
Historical murders and executions in Stockholm

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780:, such was the case in the winter of 1765 when a Brita Engström was suspected of the crime. Her neighbors had noticed that Brita had grown fatter and then suddenly she was very thin. Brita confessed that she had in fact had a child, but it was a stillborn. But when the authorities examined the corpse of the infant, they found evidence that the infant was alive at the time of its birth. The infant's neck had blue bruises which indicated that it had been strangled. Simson, the father, stated that he did not know anything, even though he and Brita lived together. The court did not believe the couple, and Simson was sentenced to 14 days in prison, while Brita was sentenced to death. 581:. These armed conflicts, or so called "duels" were usually the result of trifles combined with alcohol. Lucidor had gotten into a fight with the bartender who had refused to continue serving him wine unless he paid for it. In an attempt to disrupt the commotion, army Lieutenant Storm approached Lucidor, at which point Lucidor drew his sword and scratched Storm's hand. Storm drew his own sword and stabbed Lucidor. Lucidor was buried in an unmarked poor man's grave in the north end of Maria Magdalena graveyard. Storm was charged with manslaughter on 22 August 1674, but managed to escape custody with the help of his mother, presumably to flee the country. 276:
to deadly violence. A third of all cases of murder and manslaughter during the 1500s usually involved honor-related conflicts. Minor conflicts sometimes triggered murder. On 9 June 1589, a knight known as Anders was accused of the murder of the farmhand Bengt Persson. They had been shooting darts and when Anders missed the target, Bengt mocked him by whistling. This was enough for Anders to draw his knife and stab Bengt in the head. The court ruled that a murder for such a minor reason was not right and therefore sentenced Anders to the death penalty.
186: 50: 883:
attempting to poison herself, but failing in the latter. The third category is the "crime of passion", where a man kills his wife out of jealousy when she expresses the desire to leave him. The "jealousy" is said to be the uncontrollable feeling that drives the person to commit the murder, and the reason for this uncontrollable feeling is the actions of the victim. The victim is hence blamed by the perpetrator, who often expresses his/her deep love for the victim during interrogations and in court.
22: 316: 566:(also known as Mäster Mikael) was executed on 20 March 1650 by his successor. Mäster Mikael exercised his practice at a designated execution spot in Södermalm from 1635 until his death in 1650. Mikael killed his friend, Påwel Andersson in 1650 following an argument about a debt. Mikael plead not guilty and stated that Påwel had "accidentally run into the edge of Mikael's sword". The court did not believe him and he was sentenced to death and executed by his successor. 541: 532:
decline. A lot of men died, and the number of young, aggressive men roaming the streets decreased. Additionally, fires and local epidemics occurred. In 1635, the city government started hiring guards who were tasked with patrolling public places and maintaining order. In 1667, there were over 70 official city guards, the city guard was a predecessor to the Stockholm police. It is probable that the guards contributed to the decrease in violence.
1033:. In order to convey the seriousness of their demands, military attaché Andreas von Mirbach and trade official Heinz Hillegaart were both shot and killed. Two of the embassy's occupiers were killed in an explosion at the embassy. The surviving terrorists were arrested when they attempted to flee the embassy and were all sentenced to two consecutive life sentences each. They were eventually pardoned and released between 1994 and 1996. 669:(literally: 'The Rose Chamber'), and was known for despising the death penalty and using all means necessary to change sentences or, in some cases, pardon felons. According to statistics, hanging was never used as capital punishment during the reign of Gustav III. Hanging was considered the most humiliating manner of death, and was often used on thieves and forgers. Beheading by sword, however, held a higher status. 820: 58: 443: 598:
body could confirm that Putestads pants had been replaced, this made the court believe that Schechtelfocht must be in possession of the victims real clothes, and in turn, his money. Schechtelfocht constantly changed details of his story and the court eventually told him to give up the truth, or his soul would be taken by the devil. He was found guilty of the murder of Hans Putestad and was executed.
262:, which made the death penalty legal for thieves still did not manage to deter criminals. 140 persons were executed between 1474 and 1492 in Stockholm. 50 persons had been convicted of violent crimes such as manslaughter, murder and assault. 90 were thieves and robbers. The chapter addressing thievery in Magnus Erikssons landslag is introduced with a picture depicting a hanging. The text promotes 170: 857:, son of Gustav IV Adolf as Crown Prince. When Crown Prince Charles August suddenly died of a stroke in 1810, the position was yet again vacant. The parts of the nobility who had exiled Gustav IV Adolf did not wish to see the exiled King's son as successor. When Charles August died, rumors were spread regarding the possible poisoning of Charles August, and that the von Fersens were responsible. 1040:'s street and on Bryggargatan. Thousands of Christmas shoppers were present near the places where the detonations occurred. The explosion at Bryggargatan killed lone terrorist Taimour Abdulwahab, and no other injuries were reported. The incident sparked debate around chemical production regulations as well as the seemingly flawed Swedish system of preventing violent extremism. 549: 384:. The rebellion failed, and the king offered Lilliehöök mercy. But, in his belief that all evidence incriminating him had been destroyed, Lilliehöök declined and demanded that a trial be held. Authorities did have evidence, and in 1529, the Riksdag at Strängnäs sentenced him to death. Lilliehöök attempted to escape custody, but fell and broke his 968:
On 7 March 1932, politician Hjalmar von Sydow is found beaten to death along with two female employees in von Sydow's apartment at 24 Norr Mälarstrand. The bodies had been discovered by the young niece to von Sydow's late wife. The testimony of the niece, who had been living at von Sydow's residence,
The 1861 murder of 34-year old Anna Sofia Forrsberg was greatly sensationalized at the time, due to no small part of the fact that 21-year old guardsman Per Victor Göthe defiled the woman's body. Forssberg was stabbed to death by Göthe in her store at Hornsgatan, where she also resided, on Easter Day
was 12 years old when his mother was executed. Jacob would grow up to become a thief and swindler. He was sentenced to death on four occasions, but managed to escape custody three times. In the fall of 1769 he was recaptured and finally executed on 16 January 1771. He spent the two years prior to his
Gustav III did not die instantly, but instead continued to function as head of state, until his wound became infected which he died from thirteen days later, on 29 March. Unaware that he was dying, he gave the order that the lives of all 40 persons involved in the conspiracy were to be spared, except
Schechtelfocht had apparently not had enough time to change clothes, he had blood on his shirt. Schechtelfocht stated that he had a nosebleed, even though the blood was only visible on the back of his shirt. The court deemed him suspicious and looked into his story. The persons who had discovered the
During the entirety of the 1600s and the rule of Swedish Empire, the number of deadly crimes committed decreased. The amount of crime compared to the size of the population in the Stockholm area decreased by over 90 percent between 1600 and 1750. It is unclear whether or not this reduction was caused
