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691:: you can not prove an absence. But the fact of the matter is that I have seen many files with ID3 V2.3 tags, and few with ID3 V2.4 tags. iTunes still use 2.2. This is valuable information for the Knowledge audience even if it can not really be proven. Perhaps the designers of ID3 V2.4.0 do not like its lack of acceptance? ID3 V2.4.0 offers some nice functionality (like the support for UTF8 text), but some functions make it very complicated, like "unsynchronization". So the lack of support for ID3 V2.4.0 may not just be a matter of time, it may be a deliberate decision to prefer the simplicity of ID3 V2.3 (or V2.2) at the expense of some advanced functionality deemed not essential. A factor may also be the lack of ID 2.4.0 files allowing to test software using its advanced functionality. 1063:
section does not adequately summarise: this does not appear to describe the introduction which summarise the subject clearly Original Research: while this may be true it seems to simply duplicate the request for more citations. p.s Personally I find this requirement has become a problematic issue on wiki that conflicts with the basic edict that nothing should stand in the way of improving wiki or an article - clearly this article is valuable and simply needs references, something the complainant could have provided in addition to the required explanation of the banner-tag on this Talk page. Too technical: in comparison with articles on similarly technical subjects I think this one is remarkably non-technical. See e.g articles on science subjects of on other ICT subjects.
This tag is criticised heavily because it does not actually represent information about the audio file. For example, each time a file is listened to with a player that updates the PCNT field, it becomes to P2P applications or backup software essentially a new file, although technically no change has been made. This results in everyone having a supposedly different file in file sharing networks or file cataloging utilities, depending on how often it has been listened to, and backup software storing these files not every time they have been changed, but every time they were listened to.
581:(part of #1, in fact). In the case I am asking about, we would be looking for any respectable publications (perhaps a Internet music or programming magazine, or official documents from the ID3 website) that make the statements you give above, piman. Citing manuals and/or release documentation for specific software might be done, but this is likely more detail than we need. One would hope that, with an active, worldwide developer community in an extremely fast-growing market, one could find sourceable lamentations on the dearth of support of the latest standards. ~ 489:"Despite being over five years old, ID3v2.4 has not seen much adoption. This is likely because the ID3v2 reference implementation still cannot read or write it." That's not really accurate and definitely not NPOV. I'd like to reword it to something like, "ID3v2.4, even several years after the publication of the standard, has been held back by slow adoption by several major applications." Actually I think the only big one application that still doesn't support 2.4 is Windows Media Player. iTunes, Real and the majority of Open Source applications do. 604:
speculation. (b) Even if it has been within the last couple of years that 2.4 has seen more adoption, that's different than it not being adopted. Unfortunately the archives for the id3v2 spec mailing list are not on the web, but many of these things have been discussed there. I can push for adding a compatibility matrix to the ID3v2 web site, which would qualify as an authoritative source, but I feel like in the absence of such that the wording I suggested errs on the side of caution.
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execute code from the ID3 tag in an mp3. Both Windows and WinAmp came out with patches to correct the vulnerabilities. With updated software, as far as I can tell, it's impossible for an infected mp3 to infect a computer system, but mp3s can still contain embedded viruses. If anyone has more information, I'd say it would be worth it to include on the article page. --
Psychedelic makes only having one genre tag rather useless. There are many popular music torrent sites that employ tagging, which allow multiple genres to be tagged to a song allowing for much easier ways of searching within the sub genres of music. This gives indication that the functionality would be widely used and does in fact improve cataloguing of music.
interpretation, taking the use of "recording" to mean "recording date" rather than "recording publication date". Unfortunately, authors of music taggers and players decided to follow the definition in the changes document and use TDRC to store the release date, resulting in TDRL being unused and no tag field now available in id3v2.4 to store the recording date.
