
User talk:Sirmylesnagopaleentheda

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this. being non-orthodox for me, and many others, is a religious question. but even if this were only a sociological difference, the beginning of the Anusim article needs clarification. the article would not suffer (and would be improved) if this "sociological" difference is noted. i observe, but by the orthodox standards in the article's main section first paragraph, i am a meshumad. this is false and unkind. "Jewish Law categorize the status of a Jew according to his commitment to rabbinic tradition", but even chareidi recoginize reformed, non-observant jews as real, non-heretical jews. i do not doubt your honorable intentions, and i do not believe you mean to insult, but tell me how can i read the opening paragraph, and not logically conclude you classify me as a heretic? as a jew, i categorically disagree that anyone, let alone "Jewish Law categorize" my status as a Jew. i am still not convinced and still advocate changing that sentence to include the concept that it is only Orthodox jews and orthodox Jewish Law that categorizes the status of orthodox and formerly orthodox Jews. yours,--
halakhic code will accurately convey the "halakha" of that community. For example, for many S&P Jews, it would be more significant to use the "Despididos" melody appropriately than whether one waits 6, 3, or 1 hour between eating meat and milk. (1 hour being common among S&P Jews, and, decidedly Ashkenazic in origin.) Moreover, the S&P Halakha we are talking about is almost non-existant. No great codes have ever been produced within the S&P world. Halakhic questions are answered by the leaders of each individual community and have much to do with the education and background of each given Rabbi. Historically, the Halakha of S&P Communities could more easily be traced to Amsterdam, and the Ets Haim school. Today, I doubt whether we can even speak of a S&P Halakha let alone what the influences of that "Halakha" are. Shabbat Shalom. No worries, I wont disturb the Dor Daim article.
905:“mešumad” for one type of transgression – that is whoever is stuck to a transgression, making it consciously and knowingly, becoming accustomed , same way with lighter , for example, to dress with “ša‘atnez,” or trim the peá, making it appear as if this precept void for the whole world – this is a “mešumad” in relation to such thing . This is, if done with the intention to provoke. the “mešumad” for the whole Torá, this is that who turn to the laws of the gentiles, when these decree religious persecutions, uniting with them, saying: “ – What gain do I have in remaining united to the People of Israel, who are humiliated and persecuted? It is better for me to unite to those whose hand is powerful!” – this is the “mešumad” for the whole Torá. . For a sensible assessment on the Biblical and Talmudic sources regulating this position, see Foot Moore’s Judaism (Hendrickson, 1997), pp. 460 – 473. 465:
Hebrew had forgotten about pausal forms altogether and this was reflected in the liturgy; then, from the Renaissance on, there was an attempt to make prayer-book Hebrew conform with the rules of the Masoretes, which led to an inconsistently carried out reinstatement of pausal forms, more prevalent in some rites than in others. The various homiletic explanations of why we do or do not do this (such as that "ha-gefen" is really in the middle of a sentence, as it is concluded with "Amen", or that it is a quotation from the longer blessing "al ha-gefen ve-al-peri ha-gefen") are of course completely ridiculous. So I can only suppose that in New York there was once a cantor who decided to "correct" the line in question. I wonder what they do in Amsterdam?
kaddish. But, the hazan should recite kaddish along with them, to fulfill the obligation of the public. Thus, the public will have their obligation fulfilled by the kaddish of the hazan, and answer “Amen” to the kaddish of the hazan, and they will not notice this and thus hatred will not be born. Because, you will follow this custom all year round: the hazan will recite kaddish together with whoever says kaddish, even though they are ‘kosher’ – so that when such ineligibles happen to say kaddish this will not be noticeable in anything the hazan does, because it will be his custom to always say kaddish.
3751:. I have been revising some of the articles on O'Nolan's fiction in order to bring them up to proper WP standard and at the moment, all I want to do is get people to add more stuff and back up what they do add with proper citations. In return, for what it's worth I am a very modest amateur student of Judaica and if you want any help with any articles on the subject I will be happy to do what I can with the limited resources at my disposal. Bear in mind that I'm not Jewish and have only the merest beginner's comprehension of Hebrew. I do have a few books, though. Many thanks. 708:"The Syrian tradition was introduced to Jerusalem by Raphael Altaras, who came to that city from Aleppo in 1845 and founded a Baqashot circle at the Kehal Tsiyon synagogue. In this way the custom of Baqashot became part of the mainstream Jerusalem Sephardic tradition. Another important influence was Jacob Ades (1857-1925), who immigrated to Jerusalem in 1895 and introduced the tradition to the Persian and Bukharan communities. The main centre of the tradition today is the Ades synagogue in Naִhlaot, where the leading spirit was Shaul Aboud, a pupil of Moshe Ashear." 2885:". The word "isolated" was clearly intended to LOOK like a past participle even if there was no verb in active use for it to be the past participle of. It was not an adjective ending in "ed" for an entirely different reason, later mistaken for a suffix. (It may be that the original adjective was "isolăte", and that that spawned "isolated" as an imaginary past participle, and then "to isolate" some centuries later.) I am not disputing your account of the history of the matter, but only whether this really counts as a back-formation in the sense defined.-- 1317:
work was in progress, you moved the message to where you wanted it. when i finally concluded my missive and saved page. my comment was reinserted where i had orginally started to comment, at your talk page end. i made no attempt to alter, change, revert your talk page. i would never stop (nor stoop to) anyone from attempting to tidy up. now, i am concerned you view my attempt to write a concillitory comment as deliberate sabatoge of your page. not true. please do not let this mishmash distract from our discussion. yours,--
to discuss at length with you why I think this is important but for starts, I think the article is sorely lacking in balance when it emphasizes doctrine and ritual over other elements of Judaism (e.g. Torah Study, that Jews have developed their own principles of logic and jurisprudence). I realize other articles cover this, but I think Torah study is so important to Judaism it deserves some substantive discussion in the main article. Anyway, I hope you will comment. Happy Shavuot,
1135:(wips). It is not just a "simple non-observance" as you put it, particularly when knowing that Shabbat is one of the two of the signs of the covenant (the other is circumcision). The observance of Shabbat not only upholds the giving of the Toráh at harSinai, but it also is witness to the cornerstone of Judaism, which is creation ex-nihilo. Breaking the Shabbat -- even if the Jew "believes" in the Shabbat -- leads to denying harSinai and creation ex-nihilo ever happened. 2124:. Frankly speaking I had removed a few lines about the subject of the ta'am 'elyon just a short while before. In the edit summary I explained my reason then. Which is simply that understanding the ta'am 'elyon in as far as it is necessary to understand the article is provided for by the explanation in the previous paragraph. This is not an article about ta'am 'elyon. Moreover I feel that your explanation raises more questions than it answers. 4055:
fact that Norman and French were, in fact, similar enough that which language some borrowings come from is not always immediately obvious from their form (such as is the case for a word like 'reyne'). However, I question your insistence at a cut off point of 1166. It is my understanding that Anglo-Norman (rather than Anglo-French) still had influence in England into the beginning of the 13th century (and certainly until after 1204).
435:"Spanish and Portuguese Jews admire Maimonides and identify with the Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain. However, they cannot be classified as "Rambamists" in the sense required, as their religious law is based squarely on the Bet Yosef of Joseph Caro. It could even be argued that they follow Caro more closely than any other group, as many other Sephardim regard Isaac Luria as having equal or even greater authority than Caro." 454:-- Sir Myles: Perhaps you can help me with a particular S&P pronunciation. One of the Piyutim read over Kippur is the Adir veNaor. In the S&P of New York, the first line is pronounced as follows - Adir veNaor/Bore Dok vaChAled. The Hebrew word Chaled is actually written with two segol's. One would expect it to be pronounced vaCheled. Most other Sephardic rites pronounce "cheled" not "chaled". Any insight? 419:
Martin Pereira (OBM) I noticed this pronunciation. I asked him and Bram Cardozo (OBM) about it and they tried to explain it with a grammatical rule which I didn't quite understand. I suspect that your intuition is more correct - especially considering that Ashkenazic Jews (Western European ones at least) do convert a Shewa into a Hataf Patach in many cases. I will ask around to see if I can confirm your hypothesis.
5013: 3960: 5113: 4921: 4810: 4682: 4594: 4446: 4373: 3848: 3695: 2272:. To have completely omitted the impact of Muta'zili upon the development of Jewish Philosophy seemed a crime of ommission. In addition, there is a rationalist tradition that illustrates how certain Hachamim perpetuated the teachings of their mentors or in some cases changed their philosophy from Aristotlean to neoplatonic or otherwise. None of this was explored in the entry. 1376: 915:
thirteen principles -- and the former is not included -- he's a Jew, and not a meshumad. If he believes in banalities that are not outright desecrations of the Toráh, we cannot consider them as minim, and much less as meshumadim. Because of this, like rabbi Iossef de Efraim Caro, as rabbi Menashé ben Israel, as rabbi Ia'aqob Sasportas, among others, are kesherim.
obligatory number have already been called up. And if the congregation sees that there are hatred and enmity and quarrels if he is not called up at the beginning on Shabbat and on Festivals, so, call him up for one of the obligatory ‘aliyyot, but make sure that when the next person is called up, the reader begins to read from the place that the previous one began
1146:. The determination of who is kasher or pasul revolves on the issue of Jewish behavior, otherwise also referred to as "observance." "Conversion to another religion" is only peripheral to the rabbinic concern, and only important if done out of conviction or out of coercion of some kind. The initial rabbinic concern is one of the behavior of the Jewish individual. 4139: 349:
someone referred to it above. Do all "barristers and civil servants" in London carry also by extension the title "Sir?" I see you take your ancestry in general pretty seriously, but I haven't seen, in this relatively short study session, much connection to the Norwegian ancestry tag. Very impressive range of interest and contributions, and depth of knowledge.--
4300: 1030:
desecrated publicly.... From the way the question is phrased it is clear that this person performs these acts in a publicly visible place and he realized that it would become known, so that even if ten were not present he is regarded as a Gentile. And it is also clear that he does so usually, on every Shabbat, and his actions are known to all.