Some of the courts sentences are today difficult to comprehend. Persons who committed murder or manslaughter were not always sentenced to death, an example would be when a flayer known as Henrik was charged with manslaughter on 18 June 1492 for killing his servant. But Henrik was later freed from all
A man had been found brutally murdered on a location known as 'Häägersteen'. The authorities quickly asked the public for help, and called for the murderer to turn himself in, which he did not. A citizen claimed that the victim was a Hans Putestad, an unemployed tailor who had travelled to a farm in
Besides murder and manslaughter among the general population, political murders were not uncommon occurrences in Stockholm. The most common cases were politicians who desired to get rid of competitors or punish critics. The oldest documented cases of this category goes back to 1280, when King Magnus
The most common incidents were fights between two men who were usually intoxicated. The most common murder weapon was a knife, as almost every man carried one. Less common weapons included wooden logs, stein (beer mugs), axes, hammers and furniture. Insulting ones honor could also be a justification
Stockholm in the 1750s is described as a calm city with kind and welcoming citizens. A secretary of the court chancellery stated that Stockholm had been transformed into a city with extraordinary standards of order and morality. The fact that Stockholm still was quite a small city compared to other
945:. During the robbery, the clerk, Victoria Hellsten, was severely beaten, and she later succumbed to her injuries. Ander managed to steal at least 5 200 crowns in cash, bank notes which would later be used as evidence against him, as some of the notes had been covered in blood. The murder weapon, a 915:
Nordlund's first victim was the ship's captain Olof Rönngren. When Johan Filip stabbed a woman, he was allegedly so forceful that the blade snapped. He escaped in a lifeboat, leaving behind five dead and nine injured. Nordlund was arrested a day later and was sentenced to death. He was executed in
a.m. on 23 November 1910, convicted robber and murderer Alfred Ander was executed by guillotine at Långholmen Prison. This was the last execution to take place in Swedish history, and the first and last time a guillotine was used. The death penalty was officially abolished in 1921 for crime during
In 1756, Maria Rial Guntlack, together with her lover Johan Wilhelm Falcker, poisoned her husband Abraham Guntlack. Falcker's punishment was the decapitation of his right hand followed by his beheading on 16 July 1756. Maria Rial received similar punishment, with the exception of her burning on 21
Vercits from the 1400s may seem odd today. But in the 1600s, authorities started operating in a similar way as police investigations and trials look like today. Crimes were reconstructed and witnesses were interviewed. The following example is a court case from April 1626 which can help illustrate
Between the middle of the 1500s and the middle of the 1700s, the punishment had grown harsher both in the rest of Europe and in Sweden, but after the middle of the 1700s, the trend aimed towards milder forms of punishment. It would appear that the breaking points towards harsher punishment was the
and commenced in the afternoon of 8 November with the beheadings of bishops Mattias och Vincent. 15 members of the nobility were thereafter also beheaded by sword, thereafter the mayor of Stockholm, along with his advisors, were killed by hanging. On 9 November, the servants belonging to the now
Three main categories of murder were dominant in Sweden throughout the 20th century. The first category involved unprovoked killings of men by other men, during intoxication. The second category could be called "failed collective suicide" as it involved a mother poisoning her children and then
At the end of the 1700s, cases of deadly violence were considered rare in Stockholm, and the ratio of murder and manslaughter cases per citizen was just 2 per 100,000 annually. Thus, the ratio was not higher then, than it is in today's Stockholm. Of all violent crime cases of the 18th century,
The last hanging at Hammarbyhöjden occurred in 1818, and the last public execution at Hammarbyhöjden took place in 1862 when Per Viktor Göthe was beheaded for the rape and murder of Anna Sofia Forssberg (read more below). Public executions were abolished entirely in 1877, and in 1890 the last
The citizens of Stockholm also generally avoided leaving their homes at night, as Stockholm was quite a dark city at night in the 1800s. Torches and other open sources of light were prohibited due to the fire risk, and persons who wished to leave their houses were reminded to not forget their
One possible explanation could be the wars of Sweden. In the beginning of the 17th century, around 30 percent of all cases of murder and manslaughter were committed by Swedish soldiers in Stockholm. When these soldiers were on the battlefield, however, deadly crime occurrences showed a steady
p.m. The restaurant staff were instructed to ask Fredrik von Sydow to enter the hallway where police were waiting. As the couple entered the hall, Ingun sat down. Her husband bent down, seemingly in order to kiss her, whereupon Fredrik shot his wife, and subsequently himself. The couple died
Gustav III and the nobility had gone through numerous disputes during his reign. Parts of the nobility did not approve of the King cutting their privileges. Other parts did not agree with his politics, and certain parts simply had personal grounds for hatred against Gustav III. This led to a
to meet with shoemaker Hans Schechtelfocht. Putestad was known for bringing his entire life savings with him, by sewing them directly into his clothes. Upon further inspection, no money could be found in his clothing. Scechtelhocht was apparently the farmowners gardener and was taken in for
charges since it turned out that the servant was envious of Henrik, which was considered sinful. On 17 December 1498, Klas Larsson from Utsunda village was accused of murder. He was sentenced to death, simply because the jury stated that they could see in his eyes that he was guilty.
involved two intoxicated men fighting each other, resulting in either party's death. If the surviving party were to report the event and turn himself in, his punishment would be less grave. Murder was a more serious crime, especially if the perpetrator would attempt to hide the fact.
in 1861. Göthe was sentenced to death and executed on 8 February 1862. The execution was witnessed by 4000 onlookers. Göthe was said to have been calm and compliant throughout his execution. Per Victor Göthe was the last convict to be executed below Galgbacken in Hammarbyhöjden.
in 1778, a law which allowed unmarried mothers to give birth anonymously. Nurses were now prohibited from asking for the name of the father. The idea was to prevent infanticide by letting the woman travel to another town and give birth there instead of having to state her name.
was connected to Ander, in addition to a box that Ander had left at Hotel Temperance which contained some of his loot, blood, a photography of Ander as well as his form of identification. On 14 May 1910, Ander was sentenced to death for murder, and he was executed at
573:(his real name was Lars Johansson) also known as "the unlucky one" was just 36 years old when he got caught in a melee battle on the night of 12 August 1674 and was pierced by Lieutenant Arvid Kristian Storm's sword. The murder took place in the basement of today's 713:
On 16 March 1792, Anckarström entered the theater during a masquerade, which granted him inconspicuous concealment, and shot Gustav III. The bullet was fired at close range and hit the King in the back, near his left hip. The King's company, a member of the
in order to prevent them turning into criminals. A human life was not worth much during the Middle Ages. If Sweden were to exercise the death penalty at the same level today, around 1 560 persons would be executed yearly, or four people daily.
