
Template talk:Blockquote/Archive 2

Source 📝

commodo tincidunt, sem dolor fringilla enim, et mattis tortor magna non mi. Duis sed facilisis nisl. Fusce luctus orci non orci ultrices sed tristique magna dapibus. Nullam facilisis porttitor neque. Pellentesque id felis vel leo volutpat suscipit. Praesent pellentesque odio diam. Nullam gravida fermentum velit, quis interdum ligula fermentum at. Quisque eget diam leo, pulvinar congue arcu. Proin id pellentesque nunc. Nunc non erat nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla pulvinar, sem sit amet mollis pretium, lectus ligula accumsan urna, volutpat eleifend libero purus eget augue. Donec non sodales risus. Suspendisse ligula dolor, rutrum quis molestie a, tristique eget justo. Sed suscipit, eros a hendrerit accumsan, purus nulla euismod dui, eget sodales nisi est sit amet eros.
in elit. Etiam dui justo, mollis vel elementum eget, fringilla sit amet ligula. Maecenas sit amet diam a tortor bibendum varius. Phasellus a ligula non felis molestie pretium. Fusce congue magna eget odio tristique consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas dolor nulla, eleifend vitae tristique ut, pellentesque ac mi. Aenean gravida justo vel justo gravida ornare. Mauris lacinia est sit amet massa tristique hendrerit. Vestibulum faucibus urna quis mauris posuere sed mollis sapien accumsan. Donec dui diam, malesuada eget aliquam in, feugiat aliquam sem. In vel turpis magna, quis mattis ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur ut elementum libero. Sed lorem ante, bibendum ut hendrerit ut, porttitor vitae tortor.
4514:); it stayed the same using {{quote|text}}. If you narrow the window until the quote is pushed down below the images, the quote gets indented. If you widen the window, no matter how wide, the quote is not indented. (So it's not a matter of having sufficient room in the middle to indent both sides.) It's scary when a formatter has no effect whatsoever. ((The whole darn Web is busted!!!)) This behavior might be a mistake in "all" web browsers, or not; I can't say; but even if some browsers render it as expected (I haven't tried Safari, good (old) Opera, Chrome), it would probably never get corrected. 4928:
the URL blacklist and edit filters will work correctly with it (and if there's a requirement that the URL be duplicated in a manner visible in browsers, that lowers this concern even further). All that being said, though, now that you raise the point, I'm rather out of touch with the WP editing community by now (having been retired and mostly inactive for years), and thus am not in a position to answer whether the community would want this feature, or if so, how or where it would be applied, so as far as that goes, if it's really not wanted here, feel free to revert my addition. =)
4662:'When "they" left a template unprotected and someone dared to put in a tested edit, "they" hurriedly reverted it, saying (effectively) "I'm scared".' I know. It's a long-standing problem, and I'm not sure what the solution is. I run into this "you can's do anything with CSS without my 'permission' first"-style problem pretty frequently. It's difficult to get any action to take place at MW:Common.css, and the same parties who slow things down there have a tendency to go around reverting attempts to fix the issue with inline CSS at the template level, leading to protracted disputes. 1884:{{cquote|Within the framework of the entire enemy intelligence operations directed against Germany, the intelligence service of the Polish resistance movement assumed major significance. The scope and importance of the operations of the Polish resistance movement, which was ramfied down to the smallest splinter group and brilliantly organized, have been in (various sources) disclosed in connection with carrying out of major police security operations.||| ], 31 December 1942<ref name="occupation"/: --> 4979:, etc. The same document also says: "User agents may allow users to follow such citation links," though I can find zero that do so, and continues: "but they are primarily intended for private use (e.g. by server-side scripts collecting statistics about a site's use of quotations), not for readers." And we're not doing anything with them, nor do we have plans to. It does say that "To obtain the corresponding citation link, the value of the attribute must be resolved relative to the element." 4995:, but I think the likelihood of anything like this ever being implemented is very close to zero. A content-facing potential use could be bot-checking an external cite URL for non-404 periodically in case it breaks, on the theory that quotations should have higher verifiability requirements than other content, but there's no consensus at present that this is true, and no such bot planned. If we did have some uses like these in mind, this feature could be put back in. 31: 3997:. The bug is weird, because the content literally does disappear. It's not invisible. If you copy-paste the entire page into a text editor, the text of the missing quotation(s) is not there; but if you view the page source the code to display it is present, and there's no obvious indication why it would not be rendered. For me (Chrome browser, Mac OS X) the Nietzsche quote is there and rendered properly, while the Goethe one, and its 2639: 302: 4490: 3035: 4383: 3050: 2869: 4254: 4116: 2654: 2216: 1746: 1509: 215: 3794: 4186: 4518:
it work as intended. Or maybe there is just no way to make the images define a text box that has irregular sides, instead of residing inside a text box that has straight sides. As a last resort, a rearrangement of the page would be needed. (I didn't set out to redesign the page layout, so I'm not ready to start fiddling and fighting with it right now. Maybe later.) -
2738: 2510: 1195: 342: 3678: 3362: 2770: 2565: 2204: 2087: 1975: 1941: 1860: 1620: 1593: 1466: 994: 938: 410: 199: 93: 4599:. (I had to look around because you present several formulations, including some that only indent one side correctly.) (Also, I think it is preferable to override the template, not the HTML tag, as you recommend above.) (Also you do not show the complete HTML code above. The complete HTML code is embedded in your demo page: 4927:
tag in the byline of the quote (or something similar); if this template were to be converted to a module, this could even be enforced automatically. I don't think the spam angle is a real concern, either; the various spam report bots shouldn't be fooled by its lack of visible effects in browsers, and
Maybe a different CSS for {{quote|text}} would fix the indenting of text on the right side of images (or between left-side and right-side images). (The text has to indent both sides from effective margins, not the whole page or column's margins.) Or maybe changes to the images' HTML or CSS would make
There is something wrong with the template in splitting text into paragraphs. Previously when using the template, if one left a space between two paragraphs, the template would, naturally, recognise this and have the quoted text split into paragraphs as required. For some reason, it is not doing this
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi consectetur semper turpis, vitae gravida odio pulvinar in. In tincidunt purus a risus bibendum et dictum lorem laoreet. Proin vel nulla erat, vel commodo felis. Etiam dapibus dictum odio, nec eleifend neque volutpat in. Sed vel erat nibh, sed aliquam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
In several browsers I've tried, this does nothing at all visible in the user agent, not even if you hover. If we enabled this feature at all, it would have be disabled in mainspace, and it's pretty much non-functional anyway. WP doesn't use every conceivable feature of HTML, just the useful ones for
The quotes essentially do not show (I changed my user page due to the same problem). And you are right about browser specificity. Works ok on Firefox 25 but I was checking in Chrome (desktop) Version 25.0.1364.97 but I thought I saw something similar in the inbuilt Android (a "recent" version, will
Anyway, I've now reduced the compensation in the sandbox from "font-size:larger" to "font-size:1.17em" which might also give more consistent results across browsers. See how the sandbox version looks now. We should probably hold off on making any changes at the moment to this template as the problem
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over
In dictum posuere elementum. Pellentesque gravida tristique sodales. Nulla vel purus ut arcu iaculis facilisis rhoncus in sapien. Etiam cursus lobortis eros, sit amet gravida sem commodo eget. Sed auctor mollis ligula, quis pretium ipsum malesuada et. Nam eget risus a risus tristique bibendum vitae
I enabled the "beta" Typography refresh setting. Since then, I have noticed that the black quotation marks generated by this template display on top of images, infoboxes, etc. In other words, they do not adjust to their surroundings. I did not notice this before enabling the new typography setting.
