Knowledge (XXG)

Talk:Antioxidant effect of polyphenols and natural phenols

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studies. A recent review by Siow and Mann propagates polyphenols as hormetic effectors This discussion is better elucadated by Marc Birringer article entitled "Hormetics: Dietary Triggers of an Adaptive Stress Response" According to Birringer, Some Polyphenols listed in his Table VII are structurally related to polyphenols from Table II but are not Michael acceptors at first glance. But most interestingly, they induce ROS formation, GSH depletion, as well as Nrf2 activation. Less is known about how polyphenols increase intracellular ROS levels. Several . A series of dietary ingredients and metabolites are able to induce an adaptive stress response either by generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or via activation of the Nrf2/Keap1 stress response network. Most of the molecules belong to activated Michael acceptors, electrophiles capable to S-alkylate redox sensitive cysteine thiols. This review summarizes recent advances in the research of these compounds and classifies them into distinct groups. More than 60 molecules are described that induce the Nrf2 network, most of them found in our daily diet. Although known as typical antioxidants, a closer look reveals that these molecules induce an initial mitochondrial or cytosolic ROS formation and thereby trigger an adaptive stress response and hormesis, respectively. This, however, leads to higher levels of intracellular glutathione and increased expression levels of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase, and superoxide dismutase. According to this principle, polyphenols as antioxidants are just one of many dietary hormetics resulting in indirect antioxidant activity. Are polyphenols responsible for reducing ROS? Are they another calorie restriction mimetics via Nrf2/Keap1 Pathway inducing the Antioxidant Enzyme Response(ARE) - This is an important distinction.
antioxidants, and they are simply being confused with chalcones, phenylpropanoids, flavones and isoflavones, since they often occur together in nature. This article is too confusing as written, and much of the problem may begin with the title. Is the title limiting/driving the information? Would renaming it to "Polyphenols and Phytochemicals as Antioxidants Inducers," (terrible, I know, add some suggestions for me here) help broaden the subject discussion to include a growing consensus of evidence that the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway may play an important role in mitigating oxidative stress in classic, polyphenol rich foods? Someone with more experience who can clearly consolidate/expand this wikipedia subject matter needs to review this article. It's good information, but is appropriate to try to discuss dietary "Polyphenol Antioxidants" alone without the larger conversation that includes epigenetic triggers from phytochemical, the concepts of hormesis and xenohormesis, calorie restriction mimetics, so called survival genes etc.
between chronic inflammation and the eventual generation of cancer). It may turn out that numerous phytochemicals protect us from cancer not primarily because of reduction of reactive oxygen species and associated damage to DNA but also because of their inhibitory effects on NF kappa B, and their associated promotion of apoptosis in damaged cells. Additionally, the classic polyphenol antioxidant resveratrol (one of the hottest molecules in the anti-aging business) may have its most biologically protective effects mediated through mechanisms that have little or nothing to do with the reduction of oxidative stress. For example, resveratrol appears to activate surtuins, and about 20 other cellular pathways (including COX-2, iNOS, JNK, MEK, AP-1, p53, Bax, caspases, survivin, cyclins, Bcl-2, CIAP, Egr-1, PKC, PKD, casein kinase II, 5-LOX, VEGF, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, just to name a partial list). (see Aggarwal 2006 in Biochemical Pharmacology for an excellent review). Turmeric appears even more complicated in its effects.