While philologists are - at the back of their minds - vaguely aware that cultures evolve in much the same way as languages do, this is only slowly trickling into analysis. One fundamental problem is that for the better part of the century, the texts of Zoroastrian tradition were considered to be corrupt interpretations of scripture. That is
282: 762:
to the bottom of the page to where it says "Join Hazanut Forum". This is part of Yahoo! groups and it is really simple to join. The topics that we talk about include Pizmonim, Baqashot, Culture, Torah, Maqamot etc. Please join us.... We started the forum in May, so you're not too late to make an appearance. This way we keep in touch.
3130: 4279:, things on the list require sources to support the fact that they are misconceptions and that they are common misconceptions, as well as satisfying the other criteria. I've added a tag for now, but if you could provide sources and check that this misconception is mentioned on another article somewhere, then that would be great. 406:" page. Hazak uBarukh! As for Spanish and Portuguese Jews, the entry still needs quite a bit of work. I am saddened that I have apparantly insulted Olve and have driven him away from the article. I have fixed up the Pipe Organ section - I just hope that it is agreeable. I still do not think it should be there at all. 2674:
Sephardim poskim, for example, not being overly concerned about the mathematisation of quantities for berakhot, these I believe are important general tendencies necessary for the understanding of the different development of law by Sephardic Sages. The article as well has several similar comparisons which are useful.
4106:? The name is used to refer to all authors who falsely claimed to be Aristotle. A quick search on Google Scholar that describing an author as "a Pseudo-Aristotle" is quite common in scientific publications. Would you agree with undoing your edit? I'll assume you'll agree if I haven't heard from you in three days. 1150:
the best of the posibilities; despite they had to go to Church, take a Eucharist, eat pork or recite Hail Mary in front of the priests or other Old Christians and apostate Jews (minim). The conversion by force -- and their coerced public non-Jewish behavior -- does not alter the kasher status of the Jew.
Hi, this is cechrz and you deleted my additions to the Out of the Silent Planet page. I'm just curious, as a first time Knowledge editor, why this happened. I will admit it had some partiality to it, but I was still working on scrubbing it all out. It was well sourced and all the themes really are
I've discussed the Issue of category "black Jews" added to the Yemenite article and I agreed with Joyson Noel, that I will find a reliable source first - and only then after will I add this category, since even to this very day there is a small Yemenite community in Ethiopia (see below my link to the
Shadal's disliked Kabbalah because he truly believed it to be a later forgery. He was also very much dedicated to Peshat and he believed the Kabbalists distorted the meaning of the Torah. You can find his מאמר נגד חכמת הקבלה on in the unsorted seforim section. There is also a refutation there called
The context in which Hakham Hayyim develops his teshubah follows the lines of the discussion of meshumadim, and anyone familiar with the discussion knows this. He does not have to say outright the word "meshumad." Anyone familiar with the halakháh knows he's speaking about a "meshumad." It is obvious
Another marginally relevant factor is that in Arab Jewish pronunciation (Yemenite, and the older Babylonian though not current Iraqi) "patach" and "segol" were completely assimilated, as in Arabic there is no distinction between the two. This vowel was normally æ as in "cat", but after emphatics and
Dear Sir Myles, Just wanted to make your quick acquaintance and introduce myself after having spent the past half an hour of a slow work day learning a bit about life, wikipedia, and Judaism on your quite impressive two pages here. I am still intrigued by the "great (certainly large! ;)) username" as
Hello there! A user has come through and removed words they found to be "NPOV" from this article, while glad-handedly ignoring that the point of these instances of hyperforeignization or hyperforeignisms is that they are being mispronounced. I.e. if this weren't the case there would be no phenomenon
Stausberg 2004:337 "If the Visprad liturgy may be thought of as an extended Yasna, then the Vendidad ritual is an extended Visprad." (Although I'm translating on the fly here, I've taken care to use "liturgy" and "ritual" in the same places he does and leave no instance of those words out). Although
Boyce, for all her greatness, had one serious weakness: she insisted that present-day Zoroastrianism was an accurate reflection of what it had been like 3000 years ago. This is the opposite extreme of Zaehner et al who posit that there were radical changes in direction at several definable points in
I actually thought the "Avestan God Save the King" rather charming, I quoted it because it amused me. "Cosying up": I wasn't referring to comparative research on ancient Indo-Aryan mythology and civilization, which is obviously entirely legitimate. I meant attempts to appropriate modern Vedanta and
article; Wikiwatcher keeps deleting it because it is just one man's opinion and esoteric (yet the article includes Rambam's Ani ma'amim; I do not object to this, but if we include this, it seems balanced to include something older and more widely accepted, on how Jews interpret the law). I am happy
should contain everything about Syrian Jews; history, traditions and customs, genetics, communities, and anything else about Syrian Jews. The "History" article is merely a sub-article of the main article. Putting all these articles at "History of the Jews in..." artificially restricts the subject to
Interesting to read your contributions to the S&P Jews page -- I've grown up in the tradition (Lauderdale Rd) and am interested to see the high level of discussion and information available about it online. Perhaps we can add some links to music archives on the Knowledge page too since I know of
Thanks for your explanation. The user has been edit-warring since August on the question on several famous public school pages, and had just visited the Win Coll page for the first time. He had been well warned by various admins, and has now been blocked, whereupon he tried sockpuppetry. It doesn't
Although Modi is a very good resource for his descriptions of the ritual side of things, his scholarship is a tad iffy, or rather, he's not very "particular" about it, and his interpretations of why certain things are the way they are would today consistently fail peer review. That is, he won't shy
Well it would, if anybody had really thought a hamburger was made of ham, but I don't think anyone did. I think it would be better if all this discussion had been on the talk page of "Back-formation" rather than on my user page, as others might wish to comment. To revert to the main topic: do you
i did not move your talk page section and did not think that you had moved it. if you check the logs (your history, I am in new york time, you are not) or editing overlapped. you can see i opened the that entire section and begin writing below it the "i am reviewing the situation" comment. while my
the section "Meaning and history of term" begins with "Jewish Law categorizes the status of a Jew according to his commitment to rabbinic tradition. The two most commonplace ones are: Min (apostate), for a Jew who basically denies the existence of God; and meshumad (heretic), for a Jew who does not
I think there is an initial confusion with the notion of "Shemad" as perceived today. However, when we review the minutae of Talmudic discusssions, and the attitude of the rabbis up to the present century, you will realize that the notion of "meshumad" as "convert to another religion" is imprecise.
However, with regard to calling him up to the Torah, if he will not be called up to the Torah he will notice this, and this will cause hatred and enmity, and there is concern that he might be driven further away – especially in these times. However, this can be averted… by calling him up after the
The implications of a Torah transgressor are several. As you had mentioned, one of them is that they cannot be witnesses ('ed), but also that they are classified "as gentiles" (ke goy) or worst than gentiles. Not that they are actually gentiles , but that they are not kesherim (like gentiles) to be
I think there is a problem with semantics. Firstly, the category of "mumar" does not exists in Jewish Law . Maimonides does not use it, nor any responsa Sefaradi until the appearance of the Tosafot. "Mumar" seems to have been a word invented by the Ashkenazim as a legal category during the medieval
As for the question of "meshumad", as it relates to those who believe in the "Kabbalah" , this does not make them into meshumadim, since there is absolutely no problem in believing about reincarnations or not, having understanding about the superior worlds as sefirot. If the person believes in the
Simon, How are you? Listen, my community has a really interesting Hazzanut forum that I think that you would be very interesting and I think you could also be a very useful resource for our group. It is very simple to join. All you have to do is go to website and scroll all the way
Historically, Sephardim have been overlooked at best, so while not entirely politically correct, it makes sense that these authors would feel the need to promote their tradition as being "better." This is regrettable but there is some good content here. As I said before, if you find a more fitting
Hi, just wanted to say that I agree with your recent undo edit to keep the remarks about talit and halacha. However, I would like to ask you to work with the user to revise the statements. While they are useful, they don't really sound like an encyclopedia entry, they also need citations and maybe
You should know that the rabbis considered the "anusim" kasher, meaning they were kasher witnesses, therefore their weddings and testimonies valid, and so there was their wine and shekhitáh. This happened as long as the rabbis knew they were shomer Shabbat, shomer Kashrut, shomer Tefilah, etc., to
Therefore, there should be present ten persons, besides him. And do so in a manner that it is not obvious nor noticed by him, lest there be hatred and enmity, or lest he be driven further away . For the joining together is done in synagogue, where many are present, and you shall covertly make an
817:, but when I try to do so, other editors stop me. If you have ideas about merging articles, let me know and we'll think of something. Also concerning the Syrian surnames, I left a message on that page saying that the list is too long and needs to be shortened by putting the names in paragraph form. 747:
Dear Myles, Thanks for the information. I've been to the piyut site hundreds of times but for some reason I never noticed this article there. This article like most of Seroussi's other writtings on music is very comprehensive and enlightning. Thank you once again for sharing this information with
It is not that I disagree with your ultimate conclusion. I.e. that S&P Jews should not be considered "Rambamists". Rather, I wonder if it can be said that S&P Jews are "Caro-ists" as you imply. In a tradition which venerates minhag and liturgy to a high degree (such as S&P) no single
I have absolutely no problem with either of your suggestions. It might be good to have two separate articles, but I can see the advantage of putting them together. The fact is, more often than not modern borrowings are confused for French when they are often Norman. Confusing this issue is the
Hello again, I see you have re-displayed Japhet Asher on the grounds that "I was a contemporary of his and knew him personally!". We are personally aware of many things; in the case of OWs, we can even privately consult the OW database (but we can't publish anything from there); the point is that
I may agree with you that they should be removed if you find another article to reference them in. I understand that there is some material in the links that are promoting Sephardic legal approaches to Ashkenazi ones, however, in video lecture, the Rabbi does bring up excellent differences in how
The context that Maimonides uses "laws of the gentiles" has to do with everything outside Jewish tradition as formulated by the rabbis, which comprehends the Written and Oral tradition. Therefore, anything outside this realm is considered "gentile." It is also important to note that Maimonides is
Any Jew who publicly desecrates the Shabbat, i.e., performs work in the presence of ten Jews, has the status of a Gentile, and does not count for a minyan. And not only if ten were present, but even if he desecrated in a public place where his actions become known to many, is regarded as having
Dear Sir Myles, The rabbis beg to differ on your opinion. Read the treatise of Aboda Zara in the Talmud Babli. Also, Maimonides codifies "Meshumad" as the following: Two are “mešumadim”: a) the “mešumad” for only one type of transgression; and b) the “mešumad” in relation to the whole Torá. The
Interesting, I'd never heard of this, as I've never been in New York over Kippur (and in London it is indeed "cheled"). "Chaled" would be a valid pausal form (like "tif'aret" in the last haftarah blessing, or "ha-gafen" as we are careful NOT to say over wine). I think the reason is that Mishnaic
They do say that the Hebrew and the Gaelic are two very guttural tongues. My own contribution to the anti-semitism page is confined to the correction of some typos. If you want to see arguments about anti-semitism, there is plenty in related articles, such as those about Israel Shamir and David
Thank you for your reply. As for "Is the Wikipedianity becoming altogether too Wikipedian?", I confess that after much mulling I just don't understand the question. But I am aware that this may put me in the same position as Sir Humphrey Appleby being asked what's the point of administration.