This is (I think) an issue with HTML standards - unless wikipedia defines its own unique blockquote element. normal text is not 'aware' of floating elements: blockquotes are defined by indenting the text a couple of ems from the left containing margin and when a float pushes the text more than a
I have tested this in both Safari 5.0 and Firefox 3.6.3 on OS X. As far as I can tell, there are (at least by default) no visible style attributes associated with the blockquote element except a left indent. If the text is not up against the left edge of the frame, then the quoted text is not
Ut consequat lorem sit amet elit posuere eget feugiat enim aliquam. Maecenas pellentesque ullamcorper orci vitae consequat. Phasellus sit amet nisl quis enim sagittis pellentesque. Sed fringilla hendrerit aliquet. Suspendisse nec lacus eget nunc venenatis condimentum. Mauris euismod, quam quis
4779:, about possibly having that element surround both the author and the source, which is permissible but not required in HTML5. If you think it would be desirable to have it do it that way, that would probably be the thread in which to say so, or your view might not be noticed on that point. 3738:, after a conflab with a couple of people with rather more experience than myself. This is rather an awkward bug, given that it sometimes means we have to abandon decent grammar. I might need to find an alternate template for this situation, but preferably not the blockquote HTML markup. - 2013:, but that's obviously a cheap hack. Could someone look into this? Maybe it's just my browser but I'm using FF fully updated under KUbuntu most current stable release (13.04). Anyways, I know jack about templates, so if this isn't the right place, please bring this to the proper place. 1650:/* Styling for Template:Quote */ blockquote.templatequote { margin-top: 0; } blockquote.templatequote .attribution { line-height: 1em; text-align: left; padding-left: 2em; margin-top: 0; } blockquote.templatequote .attribution .source { font-size: 85%; } 2962:
I saw that it was not appropriate. Decided to do it anyway as it is a workaround. What are the implications? It seems to "work" (better than before, take a look). Anyone can revert but please inform if there is a better way or even possible to fix this template in the meantime.
256:. Once the quote template is used, the box stops, and does not extend to the end of the discussion. I ran into this problem once before, and fixed it by nowiking the quote, but as it is a reoccuring problem, I think we need to fix it. I have sandboxed a fix for the template at 2939:, the visually distinctive repetition of text that is already present in the same article. In most cases, this is not appropriate for use in encyclopedia articles." "NOTE: This template should not be used for quotations if they are not repeated elsewhere in the main text." -- 2989:
If you saw that it was inappropriate, why did you do it anyway? There's no workaround for "it's inappropriate". The quotation at that page is not a pull quote, it's a block quote. I've put it back to using the correct template, like the rest of Knowledge does. Please see
4563:(It might be a duplicate of the above, but I see no similarity in the descriptions. The images display fine; the quoted paragraphs display incorrectly in the presence of images.) (You brought the above in from elsewhere, which links here, but the above doesn't link back.) 4665:
The test page was intended to show that some potential "solutions" only indent one side correctly, and/or do not scale; the solution actually under discussion at MW:Common.css is the correct one (the one you quote above), though someone wants to use a fixed, non-scaling
element (not attribute), then it serves no purpose as an attribute, and just adds to page loading time for no reason. I hadn't reverted because maybe someone has a reason to use it, like "Oh, this provides useful metadata for ", but no one's been forthcoming with any
around the {{{text|{{{1}}}}}} content, with no styling, no class, no id, no reason or use for a div being there? Did I miss some geeky reason this was added? Is it just a bit of leftover dead code from when all the styling was moved into the site-wide CSS file? —
3989:. Walk through the history of that page to see the tests proving it (I left the page blanked, because we don't want the page being categorized in user categories by the userboxes used in the test data). In the interim, the problem can be worked around by using 3064:
felis. Nullam neque nulla, vehicula nec ornare in, ultrices in magna. Fusce tempor ultrices tortor, vel tempus dolor mattis adipiscing. Donec vestibulum interdum fermentum. Integer vel tellus dolor. Nunc ligula sem, gravida quis eleifend vitae, auctor id purus.
