
User talk:A R King

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que después de ver lo que se ha planteado estés de acuerdo y podamos trabajar juntos para poner en marcha este proyecto. Creo que será posible lograr de alguna manera que haya participación de hablantes nativos en este proyecto aunque se tenga que hacer, al menos en parte, de una forma gradual y mediada. Todavía quedan hablantes, aunque pocos como dices, pero en general son personas mayores con poca a nula alfabetización, poquísimos recursos económicos, y prácticamente sin acceso a medios electrónicos. Pero como resultado de la labor conjunta de personas interesadas en la recuperación del náhuat durante los últimos años, estoy, y asociados míos están, en contacto con hablantes nativos, con quienes hemos aprendido su idioma, conversado, colaborado y compartido diversos proyectos relacionados con la lengua. Es decir, existe una red de contactos, de información y de colaboración que abarca tanto a hablantes nativos como a personas que pueden colaborar en el proyecto del wiki. Obviamente podemos y queremos avanzar en el futuro hacia una situación donde más hablantes tengan un acceso más inmediato y opciones para aportar al wikipedia en Nawat y aprovecharla más directamente, pero creo que estamos en condiciones de emprender los primeros pasos, si conseguimos que se involucre un número suficiente de personas inicialmente para ponerlo en marcha. Nadie niega que trabajar en torno a una lengua en las condiciones en las que se encuentra el Nawat plantea un reto especial y exige estrategias adaptadas a las circunstancias, pero eso es cierto de todo lo que hacemos en una lengua así (no sólo para crear un wiki), y ya tenemos asumidos este hecho y ya estamos afrontando tales retos. No es razón para tirar la toalla sino para proceder con prudencia y tratar de ser efectivos y hacer bien las cosas, que es lo que a mí me preocupa. Si te interesa el Náhuat (Pipil) y deseas trabajar sobre él, te animo vivamente a que mires nuestro trabajo en Facebook del que te hablé antes. Creo que es importante desarrollar un wiki (si es que lo hacemos) de una manera apropiada a su fase de desarrollo y recuperación y en consonancia con el mundo y las coordenadas en las que los pipiles y su cultura existen. No solamente debemos pensar en el hecho de parentesco lingüístico entre el pipil y el náhuatl (aunque lo reconocemos) sino en otros factores también. Por eso optaría por un inicio desde cero y no una "traducción" de un wiki preexistente en otro idioma, aunque sea un idioma hermano. Es un gusto saludarte y seguiremos en contacto. --
myself have not worked in Honduras, only in El Salvador, but a couple of years ago I and a colleague did a preliminary survey in preparation for what promised to be a (to the extent that present reality permits) Lenca language recovery project (proposed to us by an Indigenous organisation working in the area), but it eventually came to nothing (or so it now seems); once we got past the initial non-commital talking stage and moving towards actually getting to work (which my colleague and I were certainly eager to do), the local partners' interest apparently dried up. In ES this is sometimes referred to (by us at least) as the "llamarada de tusa" phenomenon. So I never actually got my foot in the field there, unfortunately. It sounds like you are better placed though, and it might be interesting to combine our resources if you'd like. How about us working together on a Lenca language article some time in the coming months, for starters? Alan --
impression is that musical culture has not been preserved very well in this area in general, except perhaps for the traditions of playing pipes and drums in local "fiestas" (mostly post-European in form and content, I would guess). We have a recent recording and transcription of an interview of an old man who makes the latter instruments, talking about their construction, how he learnt to make them and so on. No mention of anything like what you mention, as far as I can remember. I also met a marimba-maker in the Pipil area, but my guess is that is a more recent importation from Guatemala, where I understand marimbas are more common. But I insist that I'm not into that field so don't take my word for any of this. Cheers, Alan. PS Sorry to be slow answering, I'm under an avalanche of work at the moment. --
2388:, which has produced over 1700 articles in 5 weeks, sign up on the page. The idea will be an ongoing national editathon/challenge for the region but fuelled by a series of contests to really get articles on every province and subject mass improved. The Africa contest scaled worldwide would naturally provide great benefits to Oceania countries, particularly Australia and attract new editors. I would like some support from existing editors here to get the Challenges off to a start with some articles to make doing a Destubathon worthwhile and potentially bring about hundreds of improvements in a few weeks through a contest! Cheers.♦ -- 1998:
flag it as needing editorial review. The other relevant fields are "speakers" (the number of native speakers in all countries), "date" (the date of the reference or census that Ethnologue uses, not the date of Ethnologue!), and sometimes "speakers2". Our convention has been to enter e.g. "1990 census" when a census is used, as other data can be much older than the publication date. Sometimes a citation elsewhere in the article depends on the e17 entry, in which case you will need to change "name=e17" to "name=e18" in the reference tag (assuming the 18th edition still supports the cited claim).
2643: 451:
anthropologists seem to agree that the language is in fact extinct in Honduras. I spoke with two ethnographers at the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History who were working in the Lenca region this summer, and none had found anyone who knew more than a few hundred words. Both Honduran and Salvadoran Lenca are undergoing cultural revitalization movements (do a search on "Maya-Lenca" "Najochan" on google to see one fascinating result for El Salvador) so there's definitely activity, and a desire to relearn the language.
22: 1727: 1834: 455:
names were also used as apellidos (family names) among the "indios principales" of the towns in the colonial era. Many of the "dialects" the spanish record in fact appear to be house/family names in the Lenca region as well. I argue the Toquegua are a multilingual named house whose "lengua materna" is probably Lenca, and I suspect we'll find something similar for the other "dialects" the spanish told us about for Honduran Lenca.
