Knowledge (XXG)

Porus (TV series)

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775:: Ambhiraj's and Alka's son, Crown Prince of Takshashila. He is sent by his father to assassinate Porus but later comes to respect Porus' dream of a united India and becomes his close friend, helping him drive the Persians out of India. In the meantime, he also falls in love with Laachi, though she does not reciprocate it. He accompanies Porus to Persia to learn about Alexander's army and later helps him rescue Bamni from the clutches of Shiv Dutt and Kanishk. Though Ambhiraj allied with Alexander, Ambhikumar does what he can to help Porus in the war against Alexander. On his request, negotiations were held between Porus and Ambhiraj but Porus killed Ambhiraj to avenge his mother, Anusuya. Before his death, Ambhiraj manipulated Ambhikumar into thinking that he did not kill Anusuya and Porus was the one to sabotage the negotiations. These lies and his bereaved mother's instigations turn him against Porus. He vows he will not become King of Takshashila till he assassinates Porus. Though he outwardly remains an ally of Porus, he hatches several plots against the Paurava Kingdom behind his back. Later he learns his father's truth from his mother but by this point he has already done a lot against the Paurava Kingdom so he fears reprisal from Porus and decides there is no turning back. While Porus is at Magadha, he kidnaps Laachi, intending to forcefully have her. When Alka tries to stop him, he kills her. Laachi is soon rescued by Porus. Shortly before the Battle of Hydaspes, he is wounded while fighting with Bamni, so he does not participate in the battle. After the truce between Porus and Alexander, Porus later occupies Takshashila, further infuriating Ambhikumar. In 323 BCE, he assassinates Porus along with Alexander's former general, Seleucus. He returns in the sequel, 764:: Anusuya's older brother and Porus' maternal uncle, Ambhikumar's father and Alka's husband. King of Takshashila. Like Shiv Dutt, he cares only for his kingdom and is highly hostile towards Takshashila's age-old enemy, the Pauravas. He does not accept Anusuya and Bamni's marriage and conspires against the Pauravas with the Persian trader Darius. He forced Anusuya to insult Bamni by shaving this head threatening to kill the Paurava royal family if she refused. However, he goes back on his words and launches a surprise attack on the Pauravas, though Anusuya forces him to stop by holding him hostage. Years later, he attempts to take over the Paurava Kingdom along with the now Emperor of Persia, Darius. However, Porus manages to convince him that Darius is just using him and will take over Takshashila soon as well so Takshashila temporarily allies with the Pauravas and helps drive the Persians out of India. Following Alexander's arrival in India, Ambhiraj accepts his suzerainty and is a major help to Alexander in the war against Porus. He attacks the Paurava Kingdom again and attempts to convince Anusuya (whom he still has a soft spot for) to surrender but upon her refusal, he kills her. Later at the insistence of his son he invites Porus' to negotiate with him but plays foul and attempts to kill him. However, Porus' was already prepared for any treachery and kills Ambhiraj, thus avenging Anusuya. Before his death he managed to manipulate Ambhikumar and Alka by lying that he did not kill Anusuya and the Pauravas broke down the negotiations. Loosely based on 468:
Sumer is trapped and imprisoned. Darius returns to Paurav Kingdom with his daughter Barsine. Porus goes back and confronts Bamni for killing Anusuya which was a false rumor spread by Darius. Anusuya tells Porus the truth of his lineage and the entire family is reunited. Bamni imprisons Shivdutt as a result of attempting to murder Anusuya and Porus. Later, Darius kills off Ripudaman which makes Porus hate Bamni. Anusuya tells Porus her entire story and Porus takes an oath to drive Darius out of India. Later, Porus was declared a traitor for attacking Kanishk which Hasti, Ripudaman's son, does to retaliate against Porus. Porus flees, goes to Takshashila, and visits his uncle Ambhiraj to attack the Paurav Kingdom with a hidden intention to end the two kingdoms' enmity. Porus is betrayed by Ambhiraj who had joined hands with Darius and attacks the Paurav Kingdom. Darius plans to capture the kingdom and plans Barsine's marriage with Kanishk which is interrupted by Ambhiraj. Anusuya and Porus tell the entire truth to Bamni revealing Darius's true face to everyone including Hasti. Porus tells the meaning of unity, which unites Takshashila, Pauravas, and Dasyus and drives Darius from India. Shivdutt is released and regains his position.
750:: Daughter of Darius and Stateira, elder sister of Drypteis, Kanishk's fiancée and Alexander's second wife. Initially she considers Indians inferior to Persians but impressed with Porus' bravery and resolve, eventually comes to respect them. She is a major help to Porus in driving Darius out of India. She later calls Porus to Persia to help them defend it from Alexander, but by the time Porus reaches Persia, she had already been captured by Alexander. Later, she escapes and with Porus' help is successful in uniting the remnants of the Persian army against Alexander. However, she is forced to back down after Alexander captures her mother and sister. Alexander then forcefully marries her to ally the Persian army with him. She is responsible for creating a feud between Alexander and his trusted general Cleitus, resulting in the latter's death. Then, she tries to assassinate Alexander but is stopped by Hephaestion. As punishment, she is raped by Alexander. Though Olympias also wanted to severely punish her, being a rape victim herself, she chastises Alexander for this brutality. She is not mentioned afterwards, so it can be assumed she was killed by Roxane after Alexander's death in 323 BCE, as in real history. Based on 811:
slaves back to the Paurava Kingdom but after it becomes clear they cannot stay there, he is tasked with sending them to Magadha. However, his greed causes him to return to the Paurava Kingdom to retrieve the gem Porus stole from Farus. He is soon captured by Kanishk and brutally interrogated by Shiv Dutt and Kanishk for the whereabouts of Porus and the Dasyu Kingdom. Though he does not say anything about the Dasyu Kingdom, he sends a message to Porus, causing Porus to return to the Paurava Kingdom. Porus reluctantly gives Anusuya (he does not know yet that Anusuya is his mother) to Shiv Dutt in exchange for Sumer. Sumer helps Porus drive the Persians out of India and initially aides him in the war against Alexander. However, his jealousy for Porus and Alexander's offer of a sumptuous reward makes him side with Alexander. He and Kanishk try to assassinate Porus on his wedding day but he is stopped and killed by Anusuya. Though Porus, Bamni and Hasti later learn about his truth from Kanishk (and Laachi believes them), his parents refuse to believe he was a traitor and temporarily break off their alliance from the Pauravas.
578:(native name Purushottam, nicknamed Puru): First son of the Paurava king, Bamni with the Takshashilan princess, Anusuya. Elder half-brother of Kanishk. Husband of Laachi and father of Malayketu. Adoptive son of Ripudaman and Pritha, and adoptive younger brother of Hasti. Is thrown in River Jhelum by his paternal uncle, Shiv Dutt due to his half-Takshashilan ancestry but is saved by the Paurava Commander-in-Chief, Ripudaman who raises him among the Dasyus (a group of pirates). Years later, he reunites with his parents and becomes the crown prince and eventually, king of the Pauravas. He is the destined rival of the Macedonian emperor Alexander the Great and fights a long war with him which concludes at the Battle of the Hydaspes (326 BCE) at the end of which Porus is defeated and captured. However, impressed by his bravery, Alexander returns him his kingdom. In 323 BCE, Porus is assassinated by his cousin, the Takshashilan crown prince Ambhikumar (whose father he had killed in the war with Alexander) and Alexander's ambitious general Seleucus. Loosely based on 633:
this marriage and her dream of creating a united India earns her the ire of Ambhiraj (who detests the Pauravas) and Bamni's brother Shiv Dutt (who detests the Takshashilans). The conspiracies of these two along with the foreign trader Darius results in Anusuya being thrown in River Jhelum by Shiv Dutt but survives. However, this attack renders her mentally unstable. Years later, she reunites with Bamni and Porus and regains her memory. She is always a strong support for Porus. Following Bamni's overthrowal by Shiv Dutt, she is imprisoned and maltreated. She makes a vow to kill Shiv Dutt and fulfills it after Porus regains control of the Paurava kingdom. At Porus' wedding, she kills his brother-in-law Sumer as he was trying to kill Porus. However, she is unable to prove Sumer was guilty which causes a temporary rift between the Pauravas and the Dasyus. During the war of Porus and Alexander, she is treacherously killed by Ambhiraj (who accepted Alexander's suzerainty). Her death is soon avenged when Porus kills Ambhiraj.
