Knowledge (XXG)


Source 📝

the cosmos, and how everything suddenly becomes saturated with significance and meaning. Such experiences occur independently of prior beliefs held by the patient. Ramachandran has explained that the phenomenon is not evidence for “God module” as the media initially popularised. Rather that there are perhaps a variety of structures which work together to give rise to such spiritual experiences, which is the case with other specific systems of the brain. The visual system for example has many quite distinct components (colour, movement, object recognition, facial recognition) working together to produce vision, rather than a “vision module” located in a single area. TLE patients also show a reduced response to normally provocative images (such as sexual images), but a heightened response to religiously-loaded words or imagery.The serotonin (5-HT) system has long been of interest in biological models of human personality. Psychopharmacological research has investigated the effect of psychedelic drugs in relation to religious experience. The drugs which have been studied include adrenaline derivatives (e.g. mescaline) and serotonin derivatives (e.g. LSD, psilocybin, DMT). It has been found that these drugs cause transcendental or spiritual experiences as well as intense visual hallucinations. The remarkable finding is that all of these drugs act on one specific type of neuroreceptor called serotonin 2A (or 5-HT2A) receptors, which are found all over the cortical surface of the brain. 5-HT2A receptors are stimulatory, which means when these drugs acts on them they increase production of serotonin in the brain, and this gross overstimulation of the 5-HT2A receptors leads to what are interpreted as religious experiences.
cooperative effort of collectively calming ourselves when these hotpoints have flared up. I can sometimes be blunt and sometimes I see, in hindsight, that my initial point wasn't all that clearly in my favour which I started out believing. It is easier said than done to prevent these sometimes transgressions, because it has to do with my temporally dynamic impulses to invest myself in this article. If I am indeed to participate in the process of producing this article, I have to make the most of periods (occasions rather) where I find myself getting worked up ("energized" would be an appropriate term here) enough to delve into the process of absorbing text, both from the article itself, the external sources, and of course the discourse taking place on this page, then processing this both linearly (logically?) and by associations and analogies, hopefully contributing with some lateral thinking as well to the benefit of everybody, and finally, before the (hopefully cool) air exits the balloon, put some significant thoughts down in writing in a way that facilitates the continuing collective effort. __
1999:" simply should give this away. It occurs to me that you do not seem to distinguish well between these terms being used in contexts where they merely loosely, not significantly, reference the phenomenon about which this article revolves, and common, more loose applications of the terms. I think you need to make allowance for the occurences of these terms not always being applicable as references for this article by critically considering the full context in which they are used. If this context is not very explicit in making it clear that the term is applied with an emphasis on its referencing the elaborate energetics which we hope this article shall become able to expound, then I think it does no good to the cause of making this article less opaque to include such a text as reference. As it now stand the repleteness of external references seems to be based on a principle of quantity with insufficient regard for quality, i.e. short and spiffy statements, characterized by clarity and succinctness. __ 1816:" too unspecific. These terms are very vaguely delineated (generally, not just in this article), especially when it comes to the forces aspect. I therefore think it becomes confusing to have them introduced this explicitly, giving the reader the impression that there exists a clear relationship between them in the context of Psychodynamics which is significant for understanding what Psychodynamics is, an impression which will unavoidably create bewilderment in the reader: either because the reader will think he or she lacks some prerequisite understanding about these terms which should be regarded as common knowledge (since there is no further description in the article about their relationship in the context of forces), or after reading on not finding an elaboration on these relationships which have been given such a prominent mention. 2823:
Freud'. The two are mutually exclusive, especially as the Psychoanalytic world divided into three groups long ago, and many researchers who started with a Freudian-based training analysis, such as R D Laing and John Bowlby, rebelled openly early on and went their own way. Criticism? There can be no criticism of Psychodynamics under the broad (and surely preferable) definition, because it is a category, a field of study that is ongoing and constantly revised. Of Freud and his theories of course there is much criticism. Compare with Physics, which defines a field of endeavour, and thus cannot be subject to criticism (except by those opposed to knowledge). Newtonian physics of course can be criticised, but we do not define Physics as 'all theories that originated with Newton'. There is a similar dilemma with
Self-transcendence is a personality trait covering religious behaviour and attitudes originally described by Washington University psychiatrist Robert Cloninger. He found that spiritual people tend to share a set of characteristics, such as feeling connected to the world and a willingness to accept things that cannot be objectively demonstrated. This result implies that there is a dysfunction in the 5-HT1A receptors in spiritual people resulting in less inhibition of the effects of serotonin, which in turn would lead to increased susceptibility to spiritual experiences. This was further evidence that the serotonin system may serve as a biological basis for spiritual experiences.
that the capacity for religious experience seems to be as varied among the population as any other personality trait, individual characteristic or innate ability. Some people are simply born with a brain that has a greater chance of finding God, as they are “wired up” that way. We are restricted in our choice, much the same as we are restricted in our choice to prefer chocolate or vanilla, Bach or Mozart, men or women. Neuroscientific studies have consistently shown that all the choices we make in life are far more greatly influenced by genetic makeup, rather than our environmental influences. In this regard, we are certainly not equal in finding pathways to God.
the role of Knowledge (XXG) to define words, but I think it is going to have to be (along with explanation like this) if it is to get out of some of the traps that it is currently stuck in. Does anyone here think R D Laing, John Bowlby etc worked in Psychodynamics? If so, lets extend the list of theories, and emphasise Psychodynamics as a broad category of psychology. If it is not that, then we have no name for a field that very much needs a name, and has nothing necessarily to do with Freud or Thermodynamics. I consider the opening sentence to be spot-on. --
in the brain. The most interesting of these processes is the feeling of cosmic unity. The parietal lobe contains an area called the “orientation association area” (OAA), which processes information about space and time, as well as the orientation of the body in space. It determines where the body ends and the rest of the world begins. The left OAA creates the sensation of a physically delimited body. The right OAA creates the sense of the physical space in which the body exists. An injury here destroys your ability to navigate around in physical space.
I would still hope for an intellectual purification of such feelings, perhaps first by discarding words such as spiritual, transcendent or religious in their description, as these have all been tarnished by the brush of supernaturalism. Instead, I would propose we begin to use phrases such as “numinous ability”. We can learn to appreciate this creative numinous ability as something intrinsically rather than mystically stunning, much the same as we appreciate music or art without linking their intrinsic beauty with supernaturalism.