1261: 468:
the fragments that have been recorded to build up what one can of a coherent linguistic system. It is in that context of a rather extreme salvage operation, "pepenando" (to use a Salvadoran Spanish term borrowed I believe from the Nawat verb pejpena) what bits and pieces we can find, that I suggest the possibility of considering ES Lenca as a backup source. I realise they are different, of course. Cheers, Alan --
2253: 2534: 2461: 2301: 1857:. I'm recruiting Wikipedians who are passionate about history & culture to participate in improving Knowledge using the WDL's vast free online resources. Participants can earn our awesome WDL barnstar and help to disseminate free knowledge from over 100 libraries in 7 different languages. Multilingual editors are welcome! (But being multilingual is not a requirement.) Please sign up to participate 2225:. If you would like to see this happening for Latin America, and see potential in this attracting more interest and editors for the country/countries you work on please sign up and being contributing to the challenge! This is a way we can target every country of Latin America, and steadily vastly improve the encyclopedia. We need numbers to make this work so consider signing up as a participant!♦ -- 1745:, an outreach effort supporting development of United States related articles in Knowledge, has recently been restarted after a long period of inactivity. As a user who has shown an interest in United States related topics we wanted to invite you to join us in developing content relating to the United States. If you are interested please add your Username and area of interest to the members page 2162: 930:
language concerned (which I don't either), but the content issue is more general. I've tried to explain this more precisely in my statement (at the expense of using too many words which I hope you don't find too off-putting). Needless to say, if you do decide to say something, I don't expect you to say anything in support of my position, only to provide you best opinion.
understand very well what are a minorized language and culture and maybe I am not bothering you and you will help us... I'm a member of a Catalan association "Amical de la Viquipèdia" which is trying to get some recognition as a Catalan Chapter but this hasn't been approved up to that moment. We would appreciate your support, visible if you stick this on your first page:
2217:. The idea is not to record every minor edit, but to create a momentum to motivate editors to produce good content improvements and creations and inspire people to work on more countries than they might otherwise work on. There's also the possibility of establishing smaller country or regional challenges for places like Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Argentina etc, much like 1630:, es muy diferente porque el número de hablantes nativos cada vez se reduce y eso limita tener un hablante nativa como lo exigen las políticas de wikipedia. Yo estoy dispuesto a integrarme al proyecto de nawat pipil, yo también un usuario activo en la wikipedia náhuatl y conozco el idioma mexicano en donde podemos tomar referencias de inicio. 1703:(Nawat-speaking) Pipils was strongest or most effective in the Izalco-Nahuizalco area, which was the traditional stronghold and "capital" of Pipil society until the beginning of the 20th century; in the places I mention more speakers have survived longer because these were remote, peripheral areas (from a "Salvadorean" viewpoint). -- 2221:. For this to really work we need diversity and exciting content and editors from a broad range of countries regularly contributing. At some stage we hope to run some contests to benefit Latin American content, a destubathon perhaps, aimed at reducing the stub count would be a good place to start, based on the current 951:
Hi. As you suspected, I know nothing substantial about the language in question or its history. I have just spent a short while (perhaps half an hour) scanning through the RfC discussion. That is enough for me to conclude that I have nothing to say that is worth saying on the matter given my complete
Dear A R King, You don't know me, but I noticed your work in some FAs on languages and linguistics and wondered if you might like to weigh in on an RfC that I initiated earlier this week. I fear that the discussion there has degenerated. I'm aware that you might not know anything specific about the
Hello, nice to hear from you! Unfortunately that isn't my field at all and I can't help much (even bibliographically). All I can think of saying is what is obvious: that 'the "nahuatl-speaking peoples" of the Salvadoran Pacific coast in particular' certainly has to be pointing towards the pipiles. My
I have been working intensively on the Nahuatl article for the past few days - I am intent on taking it to FA status within the next few months. In that regard I'd appreciate all and any copyediting, peerreviwing, additions and suggestions to the article from knowledgeable and careful editors such as
Whilst adjusting to my new job, I've been puttering around here and there, adding comments to discussion forums, but never dedicating a block of time to Knowledge. Now I've decided I'm not helping the discussions any; they can carry on without me as well as before. :-) So I'm gonna putter around here
BTW, I'll be in print in November arguing that the "Toquegua", who lived along the north coast of Honduras, and neighboring Guatemala, were a house society, just like the Maya; that they were multilingual (chol, yucatec, possibly nahaut) but that they named their places in Lenca, and that these place
has been approximated with one figure (200,000, 3 million, etc.) and the other data has greater precision. For example, a figure of 200,000 for one country and 4,230 for another is really just 200,000 in total, as the 4,230 is within the margin of rounding off in the 200,000. If you want to retain
has not changed their figures between the 17th and 18th editions, so all we need to do is change "e17" to "e18" in the reference (ref) field of the language info box. That will change the citation for the artcle to the current edition. Please put the data in the proper fields, or the info box will
Hola Marrovi. ¡Qué bien que contestaste! Hemos estado preocupados porque ni tú ni Fluence habían respondido desde que hice mis preguntas. Para ver lo que ha transcurrido en los últimos días en torno a esto te sugiero que leas lo que se ha escrito en el Community Portal, si no lo has visto ya. Espero
I see from your user page you know something about Lenca as a language. Besides the lyle campbell articles, could you suggest references on Lenca? I know about Walter Lehman's work, and about Adolfo Costenla Umaña's dissertation and his idea that its a chibchan language, heavily modified by nahuat
Are YOU actually reducing "Systemic Bias"? What kind of "bias" are you even talking about? For example, that a worldy site centers around wealthy and lavish businessman and upper-class people like scientists, and not humble people like farmers or workers and tradesmen? Sadly, that does not surprise
Bon dia, perdona'm no havia vist el missatge... Bé, és una miqueta complicat, els meus pares són valencians però jo vaig nàixer a Lunèl (Occitània, entre Nimes i Montpeller) i ara sóc professor a la Catalunya del Nord... Que et vaja tot molt bé i si necessites qualsevol cosa sobre occità o català o
page. You're right of course, but I haven't succeeded so far in finding those particular "answers" on other internet channels (either because they're not there or I haven't discovered the channels). I was just letting you know, parenthetically, that I would just love to have such information (sorry
Hi Zerida. The reason, of course, is that I didn't have anything to do with editing the language article. I think your suggestion is a very good one. The trouble will be finding time. But I'll keep your idea in mind and try to follow it up. If by any chance I fail to do so (say in the next month or
Egunon! Duela hilabete batzuk zuk hasi zenuen Esaidazu euskaraz! "wikiliburua" ezagutu nuen. Ni euskalduna naiz, ez nuen beraz gehiegi begiratu. Baina aste honetan euskara ikasi nahi duten zenbait lagunekin aurkitu naiz eta ni irakaslea ez naizenez zure "liburua" erabiltzea pentsatu nuen. Ikusi dut
I have seen since long ago your contributions in different projects of Wikimedia, and it's about time to say thanks. Your work, specially around the Basque language, is great. I'm not a linguist, I'm more a scientist (on the way of being an engineer, I hope), but I know that your work is top-notch.
