Knowledge (XXG)

Talk:Eugenics/Archive 4

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been overpersonalized and that they need to be de-centred. The proposed method is to look at early hereditary. Galton's publications and theories before the Origin of Species also point towards the development of eugenics. Peter Weingart argues eugenics wa influenced by two theories: these early hereditary theories and evolutionary theory. (Weingart, Peter. "German Eugenics between Science and Politics." Osiris 5 (1999): 260-82. By evolutionary theory I predomiantly mean Spencer and Darwin. There was a void thanks to Lyell's critique of Lamarck in evolutionary theory. The onset of religious controversies (essays and reviews, Huxley etc) in conjunction with Brixam caves etc, meant that religion was seriously challenged to the point that the authority of science could step in to propose a form of evolutionary theory. For, William Farr had advocated similar ideas to Galton in the 1830s, and of course, the vertiges of creation earlier had purported evolutionary theories comparable to Darwin's (not in the same league though). With such a social and intellectual context, Robert bannister argued that Galton's eugenics was a logical deduction to make from the origin.
the effect of ¨loss in genetic diversity not always being a bad thing,¨ which is absolutely false. The scientific marker of the health of a species is the diversity within that species´ gene pool. Nothing is more essential than genetic diversity from an evolutionary perspective. And the simple fact is that eugenics limits this genetic diversity by the artificial selection of so-called ¨desirable characterists,¨ many of which with dubious methodological testing. (as is the case with IQ testing) Theoretical artificial changes to the genomes of certain individuals that he claims could potentialy, ¨increase genetic diversity,¨ would certainly not, due to the simple fact that the entire point behind them is to weed out certain other naturally occurring allele frequencies because we find them undesirable and to replace them with ones that we do find desirable. The entire point of the practice would be to define a paradigm of acceptable and unacceptable frequencies out of those naturally occurring in our genome, that´s the reason it´s done in the first place--to slim down the ¨undesirable characteristics¨ and to boost the ¨desireable¨ ones!
and rejection of 'social darwinism' or its equivalent theories (evolutionary theory as advocated by Spencer here and Ernst haeckel later) is complicated and cannot be deduced from the descent alone. Indeed, Darwin thought the term 'survival of the fittest' was an adequate description of his theory. The difference was that in light of Malthus' population theory and Compte's positivism, and john Stuart Mill's philosophies, and the important contemporary issue of the antiquity of man, meant that this idea was to seen by some to be a prescription for society. This led to the descent, which was reactionary and Darwin was never entirely sure about the application of it as a prescription to mankind. The descent should not be conceived entirely as a rejection, for those familiar with Darwin's papers will know that Darwin's agreement/ disagreement with these types of ideas was not clear cut, and complicated.
think the burden of proof would be on those who wanted to say dysgenics wasn't happening, as it seems basically inevitable given current patterns of reproduction and selective pressures in developed countries. Natural selection is mainly about preventing deterioration (rather than 'creating new information'), and is to a large extent relaxed in such environments. Natural selection also requires something to work with, and when people only have a couple of kids there isn't really anything to 'choose' from, so deterioration is the only possibility. I'm also skeptical about calling something fringe science when very little research seems to be done on the subject. Do any governments actually fund research to see if dysgenics is occurring? It seems to be a taboo topic that nobody will go near.
4281:: Thanks, Ramdrake, for responding, and so quickly. I do, however, disagree with you on a few points. First, on medieval Europe: you should take a look at the work of Laura Betzig (lots of cites on Google Scholar); she has established pretty conclusively that the biological fitness of the nobility (in most cultural regions, not just Europe) was extremely high, relative to commoners (partly through the institution of wet-nursing, but mostly through extramarital copulations by noblemen). Second, I don't understand why children assigned to the priesthood or to orders would be any more intelligent than other children. Third, the medieval evidence is not really relevant to contemporary conditions anyway: dysgenic population changes (in the Fisher sense) first appear with the 1497:"At the present moment, we are offered three distinct and more or less mutually exclusive policies by which civilization may hope to protect itself and the generations of the future from the allied dangers of imbecility, defect and delinquency. No one can understand the necessity for Birth control education without a complete comprehension of the dangers, the inadequacies, or the limitations of the present attempts at control, or the proposed programs for social reconstruction and racial regeneration. It is, therefore, necessary to interpret and criticize the three programs offered to meet our emergency. These may be briefly summarized as follows: 1637:"At the present moment, we are offered three distinct and more or less mutually exclusive policies by which civilization may hope to protect itself and the generations of the future from the allied dangers of imbecility, defect and delinquency. No one can understand the necessity for Birth control education without a complete comprehension of the dangers, the inadequacies, or the limitations of the present attempts at control, or the proposed programs for social reconstruction and racial regeneration. It is, therefore, necessary to interpret and criticize the three programs offered to meet our emergency. These may be briefly summarized as follows: 3136:. Breeding animals and plants for certain features existed long before Darwin ever sketching his ideas on evolution, so I think that it's possible, if not likely, that Galton's idea owe nothing to Darwin's. Not that they don't share a certain common ground, they're obviously related in mechanisms; what I am skeptical about is this picture of Galton only thinking something like "...what if my cousin's ideas of 'artificial selection', as he put it, could be applied to improving human populations? Humm... seems interesting..." after knowing Darwin's ideas, which is somewhat of the mental image this passage can create, I think. 4320:. Eugenics is a system where one hopes to engineer a "better" population by not allowing certain people to have children (by forced sterilization, etc). Dysgenics is a system where one hopes to engineer a "better" population by making sure that everyone can have children (by subsidy, entitlement, etc); unlike eugenics, the goal of the program, but not its mechanism, is recognized by its proponents - the goal here is population equality. I understand the desire of certain individuals (with an idealogical axe to grind) in conflating the two concepts, but they are distinct. 18:32, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 2115:
How objective is this, really? After the counter-arguements are we going to have counter-counter-arguements to even things out? And after that, counter-counter-counter arguements? Isn´t that what the talk page is for? This really would become old quickly, although I would agree that all sides of the issues ought be able to address claims made by the other that they view as unsubstantiated, I believe that the cases for and against should be laid out WITHIN the main text of the article and that the critisism ought to be incorporated directly into the article itself at every point of contention.
and they can be placed in their historical contexts. From these historical origins, to present day definitions, which as Dianne Paul (I think already cited in the article) has argued are to a large extent based on political, social, or personal perspectives. Its not good enough to cite a definition and a point and give one authority. There is far too much literature, and I believe while there is a lot in the article, what is not there and the way it is put is misleading. However, credit should be given to those editors dealing with a contentious and difficult topic to summarize.
science; the RES was disbanded, eugenics research was abolished. By the late 1930s Stalin himself had personally rejected the idea of socialist eugenics and by then Lysenkoism had taken one of its many criticisms of Mendelian genetics the coincidence between fascism and eugenics in Germany. So there the USSR program is not especially interesting, except as an example of a state that in the end did not support eugenics, but for equally ideological reasons. The more ya know. If someone wants to add the above paragraph in edited form into the article somewhere, they are welcome to. --
4229:) that the most socially fit people of his time were the least biologically fit (i.e., those with highest SES had the lowest fertility). Fisher's formulation appears to be what most people have in mind when they talk about dysgenic changes in human populations. The empirical evidence supports Fisher: there is nothing "fringe" about the fact of differential fertility. So I'm puzzled by some of the discussion on these pages: Why do some assert that "dysgenic trending" occurs only in non-human populations? Why do some assert that dysgenics is a "fringe" concept?-- 2194:"To determine the possible effects of "coaching," a college class of 44 men were tested four times on the Army "Alpha," approximately three weeks elapsing between each test. The results are recorded in graphs and tables. The investigators found that there was a definite general improvement from first to second, and from second to third (every case in the third round showing superiority to the first), with a general drop in the fourth. Reports from the testees stated that taking the first, second and third test was interesting, but that the fourth was a bore. " 1647:* Marxian Socialism: This may be considered typical of many widely varying schemes of more or less revolutionary social reconstruction, emphasizing the primary importance of environment, education, equal opportunity, and health, in the elimination of the conditions (i. e. capitalistic control of industry) which have resulted in biological chaos and human waste. I shall attempt to show that the Marxian doctrine is both too limited, too superficial and too fragmentary in its basic analysis of human nature and in its program of revolutionary reconstruction. 1174:
used guns and prisons for genocide, shall we also ban these too? I do not deny that there are racists out there who are pro-eugenics. However there are also those who are pro eugenics as they believe it is necessary for the long term viability of all humans, regardless of race. I believe that natural selection in our species is no longer fully functional (as medicine allows people such as myself to live, who would in natural circumstances die) and that therefore some form of selective breeding may one day be required. There is nothing racist about that.
1642:* Philanthropy and Charity: This is the present and traditional method of meeting the problems of human defect and dependence, of poverty and delinquency. It is emotional, altruistic, at best ameliorative, aiming to meet the individual situation as it arises and presents itself. Its effect in practise is seldom, if ever, truly preventive. Concerned with symptoms, with the allaying of acute and catastrophic miseries, it cannot, if it would, strike at the radical causes of social misery. At its worst, it is sentimental and paternalistic. 4219:, though, would never be a policy. For your other point: from the perspective of natural selection, all changes increase fitness: the "fit", by definition, outproduce others. So one cannot speak of a natural population moving in a "dysgenic" direction. The terms eugenic and dysgenic apply only to changes in human populations or their domesticates when human value systems dictate what is a good change and what is a bad change. Perhaps the most value-neutral and succinct approach is that of 4048:
other ways of splitting it in the to-do list, though nobody seems to be active here (for instance my request for someone who is actually involved in the article to archive this page has long gone unnoticed; one or more people actually volunteering to maintain the article (remove vandalism, carry housekeeping work like archiving etc) would be a nice). We also need more 'eugenics in ' articles. I have found there is enough literature out there to write one for my country (
settled in the article, albeit with a {{fact}} tag, but still without an explanation. Can any of the editors who have replaced the article provide a basis for its inclusion? Given the definition in the lead of this article, "improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention", it doesn't seem to have a place here. I can't see how killing women (or men) can improve hereditary traits. I propose its removal, once again. --
2212:. But what if the gene is clearly deleterious, such as causing the loss of ones immune system? Would losing that small piece of 'genetic diversity' still be harmful? It appears as if you are saying it is harmful to our evolution remove clearly undesirable traits? Ie. those that would cause conditions such as: Cancer, and Immune Disorders. Perhaps a new kind of 'religion' or 'idealism' has entered the debate? One that harms reason and common sense. 574:. All human beings before of us have noticed certain things, and wrote about them, or at least acted upon them. If this "Eugenics" Article is just the "History of 20th century World", then it should be labelled as such, and the concept of "Selective breeding", Eugenics, and whatever else should be explained in the first paragraph. If the Eugenics intends to only talk about the history of the 20th C. it should state that in the first Paragraph. 4604:, something that the speaker thinks should not be done; the "argument" begs the question. Even if this is what opponents of eugenics say, I think we should give them some charity and replace this sentence in the lead section with the reasons why they think it is immoral (opponents of eugenics think it is immoral by definition, while proponents think not having eugenics is immoral, by definition; surely this is obvious to everybody). 4260:
years have been deliberately breeding individuals with these mutations, among other goals for the purposes of building models of physiological processes. So, you're right on this one point: dysgenic trending doesn't seem to be happening at all under normal biological conditions; however, empirical evidence says that dysgenic trending on the trait of IQ in humans isn't happening either. Hope this answers some of your questions.--
pre-Criticisms sections. They don't need to be repeated in bloody detail. In fact, the earlier sections of this article are a rather nice example of the inclusion of *relevant* pro and con views within the flow of the article's narrative. I'm not bold enough to remove an entire section of an article with which I'm only mildly familiar, but someone really should just ax the criticism section. --
3287:"The Church"? Which Church? There are many denominations, and Catholocism should not be referred to as 'The Church' nor as an authority for all Christians, as it clearly is not an authority for Protestant Christians. My religious rant aside.. I otherwise agree, the position of the vast majority of Christians would probably reflect your quote - ie. they would be against eugenics. 3457:"Sir Francis Galton systematized these ideas and practices according to new knowledge about the evolution of man and animals provided by the theory of his cousin Charles Darwin." appears in both the article and thebioreview. It isn't obvious to me whether Knowledge (XXG) or thebioreview is the violator here. Perhaps an active editor of this article might have a look. 2127:
dysgenics, thereby making it illogical. If supporters of dysgenics do argue that methodological flaws are occurring presently in IQ tests, then they do so fully accepting that the very concept of the IQ, with which they base their arguement and themselves establish as an indicator of human intellect, is empirically unsound and therefore, by it´s nature, unscientific.