1500:, specifically “the points of view not adopted are the dynamic (psychological forces) and the economic (psychological energy); there are therefore no propositions concerning psychological energy or psychological forces; concepts such as conservation of energy, entropy, direction and magnitude of force are all missing.” In later chapters, he says, “attempt is made to fill the resulting gap.” He also cites six full sources which describe the origins of Freud’s model, as based on chemistry and physics, in detail, stemming from 1278:
agonists) factors. However, it is quite specific in these studies that what is described is an overwhelming feeling of meaning or significance. I would speculate that such religious experiences feed into our mind’s innate teleological sense, eventually culminating in a deep religious belief which is used to elucidate the experienced emotions. The focus therefore is in meaning – an idea which ties in elegantly with native teleology, explaining the obsession with meaning and purpose explanations among intellectual theists.
being a bully as someone who displays callous or inadvertent disregard for the feelings and position of others, and I would be extremely uncomfortable if I found myself in that role. I can live with others seeing me in that role as long as I see them as being wrong, not counting all sorts of resistance which that provokes, but I want to be able to look deep into myself without having to fend off by means of psychological defenses any intolerable attitudes I may project. And being a bully unequivocally is one such. __
authoritative on the subject "owning about a dozen books on Psychodynamics". Definitions within the article itself are wildly disparate, one emphasizing the parentage of thermodynamics and asserting Freud as the founder of this branch of psychology. Later in the article Psychodynamics is defined as an "evolving multi-disciplinary field" applying buzzwords from neuropsychology and mind-body intervention with no mention of any relation to thermodynamics at all. This second "version" appears to be lifted verbatim from
2048:(the most generally-used term presently), is that it often goes by various names by different noted authors, but is invariably the same stuff, i.e. any application of physics, particularly thermodynamics, to psychology that can trace its roots to Freud. Bowlby (1969) calls it “Freud’s psychical energy model”, Jung (1928) calls it “psychic energism and dynamism”, Freud (1923) calls it the “dynamic view”, and there are many others early than Freud who were digging into this area, e.g. in 1896 1190:. The first definition is basically found on pages 4-6 of this same book where he speaks of "psychical dynamics", "mental dynamics", the "division of the psychical into the conscious and unconscious", the various "forces" and "work" associated mental "states", and the displacements of "mental energy" as they effect their way towards action, etc. Read the book to get the best picture. Also, from page 13 of Hall's Primer in Freudian Psychology, "A 1250:
transcendence of the notion that one even has any actual, non-illusory "ego" with which to experience "death" in the first place. The God of Mind : Exploring the Implications of Neurotheological Research Written by Jonathan PararajasinghamOctober 26, 2011 11:54 pm3 comments Editor’s Note: This is the fourth part of “Mind’s Matter”, a series by Dr. Jonathan Pararajasingham exploring the Neurobiological basis of behaviour.
74: 53: 981:(1874) as (1) the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing especially in early childhood and their effects on behavior and mental states; (2) explanation or interpretation, as of behavior or mental states, in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes; (3) motivational forces acting especially at the unconscious level. I think I will prefer to side with Merriam-Webster over you. -- 1332:, which means 'energy' or 'forces,' have their origins in the developing personality. An explanation of exactly how childhood development influences subsequent preferences, needs, desires, and interests would take volumes. Suffice it to say that psychodynamics is at the bottom layer of feelings, attitudes, and needs that are often not available to the individual for conscious investigation or analysis." 2566:." This really doesn't make much sense to me. My take would be that having read this much an average reader would experience information overload and anything exceeding this would send him or her reeling. The last part of your proposed text, about the interaction of the conscious and unconscious levels, is a key element that should be presented in a full sentence without clauses, and not too long. 22: 1762:(1874) - (1) the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing especially in early childhood and their effects on behavior and mental states; (2) explanation or interpretation, as of behavior or mental states, in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes; (3) motivational forces acting especially at the unconscious level. Source: 1581:(above) “Psychodynamics, as a concept, and psychodynamics as applied to psychotherapy, are two completely different entities. … A further read of this, and other, pages puts you in the light of someone who is agenda driven, and, more often than not, off-base in your positionality.” Lastly, to repeat what is already stated above, according to 84: 2060:; hence, the name choice as to what Freud was talking about with all his unconscious “driving forces”, “repression”, and “instinct” in relation to physics was not that clear. Hence, please don’t shoot down my efforts on trying to clarify what we’re talking about here as it has been used in history and in modern times. -- 2383:
also turns out to be the conclusion of the survey which I propose, then we must present this paramount paradox to the reader and caution about the use of the term without an additional explanation of what one means when using it, possibly recommending not using it at all for the sake of clarity alone. __
as effects of motion and position." These types of transitory views in terminology, might help us shed some light on why Freud, who began thinking about this issue in 1874, doesn’t specifically come right out and say (or reference) in is publications (although I still need to read more of his work),
Psychodynamics is the study of human behavior from the point of view of motivation and drives, depending largely on the functional significance of emotion, and based on the assumption that an individual's total personality and reactions at any given time are the product of the interaction between his
Meco, I've idea to which "other thread where you were being critical" you are referring. What I was referring to is that you, as I, am an intellectual bully. I woudl align myself with you in stating that we tend tot hink before we think and, in that moment, think that we are right and everyone else
in making up our own definitions. Certainly, one or more clarifying definitions after the main one is will be good. Also the term "dynamic psychology" is used in publication and found as a synonym for psychodynamics. To note, I think that if we can get a copy of the 1874 publication of Lectures on
Hall and Nordby go on to state facts such as “students of physics will recognize that this principle of equivalence is the first law of thermodynamics or the conservation of energy” (pg. 65) and that “in physics the second law of thermodynamics is called the principle of entropy.” (pg. 68). In short,
I should perhaps say that the problem I am trying to explain is not, as others have suggested that there are several definitions out there that need a survey. It is the fundamental problem that a category cannot contain itself. Thus if Psychodynamics is general and not necessarily Freudian, then it
I have long thought that the term Psychodynamics suffers from the problem of being used in two ways. The first, as used in the opening sentence of this article, is non-specific and a category of study that includes all past and future approaches. The second refers to 'all theories originating with
that I wonder if perhaps we hadn't better make a survey of them and attempt to collate them to sort out differences, similarities and what they focus on primarily. Some of them, I find, don't seem to be very focused at all, which may reflect an impossibility of establishing a congruous term. If this
Then we're on level. And I agree with your perspective. However, I can't envisage myself being a bully the way I perceive that term. I can be agressive, preferably sharply, but unfortunately sometimes also bluntly, a trait which I would rather hone and refine than attempt to rid myself of. But I see
Besides being particularly diffuse, this sentence alone could give the impression that Psychodynamics is a coordinated discipline of scientific study. Although the article gives examples of psychodynamic research and development taking place (e.g. Jung's work), it does not support a notion that this
