
User talk:Ze miguel

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name, having very clearly and several times on that same article underlined that I was the same person as the one writting under the previous user number. Nothing wrong either on that one. BUt but but, you and some idiotic fox from enclosed wiki board are accusing me of being a socket puppet for other idiots like yourself, and for trying to hide me under that user number. Er! here, what the heck do you think you are doing. Oh sorry, I forgot it was easy to partake foxes bodies once they cant talk. That explain. Or so little. For your knowledge, or what is left of it, I was the one who most strongly asked for the arbcom to look at this bogda affair, and I was the one who contacted all kind of wiki control instances to have them put some order in the mes that was happening there at that time. since sept. 2005. So you know it. Nonetheless I was bloqued before the arb com had begin which nobody can ever justify. And now to the point: everybody on wiki is aloud to preserve its own identity private in order to protect oneself from personal attacks, and this rule has been enfringed by ALL adminsitrators on wikipedia with my name!!! It is not because you have access to my private data that this gives you the rights to abuse of that facts and to reveal my identity to the world, as it will be later seen as a links in all GOOGLE, which has also been abused by YBM and co who have made a guirlande of links with my full name on it and quiet sarcastics (at best) and very insulting (as most) texts who can all be seen on the net when my name is computed in google. To add to that, diverse active administrators at that time, loke this bishonen have used my FULL name and aftername when mentioning me instead of the pseudo used by me on wikipedia as it is always done usually, when talking in private wiki forum between other administrators of wikipedia and other internal chat room on wiki. Those texts, very damaging and insultings, are also on google under my name.. And those text also ended up, god knows how and why, in a private web site created more than 9 months after those exchanges took place, and were my name with insults figure... at the front webside..(?) I do not know the woman who made that site and contacted them to have them remove that and to know why my name figured there, but was never answered. Instead my mail to them was in the list at google... So all that to tell you that since I was on wikipedia my name has become a hit at google, and I would like to ask you why, and how this is possible, and since when wikipedia was ment to be a forum to disgrace people and put them in the most public forum, like google, with shit all over their head. I have in fact lost 3 job interviews because of that as my employer looked at google and didnt like what he saw there. ´Basically that I say lots of rant and rant and rant. (must be the alone vocabulary wiki admi know about, since it is the alone one they use when short for real argumentation, could make some new words, I mean this is an encyclopedia, no?) Since you like to program, so deleete all entries with my name on it related far or close to wikipidia, wiki admi intern talks in chat rooms of wiki, or related to wikipedia, and links coming from wiki users involved in the bogda affair. I have came back a short time to write about a topic COMPLETELY unrelated to the bogda, but nonetheless some admi found very amusing to blend in it (probably bored by each others small talks on the main bogda site) and to block me just for fun. Also acusations by anselm that I came back using my user number are false as I couldnt get my pseudo back. As simpel as that. I was able to do so later on, using the help of an admi I had contacted regarding that. So I found those comments of anselm on the bogda talk page completely unrelated and frivole and an obvious personal harrassement, which is in fact the specialty of most administrators in wikipedia, from my own experience: to harrass any they dont agree wiht or dont understand or to do so just for fun and to get some extra ban stars or just to feel they have. indeed, some power in life. And no, I didn't like it. Another point is that I very clearly remembered to have been blocked 3 days for making