
Talk:Adrian Năstase

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use a more complicated formula). As minimum wage is considered 2.800.000 lei (96$ ), the poverty line considered by using this system is 1.400.000 lei/month or 48$ . The second system uses what we refer to as "Cosul Minim de Consum Lunar", that is the minimum requirements for decent living per month (it is considered underestimated anyway, both in terms of products and services), that is set to around 3.000.000 lei/person/month (I have no up-to-date info. on this - I may be rong). This usually result in very big differences between the results. A fellow student has made a poverty assessment for Romania using US and EU-member-country standards, and the results where staggering (if we would use Norwegian standards we would skyrocket to 75%). For poverty in Romania, consider the minimum wage is 2.800.000 lei, average wage is 7.800.000 lei before taxes and about 6.000.000 after taxes, a US$ is 29.000 lei, a kilo of meat 180.000 lei (a kilo is about 2 pounds for those who still use Imperial measurement systems), a kilo of potatoes 15.000 lei and my electricity bill was for November 600.000 lei. Thank you, yours truly, xanthar also known as (I forgot to login). I am not shure how the World Bank calculates poverty levels.
in luna iunie am fost condamnat pentru inversiune sexuala la 2 ani si 4 luni, eliberindu-ma pe data de 9 ianuarie 1975. In prezent, fac formele pentru pensionare medicala, fiind bolnav de diabet zaharat, epidimita, TBC si inceput de boala lui Parkinson. In limita sanatatii si posibilitatii am de gind - de comun acord cu conducerea Institutului - sa-mi public cele 3 carti ce trebuiau sa apara in 1973-1974 si sa-mi continui activitatea stiintifica prin colaborari la revistele de specialitate, cu studii, recenzii si articole istorice. Fiind intrebat despre relatiile mele anterioare, si anume: Radu Ionescu, Adrian Nastase, Negoitescu, Sorin Titel, Ion Dinescu, Alexandru Demetriad, precizez ca stiu despre ei ca sint pederasti, cu exceptia lui Sorin Titel, despre care nu am auzit niciodata ca ar practica aceasta boala. Aceasta imi este declaratia pe care o dau si o semnez. I.D. Suciu 21.II.1975"
1898:. It states "Bors Brasov Highway Is Being Built By Bechtel - Public Contract Evaluated at $ 2.5 billion granted without auction". On the other hand, with the subjugation of the media, you are free to check the following sources : US Ambassador's Speech to The Students of The Political Science Departament of The University Of Bucharest, pointing out this problem (I still have a copy of the speech transcript, you might find it on the net), or the media scandal at Evenimentul Zilei regarding its anti-PSD line, in October 2004. You can also check Antena 1's news scripts before and after its alliance with PSD. 181: 452: 335: 2008: 314: 119: 95: 345: 64: 230: 209: 240: 952:(continuing previous bullet point) "Biroului Permanent" is obviously not "Standing Committee" if there is only one of them. And while "asigura legătura Biroului Permanent cu..." is certainly literally "Assured linkage of the Permanent Bureau to (or, more literally, 'with')", it doesn't seem to mean anything clear. What exactly did he 1881:. For the most part, I haven't addressed POV, beyond inserting the word "alleged" in one place where it seemed clearly called for. Someone else may want to take a look at these edits, which were clearly by someone hostile to Nastase, and lacked any citations, but did seem to me reasonably close to what I believe to be the truth. -- 793:"Reglementari" in International Law. I assume "reglementari" here means "settlements" as in "settling out of court." If that's right, we still need to come up with the right English-language word, because "Settlements in International Law" sounds like it would have to do with something like Israeli settlements on the West Bank. 129: 1893:
I am sorry for being POV (Personally, I am Pro-Basescu, I admit it - I am a student in Political Science, but I admit I can't help myself on this matter). But I can give sources for the two statements. Highway construction right can be easily checked with Evenimentul Zilei, Academia Catavencu, o even
The tone in which the section "Allegations of homosexuality" is written seems to me to give undue credence to the allegations. Corneliu Vadim Tudor claiming he has evidence of something but hasn't actually shown it does not strike me as a reason to believe it: he is not exactly famous for his honesty