basically, despite of the connection with Darwin, he puts that the major influence was actually the need for a new sort of "wealth" in a changing society. The upper classes were somewhat "menaced", their position in the social strata was not so stable as it always had been, so the earlier iluministic ideals of equality of potential of
that in medieval times, the more intelligent elements of the population were routinely sent to monasteries and abbeys for purposes of higher learning -- and usually ended up being monks or nuns? Nobles also had traditionnally fewer children than commoners.), and documented IQ averages of populations worlwide have been shown to
I will try not to use this page as my soap box, but your message raises some questions in my mind. I don't know whether Protestants and Feminists are pro-eugenics. I am a little fascinated at the focus on religion here.. Does a religious group that restricts breeding to those deemed most suitable and
There is no reference to the (Christian) church's position on Eugenics. I don't know where this could be added- new section, added into existing parts? but should definitly be there. Here is one reference that could be used for its position in the 1930s- but maybe going to the primary sources would
I think we need to have a discussion about what 'subarticles' there should be on this topic. It's a very broad one and I don't think we can do justice to it in one article. I don't know that eugenics/dysgenics is the best way to go, although I'm somewhat ambivalent on that one. I have suggested some
Either those in support of eugenics for the support of enhancing human intellect must accept that dysgenics is not occurring due to the fact that global IQ scores are rising, or they must argue that a methodological flaw is occurring. Either one of these concessions negates the arguement in favor of
This article is a very poorly done effort that is far too supportive of the ¨science¨ and barely touches upon basic scientific principals which are contradictiory to it. Why is it that after the critisism area of the article that counter-arguements are allowed to be presented against the critisisms?
Philanthropy and Charity: This is the present and traditional method of meeting the problems of human defect and dependence, of poverty and delinquency. It is emotional, altruistic, at best ameliorative, aiming to meet the individual situation as it arises and presents itself. Its effect in practise
The above quote sounds like Sanger is advocating the cleansing of "the race" of "defectives" and "mentally ill", and advocating a nazi-version of racial supremacy. When you put the paragraph in context, with it's surrounding paragraphs, Sanger is actually saying the opposite -- the paragraph is part
Abortion and forced Sterilization were actually things that Sanger wrote AGAINST! She did not endorse abortion. She only advocated birth control and education. If she endorsed abortion at any time, she would have been arrested, because abortion, was illegal until 1972, and advocacy of it was illegal
I was wondering if the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement would warrant inclusion. Although it is not eugenics, it operates on a similar broader principle, that the other inhabitants of the earth would be better off without us, so we should avoid procreation. In the same way eugenics aims to remove
Don't be ridiculous; Eugenics HAS been tainted by the Nazis. Also, even if it is a racist page, that's no reason to remove it. Has the thought ever occurred to you that basically only racists are into Eugenics? I mean, what's your point? This is not at all "off topic". This is not a forum. This is a
The Web is rife with spurious claims of copyright. It was reasonable to tag the article, but the comments and links above provide the basis for an administrator to remove the tag and close this discussion, in my opinion. It seems that a backlog exists that has delayed closure more than the normal 7
Sorry for not paying enough attention to this discussion. It seems now that this bioreview has copied some content from the Knowledge (XXG) article, or vice versa. Not really sure, but if you look at for instance the counter argument section in the bioreview link, that's a section that was included
the brides and bridegrooms, and sacrifices will be offered and suitable hymeneal songs composed by our poets: the number of weddings is a matter which must be left to the discretion of the rulers, whose aim will be to preserve the average of population? There are many other things which they will
I've heard that one of the arguments for eugenics in the US was that the chinese people procreate too fast, and there were estimates that in a certain number of generations, there would be more sino-americans than euro-americans in the US, if irrestrict immigration were allowed. I'm going to search
Third, the case made by the gentleman who claimed that the arguement against eugenics which stated that it would limit genetic diversity is incorrect in stating that genetic diversity could be attained by scientific methods such as gene splicing failed to make his point. He also stated something to
1. United States Public Health Service: Psychiatric Studies of Delinquents. Reprint No. 598: pp. 64-65. 2. The Problem of the Feeble-Minded: An Abstract of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Cure and Control of the Feeble-Minded, London: P. S. King & Son. 3. Cf. Feeble-Minded in Ontario:
In general, the most reliable sources are peer-reviewed journals and books published in university presses; university-level textbooks; magazines, journals, and books published by respected publishing houses; and mainstream newspapers. As a rule of thumb, the greater the degree of scrutiny involved
A reliable source is a published work regarded as trustworthy or authoritative in relation to the subject at hand. Evaluation of reliability will depend on the credibility of the author and the publication, along with consideration of the context. Reliable publications are those with an established
was added as a form of genocide on 14 January. The addition wasn't explained and was reverted, giving as the reason "gender is not an hereditary trait". It was then reinstated, again without explanation, and subsequently has been deleted and replaced at regular intervals. It seems now to have
While judiciously selected references to eugenics in popular culture can shed light on both eugenics and culture, the section as it stands it too long, and contains many items of dubious interest or relevance. It is the "Pokemon effect", the influence of fandom, not scholarship. It dilutes the
I agree with Walter Siegmund. I've looked at the BioReview website some more, and it's filled with text that all comes directly from Knowledge (XXG), and not the other way around. While we should always be on the lookout for copyvios, and as such tagging is good and if done in good faith it should
The main problem I see with the definition and ideas presented is that it is contested territory. In such a case, it would be better to elicit multiple conceptions and definitions of eugenics, for there were and still are many different definitions. I think 'conceptions of eugenics' would be best
In respect to the other comment, perhaps some knowledge of more recent studies not based on Richard Hofstadter's 'social darwinism', which is an invention, a myth and untrue might shed some more light. Contemporaries never described themselves as social darwinists. Darwin's so called distancing
Difficult point. For early hereditary and its potential impact see Waller, John C. "Ideas of Heredity, Reproduction and Eugenics in Britain, 1800-1875." Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32, no. 3 (2001): 457-89.. This argues that Galton and Darwin etc. have
Note that the Sparta-was-eugenics trope predates Hitler by a long time; it was often cited by early American and British eugenicists, for example. I of course agree that saying it "was eugenics" is a bit of an anachronism, to say the least, but to say it was embraced by eugenicists as a historical
What was practised in Sparta, was, in hindsight, eugenics. The concept of eugenics lacked a name at the time, but it was nonetheless eugenics. It belongs here more than in Nazi eugenics, because what was practised in Sparta was not related to Nazism. It was pure and simple, eugenics. The fact that
I was just browsing along and stopped on this article. It's surprisingly well written for such a contentious subject. Good work. However, the entire criticisms section reads like a bunch of POV tack-ons. The significant historical and modern-day criticisms of eugenics are well accounted for in the
The very idea of using IQ scores to prove/disprove arguments in eugenics is terribly flawed. So I agree with you, it is dubious. Flynn, who you make use of, actually says that "The hypothesis that best fits the results is that IQ tests do not measure intelligence but rather a correlate with a weak
Furthermore, dysgenics or eugenics, for that matter, can not be considered a science or scientific in any way because it makes a value statement about certain innate characterisitics and describes some as more or less desireable than others. So the basis of eugenics is that less intelligent people
Who, if anyone, is maintaining this article? I requested the talk page be archived perhaps 6 months ago, so I imagine that if it does have a maintainer or maintainers they either like long talk pages or are pretty lethargic. I was going to take a shot at it myself as I passed by, but there are
It is generally suspected that GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization) is conducting a secret program of eugenics in over 70 third world contries by adding abortion causing and/or sterilization viri to their vaccines. Generally only women are targeted and in several contries, women run
I'll answer that one: the one conclusion one can draw about the differential fertility of the more highly educated would be that, in theory, generation after generation the average IQ of the population should decrease. However, this differential fertility has been going on for some time (remember
also be a phenomenon if the genetic quality of populations was increasing? In any case I don't think 'policy' is a very good description. It has been considered everything from a science to a moral philosophy, and the word basically encompasses all of these things. Regarding being fringe, I would
The initial Bolshevik revolutionaries did embrace eugenics to a degree, starting up a Russian Eugenics Society, and supporting research on eugenics. There were even some plans for a genetic Five Year Plan based on artificial insemination. But by 1930 eugenics had been categorized as a "bourgeois"
Perhaps a better variable to track genetic health of a population might be rates for early onset Cancer or Immune Disorders such as Asthma and MS. Levels of education, teaching methodologies, and the way education is delivered (eg. TV, and Computers) all change with time and this could muddy the
EliasAlucard says that "Has the thought ever occurred to you that basically only racists are into Eugenics?". Do any of you really believe that? It is absurd. Hitler was a vegetarian and a genocidal maniac. Does it therefore stand to reason that all vegetarians are genocidal maniacs? Hitler also
I'm really disappointed that you people removed the 'Reductio ad Hitlerum' paragraph. It definitely fit into this article. It was only removed because it was, as I remember it, a strange explanation for peoples' anti-eugenics opinions. Kind of like removing proof that you did something wrong, to
This section states: "A few nations, notably, Canada and Sweden, maintained large-scale eugenics programs, including forced sterilization of mentally handicapped individuals, as well as other practices, until the 1970s." In fact in Canada only Alberta had a sterlization program, which the
since we started measuring IQs. The "expected" dysgenic effect of differential fertility isn't happening. There's even a mathematical model which explains why it's not happening. However, many deleterious mutations have been found in mice and flies, and for research purposes, scientists for some
