Knowledge (XXG)

The Slave Community

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937: 429:
spirituality, music and dance, and language. He asserts that the retention of African culture acted as a form of resistance to enslavement: "All things considered, the few Africans enslaved in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century America appear to have survived their traumatic experiences without becoming abjectly docile, infantile, or submissive" and "since an overwhelming percentage of nineteenth-century Southern slaves were native Americans, they never underwent this kind of shock and were in a position to construct psychological defenses against total dependency on their masters."
2831:." He complains that it "parodies the basic complexity of the 'psychology' of the oppressed who simultaneously view themselves in socially negative terms while struggling against the view of themselves and their behavior". Rawick is convinced that Blassingame would have reached the same conclusions from the sources without the use of psychology "because the historical evidence as seen through an unadulterated commitment to the struggles of the slaves and an equally uncompromising hostility to the masters would have led him there." On the other hand, Eugene D. Genovese and 848:
by the characteristics of the situation, how the person perceives them, and his behavioral dispositions at the time." The most important component of personality is self-esteem. Blassingame explains, "Our sense of self-esteem is heightened or lowered by our perception of the images others have of us." Interpersonal behavior revolves around the dominant-submissive axes: "One form of behavior tends to elicit its complement: dominance leads to submission and vice versa. The extent of submissiveness often depends on the structure of the group to which the person belongs."
abolitionists, so Sambo became a common portrayal to justify and explain the need for plantation paternalism. Finally, slaveowners used the Sambo stereotype to alleviate their own fears and anxieties about the potential rebelliousness of their slaves. Blassingame remarks, "In this regard, Nat, the actual and potential rebel, stands at the core of white perceptions of the slave. With Nat perennially in the wings, the creation of Sambo was almost mandatory for the Southerner's emotional security. Like a man whistling in the dark to bolster his courage, the white man
2808:'s account of life in the antebellum South. According to George Rawick, "We desperately need work that depicts and analyzes the lives of black women under slavery. We have had very largely a male-dominated literature about slavery." He notes, "Blassingame, unfortunately, does not help us at all in this task." Rawick surmises that if Blassingame had consulted the WPA slave interviews, he would have developed a picture of the "heroic struggles of black women on behalf of themselves and of the whole black community". 412:, Blassingame argues that "historians have never systematically explored the life experiences of American slaves." He asserts that by concentrating on the slaveowner, historians have presented a distorted view of plantation life that "strips the slave of any meaningful and distinctive culture, family life, religion, or manhood." Blassingame outlines that the reliance on planter sources led historians like Elkins to mimic planter stereotypes of slaves such as the "submissive half-man, half child" Sambo. Noting the 696:
autonomy than his institutionally defined role allowed. Consequently, the slave did not have to be infantile or abjectly docile in order to remain alive." Blassingame compares slavery on southern plantations to the treatment of prisoners in Nazi concentration camps in an effort to demonstrate that "the most important factor in causing infantilism, total dependency, and docility in the camps was the real threat of death which left few, if any, alternatives for the inmates." He remarks, "Placed on a continuum of
both the true personality traits and the contradictory behavioral patterns of their parents." He believes that children recognized submissiveness as a convenient method to avoid punishment and the behavior in the quarters as the true behavioral model. Blassingame concludes, "In family, the slave not only learned how to avoid the blows of the master, but also drew on the love and sympathy of its members to raise his spirits. The family was, in short, an important survival mechanism."
855:. According to this theory, "a person's behavior is generally determined by the socially defined roles or the behavioral patterns expected of him in certain situations." Blassingame asserts that through applying interpersonal and role theory to the fugitive slave narratives, historians can determine "the extent to which slaves acted the way their masters expected them to behave" and how the Sambo, Jack, and Nat personality types can be misleading. 811: 583:
man, they reasoned, who loved his wife and his children was less likely to be rebellious or to run away than would a 'single' slave." Blassingame notes that when a slave couple resided on the same plantation, the husband witnessed the whipping and raping of his wife and the sale of his children. He remarks, "Nothing demonstrated his powerlessness as much as the slave's inability to prevent the forcible sale of his wife and children."
2944:"a classic" but remarks that "Blassingame stressed the fact that many masters recognized the male as the head of the family. He observed that during courtship men flattered women and exaggerated their prowess. There was, however, little discussion of the reciprocal activities of slave women." She concludes that Blassingame "described how slave men gained status in the family, but he did not do the same for women." 3039:
statistical analyses rely so heavily on inferences that one must carefully examine the data bases to evaluate the conclusions based on them. Whether compiled by planters, doctors, clergymen, army officers, or census takers, statistics on slavery mean little until combined with literary material. The dry bones of historical analysis, statistics acquire life when filtered through the accounts left by eyewitnesses.
2697:. He describes how white interviewers often deleted material contrary to the paternalistic image of the antebellum South which they wanted to present. Blassingame concludes, "Uncritical use of the interviews will lead almost inevitably to a simplistic and distorted view of the plantation as a paternalistic institution where the chief feature of life was mutual love and respect between masters and slaves." 442: 2790:"is a book written at a time of transition in the interpretation of slavery and black culture", but "the author at times seems unsure of the direction in which he is pointing." He concludes that Blassingame's "analysis is incomplete in its presentation of a different and more complex scene" even though he "effectively shows the difficulties of the concentration-camp image and the Sambo myth". 714: 660: 2786:" and makes "limited use of economic analysis". He continues, "Given the concern with the 'personal autonomy' and culture of the slave, much of the book is devoted to the African heritage; to slave music, religion, and folklore; and to the discussion of the slave family and other personal relationships." Engerman concedes that 2646:
Rather than accepting the fugitive slave narratives without question, Blassingame admits to scrutinizing his reading of the texts. He notes that arguments against the use of these autobiographies used by historians revolve around reliability: "Many historians refuse to use these accounts because they
Blassingame concludes that there were a variety of personality types exhibited by slaves positioned on a scale between the two extremes of Sambo and Nat. He argues that variations present in plantations, overseers, and masters gave the slave "much more freedom from restraint and more independence and
Children observed fathers demonstrating two behavioral types. In the quarters, he "acted like a man", castigating whites for the mistreatment of himself and his family; in the field working for the master, he appeared obedient and submissive. According to Blassingame, "Sometimes children internalized
Slave marriages were illegal in southern states, and slave couples were frequently separated by slaveowners through sale. Blassingame grants that slaveowners did have control over slave marriages. They encouraged monogamous relationships to "make it easier to discipline their slaves. ... A black
African religious survivals and represented another aspect of slave culture which the slaves used to create their own communities. While ministers preached obedience in the presence of the slaveowners and other whites, slaves often met in secret, "invisible" services unsupervised by whites. In these "
in 1739. Blassingame, however, points out that in spite of restrictions, slaves were able to build a strong musical tradition drawing on their African heritage. Music, songs, and dances were similar to those performed or played in Africa. Instruments reproduced by slaves include drums, three-stringed
and approaches the issue from the position that there is no innate difference between blacks and whites. He questions the reality of plantation paternalism described by Phillips: "the reality of ante-bellum paternalism ... needs to be separated from its fanciful surroundings and critically analyzed."
2962:, even though many of the historians were sensitive to women's experience. Most of the male authors had done a large part of their work before the development of women's history as a discipline, and even the most sensitive were hampered by a paucity of sources and by unfamiliarity with the questions 2759:
described Blassingame's aims as "imperfectly realized" because he "lacks a clear analytical perspective". She found his discussion of slave personality types "fascinating" and "his methodological aims ... important" but "not systematically pursued". Kilson believes that Blassingame ultimately failed
Blassingame contends that historians have "deliberately ignored" autobiographies of ex-slaves, particularly the fugitive slave narratives. "Consequently", argues Blassingame, "a great deal of emphasis has been placed on non-traditional sources in this study in an effort to delineate more clearly the
A primary source that Blassingame did not consult in his study was the WPA slave interviews. While he admits that "slave interviews rival autobiographies in their revelations about the internal dynamics of bondage, ... the heavy editing of the WPA interviews makes them far more difficult to utilize
Like most personal documents, the autobiography provides a window to the larger world. In this sense, the slave writers present a participant observers' comments on the larger slave society. As an eyewitness, the autobiographer brings the historian into contact with almost all kinds of slaves. When
to interpret the behavior of slaves on antebellum plantations. Sullivan claims that "significant others", persons with the most power to reward and punish individual behavior, were primarily responsible for determining behavior. Interpersonal theorists argue that "behavioral patterns are determined
Contemporaries often have a greater appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of statistics than do the scholars who utilize them decades after they are compiled. 'Numbers' and 'accuracy' are not two interchangeable words: Statistical truths are no more self-evident than literary ones. In fact,
Despite slaveowner paternalism and charges of submissiveness, Blassingame contends, "There is overwhelming evidence, in the primary sources, of the Negro's resistance to his bondage and of his undying love for freedom." Blassingame outlines efforts of slaves to run away and rebel, particularly the
2736:, Keith Polakoff comments that "only with the publication of Blassingame's work do we obtain for the first time a detailed examination of the daily lives of the slaves on large plantations, with some intelligent speculation about the forces to which they were subjected. David Goldfield writes in 2647:
have felt the fugitive, as the primary sufferer in the institution, was unable to give an objective account of bondage." Still, Blassingame defends his reliance on autobiographies, noting, "The portrait of the institution of slavery which emerges from the narratives is not the simple picture of
According to Blassingame, African culture was not entirely removed from slave culture through the process of enslavement and "was much more resistant to the bludgeons that was slavery than historians have hitherto suspected." "African survivals" persisted in the form of folk tales, religion and
The Slave Community "without long protestation or argument". The most significant changes made to the text involve further discussion of African cultural survivals, slave family life, slave culture, and acculturation. Blassingame added a chapter titled "The Americanization of the Slave and the
While the form of family life in the quarters differed radically from that among free Negroes and whites, this does not mean it failed to perform many of the traditional functions of the family—the rearing of children being one of the most important of these functions. Since slave parents were
churches): "The number of blacks who received religious instruction in antebellum white churches is significant because the church was the only institution other than the plantation which played a major role in acculturating the slave." Christianity and enslaved black ministers slowly replaced
comments, "We should speak of the 'invisibility' of slave religion with irony: it is the neglect of slave sources by historians which has been the main cause of this invisibility." Raboteau credits Blassingame and others for demonstrating the value of slave sources. Historian Charles Joyner's
as one of the first studies of slavery from the perspective of the slave was recognized by historians. The book nonetheless received heavy criticism by academics who disagreed with Blassingame's conclusions, methodology, and sources. Historian George P. Rawick noted in 1976, however, that the
writes that Blassingame's use of the fugitive slave narratives is marred by his neglect of the WPA interviews. Kenneth Wiggins Porter regards Blassingame's dependence on printed sources as a "major weakness" and believes he does not use enough white sources like plantation records and travel
According to Blassingame, the Sambo figure evolved from white Americans' attitudes toward Africans and African Americans as innately barbaric, passive, superstitious, and childlike. Southern writers felt a need to defend slavery from allegations of abuse and brutality leveled by northern
Blassingame asserts that historians have discussed "what could be generally described as slave 'culture,' but give little solid information on life in the quarters." He argues that culture developed within the slave community independent of the slaveowners' influence. Blassingame notes,
primarily responsible for training their children, they could cushion the shock of bondage for them, help them to understand their situation, teach them values different from those their masters tried to instill in them, and give them a referent for self-esteem other than the master.
black slaves created several unique cultural forms which lightened their burden of oppression, promoted group solidarity, provided ways for verbalizing aggression, sustaining hope, building self-esteem, and often represented areas of life largely free from the control of whites."
was recognized by scholars of American slavery, Blassingame's conclusions, methodology, and sources were heavily criticized. Historians criticized the use of slave narratives that were seen as unreliable and biased. They questioned Blassingame's decision to exclude the more than
5146: 2689:. According to Blassingame, these periodicals printed slave interviews, letters, and autobiographies, but "gave even more coverage to white Southerners than to slaves and frequently reprinted articles, letters, and proceedings from a large number of Southern newspapers". 596:
Blassingame asserts that slave parents attempted to shield infants and young children from the brutality of the plantation. When children understood that they were enslaved (usually after their first whipping), parents dissuaded angry urges to run away or seek revenge.