709:, Barsine and Drypteis' father, Stateira's husband. He was an ambitious Persian trader who was attracted to India's immense wealth. He dreamt of establishing his control over India and taking all its wealth to Persia by exploiting the differences of the various Indian kingdoms. This brought him into conflict with the Takshashilan Princess (later Paurava Queen) Anusuya, who realised his true intentions and attempted to stop him. However, Darius conspired with Anusuya's brother Ambhiraj and brother-in-law Shiv Dutt resulting in Shiv Dutt attempting to kill Anusuya and her son Porus. However, both survived and Porus eventually succeeded in uniting the Pauravas, Takshashilans and Dasyus against Darius, thus driving him out of India. As soon as Darius returned to Persia, Alexander attacked Persia, defeating the Persians in every battle. Darius fled to Bactria, allying with King Bessus but fearing that Alexander may attack Bactria to capture Darius, Bessus had him beheaded and sent his head to Alexander. Loosely based on 835:: A Brahmin scholar and advisor from Takshashila, later Prime Minister of the Pauravas who heals Bamni and helps Porus retake the Paurava Kingdom, thus going against his ruler Ambhiraj (who wanted to hand over Porus' to Alexander). He has some differences in Porus' as he believes ends are justified by means while Porus wants to succeed solely based on his principles, though they later reconcile. He is captured by Alexander but manages to escape. Later he captures Olympias and brings her to the Paurava Kingdom. He stops Olympias from killing Porus using black magic, thus causing Olympias to experience her own black magic. On Porus' order, he reluctantly saves Olympias. He along with his disciples is a major help to Porus in the war against Alexander. After Porus is treacherously attacked by Seleucus and Ambhikumar, in his final moments he passes his dream of a united India to Chanakya and urges him to go to enlist the help of Magadha (the most powerful Indian kingdom) to fulfill this goal. He returns in the sequel, 807:
rather than being empathetic towards everyone. After the Persians (disguised as Pauravas) burn the Dasyu Kingdom, she attempts to attack the Paurava Kingdom. After Porus shows her the truth, she allies with the Pauravas and helps drive the Persians out of India. At Laachi and Porus' wedding, her Sumer attempts to kill Porus but is stopped and killed by Anusuya. She refuses to believe Sumer was a traitor and the Dasyus break off their alliance with the Pauravas. Later, she is forced to ally with Alexander and help him build a bridge across River Jhelum so Alexander can reach the Paurava Kingdom. Eventually she realises that supporting Alexander is equivalent to going against her nation and attempts to rebel against Alexander. However, she is killed by Hephaestion and her corpse is denied funeral rights until the Dasyus complete the bridge. Later, Porus rescues the Dasyus but her corpse is burnt on Cleitus' orders.
887:(native name Rukhsana): Alexander's first wife, Oxyartes' daughter, Alexander IV's mother. Princess of Bactria, later Queen of Macedonia. She is a highly brave and intelligent lady who is loyal to her kingdom, Bactria. Initially she despised Alexander for killing Bessus, the King of Bactria whom she highly admired and his overall ruthless nature. However, she eventually came to respect Alexander's bravery and determination to conquer the world. She attempted to stop the war between Porus and Alexander and when the attempt failed, unsuccessfully tried to kill Porus. She is glad when Alexander finally makes a truce with Porus and accompanies him to Babylonia. However, Alexander passes away, leaving her pregnant with their son. She is not shown or mentioned afterwards, so it can be presumed that she was killed by Alexander's general, 867:(a higher caste), which included the Pauravas. He was first mentioned when he refused to join the alliance of the Pauravas, Takshashilans and Dasyus against Alexander. Later, when Alexander invades India, Porus sent his father, Bamni to request Dhana Nanda's help against Alexander. However, Dhana Nanda insulted Bamni by saying Kshatriyas only remember him when they need his help and captured him. Porus later freed Bamni after paying Dhana Nanda a heavy sum. Impressed by Porus' bravery, he allies with him against Alexander. However, Alexander makes him jealous of Porus by warning him that even if Porus defeats him with Dhana Nanda's help, history will call this Porus' victory and Porus' reputation will eclipse Dhana Nanda's. This causes him to break off the alliance with Porus. He returns in the sequel 966:: Son of Philip and Philinna, half-brother of Alexander. He is highly ambitious and covets the throne, which results in him clashing with Alexander. Prince of Macedonia. After Alexander outshines him in the Battle of Chaeronea by saving Philip's life, he fears that Philip would appoint Alexander as his successor so he unsuccessfully tries to assassinate him. This results in a vengeful Olympias using black magic to render Arrihdaeus insane, thus eliminating any possibility of him succeeding Philip. After Alexander ascends the throne, he spares Arrihdaeus due to his insanity. He is not shown afterwards, so it can be presumed he became the King of Macedonia following Alexander's death (as Alexander had no alive heir) and was killed by Olympias in 317 BCE, as in real history. Based on 670:: Alexander's, Arrihdaeus', Cleopatra of Macedon's, and Europa's father, Olympias', Philinna's and Cleopatra Eurydice's husband. King of Macedonia. He is a capable, but arrogant ruler who initially makes Alexander the Commander-in-Chief of the Macedonian army but following his successes, starts getting jealous of him and denies him the throne. This resulted in a fight between the two and Philip ordered the execution of Alexander and Olympias, though both escaped. Later, he was forced to recall Alexander as he was going to attack Persia and needed a regent at Macedonia. He was assassinated by his bodyguard Pausanias (whom he disgraced) as part of a plot of Alexander and Olympias. Based on 740:
Persian culture over Indian culture. He spent his entire life thinking he was Bamni's only son and successor. Thus, Porus returning and later becoming Crown Prince infuriates Kanishk and he along with Shiv Dutt overthrows Bamni and becomes king. However, he is soon dethroned and imprisoned by Porus, who ascends the throne. Later escapes and collaborates with Alexander and Sumer to assassinate Porus but fails and is imprisoned by Alexander for his failure. In prison, he finally realises his mistakes and attempts to return to the Paurava Kingdom to be judged by his family for his crimes, but is caught and killed by Alexander.
after he reunites with Porus and learns about the truth of his brother and Darius, he firmly supports his son. He is overthrown and grievously wounded by Shiv Dutt who did not want Porus to succeed him. However, Porus with the help of Chanakya saves him. Later, he regains his kingdom but willingly abdicates the throne in favour of Porus, as he thinks Porus is more worthy to rule than him. Thenceforth, he becomes Porus' right-hand man and is a major help to him in the war against Alexander. He is grievously wounded by Seleucus and dies in a suicide attack in the Battle of the Hydaspes, killing several Macedonian soldiers.
innocent but is killed by Alexander. Dasyus allies with Alexander to attack Pauravas but later realizes their mistake and goes back to Paurvas but Laachi's mother, Mahanandini is killed off. Chanakya kidnaps Olympia and brings her to Paurav Kingdom. She performs black magic on Porus and Anusuya but fails in her attempts due to which she is on her deathbed but is saved by Chanakya. Alexander learns of Olympia's abduction and attacks Pauravas on both sides with the help of Ambhiraj. Ambhiraj kills off Anusuya and Porus takes revenge by killing Ambhiraj after which his son Ambhikumar and his mother become his enemies.
Porus on his expedition to Persia. There, he is captured by Shiv Dutt (who had spread fake news that Porus and his accomplices had been killed during the journey and did not want Malay to reveal the truth). However, Malay is rescued by Anusuya and reveals the truth to Bamni. Bamni tries to arrest Shiv Dutt but by then, the Paurava Army was under Shiv Dutt's controlled and he overthrowed Bamni. Malay is imprisoned alongside Bamni and Anusuya. When Anusuya is tortured and humiliated by Shiv Dutt, Malay tries in vain to defend her. He is rescued after Porus retakes the Paurava Kingdom. He is not shown afterwards.
does not listen to him as well and tries to kill him along with Anusuya and Porus. However, he manages to save Porus and take shelter in the Dasyu Kingdom. He is very close to Porus and is treated by him like a father, even after Porus learns about his real parents. Years later, he returns to the Paurava Kingdom and rescues Anusuya from Shiv Dutt and Darius (who learnt that she survived) but in the ensuing conflict, he is killed by Darius. However, everybody thinks that he was killed by Shiv Dutt (as he had been fighting him earlier) until Porus forces Darius to confess.
939:, he saved Alexander's life. He accompanied Alexander till India and was one of his major generals in the war against Porus, where he saved Alexander's life again. However, he did not agree with Alexander attempting to starve the Pauravas and wanted a direct assault on them. Alexander's vengeful wife, Barsine, took advantage of these differences to incite Cleitus against Alexander. Eventually, a drunken altercation took place between the two resulting in Alexander killing Cleitus. After coming to his senses, Alexander direly regrets Cleitus' death. Loosely based on 695:
was killed by Porus' paternal uncle Shiv Dutt, Hasti blames Porus for his father's death. Later sides with the Persians and unsuccessfully attempts to kill Porus' half-brother Kanishk. However, after Porus saves Hasti from execution and makes Darius confess that his men killed Ripudaman, he becomes a staunch supporter of Porus. After Porus becomes King of the Pauravas, Hasti soon becomes King of Sindh (a region Porus conquered). He is a major help to Porus in the war against Alexander. He is killed shortly before the Battle of the Hydaspes by Alexander and his men.