oxygen-poor product a "polyphenol" is a nomenclature misstep, understandable given the language barrier. (See current "chemical synthesis" section in the Polyphenol article, and compare to what appeared before the 15 Dec major edit there.) To reproduce the error in an encyclopedia simply because the title of the Japanese article uses the term polyphenol is poor scholarship. Please, **read the articles you cite** (because a look at an image of the product just described, in the original paper, would make clear it is not the polyphenol of these articles). Discuss content about which you are unsure -- if ones knowledge of the field doesn't allow detection of such errors, please, consider making consultations or having discussion before making edits. There is simply not enough time in the day for one with experience to keep correcting mistakes, when they can just be reiterated or reverted. Prof D
mellitus by the use of antioxidants was nothing more than wishful thinking. Today, more than 50 years later, current meta-analyses of intervention studies with antioxidants reveal a devastating picture Antioxidant supplementation has no beneficial effect on age-related diseases; it furthermore may cause side effects and even increase mortality How can the discrepancies between Harman’s hypothesis and clinical outcomes be explained, since the amount of ROS positively correlates with the incidence of neurodegeneration, cardiovascular events, diabetes mellitus, and cancer? Whether the appearance of increased ROS levels is a consequence of or a reason for the disease is the question to be answered. Nowadays, ROS change their attributes, and a more differentiated view is advisable to answer this question.
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is by its nature dealing with a complex biochemical subject and a balance must be struck here between good descriptive science and approachable text by the informed layman. i shall work with the above editor and any other commenters to achieve the best outcome for our readers. i do not think the answer is to water down the science and emasculate the essence of the discussion. i have responded to many of the above comments with substantive responsive article edits and will continue to work through the remainder as i have time. regards.
inflammatory pathways, apoptotic mechanisms, and a dizzying array of cellular signaling processes. However the term "cell physiology modulators" obviously is not going to catch on or replace the term "antioxidants". indeed this whole collection of other effects of classic polyphenols may explain why they appear to have far greater efficacy in relationship to the diseases of aging than classic antioxidant vitamins, which have been a complete bust in relationship to heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.
77: 53: 759:, but is talking about them using the term "Polyphenol antioxidant" which seems to have arisen in the medical literature, and is not really based in the organic chemistry of the molecules. Shouldn't this article be merged into the flavonoid article or the antioxidant article? It should at least be made clear for the non-biochemists that the undescribed antioxiadants that this article is talking about are flavonoids, since the article never mentions that fact directly (twice in passing). -- 929:
to mid-MW phenolics. If the title stays, the article is misleading as is. Non-polyphenol references and comments need to be eliminated and/or substantially rephrased to indicate less that complete relatedness to the title subject. This is arduous work, and as a chemist, I can do it eventually. But I would rather allow those having done the initial writing to check statements for true relevance to the title (or alternatively, to have the title changed). Prof D.
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interchangeable / synonymous. Any substance discovered having more than one phenolic is simply not a polyphenol (e.g., see recent phlorogluinol-koala edit at polyphenols page), and a component part of a chemical structure cannot be equated to the whole of the structure, vis-a-vis its properties, therapeutic benefits, etc. (see vancomycin example in text of polyphenol article).
174: 1182: 960:
isoflavones) that compose them -- has to be respected. Otherwise, these articles on phenolics will lack long term meaning, and so, long term value. **More broadly and bluntly put, In my view, we need to get this right, or it makes a mockery of this site being an authoritative, encyclopedic source of chemical information.**
the author(s) conflate failure of the antioxidants vitamins and selenium with cautions about effects of polyphenols, suggesting a major lack of sophistication about basic distinctions between vitamins and polyphenols. This page needs a real expert to pitch in and write something. This is not a professional effort.
