
:Articles for deletion/Delete Reset Grow - Knowledge

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667:"Deleted" is the main point song of the "After Deletion " album. Chen Shanni filled out the lyrics and worked as a producer, which fully conveyed her understanding of Yang Jiulin in communication; although they were the first cooperation, when Yang Jilin and When Chen Shanni talked on the phone and dictated the concept of songs in her heart, Chen Shanni immediately grasped the key points she wanted and gave many suggestions. Because of this, when Chen Shanni surrendered the demo, the degree of completion was already quite high and fit the theme. As described in the song title, "Deleted" is centered around "deletion" and "pick up". In the arrangement of songs and lyrics, it is not difficult to find that what this song wants to mention is that we are facing the acceleration of post-adolescence. Collapse. For unknown predictions and seeks, choose the characteristics that are suitable for you from the options of sluggishness and construction. In the process, you need to "remove the essence". Regardless of who we used to be brave or change our face to court; live a life of solitude, or spend a lot of time ... these are our choices and temptations for life. We read through "Deleted" that the good and bad that have happened have shaped today's self. After crossing tangles and limitations, we realized that everything was not unbearable, so we chose to accept it. And when we do n’t frequently look back at the advancement of the timeline, and then become a respectable existence, we can see from the lyrics "Good or bad, I do n’t change all", "To be, a respected existence" . 876:"Erase After Picking Up" is Yang Jilin's 11th album. The name of the album is similar to "After 30". It comes from the understanding of 30 years old, and the subtle age numbers are the total arrangement of life and adolescence. After the person passed the age of thirty, what he wanted in his mind became clear. What he tried to leave to Wu Cunjing to leave his life needs was no longer vague about the dichotomy between "deletion" and "pick up"; "Delete" is to delete the usual bad habits and obsessions, and decided to regret not to regret. As for "pick up", it is about courage, mastery of life, and learn to reach a balanced self on the journey of gain and loss. 887:
relationship or whether the life is turbulent, when facing loneliness, I think about myself, ruminate everything experienced, and more importantly accept it. And "Happy Holidays" has also been given the "delete and pick up" concept of the album's main body. We don't have to screen out what is left, but we can accept it more chicly. However, sometimes self-restriction is the deepest obstacle to inability. Everyone may be consciously alive and unconsciously lonely, but when we no longer resist and understand calmly, that is the most comfortable state of loneliness.
even more anxious. There is no guava, and the sword is pointed at the Golden Melody Award in one step. However, the Golden Melody Awards are dynamic. Each year, the composition of the judges is different, and their minds are different. For example, in the 27th Golden Melody Awards, the judges suddenly turned, abandoned the exploration of cutting-edge, experimental, and awarded to "Older Women" in the name of singing, but also helpless. I hope that the intentions of "After Deletion After Picking Up" will be accepted by the judges of Jinqu 31 this year.
scenery. But what we have learned from the songs is that in fact, there is no need to worry about the "unknown" or to regret the past. We should grasp the present and live our best self, and learn not to care about the secular judgment and fear accompanied by numbers. Just like the last two words of the lyrics, "To a girl like me, after you delete it, you will have an answer." Point out the concept of the entire song: Don't be afraid to grow, delete the parts that feel bad, and pick up our courage to choose , The answer will be self-evident.
couldn't hear Yang Lin. For a good bottle of perfume, the top notes, middle notes, and back notes are all important. Cheap perfumes are very fragrant, but the middle notes and back notes are not good. To put it on the song, the first tune represents the first impression of "songs and ears", the middle tune represents "single song loop", and the back tune represents "resistant". It's a pity that the tone of "After Deletion" is not strong enough. Musicians in Taiwan need to learn from the French perfume spirit: before, after.