remarcs, banal, but who were not 100% related to the topic, but more personal, as adressing another user, very friendly, when the discussion was running about august sept 2005. I also remember that it was Bishonen who did that. But when I see the kind of discussions you and your fellows are having now, and how private chit chat that is, and even "how was your hollydays?" so that this place ressemble more and more to a private chat room for admi en mal de compagnie, I ask myself if rules are only made to harrass users as please, or if admi are just enjoying diplomates imunity here. I thought wiki was for all to write about a subject and not just for admi not knowing a thing about it to put their grant of salt. You liked to think you are some kind of Hierophantes, knowing all about all, and able to say it all, but just take a look at your biaised point of view -and not fact- in this exemple: bogda brothers where accused of having got the lawest degree with mention honorable (misused by diverse fox thinking that the english wont get it) but at the end it was proven that the law in vigor at that time, show that the mention was very good indeed. And the main text, article was about to be changed in that regard, when suddendly : -->
animosity towards the bogdanov combined with his personal friendship with YBM. But nonetheless it was taken at face value and used to rechange the text to its negativ expression of the meaning of those mentions. Incredible what some will found to deny other to be with them... Rialuezo is full member of a sect, that count 5 scientifics, out of the 6 scientifics mentioned at the end of the article about the bogdanov. This sect is represented by a man that you will found if you just tast the title of the bogda book in google, the man clame to have write the book already, but with a different and not so scientifical content. The symbol of his sect are delphins. Please take the time to fold over his web site and get the surprise of your life with rialuezo and baez swimming there with woit. I say no more just go and see. I tried in due time to get the attention of wiki users and admi about this discrepency, but it was waist of time. You all call my stoff rant because unable to understand and maybe too too leasy to check your sources and mine on your own. With the consequences that we now know. I dont personally give a shit about the story, but I do care about having my name blended with all kind of schmug insulting me, and this all over google. So remove my name, both forname and aftername from wiki, As I wish nothing else but to have absolutly nothing to do with that very disappointing place, who could use some lesson in objectivity, and objective reasonement. You are in robotic, as I am, and programing as me, we aint in the same boat, but use your know how to deleete all my entries from wiki using my full name. I am NOT interested in being spotted in that kind of light, I have other things to do and no need to loose a job as chief operator at : -->
launch the deleete session and in which extend you can do so. Entre nous: j'en ai vraimment plein mon cul de cette histoire, et vu que j'ai pas mis les pieds dans ce brouillard de discussion depuis 13 mois, j'aimerai bien savoir ce qui peut pousser des admi á me casser les pieds de leurs remarques debiles et grandement péjoratives, toute pleines d'idées recues et de préjudices. Pour ta connaissance: je n'avais jamais entendue parler des bogdanov avant le 15 aout 2005, ai n'en ai plus entendu parlée depuis nov-dec 2005.cá fait moins de 4 mois de connaissance, ce qui est en fait beaucoups moins que toi et que les admis qui sont venus sur la page Aprés que j'en ai été bannie. Je trouve cela trés marrant. Mon field c'est la physique théorique, et j'ai écris un livre sur le sujet, mais en plus grand, si je puis dire. Je t'enverrai un petit mot dés que cá sortira. En attendant fais le ménage, car ce genre d'intrusion dans ma vie privée m'exaspére. Ma raison affaire Bogdanov? Parler francais. Cá faisait plus de 20 ans que j'avais pas pu le parler alors cá me manquait, mais cá a fini dans wiki english. Dommage. Avec les conséquences et répercussion que l'on sait. Pas sympa les francais, tout compte fait. Pas trés bon retour aux sources. Come come back ce fut bel et bien râté!
