

Source πŸ“

in the category of sets, where morphisms are functions, two functions may be identical as sets of ordered pairs (may have the same range), while having different codomains. The two functions are distinct from the viewpoint of category theory. Thus many authors require that the hom-classes hom(X, Y) be disjoint. In practice, this is not a problem because if this disjointness does not hold, it can be assured by appending the domain and codomain to the morphisms, (say, as the second and third components of an ordered triple).)
95: 85: 64: 31: 22: 319:). As far as I know, the majority of recent works in the subject use Hom to denote the abelian group of morphisms, and Mor for the underlying set. Maybe I'm wrong on this point, but certainly Osborne's "Basic Homological Algebra" uses this convention, Lang's "Algebra" certainly uses the Mor notation. Another common notation which is not even mentioned in the article is 1639:, i.e. it is "possible to think of the objects of the category as sets with additional structure, and of its morphisms as structure-preserving functions", but some are not. E.g. every (pre-)ordered set can be seen as a category, with the elements of the set being the objects of the category and a morphism/arrow between to objects 2200:
Your phrase "general relation between two arbitrary objects" implies that one could have a morphism from a number to morphism. This is not that you intend to say, but it is indeed confusing also a function from a set to another set preserves the empty structure. So it is not wrong to say that it is a
Thanks for the discussion, and no apology called for -- my fault for not checking back. I have gone boldly ahead to revise the intro so that it combines my suggested first sentence with the original para. I've not added your link to homomorphism, as I'm not sure where to work it in, so please do so.
I don't know much category theory, but having been given a few diagrams to chase, I've found out that monomorphisms are written as arrows with a hook (β†ͺ), epimorphisms are written with double-headed arrows (β† ), and isomorphisms are written with double arrows (β‡’). Furthermore, the algebraists who use
I can't make sense of that statement (and the sentance that follows it). In the category of sets, the codomain is going to be the set of all of the second elements of the pairs. So if two sets of ordered pairs are identical, then thier codomains are identical, (as are thier domains). So this sentance
Thanks James and Paul. I guess the issue here was that order of sentences gets in the way of exposition for us readers who don't already know the material. Within the Definition section, introducing the domain and codomain operations before introducing the domain and codomain features of a morphism
Another example of a bimorphism that is not an isomorphism: Consider the free monoid on one generator, i.e. the natural numbers with 0 under addition, as a category, in the standard way by having one object and each number corresponding to an arrow. Then every arrow is epi and mono, essentially by
merely a graphic showing which morphisms imply which others in a 'normal' context. Iso points to epi and mono, which point to surjection and injection, respectively, endo points to homomorphism (and nothing else), etc. I believe the table would be accurate, and give a feel for the interdependence
which probably don't even use the same wording in the definition. Every proposition in here that isn't trivial needs to be justified by a source. If someone doesn't explain why there aren't some I'm going to start removing non-trivial bits of information (such as the following passage: For example,
I'm thinking of scattering some pointers to this request around, unless there is a better way of accomplishing it. I also don't know how this is best accomplished in text (as above), where the use of various browsers that don't support Unicode must be taken into account. I didn't see anything in
If someone could give me examples, and functions or equivalent objects therein, of a category in which there exists a so-called 'bimorphism' which is NOT an isomorphism, by all means discuss it here. As it stands, with my undergraduate background, I see no reason why a bimorphism does not always
Reading what I wrote again I am now afraid I may have stifled the discussion (it's a knack, sorry). That was of course not my intention. There is always room for improvement, and if you believe that the lead section may be incomprehensible to the lay reader, by all means, go on and improve it. β€”
In the definition section the last paragraph give a quick blurb on how two functions on sets when viewed as functions on sets are the same, but when viewed as morphisms on a category are different (distinct). I don't understand the mechanism that it's talking about, perhaps that section could be
In a concrete category, every surjective morphism has a set-theoretic right-inverse function. But does it always have a right-inverse morphism? I know for example that this is the case in any category of algebraic objects (in the sense of universal algebra). Is it true more generally? I know