803:, and pardons were more frequently issued. During the 19th century, the use of pardons increased even more, and starting in the middle of the 1800s, courts were officially permitted to pick between the death penalty or lifetime in prison. 909:. 25-year old John Filip Nordlund had recently served his sentence at Långholmen prison. Now a free man, he desired money in order to live a luxurious life, he therefore started plotting a heist to rob and kill all travellers aboard the 761:
The biography was supposedly written by Jacob himself, but no proof has been presented to support this. The book was widely famed at the time and was translated into other languages. Guntlack was executed on 16 January 1771 in public.
Svenska familj-journalen: illustrerad månadsskrift, innehållande svensk-historiska samt fosterländska skildringar och berättelser ur naturen och lifvet, original-noveller, skisser och poemer samt uppsatser i vetenskap och konst, m.
department store, killing five and seriously injuring 14. Rakhmat Akilov, a 39-year old rejected asylum seeker born in the Soviet Union and a citizen of Uzbekistan, was apprehended the same day suspected on probable cause of
between 7 November and 9 November 1520, when parts of the royalty and the nobility desired to get rid of several of their competitors and critics. Two highly acclaimed murders of politicians during recent years include the
the same year. He received his verdict on 28 September 1568 and was punished "as an honorless, faithless and perjurous traitor, rogue and villain". Perssons punishment was cruel. Both of his ears were nailed against the
Magnus Birgersson, son of Birger Magnusson, did not die a natural death either. He was a prince and was capable of threatening the throne. On 21 October 1320 he was sentenced to death and executed a week later at
94:, who had been accused of several "traitorous acts against the throne". The city's murders between the middle of the 15th century and the middle of the 17th century have been documented fairly well in the logs of 919:
The incident was interpreted in several broadside ballads, such as "Mälaredramat: en sångbar berättelse om de gräsliga ogerningarna å ångbåten Prins Carl" and "En alldeles ny visa om det hemska Mälaredramat".
immediately, and a clear motive for the incident has never been established. The weapon used in the murder of Hjalmar von Sydow, an iron pipe, is today part of an exhibition at the Swedish Police Museum.
428:. He was eventually beheaded and his body was nailed to a stake, where his body could be observed in public. This was a regular practice during the Middle Ages in Sweden, until it was outlawed in 1841. 937:
was the last person to be executed in Sweden and the only Swede to be executed by guillotine, as capital punishment prior to 1907 was executed through manual beheading. On 5 January 1910, Ander robbed
times of peace. The death penalty for crimes during war-time, however, would not be abolished until 1972. It is worth noting that crime did not increase following the abolition of death penalty.
The 20th century begins with the deadliest mass murder in Swedish history at the time. The incident didn't occur in Stockholm, but it illustrates how incidents at the time were printed on
1966:. Rapport / Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 1400-853X; 2011:3 (in Swedish) (4th updated ed.). Stockholm: Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet. 999:, Anna Lindh's killer, was, however, arrested two weeks after the murder, and was sentenced to life in prison, due to significant evidence from surveillance cameras and DNA matching. 1522:
Den uti Smedjegårds-häktet nu fängslade ryktbare bedragaren och tjufwen Jacob Guntlacks lefwernes-beskrifning, af honom sjelf författad. Stockholm, tryckt uti kongl. tryckeriet, 1770
312:. The capture and subsequent execution of Torkel was the result of an agreement between King Birger Magnusson and his brothers in order to stop Torkels dominance of the government. 102:, a trend which had more than halved by the beginning of the 1700s. The most common cases of manslaughter and murder usually involved fights between men where alcohol was involved. 842:. As Marshal of the Realm, von Fersen had a close relationship with Gustav III, and was subsequently beaten to death by an angry mob, following the death of the new Crown Prince 683:
Even though Gustav III was known as "the mild monarch" at the time, he was the victim of an assassination attempt on 16 March 1792, which led to his death thirteen days later.
led police to suspect von Sydow's son and his wife, Fredrik and Ingun von Sydow as the perpetrators. The couple were tracked down and found at a restaurant in Uppsala around 8
The assassination of Olof Palme has still not been solved as of 2018, despite it being the subject of one of the most significant criminal investigations in the world.
The late 1900s and the early 2000s are overshadowed by two notorious political assassinations: the 1986 assassination of Olof Palme and the 2003 murder of Anna Lindh.
843: 462:, which revolves around the looting and subsequent executions between 7 November och 9 November 1520. The events took place three days following the coronation of 559:
Murder and manslaughter was still the most common reason for the use of capital punishment. Sometimes, an executioner would have to execute another executioner:
The knight Broder Svensson Tjurhuvud was forced to pay with his life in 1436 after he had publicly expressed his dismay against the king. He had insulted King
246:) where they were locked inside a building which was set on fire. The smallest number of victims of the Käpplinge murders was noted as 15, the highest was 76. 838:
in Gamla Stan. The story behind the event could be seen in the political disorder which occurred following the death of Gustav III and the exile of his heir
1706: 773:
The average killer of a child at the time was generally a young woman in her late 20s who did not have either the will nor the means to keep the child.
February 1757. Owing to her being pregnant with Falcker's child, the execution had to be postponed for a few months. Abraham and Maria's firstborn son
113:, and the last public execution occurred in 1862. The last execution in Sweden and Stockholm took place on 23 November 1910, when robber and murderer 399:
beat his secretary Martin Olai Helsingius to death with a stove poker. Martin had allegedly advised the king against pardoning his former secretary
403:, who was a very trusted advisor and friend of the king, but whom the Swedish people despised. Persson had been accused of causing the looting of 1008: 142: 1674: 234:. The Germans read aloud a list of the names of 76 Swedish "traitors" who were to be taken into custody. A number of them were locked inside 2196: 2101: 1061: 388:. After crawling his way out of the city, he was found hiding in a field. On 7 September 1529, Lilliehöök was executed by decapitation on 594:
interrogation. Schechtelfocht stated in front of the court that he had offered the tailor employment, and had not heard from him since.
2025: 1971: 1939: 1912: 1858: 1831: 242:). The captives were tortured with saws. On 17 June the prisoners inside Tre Kronor castle were ferried over to Käpplingeholmen ( 371: 309: 263: 21: 2052: 1998: 1885: 2243: 2318: 2174: 942: 828: 2221: 495:
in the same area where Katarina graveyard would be laid out on 10 November. The grave of Sten Sture the Younger in the
109:, the use of capital punishment decreased and was abolished for certain crimes. The last hanging took place in 1818 at 2328: 1614: 1609: 1016: 983: 831: 507:(literally "The Bloodbath Painting") which also contains one of the oldest known depictions of the city of Stockholm. 150: 130: 1708:
En alldeles ny visa om det hemska "Mälaredramat" som utspelades natten till den 16 maj 1900 af Johan Filip Nordlund
until he was beheaded on 27 April 1792. Parts of his body were nailed to the execution spot, as part of tradition.