But like art, such religious abilities may be rationalised now as being secondary to natural rather than divine processes, though I concede that those with strong religious abilities would be unlikely change their view that their stunning experiences have no supernatural component. Having said that,
The neuroscientist VS Ramachandran has extensively investigated a curious condition known as temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Studies have shown that after TLE patients undergo an epileptic seizure, they uniquely describe having a profound “spiritual” experience. They claim to understand their place in
A relatively new area in neuroscience gaining momentum rapidly is neurotheology – a field which investigates the notion that within the brain are neural structures which give rise to the potential for religious experience. More studies are beginning to show not only that neural correlates exist, but
which Wiki editors insist on defining as synonymous with 'The Modern Synthesis' or 'Darwinian theory of Evolution'. They thus seek to destroy the very possibility of 'evolution' as a subject of ongoing study; which it very much is. This is straight out of Orwell and 1984. I know it's not currently
The most significant question that arises from these discoveries is the implications on the theistic account of free will in choosing faith. In other words, the typical monotheistic description of a God who gives us the ability (free will) to choose to worship him becomes problematic, since we find
In “Why God Won’t Go Away”, radiologist Andrew Newberg describes his studies on the religious experiences of Tibetan Buddhists in meditation and Franciscan nuns in prayer. Using PET scanning, Newberg revealed a number of mental traits which all seem to play a part in an overall religious experience
The practice of ego death as a deliberately sought "mystical experience" in some ways is said to overlap with, but is nevertheless distinct from, traditional teachings concerning enlightenment/"Nirvana" (in Buddhism) or "Moksha" (in Hinduism and Jainism), which might perhaps be better understood as
In addition to what I have stated above, i.e. how "psychodynamics" (the most generally-used term presently), goes by various names by different noted authors, but is invariably the same concept, i.e. any application of physics, particularly thermodynamics, to psychology that can trace its roots to
I have just added a response in another thread that is rather critical of your efforts, not generally, but in one particular respect. As I have before. I have previously had some pretty harsh words come in my direction as well, warranted or not so warranted. I think we so far have made a very good
The potential of religiosity to be enhanced through drugs, disease or even practice, reminds one of similar effects on other abilities such as music or art. Certain brain conditions such as autism or schizophrenia lead patients to express heightened artistic or musical abilities. Perhaps we should
Sensory input is essential for the OAA to function, which is blocked during intense meditation or prayer. The left OAA cannot find any boundary between self and non-self, resulting in a sense of oneness. Without sensory input, the right OAA defaults to a feeling of infinite space, where meditators
The article should reflect all pertinent material, and it is the article alone which stands to merit its inclusion in Knowledge (XXG). Referring readers to "read up" on external literature is simply irrelevant. It doesn't matter if a term can be documented and corroborated in all sorts of external
to educate yourself. The contents include: (1) What is Psychodynamics? - alloplastic, psychodynamics, (2) The Ego and the Id integrative - syntonic, integrative, drives, (3) Mental Energy - cathexes, cathexis, libido, along with 19 other sections. Please, this article is sourced with 9 published
Sourced or not, it's giving a mistaken impression. Within psychology, psychodynamics is used to refer to particularly theoryset not at all related to thermodynamics, even if historically true, as in where frued got the idea, that information should be relegated to the historical perspective of the
in citing Bowlby's book. The fact that Freud applied analogies from thermodynamics and the fact that terms such as "psychological forces" and "psychological energy" can be apprehended by most do not render into your thesis that the term psychodynamics can be applied as a key concept of psychology
Our approach to psychodynamics has been to focus on combining a number of emerging communications, design and psychological sciences -- including the research of eminent Russian neurophysiologist Dr. P.V. Simonov, neurochemist Dr. Pavel Balaban, the late social psychologist Dr. Arnold Mitchell,
Your statement that you will not respect my perhaps blunt censure of your removal of the merger tag, rather ignoring the fact that there is an agreement to allow for some time in discussing and maturing this issue, also leaves me a bit befuddled. Should this be taken as a position that you do not
First of all it should be clearly stated that it is nothing more than a PSEUDOscience. This belief is neither falsifiable nor testable thus it doesnt fulfil criteria of a scientific theory. Psychodynamics must not be described as to be equal to both biological psychiatry and cognitive-behavioral
That’s an interesting article, it would probably take a while to separate what’s psychodynamic from other theories in that article, you’ll have to give me some time to digest it. Where did you get that “biodynamic psychotherapy” term? Also, all the references seem to be in German, I think?; is
article the connection between the physicists Helmholtz and von Brucke is discussed only in respect to Freud's early career, i.e. medical school. I can not see that the connection between these disciplines (thermodynamics and psychodynamic psychology) has been developed in any other way than its
I'm sorry, I had to fix that sentence without public comment. the reference that was sited did not support the statements being made, and there was confusion evidenced in calling phenomena (regression) a theory. while people have theories about regression, it is not a "theory." it is a clinical
Usually exchanges that become this personal are relegated to users' own discussion pages, however, in the current context, with the present company, I find them justified and constructive. Could you therefore clarify, perhaps by simply rephrasing, your point here? I don't think I understand the
As for the above reference and others, yes I agree this is a confusing topic. In short, I feel that if we collect enough references, from all points of view, then we can get a well-rounded article, being that there is not standard college courses on psychodynamics, as a stand-alone. The basic
The obvious interpretation of such findings is that there is neural architecture in the brain which includes the temporal lobes that are specialized for what we understand as spirituality, which may be selectively and transiently enhanced by pathological (epileptic storm) and artificial (5-HT2A
A Google search on the term "Psychodynamics" yields more confusion and to my preliminary investigation nothing that corroborates the inclinations purveyed in the current article. I get responses like "the psychodynamics of drug abuse and psychological. dependence", "Psychodynamics of Political
Just because one editor thinks the proposed merger isn't warranted doesn't justify the same editor closing the discussion by removing the merger template from the respective article pages. I have consequently reinstated the merger tags. The same goes for discussion to delete category. It is my
Please Dasha, start with the newer version with 3,000+ kb of new material with new references used for the intro, and add in your changes slowly over the next week, otherwise I can't tell what sentences you have issues with, when you delete entire sections. Let's start over and work together
Although I, too, can be more than brusque, and find Meco's take pretty pointed, I would have to get on board with the overall idea that "referring to does not a reference make." I suspect we are all operating at different standards of succinct-ness, and it would appear that this is strongly
and the content of this article, so I shall desist from badgering you more about that. Now, I am still going to put my effort into the improvement of this article. I have made succinct points above and I have more points coming. I will make an effort to present them in a coordinated fashion.
A second line of evidence regarding the serotonin system was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 2003 on the effect of 5-HT1A receptors, which are inhibitory. They showed that the binding potential of 5-HT1A receptors correlated inversely with scores for “self-transcendence”.