Please, begin to deconvolute this. Only an article on phenols should contain all categories. After that, there should—for the sake of the lay readers—be articles on polyphenols, lignans, etc. (literature-substantiated, clearly established structure classes). These relatively distinct subgroups should
I have raised a similar concern about the Knowledge (XXG) section on antioxidants, but some of these concerns are worth repeating here. The fundamental issue is the confusion or conflation of the totality of polyphenol effects with a simple reduction of reactive oxygen species. Even more seriously,
Otherwise, a careful read needs to be done, with each citation being checked as to the structure being referred to, and text on properties of compounds **removed** that are not about polyphenols -- but rather are ill-defined as to structure, or are simpler phenylpropanoids or flavanoids or other low
Finally, I reiterate a matter stated more fully elsewhere: These articles simply cannot reproduce errors in the literature. The case of the Japanese group polymerizing simple phenols and producing polyphenylenes **devoid of ANY phenolic groups** (except for a stray one at the end), and terming the
the above comments are thoughtful and im sure are meant in a very constructive way. it is unfortunate that the editor chose an emotionally charged, pejorative word "jargon" to initiate the discussion. in any case i am responding to each comment and assuming it is meant in good faith. this article
Bottom line, the distinction between classes of molecules -- here between polyphenols such as raspberry ellagitannin and the small molecule phenols (simple and dimeric to mid-molecular weight phenols such as gallic acid, phloroglucinol, and classes such as chalcones, phenylpropanoids, flavones and
These issues of what are and are not polyphenols are not insignificant, and are mostly not subtle; the distinctions are recognized broadly by people trained in natural products chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology, and so should be respected. As Peta implies, flavanoid and polyphenol are NOT
The article appears to describe a specific class of antioxidants. The flavonoid cat I cannot tell whether is appropriate. However, The mention of the chemical class comes in at half the article and looks out of place. The lack of specific examples of Polyphenol antioxidants in the article makes it
this is an ironic one. the term "marker" is the watered down version of the proper term biomarker. i had chosen the more approachable term already. the word marker is commonly used by physicians in their discussions with patients. in any case i have edited the article to provide the wiki link...a
It is clear that numerous classical polyphenol antioxidants have a host of other effects on cellular mechanisms beyond reduction of reactive oxygen species, including what appears to be a common down-regulation of nuclear factor kappa B (a transcription factor widely regarded as a fundamental link
This lumping together of all phenols of interest to a subset of wikipedia editors by those editors flies in the face of the way that these classes of molecules are discussed in the literature. While it is clear that there is debate among the experts in the field whether or not to remain with the
How should one describe and document polyphenols as antioxidants? As they classic hydrogen donating antioxidants, or are they yet another signaling molecule (xenohormesis) triggering Nrf2/Keap1 pathway known to induce the Antioxidant Enzyme Response(ARE)? Perhaps polyphenols as ARE inducers and
If one wants the article to be about general phenolic involvement in antioxidant-associated cellular processes, the title should not say polyphenol, but should be more generic. **I would propose this title change approach.** Some of you know the mid-MW phenol literature fairly well (flavanoids,
Indeed after reading some of the recent molecular work on antioxidant phytochemicals, one has to genuinely wonder if the term antioxidant really does them justice. It seems like they are more very complex cellular physiology modulators affecting transcription pathways, energy metabolism pathways,
After the introduction of the “Free Radical Theory of Ageing” by Denham Harman in 1956, reactive oxygen species (ROS) were considered one of the main reasons for the ageing process, including the development of age-related diseases The desire to cure cancer, cardiovascular diseases, or diabetes
This polyphenol-natural phenol obfuscation has to end. A polyphenol antioxidant is precisely what the name implies, an antioxidant whose activity has been (rightly or wrongly) associated with a polyphenol structure. Readers will not grasp the central therapeutic concept of SAR, the relationship
The "natural phenols" effort here at wikipedia is an unsubstantiated, non-standard thrust of writing that defies both the preponderance of solid primary and secondary scientific writing, as well as clear, scholarly chemical thinking. The fact that web sources will use language loosely does not
Classical polyphenols are antioxidants by definition; they are able to scavenge free radicals. This property was demonstrated in a series of in vitro studies but was scarcely seen in vivo. However, polyphenols' overall antioxidative benefit were clearly demonstrated in cell culture and animal
I see no concerted effort to address DFW's early critique, which is well-informed and I think, first rate. Clearly a biologist with expertise. Perhaps someone can search the literature and identify and invite him/her back, after some attention has been given to the concerns. **A good
rings. some, but not all, polyphenols have such a structure. thus polyphenols and flavonoids are two distinct classes of chemicals, which happen to have some of the same members. thus merging "polyphenol antioxidants" with "flavonoids" is chemically incorrect, besides being absurd.
chalcones, etc.) and want to write about these. Let's not kill ourselves. Write about them, just don't call all of the phenols which have this antioxidant activity, what only a subset truly, structurally are (polyphenols). Change the title, please.