655:《刪拾》是《刪·拾 以後》專輯的主要點題歌曲,由陳珊妮填寫詞曲並擔任製作,完整傳達了她與楊丞琳在溝通中所得到的領悟;兩人雖然是首次合作,但當楊丞琳與陳珊妮通上電話並口述心中對於歌曲的概念時,陳珊妮立刻掌握住她所想要的重點並給出許多建議。也因為如此,當陳珊妮交出 demo 時,完成度就已經相當高並且切合主題。《刪拾》一如歌名所述,概念圍繞在「刪除」與「拾起」,在歌曲與歌詞的安排上,不難發現這首歌所要提點的,是我們在面對後青春的加速崩毀,對於未知的預測以及尋求,在頹靡與建置的選項中遴選出適合自己的特質,過程中需要「去蕪存菁」。無論過往曾為誰強裝勇敢、為誰換臉求愛;過著離群索居的生活,又或是在豐富多彩中度過…這都是我們對人生的選擇與試探。我們藉由《刪拾》解讀到曾發生的好壞都塑造了今日的自己,跨越糾結與侷限後,才發現原來一切並非不可承受之重,所以我們選擇接受。而當我們對於時間軸的推進學著不頻回頭看,進而活成了令人尊敬的存在,從歌詞「好或壞,我全都不換」、「要成為,被尊敬的存在」即可見一斑。 948:
In the situation, whether you are single or have a partner around you, in fact, you are born in the singular, regardless of whether there is someone in a relationship, whether life is turbulent, and you are thinking about yourself in the face of loneliness. And, more importantly, accept it. "Happy Holidays" released a digital single on November 12.
between Yang Shulin and Li Ronghao. The lyrics are full of emptiness and loneliness. During the pre-order signing of the album, Yang Minlin talked about the pain of heterosexual love for the first time: "365 days a year, I have 300 days of loneliness. We meet on average 3 or 5 days a month, and I am best for singing lonely songs. "
And the point album concept "Delete After Picking Up" was composed by Chen Shanni's lyrics, and the two people talked on the phone in less than 3 minutes. Chen Shanni knew that Lin Lin wanted a song that everyone wanted to relax after exercise. Ji Lin said that if the person listening to this song is
On November 11, Yang Minlin released the first wave of her new album, "Happy Holidays." Soon, on the 11th album and 11,11 new songs, I do n’t know if the final score is No1 or the chaotic 11th. Anyway, many 1s have already won. The collection of Taiwan's new generation of hardcore creative power Yang
In fact, you don't need to make first scratches to make an album, and such albums are rare. The main character must be enough for Hit to grab the ears and grab the listener's ears. Another comment in the comment area is very harsh: when I heard Chen Qizhen, Chen Shanni, Wei Ruxuan, and Xu Jiaying, I
The first single "Happy Holidays" of the new album "After Deletion After Picking Up" was created by Yang Shulin and Chen Qizhen together for the first time. The theme is the result of the discussion between the two. It is a story that was ignored during the festival, and it was lively and cheerful.
The sound of the album title "After Deletion" is similar to that in the 30s. It comes from the realization of the 30-year-old, and the subtle age numbers are the total arrangement of life and adolescence. After a person is over thirty years old, what he wants is gradually clear. Trying to remove Wu
This album is the first time to launch a new song "Happy Holidays" with Chen Qizhen. It is a story that was ignored during the festival. In the noisy and cheerful situation, whether it is single or with a partner around, in fact, all are born in singular. Regardless of whether there is someone in a
This album extends two versions of "deletion" and "pick up". In order to express the different styles of the two versions, she specially cooperated with two photographers. Ji Lin said that "" deletion version "is completely naked with a more naked concept. The feeling of being delivered. "," Delete
Yang Linlin released her 11th album "Delete After Picking Up". The album cover style is strong. It is divided into "Delete Edition" and "Pick Up Edition" to echo the message conveyed by the album. Face life's discontinuity and master life. The first single "Happy Holidays" was created by Yang Yilin
Yang Linlin will release the long-prepared 11th album "After Deletion" after 3 years. She not only participated in the whole process, but also became the album producer and record plan for the first time. She said: "This time I am an album producer and co-ordinator. I just want to be more unified.