No-one's disputing it, just not wanting to list a whole lot of attainments for everybody, I'd have thought two things more than sufficient – "L'art d'ennuyer consiste a tout dire". And I'd have thought that given the next guy was also a non-juror, it'd be more interesting to say what was special
ah, I see now (Blavatsky and crew). I'm not so certain about the comparative research. I was once, but have since distanced myself from it for the very simple reason that the exegesis has no middle ground - its either Zoroastrian texts in the "light" of what is known of the Vedas, or vice versa.
Well yes, remember that Modi was a priest, and as such his explanations of customs are often homiletic and edifying rather than strictly historical. (The same thing happens a great deal in Judaism, and it drives me mad.) There is also a strong British Edwardian flavour: my favourite is when he
However, I think we also need a short example from the Talmud itself where the phrase is used, similar to the example of "be-mai peligei" that appears in that article. Can you think of one off-hand? The challah example can then stay as an example of its extended use in modern halachic discourse.
ThanX for your response! My argument is different. We are not talking About what you define in general as Black, we are talikng about what is accepteble in Israel. For this reason, Joyson Noel‎ and I have agreed that what I have corrected in the English as They are considered as a third separate
i am thinking about it. however, i remain unconvinced by your arguement. in fact, your message on my talk page confirms my belief there is a real dichotomy between orthodox and non-orthodox. you dismiss this, in part, by stating "non-Orthodox is of purely sociological interest". i do not believe
If for example, we live in a country where is common to drive on Shabbat, and therefore some Jew thinks is OK to drive on Shabbat, as every body does it, then the rabbis consider this as "turning to the laws of gentiles." There is no need to formally recant Judaism; when it comes to breaking the
I noticed that you were an editor of the section on the page "Romaniote Jews" of the section "Nusach and Minchag." I am a university student, and I am currently doing research on the Romaniote musical traditions. I am particularly curious about Romaniote "folksongs," which are mentioned in this
place XYZ, and then there is their history, two entirely different fields of study. In the case of Syrina Jews they have their own Halachic customs and they are a sub-ethnicity, like Yemenite Jews, and their types extend beyond Syria or Yemen, but when they were IN Syria or Yemen, they had long
Of the Meshumadim who transgress any of the commandments, Maimonides' codification separates those who casually or intentionally transgress any particular comandment (The “mešumad” for one type of transgression – that is whoever is stuck to a transgression, making it consciously and knowingly,
570:-- Sir Myles, I heard a rumor that there are liturgical tapes (Cd's? MP3's?) avaialable from Reverend Benarroch. I have looked online and have not had any luck finding out any information about this. Would you know if such recordings exist? Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks. 418:
Thank you Sir Myles! Your linguistic and grammatical knowledge has answered what I had always considered odd - some of my friends had dared to call it "wrong!". As for the NY we always pronounce it venashuba, but listening to some of the dutch members here (in NY) most notably
Actually, there's quite a simple solution to this debate, which is, as always, to provide the sources to support the view proposed! Jack has some sources to support back-formation, though the OED also seems to say that while "isolate" might be a back-formation, it might also be from the French
By professing adherence to the creed of orthodox Shiism, and proclaiming a knowledge of the mystic doctrines (Sufism), which the Ismailis believed to have descended through Ismail to his son Mohammed, Abdallah ibn Maimun al Qaddah succeeded in placing himself at the head of the Ismailis. He is
Teshuva: They cannot recite kaddish in a manner that causes the obligation of the public to be fulfilled. However, to avert hatred and enmity and quarrels, you should not prevent them from reciting kaddish, and you should not say to them: “Your kaddish is useless”. Rather, allow them to recite
Some pretend to include the Anusim in this , due to the fact that they chose to remain in their places of origin in moments when they could flee. It is clear these are rare cases, but it cannot be taken into account. For the cases of kiddushin and gerushin, if they were any, this can help for
Dear Sir, My name is Joseph Mosseri and I live in New York. I am a Sefaradi of Egyptian/Syrian heritage and I was directed to the Knowledge article on Baqashot by my friend David Betesh. I see that you were a major contributor to this article and I'd like to find out more about what you wrote
Thanks for your fixes to the fictional OWs. Actually these characters had been there all along (I didn't add them), so the list may have been buggy (or hoaxy) for a long time. This reinforces my feeling that we should really cite every claim. Do you have any idea why "Merlyn" is said to be a
one Remark to Joyson Noel (I hope he reads it)‎, who said they are some times are included with Mizrahi, is a common mistake, since when people are talking about "non-Ashkenazi" - then Yemenite jews are included, but being a "non-Ashkenazi" does not mean you fall within the category of being
There is an underlying current in all this, that eventhough the Jew may have been raised as a 'am aress, it does not exempt him from performing the misswot, specially if he has every opportunity to do so. A lot of Jews today know that driving in Shabbat is wrong, eventhough they were raised
Perhaps you are right. We dont know to what extent Servetus used his hebrew. We know he studied through it. It appears in some contracts with editors and some works.He knew it deeply and used it a lot during his life. But not specifically for creating hebrew works. It was more focused on
these are not (publicly) verifiable sources – personal experience never is – so they cannot substitute for a reference to a published source. I haven't seen any source that we can use for JA, so I believe there is no option but to hide his name awaiting evidence. If you can point me to a
is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
It is vry good of you to continue to take the time with TuranX on the "Who is a Jew" misunderstandings. He is actually beginning to frighten/worry me - he has already sicced one admin on me and is threatening to do so again in a harsher way, in addition to his dogged insistence on the
is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
adhere to the observance of Jewish Law." the most commonplace statuses of jews are observant and non-observant. apostates and heretics are not commonplace. this section should be re-written to either include most jews or re-written to state: "Two uncommon statuses of jews are:" --
1259:"In non-Orthodox Jewish culture, the parallel dichotomies of temple or non-temple, observant or non-observant, orthodox or non-orthodox, suffice to characterize a Jew's status. Orthodox Jewish Law categorizes the status of a Jew according to his commitment to rabbinic tradition." 2646:
What is your reasoning for removing these two links? Understanding the process of halakha is indispensable in comparing the different results Sephardic sages derive rather than other sages. Wouldn't you agree? What is your view why you would remove this from the article page?
Sirmylesnagopaleentheda, without any discussion or response to my above section, undid revision 296698462 (see point 6.2 below), with the throw-off comment: "Observant" etc are not status at all, only description, and they are a matter of degree. Irrelevant to article."
giving us a summary of the Talmudic discussion, one that ocurrs within the definitions of the halakhot themselves. There is more than what meets the eye and splitting hairs he does not touch upon this particular codification, but noticible as one reads along his opus.
the history of the community, and there's no real place to discuss the rest of these topics, which don't fit the title. Ideally every one of these articles should be structured that way; a main article about the group, with a sub-article about the group's history.
The way rabbis get around this halakháh today, the loophole, is that if they do not prescence the Jew breaking a misswáh, they assume they are kasher for minyan. Albeit, knowing that it is public knowledge, they bent backwards to the limits of this permisibility.
and thus no article. I am not advocating prescriptivist rules, but it is an objective reality that when an English speaker pronounces an Italian word like a French one, that is a mispronunciation. Would you be interested in cruising over and weighing in? Thanks,
of why Parsis apply ash to their foreheads during worship. According to him, this is because Zoroastrianism has an ashes-to-ashes principle. With that, he superimposed a Christian dimension ;) on what is actually a generally Indian (i.e. Dharmic) custom. --
They are considered as a third separate Group to the common definition of Edot Ashkenaz and Edot HaMizrach (Mizrahim) - that clarifies their status within the Israeli society conventions (rather then out side of Israel), and/or adding the category "black
Shabbat, as long as the Jew does it, he has recanted Judaism privately; if did he it in front of ten (kasher) Jewish witnesses, he has recanted in public; if everybody knows (Jew or non-Jew) that he does it, then this too is considered public knowledge.
