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must die in this land; I shall not cross the Jordan"; (2) Deuteronomy 31:14: "The Lord said to Moses: 'Behold, your days approach that you must die'"; (3) Deuteronomy 31:27: "ven now, while I am still alive in your midst, you have been defiant toward the Lord; and how much more after my death"; (4) Deuteronomy 31:29: "For I know that after my death, you will act wickedly and turn away from the path that I enjoined upon you"; (5) Deuteronomy 32:50: "And die in the mount that you are about to ascend, and shall be gathered to your kin, as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his kin"; (6) Deuteronomy 33:1: "This is the blessing with which Moses, the man of God, bade the Israelites farewell before his death"; (7) Deuteronomy 34:5: "So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, at the command of the Lord"; (8) Deuteronomy 34:7: "Moses was 120 years old when he died"; (9) Joshua 1:1: "Now it came to pass after the death of Moses"; and (10) Joshua 1:2: "Moses My servant is dead." Rabbi Joḥanan taught that ten times it was decreed that Moses should not enter the Land of Israel, but the harsh decree was not finally sealed until God revealed it to him and declared (as reported in Deuteronomy 3:27): "It is My decree that you should not pass over."
1189:." If Numbers 13:2 thus implies that the spies were righteous people, could they still have been fools? The Midrash explained that they were fools because they spread an evil report about the land, and Proverbs 10:18 says, "He that utters a slander is a fool." The Midrash reconciled the two characterizations by telling that the spies were great men who then made fools of themselves. It was concerning them that Moses said in Deuteronomy 32:20, "They are a very contrary generation, children in whom is no faithfulness." For the Midrash taught that the spies had been chosen out of all Israel by the command of both God and Moses; as Moses said in Deuteronomy 1:23, "And the thing pleased me well; and I took twelve men of you," implying that they were righteous in the opinion of both Israel and in Moses. Yet Moses did not want to send them on his own responsibility, so he consulted God about everyone, mentioning the name and tribe of each, and God told Moses that each was worthy. The Midrash explained that one can infer that God told Moses that they were worthy, because Numbers 13:3 reports, "And Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran 981:. The Midrash explained that the Torah records Balaam's story to make known that because the nonbeliever prophet Balaam did what he did, God removed prophecy and the Holy Spirit from nonbelievers. The Midrash taught that God originally wished to deprive nonbelievers of the opportunity to argue that God had estranged them. So in an application of the principle of Deuteronomy 32:4, "The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are Justice," God raised up kings, sages, and prophets for both Israel and nonbelievers alike. Just as God raised up Moses for Israel, God raised up Balaam for the nonbelievers. But whereas the prophets of Israel cautioned Israel against transgressions, as in Ezekiel 3:17, Balaam sought to breach the moral order by encouraging the sin of Baal-Peor in Numbers 25:1–13. And while the prophets of Israel retained compassion towards both Israel and nonbelievers alike, as reflected in Jeremiah 48:36 and Ezekiel 27:2, Balaam sought to uproot the whole nation of Israel for no crime. Thus God removed prophecy from nonbelievers. 1098:
insulted. He went up to his father arrogantly. But the father asked the son whether he thought that he was respected on his own account, when the son was respected only on account of the respect that was due to the father. So the father renounced the son, and as a result, no one took any notice of him. So when Israel went out of Egypt, the fear of them fell upon all the nations, as Exodus 15:14–16 reported, "The peoples have heard, they tremble; pangs have taken hold on the inhabitants of Philistia. Then were the chiefs of Edom frightened; the mighty men of Moab, trembling takes hold upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan are melted away. Terror and dread falls upon them." But when Israel transgressed and sinned, God asked Israel whether it thought that it was respected on its own account, when it was respected only on account of the respect that was due to God. So God turned away from them a little, and the
1291:). Rabbi Joḥanan said to Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish that even school children know that the Torah protects against painful disease. For Exodus 15:26 says, "And He said: 'If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, and will do that which is right in His eyes, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you that I have put upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord Who heals you." Rather one should say that God visits those who can study the Torah and do not do so with ugly and painful sufferings which stir them up. For Psalm 39:3 says, "I was dumb with silence, I kept silence from the good thing, and my pain was stirred up." "The good thing" refers only to the Torah, as Proverbs 4:2 says, "For I give you good doctrine; forsake not My teaching." 1795: 4655: 1162:'s court, when an unbeliever gestured to Rabbi Joshua in sign language that the Jewish people was a people from whom their God had turned His face. Rabbi Joshua ben Hanania gestured in reply that God's hand was stretched over the Jewish people. Emperor Hadrian asked Rabbi Joshua what unbeliever had said. Rabbi Joshua told the emperor what unbeliever had said and what Rabbi Joshua had replied. They then asked the unbeliever what he had said, and he told them. And then they asked what Rabbi Joshua had replied, and the unbeliever did not know. They decreed that a man who does not understand what he is being shown by gesture should hold converse in signs before the emperor, and they led him forth and executed him for his disrespect to the emperor. 5005: 875:) together as well. In Deuteronomy 32:3, Moses says, "When I (who am one) proclaim the name of the Lord, you (in the plural, who are thus at least two more) ascribe greatness to our God." Thus by using the plural to for "you," Moses implies that at least three are present, and they should ascribe greatness to God. Similarly, the Gemara taught that from Deuteronomy 32:3, "When I proclaim the name of the Lord, ascribe greatness to our God," one may derive the commandment to recite a blessing over the Torah before it is read, reading Deuteronomy 32:3 to teach that before one proclaims God's name by reading the Torah, one should give glory to God. 1420:
devoured." For, Maimonides interpreted, when people are deprived of Divine protection, they are exposed to all dangers, and become the victim of circumstance, their fortune dependent on chance—a terrible threat. Further, Maimonides taught that the hiding of God's face results from human choice. When people do not meditate on God, they are separated from God, and they are then exposed to any evil that might befall them. For, Maimonides taught, the intellectual link with God secures the presence of Providence and protection from evil accidents. Maimonides argued that this principle applies equally to an individual person and a whole community.
323:; thus God would incense them with a no-folk and vex them with a nation of fools. A fire flared in God's wrath and burned down to the base of the hills. God would sweep misfortunes on them, use God's arrows on them—famine, plague, pestilence, and fanged beasts—and with the sword would deal death and terror to young and old alike. God might have reduced them to nothing, made their memory cease among men, except for fear of the taunts of their enemies, who might misjudge and conclude that their own hand had prevailed and not God's. For Israel's enemies were a folk void of sense, lacking in discernment. The fourth reading ends here. 6146: 4906: 1938: 1752: 5380: 985: 1310: 959:
Deuteronomy 32:4 to say, "A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He." And his daughter quoted Jeremiah 32:19: "Great in counsel and mighty in work, whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doing." Judah the Prince remarked on how great these righteous ones were, for three Scriptural passages expressing submission to Divine justice readily occurred to them just in time for their declaration of faith.
1110:, who dwelt in the South, heard tell that Israel came by the way of Atharim; and he fought against Israel." God told the Israelites that they had no genuine faith, as Deuteronomy 32:20 says, "they are a very disobedient generation, children in whom is no faith." God concluded that the Israelites were rebellious, but to destroy them was impossible, to take them back to Egypt was impossible, and God could not change them for another people. So God concluded to chastise and try them with suffering. 1075: 340:. God stored it away to be the basis for God's vengeance and recompense when they should trip, for their day of disaster was near. God would vindicate God's people and take revenge for God's servants, when their might was gone. God would ask where the enemies' gods were—they who ate the fat of their offerings and drank their libation wine—let them rise up to help! There was no god beside God, who dealt death and gave life, wounded and healed. The fifth reading ends here. 1829: 642: 2320: 963: 669:). Rabbi Jeremiah ben Eleazar taught that God made such a stipulation with everything that was created in the six days of creation, as Isaiah 45:12 says, "I, even My hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded." God thus commanded the sea to divide in Exodus 14:21, the heavens to be silent before Moses in Deuteronomy 32:1, the sun and the moon to stand still before Joshua in Joshua 10:12, the ravens to feed 357: 5610: 5550: 1019: 896: 6031: 5152: 6184: 5285: 6214: 220: 5481: 5984: 1989:). Samaritans consider themselves and Jews collectively to be the people of Israel, so they believe that Jews will experience resurrection of the dead just as Samaritans will. Samaritans see this as motivation for non-Samaritans and non-Jews (gentiles) to convert and join the people of Israel if they want to have a place in the World To Come. 1409: 6499: 5432: 5190: 1126: 1902:
interpretation of the older world-picture, a celestial entourage of subordinate divine beings or lesser deities surrounded the supreme God. In Alter's reading, the original Deuteronomy 32:8 assumed that God, in allotting portions of the earth to the various peoples, also allowed each people its own lesser deity.
Baḥya ibn Paquda read the words of Deuteronomy 32:6, "Is He not your Father who has acquired you? He has made you and established you?" to teach that God alone guides a person from the beginning of a person's existence and development. Baḥya cited this trait, in turn, as one of seven key factors that
Baḥya also read the words of Deuteronomy 32:4 to provide comfort when one questions why some righteous people do not receive their livelihood except after hard and strenuous toil, while many transgressors are at ease, living a good, pleasant life. For each specific case has its own particular reason,
Rashi interpreted Deuteronomy 32:2 to refer to Torah, which, like rain, provides life to the world. Rashi interpreted the request of Moses in Deuteronomy 32:2 for his speech to rain down "as the dew," "as the rain," to mean that it should come in small droplets. Rashi interpreted that Moses wanted to
The Sifre expanded on the metaphor of God as an eagle in Deuteronomy 32:11, teaching that just as an eagle enters her nest only after shaking her chicks with her wings, fluttering from tree to tree to wake them up, so that they will have the strength to receive her, so when God revealed God's self to
22:1–51 (which is nearly identical to Psalm 18). Both the parashah and the haftarah set out the song of a great leader. Both the parashah (in Deuteronomy 32:4, 15, 18, 30, and 31) and the haftarah (in 2 Samuel 22:2, 3, 32, and 47) refer to God as a "Rock." Both the parashah (in Deuteronomy 32:4) and
after 587 BCE. And then these scholars attribute the conclusion of the parashah, Deuteronomy 32:48–52 to a later Redactor (sometimes abbreviated R) who folded the Deuteronomic report into the context established at the end of the book of Numbers. For a color-coded display of verses according to this
Baḥya ibn Paquda read the words of Deuteronomy 32:15, "But Yeshurun grew fat, and kicked: you are grown fat, you are grown thick, you are covered with fatness; then he forsook God who made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation," to support the proposition that if people were not forced
The Sifre taught that God told Moses in Deuteronomy 32:50 that Moses would die "as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people," because when Moses saw the merciful manner of Aaron's death, as reported in Numbers 20:23–28, Moses concluded that he would want to die the same
Baḥya ibn Paquda read Deuteronomy 32:6 to teach that even though students must first learn Tradition, they should not rely solely on Tradition if they are able to attain comprehension through reason. He therefore deduced that all who are capable are obligated to investigate with their intellect and
name that to whomever "hiding of the face" does not apply is not one of the Children of Israel, and to whomever "they shall be devoured" does not apply is also not one of them. The Rabbis confronted Rava, saying "hiding of the face" and "they shall be devoured" did not apply to Rava. Rava asked the
tribunal that sentenced him and his wife to death for studying the Torah, they declared their submission to God's judgment by quoting Deuteronomy 32:4. Rabbi Ḥanina ben Teradion quoted Deuteronomy 32:4 to say, "The Rock, His work is perfect; for all his ways are justice." His wife continued quoting
found support in the words "ascribe greatness to our God" in Deuteronomy 32:3 for the proposition that when standing in the house of assembly saying, "Blessed is the Lord who is to be blessed," people are to respond, "Blessed is the Lord who is to be blessed forever and ever." Rabbi Jose also found
argued that rainfall is even greater than the day on which God gave the Torah, as Deuteronomy 32:2 says, "My doctrine shall drop as the rain," and when one makes a comparison, one compares a lesser thing to a greater thing. Thus, Rava argued, if Deuteronomy 32:2 compares Torah to rain, rain must be
taught that God said that if you incline your ear to the Torah, then when you begin speaking the Words of the Torah, all will remain silent before you and listen. The Midrash taught that we learn this from Moses, for because he inclined his ear to the Torah, when he came to begin speaking the words
argued we can see that God possesses these attributes from the evidence of God's deeds towards God's creations and from the wisdom and power that God's deeds reflect. But Baḥya cautioned that one must be careful not to take descriptions of God's attributes literally or in a physical sense. Rather,
explained that Moses called upon heaven and earth to serve as witnesses in Deuteronomy 32:1 in case Israel denied accepting the covenant, because Moses knew that he was mortal and would soon die, but heaven and earth will endure forever. Furthermore, said Rashi, if Israel acted meritoriously, then
says, "Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is pardoned." The Gemara compared the cases of Moses and David to the cases of two women whom the court sentenced to be lashed. One had committed an indecent act, while the other had eaten unripe figs of the seventh year in violation of
Like Deuteronomy 32:11, God compares God’s self to an eagle in Exodus 19:4, saying "I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you to myself." Psalm 91 interprets the role of God as an eagle in Deuteronomy 32:11. Psalm 91:4 explains, "He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you
were answered with fire and brimstone. According to the Midrash, when Abraham came into the world, God ceased the cataclysmic punishments and set the punishments of other peoples in relationship to Israel's presence in the world. This Midrash conveys that the Israelites' presence somehow lessened
Rabbi Joḥanan counted ten instances in which Scripture refers to the death of Moses (including one in the parashah), teaching that God did not finally seal the harsh decree until God declared it to Moses. Rabbi Joḥanan cited these ten references to the death of Moses: (1) Deuteronomy 4:22: "But I
20:21 reports: "when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed them that should sing to the Lord, and praise in the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and say, 'Give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever'"; and (10) the song that will be sung in the time to
compared favorably to the sin of David. The Gemara reported that Moses and David were two good leaders of Israel. Moses begged God that his sin be recorded, as it is in Numbers 20:12, 20:23–24, and 27:13–14, and Deuteronomy 32:51. David, however, begged that his sin be blotted out, as Psalm 32:1
is the lot of his inheritance." God said that God's soul lives by the portion and lot that fell to God, as Psalm 16:6 says, "The lots have fallen to me in pleasures; yea, I have a goodly heritage." God then descended with the 70 angels who surround the throne of God's glory and they confused the
asked why Moses called upon both the heavens and the earth in Deuteronomy 32:1. Rabbi Samuel compared Moses to a general who held office in two provinces and was about to hold a feast. He needed to invite people from both provinces, so that neither would feel offended for having been overlooked.