A lot of other relevant details are available if you read on. For example you can find evaluations of the economy. As I said there are other documents that give a lot of other details on what exactly was done. Given that a 5 minutes google search and 10 minutes of reading& browsing the documents
OK, so you are saying that because there is an article were allegations are 50% of the article it is legitimate do so here too? I think I don't follow your logic. You know, there are articles that talk 70% about academic achivements of some person. Should we de the same here? I don't thing so. Maybe
On poverty in Romania as this is disputed. I will only point out the two very different means used to assert poverty in Romania. The first of them, used by the National Institute for Statistics, was introduced in 2001? and consider the poverty line about half the minimum monthly wage / person (they
I'm not sure what exactly you call "little information". Five minutes of browsing revealed at least 10 documents with sizes of about 500 pages. However a nice synthesis of what happened in the last year can be found in the beginning of the anual report of the european commision. Here are just a few
And something else. The only important thing said about the prime-minister period is that economy has grown. I do not find this to be particularily informative since it implies a correlation (between him being prime-minister and economy evolution) that is not supported in any way. Much better would
I'm sorry, but I still find the section regarding homosexuality to be incredibly offensive. While Nastase clearly has many faults, so what if he's gay or bisexual? And quite honestly, if he were open about it he could never be elected to office in modern-day Romania. The bombonel comment is akin
Subsemnatul Suciu Ioan Dumitru, fiul lui Dumitru si Ofelia, nascut la 3 august 1917, de profesie scriitor - membru al Fondului Literar al Soc. Scriitorilor Români, domiciliat in Bucuresti, Str. Pompiliu Manoliu, nr. 13, sect. 3, declar urmatoarele: in anul 1973, luna februarie, am fost arestat, iar
28.9% below the poverty line in 2002, the latest I can readily find. If that is comparable to Ioana Dan's 41.20 in 1999, it's quite a drop. And it probably is, since she cites the World Bank. I'd still like to have a source for the specific claim of 4 million during his term of office, but on what
A text has a hierarchical structure (phrases, paragraphs, subsections, sections...) What you say is roughly valid at each level (just replace "subject" by "idea"). That doesn't mean that it is sane to start a new paragraph after each phrase, put a sub-heading before each paragraph or put a heading
All Romanian names are usually written without diacritics in English-speaking world, but that doesn't mean that is the correct way. The same way it is rather common to write "Francois Mitterrand" instead of "François Mitterrand". However, Romanian diacriticals are even less used because unlike the
The numbers are probably not far off. Poverty is generally in rural areas, especially of Moldova, Oltenia and Baragan. The difference is that after the visa changes it was much easier to get to work in the EU, so many of the poor people left to work in the EU (working at some low wages for the EU
it helps if I rephrase the question. I think that an article about a person should accurately reflect one's personality. Do you think that corruption is such an important trait of AN? If so, then why? ("There are lots of allegations", doesn't qualify as an answer; I would prefer facts: see below.)
It's as if there is an effort to drop everything that shows him in a human light or displays his actual involvement in parliamentary politics in any respect other than just the fact that he rose to the top of his party. Especially, if we are going to take a (well-deserved) shot at his writings on
Nu il simpatizez pe Adrian Nastase dar articolul asta este scris ca si cum ar fi bagat la puscarie. Si apoi chestia cu homosexualitatea nu e in regula: 1. daca este, este problema lui si 2. felul cum este formulat textul lasa impresia ca homosexualitatea ar fi o chestie inspaimantatoare, ceea ce
Comment: I'm new to this kind of discussion, so excuse me if I'm off topic. What do you mean that there is no evidence? As far as I know, the Romanian press covered this for days and they even showed the man on a stretcher with bandages and all. Is this discussion here implying it was a farce?
One simple thing to do would be to remove the headlines under "Allegations...". A second-level headline for a three lines paragraph surely looks excesive to anyone neutral (say, someone who knows nothing about AN before reading the article): and this happens not once but several times in a raw.