621:. A software matrix that shows only 10% of products without v2.4 support does not accurately convey the fact that that those software products (EasyTag, Windows Media Player, iTunes, old versions of foobar2000) make up 90% of the users. Unfortunately, as you say, the mailing lists are closed and so don't let us make proper citations. 1250:
the TYER, TDAT and TIME tags are used to store the date of the "recording", and the TRDA 'Recording Dates' tag also exists explicitly to store details of the recording dates. In practical implementations of id3v2.3 in tagging software, the TYER, TDAT and TIME fields are used to store the Release Date
The biggest flaw with current versions of ID3 is that lack of ability to use multiple data for the same tags, such as having multiple genres. It would have to be a non specified number of fields within the 1 tag. Having music that can be classified as multiple genres such as DnB (Drum&Bass) and
I changed PC to desktop because PC is overused and has a very confused meaning now. It is often used to mean a computer running some version of windows, but originally the word referred to the hardware, which is capable of running, and often does run, many different operating systems. Additionally,
is a rather specific kind of code e.g., it could just as well launch your browser and display some ads which is not a virus. In any case, this issue is more about Winamp than ID3 because it's a flaw in the implementation and not the design. Showing ads in a browser is actually supported by Microsoft
I'd like to propose an additional paragraph for the problems and criticism subsection: the playcount field that was added during the development of ID3v2 (I believe it was in version 2.2). Since ID3v2.3 the tag is called PCNT and, of course, records the number of times the file has been played back.
The original text states that this is because id3lib does not support ID3v2.4; again, that's an unsubstantiated claim. The only major commercial application that I know of using id3lib is RealPlayer and it in fact uses a forked version that does support ID3v2.4. (That I can site if useful; it came
What exactly are you looking for? The article claims: 1) ID3v2.4 has not seen much adoption. If you like, I could go download a thousand files from a filesharing service and see what version they are, but I already know the answer: They will be v2.3. 2) The ID3v2 reference implementation, libid3v2,
Good catch! I have changed it to "ROMs" since this is most likely a plural form rather than a 4-letter-abbreviation. However, it could still mean various things in a statement as vague. Console ROMs with firmware, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs? Since I cannot answer this question, I have added a clarification
To flesh things out a bit better: (a) id3lib is not a "reference implementation", it's simply an id3 library. I don't think you'll be able to cite anywhere authoritative that claims otherwise. And even if it was a reference implementation the extension that adoption is connected to such is just
I gave a cite for the main claim of the sentence, that id3lib does not support ID3v2.4. In fact, that is the only substantive difference between the current wording and Scott's. What more do you want? The idea you'll find an issue of DDJ dedicated to ID3 parsers is pretty laughable, you won't find
I'd like to rewrite this page to make it considerably more readable. I want to explain how ID3 differs from other tagging formats, and why the multiple versions are hard to support at the time, in a less technical manner. Towards that end, if anyone is really attached to the ID3v1 specification or
stated that the TYER, TDAT, TIME and TRDA fields were replaced by TDRC (recording date), rather than saying that TYER, TDAT and TIME fields were replaced by TRDL and TRDA by TRDC which would have better reflected the actual usage of TYER etc. in real products. I believe that this was a mistake of
I just found out about how virus code can be embedded in an ID3 tag. I'm by no means an expert on the subject but I was surprised there was no information about this on Knowledge. Apparently back in like 2002 Windows XP and WinAmp 2.something were exploitable using a buffer overrun technique to
I don't think iTunes should be cited in the "Editing ID3 tags" section, otherwise it seems that the most widely accepted way of editing ID3 tags is by using iTunes. I understand that for the majority of people iTunes is _the_ media player, but leaving the article as it is seems like placing a big
id3lib was the first link on for years, and hundreds of software projects still in use are based on it. After tags have passed through Mutagen or TagLib they must be in v2.4, so I think that's a bad metric to gauge adoption. Does TagLib not get bi-weekly complaints that it