700:, the concentration camp is far removed from the Southern plantation." According to Blassingame, the goal of the irrationally organized and understaffed plantation was not the systematic torture and extermination of its laborers, who were "worth more than a bullet". 40: 2651:
on earth that most historians have led us to believe they contain. Instead, the fugitives' plantations are peopled with the same range of heroes and villains, black and white, which one generally finds in the human race." Therefore, Blassingame concludes:
2435: 586:
Nevertheless, Blassingame argues that "however frequently the family was broken it was primarily responsible for the slave's ability to survive on the plantation without becoming totally dependent on and submissive to his master." He contends:
were innately submissive "Sambos". He argues that slaves had instead been infantilized, or "made" into Sambos, by the brutal treatment received at the hands of slaveowners and overseers. Elkins compares the process to the infantilization of
2867:, Herbert Gutman, Leslie Howard Owens, George Rawick, Earl Thorpe, and Eugene Genovese. Blassingame responded to questions and critiques from the panel. The discussion led to the publication of an anthology edited by Al-Tony Gilmore called 494:. He remarks, "While many of these tales were brought over to the South, the African element appears most clearly in the animal tales." One prominent example discussed by Blassingame is the Ewe story of "Why the Hare Runs Away", which is a 3051:
remains a significant book, and the author's position that the bulk of both slaves and slaveowners lay between the stereotyped extremes proves durable. Their exact location on a scale of one to ten will always remain a matter of opinion."
2932:(1985). Her argument is similar to Blassingame's: "This present study takes a look at slave women in America and argues that they were not submissive, subordinate, or prudish and that they were not expected to be so." White discusses the 2993:
who pastored a white church in the 1850s. Blassingame wanted to "solve the myriad dilemmas posed by George Bentley", but he also wanted to answer the questions, challenges, and critiques raised by scholars since the publication of
worked faithfully until he was mistreated, then he became uncooperative and occasionally rebellious. Rationally analyzing the white man's overwhelming physical power, Jack either avoided contact with him or was deferential in his
323:. Stampp admits that "few ask what the slaves themselves thought of bondage." Historians dismissed the written works of slaves such as the 19th century fugitive slave narratives as unreliable and biased because of their editing by 655:
and the role of paternalism. "The Sambo stereotype was so pervasive in antebellum Southern literature that many historians, without further research, argue that it was an accurate description of the dominant slave personality."
267:, who for the most part were by racial quality submissive rather than defiant, light-hearted instead of gloomy, amiable and ingratiating instead of sullen, and whose very defects invited paternalism rather than repression." 3029:
Blassingame addresses the historiography of slavery published between 1972 and 1978 in the revised edition. For instance, he challenges Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman's economic and statistical study of slavery in
2815:, George Mullin is especially critical of Blassingame's use of psychology, stating that Blassingame "reduc slave behavior and culture to a question of roles and psychological characteristics". He concludes that an " 420:, gained a sense of worth in the quarters, spent most of his time free from surveillance by whites, controlled important aspects of his life, and did some personally meaningful things on his own volition." 2729:
criticism "should not obscure the fact that book was of such merit as to warrant spending our time criticizing it four years after its publication. Yet, like many good books, it should have been better."
in the United States involved the mutual interaction between two cultures, with Europeans and Africans borrowing from each other." Blassingame asserts that the most significant instance revolved around
5138: 2852: 233: 2657:
the autobiographies are accepted both as records of the unique experiences of each individual author and as eyewitness accounts of several slave communities, they are clearly "representative".
692:. Blassingame concludes that the Sambo and Nat stereotypes "were real." He explains, "The more fear whites had of Nat, the more firmly tried to believe in Sambo in order to escape paranoia." 2904: 2556: 525:
promised slaves that they could make masters kind, harm enemies, ensure love, and heal sickness. Other religious survivals noted by Blassingame include funeral rites, grave decorating, and
232:(WPA) in the 1930s. Historians argued that Blassingame's use of psychological theory proved unhelpful in his interpretation. Blassingame defended his conclusions at a 1976 meeting of the 4360: 5114: 905: 2823:
or economic historian. Rawick states that Blassingame's "first major error lies in adopting the very questionable deterministic social psychological role theories associated with ...
As Christian missionaries and slaveowners attempted to erase African religious and spiritual beliefs, Blassingame argues that "in the United States, many African religious rites were
376: 2420: 1951: 5226: 2305: 1677: 1414: 2041: 1682: 5682: 216:
published in the 19th century to conclude that an independent culture developed among the enslaved and that there were a variety of personality types exhibited by slaves.
5733: 1374: 5636: 1729: 5738: 2760:
in his analysis because "his intellectual integration of social and psychological orientations has yet to be fully achieved." Orville W. Taylor contends in the
2275: 2425: 416:
slaves possessed over their lives, he contends, "Rather than identifying with and submitting totally to his master, the slave held onto many remnants of his
1756: 2502: 1254: 5650: 4408: 1704: 5631: 5405: 3006:
Africanization of the South" where he draws parallels between the acculturation of African American slaves in the American South, African slaves in
2894:, Eugene Genovese explains that Blassingame's book "demonstrates that the published accounts of runaway slaves can be illuminating". The authors of 2475: 2295: 1468: 2633: 5743: 5568: 5389: 5309: 2663: 1739: 1157: 532:
Slaveowners and state governments tried to prevent slaves from making or playing musical instruments because of the use of drums to signal the
Still, Blassingame's conclusions, methodology, and sources received substantial criticism from historians. Marian DeB. Kilson's review in the
5341: 5170: 2317: 1994: 1766: 140: 135: 75: 5186: 4546: 2983: 2509: 2470: 2113: 5728: 4994: 2551: 2188: 1848: 1699: 1495: 1404: 343: 5525: 5397: 4628: 2571: 2265: 2019: 5626: 5586: 4336: 4295: 4184: 4150: 4129: 4108: 4087: 4058: 3282: 3261: 3200: 3179: 3155: 3130: 2393: 2270: 1694: 1463: 1330: 797: 324: 209: 2700:
Blassingame builds on the historiography of Phillips, Stampp, and Elkins, but he acknowledges the influence of Charles S. Sydnor's
2240: 936: 735: 728: 2793:
Historians criticized Blassingame for dismissing the WPA slave interviews and relying solely on fugitive slave narratives. In the
778: 5674: 5445: 4313: 2685: 2524: 1734: 1719: 1665: 1350: 1340: 1335: 1164: 1020: 279:
criticized Phillips's depiction of slaves, the book was considered the authoritative text on slavery in America until the 1950s.
750: 5748: 5723: 5718: 5713: 5616: 5178: 2519: 2290: 1096: 859:
slave's view of bondage and to discover some new insights into the workings of the system." He relies heavily on narratives by
2430: 510:
stories. Southern slaves often included African animals like elephants, lions, and monkeys as characters in their folk tales.
346:. Focusing on the perspective of the slave, new studies incorporated the slave narratives and WPA interviews: George Rawick's 5658: 3018:. He compares the conversion of slaves in the southern states to Protestant Christianity, European slaves in North Africa to 2669: 1989: 1977: 1557: 1369: 1015: 3090:
American Negro Slavery: A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Régime
that Blassingame's study comes "closer than any previous study to answering the question 'what was it like to be a slave?'"
Directly challenging Elkins's infantilization thesis, Blassingame argues that historians have focused too much on the Sambo
that the book was the most impressive and balanced attempt to understand the slave's responses to plantation life to date.
757: 335:
points out, more weight was often given to white sources: the "masters not only ruled the past in fact" but also "rule its
5506: 5333: 5238: 5122: 4989: 4824: 4401: 2982:
in 1979. In the new preface, Blassingame asserted that the book had to be revised because of George Bentley, an enslaved,
2561: 2344: 1205: 229: 5666: 5621: 5287: 4978: 4885: 4782: 4558: 2771: 2762: 2566: 2410: 2280: 1941: 1709: 1689: 1249: 1217: 844: 186: 149: 71: 5690: 5591: 5437: 4793: 4344: 4320: 2795: 2626: 2576: 2300: 2218: 1345: 1126: 946: 884: 647:, the Nat character retaliated against slaveowners and was subdued and punished only when overcome by greater numbers. 2766:
that Blassingame had a tendency to overgeneralize and make "unsubstantiatable claims to originality and uniqueness".
764: 328: 5202: 4983: 4428: 2755: 2485: 2337: 2322: 2213: 1409: 1079: 225: 724: 5499: 5162: 5130: 4895: 4673: 4301:
Issel, William. "History, Social Science, and Ideology: Elkins and Blassingame on Ante-bellum American Slavery".
