
Talk:Marketing/Archive 1

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templates (or whatever else you / your business associates are selling through by getting free advertising and free Internet traffic through Knowledge. Also, the Blackblot article will be placed as an Article for Deletion (AFD), since there is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST on that as well... This is a clear case of CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and affects the neutrality of content for this article. Moreover, this is a shameless promotion of your business / website, without having to pay advertising money on the Internet. Please desist from SPAMMING, else your will be blacklisted on WIKIMEDIA, and you will lose any advantage you might currently have on Viral Marketing throughout the WWW. Further, what has been typed here might show up on Google and other searches when BLACKBLOT is searched, and BLACKBLOT will get a lot of negative publicity. Please stop adding SPAM links to; else it will be removed again by me and other readers, who are trying to keep Knowledge clean
1153:) who gets to impose on a society what he feels are in his/her best interests. Rather, marketing in a capitalist system helps people because they are the ones who are given the power to determine what is good, evil, right, or wrong. If someone's marketing tactics are hurting society, at least the society gets a chance to figure it out and put a stop to it. That is what is good for the well-being of every society, and will prevent abuses in more critical areas.... such as investment banking. Its kind of funny how politics is such a good manifestation of exactly this. Now somebody please get this page in order, it truly is atrocious and one of the weaker articles in the whole of wikipedia (including all of the millions of languages this site is in). 971:
promotion. Ask yourself. Who do you sell to (what is your market) when do you sell it, how do we sell it and what is the market price for our product (or service). Placement is also confusing because we think of it as where is our product placed but more importanly it involves logistics which then effects price. Marketing is paramount to any modern day product or service and must be looked at not only with marketing professionals but also indepth research professionals also. Research is the key to the plan and implementation of a product being 'marketed' and so producing revenue and profit. Steven Carmichael part of carmichael consultancy integrates and forms new models in marketing, its benefits within both. to continue
example being those which induce consumers to buy by agitating them (e.g. the suggestion that your breath will reek if you don't chew Extra). Bearing in mind the saturation (billboards, tv, radio etc) that can be bought by producers with sufficient capital, I repeat that it is unreasonable to say categorically that marketing is ethically neutral or even merely amoral. As evidenced by the talk page for that article, the charge of immorality is often levelled at evangelism - for similar reasons IMO. Trampling on consumers' self-image or beliefs (e.g. by negatively portraying mullets and bogans, or conversely metrosexuals) is not dissimilar from trampling on natives' faith.
624:. I would like to see that on google finance, where I think they have inaccurately labeled advertising as an industry and I can't seem to find marketing. Marketing = advertising + service of creative professionals + research + etc. Wow, I think marketing might actually be too vague to be a sector!!! Maybe this marketing page should ultimately be named the marketing sector/industry and then people could build subpages off of it. It would allow people to get down into the knitty-gritty aspects of the constant evolution of marketing so that student like me aren't going to come out of university with knowledge of an industry that became obsolete by the time I took my final. 425:
marketing does too. It's continuous innovation, not dynamic. It is still the same, we are just adding little bits here and there to make people talk and ultimately want. Old marketing would surely suffice as a general need, but the want lies in the aspiration of getting another 5% of the market, so we pay big pucks for the new ideas that crazy kids like me could possibly come up with. Could there really actually be more than 4 p's or more likely could the excess p's be categorized into an existing p. Couldn't price really rather fit under promotion -
1113:"a fair deal" is subjective, but it is still "fair" if I have the ability to pay and believe the price is reasonable (even though it may not be the best price or as cheap as i would like it). It is unfair if i do not have the economic power to pay AND its something i require. However, then its not actually the value-pricing principle as I'm not willing to pay it, i just have to, and there is no value. That's more like monopoly pricing. So this statement is reasonably accurate. 280:
from the first paragraph what exactly was wrong with the definition given in the first sentence; that definition seemed to express the concept of marketing quite ably. Why not express it as such, instead of alienating the common reader with marketing semantics? If it is an oversimplification, the nuances should be worked out in the body of the article, not the first paragraph! Please simplify the first paragraph for us!
220:. The prospect has to act on their acceptance of your proposition by doing whatever it is you want them to do. Generally, this might be making one or more purchases (be sure your marketing strategy includes opportunities for buyers to evangelize their positive purchasing experiences to others). It may also be picking up a phone or responding to a direct mail offer or fundraising effort or petition drive. 68:
is a root page for the whole topic of marketing, I put all of the marketing articles links on that page. As for the order, you are quite right, I could spend some time putting them in alphebetical order or order of importance, but I donnt have time for that yet. I figure I have about another hundred articles to write to get this encyclopedia up to a level that it ussable for university undergrads
systems of marketing emerged around 1900, about the same time that Northwestern University established its marketing department. The above commenter is correct in saying that modern marketing has a different scale and scope. However, the basic principles are essentially the same, whether you're dealing with Babylonian traders or IBM execs. You might be interested in the
product or service. It is BLINDINGLY obvious that if that is one approach, the converse - whereby a company aims to maximise profitability by creating demand for a pre-existing product or service - not only exists, but is no less "marketing" than the other; the product-focused approach is at the opposite end of that spectrum that constitutes the field of marketing.
increasingly, mathematics. Also measurements used in product positioning and awareness levels seem to make more use of science than art. But art comes in when creativity is required: innovation, re-positioning, promotion, selling, and so on. But then again, these often make immense use of ontology and epistomology as well as psychology. Back to sqaure one? :-)
community makes it inappropriate for the general Marketing article. Simply, the new concept is not notable enough, and it's theoretical and practical significance is yet to be determined. Given the fact that a) nobody has provided any valid reasons for its inclusions for almost half a year, and b) it's a possible self-promotion I've been quite
the place for one of many anon writers to talk about what they think the field "needs", this is self-evidently PoV. Way too much language in this article that assumes a 'we' (marketers), and makes entirely subjective judgments about what "we need", etc. Someone please, put this damned thing out of its misery and rewrite.
210:. You must use the tools of copy, design, social networks, psychology and repetition to get the intended audience to accept that your solution is the best one to take. This acceptance must take place despite the fact that your solution is just one of many options available in an increasingly saturated marketplace. 1163:
people out there who need and want to rape, murder, and pillage. Just because someone needs or wants something doesn't mean it is automatically morally acceptable to satisfy that need or want, especially if the marketing stimulated that demand in the first place. 18 March 2008
The article starts with an outdated definition of the term 'Marketing' which is nowadays too narrow. Marketing these days encompasses a large no of activities in order to support sales and improve manufacturing and face worldwide competition. It is no longer an activity performed to communicate value
is a perhaps one of the most-quoted marketers. Maybe his definition would be appropriate? “the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and quantifies the
Sad to say: all articles in the "marketing" category absolutely stink !! I have seldom read such crap and I have given up tryig to fix them as it would mean rewriting everything. Simple concepts are described with such pseudo-complexity, all utility is lost. There is so much overlap between articles,
These two are not the same, as implied in the first sentence under the table of contents. See for instance: Homburg, Workman and Jensen, Fundamental Changes in Marketing Organization: The Movement Toward a Customer-Focused Organizational Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2000.