650:: Philip's fourth wife, Alexander and Cleopatra's mother. A devotee of Zeus, Princess of Epirus, Queen and later Queen Mother of Macedonia. She was forced to marry the Macedonian king, Philip (whom she considers inferior to Greeks) and after insulting him, was raped by him. To avenge this insult, she declares their son, Alexander as the son of Zeus. From his childhood, she motivates Alexander to stretch his empires as far as India. To clear all obstacles between Alexander and the throne, she uses black magic to render Alexander's half-brother 931:
and Ambhikumar that he did not kill Anusuya and the Pauravas broke down the negotiations. She then instigated her son against the Pauravas. She is tasked by Ambhikumar to kill the pregnant Laachi's child but cannot bring herself to do such a crime. After talking with Laachi, she finds out the truth about her husband. She then tried to convince Ambhikumar to not follow his father's path of hatred but Ambhikumar refuses to listen to her. After Ambhikumar kidnaps Laachi, she tried to stop him by force and is killed by him in the ensuing fight.
culminates in love. She marries Porus shortly after his ascension to the throne. Has tensions with Porus after Sumer is killed by Anusuya but later reconciles with Porus after learning that Sumer was a traitor. Helps Porus during the war with Alexander, though she has to back out from the battlefield after her pregnancy. Despite losing her parents in the war, she forgives Alexander after he and Porus reconcile. Is assassinated by Seleucus and his men in 323 BCE as she tried in vain to protect Porus.
second-in-command and general and accompanies him in all of his campaigns. He saves Alexander from getting killed by Barsine. After he forcibly restrains Alexander during a battle for his safety, he is disgraced by Alexander and replaced by Seleucus. Shortly before the Battle of the Hydaspes, he is grievously wounded while fighting Porus, though he later recovers. His death is not shown, so it can be presumed he died due to typhoid in 324 BCE, as in real history. Based on
listen to her. Later she joins Alexander in Persia and accompanies him till India. Here, she is captured by Porus. She tries to kill Porus through black magic but fails due to Chanakya's efforts. Soon, Porus returns her to Alexander. It is on her instigation that Alexander eventually chooses to make peace with Porus. She returns to Macedonia to welcome Alexander. She is not mentioned afterwards, so it can be presumed that she was killed by Alexander's general,
1062:(poison girl) sent by Shiv Dutt to assassinate Porus on his journey to Persia. However, impressed by Porus' bravery and kindness, she eventually joins him and helps him in learning about Alexander's army in Persia. When Porus has to escape from Persia, she attempts to stall Alexander and stabs him with a poisonous dagger. However, this has no effect on Alexander (who is immune to poison) and she is killed by Alexander. 1021:: A Greek priestess and fortune teller. She predicts that Alexander will become a great ruler but as compensation for this, his lifespan will be short. She also predicts the death of Philip. She warns Olympias that if Alexander goes to India (where his destined rival is), he will never return. After Olympias tells this to Alexander and begs him not to go to India, Alexander feels insulted and kills the Oracle. 1102:: Daughter of Philip's adviser Attalus, seventh and last wife of Philip, mother of Europa and Caranus. Philip married her so her child could succeed him, as he did not want Alexander to succeed him and his other son, Arrihdaeus had become insane. After Philip's assassination, she along with her children is executed by Alexander. Not be confused with Alexander's sister Cleopatra. Based on 821:, later after his wife's death, King of the Dasyu Kingdom. Though not the ruler of the Dasyu Kingdom, he is highly respected by his wife. Despite being crippled, he is still a strong warrior. After the Dasyus re-ally with the Pauravas, he is a major support to Porus' in the war against Alexander. When Ambhikumar attempts to kidnap Laachi, he tries rescuing her but is killed by Alexander. 729:. He is very close to Bamni's second son Kanishk (whose mother is a Paurava) and treats him like his own son. When his truth is revealed to Bamni, he is imprisoned but later freed by Anusuya and reinstated in his former position after he helps Porus drive the Persians out of India. However, his imprisonment embittered him even more and turned him against Bamni whom he overthrows in a 33: 927:
with Ripudaman, where Hasti would be raised as a Dasyu. She always prefers Hasti over Porus and blames Porus for all the hardships she and her family suffered. She blames Porus for Ripudaman's death as everybody thinks it was Porus' paternal uncle Shiv Dutt and not Darius who killed him. However, she later learns the truth and her attitude towards Porus improves.
Anusuya's return which limits her powers and denies Kanishk the throne. However, she does not support her son in overthrowing Bamni but due to Shiv Dutt's strong influence on Kanishk, he does not listen to her. After Kanishk's overthrowal, Bamni spares his life on her intercession but Kanishk seeks revenge which leads to his death shortly thereafter.
there and take help from Vishnugupta Chanakya, a renowned teacher from Takshashila. However, Porus soon retakes the Paurava kingdom with the help of Chanakya, saves Anusuya, kills off Shiv Dutt, and imprisons Kanishk. Considering Porus more worthy than himself, Bamni willingly renounces the throne and Porus becomes king of the Paurava Kingdom.
injured by Shivdutt, escaped from there safely along with Chanakya and made an act of Porus being dead. Chanakya invites Alexander to Porus's coronation ceremony and visits the Paurav Kingdom Alexander is shocked to see Porus alive and pledges to take revenge for this insult. Kanishk escapes imprisonment and he and Sumer ally with Alexander.
without her consent, she was heartbroken. Though not privy of Alexander and Olympias' plan to assassinate Philip, she was glad to see her brother on the throne. She is not show afterwards, so it can be presumed she was killed by Alexander's general Antigonus, as in real history. Not to be confused with Philip's wife Cleopatra. Based on
Aaron W. Reed as a Persian warrior: He was an exceptionally tall and muscular man, who was called the strongest warrior of Persia by Darius. He was summoned to represent Persia in an arena competition by Darius (if Persia won the competition, they would make military outposts in the Paurava Kingdom).
as Pritha: Porus' adoptive mother, Ripudaman's wife and Hasti's mother. Later Queen Mother of Sindh after Hasti is appointed King of Sindh by Porus. Unlike Ripudaman, who thinks of the future of his nation, she is solely concerned with her son's future and it thus reluctant to go to the Dasyu Kingdom
insane and later conspires with Alexander to assassinate Philip and execute Philip's other wives and children (except Arrihdaeus). She immensely loves his son and tries to stop him from going to India after an Oracle tells her that Alexander will never return from India. However, Alexander refuses to
Porus is declared as the Crown Prince much to Kanishk and Shiv Dutt's disappointment as he detests Takshashila and does not want the half-Takshashilan Porus to succeed Bamni. During Porus's crown prince coronation, he learns of Alexander and the future danger. Porus learns that Alexander has attacked
manipulates her by telling her to avenge her insult by attacking the Paurav Kingdom with Ambhiraj's help. Anusuya tells his intention to Bamni who doesn't believe her. Later, Bamni realizes his mistake and starts afresh with Anusuya. They oust Darius from the kingdom. Anusuya becomes pregnant and the
Browny Parashar as Oxyartes: Father of Roxane, Commander-in-Chief of Bactra. After Alexander kills Bessus (for betraying Darius), he appoints Oxyartes as King of Bactria as he had heard of his loyalty from Bessus. Alexander later marries his daughter, Roxane. He is not mentioned afterwards. Based on
as Seleucus Nicator: One of Alexander's generals, who was appointed Governor of Persia by him. After Hephaestion is disgraced, he is summoned to India by Alexander and fights in the war against Porus, grievously wounding Hasti and later Bamni (in the Battle of the Hydaspes). In this war, his face is
and anything associated with it. Thus, he refuses to accept Anusuya and Porus as part of the Pauravas. When Anusuya is forced to insult Bamni by shaving his head, Shiv Dutt is furious, refuses to listen to Anusuya's justification (though the Paurava Commander-in-Chief Ripudaman backs her) and throws
as Hasti: Ripudaman and Pritha's only son, elder adoptive brother of Porus. Commander-in-Chief of the Paurava Army, later King of Sindh. Is jealous of Porus because despite being younger, Porus is much more talented than him and thus is appreciated more by Ripudaman. Since everybody thinks Ripudaman
as Bamni: Father of Porus and Kanishk, husband of Anusuya and Kadika, and younger brother of Shiv Dutt. King, later King Emeritus of the Pauravas. He initially cared only for his family and kingdom, and is thus manipulated by his elder brother Shiv Dutt and later, the Persian trader Darius. However,
as Anusuya: Princess of Takshashila, later Queen and later Queen Mother of the Pauravas. Younger sister of Ambhiraj, first wife of Bamni and mother of Porus. The Paurava king Bamni married her as a plot to insult her and Takshashila, but later genuine love develops between Anusuya and Bamni. However
Chidaksha Chand as Cleopatra: Daughter of Philip and Olympias, younger sister of Alexander the Great. Princess of Macedonia, later Queen of Epirus. She spent much of her life at Epirus, with her maternal uncle. When Philip decided to marry her to Olympias' brother and her uncle, Alexander of Epirus
Vasundhara Kaul as Alka: Wife of Ambhiraj, mother of Ambhikumar. Queen of Takshashila. Unlike her husband, she has a gentle nature and does not like Ambhiraj's animosity towards the Pauravas. Before his death during negotiations between the Pauravas and Takshashila, Ambhiraj managed to convince her
as Kanishk: Second son of Bamni with Kadika, younger half-brother of Porus. Crown Prince, later Prince, and later King of the Pauravas. His character is arrogant and short-tempered just like his paternal uncle Shiv Dutt. He is also heavily influenced by his father's trade partner Darius and prefers
Porus grows up and is in love with Laachi, the princess of the Dasyu Kingdom, and goes to the Paurav Kingdom for a mission. He meets his mother Anusuya who survives the fall but loses her memory. Unaware of their relationship, Porus helps her and escapes from the Paurav Kingdom but Laachi's brother
Pranav Sahay as Samar Singh: Kadika's brother, General of the Paurava Army and right-hand man of Shiv Dutt. He seeks to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Paurava Army and is very loyal to Shiv Dutt. He is sent by Shiv Dutt to capture Ripudaman but fails and is killed by Ripudaman in the ensuing
Rishi Verma as Sumer: Laachi's elder brother, Mahanandini's son and Crown Prince of the Dasyu Kingdom. He is a close companion of Porus, though he is very jealous of him because Puru continuously outshines him and earns respect in the eyes of his parents and sister. He helps Porus take the Paurava
