Bruges: J.-N. Houdin; Bogaert-Dumortier. 1358:1810 disestablishments in the Netherlands 962:at Vincennes; cf. Moor and Vogel, p. 205. 858:been commanding French troops during the 798:and managed to capture a flock of 15,000 1276: 1274: 1189: 1187: 1185: 1183: 1157: 1155: 1153: 1151: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1143: 1141: 1139: 1137: 1135: 1133: 1131: 1129: 1127: 1125: 1123: 1099: 921: 910:Guerrilla warfare in the Peninsular War 1353:1808 establishments in the Netherlands 1304: 1121: 1119: 1117: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1109: 1107: 1105: 1103: 253:, and the Commander-in-Chief, Marshal 161:) was a unit of the Royal Army of the 24: 1263:Bonaparte, Lodewijk Napoleon (1820). 1162:Moor, J. A. and H. Ph. Vogel (1991). 732:overconfident. They directed General 7: 209:, and was later part of the Marshal 1373:Military history of the Netherlands 696:Ocaña and counter-guerrilla warfare 841:of II Corps, commanded by Marshal 14: 1070:was reintroduced for the rank of 576:Medellin, Talavera and Almonacid 197:commanded by the French general 36: 958:and the French archives of the 1331:Van Vlijmen, B. R. F. (1908). 283:, encamped in the province of 69:Army of the Kingdom of Holland 1: 1242:. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 884:government of the Netherlands 651:, to prevent wounds becoming 975:; cf. Moor and Vogel, p. 49. 490:, the Dutch Brigade reached 483:(good conduct and bravery). 257:, recommended Major-General 1393:Brigades of the Netherlands 1194:Costa de Serda, E. (1874). 894:, supposedly on the French 667:for rest and recuperation. 376:The brigade left Paris for 1414: 808:Villanueva de los Infantes 720:managed to defeat General 707:British landing in Zeeland 481:bonne conduite et bravoure 15: 1281:Del Campo, W. J. (1849). 1166:. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. 588:region, whose capital is 425:Durango (31 October 1808) 35: 872:Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube 851:Second Battle of Polotsk 736:to march on Madrid from 556:Second Siege of Zaragoza 225:Formation of the Brigade 219:Russian campaign of 1812 522:El Puente del Arzobispo 355:Hortense de Beauharnais 344:The brigade arrived in 272:Van Zuylen van Nijevelt 106:Combat of Mesas de Ibor 1335:. Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1029:commissaris-rapporteur 868:Battle of Bar-sur-Aube 538:Battle of UclĂ©s (1809) 308:History of the Brigade 237: 158: 932:, to an untimely end. 526:battle of Ciudad-Real 232: 1234:Bell, D. A. (2007). 1076:Louis XVII of France 950:and the army of the 784:"Chaleco" (the Vest) 259:David Hendrik ChassĂ© 234:David Hendrik ChassĂ© 179:David Hendrik ChassĂ© 139:David Hendrik ChassĂ© 18:King's Dutch Brigade 1209:Borreil, Philippe. 1080:gĂ©nĂ©ral de division 1072:gĂ©nĂ©ral de division 1055:gĂ©nĂ©ral de division 549:Arenas de San Pedro 488:battle of Valmaseda 118:Battle of Almonacid 1388:Kingdom of Holland 1068:lieutenant-general 1051:gĂ©nĂ©ral de brigade 930:Walcheren Campaign 888:Battle of Waterloo 880:gĂ©nĂ©ral de brigade 855:Battle of Berezina 618:Battle of Talavera 594:field post service 313:The march to Spain 238: 163:Kingdom of Holland 114:Battle of Talavera 110:Battle of Medellin 60:Kingdom of Holland 1249:978-0-618-34965-4 1049:at the time were 1031:(comparable to a 956:Nationaal Archief 952:Batavian Republic 948:Dutch States Army 860:Battle of Vitoria 