that you may find interesting. But I'm not sure if it's suitable as a Knowledge article, so I'm considering the possibility of expanding it into a Wikibook instead. Just in case some such drastic decision is made, you might want to be sure to look at it (or download it) while it's still there! (And
which has currently produced over 2300 article improvements and creations. The Australia challenge would feed into the wider region one and potentially New Zealand could have a smaller challenge too. The main goal is content improvement, tackling stale old stubs and important content and improving
My name is Victor and I'm a storyteller with the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization that supports Knowledge. I'm chronicling the inspiring stories of the Knowledge community around the world, including those from readers, editors, and donors. Stories are absolutely essential for any
Historically yes, but today it is quite hard to find anyone who can still speak it (despite "myths" to the contrary). There are now more speakers in towns to the south and west (Cuisnahuat, Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Tacuba...). I have no doubt this is because the persecution and genocidal murder of
Thanks for all your work on linguistics articles here. I saw that article was very short but that the Wikibook was very good and I brought some of your text from the Wikibook here before I realized you edited here as well and have contributed to the Miskito related articles. You can certainly do a
Bueno bueno, beste moduren batean ikasi beharko dute euskara. Behintzat lehenengo atalak erabili ditzakete! Ez ez Unaiaia ez dator Aiatik. Nire izena Unai da baina ezizena lagun batek "Una iaia" (gazteleraz amonatxo edo...) dibertigarria zela uste zuen eta horrekin gelditu nintzen interneten! Mila
Thanks for the interesting information. Of course you can only "relearn" a language if there is adequate documentation of it, and in the latter respect Lenca is probably a borderline case. I suspect it will take a considerable amount of linguistic reconstruction, scraping the barrel so to speak of
Fine. Have you looked at the ES Lenca material available out there too? It is not clear how closely and in what way ES Lenca was related to the Honduras variety (or varieties, rather), but given the extremely scanty documentation oif Honduran Lenca it would seem useful to refer to it as a closest
It sounds like you have about as much information as I do about Lenca. I think everything I have is available somewhere on the Internet, and we have probably covered similar ground. I don't have my Lenca notes handy just now but from memory what you have mentioned just about covers it, I think. I
I'd very much like the opportunity to interview you to tell your story, with the possibility of using it in our materials, on our community websites, or as part of this year’s fundraiser to encourage others to support Knowledge. Please let me know if you're inclined to take part in the Knowledge
Hello/Kaixo, I hope you're doing fine and I sincerely apologize for this intrusion. My name is Claudi Balaguer (User Capsot from the Catalan Knowledge and the Occitan Wikiccionari), I've just read your profile and have seen that you show a keen interest in diverse cultures and languages, so you
Just an update on Lenca "revitalization". The Honduran Minister of Education bought primary school books for instruction in the seven officially recognized indigenous languages, Lenca included. I assume these books came from El Salvador, since I can't imagine where else they might originate.
I've looked at the ES:Lenca stuff, with the exception of Lehman, which I'll go xerox this week. There are a lot of differences between Salvadoran and Honduran Lenca, and most authors seem to be treating them as two different languages, but they differ on when they separated. Both linguists and
Moltíssimes gràcies, you might wish to support an initiative of Marrovi (Spanish, Catalan and Nahuatl Wikipedias) who is trying to create a Mayan Knowledge, if so you can have a look at my discussion page in the Catalan Knowledge where are the links. Bon diumenge, que vaja tot bé, fins aviat,
ignorance of the issues and the presence, in the debate, of others whose opinions and competence I respect. For those reasons (and the fact that I am also very busy, but I don't want that to sound like a cliché'd excuse), I would like to politely decline to enter the fray. Sorry! Alan --
2005:. Sometimes the data is too incompatible to add together (e.g. a figure from the 1950s for one country, and a figure from 2006 for another), in which case it should be presented that way. That's one use for the "speakers2" field. If you're not sure, just ask, or skip that article. 332:
There are sources, so there is no reason to say the article is unsourced anymore. If I notice a new article without sources, I'll always tag it as unsourced, even if the author says that more is coming soon. There's no reason not too. The tag is easily removed when sources are added.
is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 2 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The articles in the categories linked above are over 90% of the job. There are probably also articles that do not currently cite Ethnologue, but which we might want to update with the 18th edition. I'll need to generate another category to capture those, probably after most of the
so), you might like to try doing it yourself. In addition to my Miskito grammar article there is also the beginnings of a Miskito language course that I started at Wikibooks. The introduction to the course contains some information that could be synthesized, perhaps. Regards, Alan --
Hi. I'm sorry about that, but glad that it has been corrected. By the way, I noticed that Lenca is mentioned. I would also be happy to collaborate on a Lenca language article. I did a bit of a study on it a couple of years ago, so I should be able to contribute some material. Alan
sourcing/making more consistent but new articles are also welcome if sourced. I understand that this is a big goal for regular editors, especially being summertime where you are, but if you'd like to see large scale quality improvements happening for Oceania and Australia like
just came out, and if we divide up our language articles among us, it won't take long to update them. I would appreciate it if you could help out, even if it's just a few articles (5,000 articles is a lot for just me), but I won't be insulted if you delete this request.
talkpg we are trying to resolve the extent to which said instrument is or was part of broad nahuan musical traditions, and it occurred to me that you might have a pointer or two on the topic. If you have any insights, would be glad to hear of them at the article's talkpg.
