
Talk:Irish neutrality during World War II

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man and a noble leader. Despite all that had passed between Roosevelt and himself during war de Valera had his biographers say for the record that 'he had held Roosevelt in great esteem'. And in the Dail he paid tribute to the fallen titan in a speech whose priorities showed what he believed a politician's greatest attribute to be - winning: 'President Roosevelt will go down to history as one of the greatest of a long line of American Presidents with the unparalleled distinction of having been elected four times as head of the United States. That was the greatest tribute that could be paid to any man. It is also a measure of his loss. Personally, I regard his death as a loss to the world ....” He went on to say that Roosevelt could have been relied upon to throw his great powers into the creation of a new world order which would possibly save mankind from 'recurring calamities' like the present war. Gray was moved by his oratory and wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt next day 'This is indeed a strange country. All this afternoon members of the Government, their wives and leaders of the opposition have been coming in a stream to pay their respects. Mr. de Valera made a very moving tribute to the President in the Dail this morning and moved an adjournment till tomorrow. I thought I knew this country and its people but this was something new. There was a great deal of genuine feeling.' (Long Fellow, Long Shadow –Tim Pat Coogan page 609)
article I thought i'd leave a few comments here such as; for an essay a lot of quotes are good, but wikipedia isn't a journal of essays, its a database of articles forming an encylopedia and so excessive and lenghty quotations are discouraged in favour of simply referencing the material. When someone is referenced or especially when they are directly quoted in an article, what qualifies them to be noteable on the subject should be justified in the text, otherwise it just reads like some random persons opinion on the matter. A few more picturs wouldn't hurt the article if they can be found. And finally one has to be careful talking about majorities, minorities etc. Unless you have statistics which prove a minority its best to gloss over whether or not they were or werent a minority. Especially in this case because its hard to say who actually supported what exactly and its possible that over time ideas changes (e.g. many supported Germany at the outbreak of war as a British defeat looked more likely but by the end of the war an allied victory was all but inevitable, certainly there was no chance of an invasion of ireland. It might just be me but the article also read as being a little bit republican, and at times seemed to favour (now aswell as then) a united ireland although I've endeavoured to reword it to make it more neutral, i dont think this was intentional by the writter, perhaps just the way it read.
1793:"A phantom hangs over Ireland’s relations with Hitler’s Germany. Since Eamon de Valera’s visit to the Third Reich’s minister to Ireland on 2 May 1945, the spectre of pro-Nazism has dogged Ireland’s reputation. De Valera’s condolences on the suicide of the German head of state, Adolf Hitler, spawned immediate international condemnation. He gifted his critics all the ammunition that they desired to stigmatise Ireland. The notorious character and conduct of Charles Bewley, the Irish minister to Germany in the 1930s, would appear to substantiate this unkind depiction. Arriving in Berlin in July 1933 after Hitler’s seizure of power, he betrayed a lack of professionalism time after time. Disturbing signs of his anti-Semitism, dogmatic Anglophobia and insolence are clear throughout his career from the early 1920s. After 1933 he engaged in an unashamed charm offensive to curry favour with the Nazi regime. During his accreditation ceremony with President von Hindenburg, Bewley referred to the “national rebirth of Germany” in an unconcealed endorsement of Nazism. During his tenure, he recurrently endorsed Nazism as a safeguard against the expansion of Soviet Communism. He downplayed or apologised for the reprehensible Nazi regime’s negative features such as the persecution of Jews, the suppression of Christianity and its aggressive expansionism." 1922:
published", i.e. before the Hutchinson 1970 edition. Can anyone cite an earlier publication? Having his doubts about the initial draft declaration of clause 1 (Arrow, 1974, p. 365), Dev wanted a stronger clause 1 to guarantee a United Ireland - "This declaration would take the form of a solemn undertaking that the Union is to become at an early date an accomplished fact from which there is no turning back" (page 367). On 29 June clause 1 was amended by Chamberlain to - "A declaration to be made by the United Kingdom government forthwith accepting the principle of a United Ireland. This declaration would take the form of a solemn undertaking that the Union is to become at an early date an accomplished fact from which there shall be no turning back." This can also be seen in notes of Dev's cabinet minutes, but the cabinet never voted on the offer. So, not only was the offer cited as it was, but Dev's revised wording on reunification was accepted verbatim by Chamberlain.