In the best scientific sources, words have meaning that remain somewhat static over long periods of time, so that complex scientific/chemical concepts can be communicated in short textual space. When a term in chemical nomenclature is used, it means
I have made a few vocabulary-related edits myself, but in the cases where expansion would be preferable, or where the term was out of my sphere of knowledge, I avoided making any more edits because I know I am not knowledgeable enough in the topic.
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This sentence give the impression that the debate is about the amount absorbed, while the rest of the paragraph males it obvious that the issued relates to the effects. Maybe "Intake" is jargon-ish here.
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advisor-editor is critical to becoming a good science writer, and if one has one but does not listen to them, you will lose them.** We should respond (but I am a chemist, and so not qualified, there.)
944: 813:
not all polyphenols have been demonstrated to have antioxidant properties, so the name "polyphenol antioxidants" is a meaningful and useful distinction designating an important class of chemicals.
1256: 1076:, it is also completely clear that no one of scientific repute proposes in the literature that any phenol that can be found in nature (that is, any "natural phenol"—and these include poisonous C 973: 736:
Saying that a word like "up-regulate" is common in the field does nothing to help the unacquainted reader in understanding the topic being discussed and is likely to throw him out completely.
the sentence as written is precise, correct concise biochemical description, well wiki linked to relevant terms. i have added a following sentence in the text on 6/14/6 to assist in reading
Reduction in inflammatory effects such as coronary artery disease including specific medical research into the pathways of improved endothelial health via downregulation of oxidative LDL.
1241: 917:
In keeping with that earlier critique, as well, no one seems to have gone over this article, asking whether the title is accurate to the content, and vice-versa, with regard to the
117: 1123: 455:
most people would think the word ancillary is a common English word, not jargon. in any case ive given a wiki linked example as requested...probably more words you dont like :)
of any sort, which is actually the very last thing I wish for. I just think that the average reader should be able to comprehend the article as straightforwardly as possible.
1261: 1236: 464:
I replaced it with the much simpler "side-benefits", which is clear to any reader. "Secondary"is an acceptable, and certainly more universal synonym of "ancillary"
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there are many antioxidants that are not polyphenols, such as zinc and many other inorganic substances. thus merging this article with antioxidants is absurd.
Most of the times these can be dealt very easily (e.g. linking or using a synonym) or would probably gain in being expanded upon anyway. I do not request a
support the comparable practice at Knowledge (XXG) (WP). WP reports on the best science from secondary sources, not the trends in language use on the web.
1266: 84: 58: 365:
The regulation chemistry consists of a polyphenol antioxidant’s ability to scavenge free radicals and up-regulate certain metal chelation reactions.
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after the link to keep me from modifying it, if I keep adding bad data, but formatting bugs should be reported instead. Alternatively, you can add
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DFW's concerns apparently not yet addressed, and distinctions between mid-MW phenolics and true polyphenolics apparently not yet respected
Indeed that sentence is not ideal, as the class is obviously that of polyphenol antioxidants themselves, which are a type of antioxidant.
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not be convoluted in lists or other articles, that downplay their distinctives (and therefore can only serve to bewilder lay readers).
936: 368:
this entire sentence is pure jargon, even with the link. Much more details need to be added for it to be comprehensible by the layman.
itself, which is a metabolite in some microbial systems)—should be considered in same breath or category as traditional polyphenols.
In light of the Growing Scientific Concensus on the Mechanisms behind Polyphenols As Antioxidants, Is it time to Rename This Article?
1246: 132: 1092:
between polyphenol structure and bioactivities (or between any other class of phenols and their characteristic bioactivities)
A polyphenol antioxidant is a member of a class of multi-phenolic compounds known for their free radical scavenging abilities.