of the Dasyu Kingdom. After Ripudaman saves her life, she allows him and his family (including his adopted son Porus) to stay in the Dasyu Kingdom. She frequently comes at odds with Porus, and her daughter Laachi (who always supports Porus) for she cares solely for the welfare of the Dasyu Kingdom
as Ripudaman: Porus' adoptive father, Hasti's father and Pritha's husband. Commander-in-Chief of the Paurava Kingdom and later the Dasyu Kingdom. Since he learned that Anusuya was forced by her brother to insult Bamni, he is the sole person in the Paurava Kingdom to support her. However, Shiv Dutt
as Shiv Dutt: Bamni's elder brother and Porus and Kanishk's paternal uncle. Prince and Prime Minister of the Paurava Kingdom under Bamni and Kanishk. He deeply loved his brother Bamni and despite being elder to him, relinquished his right to the throne in Bamni's favour as he considered Bamni more
as Laachi: Princess of the Dasyu Kingdom, later Queen of the Paurava Kingdom. Mahanandini and Arunayak's daughter, Sumer's younger sister. Porus' love interest and later wife and Malayketu's mother. She is Porus' best friend and biggest support in all his adventures and their friendship eventually
During Porus's trip to Persia, he meets Alexander and challenges him to come to India and go back to Paurav Kingdom. Alexander arrives in India, vassalising Ambhiraj and thus capturing Takshashila. Porus, who was in Takshashila at that time after escaping from the Paurav Kingdom with Bamni who was
Shiv Dutt conspires to kill Porus but Bamni learns of the conspiracy and declares him a traitor. Shivdutt overthrows Bamni and installs Kanishk as king and imprisons Bamni and Anusuya. Shivdutt insults Anusuya and imprisons her in a brothel. Shivdutt stabs Bamni and Porus and his aides escape from
Jaival Pathak as Malay: A boy whose village was massacred by Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi forced him to act as her younger brother. He becomes extremely close to Porus and treats him like his older brother. After Vishuddhi joins Porus, Malay is sent to the Paurava Kingdom, as he is too young to accompany
of Philip, who was sympathetic to Alexander after he was denied the throne. When Alexander returns to Macedonia, he creates a rift between Pausanias and Philip with the help of Cleitus, resulting in Philip publicly humiliating Pausanias. Upon Olympias' and Alexander's instigation, he assassinates
Vishal Patni as Farus: Mazaeus' son, Darius' general and the Persian representative in India. He was leading a ship filled with Paurava slaves and a precious gemstone to Persia when his ship was looted by the Dasyus (led by Porus). Later, when Porus comes to the Paurava kingdom to take the slaves
Nitin Joshi / Amir Malik as Cleitus: A general of Philip, who was sympathetic towards Alexander when he was denied the throne by Philip and joined his side. He helped Alexander recruit Pausanias by deceiving him, and later killed Pausanias after he assassinated Philip on Alexander's orders. After
Alexander declares war with the Pauravas which lasted for months. On Porus and Laachi's marriage, Kanishk's men interrupt the ceremony, and Anusuya kills Sumer as she learns of his betrayal. Laachi asks for justice from Porus. Kanishk later tells the truth to Porus and Bamni which proves Anusuya
Chandan Dilawar as Mazaeus (called Muashiz): Darius' bodyguard and aide. After Darius became King of Kings of Persia, he became his right-hand man. He is highly loyal to Darius and aides him in all of his plans. After Darius' is badly defeated, Mazaeus accompanies him to Bactria. When Darius is
Shalini Sharma as Drypetis: Darius' younger daughter. Following the Battle of Issus, she along with her mother and sister are captured by Alexander. As Alexander's captive, she and her family accompany him to India. She and her mother are later freed by Barsine when she unites the Persian army
with her daughters but they are stopped and captured by Alexander. As Alexander's captives, she and her family accompany him till India. She and Drypteis are later freed by Barsine when she unites the Persian army against Alexander but both of them are eventually recaptured, forcing Barsine to
as Ada: She was the satrap (governor) of Caria who was expelled by her own brother. She helped Alexander conquer Halicarnassus (a strong fortress in Caria) and as reward was made Queen of Caria by Alexander, and proclaimed by Alexander as his mother (so after her death, Caria would come under
Akshara Singh/Sangeeta Khanayat as Kadika: Queen of the Paurava Kingdom. Second wife of Bamni, mother of Kanishk and sister of Samar Singh. Following Anusuya's disappearance, she is married to Bamni by Shiv Dutt as Samar Singh was Shiv Dutt's right-hand man. She is not pleased with Porus and
459:) manipulates Bamni into becoming his trade partner to gradually steal India's wealth, leaving a heavy Persian influence on the Paurava Kingdom. On Shiv Dutt's suggestion, Bamni marries Kadika, the sister of Shiv Dutt's right-hand man and Paurava general. Samar Singh. and has a son, Kanishk. 973:
Sarehfar as Philinna: One of Philip's many wives, mother of Arrihdaeus. She deeply loves her son and wishes to see him on the throne. She is left heartbroken when her son becomes insane. After Alexander assassinates Philip and becomes King of Macedonia, she is executed by Olympias. Based on
Akash Singh Rajput / Akhil Kataria: Alexander's childhood friend and closest confidante. He is extremely loyal to him and always by his side. When Philip ordered the execution of Alexander and Olympias, he helped them escape to Epirus. After Philip's assassination, he becomes Alexander's
Rizwan Kalshyan as Alexander of Epirus: Younger brother of Olympias, maternal uncle of Alexander and Cleopatra, and later husband of Cleopatra. King of Epirus. On Philip's instigation, he married his niece Cleopatra. He is not show afterwards so it can be presumed he was killed in the
Later Darius conspires with Ambhiraj and Shiv Dutt, breaks the peace between the two kingdoms, and forces Anusuya to flee. During her escape, she gives birth to a son, Porus (native name Purushottam, nicknamed Puru). Shiv Dutt tries to kill Anusuya and Porus by throwing them in
and Bactria before finally reaching India. Here, he faces his toughest enemy, Porus and fights a long war with him. Though he is eventually victorious in the Battle of the Hydaspes, impressed with Porus' bravery, he returns his kingdom to him. While returning to Macedonia, he
442:, the king of Takshashila. Unlike her brother Ambhiraj, who cares only for his kingdom, Anusuya dreams of a united India. Bamni reveals that he married Anusuya to avenge his elder brother and Prime Minister, Shivdutt's insult by Ambhiraj which leaves her heartbroken. However 1124:: A Greek priestess and fortune teller, who was a disciple of the aforementioned Oracle. After Alexander kills her mentor, she goes to the Paurava Kingdom to inform his destined rival Porus about Alexander and begs Porus to avenge her mentor. She is not shown afterwards. 524:. Arrhideaus is spared by Alexander due to his insanity. Alexander soon becomes a ruthless ruler, conquering many kingdoms, including Persia, resulting in the death of Darius, and marries Barsine, Darius's daughter, and Roxanne (Rukhsana), Princess of Bactria. 1079:
Ajay Jayram as Chintan Kumar: A man who was the commentator during the annual competition between the Paurava Kingdom and Takshashila. Later he helps Porus bring the Paurava slaves he rescued to the Paurava Kingdom. However, he is soon caught and killed by
against Alexander but both of them are eventually recaptured, forcing Barsine to surrender and marry Alexander. She is not mentioned afterwards, so it can be assumed she was killed by Roxane after Alexander's death in 323 BCE, as in real history. Based on
733:, installing Kanishk on the throne, resulting in Anusuya vowing to kill him. However Porus eventually regains control of the Paurava kingdom and he is killed by Anusuya (whom he tortured and humiliated during Kanishk's rule) and thus her vow is fulfilled. 544:
in 326 BCE and captures Porus, but impressed by Porus's bravery, he returns his kingdom to him, ends his campaign, and starts his journey back to Macedonia. Porus and Laachi has a son, Malayketu. On his way back to Macedonia, Alexander
508:, and denies Alexander the throne, saying that his and Cleopatra's son will be his successor. This leaves Alexander heartbroken and vengeful. Cleopatra Eurydice gives birth to a daughter, and also Philip decides to wed his daughter 600:. Prince, later Commander-in-Chief, and later King of Macedonia. From childhood, he is told by his mother that he is the son of Zeus (King of the Greek Gods) and that he must stretch his empire as far as India. He is also 1155:
Tony Huge as a Persian warrior: He was an exceptionally muscular man who was called one of the strongest warriors of Persia by Mazaeus. He was summoned to represent Persia in an arena competition. He is killed by
Philip during the wedding of Alexander's sister Cleopatra. However, while escaping he is killed by Cleitus as Alexander did not want him to survive, in case he ever revealed the truth of Philip's death. Based on
2757: 2661: 955:
back to their home and is eventually reunited with his parents, he faces Farus several times. Like his father, Farus is highly loyal to Darius and aides him in his plans. He is killed by Alexander during the
worthy to rule. He is extremely hot-headed and impulsive. He is also a debauchee, drinking profusely and abusing prostitutes. His defining trait is his deep-rooted hatred for the old enemy of the Pauravas,
Vivek Vallah as The Rajguru: The royal priest of the Paurava Kingdom. He is forced to support Darius in his plan to assassinate the Paurava royal family on pain of death. He briefly returns in the sequel,
2405: 1024:
Riyanka Chanda as Stateira: Darius' wife, Barsine and Drypteis' mother. She deeply loves her daughter and is concerned about their honour. Following Darius' defeat in the Battle of Issus, she attempts to
2517: 604:
by his mother. Is initially very loyal to his father Philip, but after Philip denies him the throne, he along with Olympias, has him assassinated. He is a military genius who conquers the vast
2791: 2670: 1512: 1000:
as Amatya Rakshasa: The Prime Minister of Magadh. Dhana Nanda's right-hand man and most trusted confidante. Is a Brahmin scholar, who has a rivalry with his fellow Brahmin Chanakya. Based on
on Alexander's command, making Alexander the new king. Olympias and Alexander also murder Cleopatra of Eurydice, her two infant children, Arrihdeaus' mother Philinna, and Cleopatra's father
455:. However, the Commander-in-Chief of the Paurava Kingdom, Ripudaman saves Porus and raises him in the Dasyu Kingdom, made up of pirates. Meanwhile, Darius (who later becomes the emperor of 910:
permanently scarred by Porus. He was infuriated by Alexander and Porus' truce. In 323 BCE, he returns to India and assassinates Porus and Laachi with Ambhikumar. He returns in the sequel,
in 323 BCE leaving behind Roxanne who was pregnant. The same year, Porus and Laachi are assassinated in a group attack by Ambhiraj's vengeful son Ambhikumar and Alexander's former general
1799: 2654: 1152:
After all other Persian warriors are defeated, he faces Porus, gives him a very tough fight and insults India. This infuriates Porus, who soon kills him and thus wins the competition.
