Knowledge (XXG)

Talk:Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections

Source 📝

side or a good thing about the other. I have no problem with warning Wikipedians to not rely on anything they say that is consequential to this page. From a brief look at Larry Johnson's page he should probably go in that pile too. A few others are mixed. I don't wish ill on Trump but I wish he would go away and never run for office again. Would you be willing to give me an honest answer to this question? I don't think these 3 are without flaws that cloud their judgement. But if you were to just stack up Greenwald, Taibbi, and Maté's track record of getting the basic shape of this investigation correct against our biggest newspapers and non-fox networks who would you say has been closer to the things we think we know now? (I'm not giving Fox any credit for not being on that list. They would never be honest about any substantive Trump flaw).
2921:"Problems of verification surrounded official claims concerning the role of WikiLeaks and Russia vis-Ă -vis the release of e-mails stolen from the Democratic National Convention before the U.S. federal election of 2016. In addition to the competing conspiracy theories and false stories promoted by fringe elements, major news organizations tailored their reporting to satisfy divergent truth markets. These developments fit with the emergence of a posttruth environment marked by increasingly fragmented media, irreconcilable portrayals of political developments, and widespread distrust of dominant institutions. However, consistent with the findings of past political economy research, most news reporting incorporated a steady stream of propaganda promoted by powerful political interests." 2279:
failure to continue their coverage is an unforgivable lapse in logic and due diligence on their part. They should have continued to pursue Trump for his cooperation with Russian efforts. They should be uncovering why he never criticizes Putin. They should be covering the things Mueller did not seriously pursue because Trump obstructed his efforts. Mueller just gave up and didn't subpoena Trump or force him to testify in person. He allowed Trump to lie again and again and didn't prosecute him for it. Oh, well, that's because Mueller had to look the other way and pretend it didn't happen. After all, he had a mandate to not find anything that could lead to the indictment of a sitting president. An odd situation, that one. Try
3070:"Anti-Russian propaganda creates a moral dichotomy between the West as the legitimate in-group and Russia as the illegitimate out-group. Propaganda against an external actor often seeps into domestic politics by linking the political opposition to the illegitimate out-group. The Red Scare of the 1920s, McCarthyism of the 1950s, and the Russiagate investigation of the Trump era are instances of when Russophobia has been used to purge the political opposition. The Trump-Kremlin collusion to steal the 2016 presidential election, the Russian bounties of US troops in Afghanistan and the Hunter Biden laptop scandal are case studies of anti-Russian propaganda being instrumental in domestic politics." 3701:
which Mueller found in spades. The Trump campaign cooperated and helped the Russian efforts in many ways, all the time denying that Russia tried to help Trump, even though their hacking and social media operations were huge and effective. The Trump camp deliberately spread confusion by conflating the words "conspiracy" and "collusion", forcing Mueller to explicitly say he was not investigating "collusion", just "conspiracy", and to make clear they were not the same thing. Mueller did that, so the Trump camp is lying when they claim Mueller found no collusion. He found many forms, but they were not crimes he could prosecute. They were just unpatriotic.
3056:"RussiaGate is a discourse about alleged Russian "meddling" in US elections, and this book argues that it functions as disinformation or distraction. The book provides a framework for better understanding of ongoing developments of RussiaGate, linking these to macroconsiderations that rarely enter mainstream accounts. It demonstrates the considerable weaknesses of many of the charges that have been made against Russia by US investigators, and argues that this discourse fails to take account of broader non-transparent persuasion campaigns operating in the election-information environment that are strengthened by social media manipulation." 2739:"Greenwald, Taibbi, and Maté" and Solomon are behind much of the disinformation we're seeing. They went down the Giuliani rabbit hole and believed the Russian disinfo he got from Russian agents in Ukraine. That was a Trump operation to create fake news that would move blame from Trump to Biden, and it failed (at least with RS and here), but there are still people who believe it. I used to be a fan of Taibbi and Greenwald (and Giuliani), but when they abandoned good journalistic practices (and suffered the consequences), it was a sad day. Once the conspiracy theory mindset is well-established, all is lost. 3136:(as in exact quotes) ways would they advance or counter the content we already have here? Show us some quotes from the citations. You do know that the "abstract" you quote above could be written by either side of the issues, right? It could be written by the American FBI or the Russian FSB and mean exactly opposite things. So how do these sources deal with the facts? The quotes you provide should help us understand that. Right now you're using very large and vague quotes that don't mention precise facts. You should do that. You should also prominently identify the exact author for each statement. -- 1947: 3905: 1923: 2517: 3017:
supporters of the Democratic Party (notably among mainstream media aside from Fox News, other Murdoch media, and the Sinclair chain), largely in alignment with the war industry of the military-industrial-surveillance establishment – set on a course of anti-Russian vilification since the ascent of Vladimir Putin to power in 1998 – for whom ‘RussiaGate’ is solely about Trump’s ‘collusion’ with the Russian government or Russian ‘oligarchs’ and their alleged interference with the 2016 presidential election in Trump’s favor.'
2010: 1069: 1048: 1079: 1796: 1761: 2271:
even coordinated / conspired with the Russians in these endeavors. The only part of that which has not been proven is "conspiracy", which involves "coordination". And even that was not disproven. Otherwise, there is plenty of evidence of cooperation, collusion, and collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia, and even some evidence of conspiracy (Manafort's sharing of polling data while he was campaign chairman) and attempted coordination (Roger Stone and WikiLeaks).