The study of human behavior from the point of view of motivation and drives, depending largely on the functional significance of emotion, and based on the assumption that an individual's total personality and reactions at any given time are the product of the interaction between his genetic
I'm not going through the material at a great pace currently, so I haven't covered all there is to read. However, I do not see the necessity of using someone else's readymade definition as long as we can support our own with the article itself, and all in it which needs to be referenced is
1827:" likewise gives an impression that these are clearly distinct terms, and as with the other three terms, the reader will frustrate him- or herself in trying to find in the article a detailing exposition of their distinction and relationship in the context of exchange of forces or energy. 928:
The more I follow up on my initial reaction to the attempt at establishing a hierarchy around the term 'Psychodynamics' the more I begin to question the basic validity of this article. I am particularly bewildered by claims by the article's principal editor who asserts to be more or less
In 25 years of practice, research, and teaching, I have never heard the expression dynamic psychology, not least in terms of it being as equivalent to psychodynamics. For this statement to be crediable, I would want to see a reference...and not one that is 200 years old, tank you.
is a quantity just as mass is a quantity. It can be transformed but it cannot be destroyed. When energy disappears from one part of a system it has to appear elsewhere in the system. The fifty years between Helmholtz’s statement of the conservation of energy and Albert Einstein’s
Cite: <<(a) the interaction of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and mental states, especially on a subconscious level; (b) inner forces affecting behavior: the study of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and states of mind.:
Yes, in any event, I hope were all on the same page. I stopped by the library and printed out four articles on psychodynamics, 1940s to 1950s, from JSTOR a few minutes ago. After I read them, I will probably add some material to the article in the next week or so. Talk later:
2378:" to be just as opaque in its use of various psychological, in the context insufficiently defined, terms and also in its complete omission in identifying the energetic focus. In fact, since I began working with this article I have seen so many disparate definitions of the term 1418:
As I no longer understand this article to be attempting to describe a system of psychotherapy I no longer hold the above position. Why I held this conception for this long I don't clearly see. It could be that the diffuse language of the introduction, as I see it, confused me.
which propel men and women into paring”. If you don’t like his definition, then that is your point of view. Also, instead of attacking the references I find, why don’t you try find some references and definitions of psychodynamics and add them to the article. Thank-you.
Yes, we’ll I may have jumped the gun on some comments, but we got off on the wrong foot with his accusation that I added a “spurious establishment of thermodynamics parentage” to the article. Hopefully, we have worked together enough now to have cleared that issue up?
Yes, thank-you. I will try to chip in, in this direction; whenever I come across good sources. Trying to uncover reliable sources on theories that began over 100 years, however, is always a slow and tedious process. It took me over a year to figure out what
Meco, you’re dragging this issue out beyond reasonable measure. What DashaKat is trying to say, I think, is that psychodynamics is the central theory, and it has many branches, e.g. Freudian psychodynamics, Jungian psychodynamics, psychodynamic psychotherapy,
phenomena that is witnessed in the process of psychotherapy. It can be induced, may occur spontaneously, or may be avoided, depending on many factors, all of which are beyond to scope of the current article. So I fixed it, i hope without too much contention.
Neuroscientists have discovered curious truths about religious experience and their potential enhancement through drugs, disease or even practice. In this article I explore the implications of the apparent malleability and non-universality of religiosity.
I am quite pleased with the reference pulled from Robertson and Combs. If we can weed out all unsourced (and conflicting) statements and insert quotes of this calibre in their place, I have no doubts this article has the potential to become exemplary.
Freud. Bowlby (1969) calls it “Freud’s psychical energy model”, Jung (1928) calls it “psychic energism and dynamism”, Freud (1923) calls it the “dynamic view”, or “mental dynamics”, etc., is that prior to the 1970s, approximately, the science of
Meco...I will respect your reinstatement of the Merge tag, although I stand by my premise that the two topics, while related, are exclusive. I will not, however, respect your rather rude public directive to respect the process of discussion and
If anyone else has issues with this article, they can read Bowlby’s 1969 book Attachment, Vol. I, pages 13-26, where he spends 13 pages justifying why he is the first psychologist not to use Freud’s psycho-dynamic theories in his new science of
or something similar. Then there are three injected clauses explaining three terms of thermodynamics. I think the three terms should be mentioned separately first, then the relations of these to psychology could follow. The first clause is:
Thanks for the encouragement. I have now added a total of 14 references to this article. I suppose that, according to your logic, the more references I add the worse it gets? Anyway, thanks for the fun time and for all the moral support!
can refer to two different conditions where a latent idea is absent from consciousness, one being when it can easily be brought back into consciousness and the other where it is repressed by som force and cannot easily be made conscious.
The new first sentence in my opinion is very bad, and I know it comes out of McGraw-Hill Science Tech Dictionary. In fact so much so that it may rather constitute a copyright violation. Now that is not my contention. I find the wording
seen in relation to Psychodynamics? I have not seen Reich applying references to thermodynamics (I think), nevertheless, there's definitely the quantitative play of forces which this theory is based on. And he was a student of freud's.
Yes, let me think about your comments for a while. I'll add in your suggestion (bolded) for the time being, because I had thought of that short definition as well, but found it to recursive; but if you like it, we'll give it a shot.
In psychology, psychodynamics or dynamic psychology is the study of the interrelationship of various parts of the mind, personality, or psyche as they relate to mental, emotional, or motivational forces especially at the unconscious
or something similar? If the article is to be about a main system of psychotherapy called Psychodynamics, it should be completely re-written. Especially the introductory section now is a mishmash of inconsistencies and buzzwords.
I can find nothing on those two pages which supports these statements. In fact the book here deals with defining the term "unconscious" in psychological terms in contradistinction to philosophical ones pointing out that
incidental, and I find the insertions of references to thermodynamics in several places in the current article to be arbitrary conjecture on the part of one editor and not adequately supported by references. Just as
Hopefully. No ill will intended toward either of you, being something of a pompous know-it-all myself, I find Meco's style to tend toward the bullying, and would be disappointed to see anyone fall prey to that.
with clear implications of being a subordinate discipline of thermodynamics. Your repeated recommendations to read copious external literature is not the way to present a persuasive argument for your case either.