I would extend Pandacrack and Mkellerandco's points and say that many marketers believe their role is not to encourage but to inform and communicate the value of an offering or idea. While many marketers do, in fact, see their role as 'persuader', this is a misapplication of the disciplines involved
Moreover, as my fellow critic so astutely pointed out - this "definition" rules out even the possibility of marketing having a role in creating demand. The article goes on to say that a customer-focused company (i.e. a customer-focused approach to marketing) first determines needs and then provides a
I think that this is an almost meaningless definition that borders on tautological. If you don't believe me, say it aloud: "Marketing is the process that satisfies customers' wants". Oh, that process! I love that process! Yep, whenever I have a craving for anything I reach straight for the marketing.
Marketing also helps companies avoid unnecessary R&D, operational and sales costs by helping to develop products because customers want them, not for the sake of innovation. Another success is the now commonly implemented value-pricing principle, whereby a product or service is sold for the price
Ok, this article is still in bad shape and is becoming more muddled with each revision. It now ends with: "Contrary to Brown’s suggestion in his final paragraph (p. 257), we need objectivity, rigour, quantification, models, relationships, paradigm shifts and (some application of) science". This isn't
May I suggest that somewhere along the way, the focal point moved, and most of the pages on Marketing are wrong? I guess I just did! Consider the most excellent analogy of Dr. Eli Goldratt: "If selling were the same as shooting sitting ducks while they ate corn by the side of a lake, then advertising
I was referring specifically to this page. What I suggest is that you try (when you have time) and categorise the links into groups corresponding to major topics and build a hierachical tree, if you can. As to the number of links and articles, I agree that there will be quite a lot of articles, but
in its first sentence and explains to the reader that marketing is "a process for creating, delivering, communicating, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, partners, clients, and society in general". I'm sure this is a great and nuanced definition if you work in marketing and know
Absolutely agree. The whole topic of marketing lacks any framework, concept. I guess this is because Wiki by its substance is beeing built botom-up, from individual thoughts, pieces to the intended whole, but there is no concept giving the pieces any order and standard. I don§t mean Wiki as a system
Marketing is very much a contentious issue. However, while there exist many different approaches to effective marketing there are several, very much, generally accepted principles within the generalization of marketing that this wikiarticle is supposed about. Please refrain from changing the page to
Thanks for your answers, guys. I think all of the above answers are correct. I personally tend to believe that marketing is both an art and a science as it is such a broad discipline. The scientific factors would include systematic marketing research which is often based on psychology, sociology and
There are just a couple of things (off the top of my head) that I'd like to see addressed with this article. Firstly one could mention Marketing as an industry (ie The Marketing Industry), and if there is already such an article could someone point me in the direction thereof? Also if this were to
The 4Ps (along with 3Cs) are still taught at the University of Chicago GSB and every other major business school, so I think it's safe to include in this article. I'm not sure what makes you think it's outdated - it's a useful framework to think about marketing, although it's not the end-all-be-all.
I know very little about Marketing, so you can consider me the "average Knowledge reader". I have read over the first paragraph several times and still have no idea what it says. The first sentence needs to be concise so we can have some concept of what you are talking about. I did not understand
with analysis as a prolog. What bothers me about the process as described is what it leaves out. It does not give adequate attention to core marketing concepts like pricing, strategy formation, distribution, research, product management, product development, customer loyalty/relationship management,
Ever since trade and barter emerged, people have been trying to meet the needs of markets. You don't need capitalism to have marketing...ancient tavern owners put up signs, ran promotions, made product decisions, set prices, kept a watch on competitors, and vied for the best locations. But elaborate
In the evolution of human society, doesn't marketing come far earlier than capitalism, namely as soon as items are produced for trade outside the local family or village? Capitalism implies the separation of labor and capital. The typical example of early marketing would be bringing your eggs to the
The explanation in the history page is that it is not marketing, but is there any marketing scholar or textbook that says they are not marketing? i'm referring to the green marketing, marketing communications, etc. sections. I'm sure that in most marketing classes at undergrad and postgrad level,
Did you then write this: "The purpose for market segmentation is conducted for two main issues.". 'Cos I have absolutely no idea what the sentence means, so perhaps someone could write it in English, or explain what they're trying to say, and I'll translate itinto English (my profession anyway, but
The original Four Ps represent the marketing decisions that need to always be made. It is an accounting of actions rather than a conceptual structure of the market. As such, it is not a description of strategic position. It is also different that the concept of marketing mix which deals with the
Charging your customers for more than it costs is not a fair price, its taking advantage of the limited knowledge of your costumers and the availability of your product in the (local) store. Costumers should never be charged more, unless they get something in return (better quality or investment in
I have seen people making controversy between no of P's.We should always quote who has said them.Its a fact that in broad term we acknowledge 4P's only. However, some Writers prefer Packaging as 5th P and services counts 7P's,The number increases to 15 in Banking !!!.Always quote the sources too.No
Any comments? Whatever the decision is, I can't see any other way to improve the article than to abandon the old one completely and start from a scratch with a guiding structure. What comes to the criticism, it doesn't actually fit the article very well: most of the criticism isn't actually against
marketing. The last paragraph of this article as I write: "Marketing is not full of holes, but a management process that has helped generate wealth and satisfied millions of customers for the most part of the 20th century. It can do even better in the 21st provided practitioners and scholars do not
And as to the marketing mix; it is JUST a framwork for developing marketing offers. It's provided as a way of thinking that makes you more rigourous in defining your market offer. Consider it as a checklist when making up your next campaign. It is not a very strategic model, whereas marketing is
We still talk about the 4Ps, but only as one part (configuration of offer) of a larger overall marketing process. Even then, it's not a very comprehensive model for configuration of an offer, as shown by the many attempts to expand it to 7/8 Ps. I'm not saying it shouldn't be included, I just think
This analogy suggests that the 4Ps should be used to define the market. Not promote or advertise to a given market. For example, the "price" P, is used to define a market boundary or segment. If there are people willing to pay ten dollars ($ 10.00USD) for a headset, that suggests a different market
And why isn't a product useful just because there are similar products in the marketplace? To begin with, the additional product increases competition thereby lowering market price. And a distinction must be made between insufficient demand and usefulness. The two are not necessarily the same. - -
The criteria Ive used in chosing what see also links to use are the links must be closely related to the article topic and should be useful for further navigation. I ask myself what might I be interested in viewing after reading this article. The one exception is the root marketing page. Because it
The first official definition of marketing was adopted in 1935 by the National Association of Marketing Teachers, a predecessor of the AMA. It was adopted by the AMA in 1948, and again in 1960 when the AMA revisited the definition and decided not to change it. This original definition stood for 50
I'm new to Knowledge and am not certain that some of the links I added may be considered spam. I don't think they are, but if so, I would really appreciate someone explaining what I've done wrong so I can delete the links. I only added links because I thought the articles and books listed provided
This article should be referenced under a new article I propose should be written "Criticisms of freedom of speech". It is truly atrocious, and seems like an excerpt from "The Marketeers guide to the criticisms of marketing" (which I am sure must exist somewhere). Unfortunately there are too many
As a Marketing undergrad, we have been taught that yes, the 4Ps model is outdated. The 4 Ps are taught as the four main marketing communication tools. The more comprehensive description of marketing we are given is the Value Planning Model. Marketers UNDERSTAND (market research, segmentation etc),
The Apple Jacks move is actually a product decision, not a promotional tactic. In adding X-shaped pieces to the cereal, the company has altered the product offering, not the promotions. However, to increase consumer awareness and sales, this product change may be combined with promotions (PR, ads,
This paragraph dosn't make any sense. There are a lot of non-marketing reasons why useful products fail in the market (example - insufficient funds, incompetent management, hiring, and training, timing problems in production, poor management coordination, insufficient demand for a useful product).