2581: 2480: 2011: 1999: 1589: 1562: 1067: 824: 746: 5210: 4855: 4394: 2819:
for the American Black community during slavery is still off-stage", and that the topic needs exploration by a
2675: 2361: 2230: 1783: 1572: 1057: 958: 313: 4650: 1237: 5080: 5004: 4926: 4809: 4461: 4372: 4365: 2546: 2285: 2235: 2163: 1936: 1714: 1658: 1641: 1072: 445: 319:
Like Phillips, Stampp and Elkins relied on plantation records and the writings of slaveowners as their main
304: 271:
is infused with racial rhetoric and upholds perceptions about the inferiority of black people common in the
256: 86: 53: 4314:
Southern Spaces: An interdisciplinary journal about the regions, places, and cultures of the American South
1834: 544:
Still, Blassingame concludes that cross-cultural exchanges occurred on southern plantations, arguing that "
5464: 5381: 4870: 4698: 4581: 4564: 4485: 2974:
After the 1976 Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History meeting and the publication of
2947: 2619: 2588: 2093: 1746: 1594: 1318: 1284: 1279: 272: 206: 5413: 5349: 4962: 4936: 4834: 4598: 4533: 4455: 3023: 2890:
has influenced subsequent historiographical works on slavery in the United States. In a 1976 edition of
Historians exhibited varying responses to Blassingame's use of psychological theory. In a review in the
2805: 2455: 2310: 2223: 2208: 1890: 1878: 1624: 1609: 1394: 1169: 1091: 876: 522: 342:
The 1970s, however, witnessed the publication of revisionist studies that departed from the traditional
than black autobiographies." He elaborates on his criticism of the interviews in a 1975 article in the
Blassingame argues that the loyal and devoted slave was less common than historians previously believed
327:. Scholars also ignored the 2,300 interviews conducted with former slaves in the late 1930s by the WPA 5611: 5601: 5263: 5154: 5047: 4849: 3122: 3062: 2828: 2593: 2497: 2460: 2388: 2332: 2201: 2158: 1972: 1902: 1577: 1357: 1259: 1143: 1050: 840: 503: 458:
Blassingame notes that many of the folk tales told by slaves have been traced by African scholars to
5606: 5009: 4916: 4798: 4757: 4752: 4645: 3225: 2779: 2746: 2081: 2061: 1946: 1931: 1800: 1771: 1761: 1651: 1599: 1567: 1364: 1222: 1190: 1185: 1138: 995: 896: 880: 614: 413: 182: 2928:
Historian Deborah Gray White builds on Blassingame's research of the family life of the slaves in
5560: 4839: 4610: 4509: 3794: 2913: 2876: 2875:(1978). The book includes essays by the panelists as well as James D. Anderson, Ralph D. Carter, 2864: 2327: 2173: 2148: 2138: 2103: 2098: 2066: 2031: 2024: 1965: 1958: 1815: 1634: 1629: 1619: 1389: 1242: 1200: 1195: 1148: 1116: 1106: 1043: 892: 819: 771: 563: 450: 389: 381: 351: 5086: 4491: 1264: 1210: 5472: 5058: 4942: 4655: 4332: 4291: 4180: 4146: 4125: 4104: 4083: 4054: 3278: 3257: 3233: 3217: 3196: 3175: 3151: 3126: 3093: 2986: 2415: 2133: 2128: 2071: 2056: 2036: 1858: 1853: 1788: 1751: 1584: 1550: 1379: 1232: 1121: 1000: 864: 697: 677: 417: 371: 283: 130: 5271: 5026: 4717: 4552: 3814:
George P. Rawick, "Some Notes on a Social Analysis of Slavery: A Critique and Assessment of
3249: 2959: 2776: 2605: 2183: 2178: 2168: 2143: 2108: 2076: 2046: 1919: 1907: 1885: 1863: 1810: 1646: 1614: 916: 680:'s revolt in 1811, Nat Turner's revolt of 1831, and the participation of fugitive slaves in 652: 518: 336: 276: 245: 194: 160: 4252:
Blassingame, "Appendix III: Statistics on Slaves and Slavery: Observations and Tables", in
5642: 5596: 5421: 5373: 5357: 5325: 5194: 5037: 4973: 4905: 4788: 4747: 4704: 4604: 4503: 4417: 4318:
Kolchin, Peter. "Reevaluating the Antebellum Slave Community: A Comparative Perspective".
Kaye, Anthony E. "'In the Neighborhood': Toward a Human Geography of U.S. Slave Society".
Eugene D. Genovese, "Toward a Psychology of Slavery: An Assessment of the Contribution of
2937: 2933: 2800: 2514: 2405: 2400: 2153: 2123: 2118: 1841: 1805: 1604: 1522: 1227: 973: 900: 868: 567: 533: 213: 386:
Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African
Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 Through the Stono Rebellion
5052: 5032: 5019: 4957: 4921: 4844: 4762: 4679: 4616: 4479: 4473: 3015: 2832: 2824: 2820: 2816: 2741: 2598: 2492: 1384: 1062: 1025: 983: 888: 810: 487: 434: 320: 291: 39: 5707: 5063: 5042: 5014: 4952: 4911: 4900: 4860: 4819: 4814: 4777: 4723: 4527: 4497: 3007: 2958:, like other historiography produced in the 1960s and 70s, "did not directly address 2836: 2661:
Besides fugitive slave narratives, Blassingame uses abolitionist periodicals such as
2536: 2465: 1912: 1895: 1670: 1500: 1490: 1274: 924: 689: 623: 550: 545: 359: 332: 259:
wrote the first major historical study of the 20th century dealing with slavery. In
The Slave Community in 1978, Blassingame produced a revised and enlarged edition of
Blassingame identifies three stereotypes in the literature of the antebellum south:
5541: 5533: 4875: 4829: 4803: 4742: 4622: 4377: 4075: 3011: 2899: 2541: 2378: 2354: 2260: 2253: 1984: 1512: 1485: 1448: 1426: 1313: 1030: 1010: 988: 978: 968: 963: 953: 872: 837: 483: 479: 475: 441: 3763:
John W. Blassingame, "Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves: Approaches and Problems",
stereotypes often applied to African American women by white Americans. She calls
1793: 643:
was the perpetual runaway and rebellious slave feared by slaveowners. Named after
396:(1978). One of the more controversial of these studies was John W. Blassingame's 5255: 4999: 4947: 4767: 4710: 4515: 4467: 4071: 2383: 2371: 1724: 1527: 1517: 1475: 1289: 852: 713: 619: 507: 491: 202: 4124:(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984), pp. 273, 284, 285, 301, and 307, 2835:
praised Blassingame for his use of psychological theory, but admit they prefer
17: 5480: 5429: 5365: 5092: 4967: 4880: 4864: 4772: 4521: 2531: 1828: 1532: 1399: 860: 644: 526: 514: 471: 467: 4235:
For a summary of changes in the revised edition, see Gary B Mills, review of
is a foundational text in the study of the life and culture of slaves in the
2990: 2783: 1776: 1441: 1303: 627: 558: 495: 454:) represented forms of resistance and examples of African cultural retention 179: 112: 108: 1458: 3150:, ed. Al-Tony Gilmore (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978), pp. x–xi, 630:
figures who represented the faithful, submissive, and superstitious slave.
contradicted those historians who had interpreted history to suggest that
5247: 4931: 4889: 3237: 2963: 2366: 1924: 1868: 1820: 1480: 1325: 1180: 1086: 685: 538: 499: 3221: 3097: 5317: 4177:
Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women of the Old South
Blassingame explains that he incorporated the suggestions published in
Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women of the Old South
2856: 2840: 2349: 1431: 1111: 928: 681: 554: 463: 4082:(New York: Oxford University Press, 1976), pp. 47, 128, 169–170, 236, 5279: 2051: 1873: 1453: 1436: 1298: 1133: 1101: 4179:(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988), p. 405n20, 659: 4386: 4101:
Slave Religion: The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South
Slave Religion: The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South
Slave Religion: The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South
3277:(1972; rev. ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 1979), p. xi, 3193:
Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life
3019: 1308: 1294: 1269: 809: 658: 459: 440: 296:
Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life
264: 185:. Published in 1972, it is one of the first historical studies of 3993:
Rawick, "Some Notes on a Social Analysis of Slavery", pp. 24, 25.
Rawick, "Some Notes on a Social Analysis of Slavery", pp. 21, 22.
2898:(1976) use Blassingame's findings to challenge the assertions of 368:
This Species of Property: Slave Life and Culture in the Old South
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States
2648: 1175: 1005: 309: 298:(1958). Stampp's study lacks the racist interpretation found in 4390: 3047:, Gary B. Mills suggests, "All controversy and revision aside, 5139:
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
707: 571: 4023:: Studies of Slavery Need Freud and Marx", in Gilmore, ed., 3699:, chap. 8, and the "Critical Essay on Sources", pp. 367–374. 3275:
The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South
The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South
Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History
Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History
The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South
Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery
The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South
161: 2879:, and Stanley Engerman. Blassingame's essay, "Redefining 275:
at the time. Although African American academics such as
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
Ar'n't I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South
From Sunup to Sundown: The Making of the Black Community
3092:(New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1918), pp. 341–342, 2930:
Ar'n't I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South
From Sunup to Sundown: The Making of the Black Community
and in 1979 published a revised and enlarged edition of
Down by the Riverside: A South Carolina Slave Community
3195:(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958), chap. 3, 2919:
Down by the Riverside: A South Carolina Slave Community
The Debate Over Slavery: Stanley Elkins and His Critics
Phillips's interpretation of slavery was challenged by
to be presented from the perspective of the enslaved.