688: 496: 2323: 1713:
An all new song about the horrible Mälaren Drama which took place the night on 16 May 1900 by John Filip Nordlund
703: 259: 190: 376:, one of Sweden's most eminent men in the 1520s, suffered the death penalty in 1529 when he participated in the 366: 784: 722: 124:
Stockholm has experienced a remarkable number of political murders, and the most notable group of cases is the
demands of economic compensation for the demolishing of his castle led to the question if the previous regent
Cases of homicide and manslaughter in Stockholm between 1400 and 2000. Number of murders per 100,000 citizens.
2131: 1012: 770:
Between 1751 and 1765, 138 people were executed for infanticide while 132 persons were executed for murder.
had all party guests demasked and their names noted. Anckarström was arrested the day following the murder.
463: 377: 290: 185: 146: 91: 1029:
barricaded themselves inside the embassy and demanded the release of a number of imprisoned RAF members in
49: 1960:
Brott och straff i Sverige: historisk kriminalstatistik 1750-2010 : diagram, tabeller och kommentarer
854: 475: 451: 351: 201:
it is fair to assume that violence with a deadly outcome was up to a hundred times more common during the
420:. He was later hinged onto the gallows, but before his death he was brought down again. and subjected to 637: 2265: 996: 706:, among others, conspired together against the King at Huvudsta gamla slott. Gustav III's own theater, 315: 800: 695: 607: 521: 486:, approximately 82 persons were executed during the following days. The executions were performed on 425: 219: 178: 95: 2154: 2083: 2058: 2031: 2004: 1977: 1945: 1918: 1891: 1864: 1837: 1720: 1688: 1525: 1381: 755: 544:
Mäster Mikaels gata (Fjällgatan) around the turn of the 19th-20th century, as viewed from the west.
467: 459: 437: 319: 235: 125: 66: 2078: 1958: 640:
and was tasked with issuing city regulations and laws regarding public order, as well as handling
2204: 934: 929: 733: 500: 417: 396: 381: 323: 114: 540: 404: 2248: 2226: 2146: 2109: 2048: 2021: 1994: 1967: 1935: 1908: 1881: 1854: 1827: 963: 946: 850: 344: 223: 110: 87: 62: 736:
and the death penalty. His right hand was cut off, he was publicly whipped for three days on
Stockholm operated an effective guards force which consisted of 148 official guards by 1720.
2118: 1604: 1026: 895: 808: 400: 327: 1036:
The 2010 Stockholm bombings took place on 11 December 2010 when two explosions occurred at
839: 737: 340: 331: 297: 1495: 2288: 807:
execution of a woman, Anna Månsdotter, took place for her participation in the infamous
2270: 2179: 2018:
Stockholm gata för gata: en guide till brotten, böckerna, filmerna, musiken, personerna
Mälaredramat: en sångbar berättelse om de gräsliga ogerningarna å ångbåten "Prins Carl"
1048: 1022: 750: 699: 563: 421: 359: 141:
in 2003. Additionally, several terrorist attacks have occurred in the city, namely the
819: 300:
on 10 February 1306. After being sentenced to death, he was killed by decapitation on
Hostility between German merchants and the populace of Stockholm led to the so-called
57: 2312: 1681:
The Mälaren Drama: A sung story about the grisly enormities on the steamer Prins Carl
1064:, was sentenced to life in prison and lifetime expulsion from Sweden on 7 June 2018. 665: 633: 471: 408: 231: 1030: 835: 715: 574: 442: 243: 239: 206: 1052: 776:
Usually, if the victim was an infant, the mother would state that the child was a
492: 169: 1047:
p.m. on 7 April 2017, a hijacked lorry was deliberately driven into crowds along
Betrayal against the king was not acceptable either and was punishable by death.
2293: 649: 641: 517: 466:
as King of Sweden. when the coronation party guests were called to a meeting at
392:. His head was impaled on a spear and his body was buried at Riddarholm Church. 305: 202: 99: 1368: 1037: 987: 791:
Under the law, the death penalty was abolished for unintentional infanticide.
777: 678: 660: 614:
European capitals, where everyone knew everyone may have contributed to this.
578: 487: 255: 227: 138: 134: 118: 106: 78: 2150: 389: 31:
translated text and the factual accuracy of the translation should be checked
899: 483: 548: 458:
The largest group of political murder cases in Stockholm is undeniably the
Cases of murder and manslaughter have not increased in the past 250 years.
610:, the trend in Europe started aiming towards milder forms of punishment. 590: 1060:
Akilov, who has expressed sympathy with extremist organizations such as
executed parts of the nobility were also executed. Bonfires were lit on
293:, who had been accused of several "traitorous acts against the throne". 2200: 799:
The death penalty was abolished for certain crimes during the reign of
656: 570: 552: 413: 74: 906: 479: 82: 2158: 2035: 2008: 1981: 1895: 1868: 1724: 1692: 450:. To the left, two bishops are beheaded; to the right, the grave of 395:
In some cases, kings have personally murdered people. In 1568, King
2122: 2062: 1949: 1922: 1841: 1529: 1385: 818: 547: 539: 441: 385: 314: 184: 168: 56: 48: 898:. The massacre took place on the night of 16 May 1900 aboard the 827:
The bloody 19th century in Stockholm starts with the lynching of
2197:"Uzbek suspect in Swedish attack sympathized with Islamic State" 2195:
Johnson, Simon; Pollard, Niklas; Roos, Rebecka (10 April 2017).
2175:"Stockholm terrorist Rakhmat Akilov sentenced to life in prison" 874:
The 1900s saw the abolition of the death penalty in Sweden. At 8
355: 15: 1853:. Stockholms historia (in Swedish). Lund: Historiska Media. 98:. Violence with a deadly outcome was most common during the 1021:
The 1975 West German Embassy siege occurred on 24 April in
Västerås on 10 December 1900 by executioner Gustaf Dalman.
were Gustavian loyalists, who sought to install the exiled
846:. The guards posted outside the palace did not intervene. 1719:(in Swedish). Gothenburg: A. Lindgren & Söner. 1905. 954:
a.m. on 23 November. Ander never admitted to his crimes.
was established with its headquarters located within the
with harsh words, when he had not received a castle as a
family, immediately ordered all exits to be closed, and
involved tendencies towards milder forms of punishment.