749:), a type of musical bow that is mentioned in a few (possibly dated) ethnohistorical sources as being found among the "nahuatl-speaking peoples" of the Salvadoran Pacific coast in particular, as well as a number of other (non-nahua) central american cultures. Over at the 2030:
Dates will often need to be a range of all the country data in the Ethnologue article. When entering the date range, I often ignore dates from countries that have only a few percent of the population, as often 10% or so of the population isn't even separately listed by
is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
You,that is from Latin America (or write about it),already shall to have observed the importance of the Wikimedia Frojects in the region.Only Knowledge represent 40% of the internet access.With every this importance,why don't we make a big meeting?
The answer to your question (above) is yes, I think. Not sure what messages you mean, but they're probably welcome. I'm subscribed to Nahuat-L and Aztlan, though very rarely indeed are the discussions there pertinent to my own interests. Cheers,
Okay, my availability is not as high as a year or two ago but I'll do my best to help, when I have time. Please feel welcome to remind me periodically if I don't come through - I may have forgotten (though I'll try not to!). Best wishes, Alan
When you have some time to spare, I was wondering whether you'd be able to help out with some information on, or sources that discuss, musical instruments featuring in Pipil tradition. This is in relation to a recently created article on the
Sure, no problem. Yeah, I'm sorry but I ended not having time to do much for the article, unfortunately. Snowed under with work and deadlines and things. But I'm sure you'll do fine without me! And good luck, anyway. Cheers,
You're welcome to go ahead, Taxman. At present I can't spare any time to editing Miskito articles, so please feel free. If you want me to offer an opinion on anything (not too big please), write back to me. Good luck! Alan
Kaixo! Bai, arrazoia duzu. Hasi nuen baina ez dut jarraitu, sentitzen dut. Beste gauza askorekin enroilatu, eta astirik ez. Agian egunen batean... Unaiaia... Unai + Aia? Aiakoa al haiz? Zarautzen bizi nauk ni... Ondo izan
section too.) If I do take the Wikibooks option it will be a long-term job as I will need time to spin it out into a book-length grammar... I'm still wondering what to do: any suggestions or comments welcome! Cheers, Alan
Sorry Natox, I've been disconnected of late and missed your question. I have not been active with Miskito of late either but you may well be right so if you think so, please do go ahead and make the change. Cheers, Alan
1285:.Various Wikipedists has Latin-American users and this is a proposal of a culture and ideas interchange,that can be help all projects.Above this,comtemplate to help in the formation of new WMF chapters in Latin America. 530:
Hello, Could you take a look into the Lenca language of El Salvador. Unfortunately, there are no native speakers but there are some historial articles here and there. BTW, do you have the Lehmann article? Thanks,
2126:. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose 2574: 2501: 2341: 2008:
Data should not be displayed with more than two, or at most three, significant figures. Sometimes it should be rounded off to just one significant figure, e.g. when some of the component data used by
and the typological article in the main language article. I was just a bit surprised that there was so much information on the language, and yet the main article itself contains less than two lines. —
ps. If you don't mind, with your permission I may copy your above response to the article's talkpg, just so as to have some continuity for any further investigative discussions that may occur there. --
Yes, that sounds strange. But I have learnt not to expect much (other than backstabbing and trickery) from such ministries: certainly not scientific rigour. These people are NOT to be trusted. Alan --
2558:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2485:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2325:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2042:
does not provide a date for the bulk of the population, just enter "no date" in the date field. But if the population figure is undated, and hasn't changed between the 17th & 18th editions of
1455:. Supporting us will be like giving equal opportunity to minorized languages and cultures in the future! Thanks again/Eskerrik asko, I wish you a nice, pleasant and warm summer, take care! Agur 2050:
that the data first appeared in may be our only indication of how old it is. We still cite the 14th edition in a couple dozen articles, so our readers can see that the data is getting old.
2267: 2259: 2206: 1125:. I also temporarily skipped over the Zapotec, Zoque and Otomi languages as they are larger and need careful attention. Any help you could offer would be deeply appreciated. Thanks 1686:
Congratulations on your work, not sure if you know, but it surprised me to find a town in El Salvador, where lots of people speaks Nahuatl, or the closest to pipil, I would think.
309:, after which I have to write a dissertation proposal, after which I have to pack up and move overseas... Does late September or more likely early October sound good to you? -- 1949: 2385: 2222: 86:
pretty hard, adding tons of material until everyone says "Uncle" and lets me split it into several lists, as should have been done a long time ago.. and work on the several
2376: 2372: 2214: 1342:
in response to your entreaty for more information from the literature. Would you like to start receiving messages about Mesoamerican linguistics at
Great! I may be able to collaborate with you on Hawaiian and Austronesian, as I have some relevant knowledge and materials. Let me know when you're ready to go! Alan --
1220: 1160: 1084: 1062: 1040: 1018: 996: 899: 1983: 798:
Hi Alan, no worries - as you can judge by my tardiness in getting back to you I'm a bit preoccupied myself. Appreciate your info and responses, in any case. Cheers.
I've sent my dissertation to my university, so will have somewhat more free time. let me know if you have anything you'd like to work on; I'll try to help. later!
1116: 2232: 970:
No problem at all. Thanks for taking the time to both read the RfC (apologies for its longwindedness) and explain yourself so considerately here! Regards,
1746: 2046:, please leave the ref field set to "e17", and maybe add a comment to keep it so that other editors don't change it. In cases like this, the edition of 166:
Euskal Herrian zara? Wow! Nik orian Unibersitatean Euskaraz azterketa du, so please do keep your fingers crossed :) And yes, Weinreich was a sweetheart!
1557: 596:. I can't dedicate any significant block of contiguous time, but I will be chipping away at the stone.. let me know if there's anything i can do... -- 1643: 1987: 1891: 2218: 1779:
non-profit to persuade people to support the cause, and we know the vast network of people who make and use Knowledge have so much to share.
1225: 1165: 1089: 1067: 1045: 1023: 1001: 904: 137:
Egun on, laguna! I just wanted to I was fascinated by your userpage - congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Eskerrik asko Bosniatik!