1896: 1676: 1551: 2387: 1745: 2346: 1601: 1531: 1576: 2100: 484:
In 350 BCE, Queen Olympias of Macedonia insults King Philip, resulting in the latter raping her. To avenge this insult, Olympias proclaims their son, Alexander, as the son of
2796: 2647: 2236: 2801: 1997: 2786: 1970: 2806: 1843: 1820: 1772: 2413: 1698: 2776: 1869: 472:
Persia and Barsine requests his help. Porus, Laachi, Hasti, and Ambhikumar, Ambhiraj's son, go to Persia and meet Alexander and challenge him to attack India.
2435: 2781: 2024: 2452: 1649: 1944: 2576: 2731: 2291: 1223:
was in seamless continuity with the ending of Porus. It went on-air on 14 November 2018 and off-air on 30 August 2019 after completing its story.
2321: 947:
disrespected by Roxane at Bactria, Mazaeus is infuriated and attempts to kill her. However, he fails and is killed by Roxane. Loosely based on
2264: 2185: 2072: 1091: 1072: 1010: 912: 869: 837: 777: 378: 338: 1921: 1220: 2689: 2482: 2703: 2546: 2373: 1723: 1627: 1113:
Alexander's control). She is not mentioned afterwards, so it can be presumed she died in 326 BCE as in real history. Based on
Both sides suffer heavy losses during the war, with Porus losing Bamni and Hasti. Eventually, Alexander is victorious in the
2001: 2674: 2050: 1200: 1103: 1099: 1045: 505: 373: 300: 500:
Alexander grows up to be an ambitious, as well as respectful, prince and proves his skills in a battle. His half-brother
2215: 2122: 610: 546: 1847: 369: 1085: 1191:
Porus, being a finite series went off-air on 13 November 2018. Even before the end of the series, production house
2028: 2696: 1948: 828: 597: 1495: 1420: 1401: 936: 757: 541: 386: 353: 64: 2299: 2745: 2077: 1179: 967: 651: 513: 501: 2738: 596:
king, Philip and his Epirote wife, Olympias. Husband of Roxane and Barsine, and posthumously father of
2639: 1232: 1129: 991: 671: 667: 517: 509: 447:
astrologer says that their son will be the future of this country and bring honor to the ancestors.
1196: 1192: 814: 621: 614: 593: 589: 557:, though Malayketu survives. In his final moments, Porus entrusts the future of India to Chanakya. 415: 390: 365: 2268: 2193: 2170: 2351: 2241: 1975: 1874: 1777: 1750: 1654: 1536: 1212: 1137: 554: 423: 162: 46: 963: 2436:"Swastik Productions to create a linear story of Chandragupta Maurya with the closure of Porus" 2406:"Porus Review: It won't be wrong to call it the Television version of Bahubali in every aspect" 2144: 2623: 1800:"Miley Jab Hum Tum actress Rati Pandey talks about playing Queen Anusuya in magnum opus Porus" 1602:"Porus is about India's golden age, when we were a First World nation: Siddharth Kumar Tewary" 1216: 1001: 940: 792: 706: 605: 521: 456: 2453:"Lions Gold Awards 2018: Complete winners list and Red Carpet pictures | Free Press Journal" 1897:"Through Porus the audience will get to know about world history: Sameksha - Times of India" 1224: 848: 2629: 2606: 1348: 1109: 956: 923: 799: 579: 575: 431: 357: 1746:"Shaheer Sheikh-Erica Fernandes' reel son set to spread smiles in Porus - Times of India" 2554: 1219:
reprised their roles in the new show with the same actors portraying them. The new show
which replaced Porus and aired on the same time slot. Many key characters of Porus like
1580: 1555: 986: 730: 2347:"Chirag Jani shares his experience of shooting for Porus in Thailand - Times of India" 1532:"Chirag Jani shares his experience of shooting for Porus in Thailand - Times of India" 2770: 1476: 1457: 1295: 1026: 1005: 860: 824: 817:
as Arunayak: Laachi and Sumer's father, Porus' father-in-law, Mahanandini's husband.
803: 716: 677: 585: 571: 142: 127: 104: 99: 2518:"When talent took over: Presenting the winners of the Indian Telly Technical Awards" 1677:"Porus nothing less than a film, might just be ahead of Baahubali 2: Laksh Lalwani" 1114: 1049: 880: 818: 782: 726: 698: 636: 601: 452: 394: 263: 137: 114: 2025:"Suhani Dhanki Interview: My acting choices have been quite diverse - Eastern Eye" 863:, who are by profession barbers. This causes him to have tense relations with the 1699:"Laksh Lalwani: 'Porus' has been the toughest show of my career - Times of India" 1030:
surrender and marry Alexander. She is not mentioned afterwards. Loosely based on
enters India intending to conquer it due to its wealth and prosperity. Two rival
2237:"Hrishikesh Pandey: Getting a good role is difficult at my age - Times of India" 1282: 1228: 1208: 1167: 1059: 1055: 906: 900: 874: 852: 751: 743: 736: 721: 691: 629: 147: 132: 109: 1844:"Aditya Redij extremely delighted on playing King Bamni in Porus - Eastern Eye" 393:. It is the most expensive show on Indian television, having a budget of about 2101:"Witness history like never before with Sony TV's new show Porus. Watch promo" 1240: 1031: 997: 710: 702: 489: 443: 411: 170: 32: 2388:"Porus review: Thoroughly entertaining, if you love your history with masala" 888: 864: 855:: Emperor of Magadha, the most powerful kingdom of India. He belongs to the 656: 935:
Alexander became king, Cleitus became one of his foremost generals. At the
1773:"Rati Pandey: My body language changed with 'Porus' role - Times of India" 1552:"Siddharth Kumar Tewary's next on Porus for Sony Entertainment Television" 434:) decide to end their enmity with a political marriage of the king of the 2612: 1971:"How Sunny Ghanshani bagged the role of Philip in Porus - Times of India" 1724:"Porus actor Rohit Purohit: I am also a dreamer like Alexander the Great" 1236: 1204: 1145: 1039: 975: 842: 832: 660: 647: 643: 435: 419: 361: 235: 119: 2617: 1945:"Sameksha: Queen Olympia is a beautiful character to play - Eastern Eye" 1870:"Learning scuba diving a perk of 'Porus': Aditya Redij - Times of India" 1577:"Siddharth Kumar Tewary: 'Porus' is the story of India's first defender" 948: 786: 772: 765: 761: 747: 550: 439: 1121: 1018: 892: 884: 856: 427: 1650:"'Porus' will break the norms: Actor Laksh Lalwani - Times of India" 2073:"History is best told through series: Praneet Bhat - The Statesman" 51: 1998:"Meet Suhani Dhanki the 'final' FEMALE LEAD of Sony TV's 'Porus'" 1821:"Aditya Redij steps into Rohit Roy's shoes to play Porus' father" 2577:"Sony TV's Porus Wins Big At The Prestigious 23rd Asian Awards!" 485: 2643: 2634: 2483:"2018 Asian Academy Creative Awards Winners: The Complete List" 2051:"Mohit Abrol: Hasti is a multi-faceted character - Urban Asian" 1922:"Sameksha Singh's physical transformation for Porus is amazing" 789:, a ruler of Takshashila who supported Alexander against Porus. 768:, a ruler of Takshashila who supported Alexander against Porus. 592:(titled 'the Great' and 'Sikandar (lit. defender)): Son of the 2322:"My dream is to play the desi 'Wonder Woman': Shraddha Musale" 2265:"Hrishikesh Pandey injured on the sets of Porus - Eastern Eye" 802:
as Mahanandini: Laachi and Sumer's mother, Arunayak's wife.