carry-on. One problem we have is that Hemple was a diplomat who always behaved correctly while Grey was a family appointee who didn't preferring to follow the dictates of a clairvoyant. When Roosevelt died, deV intended to sign, but Gray said that he could nor receive him. DeV did more than he needed to do, he adjourned the Dail, he had flags flown at half mast, a day of mourning, He planned a remberance mass in the proCathedral but had to cancel that when Gray - true to form - said that neither he nor any of his staff could attend. Later Gray said that he would organise a service in St Patricks, which also fell through. We try to maintain this as an article which would be respected by historians. I would rather we didn't introduce uninformed opinion. Mary Kenny is a modern journalist. She is not an historian. I am reversing what I regard as uninfomed opinion. -
will shortly cease to exist. De Valera, therefore, did it because he wanted to. Hyde, the supposed ceremonial head of state (the actual head of state was George VI until the formation of the republic in 1948), also paid a condolence call on the German ambassador, but this was kept a state secret for many years after the war and was therefore nothing to do with public protocol and everything to do with private sympathy -- not sympathy with the ambassador, who had suffered no private bereavement at all, but sympathy with the dictator that the ambassador represented: Adolf Hitler. Anti-Semitism and Anglophobia were not exactly unknown in the Irish nationalist tradition, and this article, and the article on the IRA's collaboration with the Nazis, appear to have been manipulated to disguise the reality.
1066:(de-indent) There was on very big difference between the German and American representatives in Ireland during this time. The US snubbed Ireland and had neither an embassy nor an ambassador in Ireland. David Gray was the US "diplomatic representative in Ireland" had a legation, a lower level of country representation that than an embassy. Because there was no US ambassador in Ireland may have been the reason for de Valera not going to offer his condolences upon the death of Roosevelt. The German embassy was fully fledged with an ambassador and diplomatic protocol usually required this action. 396: 1222:
the British, otherwise he would have been shot) Dev said that he made a distinction between US airmen who had to cross the Atlantic to get to Britain, so they were exempt from internment. Germany did not like it, but could not hope for a better deal. Churchill then demanded the same for British personnel, so that no more were interned. A number already detained remained interned for a period, frustrated that they could not take part in the war effect. Eventually they were just loaded on a truck and driven to the north and told to get out. --
seceeded from Britain itself, would naturally row in behind the British war effort. Add to this the sense that in any case Britain was doing "Ireland's dirty work" by defending itself and Ireland (as a German conquest of Britain would lead to an enivitable conquest of Ireland) and the "hard-nosed" attitude of Irish delegations during war-time negeotiations and you can start to understand Chrurchill remarks a little better than a momentary spat at Dev visiting the German embassey. --
rein in the first weeks after VE day, fulminating against an Irish neutrality which was portrayed as tantamount to support for Germany. Churchill himself seemed to give sanction to these attacks by his criticism of de Valera's stance, broadcast on British radio on 13 May. He pulled few punches ...." (Wills P 391) Given that I feel that the use of the word "context" is perfectly fair. I did not imply a direct link but rather that Churchill could have been influenced by the visit.
412: 1214:
Probably the difference was that any Irishman joining the British Army would state his military experience ("I was a Sergeant in the Irish Army") without explaining that he had been discharged some years earlier (De Valera reduced the size of the Army when he came to power, as he had inherited the Free State Army). I like the quote of an Irish crewmember on an RAF bomber over Germany, "Oh but at least De Valera kept us out of this".
offer, (which) he knew came from Churchill... Ireland would be involved in the war and the ending of partition would be no more than a half promise over which Belfast would have the full right of veto." Someone has been playing fast and loose in interpreting this source. I've tagged it as 'failed verification' in the article, and intend to remove it unless a reliable source can unequivocally back up this overblown claim.
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doctrinnaire republicans, so, for instance, if you look at Knowledge to find out how and why Michael Collins died, you're not told. Anyway, on de Valera's inexcusable condolences for Hitler, and the anti-Semitism and Anglophobia of Irish nationalism, there's this, from the Irish Times, regarding de Valera's envoy to Nazi Germany:-
309: 1921:
Looking at the editions (Hutchinson 1970; Arrow paperback 1974) Arrow pp.365-368) it does mention the offer in some detail at pp 365-368 in the paperback Arrow 1974 edition. It looks as if the citation lists two editions. The authors preface their comment with "The proposals .. have never before been
There was no 'diplomatic protocol' that required the Irish head of government to attend the German embassy and offer condolences on the death of Adolf Hitler. Heads of government do not do that, particularly when the foreign government in question is in a state of dissolution for military reasons and
Wills states that there "could" have been a link between the visit of de Valera to the German legation (which in all probability was to help the Ambassador Hempel rather than to give any moral support for Hitler)and Churchill's speech. I quote " Predictably, British public opinion allowed itself free