Yang Linlin released her new album "After Deletion and Pickup", which sounds similar to the generation after 30, and records her understanding after 30 years of age. The delicate age numbers also summarize the life and adolescence. The memories and challenges to be put down seem to change after 30
This album is not like "Strange Beauty". In the follow-up band, the annual song "Rose Boy" is hidden inside, and the market also gives Cai Yilin more patience to digest the entire album. "After Deletion" is anxious to transform, better than "CYNDILOVES2SING", "How am I? -The Sun Rises as usual "is
The title song "Happy Holidays" of "After Deletion" was written and composed by Chen Qizhen. It tells that in the festival celebrated all around the world, if you are not single or have a partner around you, loneliness will still come quietly. The idea of the song is actually a long distance love
Desperate, Li Ronghao participated in lyric writing, Yang Yilin sang, and presented ugly to each other, "Unfortunate", "Ugly Dedication" and even the melody inexplicably brought the flavor of Li Ronghao, a guitar and simple string music, Xu Zhepei warm love song, and some Faye Wong Xu Jiaying The
Yang Linlin 's singing method of this song is also different from the previous interpretations. You can hear the tone of murmur from the song, and the strength of the tune with the tune are all the results of the discussion with the producer Chen Shanni in the vocal process. She went through the
Reviewed as a part of new article review / curation. IMO fails wp:notability under wp:GNG and has nothing indicating notability under the SNG. Article is over 4 months old and has only one sentence of text and then a listing of tracks and videos. Has no suitable references or indication of any
880:"style exudes a natural atmosphere, like the very simple feeling of just waking up, and the makeup only covers the dark circles, showing a pure state. It also takes special close-ups, such as tongues, hands and feet. , Ears, hair, eyes, and even moles to express the naked concept of "deletion." 670:
In the arrangement of lyrics, Chen Shanni cleverly used paragraphs to divide the thoughts and feelings of the 20th and 30th generations. Yang Minlin used a subjective tone to describe the contradictions and ignorances faced by the 20th generation. Generations of the unknown construct plausible
The album "After Deletion" has the latter problem. It assembles the All-Gold Awards lineup. It is resistant to listening, Flow is smooth, and emphasizes the concept of light singing. The entire disc exposure comment area was opened. Many fans said: everything is good, But don't