I agree. As I understand it there's quite a bit of evidence that Freud was a charlatan and fraudster, e.g. inventing clinical results, which would itself raise questions over his work. Also, is there any actual
could be applied to man’s personality as well as to his body.” I hope this clarifies your uncertainties. There are dozens of books written about this topic, try reading some of them. I personally own over 130
This is my impression also, and the only current source associating contemporary Psychodynamic psychotherapy with thermodynamics in the way this article purveys appears to be Knowledge (XXG) user Sadi Carnot.
references. I see no need to belittle efforts to write up an article on a basic term. Please take your trolling somewhere else. Also, if you don’t have access to a library, please feel free to consult
A further read of this, and other, pages puts you in the light of someone who is agenda driven, and, more often than not, off-base in your positionality. Kindly check your ego at the door, thank you. --
in this instance to me is a prima facie example of this. From the way this paragraph presents itself I do not find it appropriate as a source for definition of the term. The fact that the author writes
Ego death is an experience that supposedly reveals the illusory aspect of the ego, sometimes undergone by mystics, shamans, monks, psychonauts and others interested in exploring the depths of the mind.
is the application of the theory used in clinical practice by many psychologists in many forms. I have a good-sized bookshelf on these topics and will be glad to back up any disagreements with refs. --
which in fact redirects to the current article. I assert nevertheless that this does not constitute an adequate rationale for establishing Psychodynamics as a sub-category to Category:Thermodynamics.
could be studied scientifically and that it could be measured quantitatively. These two men, Darwin and Fechner, had ‘a tremendous impact on the intellectual development of Freud.’ Hall continues:
I'll give you my take on that. It does really appear to me that you have an idiosyncratic way of establishing the relation between an expression and its various possible denotations. The case of
feeling I get from my readings is that between 1874 and the 1960s, psychodynamics was stand-alone, but has since branched off and been embedded into modern psychology in its various branches. --
is wrong. If I've read you wrong, I apologize, but I beleive you've provided evidence supporting this assessment in your own words. It was not an insult, but an observation. Blessings. --
I’ve fixed the references, so that three support the intro-definition and I’ll keep my open for more down the road. Also, regarding the merge proposal there are about 40 pages that link to
2881:"Psychodynamic therapies depend upon a theory of inner conflict, wherein repressed behaviours and emotions surface into the patient’s consciousness; generally, one conflict is subconscious" 1258:
that they have susceptibility to pharmacological and pathological modification and potentiation, much as the same as we have found for many of the complex emergent properties of the brain.
as a modality of psychotherapy. Now, it does purport to expound "psychodynamic theory", and the way it does still does not satisfy me. I will, however, discuss that in a separate entry. __
work represents a collected body as would be the case if there where doctorates issued in Psychodynamics or there existed within various psychology departments schools of Psychodynamics.
790: 1397:
to professional associations, educational institutions, journals, or even the odd website professing to represent Psychodynamics as a discipline, modality or system of psychotherapy? __
1043: 1316:
This volume is cited as a reference for the article's definition of Psychodynamics, however, having read the cited page I must conclude that this is a misapplication. The book reads:
I feel I have now resolved this by explaining the different uses in the introduction, with the emphasis on Bowlby and current work rather than Freud. I hope this meets with approval.
Freud greatly admired Brucke and quickly became indoctrinated by this new dynamic physiology. Thanks to Freud’s singular genius, he was to discover some twenty years later that the
My main point is that I think getting the first sentence to be very succinct in summarizing the content of the rest of the article would make further improvements much simpler. __
My personal opinion is that this article started poorly and has gotten markedly better in recent days. The paucity and "lightness" of referential material still plagues us. --
To help appease your confusion, although I’m not going to type up a history lesson for you, quoting from chapter one, “Freud’s Scientific Heritage”, of Calvin Hall’s 1954 book
referenced. Anyway, when I see something I don't like (and I can give some reason why I don't like it), I will express it whether or not I can provide any alternatives. __
An important distinction which I believe should be presented in the first sentence is Psychodynamics' focus on the quantitative aspect of the interrelating forces of the
461: 1746: 2857:
cannot also mean Freudian. I seem to remember that Gregory Bateson, proposer of the 'double bind' was hot on this, beginning with systems theory and epistemology. --
Sure, but we don’t want people attacking the article with reference tags. I'll start your original definition idea by throwing one out here, off the top of my head;
140: 1163:
At the heart of psychological processes, according to Freud, is the ego, which he sees battling with three forces: the id, the super-ego, and the outside world.
had already distinguished between psychic energy and psychic force, to cite one of many examples. Moreover, prior to the 1920s, approximately, the science of
2937: 2696:
Can anyone explain to me what is going on in the current section? There is a mix between an ordered list and bullets, but I'm lost. Can we resolve this? --
130: 569:, nor should Psychodynamics be put in such a formal direct relation. This relation is professed to be based foremost on the application of the principle of 300:
Psychodynamics, as a concept, and psychodynamics as applied to psychotherapy, are two completely different entities. Merging them would be inappropriate.--
Meco, please explain to me why you think a merge is needed? Also, explain to which article you feel should be merged into which and why? Thank you: --
I find it somewhat remarkable that a Wiki article on such a well-known theoretical framework lacks a section devoted to criticism of this framework.
and this is his published definition of “psychodynamics” in mate selection psychology, which he defines as “the social, emotional, and psychological
2942: 106: 2842:
By the way, there is then a lot of good experimental evidence for particular theories, from Bowlby, Ainsworth, Tinbergen, and Harlow (Monkeys). --
2558:." This sounds too complicated, I think. Try to make it simpler. Also, it lacks a relation to the psychological meaning of drive. The second is: " 897:, who was a close associate with Helmholtz, who had worked previously with him in the years 1838-42, in the laboratory of the German physiologist 1194:
is one that studies the transformations and exchanges of energy within the personality." This is all basic information, found in many books. --
1238:; confounding the two, in my opinion, will only further confuse the situation, where the separate terms are already confusing to begin with. -- 388:
Ad hominem arguments are most unwelcome anywhere on Knowledge (XXG). I suggest such issues are best dealt with on individual user's talk pages.
This is obviously not a reference to any modality or system of psychology, but merely defining a term which the book subsequently applies. __
233:, and if User:Sadi Carnot insists on solving the dispute by renaming the category, I shall nominate also the second category for deletion. __ 1970:
What is it with you two? Why do you each have problems with everything in the article, these are not my views, they are published views? --
2932: 2777: 1956:. This was Freud’s greatest achievement, and one of the greatest achievements in modern science, It is certainly a crucial event in the 230: 1556: 1393:
with no emphasis on describing any system of psychology with this same name. Why are there no references neither in this article nor in
901:, that Freud “quickly became indoctrinated by the new dynamic physiology” and that “he was to discover some twenty years later that the 969: 97: 58: 2646:-energetics and its applications, essentially. The modern day equivalent of this is American biophysicist Don Haynie’s 2001 textbook 1356: 1297: 1286:
think of deeply religous individuals as having a keen “religious ability”, much like we do with other types of artistic temperament.