1046: 994: 139:— all but Trenton appear in both the main category and the subcategory (if I recall correctly). As the category does have its uses in searches based on forms of government, it may not be meaningful to expect that someone would know that some cities have their own subcategory. Furthermore, there were several other category entries in the 496:
myself I'm really terrible in writing and translation even though I understand perfectly the two languages, so I'm unable to help with the cleanup. The only think I was able to do is some organisation and references added. Anyway if you want you can ask for help from any user for cleaning up this article. I recommend
if you are interested - pretty enormous but all the data is there if you know where to find it - indicated on the project page - but I'm still sorting out plan ideas and finalising an infobox. Any help and suggestions would be welcome - I have made a "participants" box but have yet to activate it. If
Rialuezo appear and PRETEND that the law is "doesnt matter" what matters is what the fox says and they says "i contacted him my self" that this mention is law. Which is a lie. the guy never checked with the PHD correctors, and what he say cant be taken at face value seen with the past he has and his
by the translators. When I provided my initial rough translation, I expected that it would be edited much more than it has, especially since many people have signed up as translators. Is the translation supposed to be completed already ? I find that some of the style that I used is far from perfect,
I sympathize with your concern for "Category:United_States-related_stubs", but I am willing to look at "Special:Lonelypages" which is a lot uglier. True, it is limited to 1000 and is not updated on a regular basis. Anyway, I am trying to minimize my use US-stub and the other categories that have a
Also, I would very much appreciate a "bon mot" in the Paris page discussion as, although I am solid in my factual contestation of the article, I am lacking in input from people actually knowledgable about the subject. I of course am not asking you to take sides, but to point out fact for fact, even
Siemens, nor as a project manager in robotic and polymæric sensors research, for reasons who are as stupid as being named by uncarefull, or directly and voluntaraly, mean administrators. That will be it and merry christmas. Be nice enough to send me an email with info as when you are planning to
I wanted to reach Anselm but he is gone from wiki, so that will be you. I want to tell that I begin on wiki in 2005 and that I was first unregistered as unknowing the system and had just a user number to begin with. Quiet usual. Then I took a pseudo as most foxes do, and wrote on wiki under that
Great idea. The fact that translating a complete article may be a long work is responsible for the low activity of this project. Dividing the work in this kind of way would be a good solution. I'm for it. I'm just worried that during this process some information in the English Knowledge will be
I was happy when I saw that there is a lot of contributors to this project, but the lack of activity also dissapointed me. I also thank you for your translation and I've read it and compared it to the French article, I was even going to remove it assuming that the translation is finished. As for
The core of my bot is a library (PHP include file) that offers a function to fetch a specified WP page, and one that can save a page to WP again. In between, you can do any processing of the page you want. I currently have functionality for adding stub tags (sounds similar to what you want, if I
was speedy deleted by an administrator without any cause or even discussion, I'm therefore putting it up for undeletion since people have put a jihad out against opinions in userboxes. As you were one of many people using the template, I'm trying to rally you into the posse. If you think the
Salut, et me provoque pas, je pétes les plombs complets avec cette histoire de link sur google. voilá mon email, j'ose pas écrire mon nom, on sait jamais. Moi qui m'en fichais, depuis les interviews râtés avec reference sur mon role dans ce wiki debats... faudrait peut être
I agree with your feedback on those three categories. I got lazy because I did not really know how to find a better match. When I do a thorough job, it often involves a bit of bouncing back and forth between articles and categories to find a good parent for an orphan category. --
Speedying duplicate categories has been considered a while ago, but the problem is that it isn't always apparent which of the two should go. In the example you cite, however, capitalization and typo fixes qualify for speedy deletion or renaming or redirecting, as the case may be.
article that had been removed that were completely unrelated to the city category / subcategory issue which is why I reverted the revision. If there is a reasonable and logical solution that would address the issues without the side effects, that might be another story.
Please signify the copyright information on any other images you have uploaded or will upload. Remember that images without this important information can be deleted by an administrator. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thank you.
The copyright holder is usually the creator, the creator's employer, or the last person who was transferred ownership rights. Copyright information on images is signified using copyright templates. The three basic license types on Knowledge are
understand correctly) and putting a page on AfD, both including user interface pages. User account authentication is currently hardcoded, so you'll either have to copy the info from your cookies into the code or extend it with something nicer.
I have a small proposal for next month's translation: I think we should post a list of things that need to be done, then people would be able to come in and add their names to the list, and once the process is completed, the article is done.
if you find fault with something I have written. Just insert a note between the arguments confirming or denying each - but do this only if you feel up to it! Don't worry though, all the "big writing" is over now. Once and for all I hope.