Back to Yang Jiulin's album, judging from the cover, it is the nakedness after being erased, such as the background of water, washed away, and there is nowhere to hide the truth. It also feels like the magnificence of large sums of money, but the vividness of human
868:這張專輯更首度攜手陳綺貞推出新歌〈節日快樂〉,說的是一個在節日被忽視的故事,在鬧騰歡快的情境下,不管是單身抑或是身邊有伴侶,其實,人生來都是單數,不管是否在一段關係中有人陪伴、生活是否激盪,面對孤獨時都是給自己的省思,反芻點滴經歷的一切,更重要的是進而接納。而〈節日快樂〉同時也被賦予「刪除與拾起」的專輯主體概念,我們並非得屏除什麼而留下什麼,而是可以更瀟灑地去接受。然而,有時自我限制反而是過不去的最深窒礙。人人都有可能有意識地活著、無意識的孤獨,但當我們不再抗拒,懂得從容面對,那就是孤獨最自在的狀態。 616:
There are all kinds of music styles. chill-trap. Started with an alarm clock, the entire song was padded with the reverse piano tone. Chen Shanni used a slower bpm to the drop, and the drop burst in the second half peeled off each of herself in the
658:歌詞撰寫的安排上,陳珊妮巧妙地運用段落來劃分二十世代與三十世代各有的心思與感想,楊丞琳用主觀的口吻去敘述二十世代所面臨的矛盾、懵懂,且對於迎來三十世代的未知建構著似是而非的景色。但我們從歌曲體會到的是,其實根本不需要為「未知」擔憂,亦不需要對過去懊悔,應該把握當下,活成最好的自己,學會不在意數字伴隨的世俗評判與恐懼。如同歌詞的最後兩句「致和我一樣的女孩,刪拾後,你會有答案」點出整首歌的概念:不要害怕成長,刪除覺得不好的部份,拾起我們對於選擇的勇氣,答案就會不證自明。 1001:
In "Refining Love", Xu Jiaying's conception of lyric composition songs comes from the inner fearful emotions, which will increase with age, but in fact, you should take out the former fearless spirit, and how do you know without
717:这张专辑不像《怪美的》,后续波段有年度歌曲《玫瑰少年》藏在里面,市场也给蔡依林更大耐性去消化整张专辑。《删·拾 以后》急于转型,比《CYNDILOVES2SING》、《我好吗?-太阳如常升起》更心急,一首芭乐都没有,一步到位剑指金曲奖。但金曲奖是动态的,每年评审组成不同,心性不同,例如第27届金曲奖,评审突然转向,抛弃探索前沿、实验性,以唱功为名颁给《大龄女子》,也是无奈。希望《删·拾 以后》的用心,今年金曲31的评审们,能够接收到。 204: 859:《刪·拾 以後》是楊丞琳的第11張專輯,專輯名稱讀音上相似「三十以後」,來自於三十歲後的體悟,微妙的年齡數字也是對人生、青春期的總整理。傳達人過了三十歲後,心中所要的已漸漸清楚,嘗試去蕪存菁留下人生需要的,對於「刪除」與「拾起」的二分法也不再模糊;人生所面對的「刪除」,是刪除習以為常的陋習與執念、將需要斷捨離的都斷然決定不後悔。而對於「拾起」,談的是勇氣、對人生的掌握,在有得必有失的旅途,學著達到平衡的自我。 714:事实上做专辑也不需要首首抓耳,这样的专辑也很少见。主打一定要够Hit够抓耳,抓住听者的耳朵。评论区另有一句很狠:听到了陈绮贞、陈珊妮、魏如萱、徐佳莹,就是听不到杨丞琳。一瓶好的香水,前调、中调、后调都很重要,廉价香水前调很香,但中调、后调欠佳。套在歌曲上,前调代表第一印象“词曲抓耳”、中调代表“单曲循环”、后调代表“耐听”。很可惜的,《删·拾 以后》前调不够强。台湾的音乐人,需要借鉴法国人的香水精神:前中后。 255: 930:新專輯《刪·拾 以後》首波單曲《節日快樂》,由楊丞琳首度攜手陳綺貞,主題是兩人討論後所呈現的成果,說的是一個在節日被忽視的故事,在鬧騰歡快的情境下,不管是單身抑或是身邊有伴侶,其實,人生來都是單數,不管是否在一段關係中有人陪伴、生活是否激盪,面對孤獨時都是給自己的省思,反芻點滴經歷的一切,更重要的是進而接納。《節日快樂》11月12日數位單曲發行。 770:《刪·拾 以後》的主打歌曲《節日快樂》是由陳綺貞填詞與作曲的,講述在普天同慶的節日中,不是單身抑或是身邊有伴侶,孤獨感依然會悄然襲來。歌曲的構思其實是來自楊丞琳與李榮浩的遠距離戀愛,歌詞盡是空虛與孤單的情緒。楊丞琳於專輯的預購簽唱會中首度談及異地戀的痛苦:「一年365天,我有300天都是孤獨的。我們一個月平均見面3、5天,我最適合唱孤獨的歌。」 198: 1071:
The album title has been translated inconsistently with many different variations, but “After Deletion” and “Delete After Picking Up” seem to appear the most frequently.