I agree, these edits must be reverted, and I'll do it. In fact the article defines automorphisms for any structure, and there is no reason to choose, as a prominent example, a very specialized structure, much less known than many much more common examples (such as topological spaces or vector
Thanks Mark for the comment that there might be two distinct meanings of "morphism" in play here, very useful. However, your comment about "synonym" doesn't seem to be describing a synonym, but rather an alternative definition. And having decided to use "map" as the relationship in your first
It is difficult to get closer to the notion of isomorphism while remaining strictly weaker than with the concept of a bimorphism -- it is not possible to have an arrow with left-inverse and right-inverse which are not the same. Indeed, any monomorphism with right inverse, and similarly any
we have an obligation to make the lead as accessible as possible. I used "map" as term somewhat less concrete than "function", but still familiar enough to someone with a little math training to give them an intuitive idea of what role a morphism plays in category theory
I think the challenge here is that there are at least two uses of the word morphism in mathematics: (1) an arrow in category theory and (2) the general concept of a structure preserving mapping. The lead has to discuss both these uses without confusing the reader. How
Does the intro sentence need to be so hedgey and ethereal-sounding? Isn't the following more straightforward statement true, or at least close enough for a good start? "In mathematics, a morphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two mathematical structures."
that suggests ways of accomplishing this. Still, I'm mostly concerned with the commutative diagrams, where I've had one of those "working mathematician disappointed by wikipedia" moments. Perhaps if I were less averse to m*thw*rld I would have found it easier.
The entire point of the notion of morphisms as "structure-preserving mappings" is to be as general as possible. While this may cause some confusion or ambiguity at first, the abundance of examples on this page should clarify the power of such a general notion.
The edit that tried to remove the paragraph, and just leave the (slightly modified) more correct paragraph beneath it, was reverted. It was reverted on grounds that it was "too vague", despite the fact that the paragraph is still on the page currently.
1657:, i.e. the morphisms are not functions, and there is no structure to preserve. The nomenclature is certainly derived from morphisms as "structure-preserving mappings between two mathematical structures" but it is more abstract and general than that. β€” 729:
A holomorphism, as opposed to a holomorphic function, generally means a holomorphic map between complex manifolds, in other words a morphism in the category of complex manifolds. Of course, a holomorphic function is just a holomorphic map to
these things consider them so standard that the usage isn't glossed in a typical article. It would be really nice if this usage (and any other ways that convey the same information) were described on the morphism page, and were used in
Better to state only those implications which are true in all categories. It is too problematic to qualify what constitutes a "normal" category. A quick glance at such at qualified implication table is likely to confuse readers. --
Given a morphism f which has domain X and codomain Y, we write fΒ : X β†’ Y. Thus a morphism is represented by an arrow from its domain to its codomain. We can also write formal statements about the domain and codomain of f, using
I am not following your line of reasoning. Your concluding sentence appears to say "The nomenclature is certainly derived from morphisms, but is more abstract and general than ". Ie: morphisms are more abstract than
The definition of "morphism" is going to be "vague" (general), since it's just an abstract mathematical object as part of the definition of another abstract mathematical object (which that paragraph below links to.
1113: 775:. It has set-theoretic right-inverse function (the logarithm), but this cannot be continuous on the whole circle, I think. If it were, then the right-inverse would be a homeomorphism onto a subset of the line? - 784:
Therefore surjectivity is weaker than split epimorphism, as the above example shows. And epimorphism is weaker than surjectivity, as the dense image example shows. Does this same heirarchy hold for injections?
is a group homomorphism mapping from one group to another. In this sense, the morphism in category theory is a useful abstraction of the universal properties that all these structure-preserving mappings
the meaning of "two operations defined on every morphism" is that there are two operations, and that each of these two can be applied to any morphism. However, if anyone knows better please correct it.
982: 331:). I might find time to hunt this question down in the next few days & see if I should change the article. Anyone with strong views on this subject, please chip in. Ben 11:05, 11 August 2006 (UTC) 1534:
respectively. The term "arrow" is simply a synonym for "morphism". It is used to emphasize the abstract nature of morphisms, as distinct from the more concrete and prototypical example of functions.