Gustaf III:s Stockholm: glimtar ur 1700-talets stadsliv
1565: 1563: 1315: 1313: 289:
Ladulås ordered the execution of three members of the
execution writing his biography, while imprisoned at
In order to combat the issue, Gustav III passed the
1025:when members of the far-left militant organization 655:Punishment was still relatively harsh, even though 1796: 69:24. The murders were highly acclaimed at the time. 1907:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Stockholms stadsmuseum. 1687:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Ol. Hansens förl. 1900. 691:, whose goals were both personal and political. 193:begins with an illustration depicting a hanging. 86:have been documented since the 1280s, when King 941:a cash exchange agency at Malmtorgsgatan, near 636:. The Police Chamber was to be overseen by the 90:ordered the execution of three magnates of the 2102:"Long-Term Historical Trends in Violent Crime" 1932:Stockholmskvarter: vad kvartersnamnen berättar 1593:Sign at the murder scene describing the event. 2244:"Ont om förebilder för avhoppande islamister" 1603:Hildebrand, Bengt; Hafström, Gerhard (1956). 1496:"Lista över dödsdömda fångar på Smedjegården" 1277: 8: 1930:Hasselblad, Björn; Lindström, Frans (1979). 478:and his followers should be found guilty of 1458: 1446: 1425: 238:, and others were taken to Gråmunkeholmen ( 33:by someone fluent in Swedish and English. 2222:"EU saknar regelverk för bombingredienser" 1740: 1409: 1407: 503:. The events were immortalized in 1524 on 254:A quite harsh legislation composed of the 205:compared to today. Usually, most cases of 165:Murder and manslaughter among the populace 1763: 1751: 1634: 1331: 1158: 296:Another notable case is the execution of 226:, soldiers and merchants marched towards 65:in 1932, dead women inside the apartment 1785: 1774: 1658: 1646: 1569: 1554: 1542: 1413: 1398: 1319: 1304: 1292: 1181: 1169: 1146: 1131: 1107: 1095: 823:Axel von Fersen is beaten to death, 1810 766:Cases of infanticide in the 18th century 499:was dug up and thrown in the bonfire on 1355: 1288: 1286: 1077: 1051:before crashing through a corner of an 905:, which was en route to Stockholm from 2264:Nordlander, Jenny (23 November 2010). 1142: 1140: 1084: 585:the Swedish legal system at the time. 555:was 36 years old when he was murdered. 343:. He received an honorable funeral at 1807: 1736: 1734: 1669: 1667: 1581: 648:roughly more than half were cases of 177:, the logs of all court cases in the 7: 2077:Andersson, Axel (18 February 2011). 2020:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Ordalaget. 1934:(in Swedish). Stockholm: AWE/Geber. 1482: 1470: 1343: 1265: 1253: 1241: 1229: 1217: 1205: 1193: 1119: 744:An entire family, sentenced to death 687:conspiracy against his life, led by 264:corporal punishment against children 2287:Nordström, Johan (1 October 2010). 2266:"Ander blev den siste att avrättas" 2242:Jönsson, Olof (16 December 2010b). 2220:Jönsson, Olof (17 December 2010a). 1993:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Carlsson. 1826:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Rediviva. 358:. He was arrested and executed on 191:the Country Law of Magnus Eriksson 117:was executed by decapitation in a 14: 1880:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Prisma. 1380:. Halmstad: Gernandt: 305. 1872. 2047:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Forum. 1991:Stockholm - den planerade staden 1797:Johnson, Pollard & Roos 2017 1058:terrorist crimes through murder. 20: 849:Axel von Fersen and his sister 834:on 20 June 1810 outside of the 710:was chosen as the crime scene. 679:Gustav III § Assassination 673:The Assassination of Gustav III 2289:"Terrordåd som skakat Sverige" 1502:(in Swedish). Stockholmskällan 861:Murder of Anna Sofia Forssberg 1: 2173:Jones, Evelyn (7 June 2018). 2043:O'Regan, Christopher (2004). 1824:Stockholms blodbestänkta jord 1520:Guntlack, Jacob, ed. (1770). 732:Anckarström was sentenced to 663:. He had closed the infamous 1876:Ericson Wolke, Lars (2006). 1613:(in Swedish). Vol. 15. 2130:Schéele, Maria von (2006). 2016:Masoliver, Michael (2012). 1615:National Archives of Sweden 1610:Svenskt biografiskt lexikon 1017:2017 Stockholm truck attack 984:Assassination of Olof Palme 815:Lynching of Axel von Fersen 704:Clas Fredrik Horn af Åminne 197:According to the Stockholm 151:2017 Stockholm truck attack 2345: 1006: 981: 961: 927: 676: 435: 367:Måns Bryntesson Lilliehöök 222:. On 14 June 1389, German 137:in 1986 and the murder of 2079:"Mord som skakat Sverige" 1989:Lundevall, Peter (2006). 1957:Hofer, Hanns von (2011). 1849:Ericsson, Niklas (2006). 1822:Berg, P. G., ed. (1972). 1524:(in Swedish). Stockholm. 1009:West German Embassy siege 723:Nils Henric Lilljensparre 659:had been abolished under 630:The Royal Police Chamber) 260:Magnus Erikssons landslag 256:Magnus Erikssons stadslag 143:West German Embassy siege 1369:"Lars Johansson Lucidor" 694:Anckarström, along with 528:by harsher legislation. 