998:"Love is Love", ØZI composes songs describing the past experiences and love in the past 30 years old. This is the first time that Lin Lin has challenged R & B style. 157: 1005:"Dirt" was created by Xu Zhexiong. She wanted to give it to friends with children and hairy children. She thought of her dog daughter Yumi getting choked several times. 862:這張專輯延伸出「刪」與「拾」兩個版本,為表現兩個版本迥異的風格,特地與兩位攝影師合作,丞琳表示,「『刪版』用比較赤裸的概念,表現全然交付出去的感覺。」,「刪版」造型散發自然氛圍,像剛睡醒很樸實的感覺,妝容也只遮了黑眼圈,呈現純粹地的狀態,更特別拍攝局部特寫,像是舌頭、手腳、耳朵、髮絲、眼睛,甚至是痣,來表現「刪版」的赤裸概念。 236:
coverage by suitable sources. Of the 9 "references", 8 are the artist's YouTube channel and one (non English) appears to be a sales page for the album. Sincerely,
and Chen Qizhen for the first time, expressing the concept of the album's main body: we don't have to screen out what is left, but we can accept it more chicly.
274: 293: 630: 367: 52:. Nosecount would argue for No Consensus, but both of the deletes came before the article was improved and sources presented, so I'm downweighting them. -- 104: 894: 495: 89: 675:
fearless youth word by word, cooperated only for recognition, marched through the chaos, and finally found a unique existence that she could not ignore.
791: 443: 1016: 335: 164: 739: 419: 130: 125: 134: 954: 584:
520: 557: 342: 832: 469: 117: 219: 84: 77: 17: 186: 818:楊丞琳推出第11張專輯《刪·拾 以後》,專輯封面風格強烈,分成「刪版」和「拾版」呼應專輯傳達的訊息,面對人生的斷捨離,掌握人生。首波單曲〈節日快樂〉由楊丞琳首度攜手陳綺貞打造,表達了專輯主體概念:我們並非得屏除什麼而留下什麼,而是可以更瀟灑地去接受。 1028: 98: 94: 661:楊丞琳在這首歌的唱法上也有別於以往的詮釋,可以從歌聲中聽到如輕如呢喃的口氣,隨曲調鋪陳的力量,都是在配唱過程中與製作人陳珊妮親自討論的成果,隨著她一字一句走過了無畏的青春、只為認可而配合,在混沌中前行,最終找到自己難以忽視的獨特存在。 1093: 1024: 180: 682: 391: 1171: 1150: 921:楊丞琳睽違3年,將推出籌備已久的第11張專輯《刪·拾 以後》,她不只全程參與,也是首次當專輯製作人與唱片企劃,她表示:「這次自己做專輯製作人和統籌,就是希望更有統一性,專輯裡每首歌都是我邀來的,每首歌都是量身訂做,無一不是。」 638: 375: 40: 1154: 1137: 1108: 1080: 1066: 1041: 904: 690: 505: 399: 324: 304: 285: 266: 247: 59: 176: 1133: 941:
Cunjing to leave what is needed in life is no longer vague about the dichotomy of deletion and picking up.
121: 995:
less than 30 years old, don't be afraid when listening, don't pretend to be brave, it is a positive song.
801: 453: 226: 1167: 1104: 924:專輯名稱《刪·拾 以後》讀音上相似三十以後,來自於三十歲後的體悟,微妙的年齡數字也是對人生、青春期的總整理。人過了三十歲後,心中所要的已漸漸清楚,嘗試去蕪存菁留下人生需要的,對於刪除與拾起的二分法也不再模糊。 36: 1146: 1020: 979:而點題專輯概念的《刪·拾 以後》,就由陳珊妮詞曲創作,2人通電話不到3分鐘,陳珊妮秒懂丞琳想要一首大家運動後想放鬆的歌。丞琳表示,如聽這首歌的人是小於30歲,聽的時候不要害怕、不要假裝勇敢,是正向的歌。 899: 500: 1123: 1062: 606:
Yanglin's 11th album "Delete. After Picking Up" was long overdue in the crowd of new diva specials.
243: 212: 1145:- There is something wrong with this AFD, so that I can't get it out of being shown as unsorted. 1072: 747: 427: 1127: 1033: 937:
Every song in the album is invited by me, and each song is tailor-made, and everything is true. "
56: 962: 528: 192: 1076: 567: 352: 297: 278: 259: 113: 73: 65: 29:
The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposed deletion of the article below.