told by southern slaves and later recorded by writer
Since its publication in 1972 and revision in 1979,
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery
Another psychological theory used by Blassingame is
5579: 5552: 5517: 5491: 5456: 5237: 5106: 5073: 4733: 4689: 4664: 4638: 4591: 4574: 4448: 4437: 159: 147: 129: 119: 103: 95: 81: 67: 59: 49: 5683:Amazing Grace: An Anthology of Poems about Slavery 3256:(Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1972), p. xiv, 2782:complains that the book is not "written by or for 899:, Middle Passage, and African culture is based on 566:", slaves could discuss freedom, liberty, and the 377:The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, 1750–1925 4070:Paul A. David, Herbert G. Gutman, Richard Sutch, 3720: 3718: 3639: 3637: 3441: 3439: 3437: 818:on the autobiographies of former slaves, such as 3293: 3291: 2883:: A Response to Critics" appears in the volume. 2421:13th Amendment to the United States Constitution 5637:List of last surviving American enslaved people 4103:(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), p. x, 4053:(1972; New York: Vintage Books, 1976), p. 675, 3174:(1956; New York: Vintage Books, 1989), p. 322, 3036: 2654: 589: 448:argues slave music and dance (depicted here in 5227:Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" 3212:The few exceptions include Charles S. Sydnor, 3117:12 (November 1918): pp. 722–726, reprinted in 2712:(1961), and Ann J. Lane's anthology of essays 4402: 4051:Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made 2627: 356:Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made 8: 2426:Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom 424:African cultural retention and slave culture 303:Elkins also dismisses Phillips's claim that 32: 3924:81 (November–December 1973): pp. 1476–1477. 3216:(New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1933), 3166: 3164: 4445: 4409: 4395: 4387: 4290:. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. 3125:(New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1995), 2634: 2620: 911: 38: 31: 5651:Cotton Plantation Record and Account Book 3801:: A Review of Reviews", in Gilmore, ed., 3022:, and African slaves in Latin America to 2843:interpretations over Sullivanian theory. 798:Learn how and when to remove this message 212:. Using psychology, Blassingame analyzes 5734:Non-fiction books about American slavery 5632:Treatment of slaves in the United States 5406:Ama: A Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade 4720:(1766 Saint-Dominque – June 30, 1853 NY) 2921:(1984) is reinforced by the findings of 2431:Abolition of slave trade in Persian gulf 2296:Advisory Committee of Experts on Slavery 2276:Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference 1889–90 4145:(New York: W. W. Norton, 1985), p. 22, 3081: 923: 5569:Frederick Douglass and the White Negro 5390:Queen: The Story of an American Family 5310:Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp 734:Please improve this section by adding 263:(1918), Phillips refers to slaves as " 198: 5342:Roots: The Saga of an American Family 5171:Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 4607:(c. 1745 Nigeria – 31 March 1797 Eng) 4324:70 (December 1983): pp. 579–601. 3232:(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1930), 3043:Reviewing the revised edition in the 2318:Anglo-Egyptian Slave Trade Convention 1995:Human trafficking in Papua New Guinea 76:History of the Southern United States 7: 5739:Books about African-American history 5187:Life and Times of Frederick Douglass 4682:(1783 England – 1821 United States) 4348:1 (December 1973): pp. 514–519. 2510:Slave marriages in the United States 2114:Human trafficking in the Middle East 1849:Human trafficking in Southeast Asia 887:, Robert Anderson, William Grimes, 226:2,000 interviews with former slaves 197:slaves were docile and submissive " 5526:The Escape; or, A Leap for Freedom 5398:Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons 4676:(c. 1710 Portugal – 1734 Montreal) 4629:Nunzio Otello Francesco Gioacchino 4331:. New York: Westview Press, 1989. 4040:The Slave Community, pp. xiii–xiv. 3950:Kenneth Wiggins Porter, review of 3789:For an overview of the reviews of 3078:are from the 1979 revised edition 2503:last survivors of American slavery 895:. Blassingame's discussion of the 25: 5627:Songs of the Underground Railroad 5587:Abolitionism in the United States 5095:(c. 1795 Nigeria – ? Brazil) 4726:(c. 1819 – ???, Puerto Rico) 3890:78 (October 1973): pp. 1132–1133. 3142:Al-Tony Gilmore, introduction to 3115:American Political Science Review 3074:Unless noted, all citations from 1464:Field slaves in the United States 1331:Slavery in the Rashidun Caliphate 5675:Slave Songs of the United States 5179:The Underground Railroad Records 5089:(? Puerto Rico – 1555 Venezuela) 4305:9 November 1975: pp. 56–72. 4243:47 (February 1981): pp. 113–114. 2925:and relies on similar evidence. 2710:The Political Economy of Slavery 2686:Genius of Universal Emancipation 1341:Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate 1336:Slavery in the Umayyad Caliphate 1165:Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate 935: 712: 672:to portray the slave as Sambo." 201:" who enjoyed the benefits of a 27:1972 book by John W. Blassingame 5055:(19th century Indian Territory) 5029:(1766 Saint-Dominque – 1853 NY) 4342:White, John. "Inside Slavery". 4329:Slavery: History and Historians 3916:Stanley L. Engerman, review of 3907:58 (October 1973): pp. 470–471. 2291:Committee of Experts on Slavery 1842:East, Southeast, and South Asia 5659:Slave-Trading in the Old South 4713:(c. 1788 Bermuda – after 1833) 3882:Marian DeB. Kilson, review of 3695:See footnotes in Blassingame, 2950:makes similar observations in 2670:National Anti-Slavery Standard 1990:Slave raiding in Easter Island 366:(1974), Leslie Howard Owens's 178:is a book written by American 1: 5744:Oxford University Press books 5334:The Confessions of Nat Turner 5299: 5292: 5123:The Narrative of Robert Adams 4537: 3899:Orville W. Taylor, review of 3839:6 (August 1973): pp. 638–639. 2708:(1958), Eugene D. Genovese's 736:secondary or tertiary sources 230:Works Progress Administration 205:master–slave relationship on 5667:Sarah Johnson's Mount Vernon 5622:Slavery in the United States 4979:Greensbury Washington Offley 3984:30 (July 1973): pp. 513–516. 3941:60 (June 1973): pp. 131–133. 3922:Journal of Political Economy 3856:47 (July 1973): pp. 227–228. 3109:W. E. B. Du Bois, review of 2772:Journal of Political Economy 2704:(1933), Orville W. Taylor's 2281:Temporary Slavery Commission 1942:Slavery in the Mongol Empire 187:slavery in the United States 72:Slavery in the United States 5691:The Hemingses of Monticello 5592:African-American literature 4345:Reviews in American History 4321:Journal of American History 4241:Journal of Southern History 3958:39 (May 1973): pp. 293–294. 3956:Journal of Southern History 3939:Journal of American History 3933:Willie Lee Rose, review of 3848:David Goldfield, review of 3822:The Slave Community, p. 26. 3767:41 (November 1975): p. 490. 3765:Journal of Southern History 3045:Journal of Southern History 2796:Journal of American History 2695:Journal of Southern History 2301:Ad Hoc Committee on Slavery 1346:Volga Bulgarian slave trade 537:banjos, gourd rattles, and 219:Although the importance of 5765: 5729:20th-century history books 5507:A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin 4613:(c. 1705 Bornu – 1775 Eng) 4429:Slave Narrative Collection 3982:William and Mary Quarterly 3888:American Historical Review 3865:Carl N. Degler, review of 3831:Keith Polakoff, review of 3119:W. E. B. Du Bois: A Reader 2813:William and Mary Quarterly 2756:American Historical Review 2486:Great Dismal Swamp maroons 2323:Anti-Slavery International 2088:North Africa and West Asia 252:Historiographic background 5500:To a Southern Slaveholder 5288:The Bondwoman's Narrative 5163:My Bondage and My Freedom 5147:The Life of Josiah Henson 5131:American Slavery as It Is 4559:Andreas Matthäus Wolfgang 4424: 3976:George Mullin, review of 3144:Revisiting Blassingame's 3088:Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, 3010:, and European slaves in 2804:narratives, particularly 2706:Negro Slavery in Arkansas 2582:Emancipation Proclamation 2254:Opposition and resistance 2012:Sex trafficking in Europe 2000:Blackbirding in Polynesia 1563:Trans-Saharan slave trade 825:My Bondage and My Freedom 676:Stono Rebellion of 1739, 618:was a combination of the 344:historiography of slavery 214:fugitive slave narratives 37: 5446:The Underground Railroad 5211:The Peculiar Institution 4856:Sarah Jane Woodson Early 4284:Revisiting