Therefore, its current use in the template is invalid HTML5 and may cause problems down the road, and in particular may cause accessibility problems for screen readers. Therefore, I want to make two technical changes. First, common.css should be changed to:
4508:( or others before it), there are many block quotes, but one that has some images to its left does not get indented. (Just search for "A NEW ELEMENT".) Two browsers (Firefox, ie11) refuse to indent there. It was the same when it used <blockquote: --> 4066:
Ooh, good catch. I guess that'll need to be tested further there. That rule was added for a reason, too, so it probably shouldn't just be deleted. Might just be a matter of reordering where it appears. I've confirmed on that tescases page that using
As mentioned a couple of times above, this template is not correctly placing things into paragraphs. Judging by the comments, and the template's help text, it once did, so I think that should be restored. For instance, this is the HTML result of
parameter, which suppresses the sign code, and to modify the sign code to display an error if it is empty and the anon parameter is empty or absent. That would appear to take care of all cases. Anyway, the bug reported here is still certainly
I came across an issue where a section heading following a quote was not displaying. The heading (The FCC’s new net neutrality rules) showed up in the TOC but not in the text. I corrected this by adding a '.' after the template at this edit
The same fix would probably help several more quotes on that page which have images only on the right, because the default template does not handle them properly either, indenting them on the left, but failing to indent them on the right.
tag. I would do so myself, except I feel URLs added in this way should be made available in/as the byline as well, but I'm not sure how best to go about that. I'm also not sure what parameter name might be preferred; my obvious choice is
There's a bigger problem here, that I've just realised by looking at this in FF, where I wasn't logged in. Monobook is rendering the entire quote smaller than the page font size, but Vector renders them the same font size. Are you using
00:37, 3 February 2012 (UTC) PS: If we really, really, really want to preserve the kinda pointless difference between the templates of spacing between the quote and the citation, we can add another if-test for it, but that's a serious
Any or all of these may or may not be intentional. At least, I think they should be documented better rather than the dreaded "why is this template not working?" syndrome. I'm happy to add stuff to the documentation once we agree what
Ok, I've marked the request as answered for now. When you're aware of a good fix, please feel free to make a new request. (Although I suppose you don't actually have to now that I've lowered the protection level to template editor.) —
Which ever of these you think is the best result, or if you think TfD is not the right venue for that discussion, you should probably comment in some way at the TfD in question, since at least two of these results would have a
Hello. I have an experience editing on Wikia. I'm just curious why doesn't have this the quotation mark thingy like those of the cquote template. The cquote template is used in some articles and it messes up with the infobox.
The actual template is not yet corrected. (When do "they" get around to that? (When "they" left a template unprotected and someone dared to put in a tested edit, "they" hurriedly reverted it, saying (effectively) "I'm
4867:, and the way the feature works (or, rather, mostly doesn't). We almost never want to link to a URL directly in article content except inside a reference citation, but a URL is the only permissible content of the the 3686:
one and the template is combining the text into a single solid block; I only noticed this issue yesterday. Does anyone know how to fix this, without having to resort to using multiple forced line breaks (<br/: -->
It seems to do this whether I put the "However" line on a different line or right after the quote. It looks weird to me, although if that's a MOS standard, I'll gladly yield. Thanks in advance for any edification.
I may try to some test casing if someone bugs me to do so (i.e. if people care enough about this to leave me a talk page message asking me to spend time on it). I'm reasonably good at figuring out CSS annoyances.
2042:, marking text from "Decision on Comcast v. FCC " to "The FCC released", copying to clipboard and pasting somewhere else - what gets pasted is "Decision on Comcast v. FCC The FCC's reaction The FCC released". 4449:
generally. But we might have to settle for fixing it in this template only, given the amount of resistance there usually is to implementing anything at that page, especially if only one person brings it up.
as an optional style that has not been subject to any consensus discussion; this would permit and effectively encourage the addition of random, editor-preferred styles that vary from article to article.
at the moment, the "Source" text appears bigger than the "Someone" text in my browser (Firefox, Ubuntu). This seems a bit unnatural - is it possible to make it the same size or slightly smaller? Best —
2901:. Since that works, maybe someone can figure out what is wrong with quote (compare quote and cquote, I don't understand template language) and fix that (and "revert" my change, only relevant part). 4595:
still display with the problem (quotes with no indentation on either side when between an image on the left and on image on the right). So I tried changing the worst affected paragraphs using your
253: 2036:, but I don't recall how we fixed it at the time. In this case, the headings were present but displaced off the right-hand edge of the screen. You can verify that they're present by going to 3409:
happen; this is not one of those "somebody should do something about this" calls. I think not having any text should be an error, but perhaps it is deliberately optional so you can just use
1284:. Even if someone finds some new use for it, there is no reason for the parameters to not be compatible so that templates can be converted between, at will with trivial ease in articles. — 3981:
element, and should be reported as one, if it hasn't been already (though I'm not sure what the procedure is these days, since they abandoned Bugzilla; there's a page of instructions at
I'd be surprised if there isn't a way around this (not with this particular template but with a deeper change, like another div added to the output of all pages. Bears looking into.
2537: 2315:
is desired then a reduction of around 92% at each step would leave the source at 85% of page font size, but would entail further tweaking via spans to partially offset the effect of
to be put out, an error should be generated if it's not supplied. I can see exactly where it's going "wrong" (from my perspective) in the template source, i.e. that parameter 3 (or
4886:, however; it should not be applied to just the title of the work and should not be auto-italicizing. We're still treating it like the pre-2013 HTML5 Draft version of the element. 3387:
parameter, because it's obvious from the context that we are quoting from Orwell, i.e. the subject of the article itself. While harmless, it's redundant and ugly (in my opinion).
tag on the source parameter is to reduce its rendered size to 78% of normal. This causes accessibility problems for visually impaired visitors and violates our recent guidance at
4268: 2422:
I've put that fix in the sandbox. The font size looks better on Firefox/Vector to me, but the sign and source parameters are no longer indented. Maybe we should fix the class in
attribute. Given that it does nothing visible in many browsers, what would be the encyclopedic point, anyway? It would be easily abusable to hide linkspam. See this example:
One simple solution which preserves the semantic markup would be to use a span with "font-size:larger" around the source parameter. I've made an example modification to the
Avoid using smaller font sizes in elements that already use a smaller font size .... In no case should the resulting font size drop below 85% of the page fontsize (or 11px).
4329:. Such a clarification might need to happen anyway, since there's some evidence that people are using inline CSS to elaborately mark up block quotations in unusual ways). 4232:, which might be worth considering integrating into the rest of the set of quotation templates. At the moment, it's only used in one article, but that might change. -- 3903:
Sorry for the bad description. The quoted text, quotes - everything gone, but the first quote shows up not the next. A white block appears where the text should be.