2374:"Aruna Irani loved Porus even before she took up the role!" 1513:
List of programs broadcast by Sony Entertainment Television
2292:"Shraddha Musale: I'm in the top frame of mind right now!" 2216:"Zohaib Siddqui All Serials & Shows | Cast & Crew" 372:. It aired from 27 November 2017 till 13 November 2018 on 781:
as the King of Takshashila, where he is portrayed by
is a historical drama television series based on the
516:. They wed, however, Philip is soon assassinated by 2723: 2681: 1628:"I am as patriotic and opinionated as Porus: Laksh" 527: 331: 306: 296: 291: 277: 269: 259: 249: 241: 231: 219: 214: 203: 192: 184: 176: 156: 92: 78: 70: 60: 39: 23: 2792:Sony Entertainment Television original programming 2186:"Gurpreet Singh had a special birthday this year!" 1052:(called Mother Jhelum): The narrator of the story. 1165:The show was hailed as 'visually captivating' by 1089:(disciple) of Chanakya. He returns in the sequel 504:is made a mad person by Olympia. Philip marries 2655: 2447: 2445: 1177:called it the television version of the film 8: 528:Porus' and Sikandar's meeting and aftermath 438:, Bamni and Anusuya, the younger sister of 2797:Cultural depictions of Alexander the Great 2662: 2648: 2640: 1250: 31: 20: 891:in 310 BCE as in real history. Based on 659:in 316 BCE as in real history. Based on 613:at Babylon in 323 BCE. Loosely based on 2802:Television series set in ancient Greece 1523: 1279:Favorite Actress of the Year (Critics) 2787:Television series set in Ancient India 877:, the last ruler of the Nanda Dynasty. 2807:Swastik Productions television series 2541: 2539: 2512: 2510: 2508: 2506: 2504: 2477: 2475: 2473: 754:, second wife of Alexander the Great. 397:500 crores (roughly US$ 63 million). 7: 2777:2017 Indian television series debuts 1231:in Porus reprised the role, whereas 895:, first wife of Alexander the Great. 2782:Indian historical television series 2263:Singh, Mohnish (21 November 2017). 2184:Singh, Mohnish (30 November 2017). 2145:"Savi Thakur: I like my uniqueness" 2023:Singh, Mohnish (29 November 2017). 1943:Singh, Mohnish (27 November 2017). 1842:Singh, Mohnish (30 November 2017). 611:dies under mysterious circumstances 547:dies under mysterious circumstances 2412:. 29 November 2017. Archived from 2290:Singh, Mohnish (9 November 2017). 1083:Sujeet Kumar as Bhairav: The main 14: 1227:, who portrayed the character of 1473:Best Actor in a Supporting Role 705:: The last King of Kings of the 1140:in 331 BCE, as in real history. 2732:India's Best Dancer (Season 3) 2690:Dabangii – Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi 1434:Indian Telly Technical Awards 1414:Indian Telly Technical Awards 1395:Indian Telly Technical Awards 1378:Indian Telly Technical Awards 1361:Indian Telly Technical Awards 1342:Asian Academy Creative Awards 1325:Asian Academy Creative Awards 1308:Asian Academy Creative Awards 951:, a Persian noble and general. 410:In 350 BCE, A Persian trader, 204: 193: 1: 2675:Sony Entertainment Television 1454:Best Actor in a Leading Role 1195:decided to tell the story of 1104:Cleopatra Eurydice of Macedon 985:Raviz Thakur as Pausanias: A 506:Cleopatra Eurydice of Macedon 480:Story of Sikander (Alexander) 374:Sony Entertainment Television 301:Sony Entertainment Television 2704:Kavya – Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon 2123:"Mythological show for Aman" 1008:. He returns in the sequel, 2724:Reality/non-scripted series 2715:Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 1292:Favorite Actor of the Year 978:, one of Philip II's wives. 376:. Another historical drama 356:, visualizing the lives of 2823: 2000:. ABP News. Archived from 1004:, a character of the play 2755: 2522:Indian Television Dot Com 1275: 1272: 336: 30: 1489:Asian Television Awards 1470:Asian Television Awards 1451:Asian Television Awards 385:The show was created by 16:Indian television series 2551:Asian Television Awards 1417:Best Screenplay Writer 492:) who will rule India. 1496:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 1421:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 1402:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 1199:through a new show on 542:Battle of the Hydaspes 387:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 354:Battle of the Hydaspes 223:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 85:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 74:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 65:Siddharth Kumar Tewary 2746:Kaun Banega Crorepati 2697:Crime Patrol 48 Hours 2171:"Riya Deepsi Twitter" 1235:reprised his role of 968:Philip III of Macedon 725:Anusuya and Porus in 602:made immune to poison 514:Alexander I of Epirus 406:Story of Porus (Puru) 287:(US$ 60 million) 2758:List of former shows 2438:. 19 September 2018. 1437:Best Sound(Fiction) 1130:Cleopatra of Macedon 992:Pausanias of Orestis 672:Philip II of Macedon 510:Cleopatra of Macedon 2557:on 15 November 2018 2416:on 18 December 2021 2394:. 28 November 2017. 2004:on 8 September 2017 1679:. 15 September 2017 1311:Best Telenova/Soap 1252: 1243:as Amatya Rakshas. 1197:Chandragupta Maurya 1092:Chandragupta Maurya 1073:Chandragupta Maurya 1017:Aruna Irani as the 1011:Chandragupta Maurya 976:Philinna of Larissa 913:Chandragupta Maurya 873:. Loosely based on 870:Chandragupta Maurya 841:. Loosely based on 838:Chandragupta Maurya 815:Chirag Jani (actor) 785:. Loosely based on 778:Chandragupta Maurya 771:Zohaib Siddiqui as 666:Sunny Ghanshani as 620:Vidhvaan Sharma as 615:Alexander the Great 391:Swastik Productions 379:Chandragupta Maurya 366:Alexander the Great 339:Chandragupta Maurya 232:Production location 227:Gayatri Gill Tewary 2739:India's Got Talent 2671:Current broadcasts 2352:The Times of India 2302:on 6 December 2017 2271:on 6 December 2017 2242:The Times of India 2196:on 6 December 2017 2031:on 6 December 2017 1976:The Times of India 1951:on 6 December 2017 1924:. 27 November 2017 1875:The Times of India 1850:on 6 December 2017 1778:The Times of India 1751:The Times of India 1703:The Times of India 1655:The Times of India 1630:. 27 November 2017 1608:. 28 November 2017 1537:The Times of India 1276:Lions Gold Awards 1251: 1221:Chandragupt Maurya 1138:Battle of Pandosia 1098:Karishma Rawat as 970:(born Arrihdaeus). 937:Battle of Granicus 270:Production company 225:Rahul Kumar Tewary 163:Siddharth Haldipur 47:Historical Fiction 2764: 2763: 2583:. 14 January 2019 2524:. 29 October 2018 2489:. 7 December 2018 2151:. 2 December 2020 2103:. 16 October 2017 2081:. 29 October 2017 2053:. 