Late night, noted you earlier from the blackberry. Can't say how much I appreciate your words of encouragement as I've been feeling rather alone in defending "all things Paris". I hope you don't mind my writing in English
S----- P, pseudo: "XAL", numero de membre: je m'en rappelle plus. Contacte moi au plus vite sur ce precedent, il faut le regler au plus vite et contacter les webadmi n'a pas trop marché. Short: je sais pas comment faire.
What the Knowledge UI needs is a "sort by date added" view or a least a "sort by modified-date" view of a category entries so that the recently-added stuff to giant "stubs" categories can be monitored more easily.
Hi, are you still interested in the PHP code of my bot? Due to some general discontent with the attitude of some Knowledge users (as stated on my user page) I've been away from WP for a while, so I didn't respond
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perhaps. Ecclesia Dei was a reaction to the SSPX, so the SSPX should maybe be there as well as in the parent cat. I'm not sure about the St. John Mary Vianney Soceity article, they're a
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Regarding categories of Wikipedians, consensus does not support blanket deletion of all of them. It is generally agreed that some of them are useful (]) and some are not (
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Removed your private info from the message. Other than that, I'm afraid I don't have any power to remove data relevant to your name and/or identity on Knowledge. --
Would you be interested in translating the the first paragraph of the article "Łapanka" and adding a new section "En Pologne" to the French Wiki article "Rafle"?
I am interested to know what you have in mind in the way of a "WikiProject" for Paris - please give details! I have already begun a "Paris streets" Wikiproject (
910:, so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. 948: 743: 115:
I can see that there is a quirk with how these subcategories work. However, of the six New Jersey cities that are listed as city subcategories —
Je viens d'écrire et de publier sur mon site un article sur la conception de "Bogdanov Affair" sur Wikipédia. L'article s'intitule "
718: 385: 378: 361: 890:
Hello, Ze miguel. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under
422: 699: 1065: 1016:, which you created. If you know of another recently created or updated article suitable for inclusion in ITN, please suggest it on the 516: 269: 963: 178: 436: 41: 865:
commencer á faire gaffe sur les infos privés que vous lâchez sur les gens entre admis... cá craint mon vieux, et á un tel point!!!
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article, I think the translation is finished (great work from you), do you think the commented french version could be erased?
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you're game I will : ) You seem go be good at sorting out categories - in addition to having all my Wikitime taken up by the
to seperate into North & South America categories, which seems necessary to align with other categories by continent eg
895: 884: 44:, etc. at will and let someone else worry about exactly what kinds of deth-metal-rock sub-genre, etc. they were producing. 26: 88: 927:
Because you are a member of WikiProject Categories, your input is invited on some proposed changes to the design of the
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I'm calling out a posse, to fight for freedom of choice, to fight all those who think that only their opinion's right,
931: 903: 765: 140: 128: 116: 519:. However, the image may soon be deleted unless we can determine the copyright holder and copyright status. The 1073: 1055: 281:
until I can get categories sorted out - everything "Paris" is a mess and I'm finding stray articles everywhere.
77: 68:
In response to your proposal... first off, it is quite possible to tag a category for speedy deletion, per the
40:"gettingbig" tag in them. But I will continue to use "band-stub", and the rest of the overgrown stub lists in 796: 124: 1025: 722: 680: 501: 1058:
guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at
914: 448: 414: 407: 73: 55: 447:
to match the article. (and St. to be standard for both the article and the cat.) so much to be done!--
1003: 520: 228: 212: 1054:
has been nominated for merging. A discussion is taking place to decide whether it complies with the
1069: 1011: 985: 594: 569: 532: 136: 120: 278: 891: 761: 319: 297: 244: 132: 95: 945: 72:. Any of the criteria in the "general" section also apply to categories, e.g. patent nonsense ( 1021: 974: 738: 731: 421:
as a sub-category instead of a parent cat. I don't know much about the subject, but shouldn't
911: 398: 772: 292:
Anyhow, please let me know what Wikiproject ideas you have in mind. Until then, take care,
223: 207: 80:) and recreations of previously deleted cats. So that covers your third point, at least. 917: 786: 899: 874: 814: 665: 589: 564: 486: 346: 91:). Unless we can get a clear distinction between the two, CFD is the place to go. HTH! 17: 803: 769: 747: 585: 544: 528: 145: 92: 69: 164:
If you're interested, give me an e-mail address to send the code to or something. --
970: 942: 837: 540: 497: 465: 440: 584:
Yea it did. If you wanted to replace the original image, which is located on the
Thank you very much for the compliments - I will write again when I get home : )
993: 902:. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our 511:
Image copyright problem with Image:Al-Salam Boccaccio sinking in Red Sea new.png
Wikipédia et l'affaire Bogdanov : "encyclopédie libre" ou dictature virtuelle ?