The whole issue here is evident from the beginning when the definition of marketing does not address one of the most important aspects of marketing: _Creating_ demand. That is arguably the morally problematic aspect of marketing. Not figuring out what people want, producing it, and then informing
1422:"Most marketers believe that marketing techniques themselves are amoral. While it is ethically neutral, it can be used for negative purposes, such as selling unhealthy food to obese people or selling SUVs in a time of global warming, but it can also have a positive influence on consumer welfare." 1375:
Spinacia, you have admitted elsewhere that you are associated with You also created a Knowledge article on blackblot. So, you can't insert links to This is a clear case of conflict of interst. What you are doing is self-promotion to sell more of Blackblot's PMTK
I have worked for a few years supporting the education of a couple of undergraduate marketing courses, and I'm currently writing my MSc. thesis on a topic related closely to this issue. I have never heard of Ms. Mootee's 4Ps extension, thus I support highly the removal of that part. Altogether, I
In my humble opinion the 4p's are an archaic clichĂŠ that has survived because it is so easy to remember. It has no fundamental value as the base of marketing whatsoever. I advise the specialist to rework it so that it isnt the first thing people learn when they discover the concept marketing. Its
I'm just passing by this article, but I have to agree that the definition used at the beginning of this article is almost completely meaningless. It's laden with jargon and probably derives from inside the business of marketing, but would not help (for example) a middle-school student trying to
I think it is unreasonable to assert without question that marketing techniques are necessarily always ethically neutral. Even leaving aside the possibility of subliminal advertising, I think it there is a case to suggest that many standard marketing techniques amount to manipulation, an obvious
Lets please remember that the point of marketing is not to scam people. We are taught in University today that markets come first, not products. You see the need (or want) and you then create a product to satisfy that need/want. Of course, that is not to say your fear can't come true. But really
entry whcih would have an overview of marketing, and then separate entries for product marketing, brand marketing, marketing communication, word-of-mouth marketing and so on. In fact marketing, as I see, can become a whole portal. Since capitalism today rides mostly on marketing, as well as most
The (7)Ps are useful though. I am currently working in a marketing environment and even though many of you marketing grads out there are saying the Ps are outdated they are a simple & effective way of getting the uneducated to formulate an offer to an acceptable standard before taking it to
Don't kid yourself everybody, the basics of marketing remain the same, we simply are coming up with new names and ways to identify the same processes. 4p's definitely exist perhaps they are just a bit sore on the ears for someone you once encountered. Society evolves, products evolve, naturally
I agree we need a better definition than what is there now. The current definition is spam inserted by a consultant. The definitions that have the most currency are the transactional one (Bagozzi), the functional or marketing mix one (Borden), and the marketing philosophy one (Levitt, Levy, and
accepted generalizations of a subject before doing research, or the bread and butter that is wikipedia to any research topic. I would love to hear your opinion, but it really would be a more credible opinion to mention if you write a blog or publish even just one single article as a dissenting
The original definition is more precise (and, might I add, elegant). It's not a tautology, and your argument about "reaching for marking" is flawed. If you have a need for food, and I provide you with the food, then I satisfied your want. You didn't reach for me; you reached for the food.
The problem, Pandacrack, is that your definition is not accurate because it completely discounts the "outside in" aspect of marketing. That is, it covers the "Promotion" aspect of marketing, but nothing else.Marketing is as much a quantitative art as a qualitative one. True, it does involve
While Idris Mootee's supplement of the traditional 4P marketing mix seems interesting and thought-provoking (I too, believe that the original 4P do not address properly the marketing orientation in a Web 2.0 environment), the lack of wider embrace of the new 4Ps from the academic and business
It is marketing that has helped create value through customised products, no-questions-asked refund policies, comfortable cars, environmental attention, shopkeepers’ smile, and guaranteed delivery dates. Even some government departments address the public not as ‘the Queen’s subjects’ or ‘the
Christ, I've always loved this service but I begin to fear that the good folks at Conservapedia have a point - liberal bias indeed. Nobody is asking you to rip the article to shreds, but to define a subject narrowly so that you can claim that it is ethically irreproachable is going too far.
This new section has been added to create consistency in the article formatting. When you make adjustments to the copy in the marketing article you may reference your input by tagging your insertions. This is not a section for link spamming. Any non-relevant references will be removed.
Marketing is and has been confused with advertising. The man or lady that serves us at Say a famous burger company is infact marketing their product their demmeneur and personality count also. In order to market a product we must first include the 4 p's. This being Product, Place, Price and
involves research to discover how the product/service should be made to meet the consumer's needs. When a marketing firm does a survey, it isn't trying to convince consumers to buy its products/service. Rather, it is determining what specifications need to go into the engineering of the
Marketing is neither Advertising nor Selling,however the two are essential ingredients of Marketing.Selling concept of marketing has become old and obsolete,presently we have taken social aspect of marketing, known as Societal Concept--marketing is no more restricted to the abovesaid two
The Oxford definition is very narrow and doesn't reflect the wide range of disciplines in the profession. I think those that teach marketing would argue that it encompasses new product development, experiences (events), marketing research, informatics, packaging, social media, and other
people so that they will buy it from me, but manipulating people so that they want something I can make. This is not just advertizing and not marketing. Part of marketing research is figuring out which kinds of things people don't "know they want" but might be manipulated into wanting.
This is a largely irrelevant discussion, as its ultimately subjective. It could also be considered a vocation or a craft, in the same way that Sculpture is a Craft (and an art). This level of semantic discussion distracts from nailing the core questions of what marketing does, and how.
in marketing. "Encouraging" and "Persuading" are more the role of the sales arm of the enterprise-- and in modern times rarely effective in the long term unless they aid the customer. Sales and marketing often get confused as does the understanding of the role of marketing itself.