As there seems to be no discussion on this page regarding the "banner" style template tag that has been applied to this article I have cleaned it up. I have replaced the multiple issues template with one requesting additional citations. The remainder of the issues seem unsubstantiated: Lead
Thanks for responding, I have come to realize this fact over the last few months since switching to Foobar2000, which has proper parsing of multiple items within a single field. I guess my disappointment was misdirected and should be towards devices and software players that do not allow this
Actually, reading over that section again, I'd tend towards the opposite direction. I think that criticisms of specific frame types is really too specific for the article. I'd rather generalize it to something like, "ID3v2 has several values that it stores which are problematic when used in
Hmm, well can't Unicode be used for ID3v1 as well? If a byte order mark was used for ID3v1, there'd be no ambiguity either. Winamp as well as NOMAD Jukebox on Japanese edition of Windows encodes ID3v2 text in Shift-JIS, so it seems like while the standards blabber on about whatever, actual
Okay, sounds good. I think the article should also mention that those tags are not only problematic in practical use, but also theoretically flawed. ID3 is a metadata standard that exists to describe the piece of music it is associated with it. It should be clear to anyone who has a basic
about software support, again, I find it odd to claim that it's really about what files actually have. If reworded as "Software adoption for ID3v2.4 has come around in the last couple of years, however the majority of files still use older versions of ID3v2" I probably wouldn't contest
ID3 version 2 has a 'text entry descriptor byte' (TEDB) in text-related frames which allows to indicate whether the text that follows is ASCII (ISO 8859-1) or Unicode. ID3 version 2.4 provides another code for UTF8 entries. ID3V1 simply has no TEDB in text fields.
I strongly disagree, I feel Desktop isolates Laptops by definition. Linux is most commonly used on a PC, which means only OSX fanboys would whine about such a thing, and anyone using OSX is more than familiar with the fact that ID3 isn't a windows only thing.
formats have adopted ID3, most use APEv2 (if they don't have a decent container; Musepack, WavPack) or Vorbis comments (if they do; any Ogg format, FLAC). An exception would be True Audio, which does use ID3, but I'm not sure TA is notable enough to mention
The lemma text says "Lyrics3 is always on the end of a MP3 file, after the IDV1 tag". ID3.ORG however says that the lyrics precede the ID3V1 tag, in and the (few) MP3 files I have seen with lyics, the ID3V1 tag indeed followed the Lyrics.
implementers pretty much ignore it. (iTunes does write ID3v2 tags in Unicode though, however.) I'm not sure how ID3v2 can support Unicode. Actual softwares can support Unicode. The ID3 specification merely says Unicode should be used. --
Leading meta-data precedes the actual MP3 stream, and consists of ID3 V2.2 and higher frames. Syntactically the first MP3 frame may contain meta-data as well, in the form of 'Xing' or 'Info' data (both are the same, apart from the
533:. The free software programs that do support it use TagLib, Mutagen, or libid3tag; most custom libraries have issues with v2.4. This is far from a majority of programs - maybe a majority of users, now that GStreamer uses TagLib. 405:
really hard to support ID3 V2, V3 and V4 in the same code. It is a straightforward programming endeavour. I have developed some C++ objects classes to that end. Re Id3V1, this format is completely different. But the ID3V1 text
I feel the current passage is accurate. Files do not have ID3v2.4 tags, but increasingly new tools are only writing v2.4. That means, in a few years, files will probably have v2.4 tags. But that is not the case right now.
At the same time, an encyclopedia is about documenting everything, so I do not see why we shouldn't keep the old formats. Actually, a very large number of articles are about historical events, books, etc. so why not in
Such a bug was found in Winamp in 2005. The term "virus" is rather lurid in this context though. Such code could be anything i.e., "abitrary code". Even if one can assume such code would seldomly do something good, a
While this isn't really the right place to debate what ID3 should or shouldn't have, ID3v2 has always supported multiple genres, support for such is just not generally used in the applications that work with it.