The blockquote changes are not part of the Typography Refresh, but were included in the Typography Refresh as part of the beta. If that doesn't make sense, then see
appears to offer the main features of this template, and many others. Can anyone break it? I am aware from this talk page that sometimes people find ways to make
I've removed the offending font-size from Common.css, so there should be no more trouble in Monobook. I don't know why the source cite should be so small anyway.
It doesn't work if there is a colon prior to the opening braces, whether intended as an indent or otherwise. I've just experienced the problem and fixed it with
3474: 2174:
With the typography update applied yesterday, the Typography Refresh beta was removed and only the font CSS updates were applied. This is no longer an issue. --
3463:) is present (it's inside the if-condition). The fix, then, is fairly trivial (and I'll probably go do that in the sandbox), but of course we need consensus. 2994:. We don't want giant quotation marks in articles around block quotations. The use of actual pull quotes (which that was not) is very rare in WP articles. 4971:
that this content attribute can have a correponding IDL (i.e., Javascript) element, so in theory we could do something with this URL via a script, e.g. a
We can just hope that this "perennial bug" get fixed some day. They say they're working on a badass new parser, but they've been saying that for years. —
1877: 4317:
to more explicitly state that we have a single, consistent block quotation style. This is presently true, as we have one block quotation template at
couple of ems to the right, the parser decides that the indenting rule is satisfied. I don't think there's anything that can be done about that. --
Hi, I posted a comment today using the quote template and I notice one space precedes the quotation, and two spaces follow it. Is this on purpose?
Yeah, this should be fixed; it's kind of stupid. It also makes it impossible to quote anonymous works like the Bible. I would suggest an optional
Why was this proposal not implemented? Not being able to left-align images with a blockquote is a pain when designing an article. It needs fixing.
2253: 165:
Cannot reproduce this any longer. It was probably not a problem with this template, but something in the site-wide stylesheet long since fixed. —
It's a bit of metadata meant to aid in attribution. As far as visibility is concerned, it could be a requirement that the URL be replicated in a
dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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bug not a template error, but may take extensive testing to figure out and report at MediaWiki Bugzilla, if it's not been reported already. —
produced unexpected output. I'd like to get its basic code fixed before trying to replicate the more nit-picky functions of this template. —
The line spacing is different in the first paragraph compared to the following two, as is the first inter-paragraph space compared to others.
3986: 1349:
Sure, if you want to manually or AWB-wise edit the name of and parameters on that template on the 267 pages that use it, be my guest. :-) —
the TfM notice in the template body; this template has over 50,000 transclusions and is unlikely to be significantly affected by a merger.
article, where this problem is manifest in the paragraph beginning "In light of the above situation." I guess the best solution is to use
2839: 2794: 1899:, the final parameter was ignored, and the article had an error message about the "occupation" reference being defined but not used. I've 3878:
By "the quotes essentially do not show", do you mean that the quote marks - "..." - are not appearing, or that the text enclosed by the
2785:“If you do not provide quoted text, the template generates a parser error message, which will appear in red text in the rendered page.” 2156: 1663:{{error|Error: No text given for quotation (or equals sign used in the actual argument to an unnamed parameter)}}</includeonly: --> 76: 71: 59: 5008: 4939: 4898: 4844: 4791: 4742: 4691: 4545: 4462: 4427: 4361: 4087: 4054: 4013: 3771: 3651: 3627: 3559: 3331: 3250: 3211: 3006: 1800: 1729: 1579: 1493: 1363: 1323: 1298: 1144: 969: 628: 391: 179: 158: 4596: 4412: 3390:
I've added some test cases to demonstrate this. I've done the same for the other parameters, for balance. I note also that if
Let me know if this somehow manages to break something (though I'd be surprised, since I tested all possible combinations of
4484: 2863: 2633: 2502: 1187: 334: 4863:
Ah! Yes. You even linked to it. Sorry for the temporary blindness. I can't see that this would be useful here, because of
4156: 3233: 4770:. As of this writing, it only surrounds the source work (book, website, whatever), and the cited author is outside the 2919: 4656:'When do "they" get around to that?' – It's still under discussion, but there seems to be consensus to fix it, at the 2548: 1274:
has no reason to exist any longer. It was originally intended for pull quotes, but has long since been superseded by
the project. What's the use case here? Aside: This test demonstrates that we do in fact need to fix our handling of
4825:, the value must be a URL, and no current parameter is guaranteed to be a URL. Regardless, though, I went ahead and 4674:. If you'd like to encourage speedier action (regardless what version of the fix you prefer), that discussion is at 3266: 2778: 2143: 2116:
This template does not add fat quotes, it is done by the new CSS. Please give us an example of alignment issues. --
2103: 38: 874:, there is an HTML comment workaround for readability that let's you do whatever you want, and is even indentable: 4675: 4657: 4442: 4391: 4072: 3798: 3398:, the sandbox version (but not the live version) currently puts out an extraneous end comma after the signature. 1923: 1908: 154: 4968: 2843: 2798: 462:
There is definitely something wrong still. The HTML output of the above example, when it hits the browser, is:
47: 17: 3070:
This paragraph is in a quote template, but the only way you're going to know that is by looking at the source.
markup at all in the absence of an actual blank line in the wiki source (which we couldn't use anyway, due to
4122: 3711: 3692: 2660: 2222: 1752: 1515: 1418: 221: 1876:
currently redirects here, even though it doesn't take the same parameters. This is from an old revision of
4338: 4001:
have been replaced by an empty whitespace block. Swapping in some other element makes the content appear.
2264: 1827: 1214: 260: 3759:. Unless it's a browser-specific problem. If it's still happening for you, we'll need more information. 5005: 4954: 4895: 4822: 4788: 4716: 4688: 4542: 4459: 4424: 4358: 4084: 4010: 3768: 3648: 3553: 3328: 3262: 3244: 3205: 3003: 2706: 2599: 2448: 2429: 2387: 2359: 2345: 2136: 2096: 1961: 1794: 1723: 1643: 1573: 1487: 1357: 1317: 1292: 1138: 963: 622: 385: 173: 4297: 4278: 4226: 2832:
Error: No text given for quotation (or equals sign used in the actual argument to an unnamed parameter)
Please could you clarify what needs changing - perhaps put the required change in the sandbox subpage?