Blassingame's 4175:Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, 4038:Redefining Blassingame's 4025:Revisiting Blassingame's 4008:Revisiting Blassingame's 3905:Journal of Negro History 3820:Revisiting Blassingame's 3803:Revisiting Blassingame's 3003:Revisiting Blassingame's 2976:Revisiting Blassingame's 2902:and Stanley Engerman in 2869:Revisiting Blassingame's 2763:Journal of Negro History 2362:Compensated emancipation 1573:Indian Ocean slave trade 403: 329:Federal Writers' Project 314:Nazi concentration camps 5617:Films featuring slavery 5081:Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua 5005:William Henry Singleton 4810:Ellen and William Craft 4366:Oxford University Press 4036:Gilmore, introduction, 2954:(1988). She notes that 2720:Reception and influence 2286:1926 Slavery Convention 2042:Germany in World War II 1659:North and South America 1181:Contract of manumission 704:Methodology and sources 551:Protestant Christianity 521:." Voodoo priests and 470:to peoples such as the 305:African American slaves 257:Ulrich Bonnell Phillips 87:Oxford University Press 5749:English-language books 5724:American history books 5719:1979 non-fiction books 5714:1972 non-fiction books 5465:Amos Fortune, Free Man 4699:Juan Francisco Manzano 4674:Marie-Joseph Angélique 4582:Brigitta Scherzenfeldt 4565:Johann Georg Wolffgang 4547:Guðríður Símonardóttir 4486:James Leander Cathcart 4288:: The Scholars Respond 4282:Gilmore, Al-Tony, ed. 4080:Reckoning with Slavery 3230:The Negro Slave Family 3214:Slavery in Mississippi 3148:: The Scholars Respond 3111:American Negro Slavery 3041: 3034:. Blassingame writes: 2948:Elizabeth Fox-Genovese 2896:Reckoning with Slavery 2873:: The Scholars Respond 2859:and held a session on 2702:Slavery in Mississippi 2659: 1767:British Virgin Islands 1319:Circassian slave trade 1285:Safavid imperial harem 1280:Ottoman Imperial Harem 829: 723:relies excessively on 664: 594: 455: 404:Blassingame's argument 300:American Negro Slavery 273:southern United States 269:American Negro Slavery 261:American Negro Slavery 240:. Despite criticisms, 5414:Walk Through Darkness 5350:Underground to Canada 4963:Jermain Wesley Loguen 4908:(1848/1854 VA – 1957) 4835:Ayuba Suleiman Diallo 4651:Konstantin Mihailović 4599:Lovisa von Burghausen 3392:, pp. 36–39, 108–109. 3379:, pp. 40–45, 109–114. 3273:John W. Blassingame, 2863:. Panelists included 2806:Frederick Law Olmsted 2006:Europe and North Asia 1966:Australia and Oceania 1666:Pre-Columbian America 1238:Slave raid of Suðuroy 1170:Slavery in al-Andalus 1092:Black Sea slave trade 1021:21st-century jihadism 877:Jermain Wesley Loguen 813: 747:"The Slave Community" 662: 574:against slaveowners. 444: 5612:Caribbean literature 5602:Atlantic slave trade 5155:Twelve Years a Slave 5048:Booker T. Washington 4850:Jordan Winston Early 4312:, September 3, 2008, 4141:Deborah Gray White, 4099:Albert J. Raboteau, 4049:Eugene D. Genovese, 4027:The Slave Community. 4010:The Slave Community. 4006:", in Gilmore, ed., 3854:Agricultural History 3818:", in Gilmore, ed., 3805:The Slave Community. 3123:David Levering Lewis 2900:Robert William Fogel 2829:Harry Stack Sullivan 2738:Agricultural History 2676:Pennsylvania Freeman 2461:Indentured servitude 2389:Underground Railroad 2189:United Arab Emirates 1578:Zanzibar slave trade 1545:By country or region 1358:Atlantic slave trade 1260:Ma malakat aymanukum 1144:Venetian slave trade 863:, Henry Clay Bruce, 845:interpersonal theory 841:Harry Stack Sullivan 504:Joel Chandler Harris 143:(rev. ed. paperback) 33:The Slave Community 5607:Captivity narrative 5438:The Book of Negroes 5219:The Slave Community 5083:(1845–1847, Brazil) 5010:James Lindsay Smith 4917:John Andrew Jackson 4852:(1814 – after 1894) 4806:(1845 KY – 1938 OH) 4799:William Wells Brown 4758:Jared Maurice Arter 4753:William J. Anderson 4646:Johann Schiltberger 4373:The Slave Community 4361:The Slave Community 4303:The History Teacher 4286:The Slave Community 4267:The Slave Community 4254:The Slave Community 4237:The Slave Community 4224:The Slave Community 4211:The Slave Community 4198:The Slave Community 4021:The Slave Community 4004:The Slave Community 3978:The Slave Community 3952:The Slave Community 3935:The Slave Community 3918:The Slave Community 3901:The Slave Community 3884:The Slave Community 3873:, October 15, 1972. 3867:The Slave Community 3850:The Slave Community 3837:The History Teacher 3833:The Slave Community 3816:The Slave Community 3799:The Slave Community 3791:The Slave Community 3778:The Slave Community 3752:The Slave Community 3739:The Slave Community 3726:The Slave Community 3710:The Slave Community 3697:The Slave Community 3684:The Slave Community 3671:The Slave Community 3658:The Slave Community 3645:The Slave Community 3629:The Slave Community 3616:The Slave Community 3603:The Slave Community 3590:The Slave Community 3577:The Slave Community 3564:The Slave Community 3551:The Slave Community 3538:The Slave Community 3525:The Slave Community 3512:The Slave Community 3499:The Slave Community 3486:The Slave Community 3473:The Slave Community 3460:The Slave Community 3447:The Slave Community 3429:The Slave Community 3416:The Slave Community 3403:The Slave Community 3390:The Slave Community 3377:The Slave Community 3364:The Slave Community 3351:The Slave Community 3338:The Slave Community 3325:The Slave Community 3312:The Slave Community 3299:The Slave Community 3226:E. Franklin Frazier 3191:Stanley M. Elkins, 3170:Kenneth M. Stampp, 3146:The Slave Community 3076:The Slave Community 3049:The Slave Community 2996:The Slave Community 2980:The Slave Community 2966:would soon raise." 2956:The Slave Community 2942:The Slave Community 2923:The Slave Community 2888:The Slave Community 2881:The Slave Community 2871:The Slave Community 2861:The Slave Community 2788:The Slave Community 2780:Stanley L. Engerman 2734:The History Teacher 2726:The Slave Community 2547:Slave Route Project 1678:Americas indigenous 1568:Red Sea slave trade 1558:Contemporary Africa 1421:Topics and practice 1191:Crimean slave trade 1186:Bukhara slave trade 1139:Genoese slave trade 1016:Contemporary Africa 996:Forced prostitution 897:African slave trade 881:William Wells Brown 836:, Blassingame uses 834:The Slave Community 816:The Slave Community 527:ritualistic dancing 410:The Slave Community 398:The Slave Community 242:The Slave Community 238:The Slave Community 221:The Slave Community 191:The Slave Community 183:John W. Blassingame 138:(rev. ed. hardback) 54:John W. Blassingame 34: 5561:Unchained Memories 5066:(b. c. 1780 Congo) 4840:Frederick Douglass 4611:Ukawsaw Gronniosaw 4510:Maria ter Meetelen 3869:, in "Bookworld", 3795:Mary Frances Berry 3366:, pp. 32, 114–130. 2917:influential study 2914:Albert J. Raboteau 2892:Roll, Jordan, Roll 2877:John Henrik Clarke 2865:Mary Frances Berry 2777:economic historian 2724:The importance of 2681:Anti-Slavery Bugle 2328:Blockade of Africa 1635:Somali slave trade 1551:Sub-Saharan Africa 1243:Turkish Abductions 1201:Khivan slave trade 1196:Khazar slave trade 1149:Balkan slave trade 1107:Prague slave trade 893:Frederick Douglass 830: 820:Frederick Douglass 814:Blassingame based 698:total institutions 665: 564:invisible churches 456: 451:The Old Plantation 390:Albert J. Raboteau 382:Lawrence W. Levine 352:Eugene D. Genovese 5701: 5700: 5473:I, Juan de Pareja 5457:Young adult books 5264:Uncle Tom's Cabin 5107:Non-fiction books 5102: 5101: 5059:Harriet E. Wilson 4943:Elizabeth Keckley 4789:Henry "Box" Brown 4707:(1860–1965, Cuba) 4701:(1797–1854, Cuba) 4656:George of Hungary 4631:(1792 – fl. 1828) 4327:Parish, Peter J. 4265:Mills, review of 4164:Ar'n't I a Woman? 