2263:. That has to do with the origins of the Russia investigation, with MAGA blaming the Steele dossier and Ukraine, both of which are wrong. This is the best target, in a weird sort of way. "Russiagate" is used by those who claim there was no Russian interference at all, or if any, of no consequence, and certainly without any help from Trump or attempt to aid his election. They are claiming this whole Russia investigation was just a witch hunt against Trump, so " 880: 859: 1184: 1611: 1806: 383: 1535: 799: 1508: 781: 1664: 1643: 1464: 594: 430: 1480: 1545: 1899: 1174: 534: 1153: 507: 2088: 1349: 3843: 2473: 311: 341: 1674: 476: 3109:"Drawing on political and social psychology, this article seeks to enrich, and refresh, the familiar journalistic concepts of agenda-setting, framing and priming by combining them under the heading of the ‘news narrative’. Using this interdisciplinary approach to media effects theory, Russiagate is considered in terms of the Illusory Truth Effect and the Innuendo Effect." 2000: 1421: 1410: 1399: 1388: 3214:", a term used nearly exclusively by right-wing conspiracy theorists and Trump/Putin/Russia apologists to portray all investigations into Russian interference to help Trump win the election as wrong, with Putin/Russia/Trump as the innocent victims of a left-wing witch hunt. You know these sources better than I do. Is my impression of them and their agenda correct? -- 1979: 3674:. The word "science" is used in different ways. Your sources are books published by the presses of academic institutions (they have to make money), and, unlike medical and other science books, political books are usually the opinions of the authors, without peer-review in the sense that scientific research undergoes peer-review. Just so you understand the difference. 3172:
lose, it seems. Anyway, I'm going to try to ignore that. Back to the sources...if you're interested in the article, which it appears that you are, how about you choose 1-3 of these sources and think about how you would incorporate them into the article? I'd like to see your approach to academic political literature. It would give me a better idea of how to proceed.
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be deleted on sight."? And I'm not talking about the minutiae, I'll grant you that there are rules to posting on Knowledge (XXG) that would preclude them from being RS's. But can you see how the spirit of those two quotes would make even someone who isn't at all rooting for the electoral success of Trump to be much more skeptical than before of this sight?
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research. They are the author's own political views, and, as pushers of Russian disinformation, they are highly inaccurate. That's why their views are at odds with all mainstream RS. The real experts are the intelligence community, and we document their findings, as described in myriad RS and government and congressional investigations. --
980: 959: 3347:
such claims. It was false to claim that the A-234 (‘Novichok’) organo-phosphate compound could only have been produced in Russia. ....There is even room to doubt whether the Skripals were actually poisoned by the A-234 compound or whether this was applied to a sample after the Skripals were exposed to a less harmful agent.
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raised when multiple allied intelligence agencies discovered by chance the many suspicious communications between Trump's people and Russian intelligence agents. Instead of being suspicious of the cooperation and communication between Trump's campaign and Russian intelligence agents, Taibbi and his list defend them.
It's embarrassing to see you pushing sources that even mention Seth Rich as a possible leaker of inside DNC information. There is zero evidence to back such assertions, yet at least one of your sources pushes such conspiracy theories. Russian intelligence hacked the DNC and used WikiLeaks and DCLeaks
Along with common and false western media assertions as to how Russia ‘seized’ Crimea in 2014 (the pro-Russian majority in Crimea voted to request Russia to annex the territory rather than suffer the privations of the anti-Russian regime that established itself by coup in Kiev earlier that year), the
I notice that because of your fast addition of quotes, there were several edit conflicts, so by the time what I wrote was published, my comment was a bit outdated. The abstract I was referring to was where you quote "Problems of verification surrounded official claims concerning the role of WikiLeaks
The only legitimate way we can do that is by citing RS when they mention the nonsense, and that happens all the time. That enables us to determine due weight and include the framing from RS, which will usually be citing nonsense in the context of criticizing, debunking, and deconstructing it. We then
BTW, my background is in the medical, hard science, arena, unlike the soft political science arena. They are two very different animals. I have two different graduate level medical educations. The hard sciences are my home turf, so when I said politics was not a "science", I was referring to a "hard
You may not like it, but the mainstream press is a RS here. Period. A proven fact from Reuters, and backed up my myriad other mainstream media sources, all of them fact-checked before going to press, is worth far more than a debunked opinion from a fringe academic in his dubious book published by an
Contributing equally to the West’s long-unfolding anti-Russian campaign has been reporting of the ‘Skripal affair’ early in 2018. Mainstream western media overwhelmingly supported false British government claims of Russian responsibility even before there could possibly have been evidence to support
You keep talking about these books as "academic" sources. Some are and some aren't, and they are all the opinions of their authors. They are not "better" than other sources. Many a university professor has used their academic status to push their own weird ideas. (I had a college professor encourage
Do you think what I'm saying is unreasonable? I'm not saying I have any more insight on this topic than anyone else. Is it unreasonable of me to find the following two quotes inappropriate: "learn the names of these conspiracy theorists and their unreliable sources" and "most of the time they should
related to Trump and the issues described here, the term is clearly used to refer to several other unrelated scandals related to Russia, some not even related to US. Second, if the primary meaning is here (as the redirect implies), why is this term not mentioned in the article body? And third, since
I do not place total trust in the intelligence community or governments. They have their own political axes to grind. I place more trust in mainstream journalists whose productions undergo fact-checking before going to press (unlike fringe sources), who have a reputation to uphold, and who can lose