33: 341:"phytonutrient" do not "contain" Polyphenol antioxidants. Foodstuff do. Blueberries are not phytonutrients, but flavones are. 1222: 1109: 1041: 1018: 900: 891: 881: 856: 839: 774: 763: 744: 722: 703: 688: 675: 647: 616: 580: 548: 519: 506: 468: 459: 426: 383: 354: 323: 279: 718: 337:
Jargon can be dealt either by linking to an appropriate article, using a more common term or defining the technical word.
950: 1151: 951:
Please also see Peta's "Am I Missing..." comments above, in comparison to closing paragraph to earlier Prof D comment
1014: 1006: 319: 276: 39: 21: 1094:
if the underlying, fundamental concept of structural classes defined by accepted nomenclature ceases to exist
1105: 403:
the two elements liked by "including" have no apparent relation. THe resulting sentence is confusing at best
226: 932: 311: 940: 201: 1214: 1194:
If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
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on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
to keep me off the page altogether, but should be used as a last resort. I made the following changes:
878: 831: 499:
Nonessential is a common term used in medicine and food science (see for example the wikipedia article
1172: 500: 591:
There is debate regarding the total body absorption of dietary intake of polyphenolic compounds.
1029: 173: 1195: 1133: 969: 714: 511:"Essential/nonessential" are normally applied to nutrients, not foodstuff, AFAIK. Saying that 89: 1210: 1202: 1028:
I noticed that many of the sources used to support medical information are too old to meet
1141: 853: 760: 76: 52: 1037: 305:
However, Knowledge (XXG) should more accurately reflect some of these considerations.
222: 218: 1201:
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
Citing "Hormetics: Dietary Triggers of an Adaptive Stress Response" by Marc Birringer
this comment is right on target. thank you. wiki links have been added in the article
1230: 272: 214: 1152:
This would need a proper wikilink ASAP, as it can obviously not be explained inline.
965: 888: 771: 741: 730: 710: 685: 516: 465: 671:
another good english word, not even specialized to biology. ive added the wikilink
897: 836: 700: 672: 644: 613: 577: 545: 503: 456: 423: 380: 351: 1073: 918: 770:
practically impossible to know whether they are all flavonoids, or only some.
229: 1033: 756: 641: 612:
article edited to reflect comment and avoid use of biochemical term "uptake"
206: 184: 544:
reagent is a very common chemical term...i have provided a wikilink to it.
268: 210: 1189:
An editor has reviewed this edit and fixed any errors that were found.
1085: 709:
Diluting the science has never been the answer on Knowledge (XXG). -
flavonoids have a specific structure which must include one or more
good english word, this is. ive provided a wikilink to the article
there is evidence that some combinations of foods may inhibit full
The polyphenol content of wines is usually evaluated by the Folin
what the standard chem nomenclature agencies say that it means
has been conducted to demonstrate the Folin method correlates
column on 16 June 2006. The text of the entry was as follows:
168: 15: 1157:
When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the
242: 131: 1122:
I have just added archive links to one external link on
Nonessential in regard to what?? Regular diet? Research?