4019:Earl E. Thorpe, " 3063:Uncle Tom's Cabin 3032:Time on the Cross 2987:Primitive Baptist 2644: 2643: 2594:Freedmen's Bureau 2416:Third Servile War 2411:International law 1978:Human trafficking 1740:Human trafficking 1415:Thirteen colonies 1233:Sack of Baltimore 1001:Human trafficking 865:Elizabeth Keckley 808: 807: 800: 782: 678:Charles Deslondes 605:Personality types 372:Herbert G. Gutman 292:Stanley M. Elkins 284:Kenneth M. Stampp 228:conducted by the 171: 170: 141:978-0-19-502563-7 136:978-0-19-502562-0 96:Publication place 16:(Redirected from 5756: 5304: 5301: 5297: 5294: 5272:The Heroic Slave 5027:Pierre Toussaint 5022:(1793 VA – 1860) 4986:(1827 VA – 1900) 4718:Pierre Toussaint 4553:Antoine Qaurtier 4542: 4539: 4446: 4418:Slave narratives 4411: 4404: 4397: 4388: 4270: 4263: 4257: 4250: 4244: 4233: 4227: 4220: 4214: 4207: 4201: 4194: 4188: 4173: 4167: 4160: 4154: 4139: 4133: 4120:Charles Joyner, 4118: 4112: 4097: 4091: 4068: 4062: 4047: 4041: 4034: 4028: 4017: 4011: 4000: 3994: 3991: 3985: 3974: 3968: 3965: 3959: 3948: 3942: 3931: 3925: 3914: 3908: 3897: 3891: 3880: 3874: 3863: 3857: 3846: 3840: 3829: 3823: 3812: 3806: 3787: 3781: 3774: 3768: 3761: 3755: 3748: 3742: 3735: 3729: 3722: 3713: 3706: 3700: 3693: 3687: 3680: 3674: 3667: 3661: 3654: 3648: 3641: 3632: 3625: 3619: 3612: 3606: 3599: 3593: 3586: 3580: 3573: 3567: 3560: 3554: 3547: 3541: 3534: 3528: 3521: 3515: 3508: 3502: 3495: 3489: 3482: 3476: 3469: 3463: 3456: 3450: 3443: 3432: 3425: 3419: 3412: 3406: 3399: 3393: 3386: 3380: 3373: 3367: 3360: 3354: 3347: 3341: 3334: 3328: 3321: 3315: 3308: 3302: 3295: 3286: 3271: 3265: 3250:George P. Rawick 3247: 3241: 3210: 3204: 3189: 3183: 3168: 3159: 3140: 3134: 3107: 3101: 3086: 2636: 2629: 2622: 2606:Emancipation Day 2439: 2406:Slave Trade Acts 1097:Byzantine Empire 939: 912: 803: 796: 792: 789: 783: 781: 740: 716: 708: 653:personality type 333:George P. Rawick 331:. As historian 277:W. E. B. Du Bois 246:Antebellum South 195:African-American 163: 42: 35: 21: 5764: 5763: 5759: 5758: 5757: 5755: 5754: 5753: 5704: 5703: 5702: 5697: 5643:Book of Negroes 5597:Anti-Tom novels 5575: 5548: 5513: 5487: 5452: 5422:The Known World 5302: 5295: 5233: 5195:Up from Slavery 5098: 5087:Miguel de Buría 5069: 5038:Wallace Turnage 4974:Solomon Northup 4906:Fountain Hughes 4748:Jordan Anderson 4735: 4729: 4705:Esteban Montejo 4691: 4685: 4666: 4660: 4634: 4605:Olaudah Equiano 4587: 4570: 4540: 4504:Elizabeth Marsh 4492:Ólafur Egilsson 4480:Felice Caronni 4441: 4439: 4433: 4420: 4415: 4384: 4356: 4351: 4310:Southern Spaces 4278: 4276:Further reading 4273: 4264: 4260: 4251: 4247: 4234: 4230: 4221: 4217: 4208: 4204: 4195: 4191: 4174: 4170: 4161: 4157: 4140: 4136: 4119: 4115: 4098: 4094: 4069: 4065: 4048: 4044: 4035: 4031: 4018: 4014: 4001: 3997: 3992: 3988: 3975: 3971: 3966: 3962: 3949: 3945: 3932: 3928: 3915: 3911: 3898: 3894: 3881: 3877: 3871:Washington Post 3864: 3860: 3847: 3843: 3830: 3826: 3813: 3809: 3788: 3784: 3775: 3771: 3762: 3758: 3749: 3745: 3736: 3732: 3723: 3716: 3707: 3703: 3694: 3690: 3681: 3677: 3668: 3664: 3655: 3651: 3642: 3635: 3626: 3622: 3613: 3609: 3600: 3596: 3587: 3583: 3574: 3570: 3561: 3557: 3548: 3544: 3535: 3531: 3522: 3518: 3509: 3505: 3496: 3492: 3483: 3479: 3470: 3466: 3457: 3453: 3444: 3435: 3426: 3422: 3413: 3409: 3400: 3396: 3387: 3383: 3374: 3370: 3361: 3357: 3348: 3344: 3335: 3331: 3322: 3318: 3309: 3305: 3296: 3289: 3272: 3268: 3248: 3244: 3211: 3207: 3190: 3186: 3169: 3162: 3141: 3137: 3108: 3104: 3087: 3083: 3072: 3058: 2972: 2970:Revised edition 2960:women's history 2849: 2801:Willie Lee Rose 2747:Washington Post 2722: 2640: 2611: 2610: 2515:Slave narrative 2471:Fugitive slaves 2451: 2443: 2442: 2433: 2401:Slave rebellion 2256: 2246: 2245: 2204: 2194: 2193: 2016:United Kingdom 1952:Yankee princess 1546: 1538: 1537: 1265:Avret Pazarları 1211:Avret Pazarları 1080:Medieval Europe 1046: 1036: 1035: 974:Forced marriage 949: 901:Olaudah Equiano 869:Solomon Northup 867:, Samuel Hall, 804: 793: 787: 784: 741: 739: 733: 729:primary sources 717: 706: 607: 580: 534:Stono Rebellion 426: 418:African culture 406: 337:written history 321:primary sources 254: 152: 139: 124: 104:Media type 91:1979 (rev. ed.) 90: 74: 45: 28: 23: 22: 18:Slave Community 15: 12: 11: 5: 5762: 5760: 5752: 5751: 5746: 5741: 5736: 5731: 5726: 5721: 5716: 5706: 5705: 5699: 5698: 5696: 5695: 5687: 5679: 5671: 5663: 5655: 5647: 5639: 5634: 5629: 5624: 5619: 5614: 5609: 5604: 5599: 5594: 5589: 5583: 5581: 5577: 5576: 5574: 5573: 5565: 5556: 5554: 5550: 5549: 5547: 5546: 5538: 5530: 5521: 5519: 5515: 5514: 5512: 5511: 5503: 5495: 5493: 5489: 5488: 5486: 5485: 5477: 5469: 5460: 5458: 5454: 5453: 5451: 5450: 5442: 5434: 5426: 5418: 5410: 5402: 5394: 5386: 5382:Middle Passage 5378: 5370: 5362: 5354: 5346: 5338: 5330: 5322: 5314: 5306: 5284: 5276: 5268: 5260: 5252: 5243: 5241: 5239:Fiction/novels 5235: 5234: 5232: 5231: 5223: 5215: 5207: 5199: 5191: 5183: 5175: 5167: 5159: 5151: 5143: 5135: 5127: 5119: 5110: 5108: 5104: 5103: 5100: 5099: 5097: 5096: 5090: 5084: 5077: 5075: 5071: 5070: 5068: 5067: 5061: 5056: 5053:Wallace Willis 5050: 5045: 5040: 5035: 5033:Harriet Tubman 5030: 5023: 5020:Austin Steward 5017: 5012: 5007: 5002: 4997: 4992: 4990:William Parker 4987: 4981: 4976: 4971: 4965: 4960: 4958:J. Vance Lewis 4955: 4950: 4945: 4940: 4934: 4929: 4924: 4922:Harriet Jacobs 4919: 4914: 4909: 4903: 4898: 4896:William Grimes 4893: 4888:(19th century 4883: 4878: 4873: 4868: 4858: 4853: 4847: 4845:Kate Drumgoold 4842: 4837: 4832: 4827: 4822: 4817: 4812: 4807: 4801: 4796: 4791: 4786: 4780: 4775: 4770: 4765: 4763:Solomon Bayley 4760: 4755: 4750: 4745: 4739: 4737: 4734:North America: 4731: 4730: 4728: 4727: 4721: 4714: 4708: 4702: 4695: 4693: 4690:North America: 4687: 4686: 4684: 4683: 4680:John R. Jewitt 4677: 4670: 4668: 4665:North America: 4662: 4661: 4659: 4658: 4653: 4648: 4642: 4640: 4639:Ottoman Empire 4636: 4635: 4633: 4632: 4626: 4620: 4617:Jean Marteilhe 4614: 4608: 4602: 4595: 4593: 4589: 4588: 4586: 4585: 4578: 4576: 4572: 4571: 4569: 4568: 4562: 4556: 4550: 4544: 4531: 4525: 4519: 4513: 4507: 4501: 4500:(late 19th c.) 4495: 4489: 4483: 4477: 4474:Isaac Brassard 4471: 4465: 4459: 4452: 4450: 4443: 4442:of enslavement 4435: 4434: 4432: 4431: 4425: 4422: 4421: 4416: 4414: 4413: 4406: 4399: 4391: 4382: 4381: 4369: 4355: 4354:External links 4352: 4350: 4349: 4340: 4325: 4316: 4306: 4299: 4279: 4277: 4274: 4272: 4271: 4258: 4245: 4228: 4215: 4202: 4189: 4168: 4155: 4134: 4113: 4092: 4063: 4042: 4029: 4012: 3995: 3986: 3969: 3960: 3943: 3926: 3909: 3892: 3875: 3858: 3841: 3824: 3807: 3782: 3780:, pp. 380–381. 3769: 3756: 3743: 3730: 3714: 3701: 3688: 3686:, pp. 242–243. 3675: 3662: 3660:, pp. 284–285. 3649: 3633: 3620: 3607: 3594: 3581: 3568: 3555: 3553:, pp. 227–230. 3542: 3529: 3516: 3503: 3490: 3477: 3475:, pp. 183–190. 3464: 3451: 3433: 3431:, pp. 130–148. 3420: 3407: 3394: 3381: 3368: 3355: 3342: 3329: 3316: 3303: 3287: 3266: 3242: 3205: 3184: 3160: 3135: 3102: 3080: 3071: 3068: 3067: 3066: 3057: 3054: 3016:Ottoman Empire 2989:minister from 2971: 2968: 2848: 2845: 2833:Earl E. Thorpe 2825:Erving Goffman 2817:E. P. Thompson 2744:writes in the 2742:Carl N. Degler 2721: 2718: 2642: 2641: 2639: 2638: 2631: 2624: 2616: 2613: 2612: 2609: 2608: 2603: 2602: 2601: 2596: 2591: 2586: 2585: 2584: 2574: 2569: 2564: 2559: 2554: 2544: 2539: 2534: 2529: 2528: 2527: 2522: 2512: 2507: 2506: 2505: 2500: 2493:List of slaves 2490: 2489: 2488: 2483: 2478: 2468: 2463: 2458: 2452: 2449: 2448: 2445: 2444: 2441: 2440: 2428: 2423: 2418: 2413: 2408: 2403: 2398: 2397: 2396: 2386: 2381: 2376: 2375: 2374: 2364: 2359: 2358: 2357: 2352: 2342: 2341: 2340: 2335: 2325: 2320: 2315: 2314: 2313: 2308: 2303: 2298: 2293: 2288: 2283: 2278: 2273: 2268: 2257: 2252: 2251: 2248: 2247: 2244: 2243: 2238: 2233: 2228: 2227: 2226: 2221: 2211: 2205: 2200: 2199: 2196: 2195: 2192: 2191: 2186: 2181: 2176: 2171: 2166: 2161: 2156: 2151: 2146: 2141: 2136: 2131: 2126: 2121: 2116: 2111: 2106: 2101: 2096: 2090: 2089: 2085: 2084: 2079: 2074: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2044: 2039: 2037:Dutch Republic 2034: 2029: 2028: 2027: 2022: 2014: 2008: 2007: 2003: 2002: 1997: 1992: 1987: 1982: 1981: 1980: 1969: 1968: 1962: 1961: 1956: 1955: 1954: 1944: 1939: 1934: 1929: 1928: 1927: 1917: 1916: 1915: 1905: 1900: 1899: 1898: 1893: 1883: 1882: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1861: 1856: 1851: 1845: 1844: 1838: 1837: 1832: 1825: 1824: 1823: 1818: 1808: 1803: 1798: 1797: 1796: 1786: 1781: 1780: 1779: 1774: 1769: 1764: 1754: 1749: 1744: 1743: 1742: 1737: 1732: 1727: 1722: 1717: 1712: 1707: 1702: 1697: 1687: 1686: 1685: 1675: 1674: 1673: 1662: 1661: 1655: 1654: 1649: 1644: 1639: 1638: 1637: 1627: 1622: 1617: 1612: 1607: 1602: 1597: 1592: 1587: 1582: 1581: 1580: 1570: 1565: 1560: 1554: 1553: 1547: 1544: 1543: 1540: 1539: 1536: 1535: 1530: 1525: 1520: 1515: 1509: 1508: 1504: 1503: 1498: 1496:Child soldiers 1493: 1488: 1483: 1478: 1473: 1472: 1471: 1461: 1456: 1451: 1446: 1445: 1444: 1439: 1434: 1423: 1422: 1418: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1405:Spanish Empire 1402: 1397: 1392: 1387: 1385:Middle Passage 1382: 1377: 1372: 1367: 1361: 1360: 1354: 1353: 1348: 1343: 1338: 1333: 1328: 1323: 1322: 1321: 1316: 1311: 1306: 1301: 1292: 1287: 1282: 1277: 1272: 1267: 1262: 1257: 1247: 1246: 1245: 1240: 1235: 1230: 1225: 1215: 1214: 1213: 1206:Ottoman Empire 1203: 1198: 1193: 1188: 1183: 1178: 1173: 1167: 1161: 1160: 1154: 1153: 1152: 1151: 1141: 1136: 1131: 1130: 1129: 1124: 1119: 1109: 1104: 1099: 1094: 1089: 1083: 1082: 1076: 1075: 1070: 1065: 1060: 1054: 1053: 1047: 1042: 1041: 1038: 1037: 1034: 1033: 1028: 1026:Sexual slavery 1023: 1018: 1013: 1008: 1003: 998: 993: 992: 991: 986: 984:Child marriage 981: 971: 966: 961: 959:Child soldiers 