2588: 2515: 2393: 2355: 2281: 2151: 1918: 1895: 2266:. This effort began on November 1, 2016 and to reach our goal, we will need editors like you to participate, expand, and create. See more 1561: 1741: 606:
That's fine. I'm also pretty much dormant on Knowledge at the moment. But Luke in Nawat is coming along like a house on fire! Cheers, --
2647: 2635: 2623: 2584: 2511: 2389: 2351: 2277: 2147: 1858: 2380: 2210: 1364:
for abusing Knowledge for that). And I appreciate the bit about hogwash too, and probably read correctly between your lines.
return, I hope to also return to my work on articles related to Linguistics. I've been away for a while.. I hope to hit the
2660: 1626:
Hi Alan, Estoy muy contento por saber que te gustan las lenguas indígenas, Por supuesto que sigue en pie el proyecto del
That is no problem, everyone may ask things and I know the right people to ask for their attention. So noproblem at all.
2567: 2494: 2334: 2027:
template. (First parameter in this template is for the data, second is for the number of figures to round it off to.)
1229: 1169: 1112: 1093: 1071: 1049: 1027: 1005: 908: 593: 39: 2138:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to
relative. The big issue, of course, is whether there remain any speakers of Lenca in Honduras. Nobody seems to know! --
2579: 2506: 2346: 2226: 2143: 390:
BTW, I'm a historian and anthropologist with some linguistic training, though its rusty, and my work is in Honduras.
2416: 1647: 1293: 976: 940: 420:
Sure, I'll cooperate when you've got time. I still have to read some of these sources (notably the costa rican).
Epa Iñaki! Orain arte ez naiz nire kontuan sartu Wikipedian aspaldiko partez. Zer moduz doa hori? Begiratuko dut.
Hi wikipedian!Today I'm going to talk you about a new proposal that can to advantage you and many other users of
83: 2180: 1000:
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2411:, ongi? We met some four days ago, you have my card, but anyway this is a hello, and you can know more about us 1224:
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proiektua lehengo urtetik geldirik dagoela. Jarraitzeko asmorik baduzu? Mila esker zure lan eta denboragatik! --
48: 1922: 1899: 1121: 387:
and maya, though I haven't yet got a copy of it. Are there other major sources I should know about? Thanks.
Comscore tracked 26 million out of 63 million (41% reach) viewed Knowledge sites in Latin America (June 2008)
2096: 931: 306: 1914: 1910: 1866: 1804: 1452: 95: 75:
Now I need to study for prelims, and hope to stay from Knowledge 'til September-ish, but I'll be back...
1289: 2619: 2555: 2482: 2322: 2073: 1846: 1821: 1406:, without the "the"? Or can you skip the "ba" in some sentences? Otherwise I would like translate it to 1360: 1339: 812: 768: 536: 2428: 971: 935: 662: 627: 2001:
Remember, we want the *total* number of native speakers, which is often not the first figure given by
2611: 1390:
Hello! I am trying to learn some Miskito and I have a question concerning your book at Wikibooks. At
1347: 2170:
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can
2139: 2088: 1850: 1305: 916: 2092: 1887: 1144: 1130: 491: 334: 87: 54: 1640: 1324: 1633:
Tienes toda la libertad de proponer y mejorar la página inicial y también en escribir en pipil
2542: 2469: 2309: 2291: 2115: 2106: 1862: 1800: 1792: 1761: 1655: 1598: 1569: 1560:. The subject isn't one I can handle but give it over to others on the project. Replies here: 302: 91: 1903: 2615: 2551: 2478: 2424: 2318: 2135: 2119: 2087:
Hi there. I am new to Knowledge editing but not new to statistics. I've started work on the
2069: 1913:, where, for example, "Stark, pp. 151–155." is used as a reference; a work mentioned in the 1693: 1523: 1492: 1460: 1309: 859: 848: 802: 758: 690: 533: 338: 257: 238: 167: 138: 50: 21: 2566:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2493:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2333:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2134:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 1726: 2021: 1960: 1833: 1419: 1343: 1301: 852: 2563: 2490: 2330: 2131: 2123: 2062: 1607:
Well, thanks again. Still not sure if I will get the answers I need, but I'm trying. --
1297: 912: 211: 1260: 2559: 2486: 2439: 2408: 2326: 2263: 2127: 1932: 1879: 1704: 1667: 1608: 1580: 1537: 1504: 1473: 1431: 1372: 1320: 1269: 1197: 1140: 1126: 953: 876: 828: 781: 705: 639: 607: 597: 572: 509: 487: 469: 456: 439: 421: 404: 391: 373: 350: 319: 310: 290: 277: 221: 188: 150: 121: 109: 2262:, aiming for 50,000 article improvements and creations for articles relating to the 2252: 2091:
page that you commented on some years ago. Let me know if you like what I am doing.
2190: 2065:
talk page if you have any comments or concerns. Thanks for any help you can give!
1757: 1651: 1637: 1594: 1565: 1518:
qualsevol altra cosa no dubtes en contactar-me. Fins prompte/aviat, records, agur!
750: 658: 623: 216: 69: 2533: 2460: 2300: 1183:
better job than I of improving the article, but I thought I'd give it a start. -
1689: 1519: 1488: 1456: 1184: 1107:
Long time no chat. I've moved a total of seven "list of endangered languages in
856: 687: 149:
Eskerrik asko zuri! (Euskal Herritik) :-) PS I like your Weinreich quotation. --
1391: 1956: 1814:
Love history & culture? Get involved in WikiProject World Digital Library!
1415: 851:, was wondering if you'd considered providing a summary of the information in 600: 187:
Euskara ikasten Bosnian??!! I'm the one who should say Wow! Good luck! Alan --
I invite to participate. And create table for wikipedia of Hispanoamérica.--
560: 261: 242: 2648:
Knowledge talk:WikiProject Hawaii § Campaign to upload Lāhainā photographs
Knowledge talk:WikiProject Hawaii § Campaign to upload Lāhainā photographs
1990:. These are the 10% that have population figures at least 25 years old. 932:
Request for comment: When does the literary tradition in a language begin?