Simple, use a dictionary. Let's see what MW has to say. Alleging = "to assert without proof or before proving". Allegation = "an assertion unsupported and by implication regarded as unsupportable". Fact = "an actual occurrence; a thing done". If the difference is still not clear I'll be glad to
I don't buy the argument that there is a controversy here in that Nastase attacked Basescu on the issue of gay rights and marriage. Basescu himself retreated on his comments made on MTV in support of gay marriage, and one year after DA led government there are still no plans for domestic
985:, the left side menu lists "Biroul permanent" in Romanian and "Standing Bureau" in English (use the top-right dropdown to switch the language). Regarding "asigura legatura cu", I think that's more along the lines of "organise the relationships with", at least that's what they say at point 1931:
I'd tend to want to use the World Bank numbers on this when possible because they are comparable across countries; any official national numbers are also useful. In either case, though, citation is important, because these are such easy things for someone to make up out of thin air. --
I've erased "surpassing the number allowed by Romanian law." While the carnage was immoral in many respects, it took place on a private domain, owned and maintained by Ion Ţiriac. Private hunting domains do not fall under official regulations. It was immoral, but not illegal.
Yes, I'm generally familiar with what's been going on with the Romanian press: hunger strikes, protests and all. As I said, what you wrote was "reasonably close to what I believe to be the truth": I'm not questioning your basic facts, just the tone. By the way, it is
partnership. I imagine there will be a lot of additions to this article in coming days following the indictment on the Zambachian property. As these things are added, I urge that the homosexuality section be deleted. Or if others agree, I will remove this myself.
To further clarify my opinion about facts I'd like to add that information about the content of articles published by him before 1989 is very appropriate for the content of the article (although it looks that the choice of presented articles is biased too).
If there is other fair use media, consider checking that you have specified the fair use rationale on the other images used on this page. Note that any fair use images lacking such an explanation can be deleted one week after being tagged, as described on
812:"Adunării Internaţionale a Parlamentarilor de limbă franceză". I believe I'm pretty much on the mark with "International Assembly of Francophone Parliamentarians" but I'm sure it has an official French-language name and a semi-official one in English. 1475:
And on the other hand some of them seem to mentioned just because they are "fun". For example the homosexuality allegation reads like: "Ever since 1990 there are rumors that he is homosexual... But those were started by a guy not to be trusted".
Organized the relationships of the Standing Bureau with the following permanent commissions: Judicial Commission, Commission on Discipline and (Parliamentary) Immunity, Commission for Foreign Politics, Commission for Culture, Art, and Mass Media
1413:, it has more than 50% about his shady deals, trials, allegations, etc. When there is a controversy, we use the NPOV and have to give every side an oppinion. If you want to improve anything on his activity which is not well-covered, you may. 621: 1805:
Certainly not a trustworthy source. Still, more recent World Bank numbers (at least through 2003) should be available, even if not yet on line, and we should be able to find and cite those along with his claims reported accurately as
893::) "The only commission about sects which I can link Adrian Nastase to seems to be a European Parliament one (rather than, say, a Romanian one). I think that must be the one that the article refers to. Its report is available 2305: 831:"Raportor al Comisiei parlamentare pentru probleme juridice şi drepturile omului în problema activităţii ilegale desfăşurate de sectele religioase" - Is the "Raportor" of a commission the Secretary? Or something else? 850:
Also, does "desfăşurate" refer to activities in general or specifically to proselytizing? Or specifically to something else entirely? And this could really use a context. What was going on that there would be such a
641: 822:"Members of Parliament" is the same as "Parliamentarians". I looked around the web a little and sites seem about 50-50 on "...Francophone Parliamentarians" and "...Francophone MPs", so I stuck with what I had. - JM 1058:
Given that "Raportor al Comisiei parlamentare..." for one item (the cult thing) turned out to be Council of Europe, not Romanian parliament, is it possible that some of the following are also Council of Europe?
Whose numbers? If this is something authoritative, it certainly merits mention, that would be about 17% of the population. There was no citation, so I was wondering if this might be pulled out of thin air. --
There is NO evidence that Nastase's suicide attempt took place. In the Austrian, Swiss and German Press ( print and online) the rising doubts regarding this attempt are very well documented and recherched:
2300: 1210:
A text is currently circulating on the Internet, allegedly a statement made to the Miliţie (Police) by a writer and history professor. In it, professor Suciu testifies his own homosexuality and names other
897:, and seems to indicate (section II A) that it was prompted just by general concern, rather than specific problems. I don't know whether that's of any use to you, but it's all I can seem to find. -- 2109:
Quote Spiegel Online: "Um der Haft zu entgehen, inszenierte Nastase einen theatralischen Selbstmordversuch, was ihm jedoch nur einige Tage Aufschub verschaffte - inzwischen sitzt er im Gefängnis."
in 2004, the National Bank (whose leadership was replaced with PSD members, such as Florin Georgescu) failed to intervine in the appreciation of the leu, which affected strongly Romanian exports.