I'm afraid I really got bogged down in the phrasing of this. Some of the sentences are so long that it seems that the author lost track of what he was trying to say, let alone the reader. It really does need some serious copy editing. I've tried but in at least one case I was defeated! (and other
The numbers given are those who deserted. They did not all desert to join the allied forces. There is no source that tells us how many deserters joined the allied forces. I'm sorry that I am no good at Knowledge editing but this figure is not the number of those who joined the allied forces. No such
Just added in a bit more to get a neutral point of view on the consequences of neutrality, very true that technological advances had reduced the importance of the Treaty Ports (U-boats now had longer range and could operate further into the Atlantic etc) but that still has to be balanced against the
The reasoning at international law and the comparative reactions of other neutral states should be there, even if questionable / wrong / misguided, because otherwise it could appear that Dev was personally fond of Hitler, which he wasn't, and that Ireland was the only state to keep a German legation
This issue has come up time and time again. DeV did sign the book. In protocol it was the correct thing to do, or as the British minister said "mathematically correct". He knew he would be criticised. As he said himself, "I could have had a diplomatic illness... " but he did not approve of such
Britain and Ireland, citing the Trinity riot and other incidents in Ireland and Churchill's remarks as an example of apparent official sanction for the free expression of anti-Irish opinion in Britain. There is nothing said, or implied, about these feeling being new, but just that the end of the war
Another remark: Churchill's remarks could have come at anytime - the ammount of bitterness and sense of betrayal in Britain, throughout the Empire and in America at Ireland neutrality should never be underestimated. I was assumed that Ireland as a the closes part of the Empire and only just recently
I don't want you to be sorry, we all have a right to edit if we think it's appropriate but you've got to explain exactly WHY to me, surely in an article dedicated to Irish neutrality needs a few lines to explain its' consequences? Now if you don't think it belongs in a separate section of the page,
The source may be incomplete on this (I'll check my copy), but in ordinary language it is true to say that "Britain offered to end the Partition of Ireland quickly if Ireland would abandon its neutrality and join the war against Germany and Italy". The offer (a "solemn undertaking") was revised and
GETTING DE VALERA ON THE RECORD By one of the ironies of history Roosevelt did not live to see the victory of which he was the principal architect, and died of a brain haemorrhage on April 1945. De Valera immediately sent a message of sympathy to President Truman, saying: 'America has lost a great
After the US entered the war, Roosevelt put some pressure on De Valera so that no American airmen were interred. He reminded De Valera the great Irish patriot, that he was born a US citizen and on more than one occasion that saved his life. (In 1916 his mother found his US birth certificate to show
As well as the Dail adjournment, flags were flown at half mast throughout the country. Somewhere else, I read that the Irish Government proposed holding a memorial service for Roosevelt in the Catholic cathedral in Dublin. This offer was rejected by the US Envoy, Gray, who replied that it should be
I feel that Churchill's comments should be put into the context of De Valera's visit to the German legation to offer condolences upon Hitler's death. This action, not surprisingly, caused outrage amongst the Allies especially as De Valera had done no usch visit when Roosevelt died and that the full
says is that on 12 June, 1940, Chamberlain wrote to De Valera with an invitation to discuss the matter, including with Craigavon. De Valera felt that such a venture (trip to London to 'negotiate') would be incompatible with neutrality. "de Valera ...looked upon the offer as largely illusory...The
Right, as this reads through like a college essay (I believe from the comments above it is actually a copy and paste essay) I have made some changes to wikify it. These are generally for NPOV reasons or for better wording (some of the word orders were a little unusual). As a general review of the
This discussion was a while back, but the following might be interesting. I don't know much about diplomatic protocol, but I assume that the US State Department do, and did in 1945. The following quote reflects their opinion of the relative merits of Ireland's official reaction to Roosevelt's and
Muddy waters. Parliament was closed and flags were flown at half mast on Roosevelt's death. Of course no such thing for Hitler, but that a courtesy visit wasn't paid to the American embassey, with which Ireland had bad personal relations with the ambasador, as at Hitler's death, where Ireland had
How about more about the status of foreign personnel (British and German) interned in Eire? In the early part of the war many British, mostly airmen and some sailors who landed in Ireland were interned in a camp near Dublin. This was the correct procedure as a neutral state cannot allow military
Apologies, it was a typo as I had just been reading RoI related articles. Despite my cleanup much of it has been reverted or edited back to a fairly POV article. It also reads as fairly anti-British in my opinion. I'm cautious to edit it again as I feel its likely we are going to get into sticky
As for Churchill comments, I've never heard them being put in that context. Britain had invasion plans for Ireland drawn up very early in the war and on several occassion were close to carrying them out. If it "should" be put in the context of Hitlers death then we need a reference for it, as it
The common figure is 50,000 Irish served in British Forces (including those from Northern Ireland). One source (a British Regimental yarn) says that in September 1939 7,000 men in the Irish Army deserted their posts to join Irish Regiments in the British Army, other sources suggest about 3,000.