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's
1119: 1037: 796: 448: 320: 842: 479: 764:楊丞琳推出全新專輯《刪·拾 以後》,讀音上相似三十以後,記載了她於三十歲後的體悟,微妙的年齡數字也是對人生、青春期的總整理。該放下的回憶與將要面對的挑戰彷彿於三十歲以後漸變鮮明。 593:音乐风格删拾皆有。chill—trap。以闹钟开启,整首歌则以reverse钢琴音色铺底,陈珊妮到drop处采用了较慢bpm,后半段的drop爆发则剥开了迷雾中的每个自己。 624:
style edm and the only Cantonese song are left with Yang Yulin's love song aftermath.
53: 837: 474: 151: 1051:
I did a quick read through the translated parts and didn't notice anything about
590:回到杨丞琳的这张专辑,从封面来看,是删拾过后的赤裸,如水的背景,被冲刷过,无处可藏的真实。同样给人的感觉不是大笔资金铺张成的金碧辉煌,而是人性缩影的栩栩如生。 316: 562: 347: 599:甚至旋律都莫名带了李荣浩的味道、一把吉他和简单弦乐组成的、许哲佩式温暖情歌、带些王菲影徐佳莹式edm以及那首唯一的粤语歌,这些都留有杨丞琳的情歌余波。 958: 694: 524: 403: 985:《煉愛》,徐佳瑩填詞作曲 歌曲概念來自於內心害怕的情緒,會隨著年齡增長而增強,但其實應該把以前無懼的精神拿出來,不去嚐試又怎麼會知道。 982:《Love is Love》,ØZI 創作 歌曲描述30歲以前,過往的經歷、愛情上曾經的委曲求全。是丞琳第一次挑戰R&B曲風。 711:这张专辑有后者问题,集结全金曲奖阵容,耐听、Flow很顺、重概念轻传唱,全碟曝光评论区就聊开了,许多歌迷表示:什么都好,但不“抓耳”。 743: 634: 423: 371: 1162:
The above discussion is preserved as an archive of the debate.
to generate a more thorough discussion and clearer consensus.
147: 143: 139: 1055:
album. Or did the name translate as something else?
211: 334:
per the significant coverage in multiple independent
list of Albums and songs-related deletion discussions
1102:Please add new comments below this notice. Thanks, 988:《泥土》,許哲珮創作 是丞琳想送給有小孩、有毛小孩的朋友,一想到愛狗女兒Yumi年紀大了,她數度哽咽。 315:Reads more like a promotional piece than anything. 1021:Knowledge:Notability#General notability guideline 43:). No further edits should be made to this page. 1174:). No further edits should be made to this page. 558:"杨丞琳《删拾以后》——十字路口的抉择 LiveMusic现场 12月03日22:40 关注" 343:"杨丞琳《删拾以后》——十字路口的抉择 LiveMusic现场 12月03日22:40 关注" 292:Note: This discussion has been included in the 273:Note: This discussion has been included in the 254:Note: This discussion has been included in the 225: 8: 105:Help, my article got nominated for deletion! 275:list of Taiwan-related deletion discussions 1023:, which requires "significant coverage in 543: 294:list of Music-related deletion discussions 291: 272: 253: 833:"楊丞琳睽違3年推出新專輯《刪·拾 以後》!首波單曲〈節日快樂〉找來陳綺貞合作" 566:(in Chinese). 2019-12-03. Archived from 470:"楊丞琳睽違3年推出新專輯《刪·拾 以後》!首波單曲〈節日快樂〉找來陳綺貞合作" 351:(in Chinese). 2019-12-03. Archived from 546: 7: 1019:to allow Delete Reset Grow to pass 24: 1015:There is sufficient coverage in 740:"楊丞琳《刪·拾 以後》首談異地戀孤單感:幸好李榮浩就是對的人" 420:"楊丞琳《刪·拾 以後》首談異地戀孤單感:幸好李榮浩就是對的人" 90:Introduction to deletion process 18:Knowledge:Articles for deletion 1: 955:"楊丞琳出道二十年 以親身故事打造新專輯《刪·拾 以後》" 792:"楊丞琳第11張專輯《刪·拾 以後》,刪除執念、拾起勇氣" 521:"楊丞琳出道二十年 以親身故事打造新專輯《刪·拾 以後》" 444:"楊丞琳第11張專輯《刪·拾 以後》,刪除執念、拾起勇氣" 961:. 2019-11-21. Archived from 903:(in Chinese). Archived from 841:(in Chinese). Archived from 800:(in Chinese). Archived from 637:. 