In the sixth reading, God swore that when God would whet God's flashing blade, and lay hand on judgment, God would wreak vengeance on God's foes. God would make God's arrows drunk with blood, as God's sword devoured flesh, blood of the slain and the captive from the long-haired enemy chiefs. God
taught that Scripture employs the idea of God's hiding God's face (as in Deuteronomy 32:20) to designate the manifestation of a certain work of God. Thus, Moses the prophet foretold misfortune by saying (in God's words in Deuteronomy 31:17), "And I will hide My face from them, and they shall be
Rabbi Judah ben Simon expounded on God's words in Deuteronomy 32:20, "I will hide My face from them." Rabbi Judah ben Simon compared Israel to a king's son who went into the marketplace and struck people but was not struck in return (because of his being the king's son). He insulted but was not
taught that Israel would come before God and acknowledge that heaven and earth, the witnesses that God designated in Deuteronomy 32:1, were present to testify against her, but God would say that God would remove them, as Isaiah 65:17 reports that God would "create a new heaven and a new earth."
887:" after the one who says the blessing; that one must say, "Blessed is the Name of the Glory of His Kingdom forever and ever"; and that when people say, "May His great name be blessed," one must answer, "Forever and ever and ever." Similarly, the Talmud reports that a Baraita taught that Rabbi 1901:
argued that this phrase appears to reflect a very early stage in the evolution of biblical monotheism. Alter suggested that it caused later transmitters of the text theological discomfort and probably provoked these transmitters deliberately to change it in the interests of piety. In Alter's
to bring logical proofs of the Tradition by the demonstration that careful judgment would support. Baḥya also argued that the words of Deuteronomy 32:6, "Do you thus repay the Lord, O foolish and unwise people?" apply to those who fail to reflect upon the obligation of the service of God.
name) that no hour is as grievous as that in which God hides God's face (as foretold in Deuteronomy 31:17–18 and 32:20). Rabbi Jacob taught that since that hour, he had hoped for God, for God said in Deuteronomy 31:21, "For it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed."
called on heaven and earth to hear his words, and asked that his speech be like rain and dew for the grass. Moses proclaimed that God was perfect in deed, just, faithful, true, and upright. God's children were unworthy, a crooked generation that played God false, ill requiting the
2382:). Both the parashah (in Deuteronomy 32:15–21) and the haftarah (in 2 Samuel 22:26–28) teach that Providence repays human actions in kind. Both the parashah (in Deuteronomy 32:23–26 and 41–43) and the haftarah (in 2 Samuel 22:14–16) describe God in martial terms, shooting arrows ( 1338:
25:6. The woman who had eaten unripe figs begged the court to make known for what offense she was being flogged, lest people say that she was being punished for the same sin as the other woman. The court thus made known her sin, and the Torah repeatedly records the sin of Moses.
50:4–5 reports that God "summoned the heavens above, and the earth, for the trial of His people," saying "Bring in My devotees, who made a covenant with Me over sacrifice!" Psalm 50:6 continues: "Then the heavens proclaimed His righteousness, for He is a God who judges." And in
1929:, and will atone for the land of His people." Jeffrey Tigay suggested that scribes responsible for transmitting the text may have been concerned that readers not envision supernatural beings with power that would encourage the readers to worship these beings along with God. 729:
3:1 says, "If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return to her again?" But God would reply in the words of Hosea 11:9, "I am God, and not man." (And thus God would forgive Israel and restore her original relationship with God.)
537: 1361: 725:
Israel would say to God that her bad name endured, but God would say that God would remove her bad name as well, as Isaiah 62:2 reports that Israel "shall be called by a new name." Israel would ask God whether God had not prohibited her reconciliation with God when
instructs that when writing a Torah scroll, a scribe needs to write the song of Deuteronomy 32:1–43 in a special two-column form, with extra spaces. (See the image at the top of this article.) If a scribe writes the song as plain text, then the scroll is invalid.
way. The Sifre taught that God told Aaron to go in a cave, to climb onto a bier, to spread his hands, to spread his legs, to close his mouth, and to close his eyes, and then Aaron died. And at that moment, Moses concluded that one would be happy to die that way.
In the second reading, Moses exhorted the Israelites to remember that in ages past, God assigned the nations their homes and their due, but chose the Israelites as God's own people. God found the Israelites in the desert, watched over them, guarded them, like an
21:17 reports, "Then sang Israel this song: 'Spring up, O well'"; (4) the song that Moses spoke in his last days, as Deuteronomy 31:30 reports, "Moses spoke in the ears of all the assembly of Israel the words of this song"; (5) the song that Joshua recited, as
taught, that wherever the Rabbis direct their eyes in suspicion, either death or poverty follows. Interpreting "I will hide My face," Rava taught that God said although God would hide God's face from them, God would nonetheless speak to them in a dream.
part 1, pages 6a, 22b, 26a, 53a, 87b, 96b, 138b, 139b, 143b, 160a, 161b, 163a, 164a, 177a, 189b, 192a; part 2, pages 5b, 26b, 64a, 64b, 80b, 83b, 86a, 95b, 96a, 108b, 125a, 144a, 155b, 157a, 162b, 210a; part 3, pages 60b, 78b, 126a, 210b, 263a, 268a,
6165:, page 2. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. (At the end of the Gospel of Matthew, at Matthew 28:16, Jesus gives instructions to his followers from a mountain, as Moses did in Deuteronomy 32:48, thus anchoring Jesus in Jewish tradition.) 1007:
is tantamount to robbing God, as Proverbs 28:24 says, "Whoever robs his father or his mother and says, 'It is no transgression,' is the companion of a destroyer," and Deuteronomy 32:6 says of God, "Is not He your father Who has gotten you?"
8:12.) And if Israel acted sinfully, then the hand of the witnesses would be the first to inflict punishment (carrying out the injunction of Deuteronomy 17:7), as God would close off heaven's rain, and the soil would not yield its produce.
give the Torah to Israel, God did not appear from just a single direction, but from all four directions, as Deuteronomy 33:2 says, "The Lord came from Sinai, and rose from Seir to them," and Habakkuk 3:3 says, "God comes from the south."
In the fifth reading, God wished that they were wise, then they would think about this, and gain insight into their future, for they would recognize that one could not have routed a thousand unless God had given them over. They were like
134:, generally in September or October. The bulk of the parashah, the song of Deuteronomy 32:1–43, appears in the Torah scroll in a distinctive two-column format, reflecting the poetic structure of the text, where in each line, an opening 940:), for God designed the world and formed humanity in it, as Genesis 2:7 says, "the Lord God formed the man." And the Sifre read the words of Deuteronomy 32:4, "a faithful God," to teach that God believed in the world and created it. 1389:
one must know that they are metaphors, geared to what we are capable of grasping with our powers of understanding, because of our urgent need to know God. But God is infinitely greater and loftier than all of these attributes.
read Deuteronomy 32:3, "When I proclaim the name of the Lord, ascribe greatness to our God," to teach that Moses told the Jewish people: "When I mention the name of God, you give God glory and recite praises in God’s honor."
to the people. And when Moses finished reciting, he told them to take his warnings to heart and enjoin them upon their children, for it was not a trifling thing but their very life at stake. The first open portion ends here.
Fisch argued that the words of Deuteronomy 32:2, "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew; as the small rain upon the tender grass, and as the showers upon the herb", were echoed in the words
In the fourth reading, God saw, was vexed, and hid God's countenance from them, to see how they would fare. For they were a treacherous breed, children with no loyalty, who incensed God with no-gods, vexed God with their
1173:," with Proverbs 26:6, "He that sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet, and drinks damage." The Midrash asked whether the spies were men or fools. The Midrash noted that Numbers 13:2 says, "Send you 770:
greater than Torah. Rava also inferred from the comparison in Deuteronomy 32:2 of Torah to both rain and dew that Torah can affect a worthy scholar as beneficially as dew, and an unworthy one like a crushing rainstorm.
teach the children of Israel slowly, the knowledge "raining" down on the people in small portions, for if they were to be subject to all knowledge coming down at once, they would be overwhelmed and thus wiped out.
of the Torah, both the heavenly and the earthly beings remained silent and listened. And the Midrash taught that we know this from the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 32:1, "Give ear, you heavens, and I will speak."
In Deuteronomy 32:10, God finds Israel in the wilderness, much as in Hosea 9:10, God says, "I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the first-ripe in the fig tree at her first season."
2239:); in Psalm 94:22, which Jews recite as the Psalm of the day on Wednesdays; in Psalm 92:16, which Jews recite as the Psalm of the day on the Sabbath; in Psalm 95:1, which Jews recite as the opening of the 1301:
quoted Numbers 15:31 to say: "he has despised the word of the Lord." And of one who does stop reciting, Rabbi Abbahu taught that Deuteronomy 32:47 says: "through this word you shall prolong your days."
come, as Isaiah 42:10 says, "Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the end of the earth," and Psalm 149:1 says, "Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of the saints."
1913:, and renders vengeance to His adversaries, and makes expiation for the land of His people." But in another Qumran scroll (4QDeut, supported by the Septuagint), Deuteronomy 32:43 says, "Rejoice, O 1297:
taught that one walking in a dirty alleyway should not recite the Shema, and one reciting the Shema who comes upon a dirty alleyway should stop reciting. Of one who would not stop reciting, Rav
2034:, "Praise Adonai, the Exalted One." The Sifre to Deuteronomy connects this practice to Deuteronomy 32:3, where Moses says, "I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe greatness to our God." 2018:
And according to others, the parashah contains a commandment to listen, hear, and learn one's ancestral history, as Deuteronomy 32:7–9 instructs one to "ask your father and he will tell you."
The Gemara read the word "Rock" in Deuteronomy 32:18 to refer to God, and the Gemara employed that interpretation with others to support Abba Benjamin's assertion that when two people enter a
1857:, circa 622 BCE. Some scholars attribute the bulk of the parashah, Deuteronomy 32:1–44 to an insertion by the second Deuteronomistic historian (sometimes abbreviated Dtr 2) who wrote in the 854:
The Sifre read Deuteronomy 32:2, "like showers on young growths," to teach that just as showers fall on grass and make it grow and develop, so words of Torah make people grow and develop.
2358:, to refer to God or David as "perfect," "blameless," or "secure." Both the parashah (in Deuteronomy 32:5) and the haftarah (in 2 Samuel 22:27) use rare words to refer to the "perverse" ( 3783: 1155:
taught that God's hand is nonetheless stretched over us to protect us, as Isaiah 51:16 says, "And I have covered you in the shadow of My hand." Rabbi Joshua ben Hanania was once at the
1146:. Even so, the Rabbis directed their eyes upon Rava in suspicion. Meanwhile, the Court of King Shapur sent men who seized Rava's property. Rava then said that this bore out what Rabban 3117: 862: 1405:
to exert themselves in seeking a livelihood, they would kick, become defiant, and chase after sin, and they would ignore their debt of gratitude to God for God's goodness to them.
5738:. Edited by Kassel Abelson and David J. Fine, pages 21, 23–24. New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 2002. (implications of the command to "exalt our God" for joint or single blessings). 5686:. Edited by David J. Fine, pages 519, 531–32, 564. New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 2005. (implications of God's ownership of the universe on the duty to maintain life and health). 5563: 1193:." Afterwards, at the end of 40 days, they changed and made all the trouble, causing that generation to be punished; thus Deuteronomy 32:20 says, "For they are a very contrary ( 1819:
God's anger, bringing greater stability to the world. The Midrash teaches that Jews, then, have a unique ability and responsibility to bring peace and stability to the world.
Daniel Block, however, argued that the legal features of the song are "quite muted, taking second place to liturgical features." Block imagined the song as an anthem, recited
taught that Deuteronomy 32:8, "When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance," describes events that took place when God confused the languages of humankind at the
find evidence of three separate sources in the parashah. Thus, some scholars consider the final counsel of Moses in Deuteronomy 32:45–47 to have been composed by the first
1814:'s generation resulted in the flood; the generation that built the Tower of Babel was dispersed throughout the globe, prompting the proliferation of languages; the sins of 1794: 5323: 5084: 4583:, Yisroel Simcha Schorr, and Mordechai Marcus, volumes 2–3, 5–6a, 10, 13, 17, 24, 25–27, 31–32, 36, 40, 44–47. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 2006–2020. And in, e.g., 2312:
Many Jews recite the words, "as an eagle that stirs up her nest, hovers over her young," from Deuteronomy 32:11 as part of the declaration of intent before donning the
5808:. Edited by Leander E. Keck, volume 4, pages 743–50. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. (commentary on Psalm 18, which is nearly identical to the haftarah, 2 Samuel 22). 5080: 3754: 5088: 5076: 6785: 6408: 4654: 1863: 601:
22:1 reports, "David spoke to the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of
Rabbi Jeremiah ben Eleazar taught that after Moses called upon the heavens to "give ear" in Deuteronomy 32:1, the heavens silenced according to God's decree.