There is no evidence anywhere of any such book ever existing. As Karen Devine forcefully argues, the entire story of a book came about from anti-neutrality academics, politicians and journalists, such as Salmon, FitzGerald, Roberts, Girvin and Collins. Sadly De Valera would not make any public
Given that the quote in the footnote specifically contradicts the statement in this section that Ireland's neutrality delayed it's membership of the United Nations, and the fact that there was a lot of conflict between the West and the Soviets over the composition of the United Nations, which
Hey! Calm down. First the article was created from an essay and of course in that context it is not as NPOV as would be expected from Knowledge. I made that clear above. I posted it because I saw others discussing a lack of treatment of the subject elsewhere. This encyclopedia is an open and
You must be joking. Knowledge is 'The Encyclopedia That Nobody Can Edit.' If you try, the article's OWNER, who OWNS it, will descend on you out of the West like a thundercloud and insta-revert you and threaten you with a ban. Irish history articles, in particular, are OWNED by a species of
It wasn't my addition. you deleted it substituting the Mary Kenny piece. I restored it. and yes it should have a reference. Gray was not in a position to receive visitors on FDRs death. Condolences were sent and Gray said that he was moved by them.. Your new addition, is misleading.
Good for a laugh (if the whole subject wasn't so embarrasing and sad) is the letter from the British Union of Facists to the Irish government - it's on the second page following the above extract (page numbered 88) in the pdf. Seems some people in Britain were pleased with de Valera!
I read through the pages in Wills and don't see anywhere that she that Churchill's comments "should be seen in the context of De Valera's visit to the German delegation" or any other such thing. The sections immediately before refers to a relief of tension after VE day in
And there's the 2005 revelation of Hyde's secret visit to commiserate with the German ambassador. There was self-evidently no diplomatic need for either de Valera or Hyde to offer these courtesies to a defunct regime, and Hyde's visit was concealed from the public.
752:. The more controversial ones need citations. Also, all the citations seem to be from English writers: balancing citations from Irish sources are needed. As it stands, it reads quite POV, which I'm sure owes more to the sources than to the intent of SonyYouth. -- 2118:
Ireland's neutrality had an impact outside of Ireland. The page title doesn't limit the scope to the country. Just imagine what would've happened if Ireland had backed Germany. Why not have a seperate section about the international impact of Ireland's neutrality?
they were made. I think there is a difference between being bold and being reckless of the work of others and their feelings to the extent that good and productive editors leave. Please adopt a more collegial and co-operative tone User:
Whatever the real reason, the given reason was Ireland's neutrality. As a permanent Security Council member the USSR had a veto which it exercised until late 1955. It surprises me that they continued the veto after Ireland decided not to join
2504: 1796:
Then there's this, from de Valera's most recent biographer, again in the Irish Times, referring to what he euphemistically calls 'de Valera's pedantically grotesque error of judgement' in offering condolences on the death of Hitler.
Now, Bastun. It appears (yet again) that it wasn't me was "pushing POV". An apology will do fine. I believe what you did is called "original research". According to that is a Very Serious offence - could get you a years ban.
No idea. That document used to be on the internet but doesn't seem to be anymore. Best I can say is check the reference if you have access to an academic library: Fanning, R., 1983, Independent Ireland, Dublin: Helicon, Ltd.., pp
419: 200: 672:
article contains the same information in summary form. Merging is, quite frankly, ridiculous since it means either leaving that section as it is or doubling its size (its already quite lengthy and deserves a separate article).
403: 196: 1488:
with tens of tons of diesel at a time, when fuel was tightly rationed, and in a very poor part of Ireland where refuelling infrastructure was rare. It just doesn't seem feasible, beyond someone handing over the odd basket of
1849: 544:
Yea, its a copy and paste of one of my college essays. The content is fair NPOV, but they argumentation style (by definition) certainly is not. The first paragraph, in fact the whole lede, has to be reworded for WP.
rounded up German embassy officials and expelled them, on the narrower basis that they no longer represented a functioning state." Not to mention that it has little to do with the topic of the article, if anything.
31: 562:
The general view is that neutrality was declared in Sept. 1939. The neutrality doctrine of 1920 was hypothetical at the time. I've added in a ref. showing that it was publicly-stated policy months before WW2. No
1635:. The reasoning at international law was that the embassies represented at least the German and Japanese peoples, even as their governments were collapsing. This was not unique; Germany's ambassador to the 2505:
I don't see any mention in the quote you provided about the visit. What were the lines previous that you added "" or is that just a chronological note? If so "" would be a more accurate summation, no? --
There seems to be little comment on the tens of thousands of Irish people who signed up to the British Army during WWII. Can anyone find some sources and add some in depth information to the article?
435: 204: 2494: 2508: 762:
I clarified the incomprehensible one, I hope has been made comprehensible now. Broke down some other ones. Still long and convoluted parts though. Took out some commentary. (Anois - mo leaba!) --
sounds quite bizarre at the moment. A more obvious "context" to put it in is the treaty ports, which having given away just before the war, were a constant thorn in the side of the British. --
There is a long section discussing the de Valera's visit and British reaction in Wills's book and rather than quote long paragraphs I felt it was easier to use "" as a simple introduction.