These next three are a bit problematic, because we never properly worked out whether these relate to the Romanian parliament or to an organization of European parliamentarians. I'd be inclined
before each sub-heading. It is just bad style. Oh, and about the Manual of Style, here is a quote: "Avoid overuse of sub-headings". If this article doesn't overuse them I don't know what does.
newspaper article, Geoană admitted that the transcripts were genuine, period; not that "parts of it seem to be genuine". A link to a statement of Mr. Geoana on this matter would be welcome.
You should note that, in contrast, articles about other romanian politicians (most notably Traian Basescu) contain _no_ information about corruption allegation... although they do exist. --
is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Knowledge policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
I hope someone who specializes in politics / sociology would take time to improve the current mess (that means, not me and... no, writing software for organizing mp3s doesn't qualify). --
revealed a LOT of information (of which the above is only a small excrept) I find the reason you provided for not giving facts (i.e. "his site has little information") to be ridiculuous.
On a similar note, as I distributed these sentences to appropriate paragraphs and cut some pure POV, I was wondering enough about the following to bring it here instead for discussion:
190: 105: 682: 774:"Ideea politică a Schimbării" - This goes beyond my ability to deal with a highly inflected language. "The idea of political change"? "Changing the idea of politics?" I can't tell. 2310: 43: 707: 496: 1763: 1967:
is about? In any case, we cannot start by mentioning only one highway and then at the end of the paragraph refer to "both highways". This needs to be sorted out. -
I see Bogdan disagrees with one of the recently anonymously added statements; I suggest he make the minor edit needed to correct it, since it is close to accurate.
2228: 2224: 2210: 2098: 2290: 601: 48: 2092: 1089:
Should we add {{wrongtitle|title=Adrian Năstase}}? Or is he well enough known in the English-speaking world by this slightly wrong spelling that the title
687: 31:) policy, even if it is not a biography, because it contains material about living persons. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or 1658:
We're getting nowhere by arguing. If you want, you may edit article yourself and if you dispute any affirmation already written, I'm ready to back it up.
2325: 1615:
there are initiatives for police modernization, improving life-quality for persons with handicaps, reduction of social exclusion, improving social dialog
296: 286: 2035:, you must also write out on the image description page a specific explanation or rationale for why using this image in each article is consistent with 1405:
Do you really think that it is neutral to talk in 30% of the article about corruption allegations and make the contest look like they are actualy 50%?
human rights in the Communist era, we should show his generally positive post-'89 involvement in this area. I'm not a fan, but we should be evenhanded.
ideas (much more specific than those listed above: "negotiations".. what's that? you mean they talked? how interesting.. WHAT did they talked about?):
516: 2340: 405: 395: 2330: 2320: 2315: 2295: 2032: 1315:
Recording Secretary of Council of Europe commission on judicial problems and human rights with reference to illegal activities by religious sects
147: 23: 1374:
I'm inclined to restore all of this material in one or another form, unless someone can give a good argument in the next 24 hours why it should
2345: 2059: 2051: 2047: 2024: 1754:
So do you think we should put it back in the article? If the number in poverty has gone down, it really would be quite an achievement, because
699: 2101: 1007:& it would be nice if someone could clarify PDSR vs. PSD. Is the latter a successor party of the former, or is there a different relation? 2335: 2095: 712: 677: 861:
so the tranlation I gave is on the mark. This could still really use a context. What was going on that there would be such a commission? -JM
2112: 1272:
It seems to me that the article is turning into a bit of a hatchet job. It's not just what's been added, it's what's been removed, to wit:
521: 262: 151: 2104: 1989:. I'll give at least a few days for someone to get this in order, but after that I intend to remove material that goes against policy. - 2063: 1299:
I looked on the internet, but I found that "The AIPLF (International Association of Francophone Parliamentarians) was founded in 1967."