3427: 4326: 4040: 2889: 2423: 2006: 1919: 1904: 1164: 1059: 452: 150: 4619:{{quote|style=margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; padding-left: 2.8em; padding-right: 2.8em;|Text...}} 4346: 4237: 3904: 3894: 3839: 3470: 3039: 2968: 2906: 2069: 2018: 1990: 1837: 1815: 1603: 1447: 447:
only after the first line? Is there an alternative way of quoting (verses, etc.) with line breaks?
Mediawiki talk:Common.css#Fix for very long-standing problem of blockquote not working with images
Mediawiki talk:Common.css#Fix for very long-standing problem of blockquote not working with images
3169: 3101: 2609:
The template uses a blockquote, which has a generous default bottom margin. So yes, it is normal.
is one example. On my screen, the left quotation mark is on top of the picture of Liza Minelli. --
4342: 4325:– aside from this new "competing" one at TfD – and it applies style consistently via CSS code in 3725: 3707: 3688: 3424:
and so on); I guess their implementations could be shared, providing a tag line in some template
3296: 3142: 3135: 3117: 2056: 2031: 1408: 287: 4071:
works. This is rare enough I'll just document it in the /doc page and mention the workaround at
3982: 1407:
Perhaps someone should put a not on the epigraph doc page telling people not to use it anymore?
There is, however an HTML comment cheat you can use to at least make it more readable/editable:
4651: 4636: 4519: 4164: 4152: 3967: 3869: 3821: 3812:
There seems to be a problem with quotes nested between userboxen - see the invisible quote on
3173: 3105: 2612: 2478: 1244: 1178: 3315:
I'm shocked this wasn't fixed already. Only took minutes to work out what the issue was. See
Workaround provided for intractable known MediaWiki bug, and added to template documentation.
Workaround provided for intractable known MediaWiki bug, and added to template documentation.
4999: 4986:
page in another. For example, have a bot check that something at WP:FAUNA#Redirects marked
4983: 4972: 4931: 4889: 4858: 4836: 4782: 4757: 4734: 4682: 4536: 4453: 4418: 4352: 4201: 4078: 4046: 4004: 3762: 3743: 3642: 3619: 3548: 3322: 3239: 3200: 2997: 2701: 2595: 1957: 1789: 1718: 1568: 1482: 1434: 1393: 1379: 1352: 1340: 1312: 1287: 1133: 958: 617: 380: 168: 5017: 4946: 4907: 4851: 4800: 4749: 4700: 4644: 4554: 4527: 4471: 4436: 4370: 4241: 4211: 4171: 4096: 4061: 4043:; disabling this rule in Chrome's developer tools causes the quote(s) to display normally. 4022: 3971: 3898: 3873: 3858: 3843: 3825: 3780: 3747: 3729: 3715: 3696: 3660: 3634: 3565: 3340: 3300: 3270: 3256: 3217: 3177: 3125: 3109: 3015: 2972: 2949: 2910: 2892: 2847: 2816: 2802: 2754: 2731: 2711: 2619: 2603: 2552: 2485: 2455: 2436: 2417: 2394: 2378: 2352: 2328: 2184: 2169: 2150: 2126: 2110: 2073: 2022: 1994: 1965: 1927: 1912: 1840: 1818: 1806: 1735: 1694: 1606: 1585: 1565:, so we know why it's there and know it can be removed when that MediaWiki bug is fixed. — 1499: 1450: 1438: 1423: 1397: 1383: 1369: 1344: 1329: 1168: 1150: 1063: 975: 634: 456: 397: 320: 294: 185: 4975:, but I cannot think of anything that we would do with it, at least not in mainspace, per 3162: 3152: 3092: 2929: 2885: 2726: 2576:
Tarantino stated that he had tremendous fondness for the works of Alan Smithee, remarking:
2545: 2374: 2369:
of "small within small" text only seems to occur in Monobook and the fix may lie there. --
2324: 1893: 1870: 1278: 1160: 1055: 1048: 448: 4988:{{quote|class=policyquote|cite=/Wikipedia:Article_titles#quoted-at-WP:NCFAUNA.Redirects}} 1040:. The workaround mentioned in the template documentation (which makes newlines turn into 1954:, since it uses "tilted" quotemarks (“...”) rather than "typewriter" quotemarks ("..."). 1679:{{documentation}} <!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --: --> 4640: 4523: 4341:
effect of changing site-wide approach to block quotation style without their being any
4320: 4305: 4286: 4233: 4193: 3887: 3881: 3852: 3832: 3579: 3520: 3490: 3466: 2964: 2943: 2902: 2823: 2811: 2748: 2687: 2411: 2178: 2163: 2120: 2062: 2048: 2014: 1983: 1951: 1306: 1254: 1111: 1076: 1010: 371: 315: 246: 4489: 2638: 301: 4833:, but I doubt it's been used anywhere yet so it could still be renamed if necessary. 4314: 3721: 3370: 3292: 1903:
this one, but how many other quotations are no longer displaying their reference? --
1542: 1335:
Can we just replace uses of epigraph with quote instead of bloating this template? —
1096: 847: 571: 282: 4976: 4864: 4179: 4148: 3963: 3865: 3817: 3813: 2469: 2159:. As best I understand this, the blockquote changes will be reverted on April 3. -- 2005:
I don't know where else to post this, hope this is the right place. In the article
3346: 4951:
That just brings me back to "what's the point?" If the URL is duplicated in in a
since, as reported over a year ago by Si Trew, it outputs a bogus comma-space. —
template that the article currently uses. I think I'll go make that change now.
2691: 4197: 3739: 3703: 3376:
The cause of the trouble is that Quote won't put out the tag line if there's no
3060: 3049: 2936: 2530: 2493: 2132: 1780: 1685: 1631: 1559: 1430: 1389: 1375: 1336: 1264: 361: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
I also notice that if you don't supply any text it just puts out the tag line.
This is a duplicate of the bug resolved in the thread immediately above this.
2991: 2868: 2719: 2542: 2513: 2370: 2336: 2320: 1198: 345: 2838:
Ohh, it’s referring to the text itself. Thanks, and sorry for my confusion. —
behaves correctly but at the expense of unsightly oversized quotation marks.