5004: 653:
taught that God made a stipulation with the sea that it should divide before the Israelites in Exodus 14:21; thus Exodus 14:27 says, "And the sea returned (
851:) when it blows strongly. And Rav Judah read "And as the showers upon the herb" to refer to the south wind, which raises showers and causes herbs to grow. 5644: 5412: 5559: 6780: 5727: 1983:
in Deuteronomy 32:39 to mean that only the righteous of the people of Israel will experience the resurrection and have a place in the World To Come (
1050:'s glory and said, "Let us descend and let us confuse the 70 nations (that made up the world) and the 70 languages." Rabbi Simeon deduced this from 4571:, 28a; Megillah 13b, 34b; Chagigah 10a; Ketubot 30a, 53a, 71b; Sotah 9a; Kiddushin 21b; Sanhedrin 9b, 36b, 64b, 68b; Shevuot 13a; Avodah Zarah 2b. 2925: 470:
Deuteronomy compares God's relationship with Israel to that of a parent and child in Deuteronomy 1:31, 8:5, and 32:5. For similar comparisons, see
5675: 1177:," and wherever Scripture uses the word "men," Scripture implies righteous people, as in Exodus 17:9, "And Moses said to Joshua: 'Choose us out 5406: 5059: 4640:
and Maurice Simon, volume 1, pages 13, 36, 88, 106, 108, 123, 181, 375, 474; volume 2, pages 590, 626, 890, 930. London: Soncino Press, 1939.
4255:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 134–35, 230–31, 274–75, 356–57, 494–95, 554–55, 620–21, 756–57, 828–29. 467:
1:12; and the Psalmist in Psalms 19:15, 23:3, 28:1, and 95:1. Psalm 18:3 analogizes God's role as a Rock to a "fortress" and a "high tower."
5206: 4975:. Translated and annotated by H. Norman Strickman and Arthur M. Silver, volume 5, pages 232–74. New York: Menorah Publishing Company, 2001. 1011:
The Sifre read the words of Deuteronomy 32:7, "Ask your father and he will tell you," to refer to the prophets, as 2 Kings 2:12 says, "And
3524:, translated and annotated by Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg (Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1994), volume 5, page 330; see also Ibn Ezra and 5869:
Major Poems of the Hebrew Bible: At the Interface of Hermeneutics and Structural Analysis: Volume 1, Exodus 15, Deuteronomy 32, and Job 3
described the witness function of the song as "a kind of time bomb; it awaits its hour and then springs forward into harsh remembrance."
6401: 5813: 412:, failing to uphold God's sanctity among the Israelite people. The seventh reading, the second open portion, and the parashah end here. 1802:
A modern Midrash interpreted the report of Deuteronomy 32:8 that God "fixed the boundaries of peoples in relation to Israel's number" (
3688: 1964:) entirely on Parashat Haazinu. In the Samaritan Pentateuch, the phrase "I kill and I make alive" in Deuteronomy 32:39 is pronounced 827:) gold (for when grain becomes scarce, its price rises, and the relative value of gold declines). Rav Judah read "As the small rain ( 5963: 1775: 1094:
to pray, and one of them finishes first and leaves without waiting for the other, God disregards the prayer of the one who left.
105: 5041: 31: 1767: 765:); do not forsake My Torah." Rav Judah thus concluded that a day with rain is as great as the day on which God gave the Torah. 678: 6145: 5023: 4567:: Berakhot 72b, 84b; Peah 5a, 7b, 48b; Kilayim 82a; Sheviit 5b; Maaser Sheni 49b; Shabbat 13b; Eruvin 33a; Rosh Hashanah 22a; 2442: 6394: 6296: 6014: 5584: 3504:. Translated and annotated by H. Norman Strickman and Arthur M. Silver, volume 5. New York: Menorah Publishing Company, 2001. 1283:, refers only to painful sufferings, as Deuteronomy 32:24 says, "The wasting of hunger, and the devouring of the fiery bolt ( 486:
take refuge," and Psalm 91:5 explains, "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day."
Reading the description of God by Moses in Deuteronomy 32:4, "The Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice,"
5147:, pages 26, 51, 65, 105, 161, 204, 248, 268, 271, 304, 309–10, 334, 340, 363, 375, 393. New York: Dover Publications, 1956. 4905: 254:
who rouses his nestlings, gliding down to his young, God spread God's wings and took Israel, bearing Israel along on God's
5804: 883:
support in those words for the proposition that Grace after Meals is said only when three are present; that one must say "
5418: 4865:
1:12; 3:8; 5:12, 14; 13:2; 15:12, 16; 21:3; 23:2, 8; 24:1; 29:7; 30:1, 11, 21; 32:7; 42:1; 51:7. 10th Century. In, e.g.,
noted that Deuteronomy 32:27 contains a "very daring anthropomorphism indeed, attributing to God the sentiment of fear."
of Torah reading nonetheless read the entire parashah of Haazinu every year according to the schedule of readings above.
5132: 5128: 5124: 5120: 5116: 5112: 5108: 5104: 5100: 5096: 5092: 4629: 4625: 4621: 4617: 4613: 4609: 4605: 3326: 3322: 1937: 1102:
came and attacked Israel, as Exodus 17:8 reports, "Then Amalek came, and fought with Israel in Rephidim," and then the
5707: 5541: 5071: 4901:. Translated and annotated by Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg, volume 5, pages 329–69. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1997. 4601: 4597: 3749: 3318: 3030: 4775:. Edited by Yisroel Simcha Schorr, Chaim Malinowitz, and Mordechai Marcus, 72 volumes. Brooklyn: Mesorah Pubs., 2006. 4650:. Translated by Harry Freedman and Maurice Simon, pages 30, 49, 175, 233, 287, 295, 303. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 1372:
the witnesses would be able to reward them, as the earth would yield its produce and the heavens would give its dew.
will go down." Rabbi Simeon taught that Deuteronomy 32:8 reports that they cast lots among them. God's lot fell upon
819:) as the dew" to refer to the north wind, which brings dry air that reduces the rain and grain and thereby devalues ( 5395:. Translated by Isidore Grunfeld, pages 444–45. London: Soncino Press, 1962. Reprinted 2002 Originally published as 6209:
Edited, translated, and annotated by Michael Carasik, pages 215–38. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2015.
5756: 5636: 4588: 4547:. Translated by Jacob Neusner, volume 1, pages 385, 669, 848. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2002. 984: 1751: 3601: 1791:, "The quality of mercy is not strained. / It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven / Upon the place beneath." 970: 795:
Rav Judah also read Deuteronomy 32:2 to compare Torah to the four winds. Rav Judah read "My doctrine shall drop (
549: 6325: 6200: 6071: 6001: 5890: 5778: 5457: 5379: 5280:. Translation and explanatory notes by Raphael Pelcovitz, pages 992–1011. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1997. 5269: 4946: 4926: 3900: 3728: 3671: 3647: 3630: 3585: 1957: 1434:
identified the genre of the poem in Deuteronomy 32:1–47 as a "covenant lawsuit" with the following components:
1231:, and the Gemara employed that interpretation with others to support Rabbi Isaac's assertion that reciting the 690: 645:
Israel's Escape from Egypt (illustration from a Bible card published 1907 by the Providence Lithograph Company)
6083:"Sample Editions of the Oxford Hebrew Bible: Deuteronomy 32:1–9, 1 Kings 11:1–8, and Jeremiah 27:1–10 (34 G)." 5724: 3708: 3480:
For more on medieval Jewish interpretation, see, e.g., Barry D. Walfish. "Medieval Jewish Interpretation." In
For more on inner-Biblical interpretation, see, e.g., Benjamin D. Sommer, "Inner-biblical Interpretation," in
1877:, Deuteronomy 32:8 reports how God set the borders of the peoples according to the number of "the children of 6258:
Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible: Deuteronomy: Renewal of the Sinai Covenant
5509: 4950: 6330: 5720:, pages 6–7, 10–11, 21–23, 30–31, 49, 63–64, 68–69, 92, 96–98, 114, 162. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1990. 5342: 4515: 2962: 943:
Citing the words of Deuteronomy 32:4, "The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are judgment," Rabbi
4942: 1309: 6176: 5796: 5144: 5049:
Mishneh Torah: Hilchot Avodat Kochavim V'Chukkoteihem: The Laws of the Worship of Stars and their Statutes
4637: 3766: 3260: 1905:
Similarly, in the Masoretic Text and the Samaritan Pentateuch, Deuteronomy 32:43 says, "Sing aloud, O you
1842: 1787: 947:
taught that those who say that God is lax in the execution of justice shall have their lives disregarded.
6141:, volume 60 (number 4) (2010): pages 659–61. (Psalm 18 is nearly identical to the haftarah, 2 Samuel 22). 5231:. Translated and annotated by Eliyahu Munk, volume 7, pages 2773–813. Jerusalem: Lambda Publishers, 2003. 5768: 5440: 5388: 5234: 4815:. Translated by Maurice Simon, volume 8, pages 11, 62, 88, 97, 103–04, 230. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 4798: 1941: 6350: 5454:. Translated and annotated by Eliyahu Munk, volume 4, pages 1271–83. New York: Lambda Publishers, 2012. 5308:. Translated and annotated by Eliyahu Munk, volume 3, pages 1130–42. New York, Lambda Publishers, 2000. 4519: 1185:(who would naturally be like him)"; and in 1 Samuel 1:11, "But will give to Your handmaid seed who are 5672: 5245:. Translated and condensed by Eliyahu Munk, volume 2, pages 914–22. New York, Lambda Publishers, 2001. 5171:. Translated and annotated by Eliyahu Munk, volume 4, pages 1202–18. Jerusalem: Ktav Publishers, 2013. 4879:. Translated by A. Cohen, volume 7, pages 37, 52, 64, 107, 145, 159, 161. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 3803:, pages 26–67. Edited by Bernhard W. Anderson and Walter Harrelson. London: SCM Press, 1962. See also 1897:
suggested may mean the divine beings who would serve as protectors for the various nations. Professor
1074: 6417: 6244:
The Heart of Torah, Volume 2: Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
6067: 6063: 5745: 5651: 5514: 5350: 3849: 1874: 1858: 951: 900: 267: 62: 6335: 2221:), "My God, guard my tongue from evil," in each of those services; three times in the Supplication ( 1181:"; in 1 Samuel 17:12, "And the man was an old man (and thus wise) in the days of Saul, coming among 811:) the world, as the west was also referred to as the back. Rav Judah read "My speech shall distill ( 6759: 6729: 6701: 6681: 6646: 6433: 5944: 5926:"The Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32.1–43) and Isaianic Prophecies: A Case of Early Intertextuality?" 5570: 5358: 5160: 5033:. Translated by Eliyahu Touger, volume 1, pages 148–50, 156–57. New York: Moznaim Publishing, 1989. 4872: 4808: 4085: 3613: 2937: 1782: 650: 618: 610: 393: 365: 182: 78: 560:, as Isaiah 30:29 says, "You shall have a song as in the night when a feast is hallowed"; (2) the 6709: 6603: 6593: 6583: 6545: 5886: 5311: 4825: 3812: 3012: 1815: 1357:
interpreted heaven and earth in Deuteronomy 32:1 to mean the angels and the people of the earth.
1152: 1147: 333: 5427:. Edited by Thomas H. Johnson, pages 53, 79–80, 293–94. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 1960. 5185:
Translated by Charles B. Chavel, volume 5, pages 352–69. New York: Shilo Publishing House, 1976.
3985:, page 514. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1996. And see generally pages 314, 513–18. 2930:
Proceedings of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Conservative Movement: 1986–1990
similarly begins his vision, "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord has spoken."