834:Battle of Bayonne 744:. On the way, at 463:Battle of Zornoza 215:guerrilla warfare 159:Hollandse Brigade 144: 143: 102:Battle of Zornoza 29:Hollandse Brigade 1405: 1337: 1336: 1328: 1317: 1316: 1310: 1302: 1293: 1287: 1286: 1278: 1269: 1268: 1260: 1254: 1253: 1241: 1231: 1225: 1224: 1222: 1220: 1215: 1206: 1200: 1199: 1191: 1178: 1177: 1159: 1087: 1064: 1058: 1042: 1036: 1021: 1015: 1012: 1006: 1002: 996: 992: 986: 982: 976: 969: 963: 939: 933: 926: 684:Joseph Bonaparte 614:Arthur Wellesley 477:Legion of Honour 440:carry the honour 175:Emperor Napoleon 40: 25: 1413: 1412: 1408: 1407: 1406: 1404: 1403: 1402: 1398:Louis Bonaparte 1343: 1342: 1341: 1340: 1330: 1329: 1320: 1303: 1295: 1294: 1290: 1285:. gebr. Muller. 1280: 1279: 1272: 1262: 1261: 1257: 1250: 1233: 1232: 1228: 1218: 1216: 1213: 1208: 1207: 1203: 1193: 1192: 1181: 1174: 1161: 1160: 1101: 1096: 1091: 1090: 1084:6 December 1814 1065: 1061: 1043: 1039: 1022: 1018: 1013: 1009: 1003: 999: 993: 989: 983: 979: 970: 966: 940: 936: 927: 923: 918: 906: 830:Siege of Burgos 825: 718:Duke del Parque 698: 626:German division 578: 500: 444:Hesse-Darmstadt 427: 315: 310: 268:field ambulance 227: 167:Louis Bonaparte 147: 134: 122:Battle of Ocaña 120: 116: 112: 108: 104: 43: 31:(Dutch Brigade) 21: 12: 11: 5: 1411: 1409: 1401: 1400: 1395: 1390: 1385: 1380: 1375: 1370: 1365: 1360: 1355: 1345: 1344: 1339: 1338: 1318: 1288: 1270: 1255: 1248: 1226: 1201: 1179: 1172: 1098: 1097: 1095: 1092: 1089: 1088: 1059: 1037: 1033:judge-advocate 1016: 1007: 997: 987: 977: 964: 934: 920: 919: 917: 914: 913: 912: 905: 902: 864:Battle of Maya 824: 821: 697: 694: 680:Los Cerrojones 676:Los Cerrojones 577: 574: 499: 496: 446:, a battalion 426: 423: 314: 311: 309: 306: 301:Bergen op Zoom 226: 223: 171:Peninsular War 145: 142: 141: 136: 130: 129: 125: 124: 99: 95: 94: 91: 87: 86: 83: 79: 78: 75: 71: 70: 67: 63: 62: 57: 53: 52: 49: 45: 44: 41: 33: 32: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1410: 1399: 1396: 1394: 1391: 1389: 1386: 1384: 1381: 1379: 1376: 1374: 1371: 1369: 1366: 1364: 1361: 1359: 1356: 1354: 1351: 1350: 1348: 1334: 1327: 1325: 1323: 1319: 1314: 1308: 1300: 1292: 1289: 1284: 1277: 1275: 1271: 1266: 1259: 1256: 1251: 1245: 1240: 1239: 1230: 1227: 1212: 1205: 1202: 1198:. J. Dumaine. 1197: 1190: 1188: 1186: 1184: 1180: 1175: 1173:90-290-2973-0 1169: 1165: 1158: 1156: 1154: 1152: 1150: 1148: 1146: 1144: 1142: 1140: 1138: 1136: 1134: 1132: 1130: 1128: 1126: 1124: 1122: 1120: 1118: 1116: 1114: 1112: 1110: 1108: 1106: 1104: 1100: 1093: 1085: 1081: 1077: 1073: 1069: 1063: 1060: 1056: 1052: 1048: 1041: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1026: 1025:court-martial 1020: 1017: 1011: 1008: 1001: 998: 991: 988: 981: 978: 974: 973:quartermaster 968: 965: 961: 957: 953: 949: 944: 938: 935: 931: 925: 922: 915: 911: 908: 907: 903: 901: 899: 898: 897:Moyenne Garde 893: 889: 885: 881: 875: 873: 869: 865: 861: 856: 852: 849:river at the 848: 844: 840: 835: 831: 822: 820: 818: 812: 809: 805: 801: 797: 793: 789: 785: 781: 780:El Empecinado 775: 772: 766: 762: 759: 754: 749: 747: 743: 739: 735: 731: 730:Central Junta 727: 723: 719: 714: 712: 708: 703: 695: 693: 690: 685: 681: 677: 673: 668: 666: 660: 658: 654: 650: 646: 642: 637: 635: 631: 627: 623: 619: 615: 611: 607: 603: 597: 595: 591: 587: 583: 575: 573: 571: 566: 562: 561:Mesas de Ibor 557: 552: 550: 545: 543: 539: 535: 529: 527: 523: 519: 513: 