452:Sten Sture the younger's 2100:Eisner, Manuel (2003). 1605:"Hans Axel Fersen, von" 1013:2010 Stockholm bombings 708:Gustavianska operahuset 689:Jacob Johan Anckarström 497:Black Friars' Monastery 378:Westrogothian rebellion 147:2010 Stockholm bombings 1437:Hallerdt (1992), p. 17 870:20th century – present 824: 626:Kungliga Poliskammaren 556: 545: 518:Protestant Reformation 476:Sten Sture the Younger 455: 335: 194: 182: 70: 54: 29:This article contains 1903:Garnert, Jan (1998). 958:The von Sydow murders 822: 700:Adolph Ludvig Ribbing 638:Governor of Stockholm 551: 543: 482:or not. Supported by 445: 318: 214:The Käpplinge murders 188: 172: 60: 52: 2319:History of Stockholm 939:Gerells växelkontor, 887:The Massacre aboard 829:Marshal of the Realm 696:Carl Fredrik Pechlin 608:Age of Enlightenment 569:The well-known poet 522:Age of Enlightenment 310:Greyfriars Monastery 250:Medieval legislation 179:Stockholm City Court 105:During the reign of 96:Stockholm City Court 460:Stockholm Bloodbath 438:Stockholm Bloodbath 432:Stockholm Bloodbath 126:Stockholm Bloodbath 2329:Crime in Stockholm 1878:Stockholms blodbad 1649:, pp. 103–104 1280:, pp. 137–143 1278:Ericson Wolke 2006 997:Mijailo Mijailović 943:Gustav Adolfs torg 935:Johan Alfred Ander 930:Johan Alfred Ander 825: 734:public humiliation 729:for the murderer. 557: 546: 456: 418:patent of nobility 336: 230:and gathered near 195: 183: 173:One of Stockholms 133:of Prime Minister 71: 55: 2249:Svenska Dagbladet 2227:Svenska Dagbladet 2139:Blick (Stockholm) 2110:Crime and Justice 1003:Terrorist attacks 978:Political murders 964:Von Sydow murders 947:steelyard balance 896:broadside ballads 851:Sophie von Fersen 468:Tre Kronor Castle 416:, along with his 345:Riddarholm Church 284:Political murders 236:Tre Kronor Castle 220:Käpplinge murders 63:von Sydow murders 47: 46: 2336: 2324:Murder in Sweden 2305: 2303: 2302: 2283: 2281: 2279: 2260: 2258: 2257: 2238: 2236: 2235: 2216: 2214: 2212: 2203:. Archived from 2191: 2189: 2187: 2162: 2136: 2126: 2106: 2096: 2094: 2092: 2087:(in Swedish) (2) 2084:Populär Historia 2066: 2039: 2012: 1985: 1965: 1953: 1926: 1899: 1872: 1851:Mord i Stockholm 1845: 1810: 1805: 1799: 1794: 1788: 1783: 1777: 1772: 1766: 1761: 1755: 1749: 1743: 1738: 1729: 1728: 1718: 1703: 1697: 1696: 1686: 1671: 1662: 1656: 1650: 1644: 1638: 1632: 1626: 1625: 1623: 1622: 1600: 1594: 1591: 1585: 1579: 1573: 1567: 1558: 1557:, pp. 91–92 1552: 1546: 1540: 1534: 1533: 1517: 1511: 1510: 1508: 1507: 1492: 1486: 1480: 1474: 1468: 1462: 1456: 1450: 1444: 1438: 1435: 1429: 1423: 1417: 1416:, pp. 58–59 1411: 1402: 1396: 1390: 1389: 1365: 1359: 1358:, pp. 70–71 1353: 1347: 1346:, pp. 32–33 1341: 1335: 1329: 1323: 1317: 1308: 1302: 1296: 1290: 1281: 1275: 1269: 1263: 1257: 1251: 1245: 1239: 1233: 1227: 1221: 1215: 1209: 1203: 1197: 1191: 1185: 1179: 1173: 1167: 1161: 1156: 1150: 1144: 1135: 1129: 1123: 1117: 1111: 1105: 1099: 1093: 1087: 1082: 1046: 1027:Red Army Faction 972: 953: 877: 756:Nya smedjegården 454:is being dug up. 446:Two scenes from 407:in 1567 and the 375: 320:Karin Månsdotter 308:) and buried in 271:Fights and honor 67:Norr Mälarstrand 42: 39: 24: 16: 2344: 2343: 2339: 2338: 2337: 2335: 2334: 2333: 2309: 2308: 2300: 2298: 2286: 2277: 2275: 2263: 2255: 2253: 2241: 2233: 2231: 2219: 2210: 2208: 2194: 2185: 2183: 2172: 2169: 2134: 2132:"Mäster Mikael" 2129: 2104: 2099: 2090: 2088: 2076: 2073: 2055: 2042: 2028: 2015: 2001: 1988: 1974: 1963: 1956: 1942: 1929: 1915: 1902: 1888: 1875: 1861: 1848: 1834: 1821: 1818: 1813: 1806: 1802: 1795: 1791: 1784: 1780: 1773: 1769: 1762: 1758: 1750: 1746: 1741:Nordlander 2010 1739: 1732: 1716: 1705: 1704: 1700: 1684: 1673: 1672: 1665: 1657: 1653: 1645: 1641: 1633: 1629: 1620: 1618: 1602: 1601: 1597: 1592: 1588: 1580: 1576: 1568: 1561: 1553: 1549: 1541: 1537: 1519: 1518: 1514: 1505: 1503: 1494: 1493: 1489: 1481: 1477: 1469: 1465: 1457: 1453: 1445: 1441: 1436: 1432: 1424: 1420: 1412: 1405: 1397: 1393: 1367: 1366: 1362: 1354: 1350: 1342: 1338: 1330: 1326: 1318: 1311: 1303: 1299: 1291: 1284: 1276: 1272: 1264: 1260: 1252: 1248: 1240: 1236: 1228: 1224: 1216: 1212: 1204: 1200: 1192: 1188: 1180: 1176: 1168: 1164: 1157: 1153: 1145: 1138: 1130: 1126: 1118: 1114: 1106: 1102: 1094: 1090: 1083: 1079: 1075: 1070: 1044: 1019: 1007:Main articles: 1005: 990: 982:Main articles: 980: 970: 966: 960: 951: 932: 926: 892: 875: 872: 863: 840:Gustav IV Adolf 832:Axel von Fersen 817: 797: 785:Infanticide Act 768: 746: 738:Riddarhustorget 681: 675: 604: 564:Mikael Reissuer 538: 513: 505:Blodbadstavlan 440: 434: 426:Brunkebergstorg 405:Svartsjö Palace 369: 360:Brunkebergstorg 341:Helgeandsholmen 332:Georg von Rosen 298:Torkel Knutsson 286: 273: 252: 216: 167: 162: 160:The Middle Ages 43: 37: 34: 25: 12: 11: 5: 2342: 2340: 2332: 2331: 2326: 2321: 2311: 2310: 2307: 2306: 2284: 2271:Dagens Nyheter 2261: 2239: 2217: 2207:on 20 May 2017 2192: 2180:Dagens Nyheter 2168: 2165: 2164: 2163: 2141:(in Swedish). 