The JPS Torah Commentary: Deuteronomy: The Traditional Hebrew Text with the New JPS Translation
5203: 3983:
The JPS Torah Commentary: Deuteronomy: The Traditional Hebrew Text with the New JPS Translation
641: 392:‎) reading of Deuteronomy 32:48–52 that concludes the parashah, God told Moses to ascend 6666: 6575: 6515: 6162: 6022: 5976: 5956: 5901: 5857: 5699: 5628: 5575: 5536: 5052: 4385:
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with an Interlinear Translation
4079: 2954: 1968:
meaning "I kill and I return life," which is interpreted as "I will give life to the dead" or
1822: 1373: 1335: 1236: 1035: 742: 634: 3944:
The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible: The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time into English
6676: 6438: 6315: 5914: 5879:
The Women's Torah Commentary: New Insights from Women Rabbis on the 54 Weekly Torah Portions
5874: 5864: 5648:, volume 26 (1983): pages 3–31. (Psalm 18 is nearly identical to the haftarah, 2 Samuel 22). 5598:, pages 26–67. Edited by Bernhard W. Anderson and Walter Harrelson. London: SCM Press, 1962. 5591: 5465: 5043:
Hilchot Avodat Kochavim V'Chukkoteihem (The Laws of the Worship of Stars and their Statutes)
4964: 4643: 4587:. Edited by Jacob Neusner and translated by Jacob Neusner, Tzvee Zahavy, B. Barry Levy, and 4580: 4564: 4504: 4439: 4212:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 548–49, 752–53, 826–27. 3579: 3493: 3330: 3078: 2415: 2319: 2011: 1882: 1854: 1828: 1431: 1385: 1000: 962: 879: 792:) in repentance, then the rain (for which we pray when it is absent) will fall immediately. 754: 726: 552:
counted 10 songs in the Hebrew Bible: (1) the song that the Israelites recited at the first
464: 255: 223:"My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew." (Deuteronomy 32:2.) 135: 5736:
Responsa: 1991–2000: The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Conservative Movement
Responsa: 1980–1990: The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Conservative Movement
5375:. Translated by Eliyahu Munk, volume 5, pages 1991–2016. Brooklyn: Lambda Publishers, 1999. 6651: 6638: 6425: 6375: 6300: 6168: 6158: 5882: 5731: 5679: 5668: 5531:
Sabbath Queen: Fifty-four Bible Talks to the Young Based on Each Portion of the Pentateuch
5402: 5364: 5255: 5220: 5210: 4768: 4527: 4052:. Translated by Charles Wengrov, volume 5, page 443. Jerusalem: Feldheim Publishers, 1988. 3605: 2346: 2263: 1810:) to teach that before the days of Abraham, God dealt harshly with the world: The sins of 1298: 1143: 1079: 1051: 992: 773: 698: 598: 565: 561: 421: 287: 54: 5217:. Translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon. 5 volumes. London: Soncino Press, 1934. 4998:
The Voice of the Poor in the Middle Ages: An Anthology of Documents from the Cairo Geniza
4568: 3081: 2422:, as it does in 2023, 2024, and 2026), the haftarah is Hosea 14:2–10, Micah 7:18–20, and 1975:
Deuteronomy 32:43, "and He will expiate His land and His people," or in Samaritan Hebrew
1197:) generation," since when they were selected, they were righteous and then they changed ( 1066:
and his descendants, as Deuteronomy 32:9 reports, "For the Lord's portion is his people;
1023: 349:
would avenge the blood of God's servants, wreak vengeance on God's foes, and cleanse the
4805:. Translated by Maurice Simon, volume 9, pages 19, 98, 308. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 573:
10:12 reports, "Then spoke Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the
536: 176:) divisions (roughly equivalent to paragraphs, often abbreviated with the Hebrew letter 6714: 6507: 6310: 6222: 6128: 6096: 5997: 4978: 4785:. Translated by Maurice Simon, volume 9, pages 24, 67, 98. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 4594: 4102: 4028:. Translated by Charles B. Chavel, volume 2, pages 189–91. London: Soncino Press, 1967. 3804: 3337: 3315: 3221: 3027: 2978:, "Classical Rabbinic Interpretation," in Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler, editors, 1505: 1318: 1039: 909: 871: 682: 674: 586: 570: 502: 471: 445: 408:, for they both broke faith with God when they struck the rock to produce water in the 350: 186:)). The first open portion spans nearly the entire parashah, except for the concluding 157: 152: 123: 94: 6320: 5609: 5549: 5266:. Translated and annotated by Israel Lazar, pages 200–33. Brooklyn: CreateSpace, 2015. 4890: 4561:. Translated by Jacob Neusner, volume 2, pages 295–397. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987. 3561: 3545: 3513: 3264: 1360: 1138:
Rabbis whether they knew how much he was forced to send secretly to the Court of King
came and fought with Israel, as Numbers 21:1 reports, "And the Canaanite, the king of
356: 146:
In traditional Sabbath Torah reading, the parashah is divided into seven readings, or
The beginning of Parashat Haazinu, Deuteronomy 32:1–4, as it appears in a Torah scroll
6774: 6525: 6192: 6113: 6078: 5820: 5788: 5772: 5713: 5489: 5293: 5018: 4993: 4954: 4932: 4862: 4778: 4238:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 270–71, 352–53. 4169:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 104–05, 476–77. 4152:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 102–03, 474–75. 4073: 4012: 3334: 2933: 2324: 2244: 2075: 2027: 1894: 1846: 1468: 1232: 1156: 1047: 888: 706: 564:
in Exodus 15 (3) the song that the Israelites sang at the well in the wilderness, as
557: 475: 337: 238: 127: 82: 74: 6280: 4543:: Shabbat 8:24-25; Chagigah 2:6; Sotah 4:8. Land of Israel, circa 250 CE. In, e.g., 4225:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 224–25, 616–17. 4199:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 128–29, 488–89. 4186:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 106–07, 478–79. 4135:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 92–93, 462–63. 4118:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 90–91, 458–59. 3799:
G. Ernest Wright. "The Lawsuit of God: A Form-Critical Study of Deuteronomy 32." In
3341: 3303: 1239:
reasoned from Deuteronomy 32:24 that Torah study keeps away painful sufferings. For
noted that even when people are faithless, God still considers them God’s children.
1169:) generation," applied to the spies. The Midrash contrasted Numbers 13:2, "Send you 1018: 6656: 6453: 6030: 5952: 5934: 5689: 5618: 5473: 5354: 5151: 3861: 3841: 2975: 2950: 2423: 1898: 1759: 1354: 1107: 955: 905: 895: 766: 541: 498: 165: 6370: 6293: 6183: 5925: 5314:. "They Provoked My Jealousy with a Non-God." Budapest, 1641. In Marc Saperstein. 5284: 5316:
Exile in Amsterdam: Saul Levi Morteira's Sermons to a Congregation of "New Jews,"
4795:. Translated by L. Rabinowitz, volume 8, pages 6 ff. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 1519:
as follows in liturgy associated with the annual reading of the Torah at Sukkot.
6608: 6039: 5497: 5174: 4788: 3525: 3300: 3161: 3105: 2249: 2046: 1867: 1516: 1348: 1240: 614: 114: 6213: 5476:, pages 333–37. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1998. Reprinted 2012. 4982: 4852: 4554: 4122:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 318–20. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 2002. 3456: 3444: 3396: 3276: 3248: 3224: 3185: 3054: 6734: 6628: 6520: 6468: 6443: 6275: 6046:, pages 70, 308, 348, 355–56, 421, 621–22, 631–32. New York: Free Press, 2007. 5753:"Lessons from the Dying: The Role of Deuteronomy 32 in Its Narrative Setting." 5347:
Chanukas HaTorah: Mystical Insights of Rav Avraham Yehoshua Heschel on Chumash
5319: 5031:
Mishneh Torah: Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah: The Laws the Foundations of the Torah
5013: 4961:
Introduction by Henry Slonimsky, pages 92, 149, 201. New York: Schocken, 1964.
4859:. Translated by Harry Freedman and Maurice Simon. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 4848: 4844: 4037: 4017: 3738:, translated by Yehuda ibn Tibbon and Daniel Haberman, volume 1, pages 384–87. 3718:, translated by Yehuda ibn Tibbon and Daniel Haberman, volume 1, pages 366–71. 3698:, translated by Yehuda ibn Tibbon and Daniel Haberman, volume 1, pages 240–41. 3657:, translated by Yehuda ibn Tibbon and Daniel Haberman, volume 1, pages 386–89. 3637:, translated by Yehuda ibn Tibbon and Daniel Haberman, volume 1, pages 152–53. 3593: 3372: 3360: 3356: 3042: 3015: 2899: 2861: 2849: 2824: 2812: 2800: 2775: 2763: 2751: 2739: 2728: 2717: 2692: 2680: 2668: 2656: 2644: 2632: 2607: 2595: 2570: 2419: 1949: 1886: 1481: 1416: 1294: 1213: 1134: 1103: 865:
that three who have eaten together publicly should say the Grace after Meals (
409: 90: 86: 5051:.Translated by Eliyahu Touger, volume 3. New York: Moznaim Publishing, 1990. 4840: 4836: 4832: 4828: 4410:
The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for Weekdays with an Interlinear Translation
4383:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 412–13. 4366:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 396–97. 4349:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 426–27. 4328:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 324–25. 4311:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 310–11. 4061: 3678:, translated by Yehuda ibn Tibbon and Daniel Haberman, volume 1, pages 30–31. 2558: 2533: 2521: 2509: 17: 6540: 6530: 6239: 6100: 5264:
Abarbanel: Selected Commentaries on the Torah: Volume 5: Devarim/Deuteronomy
4748: 4400:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 514–15. 4298:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 564–65. 4285:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 188–89. 4272:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Jonathan Sacks, pages 146–49. 3609: 3093: 2497: 2069: 2060: 1985: 1314: 1139: 1114: 1091: 405: 303: 219: 6127:. Edited by Gregg Drinkwater, Joshua Lesser, and David Shneer; foreword by 5480: 5334: 4764: 4760: 4736: 3408: 3209: 5983: 5904:, pages 211–12. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, revised edition, 2000. 5496:. Translated with an introduction by Simon Kaplan; introductory essays by 2037:
In Deuteronomy 32:4, 15, 18, 30, and 31, Moses referred to God as "Rock" (
1408: 977:
A Midrash read Deuteronomy 32:4 to help understand the non-Jewish prophet
6749: 6744: 6724: 6613: 6560: 6555: 6550: 6483: 6473: 5811:
Solomon A. Nigosian. "The Song of Moses (DT 32): A Structural Analysis,"
5056: 4981:
2:6; 8:4; 9:1, 7, 11, 14, 49; 10:2; 12:11; 13:14; 14:12; 16:5, 24; 17:5;
4744: 4740: 4672: 4572: 4510: 4412:. Edited by Menachem Davis, page 5. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 2002. 3589: 3197: 3149: 3133: 3121: 2493: 2342: 2227: 1004: 553: 460: 361: 320: 194:‎) reading. The second open portion is coincident with the maftir ( 101: 6386: 6135: 6082: 6018: 5841:, pages 298–317, 508–18. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1996. 5742:
A Song of Power and the Power of Song: Essays on the Book of Deuteronomy
The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel
Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah (The Laws that Are the Foundations of the Torah)
The Torah: With Rashi's Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated
4756: 4752: 4696: 4646:
2:10; 4:1; 18:5; 22:8; 23:5, 12. Land of Israel, 5th Century. In, e.g.,
The Torah: With Rashi's Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated
A Midrash taught that Deuteronomy 32:20, "For they are a very contrary (
835:) upon the tender growth" to refer to the east wind that rages through ( 803:) as the rain" to refer to the west wind, which comes from the back of ( 6739: 6565: 6463: 6458: 6448: 6340: 6050: 5921:, pages 317–24, 384–91. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2002. 5752: 5501: 5063: 4914: 4732: 4720: 4692: 4688: 4684: 4680: 4676: 4540: 3432: 3236: 3000: 2467: 2281: 1998: 1771: 1330: 1159: 1063: 713: 694: 606: 590: 578: 574: 526: 449: 439:
against Israel in Deuteronomy 4:26, 30:19, 31:28, and 32:1. Similarly,
436: 299: 119: 58: 6123:
Jhos Singer. "Dor l'Dor: Parashat Ha'azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1–52)." In
Twice-Used Songs: Performance Criticism of the Songs of Ancient Israel
4724: 4716: 4708: 4668: 4334:
Or Hadash: A Commentary on Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals
3420: 3384: 3288: 3140:, elucidated by Yosef Widroff, et al., volume 2, page 45a and note 16. 3066: 2323:
David between Wisdom and Prophecy (illustration from the 10th century
The parashah has parallels or is discussed in these Biblical sources:
6671: 6661: 6598: 6488: 6478: 6207:
The Commentators' Bible: The Rubin JPS Miqra'ot Gedolot: Deuteronomy.
5849: 4937: 4894: 4728: 4712: 4700: 4664: 4530:, pages 123–25. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1987. 4426: 3517: 3173: 2313: 2213:), prayer services; in the concluding prayer of the Standing Prayer ( 2209: 2199: 2189: 2148: 2055: 1953: 1850: 1118: 1099: 1012: 978: 944: 858: 670: 626: 530: 456: 440: 397: 381: 377: 212: 187: 161: 131: 6365: 6197:
Torah Lights: Devarim: Moses Bequeaths Legacy, History, and Covenant
5696:, pages 55–79. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1990. 5594:. "The Lawsuit of God: A Form-Critical Study of Deuteronomy 32." In 2490:
The Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
1267:, refers only to the Torah, as Proverbs 23:5 says, "Will you close ( 1125: 455:
In Deuteronomy 32:4, 15, 18, 30, and 31, Moses called God a "Rock."
6305: 5964:"The Form and Function of the Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32:1–43)." 5229:
Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya: Torah Commentary by Rabbi Bachya ben Asher
4704: 4524:
The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition
3468: 2293:); in Psalm 19:15, which Jews recite as part of the hymnal verses ( 924:), perfect is His work," the Sifre noted that the word "The rock" ( 30: 6719: 6691: 6686: 6623: 6535: 6498: 6345: 6212: 6182: 6144: 6029: 6009:
Dancing in the White Spaces: The Yearly Torah Cycle and More Poems
5982: 5661:
J.M. Wiebe, "The Form, Setting and Meaning of the Song of Moses,"
5608: 5548: 5479: 5447: 5431: 5430: 5378: 5301: 5283: 5198: 5188: 5150: 5136: 5003: 4904: 4882: 4653: 4550: 4021: 3959:, pages 1039–40 and note 8. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. 3946:, page 191 and note 163. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999. 3758: 3568:, translated by Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg, volume 5, pages 330–31. 3532:(Jerusalem, circa 1270), in, e.g., Charles B. Chavel, translator, 2318: 2309:) prayer service; and in the blessing after reading the Haftarah. 1864:
the display of Deuteronomy according to the Documentary Hypothesis
1827: 1793: 1750: 1407: 1368: 1359: 1308: 1228: 1212:
Reading Deuteronomy 32:20, "children in whom is no faithfulness,"
1205:," and afterwards Numbers 13:16 says, "These are the names of the 1124: 1073: 1067: 1043: 1017: 983: 961: 894: 721: 702: 640: 594: 582: 535: 522: 401: 355: 307: 291: 271: 251: 233: 218: 6360: 5243:
Akeydat Yitzchak: Commentary of Rabbi Yitzchak Arama on the Torah
Samaritan Exegesis: A Compilation of Writings from the Samaritans
2398:) (Deuteronomy 32:23, 42; 2 Samuel 22:15) and punishing enemies ( 2350:
the haftarah (in 2 Samuel 22:24, 26, and 33) use the Hebrew word
The Gemara implied that the sin of Moses in striking the rock at
recited, as Psalm 30:1 reports, "a song at the Dedication of the
6618: 6588: 6355: 5601:
James R. Boston. "The Wisdom Influence upon the Song of Moses."