It is claimed in the article that "Britain offered to end the Partition of Ireland quickly if Ireland would abandon its neutrality and join the war against Germany and Italy". The ref is
605:. As for "Irish" and "kid": please don't presume the age of any of your fellow editors or judge their contributions based on that presumption, or their nationality. That would be truly " 624:
I thoroughly concur with the specific points made by Sony-youth and compliment him on the restraint he has shown in responding to comments made with a very negative and unfriendly tone.
2621: 668:
On what basis? One editor, a sock puppeteer, who was banned for life for racist attacks on Irish editors, complained that it was POV? I think I'd prefer AfD, thank you very much. The
2651: 1673:
open. Franquist Spain ended its recognition of the German embassy in Madrid on 10 May, after a number of Spaniards signed its book of condolences. The Irish ambassador in Madrid,
2641: 2646: 577:
This page was created by an Irish kid from a college thesis (who misspells the word "vandalism" on his own talkpage). It remains massively subjective and non-encyclopaedic.
2636: 1825: 1798: 1440:
An alternative would be to rephrase the text to state that the Soviets used the fact of Irish neutrality as a pretence/excuse/rationale for delaying Ireland's membership.
horror of Nazi Germany was being revealed. This is fully discussed in Clair Wills book : That Neutral Island: A Cultural History of Ireland During the Second World War.
294: 271: 233: 687: 486: 2397: 2495:
2197: 280: 923:
good personal relations with the German ambasador, is what is remembered and what was commented on as being bizarre, as equally at home as abroad, at the time.
I've just been reading the article on the Emergency - if you removed all the sections dealing with neutrality from that article, there wouldn't be much left.
2631: 2498: 261: 1716:
Unless this section is made neutral by reflecting the actuality of what happened on the death of Roosevelt, I will be removing the offending addition.
2661: 1437:
supports the thesis that it was a political tactic to keep down the number of Western countries in the UN, shouldn't this section simply be removed?
2377: 2616: 168: 158: 1399:
concentrate on external relations. Now we have the Memorandum by Mr R. G. Menzies being added to both with identical text. I will delete it from
Removed the spurious "context"; it amounts to a semi-endorsement of Churchill's remarks. Not appropriate as there is no evidence of a connection. (
2514: 2387: 2083: 2484: 2656: 2626: 710: 659: 228: 191: 1807: 1616:
Ok, let's keep out Mary Kenny's opinion. However I found a source (this time a reputable historian) citing that no one representing president
2611: 1302: 1284: 1247: 237: 2468: 2361: 2274: 2169: 1963: 1396: 1265:
covers a lot more than just the neutrality covered by this one. Quite a distinctly different article, so I doubt you will get any takers.
2588: 2146: 2000: 1971: 1826:
1480:"(In the west of Ireland there are persistent local rumours of U-Boats being resupplied secretly with fuel and provisions by the IRA.)" 1372: 1332: 1198: 2290: 1555:
was used by senior allied personnel for transatlantic flights all through the war, provided they were out of uniform when they landed.
836: 793:
Can we remove the tag about the neutrality of the article on neutrality at this stage? I've removed any non-neutrality I could find. (
134: 2524:
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When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs.
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1887: 1872: 2398:
Ah, so it was Churchill. I'm not surprised, he offered to arm the Bolsheviks in 1917-1918 if they kept Russia in World War I. (
1788: 2198:
1625: 705:
No, more than just the alleged sockpuppet thought it was POV. He simply brought it to wider attention by posting on ANI. The
Restored. Stop pushing your PoV. I, for one, was aware Dev had paid his respects to the Germans after Hitler's death - I
Ah, I see. Most people won't read the citation though. Can I add whole quote into the article or do I need to cut it down?
Then they should be merged; take out the quotes and you have 2 sections that can be merged easily into a section or two on
It has previously been noted that these two articles address similar issues. To avoid duplication, it was proposed that
125: 86: 2566: 2449: 2401: 2342: 1298: 1176: 1149: 61: 1643:, had remained a member of the diplomatic corps for months after Germany's surrender. In contrast, the equally-neutral 2499:
2201: 2079: 2037: 1325:
The link was misleading (leading to a page on a different William Warnock). I have taken the liberty of amending it.
1996: 1967: 1351:"On the day following the Russian and German invasion of Poland...". What date? There were two separate invasions. 1242:
This article is awful, and 1/2 of it is nothing more than quotations. It should be redirected to the real article,
1657: 1485: 27: 1771:
Perhaps you could edit this article accordingly, in order to improve it, making sure to give quality citations.
is confusing because it doesn't state why their neutrality policy affected their application to UN membership.
1862: 1306: 1288: 1251: 1134: 1070: 850: 658:
which already covers this. I would suggest that Sony-youth (or whoever) merge any useful information to there.