956: 950: 945: 944: 941: 940: 932: 931: 921: 920: 889:Austin Steward 806: 805: 720: 718: 711: 705: 702: 684:fighting with 649: 648: 638: 631: 606: 603: 579: 578:Slave families 576: 425: 422: 405: 402: 253: 250: 169: 168: 167:E443 .B55 1979 165: 157: 156: 155:975/.004/96073 153: 148: 145: 144: 133: 127: 126: 125:414 (rev. ed.) 121: 117: 116: 105: 101: 100: 97: 93: 92: 83: 79: 78: 69: 65: 64: 61: 57: 56: 51: 47: 46: 43: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5761: 5750: 5747: 5745: 5742: 5740: 5737: 5735: 5732: 5730: 5727: 5725: 5722: 5720: 5717: 5715: 5712: 5711: 5709: 5693: 5692: 5688: 5685: 5684: 5680: 5677: 5676: 5672: 5669: 5668: 5664: 5661: 5660: 5656: 5653: 5652: 5648: 5645: 5644: 5640: 5638: 5635: 5633: 5630: 5628: 5625: 5623: 5620: 5618: 5615: 5613: 5610: 5608: 5605: 5603: 5600: 5598: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5588: 5585: 5584: 5582: 5578: 5571: 5570: 5566: 5563: 5562: 5558: 5557: 5555: 5553:Documentaries 5551: 5544: 5543: 5539: 5536: 5535: 5531: 5528: 5527: 5523: 5522: 5520: 5516: 5509: 5508: 5504: 5501: 5497: 5496: 5494: 5490: 5483: 5482: 5478: 5475: 5474: 5470: 5467: 5466: 5462: 5461: 5459: 5455: 5448: 5447: 5443: 5440: 5439: 5435: 5432: 5431: 5427: 5424: 5423: 5419: 5416: 5415: 5411: 5408: 5407: 5403: 5400: 5399: 5395: 5392: 5391: 5387: 5384: 5383: 5379: 5376: 5375: 5371: 5368: 5367: 5363: 5360: 5359: 5355: 5352: 5351: 5347: 5344: 5343: 5339: 5336: 5335: 5331: 5328: 5327: 5323: 5320: 5319: 5315: 5312: 5311: 5307: 5290: 5289: 5285: 5282: 5281: 5277: 5274: 5273: 5269: 5266: 5265: 5261: 5258: 5257: 5253: 5250: 5249: 5245: 5244: 5242: 5240: 5236: 5229: 5228: 5224: 5221: 5220: 5216: 5213: 5212: 5208: 5205: 5204: 5200: 5197: 5196: 5192: 5189: 5188: 5184: 5181: 5180: 5176: 5173: 5172: 5168: 5165: 5164: 5160: 5157: 5156: 5152: 5149: 5148: 5144: 5141: 5140: 5136: 5133: 5132: 5128: 5125: 5124: 5120: 5117: 5116: 5112: 5111: 5109: 5105: 5094: 5091: 5088: 5085: 5082: 5079: 5078: 5076: 5074:South America 5072: 5065: 5064:Zamba Zembola 5062: 5060: 5057: 5054: 5051: 5049: 5046: 5044: 5043:Bethany Veney 5041: 5039: 5036: 5034: 5031: 5028: 5024: 5021: 5018: 5016: 5015:Venture Smith 5013: 5011: 5008: 5006: 5003: 5001: 4998: 4996: 4995:James Roberts 4993: 4991: 4988: 4985: 4982: 4980: 4977: 4975: 4972: 4969: 4966: 4964: 4961: 4959: 4956: 4954: 4953:Lunsford Lane 4951: 4949: 4946: 4944: 4941: 4938: 4937:Paul Jennings 4935: 4933: 4930: 4928: 4925: 4923: 4920: 4918: 4915: 4913: 4912:Omar ibn Said 4910: 4907: 4904: 4902: 4901:Josiah Henson 4899: 4897: 4894: 4891: 4887: 4886:William Green 4884: 4882: 4879: 4877: 4874: 4872: 4869: 4866: 4862: 4861:Peter Fossett 4859: 4857: 4854: 4851: 4848: 4846: 4843: 4841: 4838: 4836: 4833: 4831: 4828: 4826: 4823: 4821: 4820:Lucinda Davis 4818: 4816: 4815:Hannah Crafts 4813: 4811: 4808: 4805: 4802: 4800: 4797: 4795: 4792: 4790: 4787: 4784: 4783:James Bradley 4781: 4779: 4778:Leonard Black 4776: 4774: 4771: 4769: 4766: 4764: 4761: 4759: 4756: 4754: 4751: 4749: 4746: 4744: 4741: 4740: 4738: 4736:United States 4732: 4725: 4724:Marcos Xiorro 4722: 4719: 4715: 4712: 4709: 4706: 4703: 4700: 4697: 4696: 4694: 4688: 4681: 4678: 4675: 4672: 4671: 4669: 4663: 4657: 4654: 4652: 4649: 4647: 4644: 4643: 4641: 4637: 4630: 4627: 4624: 4621: 4618: 4615: 4612: 4609: 4606: 4603: 4600: 4597: 4596: 4594: 4590: 4583: 4580: 4579: 4577: 4573: 4566: 4563: 4560: 4557: 4554: 4551: 4548: 4545: 4535: 4532: 4529: 4528:Thomas Pellow 4526: 4523: 4520: 4517: 4514: 4511: 4508: 4505: 4502: 4499: 4498:Petro Kilekwa 4496: 4493: 4490: 4487: 4484: 4481: 4478: 4475: 4472: 4469: 4466: 4463: 4460: 4457: 4454: 4453: 4451: 4447: 4444: 4436: 4430: 4427: 4426: 4423: 4419: 4412: 4407: 4405: 4400: 4398: 4393: 4392: 4389: 4385: 4379: 4375: 4374: 4370: 4367: 4363: 4362: 4358: 4357: 4353: 4347: 4346: 4341: 4338: 4337:0-06-430182-6 4334: 4330: 4326: 4323: 4322: 4317: 4315: 4311: 4307: 4304: 4300: 4297: 4296:0-8371-9879-8 4293: 4289: 4285: 4281: 4280: 4275: 4268: 4262: 4259: 4255: 4249: 4246: 4242: 4238: 4232: 4229: 4225: 4222:Blassingame, 4219: 4216: 4212: 4209:Blassingame, 4206: 4203: 4200:, pp. vii–ix. 4199: 4196:Blassingame, 4193: 4190: 4186: 4185:0-8078-4232-X 4182: 4178: 4172: 4169: 4165: 4159: 4156: 4152: 4151:0-393-30406-X 4148: 4144: 4138: 4135: 4131: 4130:0-252-01305-0 4127: 4123: 4117: 4114: 4110: 4109:0-19-502705-1 4106: 4102: 4096: 4093: 4089: 4088:0-19-502033-2 4085: 4081: 4077: 4073: 4067: 4064: 4060: 4059:0-394-71652-3 4056: 4052: 4046: 4043: 4039: 4033: 4030: 4026: 4022: 4016: 4013: 4009: 4005: 3999: 3996: 3990: 3987: 3983: 3979: 3973: 3970: 3964: 3961: 3957: 3953: 3947: 3944: 3940: 3936: 3930: 3927: 3923: 3919: 3913: 3910: 3906: 3902: 3896: 3893: 3889: 3885: 3879: 3876: 3872: 3868: 3862: 3859: 3855: 3851: 3845: 3842: 3838: 3834: 3828: 3825: 3821: 3817: 3811: 3808: 3804: 3800: 3796: 3792: 3786: 3783: 3779: 3776:Blassingame, 3773: 3770: 3766: 3760: 3757: 3753: 3750:Blassingame, 3747: 3744: 3740: 3737:Blassingame, 3734: 3731: 3727: 3724:Blassingame, 3721: 3719: 3715: 3711: 3708:Blassingame, 3705: 3702: 3698: 3692: 3689: 3685: 3682:Blassingame, 3679: 3676: 3672: 3669:Blassingame, 3666: 3663: 3659: 3656:Blassingame, 3653: 3650: 3646: 3643:Blassingame, 3640: 3638: 3634: 3630: 3627:Blassingame, 3624: 3621: 3617: 3614:Blassingame, 3611: 3608: 3604: 3601:Blassingame, 3598: 3595: 3591: 3588:Blassingame, 3585: 3582: 3578: 3575:Blassingame, 3572: 3569: 3565: 3562:Blassingame, 3559: 3556: 3552: 3549:Blassingame, 3546: 3543: 3539: 3536:Blassingame, 3533: 3530: 3526: 3523:Blassingame, 3520: 3517: 3514:, pp. 224–225 3513: 3510:Blassingame, 3507: 3504: 3500: 3497:Blassingame, 3494: 3491: 3487: 3484:Blassingame, 3481: 3478: 3474: 3471:Blassingame, 3468: 3465: 3461: 3458:Blassingame, 3455: 3452: 3448: 3445:Blassingame, 3442: 3440: 3438: 3434: 3430: 3427:Blassingame, 3424: 3421: 3417: 3414:Blassingame, 3411: 3408: 3404: 3401:Blassingame, 3398: 3395: 3391: 3388:Blassingame, 3385: 3382: 3378: 3375:Blassingame, 3372: 3369: 3365: 3362:Blassingame, 3359: 3356: 3352: 3349:Blassingame, 3346: 3343: 3339: 3336:Blassingame, 3333: 3330: 3326: 3323:Blassingame, 3320: 3317: 3313: 3310:Blassingame, 3307: 3304: 3300: 3297:Blassingame, 3294: 3292: 3288: 3284: 3283:0-19-502563-6 3280: 3276: 3270: 3267: 3263: 3262:0-8371-6747-7 3259: 3255: 3251: 3246: 3243: 3239: 3235: 3231: 3227: 3223: 3219: 3215: 3209: 3206: 3202: 3201:0-226-20477-4 3198: 3194: 3188: 3185: 3181: 3180:0-679-72307-2 3177: 3173: 3167: 3165: 3161: 3157: 3156:0-8371-9879-8 3153: 3149: 3145: 3139: 3136: 3132: 3131:0-8050-3264-9 3128: 3124: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3106: 3103: 3099: 3095: 3091: 3085: 3082: 3079: 3077: 3069: 3065: 3064: 3060: 3059: 3055: 3053: 3050: 3046: 3040: 3035: 3033: 3027: 3025: 3021: 3017: 3013: 3009: 3008:Latin America 3004: 2999: 2997: 2992: 2988: 2985: 2981: 2977: 2969: 2967: 2965: 2961: 2957: 2953: 2949: 2945: 2943: 2939: 2935: 2931: 2926: 2924: 2920: 2915: 2911: 2907: 2906: 2901: 2897: 2893: 2889: 2884: 2882: 2878: 2874: 2870: 2866: 2862: 2858: 2854: 2851:In 1976, the 2846: 2844: 2842: 2838: 2834: 2830: 2826: 2822: 2818: 2814: 2809: 2807: 2802: 2798: 2797: 2791: 2789: 2785: 2781: 2778: 2774: 2773: 2767: 2765: 2764: 2758: 2757: 2751: 2749: 2748: 2743: 2739: 2735: 2730: 2727: 2719: 2717: 2715: 2711: 2707: 2703: 2698: 2696: 2690: 2688: 2687: 2682: 2678: 2677: 2672: 2671: 2666: 2665: 2664:The Liberator 2658: 2653: 2650: 2637: 2632: 2630: 2625: 2623: 2618: 2617: 2615: 2614: 2607: 2604: 2600: 2597: 2595: 2592: 2590: 2587: 2583: 2580: 2579: 2578: 2575: 2573: 2570: 2568: 2565: 2563: 2560: 2558: 2555: 2553: 2550: 2549: 2548: 2545: 2543: 2540: 2538: 2537:Slave catcher 2535: 2533: 2530: 2526: 2523: 2521: 2518: 2517: 2516: 2513: 2511: 2508: 2504: 2501: 2499: 2496: 2495: 2494: 2491: 2487: 2484: 2482: 2479: 2477: 2474: 2473: 2472: 2469: 2467: 2466:Forced labour 2464: 2462: 2459: 2457: 2454: 2453: 2447: 2446: 2437: 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2422: 2419: 2417: 2414: 2412: 2409: 2407: 2404: 2402: 2399: 2395: 2392: 2391: 2390: 2387: 2385: 2382: 2380: 2377: 2373: 2370: 2369: 2368: 2365: 2363: 2360: 2356: 2353: 2351: 2348: 2347: 2346: 2343: 2339: 2336: 2334: 2331: 2330: 2329: 2326: 2324: 2321: 2319: 2316: 2312: 2311:Abolitionists 2309: 2307: 2304: 2302: 2299: 2297: 2294: 2292: 2289: 2287: 2284: 2282: 2279: 2277: 2274: 2272: 2269: 2267: 2264: 2263: 2262: 2259: 2258: 2255: 2250: 2249: 2242: 2239: 2237: 2234: 2232: 2229: 2225: 2222: 2220: 2217: 2216: 2215: 2212: 2210: 2207: 2206: 2203: 2198: 2197: 2190: 2187: 2185: 2182: 2180: 2177: 2175: 2172: 2170: 2167: 2165: 2162: 2160: 2157: 2155: 2152: 2150: 2147: 2145: 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1755: 1753: 1750: 1748: 1745: 1741: 1738: 1736: 1735:interregional 1733: 1731: 1728: 1726: 