Saying that academic questions are not of concern appears to be quite a POV (i.e. the non-academic one). Perhaps the 1963 article in Harvard Business Review might help answering this question as well as acknowleding that the academic marketing community struggled with it at first as
Kotler). You mentioned the 1985 AMA definition which is a blend of Bagozzi and Borden. The relationship marketing definition is also starting to become popular. Maybe we should give a description of all these definitions (Would that be too detailed for the average Knowledge reader?).
marketing is mainly used to benefit society. For instance, somebody comes up with a way to cure cancer.... but nobody knows about it yet. I mean, shoot I could right a thesis on this very issue. Just remember that by regulating marketing you are always giving someone the upper hand (
8. Product Pricing and Pricing Management 9. Physical Evidence in Marketing Process 10. People in Marketing 11. Industrial Marketing 12. Rural Marketing 13. Marketing Strategies 14. Test Marketing 15. Product Launch 16. Niche Marketing 17. International Marketing/ Global Marketing
I'm inclined to think that nearly the whole article above the table of contents should be rewritten. It is neither general nor specific enough to be a good introduction. It ought to illustrate principles; instead it describes one approach. It's buzzwordish and unhelpfully vague.
You're right. Marketing exists as soon as you have markets -- it's the process of the supplier using those markets and working out the best way to do so. However, modern marketing is a very different affair; not so much because of its methods, but because of its scale and
I have to say that this entire article needs a major revision, however the marketing communications section is standing out to me right now - it makes no logical sense and covers a minute aspect of communications. I think this would be a good place to start revising...
Marketing includes both selling and promoting. Marketing has derived from the term Market. Market is a place where goods and/or services are sold upon promoting them. So, marketing is the process of developing a market place for the products and/or services to be sold.
Are we going to include every Bob, Dick and Harry's version of the 4P's, or is Idris Mootee special? The section reads like an advertisement for Idris Mootee, and his version of the 4P's are by no means known, accepted or regarded, highly or otherwise. - Nonamebut IP
Therefore, it is my argument that somewhere along the way, over the last fifty or so years, someone ran off with the real definition of marketing. Which was and should be, all about defining a segment of a population in order to sell one's goods and/or services.
Marketing tactics can certainly be applied in nefarious (dishonest) or annoying (disruptive) ways, but when they are, they are rarely effective. I would agree with earlier comments that the definition needs to be simplified and this article edited to be more
Have suggestions? Ideas? Concerns? Comments about style or information? Please write them below (or if they're already above I'll take them into account). Revamp coming in a week or so (hopefully) so please give thoughts now in week before July 2011,
kind of careers. I understand Marketing well, having earned an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, a top-five business school, in the past. However, I am open to a discussion as long as the content I have created for the benefit of others in the
The 4Ps of marketing have been the concensus on marketing from the 50ies, and for example the American Marketing Association included it in their last definition from 1985. However last year this definition has been updated to reflect new views. See:
190:. Time needs to be earmarked to determine the drivers, emotional and logical needs, and traditional and psycho graphic nuances of the intended audience. This step allows focus and micro-segmentation and a significant decrease in marketing cost. 1063:
An element of criticism thats not in this section is that marketing, when combined with profits create a situation where the individual interests endanger the community intrest and that is the reason why marketing should always be regulated.
Completely agree with Nonamebut IP. If Ms. Mootee is an eminent marketing expert, this section should be broken out into its own article and only linked here. If she's just someone who wrote an article or something, it should be removed.
would be the same as spreading corn for the ducks to see and come ashore to eat. Marketing would be figuring out that ducks eat corn in the first place." Goldratt goes on to ask, "How do we figure out what our targeted ducks like to eat?"
People keep adding stupid commercial marketing links here. We should either establish some kind of standard of the links we want here (for instance, only educational/acadamic links) or just drop the section all together. Anyone agree?
looking at your work it seems that some subsets of these topics might be more coherently covered in fewer, longer articles rather than many, many short ones. Just my 2c. Great work in fleshing out a topic that Knowledge is weak on!--
size of the identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and services.” Or one of these definitions of marketing:
Could the person working on the marketing articles please apply some ordering and weeding to the "see also" links? There's too many, and there in seemingly random order. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the topic to do so.
were using it in the U.S. to to gauge the size of potential markets, "test market" products prior to nationwide introduction, and to monitor sales with statistical sampling to speed up companies' ability to react to trends.
to a given time period either comes down to bad marketing, no marketing at all or to too much competition (technically speaking though if there is so much competition for this product etc. it can't be described as useful).
From what I understand I am free to edit the article to this effect, so I give due notice of my intention to do so (as soon as I figure out how) unless the author or anyone else can offer rational argument to the contrary.
sub-disciplines/functions -- are all part of the contemporary definition or functions of marketing. In fact, "promotion" is typically seen as one of the so-called 4-P's of the marketing mix (tactics...others define 8-Ps).
An IP tried to add "of promoting a product" into the sentence and got reverted; I replaced the whole line with "Marketing is the act of promoting and selling products or services." and got reverted, so I guess that's
multiple channels of promotion. The Four Ps is a straightforward but powerful concept and should not be diluted with the increasing number of items or randomly changing them, which do not relate to required actions.
Marketing is an industry. Perhaps it is a bit vague of an industry. So we could then use the vagueness to label it a sector? I mean it kind of is somewhere between tangibility and intangibility, a quasi service-good.
If you were taught it in undergraduate marketing studies, then it probably belongs on the page. Otherwise, make a separate article, or see the section above...even if you aren't, or don't think you are, a vandal.
837:"refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge humans have gained by such research." Science need not be restricted to natural phenomena. 794:
No, marketing isn't an exact science, like astrophysics or genetic engineering, as it often stands on gut-feel and experienced-hunches. But, well, it is more of a science than architecture or clinical psychology.
competitor analysis, and alliances. Maybe the list could be developed into a complete description of the marketing process, but as it stands now, it only covers about a third of it. It is a better description of
1832:. It would never survive the plethora of wiki rules and attack by the assorted wiki nazis, but those five words are enough and everything else, in my view alone, and I make no claims beyond that, is bullshit. -- 868:
Agreed, it doesn't add anything to the article. That marketing involves research and analysis, creativity, talent and applied psychology is good to know, but discussing "Science or Art?" is fairly pointless.
I agree with your assessment. There is no overall structure to the article. Much of the material in the first sections either do not belong in this article or should be placed in a more appropriate section.
I concur wholeheartedly with the post above. On closer perusal I am much less convinced that it's "a very good article" - I must admit that I presumed it would be well researched primarily from its length.
other facets of modern life (i.e. politics, religion etc.), it readily merits a portal. Why start merging articles, when we need to create more, splinterized and synchronized at the same time. Any takers? (
That is much more meaningful and potentially helpful. If this article has any actual editors working on it, it would be good if they could find a more accessible wording for the article's introduction.
applicants’ any more but as ‘customers’. Of course all of the above is done for economic or political gain, for better or worse. Despite all this achievement, to dismiss marketing as a failure is unfair.
packaging). That being said, the Apple Jacks product change is not really significant enough to include in the Marketing article. It may be appropriate to include in the Apple Jacks article, though.--
I have added more content like creation of hot-sheets, beat-sheets, cheat-sheets, data-sheets, white-papers, case-studies, and how they help high-tech companies market their products. (Sam 3/7/06)
Presumably, it should read "The purpose for which market segmentation is conducted is for two main issues". A simpler sentence would be "Market segmentation is conducted for two main purposes."