I think it would have been better to discuss the sort of massive excisions made by anonymous User:
and there wasn't even the eggs. There were allegations, not in Ireland, but in some of the wartime uk media -
395: 49: 2592: 2150: 1202: 2557: 2476: 2440: 2369: 2333: 2282: 2075: 2033: 1814: 1776: 1761: 1640: 1632: 1400: 1392: 1376: 1336: 1280: 1262: 1243: 1173: 1146: 232:. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the project and see a 1891: 1808:
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cases, my punctution may have changed the intended meaning!). There are quite a few statements that fail
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1810: 1757: 1624:] (i.e. Roosevelt). Looking at your addition, we can't keep what looks like your original research (see 1356: 1106:, namely adjournment of Dail and resolutions of condolence passed by Dail and Seanad". (my underlining) 67: 2518: 2475:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 2391: 2368:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 2281:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 1904: 828: 592:" to post it here because I thought it would be a useful starting point for us all to begin working on. 578: 535: 2584: 2488: 2142: 2106: 2071: 2054: 1945: 1927: 1912: 1743: 1706: 1682: 1653: 1604: 1581: 1560: 1532: 1508: 1494: 1465: 1408: 1368: 1328: 1227: 1223: 1194: 1085: 1043: 985: 940: 928: 824: 763: 727: 691: 674: 610: 546: 503: 475: 2596: 2571: 2454: 2347: 2260: 2154: 2128: 2112: 2087: 2060: 2041: 2018: 2004: 1990: 1975: 1949: 1931: 1916: 1895: 1880: 1866: 1838: 1818: 1780: 1765: 1747: 1725: 1710: 1686: 1661: 1608: 1585: 1564: 1536: 1512: 1498: 1469: 1449: 1426: 1412: 1380: 1360: 1340: 1310: 1292: 1274: 1255: 1231: 1206: 1178: 1161: 1151: 1090: 1048: 990: 945: 933: 908: 892: 868: 808: 797: 783: 768: 756: 732: 713: 696: 679: 662: 641: 615: 581: 567: 551: 538: 517: 508: 493: 480: 464: 20: 2291:
2014: 1986: 1858: 1270: 1113:- it's on the page numbered 86. There's also a wealth of additional information about the event at 133:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
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Replied on AN/I. (A rather ridiculous place to discuss an articles tone it don't you think?) --
2179: 1830: 1517:
I agree - I'll remove it unless someone publishes some actual research on this. I recall from
606: 2581:
Did Northern Irish fight in Europe or elsewhere in WW2? (for the British). Or conscripted?
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1114: 2187: 2101: 2049: 1941: 1923: 1908: 1739: 1702: 1678: 1600: 1577: 1556: 1528: 1504: 1490: 1461: 1404: 564: 514: 490: 461: 2009:
I am sure you can precis it quite well. It's not that important to warrant a long quote.
1735: 499: 2099:. What you describe are the effects on the warring countries Great-Britain and Germany. 1110: 2010: 1982: 1266: 1067: 411: 117: 2548:
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edition, the cite in the article quotes 2 different editions, maybe that's the reason?
Good clean up - but there was no such place as the "Republic of Ireland" during WW2! (
2605: 2402:
1717: 1441: 1418: 1158: 1126: 905: 865: 805: 794: 780: 779:(Article improving by the day!). Can we supply a date for the Cranborne report? -- 753: 749: 634: 2202:
1937: 1617: 1365:
I agree. Germany attacked Poland on September 1st, USSR - on 16-th of September.
2120: 1644: 887: 602: 2047:
Sorry, but this story is completely irrelevant regarding the Irish neutrality.
1084:"lifted the lid" of them in Ireland and allowed them "free rein" in Britain. -- 427: 1981:
The citation to the first sentence of the section clearly states the reasons.
article is only 20K, so it doesn't need to be split simply because of length.
This doesn't seem very NPOV - especially the first paragraph, revision needed
107: 101: 80: 847: 1674: 1172:
debates and revert wars for example over calling the British 'occupiers'.
1636: 1519: 2184:
after the link to keep me from modifying it. Alternatively, you can add
130: 2536:
An editor has reviewed this edit and fixed any errors that were found.
An editor has reviewed this edit and fixed any errors that were found.
An editor has reviewed this edit and fixed any errors that were found.
An editor has reviewed this edit and fixed any errors that were found.
As no-one has objected to Sarah's proposal, I agree and will do so. --
1648: 1552: 2519:
also signed, but in a personal capacity, not on behalf of the state.
greater courtesies were shown at time of President Roosevelt's death
Ah hah, that explains it! Thanks very much for tracking that down.
220: 185: 2489:
to keep me off the page altogether. I made the following changes:
As for "vandalism/vandalsim", please see the difference between a
and there was a Brit plane stationed in Foynes. - Dwyer, (2009).
1524: 1457: 598: 489:. He sat in the British cabinet during the period in question... 1852:
pp 365-368. No such claim is made in the book. What the source
the personal calls made ... were "most unfortunate even though
aware he hadn't done the same after Roosevelts. Good to know.