This article presents hundreds of pop sources, but, by my count, only one academic source, even though dozens upon dozens of academic sources exist. That imbalance that has to be addressed. We cannot say "the published scholarly views on the subject are fringe, because network news, cable news, and
I do not understand the comment about the FBI and FSB. The abstracts/samples were not written by either group, I am specifically sharing sources from academic journals and academic publishers. The publisher's name should be included with each source, and the individual authors' names should be easy
of interest. Unfortunately, even mainstream media fell for Trump's denial rhetoric and lost interest in "collusion" and "cooperation" when Mueller was unable to prove "conspiracy". Mueller made a good effort to explain that they were not synonymous, and he treated them very differently. The media's
The "Russiagate conspiracy theory" is a term used by MAGA to describe the beliefs that led to this investigation. Those beliefs were that the Russians interfered to help Trump (and investigations found this was the case) and that the Trump campaign, in some form, either cooperated, collaborated, or
I am not rejecting academic sources. We usually rate them highly because they are written by highly educated people who are holders of MD, DS, or PhD degrees. Politics is a different animal. Any PhD can write a book that is full of BS fringe opinions and get it published by an academic press. What
You've posted 10 that you claim reflect a certain point of view, and I've posted 10 that express a range of points of view. That's 20 scholarly sources, and they were all easy to find! There are probably double, triple, or quadruple that many scholarly sources available, especially when we include
All I'm doing is aggregating a list of academic sources. I've invited you and other editors to help me determine how, exactly, they should be used. I have thoughts on the matter, but I'd like to know what you think. These academic publications and books represent an untapped gold mine of scholarly
The following article by Taibbi contains a long list of the conspiracy theorists (and their unreliable sources) who oppose the narrative told by all the reliable sources behind this and other articles. Those who believe him and those on his list create a lot of disruption in our articles regarding
I am certainly willing to consider using your sources, but not just because they are academic sources. Some of them are, after all, books written by fringe academics and Russian apologists who want to whitewash Putin and Trump. So let's see exactly how you'd like to use them. Each use of a source
It's also embarrassing to see your sources pushing "Russiagate" conspiracy theories that take the fact that Mueller was unable to prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the Trump campaign "conspired" and "coordinated" with the Russians, and then claim there was no "collusion" or "cooperation",
Politics is not a science. You're treating these books as if they are scientific research, which is indeed "vetted by the scholarly community" and must pass "peer-review". These books are nothing like that. They are not "vetted by the scholarly community" as they are political POV, not scientific
All of these sources are either published in scholarly journals, or published by academic publishers like Palgrave MacMillan, and there is no reason to question the reliability of any of those journals or publishers. I understand your surprise at what these scholarly publications say, but that is
I have taken the time to list 10 relevant academic sources, and counting, asked for help with dissecting and incorporating them into the article, in order to improve it. Your response is to threaten me with a topic ban. Are you sure I'm the unconstructive party here? It's heads, you win, tails, I
There are substantial indications that the discourse of ‘RussiaGate’ and allegations of Russian involvement in ‘Fake News’ production has in many ways been propelled by the machinations of US, European, and Russian intelligence agencies. It has also invited partisan coverage among ‘liberal media’
Nonsense and lies should always be framed and identified as such by using descriptive words like pseudoscience, falsehood, etc. We are not purveyors of nonsense. We do not leave it up to the reader to determine what is true or false. We let RS do that by citing how RS describe it. When there is a
still governs how we can cite them in their own articles here, and if published by a RS, we might consider whether to cite them in other articles, all while keeping in mind not to give undue weight to fringe and deceptive opinions. Our remit here is to document the sum of all human knowledge, and
Can you understand how this comment might go a long way towards undermining trust in wikipedia? I know not many people go to talk pages and perhaps those who do already have firmly established priors that won't be budged. Bongino, Bartiromo, Patel, and Solomon would never say a bad word about one
I've posted 10 academic sources so far, and have more to post. How many scholarly works are currently cited in this article? I don't see very many, at all. The only academic source I see, from the Columbia Journalism Review, was highly critical of the way "Russian interference" was framed in the
is that they call it "Russiagate", as if all the accusations about the interference by Russia, and Trump's cooperation with that interference, are a false conspiracy theory. They are pushing Russian/Trump/GOP disinformation. They are more concerned with Russia's reputation than with the concerns
vetted by the scholarly community, because they have been published in scholarly journals and/or published by academic publishing houses. Knowledge (XXG)'s RS standards make no distinction between physical and social sciences when assessing the reliability of scholarly sources. I already quoted
This perspective marginalizes evidence that the hackers were not, in fact, linked to the Russian intelligence or .... or that US intelligence had ‘planted’ traces to make it appear as though the hackers were Russian or alternatively, that the emails were leaked – not hacked – by a discontented
Considering that this article is heavily based on news articles from the popular press, I think that POV issues are present until these sources, and ones similar to them, are incorporated into the narrative of the article. Recent discussions on this talk page also suggest that a wider array of
Neutrality requires that mainspace articles and pages fairly represent all significant viewpoints that have been published by reliable sources, in proportion to the prominence of each viewpoint in those sources. Giving due weight and avoiding giving undue weight means articles should not give
If you can find other RS that specifically repudiate some of these scholarly works, then their statements should probably be attributed, rather than used to make statements in Wikivoice. Otherwise, they are among the best sources on the topic that are available, and should be used, and where