207:, i.e. psycho (mind) + dynamics (thermodynamics), is the theory, found in many forms (most of which derive from Freud and Jung), and 199:, and probably at least a dozen others that could stand to be written, should be added there as well. Here’s a quick description to 2803: 2757: 1536: 2393:
I think you’ve objected now to just about every introduction we have tried? Is there any published definition that you do like? --
1066:, Freud proposed that psychological energy was constant (hence, emotional changes consisted only in displacements) tended to rest ( 789:
version) to develop his psychology. Please, there are many books written on this, specifically Amazon shows that you can buy
33: 1732: 793:
on the topic of psychodynamics. After you read some of them, then please feel free to add to the article with references. --
1839: 1838:
All of your points are good, but until we find better sources and references for the term, I would prefer to stay away from
756: 1962: 836:”There were other influences that affected Freud even more profoundly. These came from physics. In the great physicist, 2642:, in which the first chapter is “biological work”, the second chapter is “principles of thermodynamics”, and the rest is 1928: 956:
Am I the only editor that is seriously sceptical to the validity of out current encyclopedic entry for Psychodynamics? __
694: 1446:
My intentions here are to define the term "psychodynamics", its history, and how it is used in psychology presently. --
could be applied to man’s personality as well as to his body. When he made his discovery Freud proceeded to create a
should be removed as it certainly stands to give the impression that this is a coherent, coordinated field of study.
1640: 1394: 683: 581: 562: 518: 1501: 2153: 2129:– claims that Psychodynamics Research Institute has been in business since 1981 and on the Internet since Dec. 1999. 1389:. There's a huge difference between the two. As I see it, the article is currently ALL about the psychological term 2710:
and some statements are inaccurate, lack a comprehensive understanding of psychodynamic theory, and need revision.
Is it really that there are no criticisms of psychodynamics that meet Knowledge (XXG) standards of notability ?
2668: 2656: 2648: 999:
sources as long as the article itself doesn't reflect this. In my opinion this article is seriously deficient. __
is redundant as long as thermodynamics is mentioned; the initial "in science" is also superfluous. The trailing
I would characterize your sentence as being very cluttered. Let's also prune the verbosity: You don't need both
1231: 650:”. Your ignorance is irritating, but let me give you one basic example, namely that of the famous psychologist 2781: 2123:- Study Group on Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, meeting monthly since 1978, The Washington School of Psychiatry. 1050:
Sciences: “Psychological processes are flows of psychological energy in a complex brain. Thus, Freud founded
This is the basis of Freud's psychology. Hall goes on to discuss how the founding thermodynamicists, namely “
39: 509:
Being far from certain that that is what DashaKat is intending, I'd first like simply to point to DashaKat's
2660: 1301: 566: 272: 226: 180: 176: 2807: 2799: 2753: 1524: 1293: 933:, a page which seems to have little to do with any coherent discipline of psychology, where it elaborates: 2888: 2452: 902: 841: 658:
in relation to the human psyche. Quoting from page 64 of Calvin S. Hall and Vernon J. Nordby’s 1973 book
196: 192: 2075: 1211:
Then the second is erroneously attributed to the same location as the first. This should be corrected. __
I find it noteworthy that before User:Sadi Carnot started the current article in March of 2006, only the
2761: 2730: 2715: 2638: 1957: 1532: 858: 837: 574: 105:
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
1574: 743:
He derived the concept of “entropy” based on a foot-noted supposition, namely “no change occurs in the
Mechanical Theory of Heat – Nine Memoirs on the development of concept of "Entropy" by Rudolf Clausius
1874:- WebMD, Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 28th Edition, Copyright© 2006_Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2914: 2862: 2847: 2833: 850: 565:(which User:Sadi Carnot has used as corroboration for this linkage) isn't shown as a sub-category of 939:
movement psychologist Dr. Stuart Heller and transpersonal psychologist Dr. Beth Hedva, among others.
throughout the structures of the psyche, and the transfer of energy from one structure to another.
article, and the issue has become clearer to me. I now can see that this article does not deal with
457: 21: 2701: 2274: 2222: 2190: 2189:
I have no problem with this. I do have a problem with your on-going deference to Meco, however. --
2031: 1894: 1844: 1578: 1352: 356: 301: 2883:. I am not sure how the last phrase of this fits in or even what it means. Can anyone clarify? 1147:
Having read pages 4-5 which are cited in the article as a reference for the following statements:
1740: 1348: 271:
Also threats are not welcome conceptions in Knowledge (XXG), thusly go ahead and please nominate
2114: 816:: first in 1859, when Freud was three, his family took him to Vienna to see the publication of 2884: 2137: 1729: 1497: 1235: 1125: 89: 200: 2726: 2711: 2683: 2632: 2601: 2511: 2394: 2352: 2204: 2180: 2165: 2094: 2061: 1971: 1933: 1904: 1879: 1852: 1851:
and his “On Psychic Energy” are good books and papers on psychodynamics. Talk more later: --
1619: 1528: 1475: 1447: 1365: 1320:"The forces, motives, and energy generated by the deepest of human needs are referred to as 1239: 1195: 1129: 1093: 1075: 1022: 982: 915: 794: 706: 604: 469: 276: 251: 212: 2179:
step-by-step. Could you please first state below what you have issues with. Thank-you. --
2158: 1084:
Meco, you can also reference Tasman, Kay, and Lieberman's 1997, 1900-page, two-volume opus
2910: 2858: 2843: 2829: 2673: 1763: 1582: 1067: 974: 898: 890: 710: 2142: 1618:
Either you start contributing to this article or please go somewhere else. Thank-you: --
465: 1186:
The second is a direct quote off the back cover of the Norton & Co. 1960 edition of
2697: 2624: 2616: 2053: 1945: 1059: 862: 821: 817: 764: 647: 643: 557: 184: 2682:
something to the effect that, “my new theory is the thermodynamics of psychology”. --
2926: 2551:"psychodynamics is the application of the principles of thermodynamics to psychology" 2071: 2049: 1063: 911: 907: 870: 589: 163: 1871: 1796: 1509: 894: 886: 785:
version) to develop his psychology and Jung used both the 1st and the 2nd law (the
760: 752: 744: 614: 188: 1682: 468:. etc., and there is not reason why they should all be merged into one article. -- 2665:
Treatise on the Mechanical Theory of Heat and its Application to the Steam-Engine
2148: 2132: 930: 593:
extension through the Jungian school's application of thermodynamic metaphors. __
2488: 1953: 1865: 1808: 1792: 1694: 882: 878: 748: 73: 52: 2677:(note the hyphen), is that branch of science which treats of the phenomena of 2620: 2480: 2057: 1822: 1690: 1666: 1600: 874: 825: 603:
And what is your point? Everything in all the related articles is sourced? --
102: 79: 2655:
Another term for thermodynamics, particularly in the late 19th century, was “
The definiton is fine, that's not what I'm complaing about. He is defining a
2824: 2584: 2484: 2408: 2384: 2330: 2304: 2248: 2110:
You ask for links to groups and such, etc., so here’s a few more examples:
2080: 2000: 1831: 1788: 1645: 1561: 1513: 1420: 1398: 1337: 1212: 1175: 1107: 1071: 1000: 957: 782: 651: 624: 594: 526: 419: 234: 2564:
entropy, referring to resistances in the external world mediated by the ego
1639:. That said, I am satisfied with the distinction between the discipline of 1847:
that we will find the original definition of psychodynamics. Also, Jung’s
786: 613:
field, and not in the intro paragraph as it gives a mistaken impression.