Concepţii şi controverse în domeniul drepturilor omului, în viitorul social. revista Academiei Ştefan Gheorghiu, jan-feb 1983, pg. 45-50
2137: 1489:
Headlines are used when we are talking about a different subject and here they are used according to the Manual of Style of Knowledge.
371: 155: 734: 591: 146:, a collaborative effort to create, develop and organize Knowledge's articles about people. All interested editors are invited to 2111:
To escape the arrest, Nastase staged a theatrical suicide attempt, which gave him only a few days' delay - now he is in prison'
719: 253: 214: 142: 100: 1955:
I also added the facts about Ion Ţiriac because I think it broadens the perspective. Năstase is not alone in what he does...
367: 358: 319: 725: 2271: 2176: 507: 464: 75: 1540:
be to give a list of actual things he done (i.e. law A, law B, etc..) and, if deemed important, things he hadn't done.
577: 1480:
A rumour can be true or not true. However, these allegations are pretty well-known in Romania and deserve mentioning.
1996 - Member of the Romanian parliamentary delegation to the gathering of parliamentarians of the Council of Europe
Nastase's site has little information on his government's achievements. However here's in brief what could be said:
I thought that's not really that important. The Romanian Parliament appears to have lots of these 'friends' groups
654: 1786:
The source is, probably, Adiran Nastase's electoral speeches which can hardly be called a 'turstworthy' source. --
President of parliamentary group "Friends of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" 1992-1996.
1834: 2227:
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
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Under the four years of his term all visa restrictions with the European western countries have been lifted.
32: 2141: 1907: 1841: 1745: 1704: 1663: 1564: 1523: 1176: 1111: 1215:
homosexuals, Năstase among them. I've added a mention to it in the article, with the appropriate remark.
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For one thing they are "allegations", not facts; and I think wikipedia should _concentrate_ on facts.
I think it could be the Romanian parliament. <comments at this level of indent are responses by <
1878: 2201: 2133: 1699:
Not true. For example, Romanians still need visa to enter UK, which is a European western countries.
42:. If such material is repeatedly inserted, or if you have other concerns, please report the issue to 2019:
is being used on this article. I notice the image page specifies that the image is being used under
There appears to be quite a bit of unsourced derogatory information in this article, which violates
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2145: 2123: 1556:
the government had no coherent agricultural policy -- however, no government since 1989 had one.
1288: 2247: 1533:
Nice, you are laughing when thinking about mineriads. That gives your POV a lot of credibility.
2160: 1837: 1741: 1700: 1659: 1560: 1519: 1410: 1363: 1172: 1162: 1107: 1037: 1013: 836:"A raporta" means "To make a report", so it should be "reporter", someone that reports facts. 556: 548: 532: 1300: 1994: 1972: 1937: 1919: 1886: 1815: 1772: 1732: 1722:"the number of Romanians that live below the poverty line dropped by an estimated 4 million" 1630: 1625:
or of the press? From everything I here, the latter is more of an issue than the former. --
the anti-corruption legal framework is now relatively well developed; it is not well applied
1595: 1394: 1383: 1258: 1204: 1187: 1134: 1098: 634: 245: 134: 2254: 1316: 894: 1126: 39: 770:
This is a tough one to translate; I could use some help. Here are the known open issues:
982: 542: 2213:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 2115: 1154: 627: 491: 478: 451: 350: 2253:
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
2007: 1153:, reprinted by Academia Caţavencu, on 16 November, 2004 in its "Scînteia" supplement. 180: 2284: 2177:
1986: 1854: 1787: 1679:"Human rights" were his speciality, even after 1989 (but with a reversed perspective) 1906:
a lot easier if you indicate your sources in the article when you add material (see
2043: 2036: 2015: 1894:
the ex-pro-Nastase Jurnalul National magazine,or even with Bechtel. Check this out
1866: 1755: 1551: 1226: 933:"Permanent Bureau"? Or something else? I'm trying to tie it to some concept I know. 898: 1121:
So do you think we should take the "wrongtitle" mark off of all of these, such as
Thanks, Bogdan, you seem to have restored the most substantive parts of this. --
1996 - Founding member of International Assembly of Francophone Parliamentarians
2220: 1990: 1968: 1933: 1915: 1882: 1811: 1768: 1728: 1626: 1591: 1511: 1390: 1379: 1254: 1200: 1183: 1130: 1094: 1078: 1046: 1030: 917: 1740:
standard, but high on the Romanian standard) and brought money in the country.