593:, an article created by you, and need to stop by to say 'Thank You'. I'm thinking of an article (articles!) about Jews and Jewish life in Hamburg for several weeks, but couldn't get the time. This is a wonderful first start! Greetings and happy editing. 3263:
Thanks to you too for those kind remarks. I have generally provided sources for my edits by adding to the bibliography (for example, the Modi book is invaluable, but since I don't have it to hand I can't add page references). Perhaps I need to add
The context he uses "laws of the gentiles" is anything outside rabbinic tradition. It could be Islam, Christianity, Communism, Free-enterprise Capitalism, etc. On itself it could be anything regarding the action of adopting ways and customs outside
930:. b) For a person who left the whole Toráh deliberately. This included those who admit another form of faith, and I do not mean "Cabalismo", but Christianity, Islam or similar, which are declared denials of the Toráh and its truth. This is called 980:
In this last category of Meshumadim we can include the "Reform" Jews as they have denied rabbinic tradition. "Conservative" Jews are in the first category, as they only break certain commandments without abandoning rabbinic tradition in toto.
gutturals became like the vowel in "cup". From that point of view, "cheled" would be simply impossible to say. But I doubt very much that this is the explanation, as it would take a very convoluted route for this quirk to reach New York. --
It follows that both the Vendidad rituals (Vendidad and V.Sade) are an interleaving of Yasna + Visperad + Vendidad. Then, - or so I interpret from the information I got by mail - the Sade is only called Sade because it is not accompanied by
Then we have the Meshumadim for the whole Toráh , of whom Maimonides says there are those who purposely leave the whole Toráh, to turn to different laws; note that he does not mention "conversion" to another religion. In Jewish thinking,
Where your commentary is harsh, it is correct to point out my own bias, and at times the confounding of issues such as "ismailis" and "Ishmaelites" - this was purposeful. You will likely note that the correct working in the article is -
3245:). You and I know what Pahlavi means, but the average reader does not, which turns out to be a real problem because less discerning Knowledge editors have taken to misusing 'Pahlavi' as the "native name" of the "language" as it was 778:
Simon, I have a question for you. Do you own or have access to the older pizmonim books that you have mentioned in the bibliography of the pizmonim article. I am referring particularly to Divre Morechai and Israel Najara's book.
1912: 3431:. I have a sneaking suspicion that the collection we call the Vendidad is - just like the Vispered - only a collection of those passages which are recited at a Vendidad ceremony but are not already in the Yasna or Visperad. 1252:
in light of the above, to be accurate and fair, to acknowledge the majority status of non-observant jews and to not enforce a particular POV, the article's Section 1, "Meaning and history of term", should begin with either:
related to their ethnicity per se. You seem to lack the historian's appreciation of Jewish history and it only serves to undercut the quality of the articles by creating compressed versions of two streams of scholarship.
Hallo. I have the afternoons free this week. I'd love to take the time to go through all of Shev Shmaytsa and to write a brief synopsis of each Shar. 1. Would this be OR? 2. How lengthy and involved can I be?
5158: 4966: 4853: 4725: 4637: 4486: 4413: 1013:
A question from the city of Shanghai, with regard to a person who publicly desecrates the Shabbat by performing work for himself and for others: can he be counted for a minyan, and can he be called up to the
Thanks for your message. I don't regard it as "my" article and know nothing more than I have put there from the Jewish Encyclopaedia. Feel free to edit, but I don't think I can help further. All the best.
Just wanted to say how strongly I approve of your statement about the value of preserving Anglicized names; this is a point I have made many times and will doubtless make many more. Also: great username!
the reader of this entry was led to believe that Lurianic Kabbalah was philosophy, as well as "Holocaust something-or-other", were more prominent than any sort of rationalist philosophy that spawned from
4896: 2054:
example was actually the first example that popped into my head, and it was simple enough to keep most if not all people in the loop for the entire discussion. I felt that an example directly from the
5142:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4950:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4837:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4709:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4621:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4470:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4397:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 1612: 2440:
Hello. Quite by accident I chanced upon the above article which seems to have been greatly vandalised. I note from the history that you wrote the original article and thought I should let you know.
theosophical concepts. (One could say the same about attempts to co-opt Iranian Sufism as "really" Zoroastrian.) The last chapter of Mary Boyce's book on "Zoroastrians" is rather good on this. --
2982:. This is from the section published in 1900, which may have been superseded by later editions. Perhaps the article should present alternative points of view if there's doubt about the derivation. 1240:
observant is not a matter of degree. for almost all jews, just as there is no such thing as "a little" pregnant, there is no such thing as "a little" observant. you either are, or you are not.
used to be heavily criticized by the British in C19, not just because they were barbarous Americanisms :-) but also because they were back-formations---although dictionaries say that only
3610: 3606: 3598: 3575: 2138:
Believe it or not, but it took me a full 20 seconds and a rereading to understand what you just wrote me on my talk page. And I am a baal kore. That alone shoud give you an indication.
completely relevent to article. by his definition of status, most jews (all reform, reconstructionist and conservatives) are apostates and heretics. THIS IS WRONG AND HIGHLY INSULTING.
426:. The article mentions S&P Jews and makes some generalizations that I think are exagerated or erroneous. Not sure what to make of the external (spam) link that is stuck in there. 55:
on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~); this will automatically produce your name and the date. Below are some recommended guidelines to facilitate your involvement. Happy Editing! --
5127: 4935: 4823: 4695: 4607: 4276: 3747:, the novelist occasionally known as Flann O'Brien, I was wondering if you could provide me with bibliographical details on the Irish reader you mentioned on the talk page, called 969:
becoming accustomed , same way with lighter ). And then he identifies those Meshumadim who do it out with the intention to provoke. Hakham Oliveira gives us these categories too.
describes one prayer as "as it were an Avestan God Save the King". On the other hand, the attempt of some modern authorities to cosy up to Hinduism can be equally irritating. --
O yeah, one more thing. Why haven't you mentioned Ashkenazim on your userpage? I don't know as much about Jews as you do, but I thought (eastern) European Jews were called that.
994:“‘am haress are despicable, and their wives such as vermin, and to their daughters one must apply the verse, ‘Cursed be those who lie with all kinds of beasts!’” (Deut. 27:21). 3601:" seem unaware of them, so I am notifying all those who took part in that discussion, to improve the quality of the discussion by broadening participation to more fully achieve 1153:
It is also important to note that of those forced converts, if they knew that they would lapse into non-observance on their own volition, the rabbis would call them meshumadim.
that could only have been written by you (about the parallels with Shiite law). I would appreciate if you could identify a source that could possibly support this assertion?
561: 1159:
All these issues are evident in the rabbinical responsa of Spanish rabbis from 1391 to 1492. Some of which you can view in the Hebrew original at
Thanks very much for your contributions to Zoroastrianism-related articles. They are much appreciated, particularly since you know what you're talking about. :) However,
620:). If you find the Pallache / Palache / Palachi / Palacci family of interest, please contact me further, as I am working with descendants to build out their lineage from 1068:
And what you asked, if the ineligible persons who do not count for minyan want to say kaddish, what should be done, and should the congregation answer “Amen” after them ?
2. These are the product of "interminable and entirely conjectural discussions" (to misquote Kellens) on the similarities between various Indo-Iranian concepts. Compare
article to move them to, that may be agreeable. As it is now, I find them very useful and pertinent, and is it does not seem to fit elsewhere, I would keep them here. --
ages in their tradition of the Tosafot, and from whom the Maran Iossef Caro picks it for his Shulkhan Arukh, but I still have to research the veracity of this question.
Thus, the person you are asking about, because he publicly desecrates the Shabbat, cannot be counted as constituting ten for kaddish or for kedusha and similar matters
The term "meshumad" is applied for two cases: a) For a person who left one of the precepts, is a meshumad for one of two things in the Toráh, and the Sages call them
please provide references when you can. I've been lax about it myself, but oodles of references appears to be a criteria for determining the "quality" of an article.
was not really a past participle form at all and that the verb was formed on the mistaken impression that it was. See my comments on "donate" and "isolate" on the "
1804:(no English) - it says: "He claims his nickname was given to him, because he was a 'Little Yemenite among lots of Ashkenazim' " (the 'cushi' article in Hebrew--: --> 1794:
In addition, I live in Israel, they are completely Black. one of my Yemenite Jewish childhood freinds was called by the headmaster, in front of all the school kids "
4783:. As you have an expertise in linguistics, a long experience on Knowledge and a knowledge of the languages of the region, it would be great to have your opinion. 3989:, similarly to how semi-protection is applied but in a more controlled way for the trial. The list of articles with pending changes awaiting review is located at 3347:
But once (cf Varuna) I've had to actually encourage that sort of cruft only in order to stop someone saying "X in Zoroastrianism is unambiguously Y in Hinduism".
1. Modi's 'God Save the King' is absurd because of his choice of words. The idea he was trying (and failed miserably) to express was a relatively sane one. cf.
section but I have not found evidence of in the rest of my research. If possible, could you respond to my email address,
38: 4180: 1834:-which specifically states that they should be seen as a seperate third Jewish community from AShkenazi and Mizrahi (for obvious reasons to a Hebrew reader). 1711:
article, as well as making other requests for sources and whatnot. (If you like, and have a minute or two, see the discussions that have been taking place at
984:"Believing" in the God of Israel does not save either of them from the classification of "Meshumad". A kasher Jew cannot have a "belief" without "action". 3704: 2609:
Steve kap has suggested that you agree with his viewpoint. I hadn't gotten that impression from your comments. If you don't mind, could you clarify there?
Group to the common definition of Edot Ashkenaz and Edot HaMizrach (Mizrahim), with accordance to the Hebrew article. The rest we are debating right here.
And also: if such persons who are ineligible to be counted for a minyan want to say kaddish, are they permitted to do so? And should others answer “Amen”?
4176: 2708:
Hi, I rolled back the 2 edits you made to this article because the URLs are not accessible; they say there are "too many illegal characters in the path".
1965: 1138:
And with all due respect, this discussion is everybit relevant to the discussion of "anusim," as we are discussing what qualifies someone as a Jew who is
Therefore, maybe the question is not about, me bringing references to the English Article, but rather adding an additional sentence to the opening line:
1712: 5210:. This is purely for routine maintenance and is not indicative of wrongdoing on your part. You may regain access at any time by simply requesting it at 2366:. Given your expertise with European Jewish history, would it be possible for you to review it in order to ensure that it adheres to both the views of 4543: 4190: 2586:? It would be nice to point the reader to some information about the varying traditions. The rest of the paragraph all comes from a single source. — 1873:"It is possible that the 4 Yemenite Jews from this study may be descendants of reverse migrants of African origin, who crossed Ethiopia to Yemen." 5207: 4248:]. but some editors criticized me for non comprehensibility. I need to some one else who can help me in explaining the page more grammatically .-- 3197:
present in the book - it isn't just a religious slant to things. Thanks for the info! I don't want my first additions to have been for naught!