Israel's Prophetic Heritage: Essays in Honor of James Muilenburg
5526:, pages 298–321. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1937. 5189: 4545:
The Tosefta: Translated from the Hebrew, with a New Introduction
Israel's Prophetic Heritage: Essays in Honor of James Muilenburg
3484:. Edited by Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler, pages 1891–1915. 2913:
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash: Devarim / Deuteronomy
1811: 1798:
The deluge (1869 painting by Wassilij Petrovich Wereschtschagin)
884: 686: 602: 302:
and kicked and forsook God, incensed God with alien things, and
295: 283: 279: 81:. It constitutes Deuteronomy 32:1–52. The parashah sets out the 6390: 6253:, pages 177–80. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2017. 6246:, pages 285–94. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2017. 5973:
Professors on the Parashah: Studies on the Weekly Torah Reading
4446:, pages 323–24. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2002. 6173:
Fifty-Four Pick Up: Fifteen-Minute Inspirational Torah Lessons
Solomon A. Nigosian. "Linguistic Patterns of Deuteronomy 32."
J. Kenneth Kuntz. "Psalm 18: A Rhetorical-Critical Analysis."
Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch: Deuteronomy (Devarim)
4875:: prologue 24, 25, 34; 1:33, 55; 2:4. 10th century. In, e.g., 3552:, translated by Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg, volume 5, page 330. 3502:
Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch: Deuteronomy (Devarim)
accept only the Torah as prophetic and reject the rest of the
275: 6311:
American Jewish University—Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
6260:, pages 309–43. New Milford, Connecticut: Maggid Books, 2019. 6236:, pages 329–33. New Milford, Connecticut: Maggid Books, 2016. 6229:, pages 293–97. New Milford, Connecticut: Maggid Books, 2015. 4989:. Translated by Judah J. Slotki. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 4925:. Edited and translated by Martin I. Lockshin, pages 171–97. 4923:
Rashbam's Commentary on Deuteronomy: An Annotated Translation
4632:; 65:15; 68:12; 96:5. Land of Israel, 5th Century. In, e.g., 4473:
The parashah has parallels or is discussed in these sources:
3536:(New York: Shilo Publishing House, 1971), volume 5, page 352. 5582:
Herbert B. Huffmon. "The Covenant Lawsuit in the Prophets."
5533:, pages 168–71. New York: Behrman's Jewish Book House, 1936. 5397:
Horeb, Versuche über Jissroel's Pflichten in der Zerstreuung
3890:, page 328. Jerusalem: The World Zionist Organization, 1980. 2167:) prayer, which Jews recite as part of the Standing Prayer ( 1849:(sometimes abbreviated Dtr 1) who wrote in the time of King 489:
Deuteronomy 32:13 told how God "set him atop the highlands (
198:‎) reading. Parashat Haazinu has no "closed portion" ( 6227:
Lessons in Leadership: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
The Five Books of Miriam: A Woman's Commentary on the Torah
5658:, pages 239–42. Washington, D.C.: B'nai B'rith Books, 1987. 5560:"A Fragment of the 'Song of Moses' (Deut. 32) from Qumran." 5183:
Ramban (Nachmanides): Commentary on the Torah: Deuteronomy.
4869:. Translated by S. M. Lehrman. London: Soncino Press, 1939. 4781:
prologue 11; 1:6; 5:1; 7:13. 5th–11th centuries. In, e.g.,
3811:, volume 2, pages 526–27. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998. 2231:) or bowing of the head after the weekday Standing Prayer ( 6380: 6131:, pages 271–76. New York: New York University Press, 2009. 6110:, pages 105–11. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 2009. 5694:
Poetry with a Purpose: Biblical Poetics and Interpretation
Poetry with a Purpose: Biblical Poetics and Interpretation
For more on classical rabbinic interpretation, see, e.g.,
2406:) (Deuteronomy 32:27, 42; 2 Samuel 22:4, 18, 38, 41, 49). 6044:
How To Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now
6011:, page 111. Shelbyville, Kentucky: Wasteland Press, 2007. 5470:
The Language of Truth: The Torah Commentary of Sefat Emet
2099:) on Sabbaths, which Jews recite as part of the morning ( 258:, God alone guided Israel. The second reading ends here. 104:
is made up of 2,326 Hebrew letters, 614 Hebrew words, 52
93:' sins, a prophecy of their punishment, and a promise of 6120:, pages 299–303. New York: Gefen Publishing House, 2009. 5959:, pages 440–45. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 5682:
New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 1990. YD 339:1.1990b. In
5167:. France, circa 1240. In, e.g., Chizkiyahu ben Manoach. 4332:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 76–78. Reuven Hammer. 2257:
prayer service, and again as part of the hymnal verses (
Recitation of God's judgment speech against the nations
for "listen" when directed to more than one person, the
Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible
5941:, pages 1038–47. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. 5909:
Teaching Haftarah: Background, Insights, and Strategies
In the Image of God: A Feminist Commentary on the Torah
5539:. "The Structure of the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy." 5349:. Translated by Avraham Peretz Friedman, pages 324–25. 5000:, page 64. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005. 4591:. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2009. 4460:
Teaching Haftarah: Background, Insights, and Strategies
Teaching Haftarah: Background, Insights, and Strategies
3596:, circa 1080), in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 2275:) prayer service; seven times in the Sabbath-eve song ( 2073:) prayer service; in one of the first blessings of the 6234:
Essays on Ethics: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary
Letter from Abraham the parnas. Kiev, Middle Ages. In
2:15; 3:13, 17, 19; 9:5. 6th–8th centuries. In, e.g.,
The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary
2059:) echoes this Name for God in many places—in the hymn 2015:, however, there are no commandments in the parashah. 1071:
speech of humankind into 70 nations and 70 languages.
speaks of God "Who . . . treads upon the high places (
In the third reading, God set the Israelites atop the
6051:"Why Is the Song of Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy? 5846:
Teaching Torah: A Treasury of Insights and Activities
New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 1992. OH 136.1992. In
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
3993: 3991: 1454:
Call to the witnesses to give ear to the proceedings
cited Deuteronomy 32:3 to support the proposition of
Moses was born on earth, but became great in heaven.
5:1 reports, "Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of
Entering Torah: Prefaces to the Weekly Torah Portion
Recitation of God's description of Israel's enemies
400:, for he was to die on the mountain, as his brother 6700: 6637: 6574: 6506: 6424: 5975:Edited by Leib Moscovitz, pages 349–54. Jerusalem: 5760:, volume 87 (number 4) (October 1994): page 377–93. 5506:
Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums
4105:, pages 22–11, 576–77. Jerusalem: Koren Publishers. 3907:, pages 5, 364. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2003. 2926:"A Complete Triennial Cycle for Reading the Torah," 1428:The parashah is discussed in these modern sources: 1003:taught that to enjoy this world without reciting a 784:) as the rain," to teach that if we bow our necks ( 459:did so, as well, in Isaiah 17:10, 26:4, and 30:29; 206:) subdivisions (abbreviated with the Hebrew letter 6099:, volume 1, pages 516–20. Grand Rapids, Michigan: 6093:Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary 5408:Poem 112 (Where bells no more affright the morn —) 5393:Horeb: A Philosophy of Jewish Laws and Observances 4585:The Jerusalem Talmud: A Translation and Commentary 3968:Martin Abegg Jr., Peter Flint, and Eugene Ulrich. 3942:Martin Abegg Jr., Peter Flint, and Eugene Ulrich. 2247:; in Psalm 92:16, which Jews recite after singing 2139:following that, "So they were for our ancestors" ( 376:In the seventh reading, Moses came, together with 5494:Religion of Reason: Out of the Sources of Judaism 4026:The Commandments: Sefer Ha-Mitzvoth of Maimonides 2107:) prayer service; in a following blessing of the 1909:, of His people; for He avenges the blood of His 5573:. "Some Remarks on the Song of Moses in Dt 32." 5524:The Holy Scriptures: Deuteronomy with Commentary 5504:: Scholars Press, 1995. Originally published as 5414:Poem 168 (If the foolish, call them "flowers" —) 3819:, pages 277–84. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001. 3817:Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Deuteronomy 2175:) that forms the central prayer of the morning ( 1889:, however, it is the number of "the children of 1720:Recitation of Israel's challenge to the nations 1709:Declaration of God's commitment to God's people 1275:) your eyes to it (the Torah)? It is gone." And 1227:("fiery bolt") in Deuteronomy 32:24 to refer to 776:read Deuteronomy 32:2, "My doctrine shall drop ( 540:The Songs of Joy (watercolor circa 1896–1902 by 270:to feast on the yield of the earth and fed them 6136:"I Love You: Text-Critical Note on Psalm 18:2." 5994:The Torah: A Modern Commentary: Revised Edition 5911:, pages 91–99. Denver: A.R.E. Publishing, 2002. 5844:Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Barbara Binder Kadden. 5802:J. Clinton McCann Jr. "The Book of Psalms." In 5692:. "The Song of Moses: Pastoral in Reverse." In 5656:Torah Today: A Renewed Encounter with Scripture 5567:, volume 136 (1954): pages 12–15. (4QDeut. 32). 5241:. Late 15th century. In, e.g., Yitzchak Arama. 4791:: prologue 3, 4, 7. 6th–7th century. In, e.g., 4559:Sifre to Deuteronomy: An Analytical Translation 4557:. Land of Israel, circa 250–350 C.E. In, e.g., 4101:. Introduction, translation, and commentary by 3864:, "The Song of Moses: Pastoral in Reverse," in 3520:, France, late 11th century), in, e.g., Rashi, 1997:Maimonides cites the parashah for one negative 661:)," that is, in accordance with its agreement ( 138:is matched by a second, parallel thought unit. 5673:"A Jewish Approach to End-Stage Medical Care." 5625:, pages 80–92. New York: Schocken Books, 1968. 4897:, France, late 11th Century. In, e.g., Rashi. 3790:. Translated by Michael Friedländer, page 389. 3769:, page 33. New York: Dover Publications, 1956. 1401:make it possible for one to trust in another. 1042:. Rabbi Simeon told that God called to the 70 916:Reading words of Deuteronomy 32:4, "The rock ( 353:of God's people. The sixth reading ends here. 6402: 6056:, volume 57 (number 3) (2007): pages 295–317. 5969:, volume 123 (number 3) (2004): pages 407–24. 5345:, Poland, 1900. In Avraham Yehoshua Heschel. 3534:Ramban (Nachmanides): Commentary on the Torah 3352: 3350: 1979:, has led Samaritans to interpret the phrase 1201:). Accordingly, Numbers 13:2 says, "Send you 8: 6088:, volume 58 (number 3) (2008): pages 352–66. 6026:, volume 57 (number 4) (2007): pages 548–55. 6019:"A Note on the Text of Deuteronomy xxxii 8." 5545:, volume 13 (number 2) (1951): pages 153–63. 