1035: 1442:
In what sense can a morphism actually BE an arrow? Surely this is confusing the concept "morphism" with the symbol used to represent it? Or is arrow written in italics some special technical term?
Isn't that the point? That the objects of a category need not be sets and the morphisms need not be maps/mappings/functions? Or perhaps I am missing some subtlety in your use of the word "map". β€”
There should be more examples on this topic that can elaborate how to find a specific function or map that is actually a morphism because every function on some objects is not a morphism e.g.
somewhere.) I still personally prefer the intro as it is currently worded. But I agree that the lead section should be as accessible as possible ("as simple as possible, but not simpler"). β€”
151: 1432:
In what sense of the word "operation" are domain and codomain "operations" on a morphism? In lay terms they are properties or characteristics or just parts of a morphism, but "operations"?
JA: No, you are confusing codomain and range. But some of these articles have been worked over in a way that encourages that confusion, so it might help to rewrite things more clearly.
In most algebraic categories, like groups, rings, vector spaces, bimorphisms are always isomorphisms. One generally needs to go to a nonalgebraic category for a counterexample. Take the
2248: 1896:
is a broadly similar idea, but somewhat more abstract: the mathematical objects involved need not be sets, and the relationship between them may be something more general than a map.
saysΒ : "In abstract algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures...". No suggestion that a homomorphism is "an abstraction derived from...".
426: 474: 2177:
The first paragraph describes a morphism as being a "structure preserving map", however, this is a completely unsourced statement, and one that I cannot find used anywhere else.
1375: 1243: 939: 1285: 1153: 1609:
In the first sentence of the intro we read: "In mathematics, a morphism is an abstraction derived from structure-preserving mappings between two mathematical structures."
examples of epics which are not surjective, but none of them are split epic. So for example, is there a continuous surjective map who has no continuous right-inverse? -
656: 592: 2238: 1337: 1311: 1207: 1180: 682: 618: 1693:
That would seem a tall order to fill. Your discussion of morphisms as functions, and the example where they are not, doesn't seem to be more abstract than "map".
2253: 496:
Damn, that was fast, thanks. One more thing: how does the addition of an implication table (limited to certain categories) at the top of the page grab folks?
imply an isomorphism, both being precisely bijective homomorphisms. The more general information on morphisms, on which I am unaware, would be helpful. -Cory
35: 2263: 141: 807:
For example, in the category of sets, where morphisms are functions, two functions may be identical as set of ordered pairs, but have different codomains.
As long as the lead section makes it clear from the start that morphisms need not be functions at all I should not protest too loudly if something like
2233: 844:." thus eminding sloppy readers such as I that range and codomain are not the same. I'll make the change if you don't like it, revert, I'm not picky. 1846:
There is no subtlety here; the idea is to give a context for the term morphism and to explain to the non-specialist reader what morphisms are. From
2243: 708: 1780:, and so on. Each structure-preserving mapping corresponds to a morphism in the associated category; for instance in the category of groups, an 1155:, and annotating the codomain is just syntactic sugar. This is a very common viewpoint. However, strictly speaking, it makes good sense to keep 2204:
Nevertheless, I agree that the previous version of the lead was very far to be optimal. For this reason, I have completely rewritten the lead.
117: 2258: 1679:
To me, for morphisms to be "an abstraction derived from structure-preserving mappings between two mathematical structures", as in the intro,
179: 231: 1040: 2049: 687:
Thus in this category, every arrow is a bimorphism, but only n = 0, the identity, has an inverse and thus only n = 0 is an isomorphism.