4505: 4271:, some possible results of which are (given what has been proposed so far): 3941:“In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister” Natur und Kunst</p: --> 3232:
Actually someone already proposed something we can use to work around this:
Thanks for the workaround and especially docs. Bug 6200 is really annoying!
611: 311: 4982:
In theory we could use this sort of thing internally for quotations of one
margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; padding-left: 2.8em; padding-right: 2.8em;
However, filmmaker Martin Scorcese described Smithee's works as "doo doo".
I assume that was correct when it was written. With the new definition of
matter. PS: The template is only used on a few hundred articles at all. —
4398: 3574:
I've fixed this properly, no trickery required, and no bogus comma-space:
1918:...and the redirect has been undone, so don't waste any time on this. -- 1834: 1812: 1715:
It's a manual, human judgement thing. So this still needs to be fixed. —
1600: 1444: 4990:
is still a word-for-word match with text at WT:AT that was wrapped with
4185: 3977:
Nothing to do with this template. It's a general MediaWiki bug with the
A change to the site-wide block quotation template, by merging the new
Knowledge:Templates for discussion/Log/2015 August 18#Template:Barquote
I haven't looked whether this affects other variants of this template (
Proposed change to make consistent with HTML5 and improve accessibility
1037: 4821:
This must be implemented via a new parameter because according to the
2737: 132:
To see why this is a problem, look at this longer example (subst'ed):
4872: 3848:
I see the Nietzsche and Goethe quotes. What browser are you using? --
Pretty much done, the only thing left are user pages and archives. —
Yes, that is precisely the case. You have to use consecutive markup:
parameter, neither specified positionally nor as a named parameter.
2793:, which don’t belong around a blockquote and don’t cause an error. — 3943:—<a href="/Goethe" title="Goethe" class="db-bXctcmVkaXJlYw": --> 3756:
Whatever the issue was, it is no longer happening as of July 2015:
Knowledge:Templates for discussion/Log/2014 November 29#Template:Bq
3048: 192:
Remove line break to stop template from breaking discussion closes
4776: 2717:
Fixed by adding the missing "|" character rather than reverting.
An example in the documentation says: "Cry “Havoc” and let slip".
A change to site-wide block quotation style, by merging the new
3928:<a href="/Category:User_en-N" title="Category:User en-N": --> 1709:{{quote|text={{Lorem}}|sign=Anne O. Nymus|source=''<cite: --> 1270:, which is being developed with even more features. Regardless, 1177:
Some parameter aliases for compatibility with (replacement of?)
in 2010) is, and what the fix is. Add the following CSS to the
I've moved these headings back into the visible area by adding
Everything seems to be fine here, so deactivating the request.
578:, below for an explanation), or manual markup forcing it, e.g.: 4257: 4110: 2648: 2210: 1740: 1503: 209: 25: 3432:
or something, which encapsulates these "rules" in one place.
3954:<a href="/Academic_journal" title="Academic journal": --> 3932:<a href="/Category:User_en" title="Category:User en": --> 3923:<a href="/English_language" title="English language": --> 3985:). I've demonstrated this isn't a bug in the template, at 3316: 1240:
markup). We can then simply redirect the ancient, obsolete
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/1929 Ottawa sewer explosion
270:. It will fix the problem, as demonstrated in my sandbox: 3953:
This user has had his/her work published in an <b: -->
It doesn't work if the quote is indented with a colon. --
This problem is still occurring in the middle of 2014...
Template talk:Quote/Archive 1#Adding indenting parameter?
I saw the same problem and used cquote as a workaround:
Wrong kind of template; issue doesn't apply to this one.
4826: 4622: 4592: 4591:
Without a corrected template, up to four paragraphs in
4511: 3757: 3735: 2899: 2682: 2399:
I think you made the fix overly complex. Simply remove
2038: 2011: 1900: 1538: 327:
Template with more features, compatibility; please test
278: 275: 271: 267: 4500:
Same issue that is resolved in thread just above this.
3447:(i.e. silent failure) does not seem a good option; if 2808:
If there is no content, then an error is displayed. --
Protected edit request: most recent edit has broken it
266:. The only change is the removal of a line break, see 1700:
Yeah, this actually is a real issue. Correct use of
Not visible when wrapped around a left-aligned image
4621:, the paragraphs indented correctly on both sides: 4332:
No change other than deleting the variant template.