5500:, page 77. New York: Ungar, 1972. Reprinted 4959:Kuzari: An Argument for the Faith of Israel. 1925:, and will render vengeance to His enemies, 1603:Declaration of the indictment of the people 1465:Introductory statement of the case at issue 168:), Parashat Haazinu has two "open portion" ( 5931:, volume 28 (number 1) (2003): pages 34–36. 5827:, pages 518–30. New York: UAHC Press, 1996. 5763:Judith S. Antonelli. "God's Daughters." In 5306:Midrash of Rabbi Moshe Alshich on the Torah 5139:, Egypt, 1190. In, e.g., Moses Maimonides. 4494:Psalm 50:4–6; 91; 95:1 (God as "the Rock"). 4454: 4452: 3852:: Indiana University Press, 1988), page 51. 3830:Deuteronomy: The NIV Application Commentary 3761:, Egypt, 1190, in, e.g., Moses Maimonides. 1893:," whom Martin Abegg Jr., Peter Flint, and 932:) is similar to the word for "the artist" ( 757:4:2 states, "For I give you good doctrine ( 6409: 6395: 6387: 5929:Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 5785:. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1995. 5783:The Disappearance of God: A Divine Mystery 5645:Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 4575:, Land of Israel, circa 400 CE. In, e.g., 3832:. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2012. 3734:, in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 3714:, in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 3694:, in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 3674:, in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 3653:, in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 3633:, in, e.g., Bachya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, 310:and no-gods. The third reading ends here. 6251:The JPS Rashi Discussion Torah Commentary 5468:(Ger), Poland, before 1906. Excerpted in 5450:, 1871. In, e.g., Samuel David Luzzatto. 4855:. Land of Israel, 9th Century. In, e.g., 4387:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 264–66. 4370:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 156–57. 4353:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 282–84. 4173:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 334–35. 4156:. Edited by Menachem Davis, pages 334–35. 3138:Talmud Bavli: Tractate Berachos: Volume 2 2414:When Parashat Haazinu coincides with the 2083:‎), "He gives light to the Earth" ( 2005:Not to drink wine of libation to idolatry 435:Moses calls heaven and earth to serve as 420:Jews who read the Torah according to the 416:Readings according to the triennial cycle 6376:United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 6077:Sidnie White Crawford, Jan Joosten, and 5871:, pages 58–62. Brill Academic Pub, 1998. 5337:, Poland, mid-17th century. Compiled as 4921:. Troyes, early 12th century. In, e.g., 4877:Midrash Rabbah: Deuteronomy/Lamentations 4485:Deuteronomy 3:26–27; 4:26; 30:19; 31:28. 3920:, pages 5, 360–64, and note on page 360. 2462: 2460: 2063:, which Jews often sing in the morning ( 1936: 1521: 1436: 1191:according to the commandment of the Lord 1129:Coin of Shapur II, Sasanian king 309–379 1015:saw and cried 'My father! My father!'" 693:in Daniel 6, the heavens to open before 29: 6276:Masoretic text and 1917 JPS translation 6171:. "Write for Yourselves This Song." In 6091:Eugene E. Carpenter. "Deuteronomy." In 5420:Poem 597 (It always felt to me—a wrong) 5304:, circa 1593. In, e.g., Moshe Alshich. 5227:. Spain, early 14th century. In, e.g., 4050:Sefer HaHinnuch: The Book of Education 2434: 2345:for the parashah is the song of David, 2091:) on weekdays or "All will thank you" ( 2030:prayer service, the leader recites the 1022:The Confusion of Tongues (engraving by 6786:Weekly Torah readings from Deuteronomy 5706:, pages 226–35. Louisville, Kentucky: 5262:. Italy, between 1492–1509. In, e.g., 5213:. Spain, late 13th Century. In, e.g., 4957:, 1130–1140. In, e.g., Jehuda Halevi. 4801:1:11; 8:7. 6th–7th century. In, e.g., 4458:See Lainie Blum Cogan and Judy Weiss. 4421:See Lainie Blum Cogan and Judy Weiss. 3482:The Jewish Study Bible: Second Edition 2991:Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael Shirata 1:5. 2147:); in the concluding words before the 2026:At the formal beginning of the K'riat 1927:and will recompense those who hate Him 1921:, for He will avenge the blood of His 1570:Summary declaration of the indictment 1480:Recital of the benevolent acts of the 6294:Academy for Jewish Religion, New York 5896:Richard D. Nelson. "Deuteronomy." In 5425:The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson 5371:. Venice, 1742. In Chayim ben Attar. 4259:. Edited by Menachem Davis, page 116. 4242:. Edited by Menachem Davis, page 112. 4139:. Edited by Menachem Davis, page 325. 3933:, pages 5, 364, and note on page 364. 3929:See, e.g., Richard Elliott Friedman. 3916:See, e.g., Richard Elliott Friedman. 1832:Diagram of the Documentary Hypothesis 7: 5373:Or Hachayim: Commentary on the Torah 5239:Akedat Yizhak (The Binding of Isaac) 5047:. Egypt, circa 1170–1180. In, e.g., 5029:. Egypt, circa 1170–1180. In, e.g., 4315:. Edited by Menachem Davis, page 59. 2285:) The Rock from Whom We Have Eaten ( 2243:(receiving or greeting the Sabbath) 2119:); twice in another blessing of the 1634:Recitation of God's judgment speech 989:Elijah Taken Up in a Chariot of Fire 954:, his wife, and his daughter left a 517:In classical rabbinic interpretation 372:Seventh reading—Deuteronomy 32:44–52 5834:. Leiden: Brill Academic Pub, 1996. 5814:Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 5341:. Edited by Chanoch Henoch Erzohn. 5181:. Jerusalem, circa 1270. In, e.g., 4024:, Egypt, 1170–1180, in Maimonides. 2959:The Jewish Study Bible: 2nd Edition 2911:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2886:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2873:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2836:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2787:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2704:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2619:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2582:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2545:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2488:See, e.g., Menachem Davis, editor, 2418:Shabbat Shuvah (the Sabbath before 1347:The parashah is discussed in these 1078:Sea Eagle's Nest (1907 painting by 733:In Deuteronomy 32:2, "My doctrine ( 521:The parashah is discussed in these 314:Fourth reading—Deuteronomy 32:19–28 6155:The Jewish Annotated New Testament 5919:The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot 5907:Lainie Blum Cogan and Judy Weiss. 5898:The HarperCollins Bible Commentary 5744:. Edited by Duane L. Christensen. 5605:, volume 87 (1968): pages 198–202. 4985:, 19, 21. 12th Century. In, e.g., 4444:The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot 3210:Babylonian Talmud Avodah Zarah 18a 2301:) that begin the Sabbath morning ( 2267:) that begin the Sabbath morning ( 1133:Rav Bardela bar Tabyumi taught in 501:4:13, the 8th century BCE prophet 344:Sixth reading—Deuteronomy 32:40–43 327:Fifth reading—Deuteronomy 32:29–39 262:Third reading—Deuteronomy 32:13–18 245:Second reading—Deuteronomy 32:7–12 108:, and 92 lines in a Torah Scroll ( 25: 6106:Terry Giles and William J. Doan. 5861:, volume 78 (1997): pages 206–24. 5665:, volume 17 (1989): pages 119–63. 5579:, volume 9 (1959): pages 339–346. 1343:In medieval Jewish interpretation 950:The Gemara tells that when Rabbi 843:) the entire world like a demon ( 701:1:1; and the fish to vomit forth 6781:Weekly Torah readings in Tishrei 6497: 6281:Hear the parashah read in Hebrew 6007:Suzanne A. Brody. "Witness." In 5877:. "Understanding the Anger." In 5832:The Provenance of Deuteronomy 32 5472:. Translated and interpreted by 3807:. "The Book of Deuteronomy." In 3616:, 1996), volume 1, pages 138–41. 3198:Babylonian Talmud Bava Kamma 50a 3094:Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 25a 1956:, they base their belief in the 1919:and bow down to Him all you gods 1235:in bed keeps demons away. Rabbi 677:17:6, the fire to do no harm to 428:In inner-Biblical interpretation 336:and their wine was the venom of 228:First reading—Deuteronomy 32:1–6 73:) in the annual Jewish cycle of 6060:The Torah: A Women's Commentary 5817:, volume 72 (1996): pages 5–22. 5635:, pages 327–69. Jerusalem: The 5633:Studies in Devarim: Deuteronomy 5278:Sforno: Commentary on the Torah 3972:, page 192–93 and notes 170–73. 3931:The Bible with Sources Revealed 3918:The Bible with Sources Revealed 3905:The Bible with Sources Revealed 3888:Studies in Devarim: Deuteronomy 3496:on Deuteronomy 32:1, in, e.g., 3409:Babylonian Talmud Kiddushin 36a 3385:Babylonian Talmud Chagigah 5a–b 2980:Jewish Study Bible: 2nd Edition 241:. The first reading ends here. 5967:Journal of Biblical Literature 5623:On the Bible: Eighteen studies 5603:Journal of Biblical Literature 5585:Journal of Biblical Literature 4971:. Mid-12th century. In, e.g., 3786:, in, e.g., Moses Maimonides. 3566:Torah: With Rashi's Commentary 3550:Torah: With Rashi's Commentary 3500:. Mid-12th century, in, e.g., 3433:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 24b 3237:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 35b 3150:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 21a 3134:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 45a 3122:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 45a 3001:Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 103b 2924:See, e.g., Richard Eisenberg, 1873:In the Masoretic Text and the 1678:Declaration of the Israelites 1667:Question asked of the nations 1648:Appointed man in the assembly 1623:Declaration of God's sentence 1317:(mid-17th-century painting by 1117:'s name (or others say in the 679:Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah 1: 5588:, volume 78 (1959): page 285. 4929:: Brown Judaic Studies, 2004. 4803:Midrash Rabbah: Song of Songs 3421:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 5a 3289:Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 5b 1841:Some scholars who follow the 1742:Concluding summons to praise 1581:Call to remember God's grace 97:ultimate redemption of them. 61:in the parashah) is the 53rd 6249:Steven Levy and Sarah Levy. 6175:, pages 298–303. Jerusalem: 6000:, pages 1398–417. New York: 5996:. Revised edition edited by 5663:Studia Biblica et Theologica 4488:2 Samuel 22:3; 22:15; 22:31. 3055:Sifre to Deuteronomy 306:2–3 1804:לְמִסְפַּר בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל 1259:)." He argued that the word 525:sources from the era of the 6331:Jewish Theological Seminary 6070:, pages 1251–70. New York: 5805:The New Interpreter's Bible 5795:, pages 298–300. New York: 5542:Catholic Biblical Quarterly 5141:The Guide for the Perplexed 5072:The Guide for the Perplexed 5027:, chapter 1, halachot 9, 12 4857:Midrash Rabbah: Deuteronomy 4482:Numbers 20:10–13; 27:12–14. 4078:Or Hadash: A Commentary on 3809:The New Interpreter's Bible 3788:The Guide for the Perplexed 3780:The Guide for the Perplexed 3763:The Guide for the Perplexed 3750:The Guide for the Perplexed 3162:Sifre to Deuteronomy 306:30 3106:Sifre to Deuteronomy 306:17 3067:Babylonian Talmud Taanit 7a 1933:In Samaritan interpretation 1656:Description of the nations 1645:Declaration by the nations 1595:Man or men in the assembly 1243:5:7 says, "And the sons of 1054:11:7, where God said, "Let 741:) shall drop as the rain," 6802: 5852:: A.R.E. Publishing, 1997. 