Eugenics was concerned with making sure that the strongest of any given tribe/group/race survive and that the weak are rooted out. The logic being that removing the weaker individuals would be beneficial to the group as a whole. So no, eugenics need not exist only in an environment of sicentific
It seems that they are really distinct concepts and as such should have separate entries. As noted above, they are both important topics for the prospect of humanity and as an encyclopedia entry which provides distinctions between concepts should maintain separate delineations and corresponding
While I appreciate the above is referenced, I'm somewhat concerned about it as it appears misleading. I've removed the word former to try and improve it. The issue here is it appears to be suggesting Huxley was involved in the Eugenics Society and then abandoned it to join UNESCO and WWF. But in
is ambiguous; his position in the middle of the book and the end of the book are quite different; in the conclusion he comes off as a raging eugenicist, while earlier on he is a bit more back-and-forth, in his typical non-commital style. From what I can tell he thought the best part of Galton's
When The Pivot Of Civilization was written, in 1922, the USA, indeed the world, was getting over the ravages of the worst Influenza epidemic in history! Millions of Americans died -- we lost a whole generation of people between 1918 and 1920. The idea of "racial regenration" was not used in the
At the end of the third paragraph of the section titled "Meanings and Types of Eugenics," there is what appears to be a piece of vandalism: the words, "Hannah is awesome!!!" The weird thing is that this sentence appears in the public face of the article, but when you go to edit it (as I did, to
Yes, but you don't have to be a genius to figure out that his point about logic (which is about eugenics) is a valid point. Whether eugenics is right or wrong is not decided by Hitler's use of Eugenics because Hitler did not have a patent/copyright/monopoly on Eugenics. I thought that was super
The spectre of Hitler has led some scientists to stray from "ought" to "is" and deny that breeding for human qualities is even possible. But if you can breed cattle for milk yield, horses for running speed, and dogs for herding skill, why on Earth should it be impossible to breed humans for
QUote: The Church opposed further enquiries about the treatment of the mentally ill with sterilization at the time of the Wood Report.135 Its opposition to the Brock recommendations was consolidated with the 1930 papal encyclical Casti Conubii, which argued that too little was known about the
Marxian Socialism: This may be considered typical of many widely varying schemes of more or less revolutionary social reconstruction, emphasizing the primary importance of environment, education, equal opportunity, and health, in the elimination of the conditions (i. e. capitalistic control of
or something like that. Dysgenics seems to mix fact and value without recognizing it is doing so. For example, it begins with 'in population genetics...', as if it were a purely scientific matter. Whether or not something counts as 'deterioration' is clearly a matter of values though, as I've
In more recent times the Combating Autism Act, ratified unanimously by the United States Senate and signed by president George W. Bush, is an example of modern eugenic legislation. The bill contains provisions to support the development of a prenatal diagnosis of autism, which could lead to a
Wow, I got to read all this. Anyway, I was reading a book a few time ago, and it mentioned somewhat clearly that Galton was indeed influenced by Darwin's ideas. The book is "the creative moment", by the physicist Joseph Schwartz. There's also some stuff about the origin of the "IQ movement",
The popularity of eugenics may be gauged with the prosperity of http:/ a dating agency that requires its members be advanced degree persons from highly regarded universities With that kind of support around the idea Eugenics remains fashionable as well as effective among people
She is here, quite obviously, only EXPLAINING what the 3 mutually exclusive social programs (for dealing with poverty, birth defects, and insanity) governments were proposing at the time, and CRITISIZING THEM! If she was in favor of Marxist Socialism and Eugenics (which she says are mutually
2852:) are inactive. I make the tally 8 to 2. I include the support by the anonymous editor in the tally since s/he seems to be an active, constructive and long-term editor, but a consensus exists without his/her support. If others agree with my judgement, I think we can proceed with the merge. 2321:
racial eugenics, which emphasizes selectively breeding a specific race or races extrinsic social eugenics, which selectively breeds people that have high social status and the genetic traits thereof, such as wealth, attendance at popular colleges, college degrees, popularity, extroversion,
The website "website on logic" is no academic source, at least on eugenics. The alleged quote "Eugenics must be wrong ...." can't be found on the website. The website gives no explicit source about who made the fallacious statements. The website doesn't call it Reductio ad
Knowledge (XXG) operates by consensus. If only one editor is advocating for the inclusion of some text, and several others oppose it, then there's no consensus for including the material. If anyone thinks that more input would change the dynamic then a request for comment should be made.
I'm eyeballs deep in literature on the history of eugenics right now, so if you point out some paragraphs/statements that appear to require citations, highlight them somewhere on the discussion page. I'll probably be able to find sources to back them up. It might take some time though.
beneficial for their group (eg. by restricting marriage to the same race/religion), practice a form of 'religious eugenics'?. Or indeed, if anyone chooses a mate believing that their children will benefit from their genetic traits.. would they be practicing eugenics on a micro scale?.
I find the inclusion of this template POV-ish. It`s presence implies that Eugenics is a discriminatory social policy. I propose deletion or the creation of a separate article called "Eugenics and discrimination" (the article should start something like this: "The social philosophy of
as is required - it was done by a bot. it seems like it was a rather hasty copyvio flag - reads to me immediately as a source likely to have borrowed content from wikipedia and not the reverse, and no authors are cited - can we just remove the flag without an admin?
I question whether 'racist eugenics' (I made it up) should even be called eugenics. Killing a race does not benefit the human race at all. It is just the twisted logic of twisted people (like Hitler). Sad that the simple idea of improving our species is tarnished by a maniac.
I intend to remove the Reductio ad Hitlerum section. Before I do, may I suggest that your additions would work well in the Nazi Germany section of the eugenics article, where they would be perfectly relevant. Or is there a specific reason that you prefer not to place your edits
Do people ever have their accounts blocked due to having an undesirable POV? And who is really being the most POV pushy? It *might* appear to a casual observer that those who are pro-eugenics (the minority?) are being silenced as much as is possible within the wiki framework.
usefulness of Knowledge (XXG) and sullies its integrity as an encylopedia. "Popular culture" in this article is represented by American and British science fiction, American sci-fi movies and anime. No connections or conclusions are drawn -- it is not too far from trivia.
Nazi eugenics article is beside the point. There is a difference between Eugenics and Nazi eugenics. This fallacy, belongs here, not in the Nazi eugenics article. It belongs here, because people condescend Eugenics, because of Nazi eugenics, not the other way around. —
If Sanger was in favor of the kind of Eugenics that Christian liars claim she was, why on earth would she explain "The flaws of the Eugenics movement" (along with "the flaws of Marxist Socialism") are "the Eugenists really offer nothing more farsighted than a ``cradle
If Sanger was in favor of the kind of Eugenics that Christian liars claim she was, why on earth would she explain "The flaws of the Eugenics movement" (along with "the flaws of Marxist Socialism") are "the Eugenists really offer nothing more farsighted than a ``cradle
2319:"intrinsic eugenics, which seeks to exclusively improve a person's genetic traits that are intrinsically beneficial or detrimental to them, such as physical health, mental health, attractiveness, reproductive ability, physical aptitude, intelligence, and self-control 1508:
industry) which have resulted in biological chaos and human waste. I shall attempt to show that the Marxian doctrine is both too limited, too superficial and too fragmentary in its basic analysis of human nature and in its program of revolutionary reconstruction.
I find it quite funny to search Google Books to make academic claims. Maybe reading a bit on Sparta and eugenics would be more advisable? In any case, the link you give is — like it or not — not accessible to me (I presume because of Internet laws concerning
His opinion in this matter isn't notable. It's just an opinion by a mid-level politician with no expertise in the topic. He's making a political point which doesn't add any information to the article, and which appears based on a lack of actual research.
is the best name either, but I'm not sure exactly what to call it), but I also don't think dysgenics is a good name. Something more neutral like 'recent, current and future evolution of human beings' would be better, but again it's an horridly clumsy title.
4419:, while still seeming to contain much of the same content in each article. I don't know enough about this but I don't think the term 'dysgenics' is actually used in the biological literature about non-humans; perhaps 'genetic deterioration' or 'dysgenesis'. 2302:
Given the fact that the increase in autism in the general population is much faster than can be explained in terms of genetic inheritance it suggests that, while the predisposition may be widespread, unknown environmental factors are currently to blame.
argument was that Galton established that genius and talent might be inherited, which Darwin saw as vital to his argument about human evolution). Neither, of course, were advocates of the sorts of state-based eugenics as formed in the 20th century. --
Well, I don't really know much about Galton, but I'm suspecting of a bit of those historical mistakes of "common sense" here, similar to contrasting Darwin and Lamarck as if Darwin already accepted mendelian genetics alone, as if Darwin himself was a
But neither do your additions "focus on arguments to criticize or justify eugenics through logical fallacies"--they simply describe claims that the Nazis did not practice eugenics, which is not the same thing. Additionally, is not a
Fourteenth Report for the year ending October 31st, 1919. 4. Eugenics Review, Vol. XIII, p. 339 et seq. 5. Dwellers in the Vale of Siddem: A True Story of the Social Aspect of Feeble-mindedness. By A. C. Rogers and Maud A. Merrill; Boston (1919). "
And if "clear-cutters" of tree stands refuse to leave abundant "seed-tree groups" of the best trees, then they are.. S t u p i d. That is why there is a term: selective genetics. Matthew observed this "Humanoid-Action-Greed-Stupidity-Problem"...
Well a related point is that human selective breeding (also known as eugenics) was informed by pre-20th century thinking on the selective breeding of farmed animals (and no doubt plants). I agree that it is arbitrary to be anthropocentric here.
this is just something I suspect, and perhaps Darwin did have significant influence on Galton's concepts; I'm pointing to this just in case it catches the attention of someone who happens to already know more about or would like to research on
The only source the article has listed is someone saying she was a eugenicist. In fact, I've provided sources from her own works that state otherwise. She stated many times she was not a Eugenicist, and her views were quite the contrary.