6 November 2017 1504: 1503: 1367:One Life Studios 1331:One Life Studios 1314:One Life Studios 1120:Ruby Kakar as an 1002:Rakshasa (amatya) 987:trusted bodyguard 941:Cleitus the Black 793:Hrishikesh Pandey 345: 344: 185:Original language 177:Country of origin 2814: 2710:Mehndi Wala Ghar 2664: 2657: 2650: 2641: 2609: 2593: 2592: 2590: 2588: 2573: 2567: 2566: 2564: 2562: 2553:. Archived from 2543: 2534: 2533: 2531: 2529: 2514: 2499: 2498: 2496: 2494: 2479: 2468: 2467: 2465: 2463: 2449: 2440: 2439: 2432: 2426: 2425: 2423: 2421: 2402: 2396: 2395: 2384: 2378: 2377: 2370: 2364: 2363: 2361: 2359: 2343: 2337: 2336: 2334: 2332: 2318: 2312: 2311: 2309: 2307: 2298:. Archived from 2287: 2281: 2280: 2278: 2276: 2267:. Archived from 2260: 2254: 2253: 2251: 2249: 2233: 2227: 2226: 2224: 2222: 2212: 2206: 2205: 2203: 2201: 2192:. Archived from 2181: 2175: 2174: 2167: 2161: 2160: 2158: 2156: 2141: 2135: 2134: 2132: 2130: 2125:. 11 August 2019 2119: 2113: 2112: 2110: 2108: 2097: 2091: 2090: 2088: 2086: 2069: 2063: 2062: 2060: 2058: 2047: 2041: 2040: 2038: 2036: 2027:. Archived from 2020: 2014: 2013: 2011: 2009: 1994: 1988: 1987: 1985: 1983: 1967: 1961: 1960: 1958: 1956: 1947:. Archived from 1940: 1934: 1933: 1931: 1929: 1918: 1912: 1911: 1909: 1907: 1893: 1887: 1886: 1884: 1882: 1866: 1860: 1859: 1857: 1855: 1846:. Archived from 1839: 1833: 1832: 1830: 1828: 1817: 1811: 1810: 1808: 1806: 1796: 1790: 1789: 1787: 1785: 1769: 1763: 1762: 1760: 1758: 1742: 1736: 1735: 1733: 1731: 1726:. 3 January 2018 1720: 1714: 1713: 1711: 1709: 1695: 1689: 1688: 1686: 1684: 1673: 1667: 1666: 1664: 1662: 1646: 1640: 1639: 1637: 1635: 1624: 1618: 1617: 1615: 1613: 1598: 1592: 1591: 1589: 1587: 1573: 1567: 1566: 1564: 1562: 1548: 1542: 1541: 1528: 1345:Best Theme Song 1253: 1225:Sourabh Raj Jain 1213:Seleucus Nicator 1193:Swastik Pictures 1058:as Vishuddhi: A 1019:Oracle of Delphi 962:Amaad Mintoo as 849:Saurabh Raj Jain 327: 325: 320:13 November 2018 317: 315: 310:27 November 2017 292:Original release 286: 284: 273:One Life Studios 206: 195: 160:Sangeet Haldipur 35: 21: 2822: 2821: 2817: 2816: 2815: 2813: 2812: 2811: 2767: 2766: 2765: 2760: 2751: 2719: 2677: 2668: 2605: 2601: 2596: 2586: 2584: 2575: 2574: 2570: 2560: 2558: 2547:"2018 Nominees" 2545: 2544: 2537: 2527: 2525: 2516: 2515: 2502: 2492: 2490: 2481: 2480: 2471: 2461: 2459: 2451: 2450: 2443: 2434: 2433: 2429: 2419: 2417: 2404: 2403: 2399: 2386: 2385: 2381: 2376:. 5 March 2018. 2372: 2371: 2367: 2357: 2355: 2345: 2344: 2340: 2330: 2328: 2320: 2319: 2315: 2305: 2303: 2289: 2288: 2284: 2274: 2272: 2262: 2261: 2257: 2247: 2245: 2235: 2234: 2230: 2220: 2218: 2214: 2213: 2209: 2199: 2197: 2183: 2182: 2178: 2169: 2168: 2164: 2154: 2152: 2143: 2142: 2138: 2128: 2126: 2121: 2120: 2116: 2106: 2104: 2099: 2098: 2094: 2084: 2082: 2071: 2070: 2066: 2056: 2054: 2049: 2048: 2044: 2034: 2032: 2022: 2021: 2017: 2007: 2005: 1996: 1995: 1991: 1981: 1979: 1969: 1968: 1964: 1954: 1952: 1942: 1941: 1937: 1927: 1925: 1920: 1919: 1915: 1905: 1903: 1895: 1894: 1890: 1880: 1878: 1868: 1867: 1863: 1853: 1851: 1841: 1840: 1836: 1826: 1824: 1819: 1818: 1814: 1804: 1802: 1798: 1797: 1793: 1783: 1781: 1771: 1770: 1766: 1756: 1754: 1744: 1743: 1739: 1729: 1727: 1722: 1721: 1717: 1707: 1705: 1697: 1696: 1692: 1682: 1680: 1675: 1674: 1670: 1660: 1658: 1648: 1647: 1643: 1633: 1631: 1626: 1625: 1621: 1611: 1609: 1600: 1599: 1595: 1585: 1583: 1575: 1574: 1570: 1560: 1558: 1550: 1549: 1545: 1530: 1529: 1525: 1521: 1509: 1249: 1189: 1163: 1110:Suzanne Bernert 957:Battle of Issus 924:Ashlesha Sawant 800:Shraddha Musale 688: 594:Greek Macedonia 568: 563: 530: 498: 482: 465: 436:Paurava Kingdom 408: 403: 362:Paurava Kingdom 360:, ruler of the 323: 321: 319: 313: 311: 282: 281: 254: 226: 224: 169: 167: 165: 161: 152: 124:Sunny Ghanshani 88: 56: 17: 12: 11: 5: 2820: 2818: 2810: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2794: 2789: 2784: 2779: 2769: 2768: 2762: 2761: 2756: 2753: 2752: 2750: 2749: 2742: 2735: 2727: 2725: 2721: 2720: 2718: 2717: 2712: 2707: 2700: 2693: 2685: 2683: 2679: 2678: 2669: 2667: 2666: 2659: 2652: 2644: 2638: 2637: 2626: 2615: 2600: 2599:External links 2597: 2595: 2594: 2568: 2535: 2500: 2469: 2441: 2427: 2397: 2379: 2365: 2338: 2313: 2282: 2255: 2228: 2207: 2176: 2162: 2136: 2114: 2092: 2064: 2042: 2015: 1989: 1962: 1935: 1913: 1888: 1861: 1834: 1823:. Bombay Times 1812: 1791: 1764: 1737: 1715: 1690: 1668: 1641: 1619: 1593: 1581:Times of India 1568: 1556:Times of India 1543: 1522: 1520: 1517: 1516: 1515: 1508: 1505: 1502: 1501: 1498: 1493: 1492:Best Director 1490: 1487: 1483: 1482: 1479: 1474: 1471: 1468: 1464: 1463: 1460: 1455: 1452: 1449: 1445: 1444: 1441: 1438: 1435: 1432: 1428: 1427: 1424: 1423:, Medha Jadav 1418: 1415: 1412: 1408: 1407: 1404: 1399: 1398:Best Director 1396: 1393: 1389: 1388: 1385: 1382: 1381:Best Costumes 1379: 1376: 1372: 1371: 1368: 1365: 1362: 1359: 1355: 1354: 1351: 1346: 1343: 1340: 1336: 1335: 1332: 1329: 1326: 1323: 1319: 1318: 1315: 1312: 1309: 1306: 1302: 1301: 1298: 1293: 1289: 1288: 1285: 1280: 1277: 1274: 1270: 1269: 1266: 1263: 1260: 1257: 1248: 1245: 1217:Amatya Rakshas 1188: 1185: 1162: 1159: 1158: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1141: 1133: 1125: 1118: 1107: 1096: 1081: 1077: 1067: 1063: 1053: 1043: 1035: 1027:honour suicide 1022: 1015: 995: 983: 979: 971: 960: 952: 944: 932: 928: 921: 917: 904: 896: 878: 846: 822: 812: 808: 797: 790: 769: 758:Gurpreet Singh 755: 741: 734: 714: 707:Persian Empire 696: 687: 684: 683: 682: 675: 664: 641: 634: 627: 626: 625: 606:Persian Empire 583: 567: 564: 562: 559: 529: 526: 497: 496:20 Years later 494: 481: 478: 464: 463:20 Years later 461: 418:kingdoms, the 407: 404: 402: 399: 368:, the king of 364:in India, and 343: 342: 334: 333: 329: 328: 308: 304: 303: 298: 294: 293: 289: 288: 279: 275: 274: 271: 267: 266: 261: 257: 256: 251: 247: 246: 243: 242:Cinematography 239: 238: 233: 229: 228: 221: 217: 216: 212: 211: 208: 201: 200: 197: 190: 189: 186: 182: 181: 178: 174: 173: 166:Suryaraj Kamal 158: 154: 153: 151: 150: 145: 140: 135: 130: 125: 122: 117: 112: 107: 102: 96: 94: 90: 89: 87: 86: 82: 80: 76: 75: 72: 68: 67: 62: 58: 57: 55: 54: 49: 43: 41: 37: 36: 28: 27: 15: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2819: 2808: 2805: 2803: 2800: 2798: 2795: 2793: 2790: 2788: 2785: 2783: 2780: 2778: 2775: 2774: 2772: 2759: 2754: 2748: 2747: 2743: 2741: 2740: 2736: 2734: 2733: 2729: 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1234: 1230: 1226: 1222: 1218: 1214: 1210: 1206: 1202: 1198: 1194: 1186: 1184: 1182: 1181: 1176: 1172: 1170: 1169: 1160: 1154: 1150: 1147: 1142: 1139: 1134: 1131: 1126: 1123: 1119: 1116: 1111: 1108: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1094: 1093: 1088: 1087: 1082: 1078: 1075: 1074: 1068: 1064: 1061: 1057: 1054: 1051: 1047: 1044: 1041: 1036: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1020: 1016: 1013: 1012: 1007: 1006:Mudrarakshasa 1003: 999: 996: 993: 988: 984: 980: 977: 972: 969: 965: 961: 958: 953: 