5757:Harvard Theological Review 5637:World Zionist Organization 5529:Alexander Alan Steinbach. 5329:Avraham Yehoshua Heschel. 5276:. Venice, 1567. In, e.g., 5169:Chizkuni: Torah Commentary 4429:: A.R.E. Publishing, 2002. 3970:The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible 3469:Babylonian Talmud Yoma 86b 3457:Sifre to Deuteronomy 339:3 3249:Sifre to Deuteronomy 310:3 3186:Sifre to Deuteronomy 307:1 3174:Babylonian Talmud Yoma 37a 2135:); in the blessing of the 6495: 5331:Commentaries on the Torah 4771:, 6th Century. In, e.g., 4648:Midrash Rabbah: Leviticus 4522:. Circa 93–94, in, e.g., 4082:for Shabbat and Festivals 3692:, section 3, introduction 2443:"Torah Stats for Devarim" 2399: 2391: 2383: 2375: 2367: 2359: 2351: 2302: 2294: 2287:צוּר מִשֶּׁלּוֹ אָכַלְנוּ 2286: 2276: 2268: 2258: 2232: 2222: 2214: 2204: 2194: 2184: 2176: 2168: 2160: 2152: 2140: 2128: 2112: 2100: 2092: 2084: 2080: 2064: 2050: 2038: 1847:Deuteronomistic historian 1803: 1734:Priest or cultic prophet 1712:Priest or cultic prophet 1692:Priest or cultic prophet 1659:Priest or cultic prophet 1637:Priest or cultic prophet 1284: 1276: 1268: 1260: 1252: 1244: 1220: 1219:The Gemara read the word 933: 925: 917: 866: 844: 836: 828: 820: 812: 804: 796: 785: 777: 758: 746: 734: 662: 654: 550:Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael 506: 490: 474:4:22–23, Isaiah 1:2, and 389: 207: 199: 195: 191: 177: 169: 147: 109: 66: 50: 27:53rd weekly Torah portion 6371:Union for Reform Judaism 6201:New Milford, Connecticut 6002:Union for Reform Judaism 5891:Jewish Lights Publishing 5779:Richard Elliott Friedman 5458:Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter 5445:Commentary on the Torah. 5270:Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno 4927:Providence, Rhode Island 4062:Sifre to Deuteronomy 306 4018:Negative Commandment 194 3901:Richard Elliott Friedman 3445:Deuteronomy Rabbah 11:10 3277:Sifre to Deuteronomy 314 2159:); in the Thanksgiving ( 2111:, "May You be blessed" ( 1958:resurrection of the dead 1944:and Old Pentateuch, 1905 1424:In modern interpretation 991:(painting circa 1740 by 5825:The Haftarah Commentary 5298:Commentary on the Torah 5274:Commentary on the Torah 5260:Commentary on the Torah 5225:Commentary on the Torah 5179:Commentary on the Torah 5045:, chapter 7, halachah 3 4987:Midrash Rabbah: Numbers 4969:Commentary on the Torah 4919:Commentary on the Torah 4634:Midrash Rabbah: Genesis 4516:Antiquities of the Jews 3530:Commentary on the Torah 3498:Commentary on the Torah 3043:Deuteronomy Rabbah 10:1 2965:, 2014), pages 1835–41. 2963:Oxford University Press 2940:, 2001), pages 383–418. 1592:Recital of God's grace 380:, and recited all this 6351:Reconstructing Judaism 6218: 6188: 6177:Gefen Publishing House 6150: 6035: 5988: 5949:The Jewish Study Bible 5723:Avram Israel Reisner. 5614: 5554: 5485: 5436: 5384: 5289: 5194: 5156: 5009: 4910: 4867:Midrash Rabbah: Exodus 4813:Midrash Rabbah: Esther 4783:Midrash Rabbah: Esther 4659: 3997:Yesaahq ben 'Aamraam. 3732:, section 4, chapter 3 3712:, section 4, chapter 2 3651:, section 4, chapter 3 3342:Ruth Rabbah Prologue 7 3261:Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer 2500:, 2009), pages 204–18. 2328: 1945: 1843:Documentary Hypothesis 1833: 1808:l'mispar b'nei Yisrael 1799: 1788:The Merchant of Venice 1777:The Merchant of Venice 1756: 1670:Leader of the service 1626:Leader of the service 1606:Leader of the service 1584:Leader of the service 1573:Leader of the service 1542:Leader of the service 1486:6:3–5; Jeremiah|2:5–7 1413: 1365: 1322: 1130: 1113:Rabbi Jacob taught in 1083: 1031: 996: 974: 913: 904:(fresco circa 1509 by 646: 545: 368: 232:In the first reading, 224: 35: 6418:Weekly Torah Portions 6346:Pardes from Jerusalem 6216: 6203:: Maggid Books, 2014. 6186: 6148: 6033: 5986: 5769:Northvale, New Jersey 5612: 5552: 5483: 5441:Samuel David Luzzatto 5434: 5389:Samson Raphael Hirsch 5382: 5287: 5235:Isaac ben Moses Arama 5192: 5154: 5007: 4908: 4657: 3866:Poetry with a Purpose 3631:section 1, chapter 10 3586:section 1, chapter 10 3582:(Duties of the Heart) 2322: 1942:Samaritan High Priest 1940: 1917:, together with Him; 1831: 1797: 1754: 1411: 1363: 1312: 1128: 1077: 1021: 987: 965: 898: 644: 613:"; (9) the song that 605:"; (8) the song that 593:"; (7) the song that 577:"; (6) the song that 539: 396:and view the land of 359: 222: 118:). Jews read it on a 33: 6064:Tamara Cohn Eskenazi 5947:. "Deuteronomy." In 5748:: Eisenbrauns, 1993. 5746:Winona Lake, Indiana 5351:Southfield, Michigan 5324:Hebrew Union College 4799:Song of Songs Rabbah 4793:Midrash Rabbah: Ruth 3850:Bloomington, Indiana 3357:Deuteronomy 31:17–18 3118:Mishnah Berakhot 7:1 2900:Deuteronomy 32:48–52 2862:Deuteronomy 32:45–47 2801:Deuteronomy 32:40–41 2764:Deuteronomy 32:37–38 2740:Deuteronomy 32:34–35 2729:Deuteronomy 32:32–33 2718:Deuteronomy 32:29–31 2681:Deuteronomy 32:26–27 2669:Deuteronomy 32:23–25 2645:Deuteronomy 32:20–21 2633:Deuteronomy 32:19–20 2608:Deuteronomy 32:15–18 2596:Deuteronomy 32:13–14 2571:Deuteronomy 32:10–12 2498:Mesorah Publications 2291:Tzur Mishelo Achalnu 2151:, "Rock of Israel" ( 1875:Samaritan Pentateuch 1859:Babylonian captivity 1837:In critical analysis 1550:Creedal affirmation 1471:6:2; Jeremiah 7:3–4 1446:Prophetic parallels 967:Balaam and the Angel 901:The Creation of Adam 863:Mishnah Berakhot 7:1 753:) to mean Torah, as 491:עַל-במותי (בָּמֳתֵי) 77:and the 10th in the 63:weekly Torah portion 6361:Tanach Study Center 6356:Sephardic Institute 6316:Bar-Ilan University 5945:Bernard M. Levinson 5797:G. P. Putnam's Sons 5571:William F. Albright 5558:Patrick W. Skehan. 5359:Feldheim Publishers 5161:Hezekiah ben Manoah 5145:Michael Friedländer 5103:; part 3, chapters 5091:; part 2, chapters 5075:, part 1, chapters 4873:Lamentations Rabbah 4809:Ecclesiastes Rabbah 4086:Rabbinical Assembly 3767:Michael Friedländer 3736:Duties of the Heart 3716:Duties of the Heart 3696:Duties of the Heart 3676:Duties of the Heart 3655:Duties of the Heart 3635:Duties of the Heart 3614:Feldheim Publishers 3598:Duties of the Heart 3564:, in, e.g., Rashi, 3548:, in, e.g., Rashi, 3528:on 32:1, in, e.g., 3397:Numbers Rabbah 16:5 2938:Rabbinical Assembly 2468:"Parashat Ha'Azinu" 2127:, "True and firm" ( 1977:wa'kiper admato amo 1783:William Shakespeare 1456:Amos 3:1; 4:1; 5:1 1393:known only to God. 952:Ḥanina ben Teradion 79:Book of Deuteronomy 6381:Yeshiva University 6299:2012-02-01 at the 6219: 6189: 6151: 6036: 5992:W. Gunther Plaut. 5989: 5962:Matthew Thiessen. 5887:Woodstock, Vermont 5837:Jeffrey H. Tigay. 5730:2008-07-23 at the 5678:2010-11-27 at the 5615: 5555: 5486: 5437: 5385: 5312:Saul Levi Morteira 5290: 5288:Saul Levi Morteira 5209:2006-04-09 at the 5195: 5157: 5010: 4911: 4826:Deuteronomy Rabbah 4660: 4535:Classical rabbinic 3981:Jeffrey H. Tigay. 3886:Nehama Leibowitz. 3813:Walter Brueggemann 3805:Ronald E. Clements 3784:part 3, chapter 51 3755:part 1, chapter 23 3727:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3707:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3687:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3666:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3646:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3625:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3577:Baḥya ibn Paquda, 3013:Deuteronomy Rabbah 2559:Deuteronomy 32:7–9 2534:Deuteronomy 32:5–6 2522:Deuteronomy 32:3–4 2510:Deuteronomy 32:1–2 2329: 1966:Ani amit wa'aḥayei 1946: 1834: 1816:Sodom and Gomorrah 1800: 1757: 1414: 1366: 1323: 1148:Simeon ben Gamliel 1131: 1084: 1032: 997: 975: 969:(1836 painting by 914: 647: 546: 369: 334:Sodom and Gomorrah 225: 36: 6768: 6767: 6163:Marc Zvi Brettler 6139:Vetus Testamentum 6134:Justin J. Evans. 6086:Vetus Testamentum 6054:Vetus Testamentum 6023:Vetus Testamentum 5977:Urim Publications 5957:Marc Zvi Brettler 5751:Steven Weitzman. 5700:Patrick D. Miller 5576:Vetus Testamentum 5537:Patrick W. Skehan 5423:. Circa 1862. In 4577:Talmud Yerushalmi 4499:Early nonrabbinic 4088:, 2003), page 28. 4080:Siddur Sim Shalom 4038:Deuteronomy 32:38 3828:Daniel I. Block, 3602:Yehuda ibn Tibbon 3373:Deuteronomy 31:17 2955:Marc Zvi Brettler 2850:Deuteronomy 32:44 2825:Deuteronomy 32:43 2813:Deuteronomy 32:42 2776:Deuteronomy 32:39 2752:Deuteronomy 32:36 2693:Deuteronomy 32:28 2657:Deuteronomy 32:22 2141:עַל הָרִאשׁוֹנִים 2085:הַמֵּאִיר לָאָרֶץ 1885:(4QDeut) and the 1749: 1748: 1513: 1512: 1237:Shimon ben Lakish 1046:who surround the 745:read "doctrine" ( 635:Samuel ben Nahman 513:) of the earth." 410:wilderness of Zin 298:. So Israel grew 16:(Redirected from 6793: 6760:V'Zot HaBerachah 6501: 6411: 6404: 6397: 6388: 6256:Jonathan Sacks. 6232:Jonathan Sacks. 6199:, pages 363–67. 5998:David E.S. Stern 5915:Michael Fishbane 5885:, pages 390–96. 5875:Nina Beth Cardin 5865:Jan P. Fokkelman 5848:, pages 345–49. 5821:W. Gunther Plaut 5767:, pages 494–95. 5629:Nehama Leibowitz 5592:G. Ernest Wright 5518: 5452:Torah Commentary 5399:. Germany, 1837. 5339:Chanukat HaTorah 5143:. Translated by 4965:Abraham ibn Ezra 4761:Avodah Zarah 18a 4644:Leviticus Rabbah 4636:. Translated by 4581:Chaim Malinowitz 4565:Jerusalem Talmud 4526:. Translated by 4505:Dead Sea scrolls 4491:Isaiah 50:10-11. 4463: 4456: 4447: 4440:Michael Fishbane 4436: 4430: 4419: 4413: 4407: 4401: 4398:The Koren Siddur 4394: 4388: 4381:The Koren Siddur 4377: 4371: 4364:The Koren Siddur 4360: 4354: 4347:The Koren Siddur 4343: 4337: 4326:The Koren Siddur 4322: 4316: 4309:The Koren Siddur 4305: 4299: 4296:The Koren Siddur 4292: 4286: 4283:The Koren Siddur 4279: 4273: 4270:The Koren Siddur 4266: 4260: 4253:The Koren Siddur 4249: 4243: 4236:The Koren Siddur 4232: 4226: 4223:The Koren Siddur 4219: 4213: 4210:The Koren Siddur 4206: 4200: 4197:The Koren Siddur 4193: 4187: 4184:The Koren Siddur 4180: 4174: 4167:The Koren Siddur 4163: 4157: 4150:The Koren Siddur 4146: 4140: 4133:The Koren Siddur 4129: 4123: 4116:The Koren Siddur 4112: 4106: 4099:The Koren Siddur 4095: 4089: 4071: 4065: 4059: 4053: 4047: 4041: 4035: 4029: 4008: 4002: 3995: 3986: 3979: 3973: 3966: 3960: 3953: 3947: 3940: 3934: 3927: 3921: 3914: 3908: 3897: 3891: 3884: 3878: 3875: 3869: 3859: 3853: 3839: 3833: 3826: 3820: 3797: 3791: 3776: 3770: 3765:. Translated by 3745: 3739: 3730:Chovot HaLevavot 3725: 3719: 3710:Chovot HaLevavot 3705: 3699: 3690:Chovot HaLevavot 3685: 3679: 3668:Chovot HaLevavot 3664: 3658: 3649:Chovot HaLevavot 3644: 3638: 3627:Chovot HaLevavot 3623: 3617: 3600:, translated by 3580:Chovot HaLevavot 3575: 3569: 3559: 3553: 3543: 3537: 3511: 3505: 3491: 3485: 3478: 3472: 3466: 3460: 3454: 3448: 3442: 3436: 3430: 3424: 3418: 3412: 3406: 3400: 3394: 3388: 3382: 3376: 3370: 3364: 3354: 3345: 3331:Leviticus Rabbah 3313: 3307: 3298: 3292: 3286: 3280: 3274: 3268: 3258: 3252: 3246: 3240: 3234: 3228: 3219: 3213: 3207: 3201: 3195: 3189: 3183: 3177: 3171: 3165: 3159: 3153: 3147: 3141: 3131: 3125: 3115: 3109: 3103: 3097: 3091: 3085: 3079:Jerusalem Talmud 3076: 3070: 3064: 3058: 3052: 3046: 3040: 3034: 3025: 3019: 3010: 3004: 2998: 2992: 2989: 2983: 2982:, pages 1859–78. 