1723: 1721: 1720:prison labour 1718: 1716: 1713: 1711: 1708: 1706: 1703: 1701: 1698: 1696: 1693: 1692: 1691: 1690:United States 1688: 1684: 1681: 1680: 1679: 1676: 1672: 1669: 1668: 1667: 1664: 1663: 1660: 1657: 1656: 1653: 1650: 1648: 1645: 1643: 1640: 1636: 1633: 1632: 1631: 1628: 1626: 1623: 1621: 1618: 1616: 1613: 1611: 1608: 1606: 1603: 1601: 1598: 1596: 1593: 1591: 1588: 1586: 1583: 1579: 1576: 1575: 1574: 1571: 1569: 1566: 1564: 1561: 1559: 1556: 1555: 1552: 1549: 1548: 1542: 1541: 1534: 1531: 1529: 1526: 1524: 1521: 1519: 1516: 1514: 1511: 1510: 1506: 1505: 1502: 1501:White slavery 1499: 1497: 1494: 1492: 1491:Slave raiding 1489: 1487: 1484: 1482: 1479: 1477: 1474: 1470: 1467: 1466: 1465: 1462: 1460: 1459:Corvée labour 1457: 1455: 1452: 1450: 1447: 1443: 1440: 1438: 1435: 1433: 1430: 1429: 1428: 1425: 1424: 1420: 1419: 1416: 1413: 1411: 1408: 1406: 1403: 1401: 1398: 1396: 1393: 1391: 1388: 1386: 1383: 1381: 1378: 1376: 1373: 1371: 1368: 1366: 1363: 1362: 1359: 1356: 1355: 1352: 1349: 1347: 1344: 1342: 1339: 1337: 1334: 1332: 1329: 1327: 1324: 1320: 1317: 1315: 1312: 1310: 1307: 1305: 1302: 1300: 1296: 1293: 1291: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1281: 1278: 1276: 1275:Abbasid harem 1273: 1271: 1268: 1266: 1263: 1261: 1258: 1256: 1253: 1252: 1251: 1248: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1234: 1231: 1229: 1226: 1224: 1221: 1220: 1219: 1218:Barbary Coast 1216: 1212: 1209: 1208: 1207: 1204: 1202: 1199: 1197: 1194: 1192: 1189: 1187: 1184: 1182: 1179: 1177: 1174: 1171: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1162: 1159: 1156: 1155: 1150: 1147: 1146: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1128: 1125: 1123: 1120: 1118: 1115: 1114: 1113: 1110: 1108: 1105: 1103: 1100: 1098: 1095: 1093: 1090: 1088: 1085: 1084: 1081: 1078: 1077: 1074: 1071: 1069: 1066: 1064: 1061: 1059: 1056: 1055: 1052: 1049: 1048: 1045: 1040: 1039: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1024: 1022: 1019: 1017: 1014: 1012: 1009: 1007: 1004: 1002: 999: 997: 994: 990: 987: 985: 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In 2557:court cases 2434: [ 2384:Slave Power 2372:Manumission 2219:Catholicism 2094:Afghanistan 1835:Puerto Rico 1747:The Bahamas 1725:Slave codes 1528:Shanghaiing 1518:Impressment 1410:Slave Coast 1290:Qajar harem 1250:Concubinage 1223:slave trade 853:role theory 688:during the 620:Uncle Remus 553:(primarily 508:Uncle Remus 446:Blassingame 290:(1956) and 210:plantations 5708:Categories 5481:Copper Sun 5430:Unburnable 5366:Dessa Rose 5093:Osifekunde 5025:Venerable 4968:James Mars 4881:Lear Green 4865:Monticello 4825:Noah Davis 4794:John Brown 4773:Henry Bibb 4716:Venerable 4522:Hark Olufs 4226:, chap. 2. 3712:, chap. 1. 3592:, chap. 5. 2784:economists 2572:J.Q. Adams 2562:Washington 2532:Slave name 2481:convention 2456:Common law 1829:Encomienda 1625:Seychelles 1610:Mauritania 1533:Slave ship 1400:Panyarring 1395:New France 1044:Historical 885:John Brown 861:Henry Bibb 758:newspapers 725:references 645:Nat Turner 468:Mauritania 435:Antebellum 5206:(1936–38) 4692:Caribbean 4518:(b. 1982) 4470:(b. 1979) 4269:, p. 114. 4256:, p. 336. 3754:, p. 375. 3741:, p. 378. 3728:, p. 370. 3673:, p. 243. 3647:, p. 331. 3631:, p. 330. 3618:, p. 249. 3605:, p. 233. 3579:, p. 192. 3566:, p. 230. 3540:, p. 226. 3501:, p. 191. 3488:, p. 190. 3462:, p. 174. 3449:, p. 151. 3353:, p. 105. 3301:, p. xii. 2991:Tennessee 2964:feminists 2912:(1978), 2847:Influence 2567:Jefferson 2224:Mormonism 2159:Palestine 1973:Australia 1903:Indonesia 1794:Lei Áurea 1777:Code Noir 1757:Caribbean 1730:Treatment 1469:Treatment 1442:Devshirme 1304:Odalisque 1122:In Russia 1063:Babylonia 1051:Antiquity 788:June 2024 686:Seminoles 637:presence. 628:Uncle Tom 559:Methodist 539:mandolins 523:conjurers 517:into one— 496:trickster 180:historian 113:Paperback 109:Hardcover 82:Published 5502:" (1848) 5248:Oroonoko 4932:John Jea 4536:(1663 – 4530:(1705–?) 4512:(1704–?) 4213:, p. ix. 4166:, p. 21. 3418:, p. 98. 3405:, p. 20. 3327:, p. 47. 3238:11396137 3056:See also 3014:and the 2837:Freudian 2716:(1971). 2599:Iron bit 2589:40 acres 2552:breeding 2367:Freedman 2202:Religion 2062:Portugal 1947:Thailand 1937:Maldives 1932:Malaysia 1925:Kwalliso 1869:Booi Aha 1821:Restavek 1801:Colombia 1772:Trinidad 1762:Barbados 1652:Zanzibar 1600:Ethiopia 1481:Saqaliba 1375:Database 1326:Saqaliba 1087:Ancillae 917:a series 915:Part of 909:(1794). 624:Jim Crow 568:judgment 380:(1976), 370:(1976), 358:(1974), 350:(1972), 207:southern 60:Language 5580:Related 5374:Beloved 5358:Kindred 5326:Jubilee 5318:Our Nig 4162:White, 3222:1968805 3098:1720022 2938:Jezebel 2857:Chicago 2855:met in 2841:Marxist 2769:In the 2577:Lincoln 2450:Related 2350:Liberia 2236:Judaism 2174:Tunisia 2149:Morocco 2139:Lebanon 2104:Bahrain 2099:Algeria 2067:Romania 2032:Denmark 2025:Slavery 1959:Vietnam 1630:Somalia 1620:Nigeria 1595:Comoros 1523:Pirates 1432:Ghilman 1365:Bristol 1255:history 1228:pirates 1117:History 1006:Peonage 929:slavery 772:scholar 682:Florida 555:Baptist 506:in his 488:Ashanti 464:Senegal 265:negroes 107:Print ( 68:Subject 63:English 5694:(2008) 5686:(2002) 5678:(1867) 5670:(2008) 5662:(1931) 5654:(1847) 5646:(1783) 5572:(2008) 5564:(2003) 5545:(2022) 5537:(1859) 5529:(1858) 5510:(1853) 5492:Essays 5484:(2006) 5476:(1965) 5468:(1951) 5449:(2016) 5441:(2007) 5433:(2006) 5425:(2003) 5417:(2002) 5409:(2001) 5401:(1996) 5393:(1993) 5385:(1990) 5377:(1987) 5369:(1986) 5361:(1979) 5353:(1977) 5345:(1976) 5337:(1967) 5329:(1966) 5321:(1859) 5313:(1856) 5283:(1853) 5280:Clotel 5275:(1852) 5267:(1852) 5259:(1841) 5251:(1688) 5230:(2018) 5222:(1972) 5214:(1956) 5198:(1901) 5190:(1881) 5182:(1872) 5174:(1861) 5166:(1855) 5158:(1853) 5150:(1849) 5142:(1845) 5134:(1839) 5126:(1816) 5118:(1789) 4867:–1901) 4863:(1815 4785:(1834) 4667:Canada 4592:Europe 4449:Africa 4335:  4294:  4183:  4149:  4128:  4107:  4086:  4074:, and 4057:  3793:, see 3281:  3260:  3236:  3224:; and 3220:  3199:  3178:  3154:  3129:  3121:, ed. 3096:  2821:social 2683:, and 2498:owners 2134:Kuwait 2129:Jordan 2082:Sweden 2072:Russia 2057:Poland 2052:Norway 1874:Laogai 1859:Brunei 1854:Bhutan 1816:revolt 1789:Brazil 1752:Canada 1715:partus 1700:female 1585:Angola 1454:Coolie 1437:Mamluk 1390:Nantes 1370:Brazil 1299:Cariye 1134:Thrall 1102:Kholop 1068:Greece 891:, and 828:(1855) 774:  767:  760:  753:  745:  626:, and 519:voodoo 490:, and 466:, and 414:agency 199:Sambos 111:& 85:1972 ( 50:Author 5518:Plays 4239:, in 3980:, in 3954:, in 3937:, in 3920:, in 3903:, in 3886:, in 3852:, in 3835:, in 3113:, in 3070:Notes 3020:Islam 2934:Mammy 2525:songs 2520:films 2438:] 2394:songs 2231:Islam 2209:Bible 2184:Yemen 2179:Qatar 2169:Syria 2144:Libya 2109:Egypt 2077:Spain 2047:Malta 1920:Korea 1908:Japan 1886:India 1864:China 1811:Haiti 1671:Aztec 1647:Sudan 1615:Niger 1507:Naval 1380:Dutch 1309:Qiyan 1295:Jarya 1270:Harem 1112:Serfs 1058:Egypt 779:JSTOR 765:books 615:Sambo 515:fused 484:Temne 480:Hausa 476:Wolof 460:Ghana 120:Pages 5542:Omar 4575:Asia 4333:ISBN 4292:ISBN 4181:ISBN 4147:ISBN 4126:ISBN 4105:ISBN 4084:ISBN 4055:ISBN 3279:ISBN 3258:ISBN 3234:OCLC 3218:OCLC 3197:ISBN 3176:ISBN 3152:ISBN 3127:ISBN 3094:OCLC 2936:and 2839:and 2827:and 2649:hell 2476:laws 2338:U.S. 2333:U.K. 2271:U.S. 2266:U.K. 2154:Oman 2124:Iraq 2119:Iran 1806:Cuba 1710:maps 1605:Mali 1590:Chad 1176:Baqt 1073:Rome 969:Debt 927:and 751:news 634:Jack 557:and 498:and 492:Igbo 310:Jews 131:ISBN 123:262 5256:Sab 4376:at 4364:at 3797:, " 2732:In 903:'s 843:'s 832:In 822:'s 727:to 670:had 641:Nat 572:God 570:of 472:Ewe 408:In 392:'s 384:'s 374:'s 354:'s 339:." 312:in 294:in 286:in 5710:: 5300:c. 5298:– 5293:c. 4890:MD 4538:c. 4078:, 3717:^ 3636:^ 3436:^ 3290:^ 3252:, 3228:, 3163:^ 3026:. 2998:. 2799:, 2775:, 2679:, 2673:, 2667:, 2436:fa 919:on 883:, 879:, 875:, 871:, 738:. 622:, 541:. 486:, 482:, 478:, 474:, 462:, 400:. 362:, 316:. 248:. 5498:" 5305:) 5291:( 4892:) 4543:) 4410:e 4403:t 4396:v 4380:. 4368:. 4339:. 4298:. 4187:. 4153:. 4132:. 4111:. 4090:. 4061:. 3285:. 3264:. 3240:. 3203:. 3182:. 3158:. 3133:. 3100:. 2635:e 2628:t 2621:v 1831:) 1827:( 1297:/ 1172:‎ 801:) 795:( 790:) 786:( 776:· 769:· 762:· 755:· 732:. 433:" 115:) 89:) 20:)


Slave Community

John W. Blassingame
Slavery in the United States
History of the Southern United States
Oxford University Press
Dewey Decimal
LC Class
John W. Blassingame
slavery in the United States
fugitive slave narratives
2,000 interviews with former slaves
Works Progress Administration
Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History
Antebellum South
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips
southern United States
W. E. B. Du Bois

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.