52: 2570:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
301:(undent) I'll make you a deal: I'll help with Lenca if you'll help with 1861:. Thanks for editing Knowledge and I look forward to working with you! 1176: 741: 678: 2627: 2592: 2519: 2447: 2432: 2397: 2359: 2285: 2238: 2155: 2100: 2077: 1964: 1940: 1926: 1870: 1808: 1765: 1712: 1697: 1675: 1659: 1636:, también te invito a participar en el wikiproyevto del maya yucateco 1616: 1602: 1588: 1573: 1545: 1527: 1512: 1496: 1481: 1464: 1439: 1423: 1380: 1351: 1328: 1205: 1187: 1147: 1133: 981: 961: 945: 919: 884: 866: 836: 817: 789: 773: 713: 697: 666: 647: 631: 610: 575: 563: 540: 517: 495: 472: 459: 442: 424: 407: 394: 376: 353: 341: 322: 313: 293: 280: 224: 191: 170: 153: 141: 124: 112: 1854: 1909:
One way to solve the references issue would be to do something like
1111:" lists into main space. They are linked at the newly stripped-down 1634: 1334:
Corresponding about Nahautl linguistics, and any other linguistics
still needs a lot of help. There is a lot of (unverified) info at
Hi A.R., hope all is well with you! Just dropped by to share some
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Knowledge
Knowledge:Village pump (miscellaneous)#Knowledge work hijacked.3F
Eskeriik asko zuri, Keta, for your kind words. Ongi izan! Alan --
If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review
If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review
If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review
Category:Language articles with old Ethnologue 17 speaker data
55: 15: 2160: 1832: 1725: 2167:
Hello, A R King. Please check your email; you've got mail!
1240: 1214:
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue VIII - November 2008
252:...some deletionist who is self-persuaded that he/she is a 2207:
Knowledge:WikiProject Latin America/The 10,000 Challenge ‎
1721: 1078:
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue VI - September 2008
es:Wikiproyecto:Wikimedia en langues régionales de España
1650:. Im sorry by don't write in English, Nice to meet you.-- 1154:
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue VII - October 2008
2412: 2244:
Knowledge:WikiProject United States/The 50,000 Challenge
A largely complete list of articles to be updated is at
Thank you Romaine. Sorry I bothered the wrong person! --
Hello! As you are the main writer on articles regarding
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
2172: 1402:. My question is: Shouldn't the correct translation be 368: 272: 266: 1639:
y de que nos apoyes en la printa apertura de wikimaya
I relocated your message on my talkpage to this page:
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue V - August 2008
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue III - June 2008
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue IV - July 2008
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue I - April 2008
Hawaiʻi WikiProject Newsletter - Issue II - May 2008
Knowledge:WikiProject Africa/The Africa Destubathon
1359:Hi Dale. I take your point(s) that you make on the 2377:Knowledge:WikiProject Australia/The 5000 Challenge 2373:Knowledge:WikiProject Oceania/The 10,000 Challenge 1503:Ets valencià! :) Molt bé, miraré això, gràcies. -- 1100:moved many lists into main space; could use a hand 2215:Knowledge:WikiProject Africa/The 10,000 Challenge 2114:You appear to be eligible to vote in the current 210:By the way, I have just put up a long article on 1282:proposal for a Latin-American Wikipedian Meeting 1984:Category:Language articles citing Ethnologue 17 1446:Hi, would you be so kind as to give us support! 2209:has recently started, based on the UK/Ireland 1296:is originally in English,with translations in 1117:List of endangered languages in North America 8: 1718:Invitation to join WikiProject United States 1644:es:Wikiproyecto:Lenguas indígenas de América 806: 762: 735:Gidday Alan, hope you are travelling well! 2646:You are invited to join the discussion at 2609: 1886:Hi A R King, I've added some comments to 1845:! I'm the Wikipedian In Residence at the 2423:ingelesez edo in Basque;) Agur bero bat 2013:the spurious precision of the number in 1259: 2653: 2367:New Challenge for Oceania and Australia 2258:You are invited to participate in the 2201:Latin American 10,000 Challenge invite 1248:"Latin-American Wikipedians,unite us!" 264:removed the tag... here are two diffs 2219:Knowledge:The 1000 Challenge (Nordic) 657:esker berriro eta zu ere ondo izan -- 7: 2543:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 2470:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 2310:2016 Arbitration Committee elections 2171: 1878: 1236:The Latin-American Knowledge Meeting 101:I really appreciate your help & 1264:Latin America:one world,one dream!! 