2019-11-20. Archived from 527:. 2019-11-21. Archived from 504:(in Chinese). Archived from 478:(in Chinese). Archived from 452:(in Chinese). Archived from 374:. 2019-11-20. Archived from 80:(AfD)? Read these primers! 1191: 1155:03:43, 30 March 2020 (UTC) 1138:07:09, 29 March 2020 (UTC) 1109:06:01, 21 March 2020 (UTC) 1081:13:51, 18 March 2020 (UTC) 1067:11:45, 16 March 2020 (UTC) 1042:07:59, 16 March 2020 (UTC) 325:00:27, 15 March 2020 (UTC) 305:21:50, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 286:21:50, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 267:21:50, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 248:21:47, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 60:18:06, 30 March 2020 (UTC) 790:Ku, Daniel (2019-11-11). 442:Ku, Daniel (2019-11-11). 1164:Please do not modify it. 691:Singapore Press Holdings 400:Singapore Press Holdings 32:Please do not modify it. 991:From Google Translate: 933:From Google Translate: 872:From Google Translate: 821:From Google Translate: 773:From Google Translate: 720:From Google Translate: 664:From Google Translate: 602:From Google Translate: 1007: 990: 950: 932: 889: 870: 827: 820: 786: 772: 734: 719: 677: 663: 631:"Music 全球首播 - 楊丞琳《刪拾》" 626: 601: 368:"Music 全球首播 - 楊丞琳《刪拾》" 992: 977: 934: 919: 895:"楊丞琳尺度大突破 空氣裝「把我看透透」" 874: 857: 822: 816: 774: 762: 721: 709: 665: 653: 603: 582: 496:"楊丞琳尺度大突破 空氣裝「把我看透透」" 78:Articles for deletion 975:The article notes: 917:The article notes: 855:The article notes: 814:The article notes: 760:The article notes: 707:The article notes: 651:The article notes: 580:The article notes: 548:Sources with quotes 893:李志展 (2019-11-11). 831:Ren (2019-11-11). 738:李星慧 (2019-11-20). 494:李志展 (2019-11-11). 468:Ren (2019-11-11). 418:李星慧 (2019-11-20). 1111: 1013: 1012: 681:TP (2019-12-15). 390:TP (2019-12-15). 307: 288: 269: 114:Delete Reset Grow 95:Guide to deletion 85:How to contribute 66:Delete Reset Grow 1182: 1130: 1107: 1101: 1099: 1097: 1031:of the subject". 1025:reliable sources 1017:reliable sources 973: 971: 970: 915: 913: 912: 853: 851: 850: 812: 810: 809: 758: 756: 755: 746:. Archived from 705: 703: 702: 693:. Archived from 649: 647: 646: 578: 576: 575: 544: 539: 537: 536: 516: 514: 513: 490: 488: 487: 464: 462: 461: 438: 436: 435: 426:. Archived from 414: 412: 411: 402:. Archived from 386: 384: 383: 363: 361: 360: 336:reliable sources 302: 283: 264: 230: 229: 215: 167: 155: 137: 75: 34: 1190: 1189: 1185: 1184: 1183: 1181: 1180: 1179: 1178: 1172:deletion review 1147:Robert McClenon 1128: 1112: 1103: 1092: 1090: 1014: 968: 966: 953: 910: 908: 892: 848: 846: 830: 807: 805: 789: 753: 751: 737: 700: 698: 680: 644: 642: 629: 573: 571: 556: 549: 534: 532: 519: 511: 509: 493: 485: 483: 467: 459: 457: 441: 433: 431: 417: 409: 407: 389: 381: 379: 366: 358: 356: 341: 298: 279: 260: 172: 163: 128: 112: 109: 72: 69: 48:The result was 41:deletion review 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 1188: 1186: 1177: 1176: 1158: 1157: 1140: 1100: 1089: 1088: 1087: 1086: 1085: 1084: 1083: 1046: 1045: 1011: 1010: 1009: 1008: 957:(in Chinese). 