556:—the culling of only the trees of highest timber quality from forests—on the quality of timber. In an appendix to the book, he elaborated on how eugenic artificial selection—the elimination of trees of poor timber quality—could be used...." 4577:. One editor felt it didn't meet the notability guidelines, and has since decided to let it go, but I would like to know if any others feel it should be deleted (I don't want to work on something that's just going to be deleted later on). 999:
article, but it also belongs here because it's part of the article's topic. This is like I said, a very relevant perception of eugenics. It is most certainly notable. Let's face it, uneducated people think that Hitler invented Eugenics. —
is seldom, if ever, truly preventive. Concerned with symptoms, with the allaying of acute and catastrophic miseries, it cannot, if it would, strike at the radical causes of social misery. At its worst, it is sentimental and paternalistic.
I think the length issue can be addressed, and since the dysgenics article as it stands deals almost entirely with eugenics, I see no reason to have them spread all over the place. Let's keep it all together where it's easier to manage.
Agreed. The footnote (5) looks like OR, and the categories proposed are not sensible - 1 & 2 are practically the same thing (certainly in the period I know most about, Britain 1900-1920) and 3 makes no sense at all. I've removed it.
I strongly support removing this. Just because some website mentioned eugenics in passing does not make that a properly sourced addition to the article. The rest of that section is simply offtopic or irrelevant--the Itzkoff quote that
Galton was certainly influenced by Darwin's theories to come up with eugenics, at least by his own accounts. And Darwin was less resistent to Galton's logic than is often let on: as far as I can tell he basically agreed with Galton's
2791:. There is nothing in that article that couldn't go into this one, and I agree with the assessment that it has been hijacked by POV pushers who couldn't get their POV inserted into an article which draws more attention to itself. -- 241:
Way to cherry pick, and completely misrepresent his position. The fact is he doesn't advocate eugenics, and picking out a short paragraph from a foreword he wrote for some ones book, that was plastered around the internet by a
I have removed a text about "Eugenics in Latin America" that put great emphasis in "state policies" in Brazil without providing any data or reference for such. There never were any laws related to eugenics in Brazil at all.
There's no source to show that uneducated people think that Hitler invented eugenics. The source for this is expert on logic, not on eugenics. He's not trying to make a point about eugenics, but rather a point about logic.
Look, it's just an example of a logical fallacy, all right? You don't need a source from the CIA for this. It's a reliable source for what is being cited. And since the author has a PhD, it doesn't make it less reliable. —
Your opinion isn't relevant anyway; other users can confirm the content of that link, and the fact, that an academic scholar calls it eugenics. Sorry, but eugenics was practised in Sparta, whether you like it or not :) —
Whether or whether not Huxley's involvment in WWF and UNESCO has anything to do with his eugenics ideas, it's quite clear he didn't suddenly abandone the eugenics movement and so we have to be careful that this is clear
4293:) may be partly to blame, since as an intelligence researcher he has focused on IQ. But there are obviously other reasons, and some of these (with proper sources) could surely be mentioned in an article on dysgenics. -- 2098:
It is a tricky road to hoe, wanting to keep the language NPOV on both sides of the fence. That said, I concurr with your general want to stay accurate, & I think your most recent version supports NPOV. Hooray!
reality, UNESCO was formed a long time before Huxley became Eugenics Society president and the WWF was formed while he was president. Huxley appears to have maintaned links to the eugenics society throughout his life.
think the history of "eugenics" only applied to Humans, (and I assume the idea means to apply to any 'Selective Genetics'), then why does a nice article on a Timely, Forerunner to Darwin, Russell et al, talk of:
I'm not sure why this article passed GA, but it has some striking problems. For one thing, citations are too sparse and scattere around; at least every paragraph should have one citation. This article has an
between the fit and the unfit. They suggest in very truth, that all intelligent and respectable parents should take as their example in this grave matter of child-bearing the most irresponsible elements in the
between the fit and the unfit. They suggest in very truth, that all intelligent and respectable parents should take as their example in this grave matter of child-bearing the most irresponsible elements in the
I really doubt this categorization is valid. It is unsourced and a Google search "extrinsic social eugenics" reveals that the phrase is only used on the Knowledge (XXG) article, not in any reliable sources.
and like it or not, this academic source knows better than you do about this. Also, I believe the Sparta section should be improved and expanded and cover some more points about Sparta's eugenics program. —
outbreed more intelligent people in this society and that somehow having less intelligence is a less desireable evolutionary characteristic? How does that even fit into a scientific or Darwininan framework?
is misleading because it ignores such motives, described in the article, as elimination of hereditary illnesses and "improvement to the gene pool", to name just two. The reinstatement should be reverted.
Schwalker, for your sake, because I like you so much, I've decided to add this section into the Reductio ad Hitlerum article. I hope you respect this decision of me and refrain yourself from censoring it. —
During the 1860s and 1870s, Sir Francis Galton systematized these ideas and practices according to new knowledge about the evolution of man and animals provided by the theory of his cousin Charles Darwin.
My pleasure. As a note to udhr28, the section also had to be altered because it only described American/European eugenics - I don't think Japanese eugenic policies had much to do with Nordic supremacy!
What is this, an article on an MMORPG? "Special abilities may only appear after many generations down the road in a very different environment". The intro also doesn't attribute the opinions it espouses,
That may be the case, but the current Dysgenics article is written from the eugenicist POV. The two articles are closely related. IMO, the only rationale for keeping the two separate is the length issue.
Articles should rely on reliable, third-party published sources with a reputation for fact-checking and accuracy. Sources should be appropriate to the claims made: exceptional claims require exceptional
aspect, in seeking to reestablish the dominance of healthy strain over the unhealthy, by urging an increased birth-rate among the fit, the Eugenists really offer nothing more farsighted than a ``cradle
aspect, in seeking to reestablish the dominance of healthy strain over the unhealthy, by urging an increased birth-rate among the fit, the Eugenists really offer nothing more farsighted than a ``cradle
You're wrong. It is possible to believe that something is objectively immoral while not objecting to that "something". It is also possible to object to something that you do not believe is immoral.
we refer to a city of Ancient Greece) have been provided (with reason). Practicing infanticide is different from following a policy of eugenism, which, by definition, can only exist in the frame of
exclusive in many ways), why would she criticize them? Again, the Christian tactic is to cut Sanger off in mid-sentence and make her writing appear to say the opposite of what she actually wrote."
2957: 3619:
in the wiki article in an earlier state (the part about an association fallacy). At first I thought it was just some website that had copied content from Knowledge (XXG), but when I noticed the
2659:, Dysgenics is a... let`s call it "an action and its result". They belong to two compltetely different fields. The fact that Eugenics operates with terms like "dysgenics" is irrelevant. Compare 4056:
division is enough though, and think a broader discussion about how the article should be split into 'child' articles would be more useful than another discussion about the dysgenics article.--
Actually, the decision of whether it stays or not is not just yours to make; whether it stays is subject to discussion and requires a consensus, which apparently doesn't exist at the moment.--
Are you saying that meets these requirements? While the author appears to have a PhD in philosophy, this source isn't reliable in the sense that it cannot establish whether
racism. Technically the first cave man who slew his sickly child for the benefit of his tribe or family was a "eugenicist", although they wouldn't have called it that. See the (old) book
Why? Because of context. The Nazi Germany section focuses on the actual eugenics policy of the Third Reich, not on arguments to criticize or justify eugenics through logical fallacies. —
His reasons are NOT valid. We are not citing the reductio ad hitlerum as if it were an academic source. The alleged quote was phrased somewhat differently in this article; I've fixed it.
4285:; before then, those with higher SES actually had higher fertility (as Laura Betzig shows). Finally, IQ. To focus on IQ, rather than SES, is a deviation from Fisher. Why this deviation? 204:
mathematical, musical or athletic ability? Objections such as "these are not one-dimensional abilities" apply equally to cows, horses and dogs and never stopped anybody in practice.
4574: 3827:
than those listed refers just to the previously cited countries, thus it don't add anything to the article. I believe it would be better to remove the section. What do you think? --
to the "See also" list at the end. The article is quote long already, so unless someone has compared or contrasted them in a reliable source I'm not sure what else we should add.
Because Dawkins is one of the most famous evolutionary biologists in the world his views of eugenics are certainly relevant. Now some people are edit warring and removing them:
Please, eugenics never had nothing, with human genetic.Eugenics never even tried to be a science, but it was ever a political movement.Eugenics wasn't created to study nothing in
2400:, since at a cursory glance it appears a lot of the material there is duplicated here anyway. In any event, a serious article like this isn't helped any by listcruft like that. 1216:
certain qualities, and races of humankind, VHEM aims to remove qualities and species of earthkind. It is a principle of making the world better, by eliminating a class of life.
This article is a sloppy embarrassment to wikipedia that really ought to be seriously revised, particularly by integrating the critisisms and responses throughout the article.
This site: has Margaret Sanger's quotes. If you want to read one Margaret Sanger's book about her opinion about eugenics, this site: has all the text of the Sanger's book
1652:* Eugenics: Eugenics seems to me to be valuable in its critical and diagnostic aspects, in emphasizing the danger of irresponsible and uncontrolled fertility of the ``unfit 3691:
This is an interesting topic and covers many aspects but there is no mention of any Soviet eugenics programme.. I assume the soviets were also deploying similar actions.
where it belongs — this interpretation of Hitler is, at most, anecdotical, compared to compulsive sterilization & racial policies of Nazi Germany). More importantly,
Eugenics: Eugenics seems to me to be valuable in its critical and diagnostic aspects, in emphasizing the danger of irresponsible and uncontrolled fertility of the ``unfit
Greetings, Could an editor more familiar with this article please archive outdated talk threads to make this page more usable (currently over 50 threads). Thank you!
Article has some striking problems. For one thing, citations are too sparse and scattere around; at least every paragraph should have one citation. This article has an
3271: 1201:. This page has few editors, and I do not believe we have enough expertise on eugenics to properly resolve the question. Could some of you take a look at it? Thanks.-- 4010:
advocated an extreme point of view, in defiance of mainstream scientific thought, and Knowledge (XXG) guidelines and policies. They have contributed to this article,
of logical fallacies. Someone, God knows who, has probably argued that eugenics is wrong because Hitler put it into practise (I mean, how impossible could that be?).
She was not a eugencist, the sites I link to debunk the quotes you give. One of the sources linked was someone simply saying she was a eugencist. That's a source?
3599: 1678:
2. The Problem of the Feeble-Minded: An Abstract of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Cure and Control of the Feeble-Minded, London: P. S. King & Son.
policies — these disciplines (scientific racism, public health, etc.) having been created in the 19th century, Sparta did not practice eugenics. This is simple
some threads at the top that are clearly out of order (people posting at the top instead of the bottom, and nobody fixing it), and some aren't even signed...