Some historians believe that in this period Jews from either Elephantine or Yemen moved into present-day Ethiopia and gave root to the Beta Israel
254: 52: 1860:
He referred me back to you, as to my question to him - if the sources I have given are good enough - and here are the sources I have given him :
850:. It's a great idea, and I can envision us also trying to define the meaning of each name, thus making this list actually useful for the masses. 211: 5080: 4122: 3916: 3699: 590: 121: 458: 410: 4539: 4186: 2282:
suspected, by historians, to have been a prominent member of the Brethren of Purity and a very close friend of the Jewish Banu Qunayqa Tribe.
I will be adding some more information, and, alphabatizing. Unfortunately, work gets in the way :-). Feel free to add/subtract/edit away.
5181: 4989: 4876: 4747: 4659: 4500: 4427: 1156:
Lastly, of those Jews who converted to Catholicism out of conviction, as it was the case of Abner de Burgos, the rabbis called them minim.
579: 537: 1716: 1708: 1676: 116: 2141:
Moreover, my point is that the first meaning of "ta'am 'elyon" (having special cantilation signs, including the partition into verses)
2735: 2375: 1616: 4899:. Given your interest in Semitic languages, I thought you could be interested in reviewing it. Thanks for any help you can provide. 4267:
You added the line "Similarly, Vikings did not drink out of the skulls of vanquished enemies. This was a misconception based on the
then I'll be happy to add it, or of course you may do so. Until then, I'm afraid we'll have to leave his name hidden. All the best,
2477: 2059:
might be too complex or require too much background information, but if you suggest it, I'll put one in there in the next few days.
1832: 1802: 289: 216: 42: 3380:
I think "charming" was the word I was groping for as well, at least in the sense of "quaint." I didn't mean "absurd" as outrageous.
2519: 522:
My apologies, I am currently on vacation (in Israel) and haven't had a chance to write anything up. Hopefully, sometime next week.
575: 551: 527: 847: 5177: 5084: 4985: 4872: 4743: 4655: 4496: 4423: 3943: 3920: 3151: 1568: 4183:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 2756:
Hi Sirmylesnagopaleentheda, is there anything you can please do to clean up all the blatant inaccuracies in this abomination:
1941: 473: 4324: 3461:? I've seen Middle Persian manuscripts but never seen anything in Aramaic script in them... but are in Pahlavi. For example, 1427: 126: 1857:
Jewish agency website) - and therefore many historians believe they are the one who started the Jewish Ethiopian community.
defense against such people . Not that the Anusim are really Meshumadim. This only as a strategy concerning the halakháh.
4769: 4272: 1939:
A lost Jewish custom preserved in Ethiopia is the regular or daily wearing of the talit as Yemenite Jews also did in Yemen
Knowledge talk:WikiProject Countering systemic bias/open tasks#WikiProject Judaism needs help - geographical bias concerns
1488: 1455: 264: 2162: 2133: 5151: 4959: 4846: 4718: 4630: 4570: 4479: 4406: 3371: 3309: 3269: 3213: 3105: 2945: 2886: 2836: 2538: 2495: 2311: 2036: 1464: 843: 738: 689: 641: 470: 339: 101: 34: 5206:
may be temporarily removed. If you do not resume editing within the next week, your username will be removed from the
5163: 5072: 5024: 5002: 4971: 4858: 4730: 4642: 4491: 4418: 4005: 3908: 3859: 3837: 3791:
as much as possible? This makes it easier to see what kind of changes you have made without having to check the diff.
1345: 1338: 864: 571: 547: 523: 455: 427: 407: 374: 144: 1879: 327:
Welcome, sir, from the plain people of Ireland. I'm surprised the anti-semitism page hasn't come under much attack.--
Hey Simon, are you saying that I should delete the page The Weekly Maqam? I am in favor of deleting the page called
5076: 4118: 3912: 2689: 2658: 2629: 2624:
some explanation. As far as the halakha, maybe you could cite R. Mourouf's lecture? (its in the article itself). --
2079: 187: 169: 164: 5203: 5059: 4529: 4009: 3975: 3889: 1869:"found a possible genetic similarity between 11 Ethiopian Jews and 4 Yemenite Jews who took part in the testing" 1596:& thank you even more for the kind words and offer of assistance (if necessary). It means a great deal to me. 1049:
effort that ten kosher persons will be present besides those who are unfit, and you will easily be able to do so.
598: 111: 3146:
Given your previous or current interest in Somerset Maugham - can you please add any thoughts you might have at
also hold that all other supine-formed verbs (see the talk page under "donate, isolate") are back-formations? --
And for the latter reason that was agreed up on, I thought the English article was lacking of some information.
Duke. Incidentally, do I gather from your user page that you have also made some indecent contributions? :-) --
4075: 4040: 3147: 1898: 1895: 959:
Secondly, if you were to read more carefully, the way RaMbaM breaks "Meshumad" down is in the following order:
3158: 4167:
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Two new cfds propose the renaming of some twenty categories. Most of those who took part in last year's cfd "
he does not mention the Sade as such, he does speak of "the three Vendidad liturgies." What do you think? --
2484: 2241:
Sorry, pasted inadvertently (relevant to intermarriage but not matrilineality). Thanks for your correction.
2175:, how about Russian in Hebrew or just Israel. How is that nowadays, can you tell me that? Just a question :) 908:
As most Jews today are outright Shabbat desecrators, it follows most Jews are in the status of "Meshumadim."
835: 5096: 5020: 5006: 4152: 3982: 3658: 3638: 3557: 3535: 2757: 2749: 2739: 2568: 2363: 2355: 2246: 1679:
article. It links to smaller articles about Jewish tribes in the areas of present-day Saudi Arabia, such as
Also, I will share with you a recent response I made to Hakham Oliveira regarding the status of "Meshumad:"
831: 159: 3633:
look as though he's specially amenable to reasoned explanation, though it's always worth a try, of course.
come from? It is generally agreed-upon in the school that the notion is simply a privative vowel change in
article. If you have the works from which those thoughts are taken, could you add a citation(s) for them?
If possible, we would appreciate your assistance in cleaning up this article to bring it up to Knowledge's
used in Jewish ritual, for example, be counted for minyan. Read the following responsa from early 20th c.:
4359: 3990: 3172: 2427: 2407: 2014: 1974: 1950: 1928: 1842: 1822: 1662: 1399: 1383: 876: 304: 106: 2329:
Hi Jay: I disagree with you on that. There are two topics here. One is about the actual Jews of Syria or
section "Meaning and history of term" too exclusive-statuses of jews includes observant and non-observant
5139: 4947: 4834: 4780: 4706: 4618: 4467: 4394: 4253: 4148: 4126: 4114: 4060: 3729: 2685: 2654: 2625: 2606: 2515: 2471: 2292: 1798:" (see the article I wrote there, and waht it means in Hebrew, as the Hebrew article of 'cushi' ---: --> 1777: 480: 294: 259: 3974:
on certain flagged pages. Pending changes, also known as flagged protection, is currently undergoing a
2010: 1970: 1946: 1924: 1838: 1818: 1654: 1542:
compares Shev Shema'tata with the Muslim works you mentioned. I wonder if one may not be straying into
1357: 1249:
currently, the article's disregard for non-observant jews is not consistent with the wiki NPOV mandate.
article opening is biased and insulting, most jews are non-observant and are not apostates nor heretics
Knowledge:Categories for discussion/Log/2011 February 10#Former pupils by school in the United Kingdom
4533: 4516:
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. An automated process has detected that when you recently edited
4168: 4110: 4020: 3931: 3855: 3841: 3827: 3583: 3388:
slowly changing, but it will be decades before the "popular" summaries (like Boyce today) reflect it.
3201: 2445: 2172: 1805: 1799: 1740:
I noticed that you fixed up my ref for RaMBaM, and was wondering if you would care to look in on the
882: 785: 768: 594: 557: 533: 244: 4015:
If you do not want this userright, you may ask any administrator to remove it for you at any time.
1164: 1086: 942: 5088: 4228: 4036: 3986: 3971: 3939: 3924: 3900: 3877: 3618: 3602: 2591: 2158: 2129: 988:
accustomed to it. They cannot be classified as 'am aress in this particular instance, or can they?
753: 749: 715: 299: 221: 4242:
hello. I saw your great contribution in wikipedia pages. at the same time I read your activity in
2223: 2209: 2190: 2176: 1405:
If you do not want to receive bot-generated messages on your talk page, please consider using the
5211: 5092: 5033: 4904: 4791: 4525: 4284: 3796: 3654: 3634: 3553: 3531: 3516: 3205: 3133: 3120: 2983: 2564: 2527: 2242: 2105: 2090: 1639: 1567:
Hi Sirmylesnagopaleentheda: Hope all is well. Would you mind taking a look at the discussions at
1551: 1527: 1509: 1326: 1300: 1280: 1215: 1193: 663: 629: 249: 96: 67: 3350:
Apropos cosying up, see Asmodai before my edit of 18 June, or Satan before my edit of 11 August.
1615:. Your input would be greatly appreciated. (They are the result of discussions that unfolded at 1444:
Now, it's time for you to write an article on שב שמעתתא and explains all his intricate שיטות. ;)
on your talk page and someone will show up shortly to answer your questions. Please remember to
683: 5121: 5055: 4929: 4817: 4689: 4601: 4559: 4454: 4381: 4355: 4304: 4243: 4206: 3885: 3179: 2799: 2713: 2491: 2423: 2403: 2264: 2227: 2213: 2194: 2180: 1749: 1658: 1484: 1451: 872: 851: 818: 807: 780: 763: 403: 4246:
page. lately I try to create a page which is concerned with passive intellect by the name of
3341: 977:
does not mean only the Written Law, but also the Oral Law. One cannot be without the other.