2127: 2123:10.1086/652229 2097: 2072: 2069: 2068: 2067: 2053: 2040: 2026: 2013: 1999: 1986: 1972: 1954: 1940: 1927: 1913: 1905:Stockholmsnatt 1900: 1886: 1873: 1859: 1846: 1832: 1817: 1814: 1812: 1811: 1800: 1789: 1778: 1767: 1764:Nordström 2010 1756: 1752:Masoliver 2012 1744: 1730: 1698: 1663: 1651: 1639: 1635:Masoliver 2012 1627: 1595: 1586: 1574: 1559: 1547: 1535: 1512: 1487: 1475: 1463: 1451: 1439: 1430: 1418: 1403: 1391: 1376:(in Swedish). 1360: 1348: 1336: 1332:Lundevall 2006 1324: 1309: 1297: 1282: 1270: 1258: 1246: 1234: 1232:, pp. 8–9 1222: 1210: 1198: 1186: 1174: 1162: 1159:Andersson 2011 1151: 1136: 1124: 1122:, pp. 6–7 1112: 1100: 1088: 1076: 1074: 1071: 1069: 1066: 1049:Drottninggatan 1043:At around 3:53 1023:Diplomatstaden 1004: 1001: 979: 976: 962:Main article: 959: 956: 928:Main article: 925: 922: 891: 885: 871: 868: 862: 859: 844:Charles August 816: 813: 796: 793: 767: 764: 751:Jacob Guntlack 745: 742: 677:Main article: 674: 671: 603: 600: 537: 534: 512: 511:Swedish Empire 509: 472:Gustav Trolles 448:Blodbadstavlan 436:Main article: 433: 430: 422:breaking wheel 285: 282: 272: 269: 251: 248: 215: 212: 166: 163: 161: 158: 111:Hammarbyhöjden 88:Magnus Ladulås 81:in Stockholm, 45: 44: 28: 26: 19: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2341: 2330: 2327: 2325: 2322: 2320: 2317: 2316: 2314: 2296: 2295: 2290: 2285: 2273: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2251: 2250: 2245: 2240: 2229: 2228: 2223: 2218: 2206: 2202: 2199:. Stockholm. 2198: 2193: 2182: 2181: 2176: 2171: 2170: 2166: 2160: 2156: 2152: 2148: 2144: 2140: 2133: 2128: 2124: 2120: 2116: 2112: 2111: 2103: 2098: 2086: 2085: 2080: 2075: 2074: 2070: 2064: 2060: 2056: 2050: 2046: 2041: 2037: 2033: 2029: 2027:9789174690262 2023: 2019: 2014: 2010: 2006: 2002: 1996: 1992: 1987: 1983: 1979: 1975: 1973:9789197984706 1969: 1962: 1961: 1955: 1951: 1947: 1943: 1941:91-20-06252-4 1937: 1933: 1928: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1914:91-85239-09-7 1910: 1906: 1901: 1897: 1893: 1889: 1883: 1879: 1874: 1870: 1866: 1862: 1860:91-85377-10-4 1856: 1852: 1847: 1843: 1839: 1835: 1833:91-7120-029-0 1829: 1825: 1820: 1819: 1815: 1809: 1804: 1801: 1798: 1793: 1790: 1787: 1786:Jönsson 2010b 1782: 1779: 1776: 1775:Jönsson 2010a 1771: 1768: 1765: 1760: 1757: 1753: 1748: 1745: 1742: 1737: 1735: 1731: 1726: 1722: 1714: 1710: 1709: 1702: 1699: 1694: 1690: 1682: 1678: 1677: 1670: 1668: 1664: 1661:, p. 103 1660: 1659:Ericsson 2006 1655: 1652: 1648: 1647:Ericsson 2006 1643: 1640: 1636: 1631: 1628: 1617:. p. 708 1616: 1612: 1611: 1606: 1599: 1596: 1590: 1587: 1583: 1578: 1575: 1571: 1570:Ericsson 2006 1566: 1564: 1560: 1556: 1555:Ericsson 2006 1551: 1548: 1544: 1543:Ericsson 2006 1539: 1536: 1531: 1527: 1523: 1516: 1513: 1501: 1497: 1491: 1488: 1484: 1479: 1476: 1472: 1467: 1464: 1461:, p. 159 1460: 1455: 1452: 1449:, p. 147 1448: 1443: 1440: 1434: 1431: 1428:, p. 144 1427: 1422: 1419: 1415: 1414:Ericsson 2006 1410: 1408: 1404: 1400: 1399:Ericsson 2006 1395: 1392: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1370: 1364: 1361: 1357: 1352: 1349: 1345: 1340: 1337: 1333: 1328: 1325: 1321: 1320:Ericsson 2006 1316: 1314: 1310: 1306: 1305:Ericsson 2006 1301: 1298: 1294: 1293:Ericsson 2006 1289: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1274: 1271: 1267: 1262: 1259: 1255: 1250: 1247: 1243: 1238: 1235: 1231: 1226: 1223: 1219: 1214: 1211: 1207: 1202: 1199: 1195: 1190: 1187: 1183: 1182:Ericsson 2006 1178: 1175: 1171: 1170:Ericsson 2006 1166: 1163: 1160: 1155: 1152: 1148: 1147:Ericsson 2006 1143: 1141: 1137: 1133: 1132:Ericsson 2006 1128: 1125: 1121: 1116: 1113: 1109: 1108:Ericsson 2006 1104: 1101: 1097: 1096:Ericsson 2006 1092: 1089: 1086: 1081: 1078: 1072: 1067: 1065: 1063: 1059: 1054: 1050: 1041: 1039: 1034: 1032: 1028: 1024: 1018: 1014: 1010: 1002: 1000: 998: 993: 989: 985: 977: 975: 965: 957: 955: 948: 944: 940: 936: 931: 923: 921: 917: 913: 912: 908: 904: 901: 897: 890: 886: 884: 880: 869: 867: 860: 858: 856: 855:Prince Gustav 852: 847: 845: 841: 837: 833: 830: 821: 814: 812: 810: 809:Yngsjö murder 804: 802: 794: 792: 789: 786: 781: 779: 774: 771: 765: 763: 759: 757: 752: 743: 741: 739: 735: 730: 726: 724: 721: 717: 711: 709: 705: 701: 697: 692: 690: 684: 680: 672: 670: 668: 667: 666:Rosenkammaren 662: 658: 653: 651: 645: 644:court cases. 643: 639: 635: 634:Tessin Palace 631: 627: 622: 619: 615: 611: 609: 601: 599: 595: 592: 586: 582: 580: 576: 572: 571:Lasse Lucidor 567: 565: 560: 554: 553:Lasse Lucidor 550: 542: 535: 533: 529: 525: 523: 519: 510: 508: 506: 502: 498: 494: 489: 485: 481: 477: 473: 470:. Archbishop 469: 465: 461: 453: 449: 444: 439: 431: 429: 427: 423: 419: 415: 410: 409:Sture murders 406: 402: 401:Jöran Persson 398: 393: 391: 387: 383: 380:against King 379: 373: 368: 363: 361: 357: 353: 348: 346: 342: 333: 330:, painted by 329: 328:Jöran Persson 325: 321: 317: 313: 311: 307: 306:Götgatsbacken 303: 299: 294: 292: 291:privy council 283: 281: 277: 270: 268: 265: 261: 257: 249: 247: 245: 241: 237: 233: 229: 225: 221: 213: 211: 208: 204: 200: 199:tänkeböcker, 192: 189:A section of 