This quote has been repeatedly added by User:EliasAlucard, who, to his credit, is improving each time its formulation, although the main idea is the same:
I can't see anything to substantiate that, though not being an American I might be missing some terminology or legal background to be able to identify it.
tag on this section so that some appropriate sources may be located, as only one editor seems to feel that this one works. I would be most appreciative,
REF: DESMOND KING AND RANDALL HANSEN; Experts at Work: State Autonomy, Social Learning and Eugenic Sterilization in 1930s Britain. B.J.Pol.S. 29, 77–107
reinstated a sentence which suggests that eugenics is about racism. As the lead is supposed to summarise what follows, giving this much prominence to
1970: 85: 4436:
Dysgenics should have its own article. Just because solution to the idea of Dysgenics is Eugenics doesn't mean they should not have separate articles.
Second, the subject of dysgenics, that society is losing an average of x IQ points every generation, makes absolutely no sense given the Flynn effect.
Have you considered that your Itzkoff quote might work better elsewhere in the article? Why the insistence on placing it in this particular section?--
4225: 3555: 3425: 3756:
The Soviet Union were 100% AGAINST genetic science. It is said that that Russia is 70 years behind on research and advancement. Now I can see why.
and rewards, might have greater facilities of intercourse with women given them; their bravery will be a reason, and such fathers ought to have as
Comment from an indefinitely blocked editor (2 years of spamming, edit-warring, vandalism, personal attacks, tendentious editing and sockpuppetry).
2181: 606:
Eugenics is artificial selection applied to humans. What you are talking about is artificial selection. You have put the cart before the horse. --
Mr Patrick Matthew was talking about a eugenic problem in England about 40 years before Darwin did his thing. (from the ArizonaSonora deserts.. -
2561:. Duplication and inconsistency may be avoided by treating it in the Eugenics article. Dysgenics receives little attention and a small number of 1687:
5. Dwellers in the Vale of Siddem: A True Story of the Social Aspect of Feeble-mindedness. By A. C. Rogers and Maud A. Merrill; Boston (1919). "
topic--differential fertility (such that fertility is inversely related to socio-economic status) is not a controversial topic in demography.--
Why so many sites?Because, every country make its own eugenics.An eugenics knowledge in Japan, could be absurd in United States and vice-versa.
2913:(EliasAlucard having included his finding in several Knowledge (XXG) articles, and, after some unsuccessfull talk with him, I moved his add to 1891:
tags, which indicates that it's going through active changes (fails #5) and everything isn't verified (#2c). Issues not fixed after six days.
have to consider, such as the effects of wars and diseases and any similar agencies, in order as far as this is possible to prevent the State
3698: 1748: 3094:
by Allen G. Roper. It has a kind of pro-Eugenic outlook, but on the whole it is accurate (at least in regards to the history of eugenics).
Consider the 'Practice Effect' or 'Coaching'. It is nothing new, in the following quote 'Coaching' was observed in IQ tests in the 1920's :
4338: 4327: 4085:
article is too long and that sub-articles need to contain most of the detail on specific topics. Dysgenics can be briefly mentioned in the
3604: 3371: 1354: 3274:
mechanisms of inheritance for eugenics to have predictive power and that sterilization itself violated a God-given right to reproduce.136
wants to insert has little or no connection to the idea that eugenics has been unfairly tainted because of its association with Hitler.--
3766: 2779:
entries. Additionally, both of these entries are fairly long and merging them together will make the combined entry that much longer.
1253: 1232: 305: 41: 4501: 4346: 4052:) even though eugenics seems to have little impact here. For this we need to work more with country WikiProjects. I doubt think that a 2243:
I would like to second this view above, most of the criticks content could have easily been replaced/removed to the discussion page. --
b) This article is not about association fallacies, but about eugenics. Thus the web-site is irrelevant as a source for this article.
3636: 3549: 3419: 3187: 3101: 1996: 1974: 1718: 1580: 1553: 1217: 624: 389: 2627:- they're not the same thing and the eugenics article, which I read some months ago, is definitely too long to sustain such a merge. 929:
in checking facts, analyzing legal issues, and scrutinizing the evidence and arguments of a particular work, the more reliable it is.
On a further note, "selective genetics"/Eugenics in unintended ways occurs: (as people migrate, or emigrate From, or immigrate To)..
3715: 2749: 2474: 2151: 1194: 1103: 1017: 981: 740: 167: 135: 2283: 2835: 1335: 1277: 82:
Does anyone know of a good Knowledge (XXG) article that deals generally with the impact of the Holocaust on scientific norms?
Thanks for highlighting this nonsense, a couple of IP editors have rightly deleted it from the two places it was inserted: no
This content seems questionable at best but I'm a little hesitant to do anything because I know nothing about this subject...
2210:"He also stated something to the effect of ¨loss in genetic diversity not always being a bad thing,¨ which is absolutely false" 2067:
Eugenics Society president Julian Huxley became the first Director-General of UNESCO and a founder of the World Wildlife Fund.
The putative Plato quotation was added by an IP registered to the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne on 2005 September 29.
is a proposed policy. They are not the same thing. In addition, I agree with the sentiment expressed above, that the current
2397: 336:
Progressive Conservative government ended after it came to power in 1971, and I have changed the sentence to reflect this.
Dawkins asks what the moral difference is between breeding for musical ability and forcing a child to take music lessons."
97: 4639: 4029:
are extensive, have been tendentious, and sometimes uncivil. In late April, Dysgenics was protected because of edit warring.
delete the sentence), the sentence is NOT THERE. I can't even begin to explain this, but that's what I see (or don't see).
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
3917: 3682:
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
2821: 2805:
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
229: 206: 4411:; it could just as well begin with 'in population ethics'. Further complicating things, the page has now been split into 199: 4497: 4110:: Actually, scientifically speaking dysgenic trending -while claimed- hasn't been shown to happen in human populations. 2849: 1654:
and the feeble-minded establishing a progressive unbalance in human society and lowering the birth-rate among the ``fit.
and the feeble-minded establishing a progressive unbalance in human society and lowering the birth-rate among the ``fit.
1198: 151: 132: 1709: 1598: 1595: 3517:
Other content of has apparently been copied from Knowledge (XXG). Compare the first ordered list of
2995: 2063:
They claim, for example, that Planned Parenthood was funded and cultivated by the Eugenics Society for these reasons.
tags, which indicates that it's going through active changes (fails 5, stability) and everything isn't verified (2c).
4403: 2565:
have edited its content to reflect their extreme point of view in apparent violation of the undue weight section of
Please comment on content, not on the editors. I would appreciate if you could refactor your comment accordingly.--
was the first country in the world that, put eugenics into the center of its rule, under a government organization.
3573: 3443: 4018:, also. An earlier advocate of similar material, MoritzB, was indefinitely blocked last fall for "Edit warring on 3537:
When I attempted to ask thebioreview about the content source, I could find no contact or publisher information.
I would sign my username, but I can't remember how to do it (sad face). I'm not on Knowledge (XXG) often enough.
1752: 1633:"But that's just a sidenote. Let's see what the whole page says, and what the liars for Christ always leave out. 341: 4118:
in animals, mostly fruit flies and mice at this point. The claim of a dysgenic effect on human populations is a
But that's just a sidenote. Let's see what the whole page says, and what the liars for Christ always leave out.
247: 4342: 4331: 4143:: My point was simply that dysgenics is a phenomenon, while eugenics is a policy. Whether "dysgenic trending" 3702: 3608: 3561: 3431: 3375: 2711: 2408: 2386: 2182:
1358: 1073: 952: 872: 842: 783: 766:— And your point is? This is a racist topic. Also, I've provided ref for the Glad quote (Glad is an author). — 731: 699: 674: 278:
Perhaps he doesn't "advocate eugenics" but he certainly has an open mind about it. This is certainly relevant.
262: 3909: 739:
Schwalker appears to have laid out some valid reasons to remove it. What are the valid reasons to include it?
3803:, but only to satisfy political and even religious wills.Eugenics is politics, racism,prejudices and frauds. 3770: 1704: 309: 127:
Will Beback, what specifically is your objection to the use of Congressman Linder's op-ed as a source? The
3962: 3105: 1978: 1865: 1775: 1418: 1403: 1351:
I'm guessing this page has been vandalized when I read "zach retzer is gay" leading off the second section.
628: 487: 468: 393: 45: 4323: 3762: 3694: 3298: 3183: 3097: 2073: 1992: 1744: 1714: 1576: 1549: 1323: 620: 301: 217: 4282: 3630: 3543: 3413: 3191: 3045: 3012: 2968: 2039: 2019: 2000: 1832: 1722: 1612: 1584: 1557: 1221: 1151: 1093: 1039: 1007: 968: 895: 858: 814: 799: 773: 722: 690: 571: 385: 3877: 3861: 3155:
ideas, which (mis)interpreted Darwin's theories (who himself distanced himself with Galton's theories in
479: 162:
Is this a Scientology website? It seems to advocate the Scientology idea that psychiatrists are evil.
4623: 4412: 4011: 3869: 3853: 3719: 3312: 3217: 3080: 2792: 2755: 2480: 2157: 1875: 1785: 1242: 1109: 1023: 987: 746: 607: 362: 173: 147: 3885: 3538: 2459:
was used in the past as a justification for discrimination.... ") where the template could be present.
2141: 1675:
1. United States Public Health Service: Psychiatric Studies of Delinquents. Reprint No. 598: pp. 64-65.
was against eugenics from its first day. Eugenics was supported by all big Protestant churches in the
2015: 4609: 4582: 4461: 4424: 4298: 4234: 4195: 4172: 4094: 4061: 3584:
alleges that the site was created as a class project and the content was copied from Knowledge (XXG).
2829: 2825: 2725: 2615: 1331: 1281: 948: 553: 442: 414: 370: 337: 68: 3996: 3252:
about it eventually, but I'm already mentioning, just in case someone wants to search about that. --
4546: 4416: 4036: 3984: 3832: 3652: 3590: 3529: 3478:
supports the other content, but I was not able to verify the quotation that appears in the article.
3461: 3340: 3021: 2856: 2780: 2706: 2579: 2401: 2381: 2259: 1437: 1375: 1268: 597: 588: 578: 252: 246:
knuckle-dragger —in a vain attempt to stir up an artificial controversy— is just going to end up
243: 4164: 4119: 3288: 2880: 2811: 2640: 2521: 2424: 2331: 2213: 1456: 1175: 281: 221: 4520: 4441: 4381: 4265: 4127: 4015: 3925: 3901: 3845: 3804: 3742: 3352: 3157: 3054: 2304: 2043: 1616: 1414: 1399: 1065: 523: 513: 483: 464: 322: 93: 2910: 3980:
Useful content that is unrelated to this article can be merged with other existing articles. --
Hitler praised Sparta's eugenics program, does not grant Nazism a patent on Sparta's eugenics.