5218: 5170: 5135: 4978: 4943: 4865: 4830: 4773: 4737: 4702: 4649: 4614: 4463: 4390: 4249: 4103: 4095: 4083: 4056: 3725: 3209: 2466: 2288: 2208:
Hi, I never knew they called Judas (Iskariot) "Yehuda". Was it a common name in his days? --
2146: 2121: 1519: 1476: 803: 796: 658:
Good sir, you are too modest; thank you for kicking this entry off, like so many others! --
353: 5150:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4958:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4845:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4717:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4629:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4478:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4405:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4311:
that an edit performed by you may have introduced errors in referencing. It is as follows:
5225: 5185: 5100: 4993: 4908: 4880: 4795: 4751: 4663: 4578: 4563: 4504: 4431: 4329: 4288: 4257: 4232: 4216: 4210: 4156: 4064: 4044: 4024: 4016: 3947: 3831: 3823: 3815: 3808: 3801: 3776: 3760: 3733: 3709: 3684: 3662: 3642: 3622: 3587: 3579: 3561: 3539: 3519: 3483: 3447: 3417: 3402: 3395:
The reality probably lies somewhere in the middle: it underwent continuous change, slowly.
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Knowledge talk:WikiProject Judaism#Concern about duplicating Reform and Progressive labels
1600: 1590: 1575: 1556: 1532: 1513: 1491: 1467: 1458: 1434: 1406: 1395: 1360: 1349: 1332: 1306: 1286: 1233:
Sirmylesnagopaleentheda is wrong - in his analysis and his refusal to discuss this issue:
1219: 1199: 1167: 1089: 945: 886: 839: 789: 772: 756: 741: 718: 692: 667: 649: 633: 617: 602: 512: 490: 385: 355: 342: 331: 71: 3439:
ritual activity (not even for the Yasna parts). It is only performed in an outer ritual.
1993:"Mizrahi" eather, which is obviously the case of either Yemenite Jews or Ethiopian Jews. 4536:, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of unrelated topics with similar titles. 3744: 1788: 711:
Also do you have the books of Altaras and Burla that are mentioned in the bibliography?
5147: 4955: 4842: 4714: 4626: 4475: 4402: 4347: 4224: 3997: 3935: 3772: 3756: 3614: 3265: 3165: 3095: 3091: 2832: 2765: 2587: 2383: 2371: 2344: 2154: 2125: 1724: 1431: 868: 814: 737:
I was at the Ades synagogue for baqashot a couple of weeks ago: quite an experience! --
621: 508: 149: 2287:
I'll take your criticisms to heart and refine the article thusly. Again, thank you.
5143: 5042: 4951: 4900: 4838: 4787: 4710: 4622: 4550:
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Let us not eat each other alive here... That being said: Buenas entradas de Sabá! --
226: 154: 57: 5036:). Primary topic redirect points to an article with a hatnote to the only other use. 3847: 4555: 4551: 4202: 4198: 4172: 3788: 3677: 3672:
Your are requested to give Your Views regarding merging Salafi/wahabi article here
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As it comes to the particular melakhot of Shabbat , the melakháh of making fire is
613: 487: 5112: 4920: 4809: 4681: 4593: 4445: 4372: 3959: 3676:. I am supporting the Move to end two faces One good /one bad of Wahabism. regards 1918: 1398:. If you are unsure what the nature of the problem is, please discuss this on the 3865:
While all contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, content or articles may be
Good morning :) I have posted the reply to the Vendidad questions I had sent. --
Thank you very much for your edits to this article; they were very illuminating.
While all constructive contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, pages may be
4517: 3694: 2315: 2307: 1692: 1688: 1684: 1181: 1174: 1004:
4. Haham Joseph Hayyim of Baghdad , teshuvot Rav Pe’alim, vol. 3, Orah-Hayyim 12
824: 676: 350: 328: 5202:! This message is to inform you that due to editing inactivity, your access to 4004:, and not clearly problematic in light of the reason given for protection (see 1426:
I saw that you edited the forementioned article. Would you like to join my new
1375: 4346:
Please check this page and fix the errors highlighted. If you think this is a
2610: 2537:
I replied to this personally. I have no strong views one way or the other. --
2320: 857: 373:‎ / Welcome! It is great to see more people here who know something about the 3985:
to articles placed under pending changes. Pending changes is applied to only
Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing
Also note the opening statements of the Hebrew article of Ymenite Jew --: -->
4316: 3768: 3752: 3698:
I am awarding you this WikiCookie for your constructive edits on Knowledge--
fictional OW? If I read the book it was a very long time ago. All the best,
3330: 2761: 2379: 2340: 2269: 1720: 1620: 1572: 728:). I do not possess the books you mention, but there is a very nice man at 725: 504: 382: 378: 4779:
We have an ongoing debate about the content of the summary and the infobox
3043:. It must be noted that many of these Americanisms were not so "literate" ( 732:
who can do reprints of any book in the JNUL that is no longer in copyright.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing
4138: 2420: 4521: 3862:. The proposed-deletion notice added to the article should explain why. 3428: 3337: 1741: 1734: 1707:
is requesting "sources" for the same information about the tribes in the
1680: 1420: 898: 698: 616:
entry in English, loaded with footnotes (and the same with his ancestor,
423: 5154:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
Serious discussions about using the names Reform vs. Progressive Judaism
Simon, it would help a lot if you can upload a one picture each for the
I got these details from an article by Seroussi on the "Piyut" website (
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
3819: 2856:
was coined. All lexicographers (notably, OED and Webster's 3rd) regard
2398: 2367: 830:
Perhaps a new article. There are many articles like this. For example,
about this guy. But if you want to bore the pants off our readers ...
Traditions regarding rising during the reading of the Ten Commandments
while anthropologists say they might have migrated from Egypt or Yemen
mentions 'Cushi rimon', I didnt mention him in the English article of
281: 2056: 1586:
mischaracterized version of my views. I really don't know what to do!
1386:, to which you have helped contribute, has been flagged as requiring 3129: 3119:
Hi, Sir Myles na Gopaleen. I just wrote a reply for your comment at
appeared first in the language, even by some centuries, but to call
from making something up rather than leave some things unexplained.
mentions Cushi Rimon, whos original name was "Shimon RImon" --: -->
By the way, the Sages recommended us not to mingle into 'am aress:
4268: 3693: 1808: 1795: 3996:
When reviewing, edits should be accepted if they are not obvious
5167:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 4975:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 4862:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 4734:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 4646:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 1911:(its a hebrew article in wiki hebrew containg an english line: 1867:
and read the last paragraph where it talks about the study that
Hi Sirmyles, hope all goes well. Maybe you can help improve the
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3673: 3570:
Old Wykehamists, Old Etonians, etc. to become "Alumni of... "?
Your criticisms are at the same time harsh and constructive.
Please respond to Bikinibomb's comments about figs and Judaism
so you are on notice and can participate in this discussion.--
is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 6 December 2021. All
is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 7 December 2020. All
729: 1127:(death); the melakháh of transporting something in public is 198: 83: 24: 5011: 4137: 4074:
Hi, I noticed you changed a line I had added to the article
3958: 3846: 3344:(which could just as well be an article on the Vedic figure) 2463:
to his article; I was wondering what the source is? Thanks,
here is a nother possible source which states the folowing:
article. I can use help with expanding and referencing it.--
280: 4008:). More detailed documentation and guidelines can be found 1538:
I think my main question is whether there is a source that
to be fair, i am inserting the following two sections from
through Haim Palachi to other descendants. Gratefully - --
Sirmylesnagopaleentheda, do you know of a good source for
1. the Meshumad who transgresses any of the commandments.
FYI (and respectfully), I have added considerably to your
several online but don't have the URLs to hand right now.
please avoid ambiguity when using the term "Pahlavi" (eg
2374:. If further discussion is required please take it up at 1811:
that I wrote- cinse this man is only known to Israelis).
Yemenite Jews#The second wave of emigration: 1920 to 1950
is now open until 23:59 on Monday, 2 December 2019. All
Your unsourced addition to List of common misconceptions
concerning the history of Halabi Baqashot in Jerusalem.