118: 94: 2276: 2219:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 2077: 1997: 1975: 1684: 1504: 1261: 993: 989: 340: 334: 313: 235: 124: 1895: 258: 1862: 1161:
interview in the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" of 25 November, 1989, as quoted by
French diacritical characters, the Romanian ones cannot be found in ASCII.
2180: 1166: 1515: 1325:
1996 - Vice-president of Chamber of Deputies, member of Standing Bureau.
Translate and keep in sync with the project versions in other languages:
581: 239: 229: 208: 1853:
but several party members, including Foreign Minister and PM candidate
1122: 474: 363: 1351:
Member of parliamentary commission on problems of law and human rights
Member of parliamentary commission on problems of law and human rights
reglementare = regulation, so it's "Regulations in International Law"
pentru un cititor de prin alte parti ridica niste semne de intrebare
all articles tagged for this project that have not been assessed for
this article from Ioana Dan, an economist at Babeş-Bolyai University
154:. For instructions on how to use this banner, please refer to the 1836:- quoted from a Mercer Human Resource Consulting company report. 1029:
As I said, this was a tough one. Any help will be appreciated. --
817:"International Assembly of the Francophone Members of Parliament" 1621:
This is vague, could you expand? Is this an issue of freedom of
first (you know, KGB-connections and calling the miners to do a
691: 2306:
Unknown-importance biography (politics and government) articles
progress on freedom of information and legislative transparency
That is the negation of a tautology. See the definitions again.
57: 38:
from the article and its talk page, especially if potentially
15: 1590:
By "justition" do you mean "judicial"? or something else? --
When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the
2006: 179: 2031:
Knowledge article constitutes fair use. In addition to the
for additional information. I made the following changes:
How can you distinguish between a fact and an allegation ?
major reorganization of the justition system was started
Start-Class biography (politics and government) articles
Member of parliamentary commission on rules of procedure
Member of parliamentary commission on rules of procedure
2164: 1964: 440: 435: 430: 425: 1357:
Member of parliamentary sub-commission on human rights
shows the number below the poverty line consistently
to restore these unless we can get better citations.
Romania-related articles from the Romanian Knowledge
362:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 257:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 2223:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 2062:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 1987:
Knowledge's rules for biographies of living persons
1253:It's still in there. I don't think it should be. - 943:
I'll leave it for now; does someone know more? - JM
1603:the statute of the public functionary was revised 981:"Biroul permanent" is "Standing Bureau" -- check 1618:eforts are needed to improve freedom of speech! 1914:much harder to identify and add them later. -- 2209:This message was posted before February 2018. 1450:The "Allegations" part is only based on facts. 1241:to using the word faggot or fairy in English. 856:desfasurate = (most likely) "that took place" 1612:important progress in respecting human rights 8: 1762:from 1989 to 1999. It could be, because the 1510:I'll improve that one too. However, I'll do 1182:I've put these properly into the article -- 602:Postage stamps and postal history of Romania 2311:Politics and government work group articles 1291:, that don't appear to be doing anything :) 61: 2159:I have just modified one external link on 1857:, said that some parts seem to be genuine. 