I did not threaten you with a topic ban. I reminded you of your history and previous topic ban, and thus your precarious situation when dealing with these topics. That's all. As long as you stay far away from your past POV, behaviors, and dependence on unreliable sources, you should have no
The Russia "hacking" narrative is neither verified nor contextualized within the US quest for global hegemony. The only hard and obvious evidence is that the MSM, which are supposed to be "watchdogs" (not lapdogs) of the government, are obediently performing their role as ideological state
3090:"What we have...are baseless assertions, sloppy reporting (even fake news), witch-hunting, and xenophobia. Taken as a whole, Russiagate is debilitating the real resistance in the US, escalating the US war machine, and shifting the political spectrum in the country even more to the right." 3031:"The underfunding of social protections in the Obama administration as part of his "trickle down" policies contributed to the rapid decline of state legitimacy - and ultimately to the Democrats' attempt to attribute the 2016 political disaster to an imagined Putin-Trump conspiracy..." 3417:
is clear: "Reliable scholarship – Material such as an article, book, monograph, or research paper that has been vetted by the scholarly community is regarded as reliable, where the material has been published in reputable peer-reviewed sources or by well-regarded academic
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above: "Reliable scholarship – Material such as an article, book, monograph, or research paper that has been vetted by the scholarly community is regarded as reliable, where the material has been published in reputable peer-reviewed sources or by well-regarded academic
3446:, except perhaps in a "see also" to an article about those specific views. For example, the article on the Earth does not directly mention modern support for the flat Earth concept, the view of a distinct (and minuscule) minority; to do so would give undue weight to it. 2321:
I appreciate your analysis - I am not as familiar with US politics as you are, clearly. But I think we are off topic, since my concerns here are about Knowledge (XXG). First and foremost, what is the primary meaning of Russiagate? While it is plausible it is
20 scholarly sources have been posted to this talk page so far, yet none of them are in the article. If you are not interested in improving the article, that is perfectly fine with me. I was just trying to be courteous by asking for collaboration. Carry on.
177: 3636:"The real experts are the intelligence community" - If you genuinely believe that, we have a bigger issue here. Intelligence agents are not more reliable than scholars. Nowhere in Knowledge (XXG)'s policies does it say that. If it does, please show me. 2999:
More sources: will continue to edit this comment as I find the time to keep adding them. I'll include a sample passage with each source, which includes important academic insights that "somehow" have been excluded from this very peculiar article:
2929:, I see you've been active on this page. Do you have any interest in helping me improve this article? I've already posted 4 sources here to the talk page, and I have 15-20 others that I've saved. Lots of work to do, would appreciate some help. 3693:) where we have to do the best we can. When we do have solid facts backed by supporting evidence, then sources that contradict them and push debunked ideas and theories get downplayed here. That's the position your sources find themselves in. 2174:
Should Russiagate rediect here? Please see discussion there. Right now this term is not even mention in article body here, and it is used in other contexts in various works (ex. referring to a 1990s scandal or recent EU parliament scandals).
to use the sources, not whether or not they are reliable by WP's standards. I asked for help in doing so, in an attempt to show good faith and a desire to collaborate, but if no one is willing to help, that is fine too, I will do it myself.
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The 2016 Presidential election sure brought the world a lot of stress. It also brought the world a lot of misinformation. That could be one reason why so many of the most edited Knowledge (XXG) pages of 2016 were politically related. ...
That logic does not hold up. Often, in pseudoscience and in other areas, the preponderance of popular commentary dissents from scholarly views. In those areas, we give more weight to what the scholars have to say, and we should here, as
3021: 3620:
If you think that Knowledge (XXG)'s RS standards are wrong, you can try to change them. But we will not just throw out a dozen+ scholarly sources because their conclusions differ from your opinions. If I tried to do that, I would
It does, my question was - should it? The term is used in other contexts, we need a disambig/hatnote, and anyway, it is weird to have a redirect to an article that does not use the term. Anyway, isn't the conspiracy theory at
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It's strange that it doesn't. Normally both the article and talk page redirect. Go for it. Someday, maybe someone will write about the conspiratorial uses of the term and we can point it there. Its use is usually a
their reputations and jobs if they get it wrong. They rarely work alone and cross-check information as much as possible. They also apologize when they do get it wrong. Fringe sources just double down on their lies.
and Russia vis-Ă -vis the release ...." That abstract could have been written by the FBI or FSB. It's that vague and intetsigende (Danish: "nothing saying"). We need content that is very specific and not vague. --
171: 4165: 4130: 4075: 452: 1471: 1268: 763: 4155: 3955: 3421:
Therefore, the source is reliable, even if you find the ideas expressed within it to be discordant with other things you've read about the subject. The real question here is weight, not reliability.
Other recent and related examples of fake news include the Western assertions, largely supported by the formal Dutch inquiry, that MH17 was shot down by Russian BUK missiles over the Donbass in 2014.
1908: 1771: 2824: 2501: 728:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Crime and Criminal Biography articles on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join 2557:
the proven Russian interference. They are all very unreliable sources, so don't try to use this as a source here. Stuff like this is why we keep getting misinformed people here who complain:
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All of them should be incorporated into the article. That's why I started this section, to post scholarly sources and work together to add them to the article. Would you like to help?
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added another 10 of their own, which is awesome. If nobody else has any interest, that's okay, I will get around to it eventually, but right now is an extremely busy time for me IRL.