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
process can result in deletion without discussion, and
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
4520:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 4466:
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
4351: 4339: 4335: 4320: 4277:
Template:Editnotices/Page/List of common misconceptions
4171:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 3458: 3242: 2619:
Sephardic law and customs: Difference between revisions
2583: 2460: 2083: 500: 5048:
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
poetic use of "skull" to refer to drinking horns." to
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
Question about Romaniote Jews page, Nusach and Minchag
Hello Sirmyles: Please see the present discussions at
As a consequence the unknown author is described as "
Your change to the article on Aristotle's Masterpiece
Reviewers can review edits made by users who are not
3051:)---not to mention pseudo-Latinate cowboy words like 2149:, but the second meaning (having a special chant) is 1780:, and also refer yo to the image in the article here 1366:
Article in need of cleanup - please assist if you can
Hence, herr Einstein was a Meshumad. Best Regards. --
Hi Sirmylesnagopaleentheda, Fellow Londoner here! I
1891:, consisting of five families, after Simchat Torah. 3469:(Semitic for "from", as you know) with the letters 2006:What do you suggest as a solution for this matter? 1571:. You will no doubt have something to add. Thanks. 1108:the rabbis formulated for proper Jewish behavior. 402:I have just discovered your contributions to the " 2914:(as the article states) most definitely doesn't. 965:2. the Meshumad who transgresses the whole Toráh 4512:Disambiguation link notification for December 14 4078:. Specifically, you changed the following line: 3148:Talk:W. Somerset Maugham#What next? Peer Review? 1518:Hello Sirmyles, I noticed a puzzling section on 4776:in the past (a few years ago... but still :) ) 3919:can result in deletion without discussion, and 3398:Bah, where did that monograph come from? :) -- 1430:? It is definitely in need of your assistance. 4452:Hello, Sirmylesnagopaleentheda. Voting in the 4379:Hello, Sirmylesnagopaleentheda. Voting in the 4163:Disambiguation link notification for October 4 3743:Shalom. Given your interest in this novel by 2362:Hi Sirmyles: There is a new article about the 2050:Thank you -- your kind words mean a lot! The 1937:another one from Beta Israel of north America 41:. If you decide that you need help, check out 5194:Your access to AWB may be temporarily removed 4082:As a consequence it is now recognized that a 3814:FYI, the large, new section you deleted from 3599:Former pupils by school in the United Kingdom 1173:the following two sections are inserted from 8: 3150:so that we can move the article up a notch? 2115: 1881:- as a source - would that be good enough? 1348:, as per wiktionary the correct spelling is 1075:{trans. Prof. Zvi Zohar, at Bar Ilan Univ.} 848:List of Germanic-speaking cultures surnames 4804: 4676: 4588: 3966:Hello. Your account has been granted the " 3015:Objection sustained. Got another example: 1863:i have looked into the English article of 1713:Category talk:Jewish Saudi Arabian history 1373: 806:page. See what you can contribute. Thanks. 4102:Possibly you did not read the article on 1649:List of Jewish and Christian terms (figs) 802:Hey Simon, Help is needed if possible on 726: 2734:Thank you very much, Gabriel Zuckerberg 2650:Where else would you put these on wiki? 2520:16th-century Palestinian rabbis category 1878:and would like to use the reference #27 1256:"Two uncommon statuses of jews are:"; or 5054:notice, but please explain why in your 3884:notice, but please explain why in your 2173:Talk:Hebrew_language#German_and_Yiddish 1671:Input with Saudi Arabian Jewish history 682:Are you an SY, i mean are you Halabic? 4275:, but didn't provide any sources. Per 2074:Your assistance is cordially requested 591:Portuguese Jewish community in Hamburg 4786:Thanks for any help you can provide. 1960:NYTimes – (about the ethiopian jews) 1887:The second scroll will return to the 1504:I'm looking forward to the challenge. 1312:i did not move your talk page section 752:12:14, 10 November 2006 (UTC)JMosseri 7: 5122:2023 Arbitration Committee elections 4930:2022 Arbitration Committee elections 4818:2021 Arbitration Committee elections 4690:2020 Arbitration Committee elections 4602:2019 Arbitration Committee elections 4455:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 4382:2017 Arbitration Committee elections 4238:needing help in a philosophical page 3342:Airyaman at the Encyclopedia Iranica 2852:became a past participle only after 2791:is definitely a back-formation from 2222:I thank you very much for your help 1246:the jewish majority is non-orthodox. 422:-- Sir Myles: Check out the article 5106:ArbCom 2023 Elections voter message 4914:ArbCom 2022 Elections voter message 4897:nominated Levantine Article for FAC 4801:ArbCom 2021 Elections voter message 4673:ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message 2518:and wonder if you advocate for the 1889:tiny Yemenite community in Ethiopia 1778:User talk:Joyson Noel#Yemenite Jews 1717:History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia 1709:History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia 1677:History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia 1116:from the nature of the discussion. 45:, ask me on my talk page, or place 5043:deleted for any of several reasons 5032:Disambiguation page not required ( 5027:because of the following concern: 4585:ArbCom 2019 election voter message 4439:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 4366:ArbCom 2017 election voter message 3867:deleted for any of several reasons 2819:I don't see that. It may be that 2639:Recent Sephardic Laws article edit 2601:Ten Commandments comment about you 2376:Knowledge talk:WikiProject Judaism 2314:is exactly right. An article like 1776:I'd like you to see my remarks at 1419:I saw that you edited the article 14: 3978:scheduled to end 15 August 2010. 3787:Hi, could I request that you use 3427:You might wish to review the new 2906:Yes it most definitely does. But 2459:Hi, I see that you have added in 2116:Ta'am 'elyon and Ten Commandments 43:Knowledge:Where to ask a question 5111: 4919: 4808: 4680: 4592: 4444: 4371: 4362:) 00:20, 16 December 2016 (UTC) 4298: 3593:New cfds regarding "Old Fooians" 3128: 2454: 2078:I see you work on this article ( 1917:(their reference is this --: --> 1703:and they all cited sources. Now 1374: 5161:and submit your choices on the 4969:and submit your choices on the 4856:and submit your choices on the 4728:and submit your choices on the 4640:and submit your choices on the 4489:and submit your choices on the 4416:and submit your choices on the 4294:Reference errors on 15 December 3605:. Please consider contributing 2775:English language and literature 1569:Talk:Christian Torah-submission 1563:Talk:Christian Torah-submission 1428:Knowledge: WikiProject Kabbalah 1380: 4571:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 4233:19:30, 23 September 2015 (UTC) 4157:18:16, 15 September 2013 (UTC) 3802:16:48, 22 September 2008 (UTC) 3372:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 3310:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 3270:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 3106:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 2946:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 2887:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 2837:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 2827:a back-formation implies that 2607:Talk:Ten Commandments#RD chart 2539:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 2496:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 2455:His Majesty's Loyal Opposition 2397:I have added the above to the 2306:I think what you've done with 2037:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 1814:And then decide for yourself. 1492:16:50, 30 September 2007 (UTC) 1475:wow, I see you aren't joking ( 1465:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 739:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 690:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 668:20:47, 12 September 2016 (UTC) 650:16:41, 12 September 2016 (UTC) 642:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 634:17:31, 10 September 2016 (UTC) 471:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 340:Sir Myles na Gopaleen (the da) 1: 5186:00:29, 28 November 2023 (UTC) 5140:Knowledge arbitration process 4994:00:34, 29 November 2022 (UTC) 4948:Knowledge arbitration process 4881:00:13, 23 November 2021 (UTC) 4835:Knowledge arbitration process 4752:01:32, 24 November 2020 (UTC) 4707:Knowledge arbitration process 4664:00:07, 19 November 2019 (UTC) 4619:Knowledge arbitration process 4579:16:00, 17 December 2018 (UTC) 4564:09:17, 14 December 2018 (UTC) 4505:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 4468:Knowledge arbitration process 4395:Knowledge arbitration process 4273:List of common misconceptions 3970:" userright, allowing you to 3807:The section you deleted from 3777:23:57, 1 September 2008 (UTC) 3623:13:27, 26 February 2012 (UTC) 3588:14:04, 10 February 2011 (UTC) 3574:Please see the discussion at 3418:23:30, 3 September 2007 (UTC) 3035:(allegedly) comes from Latin 2718:20:47, 16 February 2015 (UTC) 2324:02:16, 15 November 2009 (UTC) 2120:I saw your last few edits to 2110:15:03, 18 February 2009 (UTC) 2095:00:02, 18 February 2009 (UTC) 1644:00:49, 18 November 2007 (UTC) 1514:01:08, 18 November 2007 (UTC) 1361:22:33, 15 November 2006 (UTC) 932:Meshumad leKhol haToráh Kuláh 773:03:42, 13 November 2007 (UTC) 757:12:14, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 603:22:52, 4 September 2009 (UTC) 441:What is the source for this? 411:18:32, 14 November 2006 (UTC) 107:The five pillars of Knowledge 79: 20: 4796:09:51, 10 October 2021 (UTC) 4765:Hi Sirmylesnagopaleentheda, 4432:18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC) 4127:14:54, 6 February 2013 (UTC) 3832:12:45, 27 January 2010 (UTC) 3562:19:05, 13 January 2015 (UTC) 3520:18:08, 10 October 2007 (UTC) 3448:06:33, 19 October 2007 (UTC) 2978:or adapted from the Italian 2694:17:32, 10 January 2015 (UTC) 2573:21:55, 25 October 2011 (UTC) 2485:12:31, 7 November 2010 (UTC) 2388:06:12, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 2349:06:08, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 2312:History of the Jews in Syria 2297:18:15, 28 October 2009 (UTC) 1624:08:57, 30 October 2007 (UTC) 1266:i am reviewing the situation 844:German family name etymology 790:21:26, 2 December 2007 (UTC) 742:18:02, 7 November 2006 (UTC) 719:12:56, 7 November 2006 (UTC) 179:Getting more Knowledge rules 122:How to write a great article 37:to Knowledge! Thank you for 5087:allows discussion to reach 5068:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 5051:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 4258:17:19, 2 October 2015 (UTC) 4211:12:41, 4 October 2013 (UTC) 4069: 4045:07:15, 24 August 2011 (UTC) 4006:Knowledge:Reviewing process 3923:allows discussion to reach 3761:00:15, 14 August 2008 (UTC) 3643:12:21, 9 January 2017 (UTC) 3540:15:40, 9 January 2015 (UTC) 3403:18:13, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 3375:09:06, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 3358:16:52, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 3313:13:13, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 3295:14:56, 21 August 2007 (UTC) 3273:13:24, 21 August 2007 (UTC) 3258:11:56, 21 August 2007 (UTC) 3187:09:15, 8 January 2007 (UTC) 2663:20:43, 8 January 2015 (UTC) 2634:03:08, 7 January 2014 (UTC) 2596:19:57, 7 October 2012 (UTC) 2461:this quote of Rabbi Hertz's 2450:12:34, 13 August 2010 (UTC) 2153:connected to that subject. 