187: 180: 176: 171: 164: 159: 157: 154: 152: 148: 145:in 1975, the 144: 140: 136: 132: 131:assassination 127: 122: 120: 116: 112: 108: 103: 101: 97: 93: 92:Privy Council 89: 85: 84: 80: 76: 68: 64: 59: 51: 41: 32: 27: 23: 18: 17: 2299:. Retrieved 2297:(in Swedish) 2292: 2276:. Retrieved 2274:(in Swedish) 2269: 2254:. Retrieved 2252:(in Swedish) 2247: 2232:. Retrieved 2230:(in Swedish) 2225: 2209:. Retrieved 2205:the original 2184:. Retrieved 2178: 2142: 2138: 2114: 2108: 2089:. Retrieved 2082: 2044: 2017: 1990: 1959: 1931: 1904: 1877: 1850: 1823: 1803: 1792: 1781: 1770: 1759: 1754:, p. 92 1747: 1712: 1707: 1701: 1680: 1675: 1654: 1642: 1637:, p. 49 1630: 1619:. Retrieved 1608: 1598: 1589: 1584:, p. 28 1577: 1572:, p. 94 1550: 1545:, p. 93 1538: 1521: 1515: 1504:. Retrieved 1499: 1490: 1485:, p. 75 1478: 1473:, p. 73 1466: 1459:O'Regan 2004 1454: 1447:O'Regan 2004 1442: 1433: 1426:O'Regan 2004 1421: 1401:, p. 57 1394: 1377: 1372: 1363: 1356:Schéele 2006 1351: 1339: 1334:, p. 51 1327: 1322:, p. 69 1307:, p. 62 1300: 1295:, p. 38 1273: 1268:, p. 24 1261: 1256:, p. 23 1249: 1244:, p. 18 1237: 1225: 1213: 1201: 1189: 1184:, p. 22 1177: 1172:, p. 30 1165: 1154: 1149:, p. 10 1134:, p. 33 1127: 1115: 1110:, p. 20 1103: 1091: 1080: 1057: 1042: 1035: 1031:West Germany 1020: 994: 991: 967: 938: 933: 924:Alfred Ander 918: 914: 910: 902: 893: 888: 881: 873: 864: 848: 836:Bonde Palace 826: 805: 798: 795:19th century 790: 782: 775: 772: 769: 760: 747: 731: 727: 720:Polismästare 719: 712: 707: 693: 685: 682: 664: 654: 646: 629: 625: 623: 620: 616: 612: 605: 602:18th century 596: 587: 583: 575:Kindstugatan 568: 562:Executioner 561: 558: 536:17th century 530: 526: 520:, while the 514: 504: 464:Christian II 457: 447: 394: 364: 352:Charles VIII 349: 337: 301: 295: 287: 278: 274: 253: 244:Blasieholmen 240:Riddarholmen 217: 207:manslaughter 198: 196: 174: 155: 123: 115:Alfred Ander 104: 73: 72: 38:January 2024 35: 30: 2294:Aftonbladet 1220:, p. 3 1208:, p. 2 1196:, p. 1 1098:, p. 9 1085:Eisner 2003 911:Prins Carl. 650:infanticide 642:petty crime 628:(literally 606:During the 501:Pelarbacken 424:torture at 382:Gustav Vasa 370: [ 302:Pelarbacken 224:hättebröder 203:Middle Ages 175:tänkeböcker 100:Middle Ages 2313:Categories 2301:2018-05-29 2256:2018-05-29 2234:2018-05-29 2117:: 83–142. 2091:14 October 2054:9137125974 2000:9172037881 1887:9151843803 1808:Jones 2018 1621:2019-04-05 1582:Hofer 2011 1506:2016-06-12 1068:References 1038:Olof Palme 988:Anna Lindh 903:Prins Carl 889:Prins Carl 801:Gustav III 661:Gustav III 618:lanterns. 579:Gamla stan 488:Stortorget 390:Stortorget 232:Kåkbrinken 228:Stortorget 149:, and the 139:Anna Lindh 135:Olof Palme 119:guillotine 107:Gustav III 79:executions 2151:1652-8328 1483:Berg 1972 1471:Berg 1972 1344:Berg 1972 1266:Berg 1972 1254:Berg 1972 1242:Berg 1972 1230:Berg 1972 1218:Berg 1972 1206:Berg 1972 1194:Berg 1972 1120:Berg 1972 778:stillborn 716:Von Essen 624:In 1776, 493:Södermalm 484:canon law 2159:10674939 2071:Journals 2036:12342708 2009:10166528 1982:12318083 1896:10136327 1869:10041382 1725:10188294 1693:10186398 397:Eric XIV 334:in 1871. 324:Erik XIV 2201:Reuters 2063:9472226 1950:7219146 1923:7746849 1842:7605822 1530:2406182 1386:2809216 900:steamer 657:torture 414:gallows 75:Murders 2278:29 May 2211:29 May 2186:7 June 2157:  2155:SELIBR 2149:  2061:  2059:SELIBR 2051:  2034:  2032:SELIBR 2024:  2007:  2005:SELIBR 1997:  1980:  1978:SELIBR 1970:  1948:  1946:SELIBR 1938:  1921:  1919:SELIBR 1911:  1894:  1892:SELIBR 1884:  1867:  1865:SELIBR 1857:  1840:  1838:SELIBR 1830:  1723:  1721:SELIBR 1715:] 1691:  1689:SELIBR 1683:] 1528:  1526:SELIBR 1384:  1382:SELIBR 1053:Åhléns 1045:  1015:, and 971:  952:  907:Arboga 876:  577:14 in 480:heresy 83:Sweden 2135:(PDF) 2105:(PDF) 1964:(PDF) 1816:Books 1717:(PDF) 1711:[ 1685:(PDF) 1679:[ 1073:Notes 591:Ekerö 386:femur 374:] 2280:2018 2213:2018 2188:2018 2147:ISSN 2093:2012 2049:ISBN 2022:ISBN 1995:ISBN 1968:ISBN 1936:ISBN 1909:ISBN 1882:ISBN 1855:ISBN 1828:ISBN 1062:ISIL 986:and 356:fief 326:and 258:and 77:and 61:The 2167:Web 2119:doi 2315:: 2291:. 2268:. 2246:. 2224:. 2177:. 2153:. 2145:. 2137:. 2115:30 2113:. 2107:. 2081:. 2057:. 2030:. 2003:. 1976:. 1944:. 1917:. 1890:. 1863:. 1836:. 1733:^ 1666:^ 1607:. 1562:^ 1498:. 1406:^ 1378:11 1371:. 1312:^ 1285:^ 1139:^ 1011:, 811:. 758:. 702:, 698:, 652:. 372:sv 362:. 347:. 322:, 153:. 121:. 2304:. 2282:. 2259:. 2237:. 2215:. 2190:. 2161:. 2143:3 2125:. 2121:: 2095:. 2065:. 2038:. 2011:. 1984:. 1952:. 1925:. 1898:. 1871:. 1844:. 1727:. 1695:. 1624:. 1532:. 1509:. 1388:. 1374:m 950:8 304:( 181:. 40:) 36:(


Translation arrow icon

von Sydow murders
Norr Mälarstrand
Magnus Ladulås
Privy Council
Stockholm City Court
Middle Ages
Gustav III
Alfred Ander
Stockholm Bloodbath
Olof Palme
Anna Lindh
West German Embassy siege
2010 Stockholm bombings
2017 Stockholm truck attack

Stockholm City Court

the Country Law of Magnus Eriksson
Middle Ages
Käpplinge murders

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.