2918: 2892: 2866: 2851: 2837: 2811: 2785: 2765: 2734: 2719: 2705: 2686: 2604: 2587: 2514: 2472: 2448: 2440: 2411: 2397: 2387: 2355: 2333: 2307: 2277: 2251: 2225: 2207: 2193: 2183: 2168: 2097: 2083: 2064: 2034: 2003: 1974: 1907: 1897: 1882: 1855: 1648: 1622: 1564: 1517: 1505: 1478: 1450: 1423: 1401: 1368: 1340: 1305: 1242: 1215: 1198: 1178: 1132: 1110: 1096: 1078: 1025: 1003: 985: 960: 918: 797: 689: 675: 655: 627: 617: 607: 597: 570: 529: 472: 422: 359: 304: 279: 254: 237: 215: 166: 1545:
I just don't see a coherent argument for the way you present the term
2468: 2464: 1949: 1812: 1686: 1055: 845: 667: 1861:
I’ve used two new references for the introduction per your request:
Could someone with relevant knowledge please address this issue ?
Before you get deeper in pulling cheapshots you might wish to read
Perhaps you should try reading Edoardo Weiss’ 1950, 268 page book
makes use of two basic principles, both of which were derived from
2460: 2456: 2126: 1604: 1360: 513:
of some of what he/she wrote above. Now, DashaKat has performed a
I'm confused -- wherein lies the difference between (a) and (b)?
2475:, referring to resistances in the external world mediated by the 2678: 2628: 2492: 1804: 1678: 829: 2643: 2476: 1925: 1677:
is the study of the interrelationship of various parts of the
15: 2627:”, and the term “energetics” was mostly used in reference to 2556:
drive, meaning to impart forward motion to by physical force
2145:- A Critique Is Child Father to the Man?, Derek J. Lainsbury 1780:
often refers to Psychodynamics, but I believe that the term
Would it not be better to rename this article for instance
Further good references to anyone else who has reservations
there a book on this topic that I could buy off Amazon? --
1713:. W.W. Norton & Company. pp. (4-5). ISBN 0-393-0042-3. 945:
Correctness", Answers.Com gives the following definition:
893:” had an influence on Freud and that after studying under 763:
of Fire”, the very same paper that founded the science of
on the concept of psychological energy, which he called
that I just found. From the books I have read and own,
2120: 1636: 1046:
of Robin Robertson and Allan Combs 1995, 408-page book
514: 510: 2447:
is the application of the principles and concepts of
101:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 2483:, especially in relation to the interaction of the 1557:
Influences of thermodynamics on Freudian psychology
agree that the merger issue should be discussed? __
2659:”. In 1876, for instance, American civil engineer 2631:. One example, is American physiological chemist 2459:, meaning to impart forward motion to by physical 1128:is; a theory that goes back over a 1,000 years. -- 552:Spurious establishment of thermodynamics parentage 2619:was still referred to by many as the “science of 556:I find the connection between Psychodynamics and 2583:If you want to give it another try, go ahead! __ 2056:was still referred to by many as the science of 573:, indeed on the entropy page there is a link to 2818:The problems arise from conflicting definitions 2017:informing the root of contention on all fronts. 924:Is anything at all about this article reliable? 931: 1903:It's in one of the three references cited. -- 8: 2549:would look better in the first clause: i.e. 2044:My efforts to reference different terms for 1745:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 1234:and a different 40 or so pages that link to 2879:In the introduction there is the sentence; 1385:whereas you read this as a definition of a 844:. This principle stated, in effect, that 820:’s Origin of Species. The following year 47: 2776:for any of the claims of psychodynamics? 2376:genetic constitution and his environment. 1799:) as opposed to the qualitative aspects. 1573:Meco, your entire agenda is turning into 1849:The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche 1689:as they relate to mental, emotional, or 828:when he demonstrated, in 1860, that the 162:Removed cfdnotice, cfd has completed. -- 2637:Bioenergetics – the Molecular Basis of 1701: 1048:Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life 642:Leontes, you state “within psychology, 49: 19: 1819:Similarly I find that the mention of " 1738: 1274:feel that they have touched infinity. 666:is concerned with the distribution of 115:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Psychology 2562:." This is too short. The third is: " 2368:Replacement first sentence also awful 1914:Specifically, from page 13 of Hall’s 1868:- McGraw-Hill Science Tech Dictionary 7: 705:, was developed by the great German 231:Category:Psychodynamic psychotherapy 95:This article is within the scope of 2938:High-importance psychology articles 2635:’s very popular 1973, 2nd edition, 2623:”, among other names, such as the “ 1328:which means 'soul' or 'heart,' and 1312:Beneath Mate Selection and Marriage 808:History lesson for misinformed meco 38:It is of interest to the following 2121:Columbia Academy of Psychodynamics 1843:Physiology by German physiologist 1357:American Psychological Association 14: 2149:Psychodynamics of Drug Dependence 1840:Knowledge (XXG):Original research 1042:Here’s another direct quote from 1038:Another reference to appease meco 951:constitution and his environment. 2639:Biological Energy Transformation 2159:Quantum Psychodynamics of Dreams 1092:, found in multiple chapters. -- 82: 72: 51: 20: 2943:WikiProject Psychology articles 1726:A Primer in Freudian Psychology 814:A Primer in Freudian Psychology 175:It should properly be moved to 135:This article has been rated as 118:Template:WikiProject Psychology 2154:Group psychodynamics and Cults 2138:Psychodynamics of Scapegoating 853:was the golden age of energy: 840:, formulated the principle of 660:A Primer in Jungian Psychology 654:who has volumes written about 229:is (almost) as unjustified as 179:and the related terms such as 1: 1916:Primer in Freudian Psychology 109:and see a list of open tasks. 2893:21:11, 16 January 2014 (UTC) 1306:21:00, 25 October 2012 (UTC) 970:Principles of Psychodynamics 781:Freud used the 1st law (the 701:, mathematically defined as 695:second law of thermodynamics 586:no mention of thermodynamics 584:article existed, and it had 462:parent-infant psychodynamics 2933:C-Class psychology articles 2786:17:20, 7 January 2013 (UTC) 2735:18:13, 10 August 2008 (UTC) 2720:17:55, 10 August 2008 (UTC) 2560:energy, referring to libido 2245:to tend toward the bullying 1766:, 2000, CD-ROM, version 2.5 1641:Psychodynamic psychotherapy 1395:Psychodynamic psychotherapy 1232:psychodynamic psychotherapy 1090:psychodynamic psychotherapy 684:first law of thermodynamics 582:Psychodynamic psychotherapy 563:Category:Jungian psychology 519:Psychodynamic psychotherapy 458:relationship psychodynamics 209:psychodynamic psychotherapy 201:psychodynamic psychotherapy 2959: 2919:11:30, 27 April 2020 (UTC) 2867:23:07, 27 April 2013 (UTC) 2852:22:55, 27 April 2013 (UTC) 2838:22:51, 27 April 2013 (UTC) 2812:01:19, 30 April 2012 (UTC) 2133:The Psychodynamics of News 1834:08:43, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 141:project's importance scale 2669:mechanical theory of heat 2657:mechanical theory of heat 2649:Biological Thermodynamics 1724:Hall, Calvin, S. (1954). 