4600:' isn't an good reason to believe we we shouldn't do it because something that is immoral is, 3893: 3665: 3626: 3408: 3292: 3253: 3235: 3142: 3041: 3008: 2964: 2934: 2884: 2815: 2346: 2217: 1919: 1828: 1460: 1301: 1179: 1147: 1089: 1069: 1035: 1003: 964: 891: 854: 810: 795: 769: 718: 686: 670: 225: 4289:(and he is indeed a reputable academic, respected even by people who disagree with him, like 3661:
always be investigated, I think we can safely consider this discussion closed. Kind regards,
2566: 1812: 976:
If it's being presented as an example of a logical fallacy then it belings in the article on
Claiming that eugenics is wrong because Nazis practised it, is both criticism and a fallacy.
712: 4619: 4493: 4480: 3929: 3808: 3746: 3356: 3152: 2843: 2752: 2602:, dysgenics is eugenics under an alternative name. No reason to have two separate articles. 2477: 2154: 2121: 2047: 2035: 2031: 1620: 1237: 1106: 1020: 984: 743: 512:, disease to offspring isn't eugenics. I propose the removal of this sentence, once again. 357: 170: 143: 113: 2562: 4605: 4578: 4457: 4420: 4294: 4230: 4191: 4168: 4090: 4057: 3162: 3130: 3058: 3029: 3028:
legislation concerning these matters. My Google browser prohibits me access to this page.
2986: 2946: 2767: 2628: 2603: 2244: 1907: 1892: 1816: 1802: 1681:
3. Cf. Feeble-Minded in Ontario: Fourteenth Report for the year ending October 31st, 1919.
1327: 996: 977: 536: 438: 410: 366: 191: 64: 4640:
This is like the 4th time a merge has been suggested by the same group of individuals. --
2942: 2926: 1261: 1257: 903: 883: 868: 56: 4543: 4408: 4290: 4033: 4026: 3981: 3966: 3828: 3649: 3587: 3526: 3458: 3195: 3145: 3057:
in order to avoid debating in five pages at the same time on the same subject. Thanks,
3025: 2853: 2689: 2660: 2591: 2576: 2256: 2233: 2089: 2088:. It seems decent to me now since it makes it clear these were simulataneous interests 2077: 2011: 1433: 1370: 1265: 1202: 1162: 1134: 683:
very relevant perception of how Eugenics is regarded today. It stays in the article. —
659: 109: 4360:
you don't have a correct definition of either eugenics or dysgenics. You're confusing
of this article. An early April version of the Dysgenics article, largely the work of
2748:. Eugenics and dysgenics are basically the same concept, advanced by the same people. 2150:
You appear to be familiar with the field. Please "be bold" and fix what needs fixing.
60: 4516: 4437: 4377: 4261: 4220: 4123: 3970: 3623:
at the end, I didn't know what to make out of it, so I added the copyvio template. —
3316: 3133: 2938: 2914: 2100: 1885: 1795: 89: 17: 3522: 1596:
4567: 4286: 4019: 3781: 3734: 3662: 3348: 3328: 2342: 2293: 2023: 1943: 1710:
1297: 1276:
The article is very long. The history section should be moved into its own article.
I think we should have an article about the scientific aspects (and I don't think
I see a strong consensus for the merge considering that of those opposing above,
4489: 4476: 4049: 3518: 3323:
today. Such as eugenics in its time, abortion is today a Jewish, Protestant and
2982: 2978: 2922: 2870: 2839: 2676: 2668: 2506: 2493: 2460: 1931: 3454:
tagged the article as a copyvio on 17 January, but failed to post to this page.
2197: 1491:
context of "white racial regenration". It literally meant "human" regenration.
Oh wait, I misread that. No, it should be under the counterargument section. —
3738: 3730: 3276: 3231: 2737: 1953: 1083: 756:
The website gives no explicit source about who made the fallacious statements.
453: 425: 4155:
article). Additionally, I'm not sure why you want to lump this together with
I agree.There was an eugenics for every place.I think sites must be created:
The merge would be a great idea. Dysgenics needs but a stub section anyway.--
4627: 4613: 4586: 4549: 4524: 4484: 4465: 4445: 4428: 4385: 4302: 4269: 4238: 4199: 4176: 4156: 4131: 4098: 4065: 4039: 3987: 3933: 3836: 3812: 3774: 3750: 3723: 3706: 3668: 3655: 3640: 3612: 3593: 3532: 3499:
may draw on each occasion of our bringing them together, and then they will
Had we not better appoint certain festivals at which we will bring together
3464: 3379: 3360: 3302: 3279: 3256: 3238: 3220: 3165: 3109: 3083: 3061: 3032: 2989: 2949: 2873: 2859: 2795: 2783: 2770: 2758: 2740: 2728: 2716: 2692: 2679: 2672: 2643: 2631: 2618: 2606: 2582: 2554: 2524: 2509: 2496: 2483: 2470: 2463: 2427: 2415: 2391: 2351: 2334: 2307: 2296: 2262: 2236: 2160: 2144: 2103: 2092: 2080: 2051: 2038:'s thesis for his graduation, in medicine, was exactly about his support to 2004: 1982: 1956: 1946: 1934: 1922: 1910: 1895: 1836: 1819: 1805: 1756: 1726: 1624: 1588: 1561: 1464: 1441: 1422: 1407: 1379: 1362: 1339: 1305: 1285: 1271: 1248: 1225: 1205: 1165: 1137: 1112: 1076: 1026: 990: 955: 875: 845: 786: 749: 734: 702: 677: 662: 632: 610: 600: 591: 581: 566: 526: 516: 491: 472: 446: 418: 397: 374: 345: 325: 284: 269: 233: 176: 116: 101: 71: 49: 1197:
is in progress regarding the relationship of eugenics and dysgenics to the
1086:. The section is NOT misinterpreted. Is that so difficult to understand? — 3507:
And I think that our braver and better youth, besides their other honours
We shall have to invent some ingenious kind of lots which the less worthy
free interpretation of Hitler: Sparta was practicing a policy of eugenics.
is a phenomenon occurring in human populations, never a proposed policy.
3824: 3324: 3320: 2592:
2558: 2502: 2456: 2026:,etc. were all eugenicists in 1930 decade; all died as left's leaders.In 1848: 1487:
of an intro where she CRITICIZES various remedies offered by government.
usage of the word. But my goodness, it took a year to get the concept of
In Brazil, such as in all Latin America, eugenics was a left's monopoly.
I think that a page about myths surrounding eugenics, must be created.
4597: 4160: 3793: 3785: 2824:) has been indefinitely blocked for disruption, POV-pushing, etc., and 2664: 498: 434: 3479: 2865:
I`m not inactive. I`m not dead yet. Still twitching. But even with my
exists. It could be discussed in this article, but you need to cite a
such doubtful additions should be removed immediately. Thanks again,
3800: 3344: 3336: 3055:
Talk:Nazi eugenics#This article must not rely on primary nazi sources
3005:) Hate speech? Internet laws? What the heck are you talking about? — 2930: 2724:
such information is best understood, in it's entirety, in context. --
Request for supporting evidence for "Combating Autism Act" assertion.
Two pages using her own writing and quotes to debunk the accusation.
711:, and Schwalker did not make one single valid point. Schwalker isn't 3733:
there's a video, about soviet eugenics.In late 1930 decade, former
1395:" pursued a racist vision of "Nordic" or "Aryan" racial supremacy" 3789: 3332: 2027: 4147:
occurs would be an appropriate topic to discuss in an article on
4004: 4000: 2937:
and of the theory that a "race" can be improved by some kind of
2473:, which directly deals with discriminating against "bad" genes. 2289:
I've flagged it as needing a citation to clarify the situation.
is a common counterargument to the idea that eugenics is bad. --
article, but for a full discussion it needs its own article.--
552:"..Matthew noted the long-term deleterious effect of dysgenic 196: 2492:
Yes. Still kind of POV-ish, but it`s better there than here.
Logical fallacies, scientific inaccuracies, genetic diversity
Good catch. I've removed it as an unsuitable external link.
EliasAlucard also failed to post the notation of copyvio to
business. Eugenics was imposed by Pagans, in places such as
You're right thtat there are some similiarities. I've added
and also by famous Jews. This same thing is happening with
See Nancy Stepan's The Hour of eugenics and article work.
eugenically selectiing organisms? I am not advocating the
and hide in the jungles to escape their vaccine programs.
4654:(cited in the article), 41-59, info specifically from 47. 2122:
was the first president of this eugenics' organization.
4030: 4023: 4008: 3585: 3579: 3567: 3470: 3455: 3449: 3437: 2254: 2086: 1390: 4575:
Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
Request for assistance on Demographic-economic paradox
This isn't about editors in numbers. This isn't about
758:— It's not supposed to either. The website is giving 3949:
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.
antecedent would be entirely true and acceptable. --
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.
Here, I guess I'll just copy and paste: "The facts:
that says that it is relevant to the article topic.
structure for fact-checking and editorial oversight.
764: seems to be a racist page.
If you're going to remove it, you will have to give
651: seems to be a racist page.
can be a good choice, for the name of this article.