3666:" (one of my majors in college) does not mean it is a "hard science" in the sense of lab research, double-blind studies, and measurable results compared against controls. It is not a 3367:
I agree. It is pure Russian propaganda. Several of the authors above are known as Russian mouthpieces and russophiles. They are not truthful or factual, and therefore are not RS. --
4195: 3129:
Considering your previous topic ban, I'm surprised you would venture into this arena, but I'll let admins decide whether you are starting to violate it. If so, it will be restored
So learn the names of these conspiracy theorists and their unreliable sources. Most of the time they are not published by RS, and most of the time they should be deleted on sight:
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article. And I see no indication of bias in these scholarly works, nor do I see any explicit statement that they were intended as "opinion" pieces, rather than scholarly analyses.
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Yes, time prevents me from adding the sources at the moment. Again, that's why I posted them on the talk page, so that others could add them if they have the time and interest. @
3248:, in this conversation, I am told that, if a statement is made by an academic source like Palgrave Macmillan "in its own voice", then it must be presented as a statement of fact. 1853: 996: 724: 701: 584: 2066: 1362: 1339: 1301: 4100: 3995: 3950: 3258:, for example, was pretty clear: we do not question what reliable sources say, because that is original research - we regurgitate what reliable sources say. If RS say it, it 2793:
disagreement between RS, we do not take sides, but when there is a disagreement between RS and fringe sources, we side with RS, because all of our content is based on RS. --
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I would want to know what they're being used as sources for, as I think "Barry the dancing hamster" would be a reliable source for a quote from Barry then dancing hamster.
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is the place to discuss it. Although we can have a discussion here too - it does not seem like many folks are flocking to discuss this, so far it is just you and me here.
2124: 2056: 824: 806: 786: 302: 4175: 4015: 1937: 3207:
She used her status to write far-left "academic" articles.) So "academic", at least in politics, is not something sacred or better. OTOH, it is in science and medicine.
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that exposes the user as a MAGA believer in conspiracy theories that deny the Russians interfered in the election. Until then, this is probably the best target. --
1879: 550: 4105: 3985: 2260: 2228: 753: 2032: 1843: 1240: 4180: 3678:
kind of controls test whether their claims are accurate? None. Academic freedom means they get to publish their POV, even if it is contested by other academics.
We delete unreliable sources when they are used, and that's basically what this thread is about. That's what misinforms those who complain here. That's all. --
2267:" would be the ideal target. It's hard to create such an article based almost exclusively on unreliable sources. They do not have enough due weight to meet GNG. 2564:. Media figures who exposed illegal surveillance, manufactured intelligence, and other abuses in the Trump-Russia investigation almost always paid a price. by 941: 103: 4050: 1230: 3497:
Looking through Google Scholar results, the majority of scholarly sources seem to reflect the same mainstream viewpoints as those from journalistic sources
1601: 1135: 4200: 4095: 3965: 3945: 608: 1848: 153: 4205: 4090: 4060: 4035: 4010: 1591: 1329: 1125: 931: 3465:
I see mostly popular media, like CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Politico, and so on. Those are good, but not as good as academic sources.
1743: 621: 541: 512: 4170: 4070: 3762:
I posted 10 so far, and someone else posted another 10. I haven't read all 20 in detail, so I don't know, exactly. That's why I shared them publicly.
3527:. This is not to say that you won't find some dissenting viewpoints if you search for them enough, just that those views represent a small minority. 2823:
Greenwall was proven right by Snowden, not a conspiracy-guy. And Russiagate was a three year long hysteria. Why are you undermining Knowledge (XXG)?
2023: 1984: 1296: 1263: 149: 4120: 4055: 3885: 1733: 1206: 109: 4140: 3980: 3975: 3519: 2256:). Normally both the article and talk page redirect to the same target. There shouldn't be any discussion occurring there where few are watching. 907: 2874: 199: 4110: 4065: 4040: 3878:
Current text: The "hacking and disinformation campaign" to damage Clinton and help Trump became the "core of the scandal known as Russiagate".
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sources must be used to improve the article. If someone who's currently active on this article wants to take the lead, I'm happy to assist.
2280: 461: 4135: 4045: 3525: 3042: 2106: 348: 54: 3269:
that "when available, academic and peer-reviewed publications, scholarly monographs, and textbooks are usually the most reliable sources."
2134: 1709: 4005: 3960: 3516: 1197: 1158: 361: 4085: 4030: 2828: 2505: 1831: 165: 17: 903: 890: 864: 603: 517: 447: 123: 3442:
minority views or aspects as much of or as detailed a description as more widely held views or widely supported aspects. Generally,
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Media outlets around the world recently compiled their annual stories on the most popular Knowledge (XXG) articles of the year. ...
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on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the ongoing discussions.
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A catastrophic media failure? Russiagate, Trump, and the illusion of truth: The dangers of innuendo and narrative repetition
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Okay, I've changed the redirect to the disamb. page which seems to be the consensus here and in the Russiagate talk page.
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The "hacking and disinformation campaign" to damage Clinton and help Trump became the "core of the scandal known as
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NO, what do YOU want to use those sources to say? Nothing prevents you from adding sources, you do not need to ask.
My main concern is not what particular point of view is held by scholarly sources. My concern is: why aren't there
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What I'm saying is that we are not dealing with some absolute, solid, stuff here. Politics is a soft science (see
2862: 2479: 2287: 2264: 2232: 1922: 672:
Create the Project Navigation Box including lists of adopted articles, requested articles, reviewed articles, etc.