Also, a specific example of such a benefit would be nice
1127: 852:
The article fails to make all of those distinctions.--
Antioxidant effect of polyphenols and natural phenols
Antioxidant effect of polyphenols and natural phenols
1032:. Can someone replace them with newer references? -- 88:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1257:
WikiProject Molecular and Cellular Biology articles
289:Some General Concerns and A Possible Clarification 122:This article has not yet received a rating on the 1060:(IUPAC and the like), otherwise, at very least, 515:is "nonessential" is confusing in this regard. 896:sentence has been edited to read more clearly 1242:Unknown-importance Molecular Biology articles 102:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Molecular Biology 8: 394:Since reactive oxygen species are linked to 19: 755:This article appears to be entirely about 237:Knowledge (XXG):Recent additions/2006/June 47: 350:comment addressed in text edit on 6/14/6 143:the Molecular and Cell Biology task force 1262:All WikiProject Molecular Biology pages 1072:original, restrictive nomenclature for 243: 49: 1237:Start-Class Molecular Biology articles 408:Reactive oxygen species are important 105:Template:WikiProject Molecular Biology 1267:Knowledge (XXG) Did you know articles 1169:to let others know (documentation at 921:chemical structure class referenced. 396:mobilization of ion transport systems 235:A record of the entry may be seen at 7: 82:This article is within the scope of 38:It is of interest to the following 1047:This article is confounded science 603:of certain polyphenol antioxidants 560:Statistical least squares analysis 422:very good outcome you stimulated. 14: 1126:. Please take a moment to review 1180: 485:, has a high polyphenol content 172: 75: 51: 20: 1150:Attempted to fix sourcing for 183:appeared on Knowledge (XXG)'s 1: 1110:06:35, 12 February 2015 (UTC) 974:18:00, 22 December 2011 (UTC) 945:20:47, 15 December 2011 (UTC) 783:perhaps these facts will help 140:This article is supported by 96:and see a list of open tasks. 85:WikiProject Molecular Biology 1042:19:41, 3 December 2014 (UTC) 1252:Mid-importance MCB articles 1009:) 19:44, 31 July 2012 (UTC) 631:sources of oxidative stress 1283: 1223:14:50, 30 March 2016 (UTC) 1144:|deny=InternetArchiveBot}} 1119:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 412:for inflammatory diseases. 205:are a class of over 4,000 108:Molecular Biology articles 1019:21:13, 31 July 2012 (UTC) 901:00:56, 19 June 2006 (UTC) 892:14:49, 16 June 2006 (UTC) 882:14:27, 16 June 2006 (UTC) 867:From the first sentence: 857:04:47, 21 June 2006 (UTC) 840:20:21, 16 June 2006 (UTC) 775:14:20, 16 June 2006 (UTC) 764:12:16, 16 June 2006 (UTC) 745:20:01, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 723:11:25, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 704:05:44, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 689:03:29, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 676:00:55, 19 June 2006 (UTC) 648:00:55, 19 June 2006 (UTC) 617:00:55, 19 June 2006 (UTC) 581:05:07, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 549:05:18, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 520:16:36, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 507:05:00, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 469:16:36, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 460:05:31, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 427:05:44, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 384:04:54, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 355:04:54, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 324:01:39, 9 April 2008 (UTC) 280:01:22, 16 June 2006 (UTC) 139: 121: 70: 46: 1247:Start-Class MCB articles 1024:Outdated medical sources 1115:External links modified 1062:what the citable, best 202:polyphenol antioxidants 751:Am I missing something 248: 136: 28:This article is rated 246: 221:health, due to their 135: 32:on Knowledge (XXG)'s 877:What class is this? 658:responsible for the 501:Essential amino acid 1161:parameter below to 1066:consistently report 308:DFW April 8, 2008 694:Proper terminology 662:type of skin aging 601:bloodstream uptake 249: 165:Did you know entry 137: 34:content assessment 1221: 1064:secondary sources 935:comment added by 832:phenylbenzopyrone 326: 314:comment added by 253: 252: 227:oxidative species 162: 161: 158: 157: 154: 153: 99:Molecular Biology 90:Molecular Biology 59:Molecular Biology 1274: 1217: 1216:Talk to my owner 1212: 1187: 1184: 1183: 1176: 1145: 1137: 947: 437:For some of the 309: 262: 245: 176: 169: 124:importance scale 110: 109: 106: 103: 100: 79: 72: 71: 66: 55: 48: 31: 25: 24: 16: 1282: 1281: 1277: 1276: 1275: 1273: 1272: 1271: 1227: 1226: 1220: 1215: 1185: 1181: 1170: 1139: 1131: 1117: 1083: 1079: 1049: 1026: 981: 953: 930: 911: 865: 753: 696: 481:Wine, although 335: 316: 291: 260: 247:Knowledge (XXG) 167: 107: 104: 101: 98: 97: 61: 29: 12: 11: 5: 1280: 1278: 1270: 1269: 1264: 1259: 1254: 1249: 1244: 1239: 1229: 1228: 1213: 1207: 1206: 1199: 1155: 1154: 1130:. 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