That would be a bug in those respective programs and has little to do with ID3 tags themselves. I've also not heard of these (and I expect that I would have...); do you have any sources for this information?
as well. However, when using ISO 8859-1, most implementers interpret this liberally, so they take that to mean "the local character set", e.g. Shift-JIS. (Technically that's not legal, but who cares.) If you
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any more respectable sources than release announcements. (And you won't find out about the iTunes bug there either, since Apple's bug tracker isn't public. But Scott can verify it exists.)
1547: 710:
I'm going to give this one a big, "Huh?" Ape tags happen, but I don't know of any tools that write vorbis comments to (raw) MP3s. If no citation surfaces I'd like to remove that bit.
this feature. Buffer overflows that allow injection and execution of arbitrary code are not uncommon, so basically this will be possible with many software/data combinations.
music players for desktop operating systems which run on non-PC hardware (think iTunes on the Mac!) are also able to display and edit id3 tags with no problem. Jon Wilson
I'd like to hear other folks comments on this. It's clear that we disagree, but I feel like in the absense of sources it's still better to make a less authoritative claim.
It would be helpful if the page said at least briefly how ID3v2 tags are embedded in MP3 files (where they fit within MP3 syntax) and then pointed to further information.
Again, I would like to see a case of someone distributing large amounts of MP3s that have, originally, ID3v2.4 tags. Please note that I'm referring to ID3v2.4 adoption
410:, since I have seen many files "in the wild" that still contain this type of tag, sometimes as the only meta-information. So the genre list is still relevant as well. 1476:
The Library of Congress uses the February 2007 version of this ID3 wikipedia article as a (primary? secondary?) source for the specification of the ID3v2.x formats.
1368: 1557: 251: 241: 154: 1542: 130: 120: 536:
WMP still does not support v2.4. iTunes only began supporting it recently (mid-2005, I believe, with 5.0), writes ID3v2.2 by default (according to
1552: 492: 1537: 1227: 1027: 982: 819:
understanding of databases that information like "playcount" or "rating" is not actually related to the music, but to a specific listener.
217: 1189: 820: 530: 504: 96: 1467:
That appears to be is the last complete snapshot currently available on, with no internal dead links within the snapshot.
While the order appears to be fixed, these tags occur in various combinations. Some of them may be considered obsolete, but some files
1089: 332:
encode unicode, this will be signalled inside the tag, ID3v2 provides tag "frames" which can be flagged to be of a certain type.
1562: 200: 177: 149: 63: 1567: 87: 58: 439: 1151: 1282: 777:
Agreed. I think just saying "audio player" (or "music player") with a link to the comparison page would be preferable.
33: 285:
It means that you can use characters outside the ASCII character set, such as Cyrillic or Chinese characters, in tags.
570: 614:"deleted" the tags in a file from a user who is trying to roundtrip tags between WMP/iTunes/id3lib/etc? Mutagen does. 562: 371:
complete genre list please speak up now. IMO they're absolutely stupid; Knowledge is not a specification archive.
1231: 638: 1031: 986: 21: 824: 569:
the ID3 specification, they should not transcribe their own knowledge into an article on the subject without
1518: 1434: 1404: 1193: 936: 500: 1449: 1419: 1384:. "Neger" is the (not necessarily derogative) Dutch and German word for a black person of African origin. 1349: 1210: 1068: 578: 391: 213: 429:
I see these mp3 file tag utilities, but are there any similiar utilities for tagging ordinary data files?
305: 278: 1305: 1251:(date that the album or song was published) rather than the date that the performer recorded the track. 794: 736: 626: 595: 545: 475: 372: 39: 1479: 897: 893: 641:
however has a specific meaning. id3lib is not that. As such, that part of the passage is inaccurate.