133: 3809: 3775: 3767: 3739: 3653: 3557: 3488: 3426: 3396: 3286: 3177: 3120: 2988: 2970: 2962: 2948: 2934: 2897: 3709:
science". I recognize "political science" is a soft science. It was one of my many different college majors. --
1946: 321: 3870:
Add link to the first mention of Russiagate that leads to the page “List of -gate scandals and controversies” (
We must incorporate the scholarly views, while still including the popular (non-scholarly) commentary as well.
1692: 493: 2688:“Sleuth’s Corner” of @Walkafyre, @TECHNO_FOG, @RyanM58699717, @climateaudit, @FOOL_NELSON, and @Hmmm57474203. 3251: 2866: 2692:
These were all listed by Taibbi, and most of them are familiar to those who notice what the fringes say. --
2672: 2110: 1300:. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the project and see a 992: 3791: 3753: 3513: 2771: 2781: 416: 79: 3690: 2651: 2599: 2031:
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
899: 549:
on Knowledge (XXG). If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
MH17 ‘atrocity’ narrative has been central to the escalation of hostile Western rhetoric against Russia
These are really low-quality sources by fringe academics. They absolutely don't belong in the article.
94: 2656: 2500:
Newest sources say : it was Hillary that Russia wanted to win. She was more manageable than D. Trump.
1078: 1068: 1047: 364:. Please limit discussion to improvement of this article. You may wish to ask factual questions about 3805: 3771: 3763: 3735: 3649: 3553: 3484: 3422: 3392: 3282: 3173: 3116: 3099: 3074: 3007: 2984: 2966: 2958: 2944: 2930: 2893: 1811: 3889: 3277:
applicable, given more weight than articles from pop outlets like "Buzzfeed", "The New York Times",
475: 457: 3893: 3871: 2449: 2423:
Indeed, which is the first use of this term I encountered (I am from EU). This use is mentioned at
2410: 2135:"How Crazy Was Last Year? The 15 Most Controversial Knowledge (XXG) Articles Paint a Dark Picture" 185: 3254:
on how Knowledge (XXG) should treat "facts" and "opinions" tended strongly in the same direction.
2726: 2524: 3720: 3593: 3408: 3378: 3323: 3309: 3273:
likely because of the discrepancy between scholarly coverage and pop press coverage on the issue.
a fact as far as Knowledge (XXG) is concerned. That's what I've been told, in no uncertain terms.
3225: 3147: 3003: 2854: 2804: 2753: 2703: 2666: 2380: 2304: 2209: 326: 3094: 3060: 2661: 1795: 1760: 2348:
PS. In case this was not clear, I was trying to invite people watching this page to comment at
810:, an ongoing effort to improve the quality of, expand upon and create new articles relating to 3787: 3749: 3714: 3663: 3587: 3532: 3452: 3372: 3358: 3303: 3219: 3141: 2798: 2767: 2747: 2730: 2697: 2433: 2374: 2358: 2337: 2298: 2241: 2203: 2181: 2028: 1189: 641: 546: 75: 3353:
This is an incredibly fringe opinion piece by an author with no obvious claim to notability.
of other sources similar to these, from subject matter experts and/or academic publications.
2561: 3916: 2878: 2846:
Any particular reason why none of the following sources have been included in this article?
818: 391: 323: 3640: 3436: 2907:
Here's another source. I could add 15 more. Perhaps I will tonight, but here's one for now:
2850: 2789:
include the POV of the RS, which has more due weight than the nonsense they are discussing.
This is just for the curious who want to learn more about what the fringe is saying. Their
2284: 1610: 382: 3671: 3330:
insider (sometimes identified, without proof, as Seth Rich, who was subsequently murdered)
Written by discredited fringe academics that aren't generally taken seriously as scholars?
that includes documenting falsehoods, conspiracy theories, propaganda, and other nonsense.
2631: 2615: 2523:
it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a
2349: 2328: 2253: 2168: 1550: 1084: 3613: 3414: 3266: 3626: 879: 858: 3667: 2957:
What criteria have you used to assess the reliability of the sources as "low-quality"?
2445: 2420: 2406: 3639:
There is no serious argument for rejecting these sources, other than, maybe, invoking
1544: 1534: 1507: 798: 780: 675:
Find editors who have shown interest in this subject and ask them to take a look here.
3929: 3278: 2910: 2625: 2589: 2015: 1824: 1679: 3630: 3210:
As near as I can detect from a quick scan, these sources consistently use the term "
1463: 593: 3801: 3710: 3583: 3528: 3480: 3448: 3368: 3354: 3299: 3239: 3215: 3192: 3137: 2926: 2794: 2743: 2693: 2620: 2604: 2573: 2429: 2370: 2354: 2333: 2318: 2294: 2237: 2223: 2199: 2195: 2177: 2401:'Russiagate' is also being used to refer to Russian interference in EU elections ( 1898: 1663: 1642: 3407:
His claim to notability is that his work was published by an academic publisher,
When I said that it's "strange that it doesn't", I was referring to the heading (
3912: 3191:
her Political Science class to occupy the administration building in defense of
2646: 2610: 2584: 2565: 2533: 2259:
AFAIK, the term "Russiagate" has nothing to do with the conspiracy described at
1479: 2982: 2641: 2594: 2552:
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections#Non-U.S. intelligence
this concerns the meaning of Russiagate, and not this article, yes, I believe
2087: 2005: 1801: 1669: 1540: 1202: 1179: 1173: 1152: 1074: 533: 506: 822:
and other aspects of democratic decision-making. For more information, visit
3046: 2636: 895: 1823:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of topics relating to the 407:) and some terms that are used in it may be different or absent from other 3075:
US sovereignty must not be defended: Critical education against Russiagate
To move forward, you need to show how you would use these books. In what
1563: 1097: 812: 3504: 3024:. Published by Rowan & MacMillan. Chapter 5 is entitled "RussiaGate" 3004:
Fake news and 'RussiaGate' discourses: Propaganda in the post-truth era
2138: 1999: 1978: 631: 18:
Talk:Russian influence on the 2016 United States presidential election
1696: 3705:
must be judged on a case-by-case basis. Right? We can agree on that.