1012:PDSR was the old name of the current PSD. 966:Leaving it for now. Anyone else know? - JM 841:I"ve gone with "Recording Secretary". - JM 459:Here are some tasks awaiting attention: 413: 308: 203: 89: 1877:I've copy-edited the recent additions by 1149:"Human rights - a retrograde concept" - 2083:No Evidence Of Nastase's Suicide Attempt 724:Contribute photos related to Romania at 2181: 1069:Member of parliamentary sub-commission 1045:Thanks, Bogdan, that was very helpful. 916:I will edit the article accordingly -- 683:newly contributed images (about 5800!!) 310: 205: 91: 2052:Knowledge:Fair use rationale guideline 700:newly created Romania-related articles 191:the politics and government work group 2198:to let others know (documentation at 1896:Evenimentul Zilei, December 16th 2003 1310:This wasn't removed. See the article. 7: 2003:Fair use rationale for Image:Psd.jpg 1144:References on the articles mentioned 356:This article is within the scope of 251:This article is within the scope of 140:This article is within the scope of 2291:Biography articles of living people 1337:I am not really sure what it means. 80:It is of interest to the following 14: 2326:Mid-importance socialism articles 2163:. Please take a moment to review 1767:we've got it seems plausible. -- 715:, and help with some of the items 688:Wiki Loves Monuments Romania 2011 2050:. Using one of the templates at 779:"The political idea of change". 450: 343: 333: 312: 238: 228: 207: 127: 117: 93: 62: 21:This article must adhere to the 2341:Mid-importance Romania articles 2082: 1550:regional development programs ( 1289:(each having about 7-17 members 543:Romania-related cleanup listing 400:This article has been rated as 291:This article has been rated as 271:Knowledge:WikiProject Socialism 164:Knowledge:WikiProject Biography 2331:WikiProject Socialism articles 2321:Start-Class socialism articles 2316:WikiProject Biography articles 2296:Start-Class biography articles 2064:Media copyright questions page 720:Awards for WikiProject Romania 274:Template:WikiProject Socialism 167:Template:WikiProject Biography 1: 2346:All WikiProject Romania pages 2146:20:52, 13 February 2013 (UTC) 2033:boilerplate fair use template 1998:06:30, 19 November 2006 (UTC) 1976:18:44, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 868:I finally posted this on the 380:Knowledge:WikiProject Romania 374:and see a list of open tasks. 265:and see a list of open tasks. 188:This article is supported by 24:biographies of living persons 2336:Start-Class Romania articles 2060:criteria for speedy deletion 1194:Allegations of homosexuality 932:"Biroului Permanent" ==: --> 383:Template:WikiProject Romania 152:contribute to the discussion 2277:16:50, 4 October 2016 (UTC) 2106:and many more sources .... 1276:married with two children. 726:Commons:WikiProject Romania 36:must be removed immediately 2362: 2240:(last update: 5 June 2024) 2156:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2044:the image description page 1889:22:37, Dec 26, 2004 (UTC) 1735:23:30, Dec 17, 2004 (UTC) 1409:Yes. For example, look at 1401:POV by choice of material? 406:project's importance scale 297:project's importance scale 2124:22:31, 30 July 2012 (UTC) 2097:- NZZ NeueZürcherZeitung 2078:14:14, 8 March 2008 (UTC) 2046:and edit it to include a 1940:23:35, Dec 27, 2004 (UTC) 1922:23:33, Dec 27, 2004 (UTC) 1869:01:34, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1844:23:37, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1818:18:52, Dec 19, 2004 (UTC) 1775:01:24, Dec 18, 2004 (UTC) 1707:23:20, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1633:21:50, Dec 11, 2004 (UTC) 1598:21:50, Dec 11, 2004 (UTC) 1397:20:57, Dec 8, 2004 (UTC) 1386:07:29, Dec 8, 2004 (UTC) 1262:03:54, 5 April 2006 (UTC) 1249:22:00, 07 Feb 2006 (UTC) 1229:01:34, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1207:07:20, Dec 8, 2004 (UTC) 1190:07:20, Dec 8, 2004 (UTC) 1101:21:25, Nov 8, 2004 (UTC) 1081:08:07, 22 Feb 2004 (UTC) 1040:10:04, 12 Dec 2003 (UTC) 1033:01:06, 12 Dec 2003 (UTC) 1016:10:04, 12 Dec 2003 (UTC) 901:09:35, 21 Feb 2004 (UTC)" 692:WLM Romania external site 412: 399: 328: 290: 223: 187: 112: 88: 2025:explanation or rationale 1963:Can anyone explain what 