1621: 43: 15: 2207:
When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the
If the offer wasn't genuine, why bother to keep it secret? (
426: 410: 394: 279: 1246:. Would someone with an account please AfD this article. -- 2479:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
Consequences are only relevant as it are consequences for
held in a Protestant church, and the matter was dropped.
I have just added archive links to one external link on
perhaps 'Consequences of neutrality' we could do that?
Added. With refs. I recommend Clair Wills's book as well
2472: 2365: 2278: 2173: 1403:. Perhaps others might similarly prune both articles. 589: 2102: 2050: 1523:(if I was still awake), that crew was supplied out of 1111:
I question this; how on earth would anyone supply a
This article has been checked against the following
129:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 377: 291: 1824:comment on the visit. So it was never explained 743:Long and convoluted phraseology, citations needed 498:Yes it is. Sorry, typo. The same source is cited 460:I can't find a record of that title. Who was he? 2622:Start-Class Ireland articles of Mid-importance 2652:European military history task force articles 1395:should concentrate on internal matters while 8: 2642:British military history task force articles 1299:Talk:The Emergency (Ireland)#Merger proposal 1958:Effect on United Nations membership section 1844:Reunification in return for joining the war 47: 2647:C-Class European military history articles 2582: 2273:I have just modified one external link on 1631:"At the time the Third Reich was about to 374: 288: 180: 75: 2637:C-Class British military history articles 2467:I have just modified 4 external links on 2360:I have just modified 3 external links on 1903:rejected in the course of June 1940. See 1283:. I will tag the articles accordingly. -- 1620:visited the US legation on the death of 1551:Not mentioned in the Cranbourne report, 846:Sounds good. Add it, with references. -- 654:To avoid an AfD debate, I redirected to 502:(search for "Viscount", footnote 29). -- 226:This article is within the scope of the 182: 77: 246:Knowledge:WikiProject Military history 236:. To use this banner, please see the 249:Template:WikiProject Military history 7: 2469:Irish neutrality during World War II 2362:Irish neutrality during World War II 2275:Irish neutrality during World War II 2170:Irish neutrality during World War II 2027:Strategic consequences of neutrality 1397:Irish neutrality during World War II 1261:Unfortunately you are wrong because 420:European military history task force 123:This article is within the scope of 2032:negative consequences it did have. 1964:Effect on United Nations membership 1936:Rashers, your link above is to the 1432:Effect on United Nations membership 404:British military history task force 66:It is of interest to the following 2134:Deserted to join the allied forces 14: 2632:C-Class military history articles 2471:. Please take a moment to review 2364:. Please take a moment to review 2277:. Please take a moment to review 2172:. Please take a moment to review 1218:personnel to cross its territory. 711:The way, the truth, and the light 660:The way, the truth, and the light 2662:World War II task force articles 2527: 2410: 2303: 2218: 558:Neutrality long before Sept 1939 485:I wonder if it's supposed to be 351: 340: 329: 318: 307: 219: 184: 110: 100: 79: 48: 19: 2617:Mid-importance Ireland articles 266:This article has been rated as 163:This article has been rated as 26:This article was nominated for 1907:article, a much better source. 1839:11:31, 11 September 2022 (UTC) 1626:Knowledge:No original research 1361:08:14, 11 September 2008 (UTC) 1179:21:05, 10 September 2007 (UTC) 1: 2657:C-Class World War II articles 2627:All WikiProject Ireland pages 2597:22:29, 19 November 2022 (UTC) 1726:18:07, 27 February 2011 (UTC) 1711:12:44, 17 February 2011 (UTC) 1662:00:48, 17 February 2011 (UTC) 1609:14:12, 16 February 2011 (UTC) 1527:by an interned merchant ship. 1450:17:47, 18 December 2009 (UTC) 1427:17:59, 18 December 2009 (UTC) 1413:12:43, 28 December 2008 (UTC) 1207:00:52, 22 December 2007 (UTC) 1135:19:34, 18 December 2009 (UTC) 143:Knowledge:WikiProject Ireland 137:and see a list of open tasks. 