RussiaGate and Propaganda: Disinformation in the age of Social Media
Feel free to edit the article attached to this page, join up at the
3501: 1288: 1257: 2911:
RussiaGate, WikiLeaks, and the Political Economy of Posttruth News
902:, and related topics. If you would like to participate, visit the 716: 695: 3872:
That link destination violates the principal of least surprise.
be topic banned. You know it, and I know it. I'm going to leave
979: 958: 3238:
I have been explicitly told the opposite elsewhere, such as in
War With Russia; From Putin And Ukraine To Trump And Russiagate
3837: 2678: 2467: 2082: 469: 424: 377: 335: 327: 39: 26: 4161:
High-importance United States presidential elections articles
3483:, especially the 4 that are published in scholarly journals. 2464:
Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 16 February 2024
Military science, technology, and theory task force articles
1945: 1921: 1897: 1609: 1478: 1462: 1347: 630: 592: 3834:
Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 5 August 2024
the views of tiny minorities should not be included at all
2683: 2107:"These were the most edited Knowledge (XXG) pages of 2016" 450:
at the time (September 6, 2019). There are suggestions on
WikiProject United States presidential elections articles
WikiProject Russia articles with no associated task force
C-Class military science, technology, and theory articles
Would like to hear your thoughts on the other sources, @
reflection on Russian interference - let's start mining!
Russiagate: Russophobia Against the Political Opposition
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
2027:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of the 1096:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of the 886:
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Crime and Criminal Biography
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
3255: 3245: 2857:(note that Palgrave Macmillan is an academic publisher) 2275: 894:, which aims to improve Knowledge (XXG)'s coverage of 184: 4156:
B-Class United States presidential elections articles
B-Class Computer Security articles of High-importance
Many Reporters Paid for Covering the Russiagate Story
Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Elections and Referendums
1562:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1360:
This article has been checked against the following
1201:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 991:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 545:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1488:
Military science, technology, and theory task force
1445: 1359: 1005:
Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject International relations
198: 3936:Knowledge (XXG) articles that use American English 2125:2016 United States election interference by Russia 653:Review importance and quality of existing articles 456:for improving the article. If you can improve it, 4151:B-Class United States articles of High-importance 3991:WikiProject Crime and Criminal Biography articles 3643:. Like I said, the real discussion here is about 2231:? (Some folks in the past also proposed the name 741:Template:WikiProject Crime and Criminal Biography 4191:Top-importance United States Government articles 4021:High-importance International relations articles 2546:A reason we have so many attacks at this article 656:Identify categories related to Computer Security 57:for general discussion of the article's subject. 3166:to find by clicking on the links I've provided. 2725:Sorry it got so long and I mean no disrespect. 4001:WikiProject Elections and Referendums articles 2261:Russia investigation origins counter-narrative 2235:, which right now is not a redirect even...). 2229:Russia investigation origins counter-narrative 837:Template:WikiProject Elections and Referendums 4221:Knowledge (XXG) pages referenced by the press 4196:WikiProject United States Government articles 2851:Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax 559:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Computer Security 8: 4026:WikiProject International relations articles 2369:Ahh! I understand, and that makes sense. -- 2041:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject European history 1314:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Military history 1008:Template:WikiProject International relations 3662:Just because there is a discipline called " 4101:High-importance American politics articles 3996:B-Class Elections and Referendums articles 3951:High-importance Computer Security articles 2863:Deception: Russiagate and the New Cold War 1973: 1755: 1637: 1502: 1442: 1356: 1252: 1147: 1042: 953: 853: 775: 690: 662:Identify articles for creation (see also: 616: 501: 395:, which has its own spelling conventions ( 4211:High-importance European history articles 4186:B-Class United States Government articles 2350:Talk:Russiagate#This_should_be_a_disambig 2097:mentioned by multiple media organizations 1864:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject United States 644:. Please allow some days for processing. 4176:High-importance U.S. Presidents articles 4016:B-Class International relations articles 3022:Media Imperialism: Continuity and Change 1294:This article is within the scope of the 725:WikiProject Crime and Criminal Biography 442:Social sciences and society good article 4126:High-importance B-Class Russia articles 3469:newspapers disagree with the scholars." 1975: 1909:WikiProject U.S. presidential elections 1757: 1639: 1504: 1254: 1149: 1044: 955: 855: 777: 692: 503: 473: 4216:All WikiProject European history pages 4146:High-importance United States articles 3440: 3345: 3339: 3334: 3328: 2915:International Journal of Communication 2825:2001:2020:4337:9324:5A4:9030:D23B:234B 2502:2600:1009:B150:5D19:85D:3282:C500:6338 1304:. To use this banner, please see the 1215:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Journalism 562:Template:WikiProject Computer Security 4106:American politics task force articles 3986:Mid-importance Crime-related articles 3748:What do you want to use them to say? 3629:here as a gentle, friendly reminder. 