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Than you very much - any help will be welcome. Consider yourself signed up : )
714: 676: 481: 365: 165: 45: 369: 807: 524: 806:
because I and 99% sure it's a hoax. Just thought I'd let you know. Cheers.
I am pretty sure that the interrogation log Time magazine hosts is that of
98: 464:
Good suggestion, I'll make the change the next time I update the graph. --
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or their own situation. Actually that cat itself should prob be renamed
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On November 8 you added a verify tag to this article. I've put ip up at
1077: 1029: 978: 877: 840: 821: 750: 683: 668: 603: 578: 504: 489: 470: 451: 401: 349: 331: 309: 256: 230: 214: 195: 185: 168: 148: 105: 58: 48: 20: 397:
Thanks for your work with categories. It makes a difference. Cheers, -
template. Please feel free to view the proposals and comment on the
I award you this barnstar for you effort in translating the article
274: 485:
as I'm not a native English speaker. What are your thoughs ? --
template should be returned to active status, put in a vote at
be moved as well ? -- Ze miguel 16:29, 17 January 2006 (UTC)"
Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney
Hi CG, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of activity on
Do you propose to change "the Americas" categories eg
and possibly add a comment, if you feel so inclined?
500:, he has helped me in several occasions in writing. 423:
Category:Priestly Society of Saint John Mary Vianney
1008:was updated with an item that involved the article 717:from the French Knowledge and participating in the 517:
Image:Al-Salam Boccaccio sinking in Red Sea new.png
968:Category:Political organizations in North America 923:Request for comment on Category Redirect template 588:you would have to upload it over the original. -- 379:Cast your VOTE to select next week's translation! 831:I read French fine but writing not very good. 756:Jabran Said bin al Qahtani's interrogation log 277:page conflict, I've had to call a halt to the 523:is very careful about the images included in 8: 1052:Category:Communist parties in the Americas 1038:Category:Communist parties in the Americas 960:Category:Communist parties in the Americas 555:and place it on the image page like this: 439:and it's not clear to me if they're under 29:from 26 September 2005 to 05 December 2005 419:Category:Priestly Society of Saint Peter 906:. The image or media was replaced with 898:) was found at the following location: 894:that was in your userspace. The image ( 634:Initial translation of paragraphs 6-10 696: 625:Initial translation of paragraphs 1-5 7: 551:. Find the appropriate template in 89:Category:Wikipedians with blue eyes 16:Comments and questions are welcome 964:Category:Politics of North America 179:Knowledge:Requests_for_comment/Rbj 14: 849:NEVER HEARD ABOUT PRIVACY RIGHTS? 755: 621:I'd propose something like this: 437:Personal Apostolic Administration 368:was chosen to be translated from 42:Category:Overpopulated_categories 1044: 992: 697: 778:Wikipédia et l'affaire Bogdanov 386:Nominate a good Spanish article 1040:has been nominated for merging 954:Political parties by continent 883: 841:14:22, 11 September 2006 (UTC) 777: 553:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 427:Category:Society of St. Pius X 206:from one Ze to another, hi. -- 1: 908:Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg 896:Image:Escher's Relativity.jpg 885:Image:Escher's Relativity.jpg 878:13:59, 30 November 2006 (UTC) 789:". Bien sûr tu es mentionné. 