531: 503: 347: 260: 279: 108: 69: 289: 2228: 1551:
creates a mental hiccup. I think the section would be more helpful if presented the same info in a slightly different order:
1411: 944: 360: 987: 202:
Y, where X and Y are some mathematical objects but it is a map that brings us from (X,*) into (X',*') i.e. f:(X,*)-: -->
44: 1874:(category theory) definition, the two definitions are barely distinguished, returning to my original comment/question. 721: 1958: 1931: 1837: 1662: 2190: 183: 886: 235: 2186: 2043: 556:
More concretely, we all know from basic facts about that integers that, given any number n, it is true that
535: 507: 351: 305:
I think the article is currently incorrect in stating that the set of morphisms in a category is denoted Hom
1954: 1927: 1833: 1658: 1429:"There are two operations defined on every morphism, the domain (or source) and the codomain (or target)." 380: 1889: 1761: 1745: 1467: 264: 255:
That's incorrect. 'Morphism' is used in a more general sense than the one you describe. See the page on
882: 437: 2039: 1856: 1799: 1753: 1538: 1380: 864: 50: 94: 1777: 1342: 527: 499: 343: 285: 227: 692: 21: 1985: 1919: 1897: 1694: 1621: 1588: 1443: 1399: 1216: 911: 837: 364: 2138: 1252: 836:
Dohh. Of course. Thanks. I'll try to tweak that sentance to say "..ordered pairs, having the same
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
2209: 2160: 2018: 1989: 1901: 1769: 1698: 1625: 1592: 1447: 881:
is the right word to use here. Range and codomain are usually used as synonyms for each other. --
100: 1118: 84: 63: 1922:'s suggestion for the lead sentences is used. (We could probably work in a link to the article 2142: 1884: 1740: 1636: 1463: 524:
of all these various named morphisms, if we could qualify which categories it holds in. -Cory
necessarily a homeomorphism; the inverse map need not be continuous. Take for example the map
243: 1852: 1795: 1535: 623: 559: 1316: 1290: 2155:
spaces). However, it would be useful to quote that the automorphisms form always a group.
1815: 1718: 1395: 1185: 1158: 824: 717: 256: 1435:"If a morphism f has domain X and codomain Y, we write fΒ : X β†’ Y. Thus a morphism is an 661: 597: 1757: 786: 776: 758: 735: 371:. Any bijective continuous map is a bimorphism in this category, however such a map is 247: 2222: 2205: 2156: 2014: 1416: 1407: 368: 1923: 1765: 1617: 545: 516: 489: 1748:
to another. The notion of morphism recurs in much of contemporary mathematics. In
2071: 2053: 1819: 1722: 1685:
the map has to apply to something more abstract than mathematical structures, or
113: 2098: 1749: 1210: 845: 814: 742: 713: 293: 90: 684:; these are precisely the statements that n is mono and epi, respectively. 2060:. These additions feel somewhat out of place to me, and more specifically, 553:
the freeness assumption, however, only the identity arrow has an inverse.
2057: 1847: 1773: 841: 1115:. So if your definition of a function is actually just the graph, then 703:
Holomorphism exits? And I'm not talking about "holomorphic functions"!
2194: 1733:
is a map from one object to another. In other fields of mathematics,
1108:{\displaystyle \{(x,y):x\in \mathbb {R} ,y\in \mathbb {R} ,y\geq 0\}} 1688:
whatever the map preserves has to be more abstract than structure.
and one isn't! Therefore, an alternative definition of a function
2213: 2164: 2146: 2022: 1993: 1962: 1935: 1905: 1860: 1841: 1803: 1702: 1666: 1629: 1596: 1541: 1471: 1451: 1419: 1383: 890: 867: 848: 827: 817: 789: 779: 761: 745: 268: 187: 15: 432:
from the half-open unit interval to the unit circle given by
epimorphism with a left inverse, must be an isomorphism. --
I have slightly reworded this in the hope of clarifying. I
instead of range, this might prevent the confusion above.
1482:, there are functions (you can also call them operations) 224:
i.e sin is not a morphism of multiplication over addition.
This map is bijective and continuous, but the inverse is
My god, almost none of this is sourced save for notes in
977:{\displaystyle f_{1}\colon \mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {R} } 2062: 2034: 2008:
Disambiguation needed for structure-preserving mapping?