Your Link --Eugenics - A Psychiatric Responsibility
3600:Knowledge (XXG):Copyright_problems/2008_January_17 3347:. Eugenics was also imposed by Communists in then 3335:. Eugenics was imposed by Protestants and Jews in 2869:, there are still not enough to stop this merger. 2707: 2434:The above discussion is preserved as an archive. 2382: 2278:reduction in the birth rate of autistic children. 2929:(by this, I mean a historian of Antiquity, as by 4650:Daniel J. Kevles, "International Eugenics," in 3505: 3494: 3482: 2919:Sparta was not, in any way, practicing eugenics 570:into Knowledge (XXG), and still is relevant to 4151:(though there wouldn't be space enough in the 3502:accuse their own ill-luck and not the rulers. 3211:in regards to the morality of it (even then, 3116:Charles Darwin influence to Galton's eugenics 2273:Currently the section on United States says: 1684:4. Eugenics Review, Vol. XIII, p. 339 et seq. 980:, not here. This article is not about logic. 504:Sterilisation to prevent the transfer of an 8: 3491:from becoming either too large or too small. 2501:Or it could remain here, but only under the 2396:May I suggest merging the trivia section to 2198: 4402:. I think we should have an article called 3792:created this organization on january, 1918. 2639:. Agreed. The Eugenics article is too long. 2614:: the eugenics article is already too long. 643:The three sources appear to be unsuitable: 460:"genders gendercide perceived as inferior" 4592:"Opponents argue that eugenics is immoral" 3731: 2712: 2387: 4226:The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection 3825:section about Eugenics in other countries 1127:a) The web-site cited is a private page. 1072:, if you would stop removing that tag. -- 317:Call for archiving old talk page threads 2590:Copied the following five comments from 1120:I've again removed the paragraph titled 639:Paragraph "Reductio ad Hitlerum" removed 4632: 4223:who observed (in the final chapters of 3621:© All Rights Reserved 882:Additinally, is not a 4114:dysgenics is the study of deleterious 2958:This academic source calls it eugenic, 2365:The following discussion is archived. 1918:. has neutrality and cite needed tags. 1122:Counterarguments, Reductio ad Hitlerum 1843:Reason why Article was Delisted as GA 7: 3943:The following discussion is closed. 3396:The following discussion is closed. 2541:The following discussion is closed. 654:the Glad 2008 book is yet to appear. 3207:of eugenics, but distanced himself 2994:Well, check up more about the book 1701:You can find her entire text here: 1656:But in its so-called ``constructive 1517:But in its so-called ``constructive 1254:Voluntary Human Extinction Movement 1233:Voluntary Human Extinction Movement 3995:Dysgenics has long been largely a 3234:and others had to be abandoned. -- 3053:Let's continue this discussion on 331:Marginalization after World War II 59:was given, and in accordance with 24: 3956:Merge Dysgenics into this article 3474:Benjamin Jowett's translation of 1952:This is the consensus to delist. 1413:Fixed. Thanks User:Hadrian89. -- 361:article. Feel free to comment on 4557:The discussion above is closed. 3678:The discussion above is closed. 3521:to similar or identical list of 3151:Galton was indeed influenced by 2902:one fact: Hitler praised Sparta. 2801:The discussion above is closed. 2557:identifies it as the antonym of 2227:Nice article...for the most part 2180:causal link to intelligence" -- 1697:between the fit and the unfit."" 1296:The lead seems a bit too long.-- 355:I've expanded and improved the 3961:For previous discussions see: 3000:By Mike Hawkins Published 1997 2909:First, there is the problem of 1741:This is not an advertisement 1541:between the fit and the unfit." 312:) 03:53, August 26, 2007 (UTC) 260: 4404:scientific aspects of eugenics 3687:Soviet Union eugenics programs 2771:19:34, 26 September 2007 (UTC) 2759:19:30, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 2741:17:38, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 2729:20:02, 24 September 2007 (UTC) 2717:14:08, 24 September 2007 (UTC) 2693:20:05, 23 September 2007 (UTC) 2680:21:27, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 2583:03:48, 21 September 2007 (UTC) 2525:01:50, 18 September 2007 (UTC) 2510:21:50, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 2497:21:04, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 2484:20:38, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 2464:20:32, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 2398:Genetic engineering in fiction 2392:14:05, 24 September 2007 (UTC) 2314:Meanings and types of eugenics 2263:15:54, 17 September 2008 (UTC) 2251:06:50, 17 September 2008 (UTC) 995:You are free to add it in the 663:20:18, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 131:is not some tabloid paper. -- 72:17:57, 21 September 2009 (UTC) 50:03:00, 21 September 2009 (UTC) 1: 4628:14:46, 21 November 2008 (UTC) 3971:Sept.-Oct. 2007 Eugenics talk 3918:Eugenics in the United States 3280:21:39, 13 November 2007 (UTC) 2533:Merge Dysgenics into Eugenics 2450:The "Discrimination" template 2428:14:41, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 2308:08:47, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 1272:19:25, 22 February 2009 (UTC) 1249:19:22, 22 February 2009 (UTC) 1226:16:50, 22 February 2009 (UTC) 522:Deleted by another editor. -- 4364:(or coercive eugenics) with 3669:20:05, 4 February 2008 (UTC) 3656:17:26, 4 February 2008 (UTC) 3641:07:31, 31 January 2008 (UTC) 3613:21:24, 30 January 2008 (UTC) 3594:18:18, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 3533:14:19, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 3465:01:08, 23 January 2008 (UTC) 3380:01:38, 31 January 2010 (UTC) 3361:00:57, 31 January 2010 (UTC) 3303:02:02, 30 January 2010 (UTC) 3257:06:00, 31 October 2007 (UTC) 3239:06:07, 31 October 2007 (UTC) 3221:21:19, 21 October 2007 (UTC) 3196:04:12, 20 October 2007 (UTC) 3084:21:20, 21 October 2007 (UTC) 2874:13:18, 9 November 2007 (UTC) 2860:20:29, 3 November 2007 (UTC) 2796:20:59, 21 October 2007 (UTC) 2005:03:12, 20 October 2007 (UTC) 1957:17:13, 28 January 2007 (UTC) 1947:23:12, 27 January 2007 (UTC) 1935:16:20, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 1923:11:09, 16 January 2007 (UTC) 1911:02:33, 16 January 2007 (UTC) 1896:02:03, 16 January 2007 (UTC) 1837:12:27, 10 January 2009 (UTC) 1820:02:03, 16 January 2007 (UTC) dating agency 1562:19:53, 25 October 2009 (UTC) 1465:02:12, 30 January 2010 (UTC) 1442:11:32, 30 January 2009 (UTC) 1423:11:29, 30 January 2009 (UTC) 1408:11:17, 30 January 2009 (UTC) 1206:06:34, 20 October 2007 (UTC) 1199:Demographic-economic paradox 1166:17:49, 27 October 2007 (UTC) 601:21:15, 3 February 2007 (UTC) 592:21:15, 3 February 2007 (UTC) 582:21:15, 3 February 2007 (UTC) 527:21:56, 3 November 2007 (UTC) 517:13:32, 3 November 2007 (UTC) 492:13:37, 31 January 2008 (UTC) 473:22:45, 28 January 2008 (UTC) 346:17:43, 20 January 2009 (UTC) 293:Eugenics in popular culture 117:15:20, 12 January 2007 (UTC) 102:02:56, 12 January 2007 (UTC) 3166:17:19, 5 October 2007 (UTC) 3146:15:50, 5 October 2007 (UTC) 3062:12:49, 3 October 2007 (UTC) 3033:23:11, 2 October 2007 (UTC) 2990:23:04, 2 October 2007 (UTC) 2950:22:28, 2 October 2007 (UTC) 2784:20:41, 5 October 2007 (UTC) 2644:15:31, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 2632:05:39, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 2619:02:04, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 2607:21:41, 28 August 2007 (UTC) 2416:13:33, 28 August 2007 (UTC) 2352:22:15, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 2335:21:57, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 2085:I've improved it some more 1806:00:15, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 1625:21:15, 9 January 2010 (UTC) 1589:11:00, 23 August 2009 (UTC) 1568:Sanger was not a eugenicist 1138:12:16, 8 October 2007 (UTC) 1113:21:22, 2 October 2007 (UTC) 1077:17:06, 2 October 2007 (UTC) 1027:22:06, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 991:21:56, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 956:21:17, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 888:— Yeah? On what grounds? — 876:20:53, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 846:20:22, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 787:20:14, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 750:19:31, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 735:19:23, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 703:19:13, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 678:18:57, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 539:-eugenic selection of trees 285:17:18, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 270:16:34, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 234:16:25, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 4671: 4573:I have created an article 3837:19:35, 23 April 2008 (UTC) 3737:had its own eugenics- the 3707:12:29, 26 March 2008 (UTC) 3525:article "ORIGIN OF LIFE". 3519:Abiogenesis#Current_models 3002:Cambridge University Press 2052:02:25, 20 April 2009 (UTC) 1983:04:58, 30 March 2007 (UTC) 1386:Lead section and "racist" 1380:15:57, 12 March 2010 (UTC) 1363:15:45, 12 March 2010 (UTC) 1340:21:49, 29 March 2009 (UTC) 1306:03:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC) 447:08:28, 30 March 2008 (UTC) 419:07:46, 13 March 2008 (UTC) 375:01:21, 6 August 2008 (UTC) 152:22:24, 12 April 2007 (UTC) 4614:02:19, 22 June 2008 (UTC) 4587:10:53, 21 June 2008 (UTC) 4550:18:45, 13 July 2008 (UTC) 3934:12:51, 20 June 2008 (UTC) 3775:17:48, 30 June 2008 (UTC) 3751:13:41, 19 June 2008 (UTC) 3247:Chinese reproductive rate 2651:. Eugenics is a (social) 1962:Eugenics in Latin America 1727:13:14, 7 March 2010 (UTC) 433:Sigh... Good to know the 398:16:07, 24 June 2008 (UTC) 177:23:11, 13 June 2007 (UTC) 136:15:25, 7 April 2007 (UTC) 4566:Notability of a book by 4559:Please do not modify it. 4525:15:13, 3 July 2008 (UTC) 4485:13:09, 3 July 2008 (UTC) 4466:01:45, 7 June 2008 (UTC) 4446:03:10, 5 June 2008 (UTC) 4429:07:26, 19 May 2008 (UTC) 4386:19:54, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 4303:01:50, 20 May 2008 (UTC) 4270:23:03, 19 May 2008 (UTC) 4239:22:45, 19 May 2008 (UTC) 4200:07:26, 19 May 2008 (UTC) 4177:14:39, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 4132:13:49, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 4099:13:29, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 4066:02:48, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 4022:, numerous other pages". 