2972: 2966: 2947: 2941: 2922: 2916: 2909: 2903: 2897: 2891: 2884: 2878: 2871: 2865: 2859: 2853: 2847: 2841: 2834: 2828: 2822: 2816: 2810: 2804: 2798: 2792: 2785: 2779: 2773: 2767: 2761: 2755: 2749: 2743: 2737: 2731: 2726: 2720: 2715: 2709: 2702: 2696: 2690: 2684: 2678: 2672: 2666: 2660: 2654: 2648: 2642: 2636: 2630: 2624: 2617: 2611: 2605: 2599: 2593: 2587: 2580: 2574: 2568: 2562: 2556: 2550: 2543: 2537: 2531: 2525: 2519: 2513: 2507: 2501: 2486: 2480: 2479: 2477: 2475: 2464: 2455: 2454: 2452: 2450: 2439: 2410:On Shabbat Shuva 2401: 2393: 2385: 2377: 2369: 2361: 2353: 2304: 2299:Pesukei d'Zimrah 2296: 2288: 2278: 2270: 2264:Pesukei d'Zimrah 2260: 2255:Kabbalat Shabbat 2241:Kabbalat Shabbat 2234: 2224: 2216: 2206: 2203:), and evening ( 2196: 2186: 2178: 2170: 2162: 2154: 2142: 2130: 2114: 2102: 2094: 2086: 2082: 2066: 2052: 2040: 2012:Sefer ha-Chinuch 1970:aḥayei et ha-met 1862:hypothesis, see 1823:Neḥama Leibowitz 1805: 1779: 4.1/190–192 1522: 1437: 1432:G. Ernest Wright 1386:Baḥya ibn Paquda 1351:Jewish sources: 1286: 1278: 1270: 1262: 1254: 1246: 1222: 935: 927: 919: 889:Judah the Prince 868: 846: 838: 830: 822: 814: 806: 798: 787: 779: 760: 748: 736: 664: 656: 508: 492: 391: 209: 201: 197: 193: 179: 171: 149: 111: 68: 52: 21: 6801: 6800: 6796: 6795: 6794: 6792: 6791: 6790: 6771: 6770: 6769: 6764: 6696: 6633: 6570: 6502: 6493: 6420: 6415: 6385: 6301:Wayback Machine 6289: 6272: 6267: 6169:Shmuel Herzfeld 6159:Amy-Jill Levine 6068:Andrea L. Weiss 6049:Mark Leuchter. 5924:Ronald Bergey. 5883:Elyse Goldstein 5732:Wayback Machine 5725:"Joint Aliyot." 5708:John Knox Press 5680:Wayback Machine 5669:Elliot N. Dorff 5652:Pinchas H. Peli 5522:Joseph Reider. 5512: 5403:Emily Dickinson 5365:Chaim ibn Attar 5318:pages 489–526. 5256:Isaac Abravanel 5252: 5221:Bahya ben Asher 5211:Wayback Machine 4822: 4769:Sasanian Empire 4553:to Deuteronomy 4537: 4528:William Whiston 4501: 4479: 4471: 4469:Further reading 4466: 4457: 4450: 4437: 4433: 4425:, pages 94–95. 4420: 4416: 4408: 4404: 4395: 4391: 4378: 4374: 4361: 4357: 4344: 4340: 4336:, pages 15, 23. 4323: 4319: 4306: 4302: 4293: 4289: 4280: 4276: 4267: 4263: 4250: 4246: 4233: 4229: 4220: 4216: 4207: 4203: 4194: 4190: 4181: 4177: 4164: 4160: 4147: 4143: 4130: 4126: 4113: 4109: 4096: 4092: 4084:(New York: The 4072: 4068: 4060: 4056: 4048: 4044: 4036: 4032: 4009: 4005: 3996: 3989: 3980: 3976: 3967: 3963: 3954: 3950: 3941: 3937: 3928: 3924: 3915: 3911: 3898: 3894: 3885: 3881: 3876: 3872: 3860: 3856: 3840: 3836: 3827: 3823: 3798: 3794: 3777: 3773: 3746: 3742: 3726: 3722: 3706: 3702: 3686: 3682: 3665: 3661: 3645: 3641: 3624: 3620: 3606:Daniel Haberman 3576: 3572: 3560: 3556: 3544: 3540: 3512: 3508: 3492: 3488: 3479: 3475: 3467: 3463: 3455: 3451: 3443: 3439: 3431: 3427: 3419: 3415: 3407: 3403: 3395: 3391: 3383: 3379: 3371: 3367: 3355: 3348: 3314: 3310: 3299: 3295: 3287: 3283: 3275: 3271: 3259: 3255: 3247: 3243: 3235: 3231: 3220: 3216: 3208: 3204: 3196: 3192: 3184: 3180: 3172: 3168: 3160: 3156: 3148: 3144: 3132: 3128: 3116: 3112: 3104: 3100: 3092: 3088: 3082:Taanit 9b (2:1) 3077: 3073: 3065: 3061: 3053: 3049: 3041: 3037: 3026: 3022: 3011: 3007: 2999: 2995: 2990: 2986: 2973: 2969: 2948: 2944: 2923: 2919: 2910: 2906: 2898: 2894: 2890:, pages 217–18. 2885: 2881: 2872: 2868: 2860: 2856: 2848: 2844: 2840:, pages 215–16. 2835: 2831: 2823: 2819: 2811: 2807: 2799: 2795: 2786: 2782: 2774: 2770: 2762: 2758: 2750: 2746: 2738: 2734: 2727: 2723: 2716: 2712: 2703: 2699: 2691: 2687: 2679: 2675: 2667: 2663: 2655: 2651: 2643: 2639: 2631: 2627: 2618: 2614: 2606: 2602: 2594: 2590: 2586:, pages 207–08. 2581: 2577: 2569: 2565: 2557: 2553: 2544: 2540: 2532: 2528: 2520: 2516: 2508: 2504: 2487: 2483: 2473: 2471: 2466: 2465: 2458: 2448: 2446: 2441: 2440: 2436: 2432: 2416:special Sabbath 2412: 2339: 2334: 2183:), additional ( 2153:צוּר יִשְׂרָאֵל 2129:אֱמֶת וְיַצִּיב 2093:הַכֹּל יוֹדוּךָ 2089:ha-meir laaretz 2024: 1995: 1962:ḥayyei ha-metim 1935: 1839: 1494:The indictment 1426: 1345: 1299:Adda bar Ahavah 1080:Bruno Liljefors 1058:go down," not " 1028:La Sainte Bible 1001:Ḥanina bar Papa 993:Giuseppe Angeli 774:Rabbi Berekhiah 562:Song of the Sea 519: 430: 422:triennial cycle 418: 388:In the maftir ( 374: 346: 329: 316: 264: 247: 230: 144: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6799: 6797: 6789: 6788: 6783: 6773: 6772: 6766: 6765: 6763: 6762: 6757: 6752: 6747: 6742: 6737: 6732: 6727: 6722: 6717: 6712: 6706: 6704: 6698: 6697: 6695: 6694: 6689: 6684: 6679: 6674: 6669: 6664: 6659: 6654: 6649: 6643: 6641: 6635: 6634: 6632: 6631: 6626: 6621: 6616: 6611: 6606: 6601: 6596: 6591: 6586: 6580: 6578: 6572: 6571: 6569: 6568: 6563: 6558: 6553: 6548: 6543: 6538: 6533: 6528: 6523: 6518: 6512: 6510: 6504: 6503: 6496: 6494: 6492: 6491: 6486: 6481: 6476: 6471: 6466: 6461: 6456: 6451: 6446: 6441: 6436: 6430: 6428: 6422: 6421: 6416: 6414: 6413: 6406: 6399: 6391: 6384: 6383: 6378: 6373: 6368: 6363: 6358: 6353: 6348: 6343: 6341:Orthodox Union 6338: 6333: 6328: 6323: 6318: 6313: 6308: 6303: 6290: 6288: 6285: 6284: 6283: 6278: 6271: 6268: 6266: 6265:External links 6263: 6262: 6261: 6254: 6247: 6237: 6230: 6223:Jonathan Sacks 6211: 6210: 6204: 6181: 6180: 6166: 6143: 6142: 6132: 6129:Judith Plaskow 6121: 6111: 6104: 6097:John H. Walton 6089: 6075: 6057: 6047: 6040:James L. Kugel 6028: 6027: 6012: 6005: 5981: 5980: 5970: 5960: 5942: 5932: 5922: 5912: 5905: 5894: 5872: 5862: 5853: 5842: 5835: 5830:Paul Sanders. 5828: 5818: 5809: 5800: 5786: 5776: 5761: 5749: 5739: 5721: 5711: 5697: 5687: 5666: 5659: 5649: 5640: 5626: 5607: 5606: 5599: 5589: 5580: 5568: 5547: 5546: 5534: 5527: 5520: 5478: 5477: 5455: 5429: 5428: 5417:. Circa 1860. 5411:. Circa 1859. 5400: 5377: 5376: 5362: 5327: 5309: 5282: 5281: 5267: 5251: 5248: 5247: 5246: 5232: 5218: 5187: 5186: 5172: 5149: 5148: 5067: 5034: 5002: 5001: 4990: 4979:Numbers Rabbah 4976: 4962: 4930: 4903: 4902: 4891:Deuteronomy 32 4880: 4870: 4860: 4821: 4818: 4817: 4816: 4806: 4796: 4786: 4776: 4749:Bava Batra 25a 4652: 4651: 4641: 4638:Harry Freedman 4595:Genesis Rabbah 4592: 4589:Edward Goldman 4562: 4548: 4536: 4533: 4532: 4531: 4508: 4507:4QDeut, 4QDeut 4500: 4497: 4496: 4495: 4492: 4489: 4486: 4483: 4478: 4475: 4470: 4467: 4465: 4464: 4448: 4431: 4414: 4402: 4389: 4372: 4355: 4338: 4317: 4300: 4287: 4274: 4261: 4244: 4227: 4214: 4201: 4188: 4175: 4158: 4141: 4124: 4107: 4103:Jonathan Sacks 4090: 4066: 4054: 4042: 4030: 4003: 3987: 3974: 3961: 3955:Robert Alter. 3948: 3935: 3922: 3909: 3892: 3879: 3870: 3854: 3834: 3821: 3792: 3771: 3740: 3720: 3700: 3680: 3659: 3639: 3618: 3570: 3554: 3538: 3506: 3486: 3473: 3461: 3449: 3437: 3425: 3413: 3401: 3389: 3377: 3365: 3346: 3316:Genesis Rabbah 3308: 3293: 3281: 3269: 3253: 3241: 3229: 3222:Numbers Rabbah 3214: 3202: 3190: 3178: 3166: 3154: 3142: 3126: 3110: 3098: 3086: 3071: 3059: 3047: 3035: 3028:Genesis Rabbah 3020: 3005: 2993: 2984: 2967: 2942: 2917: 2904: 2892: 2879: 2866: 2854: 2842: 2829: 2817: 2805: 2793: 2780: 2768: 2756: 2744: 2732: 2721: 2710: 2697: 2685: 2673: 2661: 2649: 2637: 2625: 2612: 2600: 2588: 2575: 2563: 2551: 2538: 2526: 2514: 2502: 2481: 2456: 2433: 2431: 2428: 2411: 2408: 2366:) and "wily" ( 2338: 2335: 2333: 2330: 2245:prayer service 2193:), afternoon ( 2123:following the 2097:ha-kol yoducha 2045:). 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Retrieved 2447:. Retrieved 2445:. 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Leipzig: 5498:Leo Strauss 4789:Ruth Rabbah 4725:Yevamot 63b 4663:Babylonian 4555:306:1–341:1 4396:See, e.g., 4379:See, e.g., 4362:See, e.g., 4345:See, e.g., 4324:See, e.g., 4307:See, e.g., 4294:See, e.g., 4281:See, e.g., 4268:See, e.g., 4251:See, e.g., 4234:See, e.g., 4221:See, e.g., 4208:See, e.g., 4195:See, e.g., 4182:See, e.g., 4165:See, e.g., 4148:See, e.g., 4131:See, e.g., 4114:See, e.g., 4097:See, e.g., 3899:See, e.g., 3338:Prologue 11 3301:Ruth Rabbah 2961:(New York: 2957:, editors, 2915:, page 218. 2877:, page 217. 2791:, page 215. 2708:, page 212. 2623:, page 209. 2549:, page 206. 2295:פסוקי דזמרא 2259:פסוקי דזמרא 2250:Lekhah Dodi 2047:prayer book 1999:commandment 1868:Wikiversity 1755:Shakespeare 1631:32:20b–27c 615:Jehoshaphat 497:)." And in 115:Sefer Torah 6775:Categories 6735:Ki Teitzei 6629:Bechukotai 6469:Vayishlach 6444:Lech-Lecha 5462:Sefat Emet 5443:(Shadal). 5320:Cincinnati 5175:Naḥmanides 5155:Naḥmanides 5064:B000L88PUS 5014:Maimonides 5008:Maimonides 4887:Commentary 4729:Ketubot 8b 4520:4:8:44, 47 4462:, page 95. 3868:, page 55. 3594:Al-Andalus 3526:Naḥmanides 3304:Prologue 4 3265:chapter 24 2449:August 14, 2420:Yom Kippur 2376:תִּתַּפָּל 2368:פְתַלְתֹּל 1950:Samaritans 1887:Septuagint 1717:32:37b–38 1706:32:36–37a 1620:32:19–20a 1600:32:14g–18 1417:Maimonides 1412:Maimonides 1313:David and 1214:Rabbi Meir 1153:Rav Joseph 1104:Canaanites 1100:Amalekites 880:Rabbi Jose 867:ברכת המזון 837:מַּסְעֶרֶת 805:מֵעׇרְפּוֹ 655:לְאֵיתָנוֹ 597:spoke, as 511:al-bamatei 495:al-bamatei 394:Mount Nebo 366:Mount Nebo 304:sacrificed 91:Israelites 87:indictment 59:first word 51:הַאֲזִינוּ 6576:Leviticus 6541:Mishpatim 6531:Beshalach 6240:Shai Held 6101:Zondervan 6072:URJ Press 5383:Dickinson 5215:The Zohar 5204:286a–299b 5193:The Zohar 4709:Taanit 7a 4569:Taanit 9b 3610:Jerusalem 2426:2:15–27. 2402:‎, 2394:‎, 2386:‎, 2378:‎, 2370:‎, 2362:‎, 2354:‎, 2337:Generally 2307:Shacharit 2305:‎, 2297:‎, 2289:‎, 2279:‎, 2273:Shacharit 2271:‎, 2261:‎, 2235:‎, 2225:‎, 2217:‎, 2207:‎, 2197:‎, 2187:‎, 2181:Shacharit 2179:‎, 2171:‎, 2163:‎, 2155:‎, 2143:‎, 2131:‎, 2117:Titbarach 2115:‎, 2105:Shacharit 2103:‎, 2095:‎, 2087:‎, 2070:Shacharit 2067:‎, 2061:Adon Olam 2053:‎, 2041:‎, 1986:Olam Haba 1806:‎, 1728:32:39–40 1686:32:32–35 1653:32:28–29 1642:32:27d–e 1589:32:8–14f 1501:32:19–29 1491:32:15–18 1374:Zechariah 1336:Leviticus 1315:Bathsheba 1295:Rav Hisda 1287:‎, 1279:‎, 1271:‎, 1263:‎, 1255:‎, 1247:‎, 1223:‎, 1115:Rabbi Aha 1092:synagogue 938:ha-tzayar 936:‎, 928:‎, 920:‎, 869:‎, 847:‎, 839:‎, 831:‎, 823:‎, 821:מַּזֶּלֶת 815:‎, 807:‎, 799:‎, 788:‎, 780:‎, 761:‎, 749:‎, 743:Rav Judah 737:‎, 665:‎, 657:‎, 585:sang, as 509:‎, 493:‎, 448:1:2, the 437:witnesses 406:Mount Hor 268:highlands 210:‎ ( 202:‎, 180:‎ ( 172:‎, 156:. In the 150:‎, 124:holy days 112:‎, 69:‎, 67:פָּרָשָׁה 6750:Vayelech 6745:Nitzavim 6730:Shofetim 6682:Pinechas 6647:Bemidbar 6614:Kedoshim 6561:Vayakhel 6556:Ki Tissa 6551:Tetzaveh 6484:Vayigash 6474:Vayeshev 6434:Bereshit 6297:Archived 6149:Herzfeld 5728:Archived 5676:Archived 5553:Albright 5435:Luzzatto 5343:Piotrków 5207:Archived 5057:23834932 4820:Medieval 4701:Yoma 37a 4573:Tiberias 4511:Josephus 4477:Biblical 3590:Zaragoza 3494:Ibn Ezra 2934:New York 2494:Brooklyn 2470:. Hebcal 2372:petaltol 2347:2 Samuel 2343:haftarah 2332:Haftarah 2233:עֲמִידָה 2228:Tachanun 2215:עֲמִידָה 2205:מַעֲרִיב 2169:עֲמִידָה 1911:servants 1881:." 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first word
weekly Torah portion
Torah reading
Book of Deuteronomy
Song of Moses
Sefer Torah
holy days
Rosh Hashanah
Masoretic Text
Hebrew Bible


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