950: 945: 942: 938: 933: 929: 925: 922: 918: 915: 914: 908: 905: 902: 897: 894: 890: 886: 882: 879: 876: 872: 871: 866: 862: 861:Nanda Dynasty 858: 854: 850: 847: 844: 840: 839: 834: 830: 826: 825:Chetan Pandit 823: 820: 816: 813: 809: 805: 804:Queen Regnant 801: 798: 794: 791: 788: 784: 780: 779: 774: 770: 767: 763: 759: 756: 753: 749: 745: 742: 738: 735: 732: 728: 723: 718: 717:Aman Dhaliwal 715: 712: 708: 704: 700: 697: 693: 690: 689: 685: 679: 678:Suhani Dhanki 676: 673: 669: 665: 662: 658: 653: 649: 645: 642: 638: 635: 631: 628: 623: 619: 618: 616: 612: 607: 603: 599: 595: 591: 587: 586:Rohit Purohit 584: 581: 577: 573: 572:Laksh Lalwani 570: 569: 565: 560: 558: 556: 552: 548: 543: 538: 534: 525: 523: 519: 515: 511: 507: 503: 495: 493: 491: 488:(King of the 487: 479: 477: 473: 469: 462: 460: 458: 454: 448: 445: 441: 437: 433: 429: 425: 421: 417: 413: 405: 400: 398: 396: 392: 388: 383: 382:replaced it. 381: 380: 375: 371: 367: 363: 359: 355: 351: 350: 341: 340: 335: 330: 309: 305: 302: 299: 295: 290: 280: 276: 272: 268: 265: 262: 258: 253:Janak Chauhan 252: 248: 244: 240: 237: 234: 230: 222: 218: 213: 209: 202: 198: 191: 187: 183: 179: 175: 172: 164: 159: 155: 149: 146: 144: 143:Aman Dhaliwal 141: 139: 136: 134: 131: 129: 128:Suhani Dhanki 126: 123: 121: 118: 116: 113: 111: 108: 106: 105:Rohit Purohit 103: 101: 100:Laksh Lalwani 98: 97: 95: 91: 84: 83: 81: 77: 73: 71:Screenplay by 69: 66: 63: 59: 53: 50: 48: 45: 44: 42: 38: 34: 29: 26: 22: 19: 2744: 2737: 2730: 2714: 2709: 2702: 2695: 2688: 2628: 2618: 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Retrieved 1702: 1693: 1681:. Retrieved 1671: 1659:. Retrieved 1653: 1644: 1632:. Retrieved 1622: 1610:. Retrieved 1605: 1596: 1584:. Retrieved 1571: 1559:. Retrieved 1546: 1535: 1526: 1440:Raghu Hegde 1384:Ketki Dalal 1233:Tarun Khanna 1190: 1178: 1174: 1173: 1166: 1164: 1115:Ada of Caria 1090: 1084: 1071: 1050:River Jhelum 1046:Pooja Sharma 1009: 911: 881:Aparna Dixit 868: 859:(low-caste) 836: 829:Tarun Khanna 819:King Consort 783:Ankur Nayyar 776: 727:River Jhelum 699:Praneet Bhat 637:Aditya Redij 598:Alexander IV 539: 535: 531: 499: 483: 474: 470: 466: 453:River Jhelum 449: 432:Bharat tribe 409: 384: 377: 348: 347: 346: 337: 264:Multi-camera 260:Camera setup 255:Anil Vaishya 138:Praneet Bhat 115:Aditya Redij 24: 18: 2420:23 December 2296:Eastern Eye 2190:Eastern Eye 2155:22 November 2129:22 November 1730:20 November 1708:6 September 1283:Rati Pandey 1229:Dhana Nanda 1168:India Today 1060:Visha Kanya 1056:Nalini Negi 959:in 333 BCE. 907:Vikas Verma 901:Hephaestion 875:Dhana Nanda 853:Dhana Nanda 752:Stateira II 744:Riya Deepsi 737:Savi Thakur 731:coup d'etat 722:Takshashila 692:Mohit Abrol 630:Rati Pandey 624:in infancy. 428:Takshashila 207:of episodes 168:Lenin Nandi 148:Savi Thakur 133:Mohit Abrol 110:Rati Pandey 2771:Categories 2587:14 January 2561:14 January 2528:10 January 2493:10 January 2462:25 January 2358:6 December 2331:6 December 2306:6 December 2275:6 December 2248:6 December 2221:6 December 2200:6 December 2107:6 December 2085:6 December 2057:6 December 2035:6 December 1982:6 December 1955:6 December 1928:6 December 1906:6 December 1881:6 December 1854:6 December 1805:6 December 1784:6 December 1757:6 December 1683:6 December 1661:6 December 1634:6 December 1519:References 1481:Nominated 1462:Nominated 1353:Nominated 1334:Nominated 1265:Recipient 1241:Nimai Bali 1032:Stateira I 998:Nimai Bali 964:Arrihdaeus 865:Kshatriyas 773:Ambhikumar 711:Darius III 652:Arrihdaeus 502:Arrhideaus 490:Greek Gods 424:Puru tribe 324:2018-11-13 314:2017-11-27 215:Production 196:of seasons 171:Raju Singh 61:Created by 2487:E! Online 1606:Firstpost 1561:24 August 1364:Best VFX 1328:Best VFX 1262:Category 1209:Dhananand 1180:Baahubali 1175:Pinkvilla 1161:Reception 1100:Cleopatra 889:Cassander 686:Recurring 657:Cassander 622:Alexander 590:Alexander 518:Pausanias 370:Macedonia 285:500 crore 245:Kabir Lal 220:Producers 157:Composers 2613:Sony LIV 2581:Latestly 1507:See also 1237:Chanakya 1205:Chanakya 1146:Oxyartes 1040:Drypetis 843:Chanakya 833:Chanakya 762:Ambhiraj 661:Olympias 648:Olympias 644:Sameksha 555:Seleucus 440:Ambhiraj 430:(of the 422:(of the 420:Pauravas 236:Thailand 120:Sameksha 93:Starring 79:Story by 1586:21 July 1268:Result 1201:Sony TV 1086:shishya 982:battle. 949:Mazaeus 787:Taxiles 766:Taxiles 748:Barsine 551:Babylon 522:Attalus 332:Related 322: ( 318: – 312: ( 307:Release 297:Network 250:Editors 2635:SonyTV 2008:25 May 1827:25 May 1612:12 May 1259:Award 1247:Awards 1187:Sequel 1156:Porus. 1122:Oracle 1080:Bamni. 893:Roxana 885:Roxane 857:Shudra 703:Darius 668:Philip 457:Persia 444:Darius 426:) and 416:Indian 412:Darius 278:Budget 2682:Drama 2630:Porus 2619:Porus 2607:Porus 1486:2019 1467:2019 1448:2019 1431:2018 1411:2018 1392:2018 1375:2018 1358:2018 1349:Porus 1339:2018 1322:2018 1305:2018 1273:2018 1256:Year 580:Porus 576:Porus 358:Porus 349:Porus 188:Hindi 180:India 52:Drama 40:Genre 25:Porus 2624:IMDb 2589:2019 2563:2019 2530:2019 2495:2019 2464:2018 2422:2017 2360:2017 2333:2017 2308:2017 2277:2017 2250:2017 2223:2017 2202:2017 2157:2021 2131:2021 2109:2017 2087:2017 2059:2017 2037:2017 2010:2017 1984:2017 1957:2017 1930:2017 1908:2017 1883:2017 1856:2017 1829:2017 1807:2017 1786:2017 1759:2017 1732:2021 1710:2019 1685:2017 1663:2017 1636:2017 1614:2021 1588:2017 1563:2017 1500:Won 1443:Won 1426:Won 1406:Won 1387:Won 1370:Won 1317:Won 1300:Won 1287:Won 1239:and 566:Main 561:Cast 486:Zeus 401:Plot 2673:on 2633:on 2622:at 2611:on 1048:as 883:as 851:as 831:as 760:as 746:as 701:as 646:as 588:as 574:as 549:in 512:to 395:INR 389:of 210:299 205:No. 194:No. 2773:: 2579:. 2549:. 2538:^ 2520:. 2503:^ 2485:. 2472:^ 2455:. 2444:^ 2408:. 2390:. 2349:. 2324:. 2294:. 2239:. 2188:. 2147:. 2075:. 1973:. 1899:. 1872:. 1775:. 1748:. 1701:. 1652:. 1604:. 1579:. 1554:. 1534:. 1215:, 1211:, 1207:, 1183:. 1171:. 617:. 2663:e 2656:t 2649:v 2591:. 2565:. 2532:. 2497:. 2466:. 2424:. 2362:. 2335:. 2310:. 2279:. 2252:. 2225:. 2204:. 2173:. 2159:. 2133:. 2111:. 2089:. 2061:. 2039:. 2012:. 1986:. 1959:. 1932:. 1910:. 1885:. 1858:. 1831:. 1809:. 1788:. 1761:. 1734:. 1712:. 1687:. 1665:. 1638:. 1616:. 1590:. 1565:. 1540:. 1148:. 1132:. 1117:. 1106:. 1095:. 1076:. 1042:. 1034:. 1014:. 994:. 943:. 916:. 903:. 845:. 827:/ 713:. 674:. 663:. 582:. 326:) 316:) 283:₹ 199:1


Historical Fiction
Siddharth Kumar Tewary
Laksh Lalwani
Rohit Purohit
Rati Pandey
Aditya Redij
Suhani Dhanki
Mohit Abrol
Praneet Bhat
Aman Dhaliwal
Savi Thakur
Siddharth Haldipur
Raju Singh
Sony Entertainment Television
Chandragupta Maurya
Battle of the Hydaspes
Paurava Kingdom
Alexander the Great
Sony Entertainment Television
Chandragupta Maurya
Siddharth Kumar Tewary
Swastik Productions

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