In my opinion, product marketing should remain its own article because all of the other members of the "Four P's" have their own articles (pricing, placement, and production). (Carolyn 4/30/06)
433:. Maybe in some cases yes, but in others no. I guess that depends on how well your marketing firm understands economics and the role it has always, though often mysteriously, played in history. 1806:
I agree this article is a mess. Too many topics without a clear focus. I introduced the "Concept of Marketing" section. I will continue to expand on it and gradually do a better cleanup.
Is it really necessary to edit out a correct US spelling ("organizations") and replace with the UK version ("organisations")? How does that make the article more accurate or encyclopedic?
Merging is a bad idea. Companies have product marketing managers and marketing communications managers. They do to distinct jobs. This article helps to make that clear. (JES, 1/19/2006)
ps - i also think the top level list shown in this section should be implemented as subcategories of Category:Marketing to provide quick and painless cross referencing within subjects.
Investigating current markets, finding out who your target audience is and extracting information from it is a science. Branding and persuading people they want your product overlaps
Maybe the 4Ps or the so-called marketing management view about marketing should be in its own article, and the main marketing chapter should just include different definitions? -- Mes
2. Secondly, two parties are involved in the market BUYERS & SELLERS, these terminologies are more easy to comprehend unlike customer or client or potential customer etc.
The entire part about Stephen Brown is very unclear for me. Also this part of the article needs more structure (maybe even remove this part, what is it doing there anyway?).
it's unheard of. Eg: why on earth would we need separate articles for "advertising" and for "promotion" ??? Beats me. I say: nuke all of them and start afresh. Thoughts ?
the very first sentence is horrible "delivering value" "stakeholders" just because an article is about marketing does not mean it has to be expressed in management babble.
There are WAY too many lists here. Some sections should not be lists, where content should be explained rather than just listed. Feel free to help expand these sections. --
I don't see this as an improvement. Marketing isn't something buyers do. "Customers" is common english. "In the market" is business jargon. "Is the process" is redundant
Having quickly typed "define:marketing" into my beloved google, I cannot find any web definition of marketing that even remotely resembles that proposed by the article;
Anyway here is the bottom line. This page needs a total rewrite and the focus on the Marketing mix/Ps should be shunted over to the marketing mix page. Any volunteers?--
1390:-- Get real: Knowledge is/ will be just as commercially driven as the rest of the net/ world. Folks who want to keep commercial business out of here are dreaming !! 711:
I work as a strategic planner for an advertising agency, and I live with marketing through intricate nuances everyday. I think the best idea could be that we have a
2358:- can we work towards a first sentence that's clear to a layman who doesn't appreciate what it means to be "exchanging offerings that have value for customers"? -- 2167:
they are taught as aspects of marketing, and are readily employed by marketing firms. This is an encyclopedia, so the article should be as detailed as possible.
town market. Or is that sort of early marketing any different from the kind of marketing that comes with the industrial revolution (and thus capitalism)? --Anon
article that the reason the green pieces are now X-shaped is a marketing promotion. Where in the promotion heading of the list at this article does it belong??
1. Lead sentence should mention about the "Market" before going onto marketing as it is sub-topic. This will help in making the concept clear about marketing.
by that comment (which has pretty good rules and guides) but some of more complex topics, as e.g. marketing is. I will try to suggest a framework here soon.
a. Mass Communication b. Role of Media in Advertisement and Media Planning c. Branding d. Sales Promotion e. Integrated Marketing Communication (I.M.C.)
Nonetheless, I was the one that recognized your want, produced the thing that satisfied it, and convinced you that it would satisfy you. That's marketing.--
will find value in it. I am writing from Silicon Valley, where I have built a career in Product Marketing, as opposed to other marketing disciplines such as
blogspot up to the top hits on google.... if you really want to. And, I will be able to find your blog or article just south of the selection.
1. Marketing Research. 2. Market Planning 3. Product Development / New Product Development 4. Product Planning 5. Production Planning 6. Sales Management
Following world War II, the rapidly expanding markets prompted the widespread use of market research. By the 1950s market research specialists such as
a. Distribution Management b. Supply Chain Management c. Direct Selling d. Retail Management e. Supply Chain Management f. Sales Force Management
An irrelevant question, for sure. Only of academic interest, if at all as it depends on the definitions of art and of science in the first place...
200:. Once you've identified who the core prospect for your products or services is, creative efforts must be taken to get and maintain their attention. 1091: 345: 785:
I think that depends on how you define science. If you mean science as in something that requires study and method, then yes, it's a science. --
Marketing is a set of all umbrella activities that are aimed at enhancing the customer satisfaction. This may include following different set.
All the above answers may be correct, but a statement currently in the article is not: "Marketing can be neither an art nor a science because
1915: 1448: 1397: 1095: 671:. I am still in the process of building this article out for the benefit of MBA students and others, who are attracted to Silicon Valley for 1735:
Needs to be changed. I'd say it's a market oriented approach that's the more traditional one and as such described in this wikipedia page.
1537: 1473: 1339:
added section:The Different Schools, Theories, Practices and Views of Marketing - welcome comments, discussion or improvements - thanks. --
the roof-concept of marketing but to subtopics like promotion, segmentation, etc. and I would rather see the critique on these subpages. --
2323: 2029: 1982: 1571: 1377: 928: 960:
As of 5-Apr-06, this article seems to quote the 1985 AMA definition of marketing rather than the current (2004) definition ??? --Anon.
2174: 2122: 1932: 1748: 357: 129:
They do this make product etc. the kind of thing to be used by social, sexy people or people with an artistic flair, or whatever.- -
1675: 1295:. Even if 7Ps is probably the most known extension, I don't see it as a significant enough concept to be included on this level. -- 2379:"Marketing is the process, in which buyers or sellers build awareness of their brand existence in the market as preferred choice." 1946:--Agreed, this page needs lots of work – some serious misconceptions here. I've removed the opening definition which was terrible 1076:
This is presenting reality more beautifull than it is and lacks criticism. There is also no prouve given to support these claims.
2495: 1034:
and questionable claims. I am very far from biz/fin. Please fix. By the way, I stumbled upon this topic when tracing the link to
Different roles of marketing (in a company): strategic vs. tactical marketing, product marketing, market research, r&d, etc.
Marketing = "the action or business of promoting and selling products or services , including market research and advertising"
I propose that a much more commonly accepted, comprehensive (and dare I say accurate) definition of marketing is merely this:
a student of marketing know what this means? I think not. Overall the introduction comes off as being cryptic, even nonsense.
1441:-- So, my friend, why don't you edit the article as opposed to posting this dissertation ?? And, no, the article is rubbish! 552:
Evolution of the marketing discipline: a short (academic) review of marketing, from 4Ps to STP to relationship marketing, etc.
CONFIGURE (product design), COMMUNICATE (4Ps) and DELIVER (via channels) value to the customer using STRATEGY & RESOURCES.