1030:{\displaystyle f_{2}\colon \mathbb {R} \to [0,\infty [} 904:
expanded on a little and possibly include an example?
I'm not sure what you mean by an implication table. --
This is either incorrect, or technical yet unexplained
1345: 1319: 1293: 1255: 1219: 1188: 1161: 1121: 1043: 990: 947: 914: 664: 626: 600: 562: 440: 383: 280:
For example the logarithm to any base is a morphism
112:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1682:a morphisms has to be more abstract than a map, or 1369: 1331: 1305: 1279: 1237: 1201: 1174: 1147: 1107: 1029: 976: 933: 676: 650: 612: 586: 468: 420: 335:Example of a bimorphism which is not a isomorphism 488:is then a bimorphism but not an isomorphism. -- 2249:Knowledge level-5 vital articles in Mathematics 1715: 484:continuous (it cuts the circle apart). The map 275:Demonstrate a morphism that isn't a function = 1037:. Both functions have the same graph, namely 246:, if you know the information, contributeΒ :) 8: 1102: 1044: 1635:It really is abstract. Many categories are 1877:How about: In many fields of mathematics, 209:where * and *' are two binary operations. 58: 2173:"Structure persevering map": No it's not. 1344: 1318: 1292: 1254: 1218: 1193: 1187: 1166: 1160: 1139: 1126: 1120: 1086: 1085: 1072: 1071: 1042: 1005: 1004: 995: 989: 970: 969: 962: 961: 952: 946: 925: 913: 663: 625: 599: 561: 451: 439: 412: 382: 2239:Knowledge vital articles in Mathematics 60: 19: 421:{\displaystyle f\colon [0,1)\to S^{1}} 2254:C-Class vital articles in Mathematics 1830:is a map from one object to another." 7: 469:{\displaystyle x\mapsto e^{2\pi ix}} 203:(X',*') is a morphism in sense that 201:Morphism is not just a map f:X-: --> 106:This article is within the scope of 1892:to another.... In category theory, 1498:)) which associates each morphism 49:It is of interest to the following 2264:High-priority mathematics articles 1439:from its domain to its codomain." 1364: 1271: 1021: 14: 2137:looks like a paste error to me. β€” 1490:on the class of all morphisms of 126:Knowledge:WikiProject Mathematics 2234:Knowledge level-5 vital articles 2058:Morphism#Some specific morphisms 1737:is also used as a synonym for a 1370:{\displaystyle (a,b)\in \Gamma } 908:Answer: Consider the assignment 129:Template:WikiProject Mathematics 93: 83: 62: 29: 20: 802:The definition section states: 752:split epimorphism = surjection? 146:This article has been rated as 2244:C-Class level-5 vital articles 2032:I am not sure what to do with 1412:Knowledge:Mathematical_symbols 1358: 1346: 1274: 1256: 1238:{\displaystyle f\colon A\to B} 1229: 1209:separate -- after all, one is 1059: 1047: 1024: 1012: 1009: 966: 934:{\displaystyle x\mapsto x^{2}} 918: 444: 405: 402: 390: 361:category of topological spaces 294:09:02, 29 September 2015 (UTC) 1: 2023:20:30, 11 November 2014 (UTC) 1906:23:14, 28 February 2013 (UTC) 1861:18:05, 28 February 2013 (UTC) 1848:MOS:MATH#Article introduction 1842:14:37, 28 February 2013 (UTC) 1804:23:31, 27 February 2013 (UTC) 1703:22:49, 27 February 2013 (UTC) 1667:10:51, 27 February 2013 (UTC) 1630:09:53, 27 February 2013 (UTC) 1597:22:19, 14 December 2009 (UTC) 1542:19:20, 14 December 2009 (UTC) 1472:14:46, 14 December 2009 (UTC) 1452:18:22, 12 December 2009 (UTC) 1389:Request for arrow decorations 1280:{\displaystyle (A,B,\Gamma )} 269:03:40, 22 February 2009 (UTC) 120:and see a list of open tasks. 