1693:forces especially at the 755:”, from French physicist 646:is not at all related to 134: 67: 46: 2706:00:30, 31 May 2008 (UTC) 2687:05:06, 7 June 2007 (UTC) 2605:04:26, 7 June 2007 (UTC) 2588:22:42, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2515:21:28, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2412:14:17, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2398:11:05, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2388:09:03, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2356:21:35, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2334:19:43, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2308:20:58, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2278:20:00, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2252:19:49, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2226:19:28, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2208:17:44, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2194:17:36, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2184:16:53, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2169:08:09, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2098:21:44, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2084:00:14, 5 June 2007 (UTC) 2070:What is your opinion on 2065:21:54, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2035:19:25, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 2004:18:54, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1975:17:10, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1944:is one that studies the 1908:16:47, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1898:16:06, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1883:17:19, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1856:06:50, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1659:First sentence should go 1649:16:48, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 1623:15:53, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 1565:15:22, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 1479:07:02, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1451:07:02, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 1424:07:17, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 1402:15:32, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 1369:02:15, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 1341:15:14, 25 May 2007 (UTC) 1243:23:33, 23 May 2007 (UTC) 1216:18:44, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 1199:23:21, 23 May 2007 (UTC) 1179:20:36, 16 May 2007 (UTC) 1133:00:39, 16 May 2007 (UTC) 1111:17:50, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 1097:16:15, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 1079:15:53, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 1026:16:33, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 1004:15:43, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 986:15:34, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 961:11:23, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 919:10:04, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 910:books and about a dozen 798:02:48, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 680:principle of equivalence 628:08:54, 16 May 2007 (UTC) 618:01:50, 16 May 2007 (UTC) 608:09:25, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 598:09:18, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 530:17:09, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 473:16:04, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 423:06:44, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 360:21:20, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 305:16:30, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 280:09:11, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 255:09:08, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 238:08:41, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 216:05:23, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 2766:23:52, 7 May 2011 (UTC) 2661:Richard Sears McCulloch 2479:, and others, etc., to 2106:Links and related pages 1872:What is psychodynamics? 1802:I find the mention of " 1709:Freud, Sigmund (1923). 1603:of mental or emotional 1387:system of psychotherapy 1355:and is a member of the 567:Category:Thermodynamics 273:category:psychodynamics 227:Category:Psychodynamics 181:regression (psychology) 177:Category:Psychodynamics 167:17:28, 9 May 2008 (UTC) 2875:Introductory confusion 2610:Historical terminology 2510:Like or don't like? -- 2453:laws of thermodynamics 1821:mental, emotional, or 903:laws of thermodynamics 842:conservation of energy 759:’s 1824 paper “On the 713:between 1850 and 1865: 672:Jungian psychodynamics 193:id, ego, and super-ego 98:WikiProject Psychology 28:This article is rated 2740:No Criticism AT ALL ? 2117:– Powerpoint Overview 1958:history of psychology 1878:I hope this helps? -- 1539:) 14:20, May 30, 2007 1070:) through discharge ( 859:electromagnetic field 838:Hermann von Helmholtz 575:Psychological entropy 466:social-psychodynamics 32:on Knowledge (XXG)'s 2541:; the mentioning of 1663:It currently reads: 851:theory of relativity 824:founded the science 697:).” The concept of 686:) and the principle 197:entropy (psychology) 2774:scientific evidence 2671:, sometimes called 1353:clinical psychology 588:whatsoever. In the 121:psychology articles 1997:dynamic psychology 1993:dynamic psychology 1985:dynamic psychology 1942:dynamic psychology 1938:dynamic psychology 1888:Dynamic psychology 1782:dynamic psychology 1711:The Ego and the Id 1675:dynamic psychology 1192:dynamic psychology 1188:The Ego and the Id 1143:The Ego and the Id 34:content assessment 2802:comment added by 2756:comment added by 2164:To name a few. -- 1967: 1966: 1948:and exchanges of 1728:. Meridian Book. 1577:. To quote form 1541: 1527:comment added by 1498:attachment theory 1296:comment added by 1126:chemical affinity 745:working substance 155: 154: 151: 150: 147: 146: 90:Psychology portal 2950: 2814: 2768: 2633:Albert Lehninger 1934:laws of dynamics 1926: 1845:Ernst von Brücke 1767: 1757: 1751: 1750: 1744: 1736: 1721: 1715: 1714: 1706: 1540: 1521: 1308: 1226:Merge discussion 707:thermodynamicist 678:. They are the 515:radical re-write 275:for deletion. -- 123: 122: 119: 116: 113: 92: 87: 86: 85: 76: 69: 68: 63: 55: 48: 31: 25: 24: 16: 2958: 2957: 2953: 2952: 2951: 2949: 2948: 2947: 2923: 2922: 2900: 2877: 2820: 2797: 2793: 2751: 2742: 2694: 2692:Current section 2674:thermo-dynamics 2612: 2467:, referring to 2370: 2176: 2108: 1946:transformations 1890: 1795:(including the 1770: 1764:Merriam-Webster 1758: 1754: 1737: 1723: 1722: 1718: 1708: 1707: 1703: 1661: 1583:Merriam-Webster 1522: 1493: 1314: 1291: 1228: 1145: 1068:point attractor 1040: 975:Merriam-Webster 926: 899:Johannes Muller 891:Rudolf Clausius 810: 711:Rudolf Clausius 554: 160: 158:No merge needed 137:High-importance 120: 117: 114: 111: 110: 88: 83: 81: 62:High‑importance 61: 29: 12: 11: 5: 2956: 2954: 2946: 2945: 2940: 2935: 2925: 2924: 2899: 2896: 2876: 2873: 2819: 2816: 2792: 2789: 2778: 2741: 2738: 2693: 2690: 2625:theory of heat 2617:thermodynamics 2611: 2608: 2597: 2596: 2595: 2594: 2593: 2592: 2591: 2590: 2574: 2573: 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05:23, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
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08:41, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
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09:08, 15 May 2007 (UTC)

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