3383:I don't want to have to put "George Orwell" as the 467: 4031:The problem appears to be at least related to the 3046:visually distinctive in any way at all. Example: 1627:Technical problem was resolved in the merger with 4107:Template-protected edit request on 18 August 2015 3369:I've been having a bit of trouble in the article 2789:The only way it makes sense to me is if it means 4445:, since it's something that should be fixed for 3373:trying to quote some text from the man himself. 3592: 3531: 3501: 3067: 2829: 2579: 2276: 1710:The Unlightable Being of Bareness</cite: --> 1118: 1083: 1017: 919: 857: 819: 795: 771: 745: 719: 695: 658: 430: 134: 2157:Knowledge:Village_pump_(technical)#Blockquotes 1250:, which is otherwise essentially identical to 4818:<blockquote cite="": --> 4777:#Changes to cite and blockquote in HTML specs 3939:<blockquote class="db-dGVtcGxhdGVxdQ": --> 2254:Knowledge:Manual of Style/Accessibility #Text 1670:}}}}}}{{#if:{{{source|{{{3|<noinclude: --> 1667:}}}}}}|<div class="db-YXR0cmlidXRpbw": --> 1658:<blockquote class="db-dGVtcGxhdGVxdQ": --> 1107:The following two paragraphs are in a single 1072:The following two paragraphs are in a single 1006:The following two paragraphs are in a single 120:<blockquote class="db-dGVtcGxhdGVxdQ": --> 8: 4829:this parameter, using my original choice of 3864:check it up if needed) web browser as well. 932:This should make poetry editing much easier. 854:solution for this is to use unbroken markup: 4715:I'd like to add a parameter to specify the 1786:; just get the code to do so from there. — 1654:Second, the template should be changed to: 645:Various test cases to confirm my suspicions 4959:, or otherwise is included in the visible 4415:, in multiple browsers, on multiple OSes. 3435:I come here first to get opinions on what 3080:This paragraph is not in a quote template. 3057:This paragraph is not in a quote template. 2690:, has broken the template, which displays 2536:with this template is being considered at 1878:Polish resistance movement in World War II 1672:}}}}}}|, <span class="db-c291cmNl": --> 1238:{{#if:{{{text|{{{quote|{{{1|}}}}}}}}|...}} 640: 4263:Pointer to relevant discussion elsewhere. 3808:in common.css, not this template's fault. 3616:and everything worked fine in my tests). 1776:Just FYI, this problem has been fixed in 1374:Okay, I'll get on AWB when I get home. — 1207:Quote and Epigraph templates have merged. 1853:Problem with Cquote redirecting to Quote 688:Remove your stray space character after 4992:<span class="db-cXVvdGVkcG9saQ": --> 4222:I've created a new quotation template, 3317:#Fixing the display problem with images 3040:#Fixing the display problem with images 2243:At present, the combined effect of the 2197:Protected edit request on 10 April 2014 1095:There is no way around this because of 643: 252:template breaks discussion closes, see 4767: 4763: 4376:Fixing the display problem with images 3947:<div class="db-d2lraXBlZGlhdQ": --> 3942:<div class="db-dGVtcGxhdGVxdQ": --> 3919:<div class="db-d2lraXBlZGlhdQ": --> 3481: 2784: 2312: 2308: 2257: 1233: 1229: 1225: 1221: 1120:This text is followed by two newlines. 1085:This text is followed by two newlines. 1019:This text is followed by two newlines. 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 4572:Thanks. Great work. Very interesting. 4267:There's potentially important TfD at 3987:Template:Quote/testcases-disappearing 3804:This is problem with a CSS rules for 3459:) is only put out if parameter 2 (or 3443:just because there is not a provided 2403:, as its only purpose is to make the 2028:I've seen this before, possibly with 1823:Whenever you're ready, just add back 1665:{{#if:{{{sign|{{{2|<noinclude: --> 7: 4874:Hold tight and pretend it's a plan! 4775:element. There's a thread above, at 4390:Discussion of a solution is open at 2831: 1429:Done. Can this request be closed? — 1028:The last paragraph is not even in a 979:Updated 08:58, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 308:, that's a strange one ... — Martin 4960: 4952: 4925: 4883: 4771: 4723: 4446: 4402: 3998: 3994: 3990: 3978: 3439:happen. Not putting out a provided 2404: 2307:If further differentiation between 2248: 2131:I've seen several occurrences, but 1701: 1551: 1546: 1474: 1041: 1036:. I think this is a consequence of 1033: 1029: 811: 739: 610:. Anyway, this almost has to be a 602: 566: 354:Quote and Bq templates have merged. 4397:I've identified what the problem ( 3451:is intended to be required to get 3134:OK. What brought me here was the 2777:Can anyone explain this line from 2698:. Can someone please revert it? — 1661:{{lorem ipsum}}</noinclude: --> 1552:<div class="db-QnVnNjIwMA": --> 952:updated with an example like this. 601:weird thing is the closure of the 24: 1673:{{{source|{{{3|<noinclude: --> 1642:tag is reserved for titles only. 679:Testing minor markup differences: 100:Problem isn't happening any more. 4731:, but others might disagree. =) 4488: 4482: 4381: 4252: 4184: 4114: 3792: 3676: 3360: 3033: 2867: 2861: 2768: 2736: 2652: 2637: 2631: 2563: 2540:. Comments are welcome, thanks! 2508: 2500: 2214: 2202: 2085: 2001:Possible bug w/ section headers? 1973: 1939: 1858: 1744: 1668:—{{{sign|{{{2|<noinclude: --> 1618: 1591: 1507: 1464: 1193: 1185: 992: 936: 870:However, as I reported below at 408: 340: 332: 300: 213: 197: 113: 91: 29: 4762:That's already there. It's the 4413:Template:Quote/testcases-images 3236:. I think it is a good idea. — 3088:The same issue exists with the 1950:This looks like a violation of 1660:{{{text|{{{1|<noinclude: --> 565:That's weird. We shouldn't see 159:_tags_not_added_correctly": --> 5018:14:39, 12 September 2015 (UTC) 4701:14:12, 12 September 2015 (UTC) 4441:Update: I've brought it up at 3972:02:34, 16 September 2014 (UTC) 3899:16:20, 15 September 2014 (UTC) 3874:12:08, 15 September 2014 (UTC) 3859:11:26, 15 September 2014 (UTC) 3844:11:17, 15 September 2014 (UTC) 3826:08:39, 15 September 2014 (UTC) 1025:This text should be indented. 272:problem with original template 1: 4997: 4887: 4780: 4680: 4534: 4483: 4451: 4416: 4371:22:20, 1 September 2015 (UTC) 4350: 4076: 4002: 3886:template is not appearing? -- 3760: 3748:03:17, 14 November 2011 (UTC) 3730:20:36, 20 November 2009 (UTC) 3716:01:07, 14 November 2009 (UTC) 3697:01:02, 14 November 2009 (UTC) 3640: 3527:|source=Foo|sign=&nbsp;}} 3320: 2995: 2862: 2632: 2501: 2467: 1841:23:13, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 1819:05:34, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 1674:''Source''</noinclude: --> 1607:05:28, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 1451:20:47, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 1439:16:52, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 1424:13:35, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 1398:09:45, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 1384:19:12, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 1370:17:56, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 1186: 1123:This text should be indented. 