2343: 591: 1243:
Well, then maybe you should read up on SEO, a critical tool to e-marketing these days. Even you will be able to get your
Perhaps this would be better titled "Criticisms of immoral uses of marketing"... which would be MUCH more interesting. --
891:("Is marketing a Science", Harvard Business Review 41 (Jan-feb, p32-40 & 166-170). According to Buzzell a science is: 2472: 1363: 655:
needs to exist as a separate article in its own right, just as other articles on marketing exist on Knowledge, such as
2227: 1837: 546:
Marketing concept and customer-orientation: market-orientation vs. product-orientation vs. ... in a Kotler kind-of way
Introduction: definition of marketing, distinguishing between promotion and marketing, why marketing is important etc.
However, see my remarks below - the stndard of English is pretty poor, though - or has it been mutilated by someone.
2070: 2062:
I have added many of the sections in this article, and beforehand it was a woefully poor description of marketing.
1042:, and I deleted it, because, you will see it yourself, it was totally inappropriate. So please write something for 328:
Marketing is defined as facilitating the acheivement of organisational goals by facilitating exchanges of value.--
1919: 1452: 1401: 1099: 1081:
the customer is willing to pay, not on a cost-plus basis. This way, both suppliers and customers get a fair deal.
Sounds kind of like a less adequate verion of the Value Planning Model I've outlined in the next section below.--
This does not seem to me to be a very complete description of the marketing process. It is essentially standard
2193: 575:
be done, a good figure to be included would be how much money is spent per year, or per quarter, on Marketing.
230: 47: 1541: 1477: 2327: 2033: 932: 2074: 1986: 1951: 1936: 1879: 1858: 1752: 1575: 1381: 465:
I knocked the list down to four articles, KnowThis library, SOSIG, Mediapost (questionable), and the e-book
903:- knowledge which permits the prediction and, under some circumstances, the control of future events (p.37) 2499: 2348: 2223: 2178: 2144:
I believe this needs its own article. Have put up an article with reference however keeps getting removed
2126: 2088: 1833: 946: 526: 515: 353: 2390:
3. Moreover, buyers also market their brand like OLX.COM and big companies do marketing for recruitment.
2218: 1773: 514:
lose faith and focus." Er. What? Hardly encyclopedic content - just marketing marketing itself, really. (
2396: 1671: 1291:
think that no extensions to marketing mix (4Ps) concept should be presented on this page, but rather on
1140: 1011: 985: 918: 870: 851: 149: 1188: 349: 1704: 808: 768: 2491: 2460: 2401: 2393:
4. Furthermore, brand is the appropriate word as it engulfs product, service & company goodwill.
2319: 2302: 2298: 2281: 2250: 2246: 2170: 2118: 2025: 1978: 1928: 1911: 1744: 1624: 1606: 1533: 1469: 1444: 1393: 1351: 681: 501: 457: 296: 269: 234: 132: 114: 95: 88: 69: 2188:
What is the point of section "Marketing specializations"? Seems completely devoid of meaning to me.
1769: 1173: 2189: 1893: 1314: 1269: 912:
He concluded that marketing met those criteria and should therefore be (also) considered a science.
2044: 2363: 2275: 2152: 1875: 1854: 1826:
Having spent years in this wretched and ethically challenged field, I posted my definition here:
1811: 1787:
The introductory paragraph introduces this term without sufficiently explaining it. Would anyone
1700: 1296: 1050: 838: 561: 80: 61: 1206:
There is A LOT of vandalism on this page. Someone needs to fix it. ] 20:48, 9 June 2007 (UTC)]
1123: 642:
is not necessary, and should be merged into Marketing, with a redirect from Product marketing --
I agree. This whole section concerning "scholars such as Stephen Brown" is strange and narrow.
I have temporarily removed the 4A's material (below) from the article until we can discuss it.
2082: 2048: 1947: 1847:
Suggested : a merger between sub sections : 15 Areas of marketing specialization / 16 See also
Hurry up Pandacrack! You're right edit the article! 19 March 2008.
Apart from that it's a very good article - hope the above is taken as constructive criticism.
1282: 1250: 1154: 1031: 942: 796: 717: 677: 652: 639: 625: 434: 1828: 2468: 2103: 2065:
I will add more sections in time, since the article still lacks many major marketing areas.
2009: 1965: 1796: 1666: 1359: 1005: 979: 786: 656: 594: 586:
Yeas...product marketing is easily a part of the main marketing page! We should merge them!
416: 281: 225: 160: 131:
I have moved this from the article because I don't understand what the author is saying.- -
51: 1620: 1602: 1522: 1432: 1127: 449: 233:
than marketing, and maybe it would be better to develop it in that article. Any comments?
suit your beliefs. If you really think your way is the best way, please do the following:
What do you mean by marketing industry? Perhaps this could be addressed in other ways. --
I suggest that the whole structure of the article should be changed into something like:
314:(segment?) from those people willing to pay more than one-hundred dollars ($ 100.00USD). 1232:
As a student who tends to have to write a research paper or two it is great to know the
Marketing isn't really an industry. It's about more than just promotions, PR and marcom.
2417: 2349:"The first sentence should tell the nonspecialist reader what (or who) the subject is." 1889: 1310: 1306: 1039: 1027: 753: 643: 17: 1636: 258: 2359: 2355: 2271: 2262: 2148: 2145: 1807: 1652:
the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service
1292: 1047: 734: 607: 374: 329: 242: 1693:
I was hoping you could help me out by commenting on my Knowledge page "co-branding"
2078: 897:- organized around one or more central theories and a number of general principles, 509:
Strongly agree that this article needs a rewrite, apparently by someone who is not
490: 1088:
Both these paragraphs are over-optimistic and lack criticism. Please change them.
1618: 1416:
Hi everyone, first time poster. Apologies in advance if I break any conventions.
i also dont support the merge, i think marketing = product marketing + branding.
701:. What is novel can easily be incorporated in a small sub-section of Marketing. 456:
It would be nice if the spammers would go away but I don't think it will happen.
theory, which talks about how ideas and technologies spread through societies. --
2464: 2099: 2002: 1961: 1792: 1355: 1340: 1184: 1043: 1035: 1016: 860: 825: 777: 702: 245: 145: 2503: 2476: 2421: 2405: 2367: 2331: 2306: 2285: 2267: 2254: 2231: 2197: 2182: 2156: 2130: 2107: 2091: 2052: 2037: 2011: 1990: 1969: 1955: 1940: 1897: 1883: 1862: 1841: 1815: 1800: 1777: 1756: 1708: 1680: 1658:: an aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer 1628: 1610: 1579: 1545: 1525: 1481: 1456: 1435: 1419:
I have an issue with the following, from the section "Criticism of marketing"
1405: 1385: 1343: 1318: 1299: 1285: 1272: 1253: 1191: 1176: 1157: 1143: 1131: 1103: 1053: 990: 950: 936: 921: 873: 863: 854: 841: 828: 811: 799: 789: 780: 771: 756: 737: 720: 705: 684: 646: 628: 610: 597: 580: 564: 529: 518: 504: 493: 460: 437: 419: 377: 332: 299: 152: 2413: 748: 1601:
using communication to connect demand with supply is not inherently evil
1030:" is in an atrocious state: uncategorized, unreferenced, chaotic, full of 1026:
I see this page is living, so I am placing the request here. The article "
389: 961: 834: 404:. The wikipedia page on the marketing mix doesn't even address them! 295:
Just ignore the first two paragraphs. That is what I have been doing.