1270: 1223: 1185: 1139: 1099:
Good idea. Perhaps the title should be "MP3 file meta-data". As far as I know. MP3 files can contain
1023: 978: 430: 1485: 1464:
The primary source for ID3, at has been inaccessible since approximately November 24 2021.
1043: 1001: 1489: 1047: 1005: 293: 1470: 216:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
1514: 1430: 1400: 1274: 1220:
It's certainly talking about GAME ROMs ripped from game disks, for use with emulation software.
932: 872: 846: 806: 778: 711: 666: 605: 496: 644:
The percetages above are ad hoc. I would contest them, but neither of us have reliable sources.
1365: 470:
I have not used any of these programs, so simply pass along the information for what it is. —
1503: 1484:
Should all links in this ID3 article be updated to point to that "Wayback Machine" snapshot?
1445: 1415: 1389: 1206: 1168: 1147: 1064: 951: 916: 747: 696: 415: 387: 353: 1107:
meta-data (the designations are mine, please correct if necessary, I am not native speaker).
All information included in Knowledge articles is supposed to be based on existing data from
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day-to-day applications. Examples include " but not jumping into the specific frame names.
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too? That being said, I agree that as it stands this article still looks quite messy.
1531: 1327: 955: 920: 751: 574: 1020:
I'm guessing that in the tag list $ 11 shouldn't be: $ 11 – A bright coloured fish
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was obviously made by a non-native speaker and introduced many gramatical errors.
455: 1371: 1316: 1135:
contain "obsolete" meta-information so it is still relevant for identification.
Came here to suggest the same thing, as of July 5th, 2023 it is still offline.
Negerpunk is also a redirect to this article (before the article got deleted).
Trailing meta-data follows the actual MP3 stream. I have observed three types:
192: 171: 79: 52: 582: 541: 517: 324: 1266:
I believe that this issue should be highlighted in the ID3 wikipedia page.
998: 209: 888:
and QuickTime which makes that one a design flaw considering that spammers
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the field is labeled as "A bright coloured fish". Is this correct?
537: 512:
This certainly sounds like necessary information. Does anyone have a
It is mentioned because it was part of the list provided by Winamp.
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Possible error/vandalism? (no, bright coloured fish is in the spec)
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so that internationalized tags can be used." What does this mean? --
1259: 1255: 915:
Is there any indication that ID3 may one day allow such a thing? -
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Primary Source Offline since November 24 2021 (as of July 5 2023)
Yes. I removing the link. I don't think there is a need for it.
this is already answered on this talk page, it is in the spec.
15: 841:
Just a note here in case anyone has time for it before I do;
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As I am writing this (July 22nd, 2024), is online.
1247: 540:), and still has one major bug in synchsafe int handling. 1522: 1507: 1493: 1453: 1438: 1423: 1408: 1393: 1374: 1286: 1235: 1214: 1197: 1172: 1155: 1093: 1072: 1051: 1035: 1009: 990: 959: 940: 924: 900: 875: 864: 849: 828: 809: 797: 781: 771: 755: 739: 714: 700: 669: 665:
that the passage is accurate isn't really enough.  :-)
629: 608: 598: 588: 548: 523: 479: 433: 419: 395: 375: 357: 842: 720:
I've clarified what I meant by that paragraph: Few new
only starting writing ID3 tags *at all* in mid-2005.
204:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 91:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1382:
565:. Even if the Knowledge editors are the people who 973: 577:. This may not be intuitive, but it is one of the 1399:What has negerpunk (N*ggerpunk) to do with this? 1548:Start-Class software articles of Low-importance 442:on the Mp3tag Forums. Three suggestions were: 8: 648:up on the Helix mailing lists a while back.) 19: 1221: 166: 47: 1306:HydrogenAudio tag mapping for foobar2000 634:There are still some basic issues here: 1298: 168: 49: 687:Lawyers learned me the Latin sentence 1380:It is a derogatory, racist term, see 573:, lest the information be considered 7: 1086:2602:306:C5A2:9160:221:97FF:FE13:6E3 273:From ID3v2 section: "ID3v2 supports 198:This article is within the scope of 85:This article is within the scope of 38:It is of interest to the following 14: 1558:Low-importance Computing articles 1242:ID3v2.4 use of TDRC and TDRL tags 531:Here's a SourceForge bug about it 1543:Low-importance software articles 191: 170: 78: 51: 20: 246:This article has been rated as 226:Knowledge:WikiProject Computing 125:This article has been rated as 1553:Start-Class Computing articles 1317:MusicBrainz Picard tag mapping 1156:15:20, 18 September 2015 (UTC) 901:20:00, 29 September 2007 (UTC) 670:01:01, 16 September 2006 (UTC) 529:cannot read or write ID3v2.4. 420:15:07, 18 September 2015 (UTC) 358:15:00, 18 September 2015 (UTC) 229:Template:WikiProject Computing 105:Knowledge:WikiProject Software 1: 1538:Start-Class software articles 1394:06:13, 12 February 2019 (UTC) 1094:06:18, 18 February 2014 (UTC) 1073:08:59, 29 December 2013 (UTC) 960:22:57, 23 November 2008 (UTC) 907:2NF Tags (or Multiple Genres) 772:16:50, 30 December 2006 (UTC) 701:06:09, 12 February 2019 (UTC) 220:and see a list of open tasks. 147:This article is supported by 108:Template:WikiProject Software 99:and see a list of open tasks. 1454:20:21, 28 January 2020 (UTC) 1424:20:21, 28 January 2020 (UTC) 1375:12:24, 3 December 2006 (UTC) 1287:14:55, 4 November 2015 (UTC) 829:17:43, 25 January 2008 (UTC) 740:03:23, 8 November 2006 (UTC) 507:) 14:14, 21 July 2006 (UTC) 296:)] 02:44, Oct 25, 2004 (UTC) 1173:00:35, 30 August 2018 (UTC) 876:11:22, 28 August 2007 (UTC) 865:06:19, 28 August 2007 (UTC) 782:20:27, 1 January 2007 (UTC) 715:23:36, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 630:04:56, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 438:I found a similar question 1584: 1215:09:57, 27 April 2014 (UTC) 1198:07:18, 27 April 2014 (UTC) 1052:23:09, 23 April 2010 (UTC) 850:12:45, 2 August 2007 (UTC) 689:Negativa non sunt probanda 651:Given that the text as is 396:00:05, 12 March 2020 (UTC) 376:06:12, 26 April 2006 (UTC) 252:project's importance scale 131:project's importance scale 1523:16:37, 22 July 2024 (UTC) 1439:15:51, 16 July 2017 (UTC) 1409:15:49, 16 July 2017 (UTC) 1058:Clean up of template tags 1036:03:48, 7 April 2010 (UTC) 1010:20:58, 30 July 2009 (UTC) 991:16:49, 28 June 2009 (UTC) 941:20:26, 26 July 2008 (UTC) 925:13:34, 24 July 2008 (UTC) 810:11:44, 24 July 2007 (UTC) 798:13:54, 22 July 2007 (UTC) 756:13:26, 24 July 2008 (UTC) 609:22:31, 30 July 2006 (UTC) 599:07:57, 22 July 2006 (UTC) 