951: 890: 828: 787: 742:(in Chinese). 735: 689:(in Chinese). 678: 633:(in Chinese). 627: 551: 550: 547: 542: 541: 540: 523:(in Chinese). 517: 491: 465: 439: 422:(in Chinese). 415: 398:(in Chinese). 387: 370:(in Chinese). 364: 328: 327: 309: 308: 289: 270: 233: 232: 169: 108: 107: 102: 92: 87: 70: 68: 63: 46: 45: 25: 23: 15: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1187: 1175: 1173: 1169: 1165: 1160: 1159: 1156: 1152: 1148: 1144: 1141: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1125: 1121: 1117: 1114: 1113: 1110: 1106: 1105:North America 1098: 1095: 1082: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1069: 1068: 1064: 1060: 1059: 1054: 1050: 1049: 1048: 1047: 1044: 1043: 1039: 1035: 1030: 1026: 1022: 1018: 1006: 1003: 999: 996: 989: 986: 983: 980: 976: 965:on 2020-03-16 964: 960: 956: 952: 949: 945: 942: 938: 931: 928: 925: 922: 918: 907:on 2020-03-16 906: 902: 901: 896: 891: 888: 884: 881: 877: 873: 869: 866: 863: 860: 856: 845:on 2020-03-16 844: 840: 839: 834: 829: 826: 819: 815: 804:on 2020-03-16 803: 799: 798: 793: 788: 785: 781: 778: 777:years of age. 771: 768: 765: 761: 750:on 2020-03-16 749: 745: 741: 736: 733: 729: 725: 718: 715: 712: 708: 697:on 2020-03-16 696: 692: 688: 684: 679: 676: 672: 668: 662: 659: 656: 652: 641:on 2020-03-16 640: 636: 632: 628: 625: 621: 618: 614: 610: 607: 600: 597: 594: 591: 588: 585: 581: 570:on 2020-03-16 569: 565: 564: 559: 555: 554: 553: 552: 545: 531:on 2020-03-16 530: 526: 522: 518: 508:on 2020-03-16 507: 503: 502: 497: 492: 482:on 2020-03-16 481: 477: 476: 471: 466: 456:on 2020-03-16 455: 451: 450: 445: 440: 430:on 2020-03-16 429: 425: 421: 416: 406:on 2020-03-16 405: 401: 397: 393: 388: 378:on 2020-03-16 377: 373: 369: 365: 355:on 2020-03-16 354: 350: 349: 344: 340: 339: 337: 333: 330: 329: 326: 322: 318: 314: 311: 310: 306: 303: 301: 295: 290: 287: 284: 282: 276: 271: 268: 265: 263: 257: 252: 251: 250: 249: 245: 241: 240: 228: 224: 221: 218: 214: 210: 206: 203: 200: 197: 194: 191: 188: 185: 182: 178: 175: 174:Find sources: 170: 166: 162: 159: 153: 149: 145: 141: 136: 132: 127: 123: 119: 115: 111: 110: 106: 103: 100: 96: 93: 91: 88: 86: 83: 82: 81: 79: 74: 67: 64: 62: 61: 58: 55: 51: 44: 42: 38: 33: 27: 26: 19: 1163: 1161: 1142: 1124:WP:WORLDVIEW 1115: 1091: 1057: 1056: 1052: 1032: 1004: 1000: 997: 993: 987: 984: 981: 978: 974: 967:. 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