Agreed, this discussion goes off base of the purposes of marketing.--
668: 660: 373:
that maybe it should be approached as a smaller part of marketing. --
I also have a problem with that statement. Quoting from Knowledge,
article is not obliterated. Thank you for your kind consideration.
the practice of encouraging consumers to buy products or services
847: 1497:"marketing is a social process which satisfies customer's wants" 1696:
I wrote this page for a class and was hoping for some feedback.
1598: 965: 1888:
Created an Archive Box and moved conversation prior to 2008. --
401: 1187:
policy, any material without sources is subject to removal. -
Answer: Marketing is art that makes extensive use of science.
I removed the following sentence and give the reason why. - -
Any thoughts on how we can turn this into a great article? —
I do not see any difference between the two sub sections !
encouraging to customers to buy the product/service, but it
this article. kindly discuss or download about the topic.
1648:: the act or process of selling or purchasing in a market 176:... afour-step process (4As) can be followed (Norris, B.: 1714:
You had not discussed about service differentiation in
2439:(Based on the famous 7 P's of Marketing Philip Kotler) 1070:
Also some paragraphs are abviously untrue, like these:
I think you're thinking of the Advertising Industry. --
this article needed (and still needs) a major rewrite!
Marketing = just Promoting is a common misconception.
However it is to be said that the lack of success of
additional content on the subject. Thanks. Carrie77
my product is most expensive, it's the best quality
2241:, but I agree marketing is a broader concept than 894:- A classified and systematized body of knowledge, 634:Proposed merge of Product marketing into Marketing 697:is an exact duplicate of material presented in 2381:is more appropriate due to following reasons: 2449:7. Advertisements and Promotional Management 1763:The Four Ps are Decisions not Characteristics 8: 1960:This all sounds a little bit political to me 87:I have put the "see also"s in an hierarchy. 2268: 1727:Market orientation vs. customer orientation 2373:Changing the lead sentence of the article. 900:- usually expressed in quantitative terms, 579:sorry, forgot to sign the above comment ] 663:, etc. Those looking for a definition of 2219:def of marketing from oxford dictionary 1872:Old sub sections need to be moved out 2162:Why were some of the sections removed? 822:only seek to explain natural phenomena 673:Product Marketing / Product Management 388:really sad that a simple first letter 1903:This category of articles is woeful ! 1868:request for archive box to be created 7: 2342:This article's lead just quotes the 1637:Merriam-Webster defines marketing as 1617:years, until it was revised in 1985. 252:4P is an outdated view on marketing? 392:like this can survive for so long. 767:Is marketing a science or an art? 360:) 14:27, September 27, 2006 (UTC) 24: 1635:research marketing for a class. 1309:and removed the whole section. -- 472:For developing link policy, see 2377:Changing lead to this sentence 1922:) 05:50, 26 December 2008 (UTC) 1240:Do you feel you won't be heard? 400:The 4-7-8 marketing Ps are the 144:Recently, someone wrote on the 2368:15:05, 17 September 2012 (UTC) 2344:American Marketing Association 2092:21:50, 30 September 2009 (UTC) 1501:What on earth does that mean? 1366:) 11:40, August 29, 2007 (UTC) 1177:13:38, 22 September 2006 (UTC) 1: 2232:09:53, 19 November 2010 (UTC) 2038:16:54, 8 September 2009 (UTC) 2012:01:41, 11 November 2008 (UTC) 1991:23:15, 19 February 2010 (UTC) 1580:20:17, 16 December 2008 (UTC) 1457:05:56, 26 December 2008 (UTC) 1406:05:54, 26 December 2008 (UTC) 1259:Web 2.0 and Marketing New 4Ps 1192:06:04, 30 November 2006 (UTC) 842:19:18, 18 December 2006 (UTC) 829:17:49, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 781:08:13, 20 February 2006 (UTC) 757:21:21, 22 December 2005 (UTC) 706:08:21, 20 February 2006 (UTC) 685:04:06, 20 December 2005 (UTC) 647:08:14, 19 December 2005 (UTC) 420:04:48, 19 February 2007 (UTC) 378:04:12, 19 December 2006 (UTC) 2286:20:53, 10 January 2013 (UTC) 2245:, usually, in most senses.-- 2198:14:43, 9 November 2010 (UTC) 2157:16:58, 20 January 2011 (UTC) 1898:22:49, 6 December 2008 (UTC) 1822:New Definition For Marketing 1611:00:28, 10 January 2008 (UTC) 1526:15:18, 25 October 2007 (UTC) 1482:07:15, 22 October 2007 (UTC) 1319:20:57, 29 January 2008 (UTC) 1104:14:47, 5 December 2006 (UTC) 874:01:24, 10 January 2007 (UTC) 812:14:06, 3 December 2006 (UTC) 772:00:09, 2 February 2006 (UTC) 743:Market research in the 1950s 581:11:16, 8 December 2005 (UTC) 427:buy my product it is cheaper 2504:23:32, 9 January 2014 (UTC) 2332:10:22, 19 August 2012 (UTC) 2312:Western European Timeframe? 2098:usually German to English!) 1956:16:03, 25 August 2009 (UTC) 1941:17:11, 1 January 2009 (UTC) 1884:02:55, 25 August 2008 (UTC) 1863:02:54, 25 August 2008 (UTC) 1436:10:26, 7 October 2007 (UTC) 1344:11:22, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 1144:08:19, 1 January 2007 (UTC) 1054:17:32, 23 August 2006 (UTC) 1017:08:24, 12 August 2006 (UTC) 991:07:42, 12 August 2006 (UTC) 864:15:20, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 855:13:49, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 638:I propose that the article 505:02:29, 31 August 2005 (UTC) 494:16:32, 24 August 2005 (UTC) 2520: 2488:born in nepal, now in uk 1778:06:37, 25 April 2008 (UTC) 1757:11:59, 18 April 2008 (UTC) 1709:21:32, 15 April 2008 (UTC) 1629:00:18, 20 April 2008 (UTC) 1546:20:53, 18 March 2008 (UTC) 951:04:06, 17 April 2008 (UTC) 519:17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC) 284:00:24, July 22, 2005 (UTC) 2422:13:37, 9 April 2013 (UTC) 2406:11:28, 9 April 2013 (UTC) 2307:12:15, 25 June 2011 (UTC) 2255:19:41, 2 April 2011 (UTC) 2053:17:26, 2 April 2011 (UTC) 1842:18:12, 13 July 2008 (UTC) 1386:19:51, 12 July 2008 (UTC) 1300:20:13, 23 July 2007 (UTC) 1286:16:03, 16 July 2007 (UTC) 1273:14:37, 16 July 2007 (UTC) 1254:20:21, 13 July 2007 (UTC) 1158:22:25, 12 July 2007 (UTC) 1132:05:37, 6 April 2008 (UTC) 937:05:23, 6 April 2008 (UTC) 922:23:49, 12 July 2007 (UTC) 850:and is an art. Comments? 