589:00:13, 22 July 2006 (UTC) 549:21:57, 21 July 2006 (UTC) 524:15:27, 21 July 2006 (UTC) 480:02:59, 28 July 2011 (UTC) 281:22:25, 24 Oct 2004 (UTC) 245: 186: 146: 124: 73: 46: 1508:19:45, 5 July 2023 (UTC) 1494:05:12, 11 May 2023 (UTC) 1016:ID3v2 tag misinformation 639:reference implementation 434:02:54, 2 June 2006 (UTC) 336:05:17, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC) 308:23:41, 26 Oct 2004 (UTC) 1350:MediaMonkey tag mapping 1236:20:13, 5 May 2017 (UTC) 319:No, ID3v2 says Unicode 1563:All Computing articles 579:Knowledge:Five pillars 214:information technology 143: 28:This article is rated 1568:All Software articles 1256:ID3v2.4 specification 1248:ID3v2.3 specification 767:advertisement in it. 495:comment was added by 323:be used, you can use 201:WikiProject Computing 150:WikiProject Computing 142: 1339:MusicBee tag mapping 788:Criticism: Playcount 269:Internationalization 88:WikiProject Software 1258:was published, the 1122:APE tags (APETAGEX) 855:Viruses in ID3 tags 1328:Jaikoz tag mapping 837:Copyediting needed 232:Computing articles 144: 34:content assessment 1290: 1273:comment added by 1238: 1226:comment added by 1188:comment added by 1159: 1142:comment added by 1026:comment added by 981:comment added by 950:functionality. -- 894:Winamp bug (2005) 575:original research 516:for any of it? ~ 508: 366:Impending cleanup 266: 265: 262: 261: 258: 257: 165: 164: 161: 160: 111:software articles 1575: 1352: 1347: 1341: 1336: 1330: 1325: 1319: 1314: 1308: 1303: 1289: 1267: 1260:changes document 1200: 1158: 1136: 1078:Embedding in MP3 1038: 993: 563:reliable sources 490: 384:computer science 234: 233: 230: 227: 224: 195: 188: 187: 182: 174: 167: 113: 112: 109: 106: 103: 82: 75: 74: 69: 66: 55: 48: 31: 25: 24: 16: 1583: 1582: 1578: 1577: 1576: 1574: 1573: 1572: 1528: 1527: 1462: 1362: 1357: 1356: 1355: 1348: 1344: 1337: 1333: 1326: 1322: 1315: 1311: 1304: 1300: 1268: 1244: 1228: 1183: 1182:What is ROMS? 1180: 1137: 1080: 1060: 1021: 1018: 976: 970: 909: 857: 839: 790: 764: 732: 708: 706:Vorbis Comments 514:reliable source 491:—The preceding 487: 427: 368: 271: 231: 228: 225: 222: 221: 180: 110: 107: 104: 101: 100: 67: 61: 32:on Knowledge's 29: 12: 11: 5: 1581: 1579: 1571: 1570: 1565: 1560: 1555: 1550: 1545: 1540: 1530: 1529: 1526: 1525: 1475: 1461: 1458: 1457: 1456: 1427: 1426: 1397: 1396: 1361: 1358: 1354: 1353: 1342: 1331: 1320: 1309: 1297: 1296: 1292: 1243: 1240: 1218: 1217: 1205:needed tag. -- 1179: 1176: 1129: 1128: 1127: 1126: 1123: 1120: 1114: 1109: 1108: 1079: 1076: 1059: 1056: 1055: 1054: 1028: 1017: 1014: 1013: 1012: 983: 972:At $ 11 under 969: 966: 965: 964: 963: 962: 944: 943: 908: 905: 904: 903: 879: 878: 856: 853: 838: 835: 834: 833: 832: 831: 813: 812: 789: 786: 785: 784: 763: 760: 759: 758: 731: 730:PC vs. Desktop 728: 727: 726: 707: 704: 685: 684: 683: 682: 681: 680: 679: 678: 677: 676: 675: 674: 673: 672: 659: 658: 657: 649: 645: 642: 622: 615: 571:citing sources 554: 553: 552: 551: 534: 486: 483: 468: 467: 466: 465: 464: 463: 458: 453: 426: 423: 408:should be kept 399: 398: 367: 364: 363: 362: 361: 360: 342: 341: 340: 339: 338: 337: 312: 311: 310: 309: 306: 298: 297: 279: 270: 267: 264: 263: 260: 259: 256: 255: 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