3322:I've been reviewing the first source 2430:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2355:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2334:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2238:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2178:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2044:Template:WikiProject European history 1317:Template:WikiProject Military history 916:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Espionage 807:WikiProject Elections and Referendums 429: 415:, this should not be changed without 7: 4181:WikiProject U.S. Presidents articles 3200: 2919:A relevant quote from the abstract: 2105:Alyssa Pereira (December 21, 2016). 2021:This article is within the scope of 1933:WikiProject United States Presidents 1817:This article is within the scope of 1685:This article is within the scope of 1576:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Politics 1556:This article is within the scope of 1195:This article is within the scope of 1110:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Internet 1090:This article is within the scope of 985:This article is within the scope of 804:This article is within the scope of 722:This article is within the scope of 539:This article is within the scope of 4051:High-importance Journalism articles 988:WikiProject International relations 47:for discussing improvements to the 4201:WikiProject United States articles 4096:B-Class American politics articles 3966:High-importance Computing articles 3946:B-Class Computer Security articles 1867:Template:WikiProject United States 1718:Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Russia 840:Elections and Referendums articles 25: 4206:B-Class European history articles 4091:High-importance politics articles 4061:C-Class military history articles 4036:High-importance Internet articles 4011:Top-importance Espionage articles 3080:Educational Philosophy and Theory 3063:. 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Welcome! 4171:B-Class U.S. Presidents articles 4071:Intelligence task force articles 3903: 3841: 3201: 2515: 2471: 2086: 2008: 1998: 1977: 1804: 1794: 1759: 1672: 1662: 1641: 1543: 1533: 1506: 1419: 1408: 1397: 1386: 1375: 1287: 1256: 1182: 1172: 1151: 1077: 1067: 1046: 1011:International relations articles 978: 957: 878: 857: 797: 779: 715: 694: 532: 505: 474: 428: 381: 339: 309: 69:Click here to start a new topic. 4121:High-importance Russia articles 4056:WikiProject Journalism articles 2061:This article has been rated as 1884:This article has been rated as 1738:This article has been rated as 1596:This article has been rated as 1334:This article has been rated as 1235:This article has been rated as 1218:Template:WikiProject Journalism 1130:This article has been rated as 1025:This article has been rated as 936:This article has been rated as 758:This article has been rated as 579:This article has been rated as 4141:B-Class United States articles 3981:B-Class Crime-related articles 3976:All Computer Security articles 3054:Sample passage from abstract: 2283:. 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Cohen 2839:Academic sources 2807: 2756: 2706: 2657:Margot Cleveland 2519: 2518: 2489: 2485: 2475: 2474: 2468: 2436: 2383: 2361: 2340: 2307: 2244: 2212: 2184: 2155: 2147: 2145: 2129: 2119: 2117: 2090: 2083: 2049: 2048: 2045: 2042: 2039: 2038:European history 2018: 2013: 2012: 2011: 2002: 1995: 1994: 1989: 1985:European history 1981: 1974: 1872: 1871: 1868: 1865: 1862: 1814: 1809: 1808: 1807: 1798: 1791: 1790: 1785: 1782: 1763: 1756: 1726: 1725: 1722: 1719: 1716: 1682: 1677: 1676: 1675: 1666: 1659: 1658: 1653: 1645: 1638: 1584: 1583: 1580: 1577: 1574: 1553: 1548: 1547: 1537: 1530: 1529: 1524: 1521: 1510: 1503: 1453: 1443: 1427: 1423: 1422: 1416: 1412: 1411: 1405: 1401: 1400: 1394: 1390: 1389: 1383: 1379: 1378: 1357: 1322: 1321: 1318: 1315: 1312: 1311:Military history 1291: 1284: 1283: 1278: 1275: 1264:Military history 1260: 1253: 1223: 1222: 1219: 1216: 1213: 1192: 1187: 1186: 1185: 1176: 1169: 1168: 1163: 1155: 1148: 1118: 1117: 1114: 1111: 1108: 1087: 1082: 1081: 1071: 1064: 1063: 1058: 1050: 1043: 1013: 1012: 1009: 1006: 1003: 982: 975: 974: 969: 961: 954: 924: 923: 920: 917: 914: 882: 875: 874: 869: 861: 854: 842: 841: 838: 835: 832: 825:our project page 819:electoral reform 801: 794: 793: 783: 776: 746: 745: 742: 739: 736: 719: 712: 711: 706: 698: 691: 664:Article requests 649: 617: 567: 566: 563: 560: 557: 536: 529: 528: 523: 520: 509: 502: 485: 479: 478: 470: 432: 431: 425: 392:American English 388:This article is 385: 378: 343: 342: 336: 328: 314: 313: 304: 203: 202: 188: 119:Article policies 40: 27: 21: 4236: 4235: 4231: 4230: 4229: 4227: 4226: 4225: 3926: 3925: 3904: 3857: 3853: 3842: 3836: 3806:Philomathes2357 3772:Philomathes2357 3764:Philomathes2357 3736:Philomathes2357 3721: 3686:academic press. 3672:natural science 3650:Philomathes2357 3594: 3554:Philomathes2357 3485:Philomathes2357 3423:Philomathes2357 3393:Philomathes2357 3391:Known by whom? 3379: 3325:. Some quotes: 3310: 3283:Philomathes2357 3226: 3202: 3174:Philomathes2357 3148: 3117:Philomathes2357 3097:. Published in 3045:. Published by 3006:. published in 2985:BobFromBrockley 2967:Philomathes2357 2959:Philomathes2357 2945:BobFromBrockley 2931:Philomathes2357 2894:Philomathes2357 2865:. Published by 2853:. 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Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
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