510: 504: 497: 495: 493: 489: 484: 482: 478: 473: 469: 464: 460: 455: 453: 449: 445: 441: 437: 433: 424: 422: 420: 416: 412: 408: 404: 400: 395: 391: 387: 383: 379: 374: 372: 368: 364: 360: 356: 352: 347: 342: 340: 336: 332: 328: 324: 320: 312: 307: 305: 302: 298: 294: 290: 286: 282: 281: 275: 273: 269: 265: 260: 256: 252: 248: 244: 235: 231: 224: 222: 220: 216: 212: 208: 204: 200: 196: 195:French empire 192: 191:German allies 188: 184: 180: 176: 172: 168: 164: 160: 156: 152: 151:Dutch Brigade 146:Military unit 140: 137: 131: 126: 123: 119: 115: 111: 107: 103: 100: 96: 92: 88: 84: 80: 77:Combined arms 76: 72: 68: 64: 61: 58: 54: 50: 46: 39: 34: 30: 26: 23: 19: 1332: 1297: 1291: 1282: 1264: 1258: 1237: 1229: 1217:. Retrieved 1204: 1195: 1163: 1083: 1079: 1071: 1066:The rank of 1062: 1054: 1050: 1047:Grande ArmĂ©e 1040: 1028: 1019: 1010: 1000: 990: 980: 967: 943:conscription 937: 924: 895: 879: 876: 826: 816: 813: 776: 767: 763: 750: 715: 699: 679: 675: 669: 661: 645:bloodletting 638: 633: 598: 579: 553: 546: 542:TiĂ©tar river 530: 514: 505: 501: 485: 480: 456: 428: 375: 343: 316: 304:personally. 279: 276: 239: 150: 148: 28: 22: 586:Extremadura 346:Saint-Denis 98:Engagements 1347:Categories 1301:. Le Roux. 1094:References 804:Manzanares 746:Dosbarrios 711:Krayenhoff 653:gangrenous 649:anesthesia 554:After the 520:river, at 472:voltigeurs 436:SĂ©bastiani 405:by way of 371:Versailles 319:Royal Navy 264:Van Merlen 207:SĂ©bastiani 189:and other 135:commanders 128:Commanders 1307:cite book 823:Aftermath 738:La Mancha 702:The Hague 689:standards 672:Almonacid 565:grapeshot 492:Valmaseda 448:Frankfurt 415:Mondragon 399:guerillas 293:Groningen 255:Dumonceau 51:1808–1810 904:See also 870:and the 862:and the 753:Aranjuez 734:Areizaga 722:Marchand 602:Talavera 590:Trujillo 582:Medellin 509:caissons 468:Villatte 382:Chartres 359:Lefebvre 351:Verhuell 339:stuivers 251:Janssens 203:Lefebvre 85:Infantry 1219:22 June 892:Detmers 843:Oudinot 796:Almagro 792:Segovia 771:Vitoria 726:Tamames 657:podagra 630:Badajoz 610:Venegas 570:Almaraz 534:Venegas 419:Durango 386:Le Mans 378:Bayonne 323:Antwerp 297:hussars 289:malaria 285:Zeeland 247:sappers 236:in 1832 193:of the 165:. King 133:Notable 56:Country 1299:Tome 3 1246:  1170:  985:70–72. 819: 817:· 800:merino 782:, and 758:Girard 665:Toledo 641:septic 636: 634:· 606:Cuesta 452:Madrid 432:Burgos 411:Tolosa 403:Bilbao 390:Saumur 367:depots 335:Amiens 333:, and 280:Jagers 243:miners 211:Victor 185:, the 183:Nassau 66:Branch 48:Active 1214:(PDF) 916:Notes 847:Dvina 839:Merle 788:Lerma 742:Ocaña 622:Soult 518:Tagus 459:Blake 394:Niort 363:Leval 331:Lille 327:Ghent 199:Leval 187:Baden 155:Dutch 93:3,000 1313:link 1244:ISBN 1221:2013 1168:ISBN 1053:and 960:SHAT 608:and 417:and 407:Irun 245:and 205:and 149:The 90:Size 82:Role 74:Type 995:91. 724:at 1349:: 1321:^ 1309:}} 1305:{{ 1273:^ 1182:^ 1102:^ 874:. 659:. 544:. 454:. 413:, 409:, 392:, 388:, 384:, 329:, 325:, 274:. 221:. 157:: 1315:) 1252:. 1223:. 1176:. 153:( 20:.


King's Dutch Brigade

Kingdom of Holland
Battle of Zornoza
Combat of Mesas de Ibor
Battle of Medellin
Battle of Talavera
Battle of Almonacid
Battle of Ocaña
David Hendrik Chassé
Kingdom of Holland
Louis Bonaparte
Peninsular War
Emperor Napoleon
David Hendrik Chassé
German allies
French empire
guerrilla warfare
Russian campaign of 1812

David Hendrik Chassé

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