2527:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 2454:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 1970:Language-population update project 1915:Fermat's Last Theorem#Bibliography 681:getting into position for FA-drive 14: 2419:. You are invited to join us and 2140:review the candidates' statements 2058:17 citations are taken care of. 860: 592:and there on articles and on the 68:Hey thanks for the kind words re 2641: 2532: 2459: 2299: 2251: 1986:. The priority articles are in 1911:Fermat's Last Theorem#References 1824:Knowledge Partnership - We need 20: 2577:and submit your choices on the 2540:Hello, A R King. Voting in the 2504:and submit your choices on the 2467:Hello, A R King. Voting in the 2307:Hello, A R King. Voting in the 1888:Talk:Pipil grammar#C quality.3F 805: 761: 2381:Knowledge:The 10,000 Challenge 2211:Knowledge:The 10,000 Challenge 2146:. For the Election committee, 2116:Arbitration Committee election 2107:ArbCom elections are now open! 1965:12:13, 26 September 2014 (UTC) 1648:nah:Tlatequitiltilīlli:Marrovi 1096:14:32, 1 September 2008 (UTC) 1: 2593:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 2556:Knowledge arbitration process 2520:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 2483:Knowledge arbitration process 2398:02:12, 24 November 2016 (UTC) 2360:22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC) 2323:Knowledge arbitration process 2156:16:20, 23 November 2015 (UTC) 1809:20:08, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 1338:Hi, I just addressed this at 1329:19:22, 22 December 2008 (UTC) 1232:06:48, 2 December 2008 (UTC) 1148:11:26, 3 September 2008 (UTC) 1134:10:40, 3 September 2008 (UTC) 774:04:11, 26 February 2008 (UTC) 714:11:49, 15 February 2008 (UTC) 698:15:32, 13 February 2008 (UTC) 686:yourself. Thanks beforehand. 576:13:29, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 473:07:12, 5 September 2007 (UTC) 460:03:00, 4 September 2007 (UTC) 443:10:25, 3 September 2007 (UTC) 425:17:53, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 408:16:55, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 305:. Right now I'm studying for 2448:14:21, 11 January 2018 (UTC) 2433:18:46, 22 October 2017 (UTC) 2379:are up and running based on 2286:02:37, 8 November 2016 (UTC) 2239:00:23, 27 October 2016 (UTC) 2176:at any time by removing the 2035:and so is undated anyway. 2017:, you might want to use the 1400:All the children are playing 1381:19:25, 18 January 2009 (UTC) 1352:04:35, 18 January 2009 (UTC) 1279:Of this idea,was borned the 1206:11:04, 14 October 2008 (UTC) 1188:04:48, 11 October 2008 (UTC) 1172:17:23, 2 October 2008 (UTC) 1113:List of endangered languages 925:Feedback requested in an RfC 667:11:54, 2 February 2008 (UTC) 648:19:51, 1 February 2008 (UTC) 632:09:56, 1 February 2008 (UTC) 611:16:54, 27 October 2007 (UTC) 601:00:41, 22 October 2007 (UTC) 594:List of endangered languages 84:List of Endangered languages 40:Discussions until June, 2007 2628:08:18, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2344:and submit your choices on 2142:and submit your choices on 1766:20:42, 3 January 2011 (UTC) 1713:15:41, 5 January 2011 (UTC) 1698:18:26, 5 October 2010 (UTC) 1676:23:24, 15 August 2010 (UTC) 1660:17:47, 12 August 2010 (UTC) 1617:20:38, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1603:17:12, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1589:07:53, 10 August 2010 (UTC) 1253: 1247: 1074:13:27, 1 August 2008 (UTC) 1008:17:43, 30 April 2008 (UTC) 564:17:30, 31 August 2007 (UTC) 395:02:11, 30 August 2007 (UTC) 377:18:27, 28 August 2007 (UTC) 354:16:35, 15 August 2007 (UTC) 342:16:17, 15 August 2007 (UTC) 328:Feel free to remove the tag 323:18:02, 11 August 2007 (UTC) 318:Sounds good! No hurry... -- 314:18:56, 10 August 2007 (UTC) 294:18:33, 10 August 2007 (UTC) 225:09:39, 20 August 2007 (UTC) 192:09:30, 20 August 2007 (UTC) 171:09:21, 20 August 2007 (UTC) 154:18:29, 10 August 2007 (UTC) 125:18:15, 10 August 2007 (UTC) 2679: 2585:MediaWiki message delivery 2512:MediaWiki message delivery 2390:MediaWiki message delivery 2352:MediaWiki message delivery 2342:the candidates' statements 2278:MediaWiki message delivery 2148:MediaWiki message delivery 1993:Probably 90% of the time, 1574:22:59, 9 August 2010 (UTC) 1558:Incubator:Community Portal 1440:20:52, 21 April 2009 (UTC) 982:20:57, 13 April 2008 (UTC) 962:10:24, 13 April 2008 (UTC) 946:19:18, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 885:15:23, 23 March 2008 (UTC) 867:19:02, 22 March 2008 (UTC) 837:14:48, 28 March 2008 (UTC) 818:07:44, 28 March 2008 (UTC) 757:Take care, and saludos. -- 518:07:23, 15 April 2008 (UTC) 496:00:36, 15 April 2008 (UTC) 281:13:45, 7 August 2007 (UTC) 142:08:29, 2 August 2007 (UTC) 113:11:11, 1 August 2007 (UTC) 2608:Sincerely, Isaac Demmer 2101:00:32, 21 July 2015 (UTC) 2078:02:39, 4 March 2015 (UTC) 1974:Hi. The 18th edition of 1941:21:38, 11 July 2013 (UTC) 1882:; 'Hijacking' and Ratings 1820: 1786:Thank you for your time, 1771:Wikimedia Stories Project 1742:WikiProject United States 1546:06:32, 27 June 2010 (UTC) 1528:09:15, 24 June 2010 (UTC) 1513:14:33, 23 June 2010 (UTC) 1497:15:44, 20 June 2010 (UTC) 1482:15:39, 20 June 2010 (UTC) 1465:15:05, 20 June 2010 (UTC) 1424:12:18, 9 April 2009 (UTC) 1243: 1052:13:10, 1 July 2008 (UTC) 1030:04:11, 1 June 2008 (UTC) 920:22:50, 1 April 2008 (UTC) 790:11:22, 1 March 2008 (UTC) 2443: 1936: 1927:15:54, 8 July 2013 (UTC) 1904:15:24, 8 July 2013 (UTC) 1871:22:11, 29 May 2013 (UTC) 1708: 1671: 1646:. Te envío un abrazo!!! 