1790:07:15, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1666:19:24, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1552:(EU pre-aderation: Phare 1547:negotiations with the EU 1179:18:46, 6 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1137:20:16, Nov 9, 2004 (UTC) 1093:be "Adrian Nastase"? -- 1049:19:05, 12 Dec 2003 (UTC) 996:14:29, 19 Dec 2003 (UTC) 920:08:02, 22 Feb 2004 (UTC) 870:Knowledge:Reference Desk 708:needing expert attention 660:* Add more reference to 2152:External links modified 1526:21:02, 9 Dec 2004 (UTC) 1114:17:53, 9 Nov 2004 (UTC) 555:" (Bessarabian part of 499:or create a missing one 106:Politics and Government 2011: 1908:Knowledge:Cite sources 730:Romania related images 547:Normalize the use of " 184: 70:This article is rated 2027:as to why its use in 2010: 891:Copied from Ref. Desk 732:on Commons. See also 551:" (capitalized) and " 254:WikiProject Socialism 183: 143:WikiProject Biography 2221:regular verification 1328:This wasn't removed. 559:) all over Knowledge 2211:After February 2018 2190:parameter below to 735:media-related tasks 705:Check the articles 553:Northern Bessarabia 359:WikiProject Romania 2265:InternetArchiveBot 2216:InternetArchiveBot 2048:fair use rationale 2012: 1199:or his ethics. -- 872:and got an answer: 497:Request an article 487:History of Romania 277:socialism articles 185: 170:biography articles 76:content assessment 2241: 2136:comment added by 2103:- Spiegel Online 1690:Visa restrictions 1411:Silvio Berlusconi 1163:Evenimentul Zilei 763: 762: 759: 758: 755: 754: 751: 750: 747: 746: 557:Chernivtsi Oblast 549:Northern Bukovina 307: 306: 303: 302: 202: 201: 198: 197: 56: 55: 2353: 2275: 2266: 2239: 2238: 2217: 2205: 2148: 2023:but there is no 1879:User: 1764:World Bank shows 1378:be restored. -- 662:FC CFR Timișoara 646: 639: 632: 578:project articles 465:Article requests 454: 447: 446: 414: 388: 387: 386:Romania articles 384: 381: 378: 353: 348: 347: 346: 337: 330: 329: 324: 316: 309: 279: 278: 275: 272: 269: 248: 246:Socialism portal 243: 242: 232: 225: 224: 219: 211: 204: 172: 171: 168: 165: 162: 148:join the project 137: 135:Biography portal 132: 131: 130: 121: 114: 113: 108: 97: 90: 73: 67: 66: 58: 44:this noticeboard 16: 2361: 2360: 2356: 2355: 2354: 2352: 2351: 2350: 2281: 2280: 2269: 2264: 2232: 2225:have permission 2215: 2199: 2169:this simple FaQ 2154: 2131: 2085: 2005: 1983: 1961: 1949: 1875: 1850: 1848:PSD transcripts 1833:The reference: 1831: 1713: 1692: 1403: 1270: 1196: 1146: 1127:Stefan cel Mare 1087: 1073:on human rights 768: 743: 740: 649: 644: 637: 635:Proiect:România 630: 628:Projet:Roumanie 606: 586: 562: 527: 502: 477:reach at least 445: 385: 382: 379: 376: 375: 349: 344: 342: 322: 276: 273: 270: 267: 266: 244: 237: 217: 169: 166: 163: 160: 159: 133: 128: 126: 103: 74:on Knowledge's 71: 12: 11: 5: 2359: 2357: 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665: 650: 648: 647: 642:Проект:Румыния 624: 617: 607: 605: 604: 597: 587: 585: 584: 573: 568:Disambiguation 563: 561: 560: 545: 538: 528: 526: 525: 513: 503: 501: 500: 494: 482: 470: 458: 456: 455: 444: 443: 438: 433: 428: 422: 419: 418: 410: 409: 402:Mid-importance 398: 392: 391: 389: 372:the discussion 368:related topics 355: 354: 351:Romania portal 338: 326: 325: 323:Mid‑importance 317: 305: 304: 301: 300: 293:Mid-importance 289: 283: 282: 280: 263:the discussion 250: 249: 233: 221: 220: 218:Mid‑importance 212: 200: 199: 196: 195: 186: 176: 175: 173: 139: 138: 122: 110: 109: 98: 86: 85: 79: 68: 54: 53: 49:this help page 33:poorly sourced 19: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2358: 2347: 2344: 2342: 2339: 2337: 2334: 2332: 2329: 2327: 2324: 2322: 2319: 2317: 2314: 2312: 2309: 2307: 2304: 2302: 2299: 2297: 2294: 2292: 2289: 2288: 2286: 2279: 2278: 2273: 2268: 2267: 2256: 2252: 2249: 2245: 2244: 2243: 2236: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2218: 2212: 2207: 2203: 2197: 2193: 2189: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2173: 2172: 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