3967:Nov. 2006 Dysgenics talk 3946:Please do not modify it. 3910:Eugenics in Soviet Union 3724:21:37, 23 May 2008 (UTC) 3680:Please do not modify it. 3399:Please do not modify it. 3115: 3110:20:25, 24 May 2008 (UTC) 3048:01:14 03 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 3015:01:09 03 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 2971:00:39 03 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 2803:Please do not modify it. 2544:Please do not modify it. 2469:It'd be more suitble in 2437:Please do not modify it. 2368:Please do not modify it. 2322:personality, and humour" 2297:07:58, 7 July 2007 (UTC) 2237:19:02, 8 June 2007 (UTC) 2161:05:46, 28 May 2007 (UTC) 2145:05:24, 28 May 2007 (UTC) 1881:tag, as well as several 1791:tag, as well as several 1757:03:45, 5 June 2009 (UTC) 1607:Yes, she was an eugenist 1154:17:32 08 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 1096:20:50 02 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 1042:00:09 02 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 1010:00:01 02 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 971:23:23 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 898:23:01 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 861:22:30 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 817:22:19 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 802:22:16 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 776:21:35 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 725:21:20 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 693:21:01 01 Oct, 2007 (UTC) 633:22:26, 6 July 2009 (UTC) 611:21:47, 21 May 2007 (UTC) 326:10:46, 7 July 2007 (UTC) 78:Post-Holocaust Science? 4535:Closed with the result 4368:, and you're confusing 4215:could be a phenomenon; 4040:15:38, 9 May 2008 (UTC) 3988:15:38, 9 May 2008 (UTC) 3963:Nov. 2006 Eugenics talk 3813:17:50, 9 May 2009 (UTC) 2104:01:10, 1 May 2007 (UTC) 2093:01:00, 1 May 2007 (UTC) 2081:00:57, 1 May 2007 (UTC) 1286:00:31, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 841:(back left)Okay, why?-- 437:is working, as always. 428:blows across talk page* 133:Don't lose that number 4283:demographic transition 3515: 3513:many sons as possible. 3504: 3493: 3343:and some countries of 3262:Position of the Church 2280: 2040:eugenics sterilization 1613:Woman and the new race 572:Punctuated equilibrium 363:Talk:Liberal eugenics 248:making you look stupid 4596:Saying something is ' 4502:few or no other edits 4347:few or no other edits 4012:Race and intelligence 3313:Roman Catholic Church 2520:Yes, let's remove it. 2284:text of the S.843 act 2275: 1973:comment was added by 380:Myths about eugenics 183:Dawkins and eugenics 88:comment was added by 4504:outside this topic. 4349:outside this topic. 2358:Merge trivia section 1930:. per Sumoeagle179. 949:Reductio ad Hitlerum 554:artificial selection 478:It's fixed. Thanks 386:Myths about eugenics 4417:dysgenics (biology) 3878:Eugenics in Germany 3862:Eugenics in England 3022:Internet censorship 2020:Luís Carlos Prestes 1074:Proper tea is theft 953:Proper tea is theft 873:Proper tea is theft 843:Proper tea is theft 784:Proper tea is theft 732:Proper tea is theft 700:Proper tea is theft 675:Proper tea is theft 480:User: 112:is a good start. -- 61:verification policy 4413:dysgenics (people) 4016:Heritability of IQ 3902:Eugenics in Mexico 3870:Eugenics in France 3854:Eugenics in Canada 3846:Eugenics in Brazil 3819:Redundant section? 3158:The Descent of Man 2503:Eugenics#Criticism 2034:was an eugenicist. 508:, rather than an 4505: 4362:negative eugenics 4350: 4335: 4326:comment added by 3894:Eugenics in Japan 3886:Eugenics in Italy 3777: 3765:comment added by 3709: 3697:comment added by 3644: 3643: 3198: 3186:comment added by 3112: 3100:comment added by 3050: 3049: 3017: 3016: 2973: 2972: 2943:original research 2935:scientific racism 2894:Sparta and Hitler 2594: 2349: 2007: 1995:comment added by 1986: 1856:result:Delist 4-0 1747:comment added by 1717:comment added by 1579:comment added by 1552:comment added by 1483:until the 1950s. 1343: 1326:comment added by 1156: 1155: 1098: 1097: 1070:User:EliasAlucard 1044: 1043: 1012: 1011: 973: 972: 900: 899: 863: 862: 819: 818: 804: 803: 778: 777: 727: 726: 695: 694: 671:User:EliasAlucard 623:comment added by 351:Liberal eugenics 313: 304:comment added by 268: 237: 220:comment added by 211: 210: 129:Washington Times 105: 4662: 4655: 4648: 4642: 4637: 4487: 4394:Tending towards 4336: 4321: 3948: 3760: 3692: 3625: 3624: 3583: 3556:deleted contribs 3453: 3426:deleted contribs 3401: 3306: 3181: 3153:Social Darwinism 3095: 3092:Ancient Eugenics 3040: 3039: 3007: 3006: 2998:(here's a hint: 2963: 2962: 2722:Strongly support 2714: 2709: 2657:biology/genetics 2589: 2546: 2439: 2411: 2389: 2384: 2370: 2347: 2249: 2036:Salvador Allende 2032:Salvador Allende 2016:D. Hélder Câmara 1990: 1968: 1890: 1884: 1880: 1874: 1870: 1864: 1811:Article sent to 1800: 1794: 1790: 1784: 1780: 1774: 1759: 1729: 1591: 1564: 1342: 1320: 1245: 1240: 1146: 1145: 1088: 1087: 1064:I have placed a 1034: 1033: 1002: 1001: 963: 962: 890: 889: 853: 852: 809: 808: 794: 793: 768: 767: 717: 716: 685: 684: 635: 358:Liberal eugenics 299: 266: 258: 255: 236: 214: 197: 83: 4670: 4669: 4665: 4664: 4663: 4661: 4660: 4659: 4658: 4652:Deadly Medicine 4649: 4645: 4638: 4634: 4594: 4571: 4563: 4562: 4544:Walter Siegmund 4034:Walter Siegmund 4025:Discussions at 3982:Walter Siegmund 3958: 3953: 3944: 3821: 3699: 3689: 3684: 3683: 3650:Walter Siegmund 3588:Walter Siegmund 3541: 3527:Walter Siegmund 3459:Walter Siegmund 3411: 3406: 3397: 3390: 3296: 3264: 3249: 3118: 2927:reliable source 2896: 2854:Walter Siegmund 2807: 2806: 2577:Walter Siegmund 2551: 2542: 2535: 2452: 2444: 2435: 2409: 2376:The result was 2366: 2360: 2316: 2271: 2257:Walter Siegmund 2245: 2229: 2112: 2060: 1969:—The preceding 1964: 1888: 1882: 1878: 1872: 1868: 1862: 1852: 1845: 1798: 1792: 1788: 1782: 1778: 1772: 1768: 1749: 1742: 1735: 1712: 1609: 1574: 1570: 1547: 1477: 1388: 1349: 1321: 1313: 1294: 1266:Walter Siegmund 1243: 1238: 1213: 1191: 997:logical fallacy 978:logical fallacy 884:reliable source 869:reliable source 641: 618: 541: 537:Patrick Matthew 502: 457: 406: 382: 353: 338:The Four Deuces 333: 319: 295: 253: 244:Disco institute 215: 192:Richard Dawkins 185: 160: 125: 84:—The preceding 80: 57:reliable source 32: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 4668: 4666: 4657: 4656: 4643: 4631: 4593: 4590: 4570: 4564: 4556: 4555: 4554: 4553: 4552: 4530: 4529: 4528: 4527: 4507: 4506: 4470: 4469: 4468: 4431: 4409:talk:dysgenics 4391: 4390: 4389: 4388: 4352: 4351: 4339: 4328: 4314: 4313: 4312: 4311: 4310: 4309: 4308: 4307: 4306: 4305: 4291:James R. Flynn 4275: 4274: 4273: 4272: 4242: 4241: 4203: 4202: 4180: 4179: 4135: 4134: 4102: 4101: 4068: 4042: 4027:Talk:Dysgenics 3990: 3957: 3954: 3952: 3951: 3939: 3938: 3922: 3921: 3914: 3913: 3906: 3905: 3898: 3897: 3890: 3889: 3882: 3881: 3874: 3873: 3866: 3865: 3858: 3857: 3850: 3849: 3820: 3817: 3727: 3726: 3688: 3685: 3677: 3676: 3675: 3674: 3673: 3672: 3671: 3605: 3405: 3404: 3392: 3391: 3389: 3386: 3385: 3384: 3383: 3382: 3372: 3310: 3309: 3308: 3307: 3301:comment added 3275: 3263: 3260: 3248: 3245: 3244: 3243: 3242: 3241: 3224: 3223: 3213:Descent of Man 3169: 3168: 3126: 3125: 3117: 3114: 3087: 3086: 3075: 3074: 3073: 3072: 3071: 3070: 3069: 3068: 3067: 3066: 3065: 3064: 3026:European Union 2921:, which is an 2907: 2906: 2903: 2895: 2892: 2891: 2890: 2889: 2888: 2808: 2800: 2799: 2798: 2786: 2781:Stevenmitchell 2773: 2761: 2743: 2731: 2719: 2698: 2697: 2696: 2695: 2683: 2682: 2661:Thermodynamics 2646: 2634: 2621: 2609: 2596: 2595: 2586: 2585: 2550: 2549: 2537: 2536: 2534: 2531: 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555: 551: 550: 549: 546: 538: 535: 533: 528: 525: 524:Old Moonraker 521: 520: 519: 518: 515: 514:Old Moonraker 511: 507: 500: 497: 493: 489: 485: 484:Old Moonraker 481: 477: 476: 475: 474: 470: 466: 465:Old Moonraker 461: 455: 452: 448: 444: 440: 436: 432: 431: 427: 423: 422: 421: 420: 416: 412: 403: 401: 399: 395: 391: 387: 379: 377: 376: 372: 368: 364: 360: 359: 350: 348: 347: 343: 339: 330: 328: 327: 324: 316: 314: 311: 307: 306: 303: 292: 286: 283: 280: 277: 276: 275: 274: 271: 267: 264: 257: 256: 249: 245: 240: 239: 238: 235: 231: 227: 223: 219: 202: 198: 195: 194:has written: 193: 188: 182: 178: 175: 172: 169: 165: 164: 163: 157: 153: 149: 145: 140: 139: 138: 137: 134: 130: 122: 118: 115: 111: 108: 107: 106: 103: 99: 95: 91: 87: 77: 73: 70: 66: 62: 58: 54: 53: 52: 51: 47: 43: 42: 38: 37: 29: 27: 19: 18:Talk:Eugenics 4651: 4646: 4635: 4617: 4601: 4595: 4572: 4568:Richard Lynn 4558: 4539: 4537:no consensus 4536: 4512: 4472: 4452: 4433: 4407:outlined at 4399: 4395: 4373: 4369: 4365: 4361: 4357: 4317: 4287:Richard Lynn 4278: 4256: 4255:rather than 4252: 4247: 4224: 4216: 4212: 4208: 4186: 4152: 4148: 4144: 4140: 4115: 4111: 4107: 4086: 4082: 4078: 4074: 4070: 4053: 4044: 4020:White people 3992: 3977: 3960: 3959: 3945: 3942: 3923: 3840: 3822: 3798: 3782:Soviet Union 3779: 3758: 3755: 3735:Soviet Union 3728: 3690: 3679: 3648:day period. 3633: 3627:EliasAlucard 3620: 3597: 3576: 3570: 3564: 3558: 3552: 3546: 3539:Interchangez 3536: 3523:thebioreview 3516: 3512: 3509: 3506: 3501: 3498: 3495: 3490: 3486: 3483: 3476:The Republic 3475: 3473: 3468: 3446: 3440: 3434: 3428: 3422: 3416: 3409:EliasAlucard 3407: 3398: 3395: 3349:Soviet Union 3329:Nazi Germany 3311: 3269: 3265: 3254:Extremophile 3250: 3236:Extremophile 3212: 3208: 3204: 3188: 3178: 3174: 3170: 3156: 3143:Extremophile 3137: 3127: 3121: 3102: 3091: 3088: 3042:EliasAlucard 3009:EliasAlucard 3001: 2999: 2965:EliasAlucard 2918: 2908: 2897: 2866: 2846: 2832: 2818: 2809: 2802: 2788: 2775: 2763: 2745: 2733: 2721: 2701: 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03:00, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
reliable source
verification policy
dave souza
17:57, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
02:56, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
Nuremberg Code
15:20, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
Don't lose that number
15:25, 7 April 2007 (UTC)
Will Beback

22:24, 12 April 2007 (UTC)
Will Beback
23:11, 13 June 2007 (UTC)
Richard Dawkins

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