1612: 1584: 1541: 1508: 1477: 1435: 1404:All children are playing 1376: 1201: 1122:User:Ling.Nut/EthnicList 957: 880: 832: 785: 709: 643: 541:01:49, 30 May 2013 (UTC) 513: 1682:Nahuizalco, El Salvador 584:various things 'n stuff 2386:The Africa Destubathon 2228:Ser Amantio di Nicolao 2165: 1837: 1730: 1414:. Could you help me? / 1396:Tuktan nani sut pulisa 1265: 96:Austronesian languages 2552:Arbitration Committee 2479:Arbitration Committee 2319:Arbitration Committee 2292:ArbCom Elections 2016 2164: 2120:Arbitration Committee 1847:World Digital Library 1836: 1822:World Digital Library 1729: 1398:with the translation 1394:you give the example 1361:Talk:Nahuatl dialects 1340:Talk:Nahuatl dialects 1263: 583: 1085:September 2008 issue 551:Thanks for your work 260:for deletion, then 2124:arbitration process 2089:logistic regression 2083:Logistic regression 1851:Library of Congress 1849:, a project of the 1230:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1221:November 2008 issue 1170:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1094:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1072:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1050:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1028:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1006:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 1004:. Mahalo nui loa. 909:WikiProject Hawaiʻi 907:. Mahalo nui loa. 267:add deletionist tag 2568:arbitration policy 2495:arbitration policy 2335:arbitration policy 2294:: Voting now open! 2234:Lo dicono a Signa. 2173:remove this notice 2166: 2136:arbitration policy 1838: 1731: 1536:Moltes gràcies! -- 1266: 1251: 1228:. Mahalo nui loa. 1168:. Mahalo nui loa. 1161:October 2008 issue 1092:. Mahalo nui loa. 1070:. Mahalo nui loa. 1048:. Mahalo nui loa. 1026:. Mahalo nui loa. 617:Esaidazu euskaraz! 254:"wikipedia editor" 237:some idiot tagged 88:Formosan languages 2630: 2614:comment added by 2274: 2273: 1876: 1875: 1793:user:Victorgrigas 1783:Stories Project. 1754: 1753: 1317: 1316: 1245: 1063:August 2008 issue 973:Fowler&fowler 937:Fowler&fowler 816: 772: 559:Eskerrik asko! - 303:Hawaiian language 215:don't forget the 92:Hawaiian language 61: 60: 2670: 2663: 2658: 2645: 2644: 2536: 2463: 2303: 2260:50,000 Challenge 2255: 2248: 2247: 2229: 2197: 2195: 2189: 2185: 2179: 2175: 2163: 2026: 2020: 1818: 1817: 1722: 1642:, o bien; aquí: 1254: 1249: 1241: 979: 974: 943: 938: 900:April 2008 issue 864: 863: 849:Miskito language 810: 809: 808: 766: 765: 764: 732: 731: 727: 694: 56: 24: 16: 2678: 2677: 2673: 2672: 2671: 2669: 2668: 2667: 2666: 2659: 2655: 2642: 2639: 2602: 2600:"Systemic Bias" 2597: 2596: 2537: 2529: 2524: 2523: 2464: 2456: 2405: 2403:Egun on deigula 2369: 2364: 2363: 2347:the voting page 2304: 2296: 2246: 2237: 2227: 2203: 2198: 2193: 2187: 2183: 2181:You've got mail 2177: 2169: 2161: 2144:the voting page 2110: 2085: 2061:Jump in at the 2024: 2018: 1972: 1953: 1884: 1816: 1773: 1749:. Thank you!!! 1720: 1684: 1554: 1448: 1388: 1336: 1318: 1252: 1238: 1216: 1180: 1156: 1102: 1080: 1058: 1041:July 2008 issue 1036: 1019:June 2008 issue 1014: 992: 977: 972: 941: 936: 927: 895: 861: 853:Miskito grammar 845: 733: 729: 725: 723: 722: 692: 683: 619: 586: 553: 384: 364: 330: 247: 135: 103:esprit de corps 66: 57: 51: 29: 12: 11: 5: 2676: 2674: 2665: 2664: 2652: 2638: 2634:Discussion at 2632: 2601: 2598: 2575:the candidates 2538: 2531: 2530: 2528: 2525: 2502:the candidates 2465: 2458: 2457: 2455: 2452: 2451: 2450: 2421:be more active 2404: 2401: 2368: 2365: 2305: 2298: 2297: 2295: 2289: 2272: 2271: 2256: 2245: 2242: 2231: 2202: 2199: 2168: 2159: 2113: 2109: 2104: 2084: 2081: 1971: 1968: 1952: 1947: 1946: 1945: 1944: 1943: 1919: 1896: 1883: 1877: 1874: 1873: 1839: 1829: 1828: 1815: 1812: 1789:Victor Grigas 1772: 1769: 1752: 1751: 1732: 1719: 1716: 1690:Raúl Gutiérrez 1683: 1680: 1679: 1678: 1624: 1623: 1622: 1621: 1620: 1619: 1553: 1550: 1549: 1548: 1534: 1533: 1532: 1531: 1530: 1501: 1500: 1499: 1447: 1444: 1443: 1442: 1387: 1384: 1368: 1367: 1366: 1365: 1335: 1332: 1315: 1314: 1256: 1255: 1244: 1239: 1237: 1234: 1215: 1212: 1211: 1210: 1209: 1208: 1179: 1174: 1155: 1152: 1151: 1150: 1101: 1098: 1079: 1076: 1057: 1054: 1035: 1032: 1013: 1010: 997:May 2008 issue 991: 988: 987: 986: 985: 984: 965: 964: 926: 923: 894: 891: 890: 889: 888: 887: 844: 841: 840: 839: 823: 822: 821: 820: 799: 793: 792: 721: 720:¡Ay, Carimba! 718: 717: 716: 682: 676: 674: 672: 671: 670: 669: 651: 650: 618: 615: 614: 613: 585: 582: 581: 580: 579: 578: 552: 549: 548: 547: 546: 545: 544: 543: 523: 522: 521: 520: 503: 502: 501: 500: 499: 498: 478: 477: 476: 475: 448: 447: 446: 445: 432: 431: 430: 429: 428: 427: 413: 412: 411: 410: 383: 382:Lenca Grammar? 380: 363: 360: 359: 358: 357: 356: 329: 326: 299: 298: 297: 296: 246: 241:for deletion; 235: 234: 233: 232: 231: 230: 229: 228: 227: 212:Basque grammar 201: 200: 199: 198: 197: 196: 195: 194: 178: 177: 176: 175: 174: 173: 159: 158: 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Discussions until June, 2007
Georg Cantor
List of Endangered languages
Formosan languages
Hawaiian language
Austronesian languages
11:11, 1 August 2007 (UTC)
A R King
18:15, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
08:29, 2 August 2007 (UTC)
A R King
18:29, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
09:21, 20 August 2007 (UTC)
A R King
09:30, 20 August 2007 (UTC)
Basque grammar
Basque verbs
A R King
09:39, 20 August 2007 (UTC)
add deletionist tag
remove tag

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