2259:C-Class mathematics articles 746:13:34, 5 December 2005 (UTC) 741:Hhmmm very nice. Thanks! =) 738:01:22, 5 December 2005 (UTC) 274: 221:sin(x*y)Β != sin(x) + sin(y) 188:11:46, 3 November 2011 (UTC) 2052:) that introduced the term 1148:{\displaystyle f_{1}=f_{2}} 2280: 1994:22:12, 12 March 2013 (UTC) 1384:20:29, 17 April 2007 (UTC) 868:20:34, 17 April 2007 (UTC) 859:I suggest to use the term 798:Something seems wrong here 790:11:21, 25 March 2006 (UTC) 780:11:08, 25 March 2006 (UTC) 767:Ah, probably the map exp: 762:11:05, 25 March 2006 (UTC) 301:The problem of terminology 238:) 05:44, 30 September 2003 2214:14:26, 12 June 2024 (UTC) 2201:structure-preserving map. 2195:11:36, 12 June 2024 (UTC) 1963:13:16, 4 March 2013 (UTC) 1936:08:03, 1 March 2013 (UTC) 984:, and then as a function 849:23:04, 29 June 2006 (UTC) 828:02:34, 29 June 2006 (UTC) 818:23:24, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 813:sure seems wrong to me. 695:11:41, 18 Sep 2009 (UTC) 367:and the isomorphisms are 363:. Here the morphisms are 145: 78: 57: 2066:that appended the words 1605:Just how abstract is it? 1420:13:51, 22 May 2007 (UTC) 891:13:39, 2 July 2012 (UTC) 548:22:14, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 519:21:18, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 492:20:52, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 250:05:50, 30 Sep 2003 (UTC) 215:log(x*y)=log(x)+log(y). 152:project's priority scale 2165:17:46, 4 May 2016 (UTC) 2147:09:56, 4 May 2016 (UTC) 651:{\displaystyle x+n=y+n} 587:{\displaystyle n+x=n+y} 109:WikiProject Mathematics 2229:C-Class vital articles 1890:mathematical structure 1791: 1762:linear transformations 1746:mathematical structure 1371: 1333: 1332:{\displaystyle b\in B} 1313:there exists a unique 1307: 1306:{\displaystyle a\in A} 1281: 1239: 1203: 1176: 1149: 1109: 1031: 978: 941:, first as a function 935: 678: 652: 614: 588: 470: 422: 1883:structure-preserving 1739:structure-preserving 1372: 1334: 1308: 1282: 1240: 1204: 1202:{\displaystyle f_{2}} 1177: 1175:{\displaystyle f_{1}} 1150: 1110: 1032: 979: 936: 679: 653: 615: 589: 538:) 21:35, 20 June 2005 510:) 20:57, 20 June 2005 471: 423: 354:) 20:30, 20 June 2005 36:level-5 vital article 2172: 1778:continuous functions 1343: 1317: 1291: 1253: 1217: 1186: 1159: 1119: 1041: 988: 945: 912: 711:comment was added by 662: 624: 598: 560: 438: 381: 365:continuous functions 206:f(x*y)=(fx) *' f(y) 132:mathematics articles 1770:group homomorphisms 1400:Commutative diagram 838:range (mathematics) 677:{\displaystyle x=y} 613:{\displaystyle x=y} 1510:with its domain, 1367: 1329: 1303: 1287:so that for every 1277: 1235: 1199: 1172: 1145: 1105: 1027: 974: 931: 674: 648: 610: 584: 466: 418: 101:Mathematics portal 45:content assessment 2187:Blaabaersyltetoey 2056:into the section 1784:is a group and a 1616:I note that page 1587:Hope that helps. 1478:For any category 725: 530:comment added by 502:comment added by 346:comment added by 297: 230:comment added by 166: 165: 162: 161: 158: 157: 2271: 2077:to the sentence 2065: 2037: 1955:Tobias Bergemann 1928:Tobias Bergemann 1834:Tobias 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11:46, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
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03:40, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
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