800:12:57, 18 June 2006 (UTC) 790:06:25, 9 April 2006 (UTC) 763:The Science of Marketing? 721:12:52, 18 June 2006 (UTC) 629:22:37, 12 July 2007 (UTC) 598:06:24, 9 April 2006 (UTC) 565:20:40, 23 July 2007 (UTC) 461:05:36, 15 July 2005 (UTC) 452:July 7, 2005 22:51 (UTC) 438:22:50, 12 July 2007 (UTC) 300:03:47, 26 July 2005 (UTC) 237:02:40, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC) 135:05:49, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC) 2477:12:25, 17 May 2013 (UTC) 2183:16:55, 19 May 2010 (UTC) 2131:16:57, 19 May 2010 (UTC) 2108:17:46, 10 May 2010 (UTC) 2073:if you do so. See also 2017:Marketing Communications 1970:17:41, 10 May 2010 (UTC) 1816:13:03, 19 May 2008 (UTC) 1801:03:19, 14 May 2008 (UTC) 1681:06:09, 16 May 2009 (UTC) 1151:the regulator perhaps??? 738:15:36, 25 May 2006 (UTC) 611:04:11, 10 May 2006 (UTC) 333:04:07, 10 May 2006 (UTC) 272:08:18, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC) 246:04:18, 10 May 2006 (UTC) 231:marketing communications 214:Finally, the fourth step 163:00:07, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC) 153:17:01, 25 May 2004 (UTC) 54:06:41, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC) 48:diffusion of innovations 2069:You'll need to provide 530:11:27, 7 May 2007 (UTC) 64:04:20 9 Jun 2003 (UTC) 2203:Marketing = Promoting? 1059:Criticism of marketing 1046:as well. Thank you, `' 83:07:00 9 Jun 2003 (UTC) 1094:comment was added by 570:A Couple of things... 348:comment was added by 2428:Updating the article 2237:Yes, many senses of 1829:the end of all truth 1412:Neutrality criticism 1371:CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1004:wild insertions plz. 956:MArketing definition 651:I think the article 622:The Marketing Sector 96:user:mydogategodshat 89:user:mydogategodshat 70:user:mydogategodshat 2397:talk to Osmaantahir 2347:what it means, but 1038:. It redirected to 2278:)10 January 2013 2140:Hispanic Marketing 1699:Thanks, Mary Beth 1588:More on definition 1324:US vs. UK spelling 2494:comment added by 2480: 2463:comment added by 2322:comment added by 2224:Ganesh J. Acharya 2173:comment added by 2121:comment added by 2028:comment added by 1981:comment added by 1931:comment added by 1914:comment added by 1759: 1747:comment added by 1679: 1548: 1536:comment added by 1484: 1472:comment added by 1447:comment added by 1396:comment added by 1367: 1354:comment added by 1183:Further, per the 1107: 1085:future product). 1032:original research 695:Product Marketing 678:Product marketing 665:Product marketing 653:Product marketing 640:Product marketing 396:the Marketing Mix 361: 140:Apple Jack shapes 130: 124: 121: 119: 107: 2511: 2506: 2479: 2457: 2408: 2334: 2288: 2185: 2133: 2086: 2075:WP:Verifiability 2040: 2007: 1993: 1975:No I disagree. 1943: 1923: 1742: 1669: 1560:product/service. 1531: 1467: 1459: 1408: 1349: 1237:"intellectual". 1089: 1014: 1008: 988: 982: 823: 819: 657:Online marketing 474: 473: 343: 178:reference needed 128: 123: 120: 109: 100: 2519: 2518: 2514: 2513: 2512: 2510: 2509: 2508: 2489: 2486: 2458: 2453: 2447: 2430: 2399: 2375: 2340: 2317: 2314: 2294: 2279: 2205: 2168: 2164: 2142: 2116: 2084: 2060: 2023: 2019: 2003: 1999: 1976: 1926: 1916: 1909: 1905: 1870: 1849: 1824: 1785: 1765: 1729: 1721: 1715: 1688: 1590: 1512: 1498: 1449: 1442: 1414: 1398: 1391: 1373: 1337: 1326: 1261: 1215: 1204: 1169: 1096: 1090:—The preceding 1061: 1024: 1012: 1006: 1001: 998: 986: 980: 958: 821: 817: 765: 745: 636: 572: 527: 516: 502:mydogategodshat 483: 458:mydogategodshat 445: 398: 344:—The preceding 297:mydogategodshat 270:mydogategodshat 254: 235:mydogategodshat 194:The second step 170: 167: 142: 133:mydogategodshat 115:mydogategodshat 103:anything useful 32: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 2517: 2515: 2485: 2482: 2451: 2445: 2442: 2429: 2426: 2425: 2424: 2404:comment added 2374: 2371: 2339: 2336: 2313: 2310: 2293: 2290: 2284:comment added 2258: 2257: 2214: 2204: 2201: 2190:Sredni vashtar 2163: 2160: 2141: 2138: 2137: 2136: 2135: 2134: 2095: 2094: 2059: 2056: 2018: 2015: 1998: 1997:Too many lists 1995: 1904: 1901: 1869: 1866: 1848: 1845: 1823: 1820: 1819: 1818: 1784: 1783:Marketing mix? 1781: 1764: 1761: 1728: 1725: 1723: 1719: 1713: 1687: 1686:Comment Please 1684: 1662: 1661: 1660: 1659: 1653: 1632: 1631: 1589: 1586: 1585: 1584: 1583: 1582: 1564: 1563: 1562: 1561: 1538: 1510: 1496: 1474: 1440: 1413: 1410: 1372: 1369: 1336: 1333: 1331: 1325: 1322: 1279: 1278: 1260: 1257: 1248: 1242: 1238: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1219: 1214: 1213:To the Vandals 1211: 1209: 1203: 1200: 1195: 1194: 1168: 1165: 1137: 1136: 1135: 1134: 1117: 1116: 1115: 1114: 1060: 1057: 1040:mass marketing 1028:Mass marketing 1023: 1022:Mass marketing 1020: 1000: 997: 996: 995: 994: 993: 957: 954: 916: 915: 914: 913: 907: 906: 905: 904: 901: 898: 895: 892: 886: 885: 884: 883: 805: 764: 761: 760: 744: 741: 725: 724: 689: 635: 632: 618: 616: 615: 614: 613: 601: 600: 584: 583: 571: 568: 557: 556: 553: 550: 547: 544: 537: 536: 535: 534: 533: 532: 482: 481:Rewrite needed 479: 478: 477: 476: 475: 470: 444: 443:External links 441: 397: 394: 385: 384: 383: 382: 381: 380: 365: 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diffusion of innovations
Robert Merkel
Robert Merkel
Apple Jacks
17:01, 25 May 2004 (UTC)
marketing communications
04:18, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
03:47, 26 July 2005 (UTC)
04:07, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

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