1088:This text should be indented. 945:: The template documentation 457:06:34, 12 November 2009 (UTC) 333: 160:20:25, 25 February 2011 (UTC) 3951:ACADEMIC JOURNAL</th: --> 3797:Wrong venue. Please move to 3566:16:53, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 3271:21:07, 12 January 2013 (UTC) 3257:16:46, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 3218:15:57, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 2755:14:07, 10 January 2015 (UTC) 2732:13:33, 10 January 2015 (UTC) 2712:13:26, 10 January 2015 (UTC) 2553:01:24, 9 December 2014 (UTC) 2445:Also, yes, I'm on Vector. — 1807:15:48, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 1736:15:46, 31 January 2012 (UTC) 1586:17:11, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 1500:15:53, 31 January 2012 (UTC) 1345:16:40, 7 February 2012 (UTC) 1330:00:49, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 1169:13:28, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1151:00:46, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 1064:17:02, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 976:01:20, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 766:All of the above unindented: 635:16:38, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 586::{{quote|Line 1<br /: --> 398:17:12, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 321:16:33, 10 October 2011 (UTC) 295:03:40, 10 October 2011 (UTC) 186:15:50, 2 February 2012 (UTC) 4645:07:15, 18 August 2015 (UTC) 4602:Text...</blockquote: --> 4512:the previous intact version 4242:10:34, 18 August 2015 (UTC) 4212:15:50, 18 August 2015 (UTC) 4172:11:39, 18 August 2015 (UTC) 4137:to reactivate your request. 4125:has been answered. Set the 3955:academic journal</a: --> 2935:) "is a template meant for 2675:to reactivate your request. 2663:has been answered. Set the 2620:19:32, 6 January 2015 (UTC) 2604:19:27, 6 January 2015 (UTC) 2237:to reactivate your request. 2225:has been answered. Set the 1928:19:27, 4 January 2013 (UTC) 1913:17:57, 4 January 2013 (UTC) 1767:to reactivate your request. 1755:has been answered. Set the 1641:In HTML5, the <cite: --> 1530:to reactivate your request. 1518:has been answered. Set the 276:change to sandboxed version 236:to reactivate your request. 224:has been answered. Set the 5042: 4480: 4379: 4250: 3790: 3674: 3358: 3031: 2973:10:22, 11 March 2014 (UTC) 2950:19:51, 10 March 2014 (UTC) 2911:19:24, 10 March 2014 (UTC) 2859: 2848:16:39, 12 April 2015 (UTC) 2817:16:08, 12 April 2015 (UTC) 2803:15:09, 12 April 2015 (UTC) 2766: 2629: 2561: 2522:The templates have merged. 2506: 2498: 2486:12:17, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2456:09:52, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2437:10:01, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2418:09:44, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2395:09:29, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2379:07:58, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2353:03:52, 11 April 2014 (UTC) 2329:20:44, 10 April 2014 (UTC) 2200: 2170:16:32, 29 March 2014 (UTC) 2151:15:45, 29 March 2014 (UTC) 2127:15:24, 27 March 2014 (UTC) 2111:15:20, 27 March 2014 (UTC) 2083: 1937: 1856: 1616: 1537:Oh, I found out why: It's 1462: 1191: 1183: 990: 871: 575: 423:{{quote|Line 1<br/: --> 406: 338: 330: 195: 107:{{quote|Line 1<br/: --> 89: 4947:02:28, 31 July 2015 (UTC) 4908:21:13, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4852:05:47, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4801:04:46, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4750:13:00, 18 June 2015 (UTC) 4658:Mediawiki talk:Common.css 4555:04:37, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4528:04:10, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4472:05:14, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4443:MediaWiki talk:common.css 4437:02:50, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4291:as its new default style. 4097:22:23, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4073:Mediawiki talk:common.css 4062:05:41, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 4023:04:29, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 3927:This user is a <b: --> 3799:MediaWiki talk:common.css 3781:05:03, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 3706:has fixed it. :) Cheers, 3661:03:31, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 3635:13:05, 18 June 2015 (UTC) 3475:09:57, 15 July 2010 (UTC) 3351:in tagline if there's no 3341:02:48, 30 July 2015 (UTC) 3178:00:35, 13 June 2010 (UTC) 3126:21:56, 12 June 2010 (UTC) 3110:20:31, 12 June 2010 (UTC) 3016:23:58, 29 July 2015 (UTC) 2401:class="templatequotecite" 2317:class="templatequotecite" 2245:class="templatequotecite" 2185:14:09, 4 April 2014 (UTC) 2074:09:56, 22 June 2013 (UTC) 2023:08:37, 22 June 2013 (UTC) 1473:Why is there a pointless 902:{{quote|1=<!-- --: --> 881:{{quote|1=<!-- --: --> 655:Testing indented version: 446:Why is there a <p: --> 4816:, not the element, i.e. 4809:I was talking about the 4509:text</blockquote: --> 3687:) when quoting? Cheers, 3301:05:00, 28 May 2014 (UTC) 2893:12:58, 4 June 2012 (UTC) 1995:17:59, 10 May 2013 (UTC) 1966:15:31, 10 May 2013 (UTC) 1032:element, never mind the 86:tags not added correctly 18:Template talk:Blockquote 4617:with your example code 4593:Otto Hahn (before edit) 4411:I've sandboxed this at 4349:) discussion about it. 3831:What is the problem? -- 3415:to provide a tag line. 2053:immediately after each 1695:08:48, 6 May 2011 (UTC) 1671:TRUE</noinclude: --> 1666:TRUE</noinclude: --> 4880: 4623:Otto Hahn (after edit) 3983:mw:How to report a bug 3907:and here is the HTML : 3603: 3542: 3515:Trickery doesn't work: 3512: 3355:, and other odd output 3077: 3053: 2835: 2586: 2558:Extra carriage return? 2301: 2287: 1677:}}</blockquote: --> 1125: 1090: 1044:s) doesn't help here. 1021: 929: 911: 890: 867: 833: 805: 785: 749: 729: 700: 663: 562: 444: 147: 130: 3931:speaker of <b: --> 3394:is specified but not 3052: 2296: 1934:Quotemarks in example 900: 879: 465: 118: 42:of past discussions. 4327:Mediawiki:Common.css 4247:Quotation temple TfD 4041:MediaWiki:Common.css 3946:</blockquote: --> 3702:Nevermind: it seems 2856:Huge quotation marks 2683:The most recent edit 2424:MediaWiki:Common.css 2007:Comcast Corp. v. 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Template talk:Blockquote
current talk page
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#line breaks
20:25, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
15:50, 2 February 2012 (UTC)
edit request
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/1929 Ottawa sewer explosion
the change
problem with original template
change to sandboxed version
problem gone
03:40, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

16:33, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

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