2085:? Thanking you in advance. 1729:14:40, 3 January 2008 (UTC) 1666:00:53, 1 January 2008 (UTC) 1601:13:43, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1591:03:10, 3 October 2007 (UTC) 1576:13:28, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 1468:12:06, 16 August 2007 (UTC) 865:Central Synagogue of Aleppo 730: 491:09:38, 4 October 2006 (UTC) 474:09:02, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 459:06:02, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 375:Spanish and Portuguese Jews 361:Spanish and Portuguese Jews 212:New contributors' help page 136:Getting your info out there 72:16:45, 15 August 2006 (UTC) 5241: 5226:17:26, 16 April 2024 (UTC) 5178:MediaWiki message delivery 5079:exist. In particular, the 4986:MediaWiki message delivery 4909:14:26, 27 March 2022 (UTC) 4873:MediaWiki message delivery 4744:MediaWiki message delivery 4656:MediaWiki message delivery 4497:MediaWiki message delivery 4424:MediaWiki message delivery 4065:10:19, 22 March 2012 (UTC) 3987:a small number of articles 3505:comes from the Latin word 3501:Where does the claim that 3457:Hello, are you sure about 3268:" in one or two places. -- 3055:or goofy derivatives like 3027:is a back-formation (from 2514:I notice your comments at 2302:History of the Jews in ... 2232:14:59, 14 April 2009 (UTC) 2218:09:42, 12 April 2009 (UTC) 2199:20:38, 27 March 2009 (UTC) 2185:20:36, 27 March 2009 (UTC) 2080:Jewish principles of faith 1715:.) Please help out in the 1459:05:06, 5 August 2007 (UTC) 1168:17:33, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1090:15:34, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 946:01:33, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 887:20:21, 17 March 2008 (UTC) 513:18:02, 28 March 2008 (UTC) 356:18:41, 10 April 2009 (UTC) 227:Frequently Asked Questions 5073:proposed deletion process 4289:19:27, 8 March 2016 (UTC) 4050:Anglo-Norman/Anglo-French 4025:18:02, 19 June 2010 (UTC) 3972:review other users' edits 3909:proposed deletion process 3734:20:38, 20 June 2008 (UTC) 3484:23:59, 19 July 2012 (UTC) 3218:15:50, 5 March 2015 (UTC) 3137:17:13, 25 June 2007 (UTC) 3121:User talk:Leinad-Z#Narnia 3068:20:18, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2987:16:45, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2949:15:33, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2923:14:45, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2890:14:38, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2869:14:30, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2840:14:14, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2814:13:21, 22 June 2006 (UTC) 2744:19:53, 24 June 2018 (UTC) 2431:02:51, 12 July 2010 (UTC) 2263:Prior to contributing to 2163:23:14, 8 March 2009 (UTC) 2134:18:23, 5 March 2009 (UTC) 1865:Yemenite Jews#DNA testing 1761:09:58, 7 April 2008 (UTC) 1557:21:25, 27 June 2011 (UTC) 1533:23:53, 25 June 2011 (UTC) 1435:22:49, 5 April 2007 (UTC) 693:08:31, 18 June 2007 (UTC) 580:08:39, 27 July 2008 (UTC) 562:13:08, 16 July 2008 (UTC) 370: 343:08:55, 27 July 2006 (UTC) 332:16:27, 26 July 2006 (UTC) 5175:to your user talk page. 5101:20:54, 16 May 2023 (UTC) 4983:to your user talk page. 4870:to your user talk page. 4742:to your user talk page. 4654:to your user talk page. 4574: 4352:report it to my operator 4145:As the name suggests... 3991:Special:OldReviewedPages 3948:20:42, 31 May 2010 (UTC) 3710:16:10, 23 May 2008 (UTC) 3465:("from") was written as 3409:Vendidad reply is posted 3192:Out of the Silent Planet 3041:loco -as -avi -atum -are 2881:I said "past participle 2770:19:15, 9 June 2020 (UTC) 2614:21:49, 20 May 2013 (UTC) 2547:09:01, 19 May 2011 (UTC) 2542: 2532:12:01, 17 May 2011 (UTC) 2504:09:01, 19 May 2011 (UTC) 2499: 2411:10:47, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 2251:14:21, 4 June 2009 (UTC) 2145:relevant to the article 2082:). Can you address this 2068:14:09, 4 July 2008 (UTC) 2045:08:53, 4 July 2008 (UTC) 2019:11:47, 23 May 2008 (UTC) 1979:18:39, 22 May 2008 (UTC) 1955:18:03, 22 May 2008 (UTC) 1933:16:38, 22 May 2008 (UTC) 1899:Jewish Agency for Israel 1852:Yemenite jews references 1847:12:46, 22 May 2008 (UTC) 1827:10:25, 22 May 2008 (UTC) 1333:10:25, 3 July 2009 (UTC) 1307:21:12, 1 July 2009 (UTC) 1287:07:38, 3 July 2009 (UTC) 1220:17:36, 4 June 2009 (UTC) 1200:21:12, 1 July 2009 (UTC) 1131:and it is punishable by 538:18:17, 8 July 2008 (UTC) 496:(Ng)am{i|ee|ie}d{á|a}(h) 386:22:17, 25 May 2006 (UTC) 5200:Sirmylesnagopaleentheda 5060:the article's talk page 4076:Aristotle's Masterpiece 3917:speedy deletion process 3890:the article's talk page 3685:14:08, 1 May 2008 (UTC) 3663:11:34, 3 May 2017 (UTC) 3109:20:30, 8 May 2007 (UTC) 3099:11:50, 8 May 2007 (UTC) 2758:Superstition in Judaism 2750:Superstition in Judaism 2559:I agree, but we need a 2364:Synod of Mainz (Jewish) 2356:Synod of Mainz (Jewish) 1350:Wiktionary:anti-Semitic 920:Meshumad leMisswáh Ahat 836:List of Slavic surnames 832:List of Jewish surnames 290:Pages needing attention 217:Where to ask a question 31:Sirmylesnagopaleentheda 17:Welcome to Knowledge!!! 5039: 5021:Revia (disambiguation) 5016: 5007:Revia (disambiguation) 4309:automatically detected 4142: 3963: 3955:You are now a Reviewer 3851: 3712: 2393:13 principles of logic 1409:on your user talk page 1384:Arabs and antisemitism 1237:observant is a status. 893:Other Judaism articles 285: 5136:Arbitration Committee 5119:Hello! Voting in the 5085:articles for deletion 5029: 5025:proposed for deletion 5015: 4944:Arbitration Committee 4927:Hello! Voting in the 4831:Arbitration Committee 4815:Hello! Voting in the 4761:Third opinion request 4703:Arbitration Committee 4687:Hello! Voting in the 4615:Arbitration Committee 4599:Hello! Voting in the 4464:Arbitration Committee 4391:Arbitration Committee 4141: 3962: 3921:articles for deletion 3860:proposed for deletion 3850: 3818:was copy/pasted from 3697: 3477:in Pahlavi script. -- 3338:Airyaman on Knowledge 3090:Nice addition to the 2860:as a back-formation. 2798:2. You might want to 924:leDabar Min haDebarim 572:Guedalia D'Montenegro 548:Guedalia D'Montenegro 524:Guedalia D'Montenegro 481:Bevis Marks Synagogue 456:Guedalia D'Montenegro 428:Guedalia D'Montenegro 408:Guedalia D'Montenegro 284: 150:Neutral Point of View 4891:Levantine Arabic FAC 4552:opt-out instructions 4199:opt-out instructions 4169:River Stour, Suffolk 3856:Robin Griffith-Jones 3842:Robin Griffith-Jones 3285:My favourite is his 2479:international waters 1784:(enlarge the image) 4530:fix with Dab solver 4181:fix with Dab solver 2800:check this page out 2490:Actually, that was 1619:.) Thanks so much, 1142:, and a Jew who is 748:me. Joseph Mosseri 265:Conflict resolution 5152:arbitration policy 5077:deletion processes 5017: 4960:arbitration policy 4847:arbitration policy 4772:) that you edited 4719:arbitration policy 4631:arbitration policy 4542:• Join us at the 4532:). Such links are 4480:arbitration policy 4407:arbitration policy 4189:• Join us at the 4143: 3964: 3913:deletion processes 3852: 3719:Averroes talk page 3713: 3183: 3176: 3169: 3162: 3155: 3142:W.Somerset Maugham 2760:. Thanks so much, 2516:Palestinian Talmud 2510:Palestinian rabbis 2378:. Thanks so much, 1581:Thank you so much! 1463:Partially done. -- 1123:and punishable by 928:lidbar Midiberehem 871:articles. Thanks. 589:Hi there, I found 585:Here to say thanks 286: 117:Be bold in editing 102:How to edit a page 97:Knowledge Tutorial 39:your contributions 5188: 5003:Proposed deletion 4996: 4888: 4887: 4883: 4758: 4757: 4670: 4669: 4547: 4534:usually incorrect 4333: 4244:Passive intellect 4194: 4134:A kitten for you! 4130: 4113:comment added by 3951: 3934:comment added by 3838:Proposed deletion 3799: 3668:Salafism/Wahabism 3253:Thanks again. -- 3249:by the Sassanids. 3221: 3204:comment added by 3181: 3174: 3167: 3160: 3153: 2492:Solomon Schechter 2265:Jewish Philosophy 1787:and the image of 1719:article. Thanks, 1554: 1530: 1415: 1414: 1410: 1396:quality standards 889: 792: 775: 564: 540: 404:Sephardic Judaism 320: 319: 316: 315: 312: 311: 274:Getting technical 195: 194: 145:Cite your sources 78: 77: 5232: 5224: 5223: 5221: 5176: 5174: 5115: 5070: 5069: 5053: 5052: 5014: 4984: 4982: 4923: 4871: 4869: 4812: 4805: 4781:on the talk page 4774:Levantine Arabic 4741: 4684: 4677: 4653: 4596: 4589: 4537: 4526:check to confirm 4448: 4375: 4327: 4302: 4301: 4184: 4177:check to confirm 4129: 4115:AlexanderVanLoon 4107: 4104:Pseudo-Aristotle 4096:Pseudo-Aristotle 4084:Pseudo-Aristotle 3969: 3950: 3928: 3906: 3905: 3899: 3883: 3882: 3876: 3797: 3707: 3702: 3682: 3628:Private vs indie 3243:in this sentence 3220: 3198: 3184: 3177: 3170: 3163: 3156: 3132: 3065: 2920: 2866: 2811: 2494:. My mistake. -- 2483: 2480: 2474: 2469: 2147:Ten Commandments 2122:Ten Commandments 2064: 1758: 1755: 1634:טעם לשד. 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