751:04:26, 22 February 2006 (UTC) 684:18:33, 15 February 2006 (UTC) 669:12:01, 15 February 2006 (UTC) 169:17:11, 31 December 2005 (UTC) 149:16:20, 29 December 2005 (UTC) 111:Cities in New Jersey Category 106:16:42, 28 December 2005 (UTC) 1078:05:18, 20 January 2024 (UTC) 949:21:46, 11 January 2008 (UTC) 719:French Collaboration Project 604:21:58, 3 February 2006 (UTC) 579:19:00, 3 February 2006 (UTC) 505:18:10, 3 February 2006 (UTC) 490:14:23, 3 February 2006 (UTC) 471:20:16, 28 January 2006 (UTC) 452:16:41, 17 January 2006 (UTC) 402:20:06, 16 January 2006 (UTC) 362:French Collaboration Project 355:French Collaboration Project 350:00:22, 14 January 2006 (UTC) 332:22:50, 17 January 2006 (UTC) 310:23:10, 13 January 2006 (UTC) 257:16:43, 13 January 2006 (UTC) 174:Ze, could you take a look at 59:00:15, 8 December 2005 (UTC) 49:02:03, 9 December 2005 (UTC) 827:Add new section to fr:Rafle 360:You showed support for the 231:17:44, 4 January 2006 (UTC) 215:17:26, 4 January 2006 (UTC) 196:00:41, 4 January 2006 (UTC) 186:15:59, 3 January 2006 (UTC) 21:12:22, 4 October 2005 (UTC) 1093: 773:00:47, 17 March 2006 (UTC) 766:Jabran Said bin al Qahtani 1066:categories for discussion 1030:15:21, 2 April 2020 (UTC) 703: 460:Re: Bush Approval Ratings 141:New Brunswick, New Jersey 129:New Brunswick, New Jersey 117:Atlantic City, New Jersey 78:Category:Moronic assholes 979:05:50, 31 May 2010 (UTC) 918:02:25, 16 May 2007 (UTC) 904:non-free content policy 822:08:19, 3 May 2006 (UTC) 413:You wrote: "You edited 125:Jersey City, New Jersey 797:Battle of Friju Island 202:From One Ze to another 76:), attack categories ( 70:speedy deletion policy 515:Thanks for uploading 415:Category:Ecclesia Dei 408:Category:Ecclesia Dei 1061:the category's entry 984:ITN recognition for 707:The Rosetta Barnstar 661:What do you think ? 521:Wikimedia Foundation 372:. Hope you can help. 35:stubs and categories 1012:Abdul Halim Khaddam 986:Abdul Halim Khaddam 137:Trenton, New Jersey 121:Hoboken, New Jersey 939:template talk page 762:Mohamed al-Qahtani 675:erased. About the 610:French translation 133:Newark, New Jersey 74:Category:fhsdfksfd 1068:page. Thank you. 1000:On 2 April 2020, 932:Category redirect 739:template:user fsm 732:template:user fsm 728: 727: 602: 586:Wikimedia Commons 577: 531:(see Knowledge's 1084: 1048: 1047: 996: 936: 930: 912:User:Gnome (Bot) 812: 701: 694: 693: 592: 567: 558: 557:{{TemplateName}} 533:Copyright policy 468: 449:Samuel J. 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Ze miguel
12:22, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
Archive 1
02:03, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
00:15, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
speedy deletion policy
Category:Moronic assholes
Category:Wikipedians with blue eyes
16:42, 28 December 2005 (UTC)
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Hoboken, New Jersey
Jersey City, New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Newark, New Jersey
Trenton, New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
16:20, 29 December 2005 (UTC)
17:11, 31 December 2005 (UTC)
r b-j
15:59, 3 January 2006 (UTC)

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