2612:Start-Class Ireland articles 2261:07:59, 20 January 2016 (UTC) 2155:17:09, 2 November 2013 (UTC) 1819:20:17, 5 February 2018 (UTC) 1781:20:48, 4 February 2018 (UTC) 1766:18:50, 4 February 2018 (UTC) 1381:13:51, 17 October 2008 (UTC) 690:after posting the above.) -- 229:Military history WikiProject 146:Template:WikiProject Ireland 30:on 26/5/2007. The result of 2348:08:38, 2 January 2017 (UTC) 1586:15:25, 18 August 2010 (UTC) 1565:13:56, 18 August 2010 (UTC) 1537:09:53, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1513:09:23, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1499:09:05, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1470:09:05, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1162:22:17, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 1152:11:45, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 789:Tags Crowding out the Intro 2678: 2464:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2455:21:50, 14 April 2017 (UTC) 2357:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2270:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2190:|deny=InternetArchiveBot}} 2165:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2019:08:40, 26 March 2013 (UTC) 2005:22:51, 25 March 2013 (UTC) 1991:22:39, 25 March 2013 (UTC) 1976:22:08, 25 March 2013 (UTC) 1881:21:06, 20 April 2011 (UTC) 1867:18:51, 20 April 2011 (UTC) 1311:02:54, 18 March 2008 (UTC) 1293:02:43, 18 March 2008 (UTC) 1275:02:34, 18 March 2008 (UTC) 1256:02:23, 18 March 2008 (UTC) 1091:17:32, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 1071:16:23, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 1049:15:23, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 991:13:33, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 946:12:16, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 934:12:05, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 909:19:42, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 893:11:37, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 869:00:40, 9 August 2007 (UTC) 851:16:17, 7 August 2007 (UTC) 552:10:50, 26 April 2007 (UTC) 539:04:17, 26 April 2007 (UTC) 518:00:29, 20 April 2007 (UTC) 509:00:15, 20 April 2007 (UTC) 494:00:04, 20 April 2007 (UTC) 481:23:59, 19 April 2007 (UTC) 465:23:55, 19 April 2007 (UTC) 312:Referencing and citation: 169:project's importance scale 1997:Game over man, game over! 1968:Game over man, game over! 1950:10:05, 21 July 2011 (UTC) 1932:09:52, 21 July 2011 (UTC) 1917:07:58, 21 July 2011 (UTC) 1748:09:03, 21 July 2011 (UTC) 1687:09:16, 21 July 2011 (UTC) 1633:surrender unconditionally 1341:13:59, 11 June 2008 (UTC) 1232:10:08, 6 April 2011 (UTC) 588:collaborative effort, I " 434: 418: 402: 373: 265: 252:military history articles 214: 162: 95: 74: 2129:11:29, 2 June 2013 (UTC) 2113:10:49, 2 June 2013 (UTC) 2088:08:38, 2 June 2013 (UTC) 2061:23:11, 1 June 2013 (UTC) 2042:23:07, 1 June 2013 (UTC) 1896:20:30, 10 May 2011 (UTC) 1574:Behind the Green Curtain 1297:Discussion initiated at 842:(04:54, August 7, 2007) 814: 809:23:48, 2 June 2007 (UTC) 798:00:20, 28 May 2007 (UTC) 784:22:52, 27 May 2007 (UTC) 769:01:58, 27 May 2007 (UTC) 757:23:47, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 733:21:01, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 714:20:17, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 697:19:59, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 686:(Only saw discussion on 680:19:43, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 663:17:48, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 642:13:23, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 616:12:22, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 582:11:57, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 2572:00:03, 5 May 2017 (UTC) 2460:External links modified 2353:External links modified 2266:External links modified 2161:External links modified 1850:Longford and TP O'Neill 1401:The Emergency (Ireland) 1393:The Emergency (Ireland) 1281:The Emergency (Ireland) 1263:The Emergency (Ireland) 1244:The Emergency (Ireland) 568:14:40, 8 May 2007 (UTC) 436:World War II task force 378:Associated task forces: 323:Coverage and accuracy: 2139:figure is available. 1387:Emergency v Neutrality 431: 415: 399: 356:Supporting materials: 284: 56:This article is rated 430: 414: 398: 283: 2215:to let others know. 2176:. 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735: 719: 718: 717: 716: 700: 699: 683: 682: 651: 648: 647: 646: 645: 644: 625: 619: 618: 594: 593: 574: 571: 559: 556: 555: 554: 531: 528: 527: 526: 525: 524: 523: 522: 521: 520: 472: 457: 454: 451: 450: 447: 446: 443: 442: 439: 438: 433: 423: 422: 417: 407: 406: 401: 391: 390: 388: 386: 380: 379: 371: 370: 367: 366: 364: 362: 361: 360: 349: 338: 327: 316: 302: 301: 299: 286: 276: 275: 264: 258: 257: 255: 224: 212: 211: 189: 177: 176: 173: 172: 165:Mid-importance 161: 155: 154: 152: 135:the discussion 122: 121: 118:Ireland portal 105: 93: 92: 90:Mid‑importance 84: 72: 71: 65: 54: 40: 39: 32:the discussion 24: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2674: 2663: 2660: 2658: 2655: 2653: 2650: 2648: 2645: 2643: 2640: 2638: 2635: 2633: 2630: 2628: 2625: 2623: 2620: 2618: 2615: 2613: 2610: 2609: 2607: 2600: 2598: 2594: 2590: 2589: 2586: 2576: 2574: 2573: 2568: 2563: 2562: 2551: 2547: 2544: 2540: 2539: 2538: 2537: 2525: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2510: 2506: 2502: 2500: 2496: 2492: 2490: 2486: 2482: 2481: 2480: 2478: 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