
Talk:A priori and a posteriori

Source šŸ“

science to prove a theory that x (physical being/thing)is y is either apriori or a false claim. When science doubts human experience through his senses for being unreliable to know the objective truth of the physical world it alleviates scientific evidence to a level more than senses. However, this situation is self contradictory in so far as the scientists ultimately rely on their own senses to grasp\experience and understand the evidence at hand. If one can reject senses and the experience derived through the medium of senses is unreliable (according to science) then there is no way man can ever learn the objective truth of the physical world. How do you know if a glass of orange juice is infact orange juice? Scienctific evidence does not prove if orange juice is orange juice. whatever evidence experiments reveal could be anything but the objective truth. This is that fact that man has a physical limitation so far as his ability to perceive the world outside of him i.e man cannot do away with his senses and continue perceving the world. This leaves only two possibilities so far as truth revealed by scientific evidence. Evidence by itself does not prove anything. Humans first believe in something (apriori) and then look for justification acceptable to all his peers. If some evidence is acceptable to all then they claim the truth proved by the evidence. or They simply claim x is proof y. There is no way this can be either proved or disproved..same like God or spirit or ghost.
2007:(genius logic) were leading general principals of a very effective movement (especially in architecture), called ā€˜Neo-Rationalismā€™ or New Rationalism, was one of the most powerful movement throughout the world beginning from Italy. Its pioneer is Italian architect Aldo Rossi and followers like Giorgio Grassi. Neo-Rationalism developed in the light of a re-evaluation of the work of Giuseppe Terragni led by Aldo Rossi, and gained momentum through the work of Giorgio Grassi. Characterized by elemental forms of vernacular and an absence of cosmetic detail, the Neo Rationalist style has adherents beginning from the architectural world then into other worlds of Art throughout European, American and Asian Cultures. Later, the movement calls, 815:
happened. There is also a change for a posteriori, moving from essence to contingent fact to likelihood of dependant event. Still, without the framework of Aristotle there is not any 'beginning' of the field save for Plato's many stories. Organon includes other elements: ontology, classification, etc beyond Prior Analytics and Posterior Analytics that provide a basis for categorical logic and even include basics of statistics (but without numbers). The chapters on Prior and Posterior Analytics should be mentioned at the least in this article.
relationship between identity and other important concepts: time, necessity, personhood, composition (parthood), indiscernibility, and vagueness. In addition to these issues, some have suggested that identity is not absolute, but relative, so that we may say two things are the same person or statue, but not the same simpliciter. Finally, there are questions about whether there must always be informative criteria of identity that settle questions about when identity holds or fails to hold
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having a section on its own regarding Kant's theory, and then having a different section on the whole relation to analyticity and necessity. I also think that the "Aprioricity, analyticity, and necessity" section should be a sub heading instead of a sub-sub heading. I would motion to have this stuff put in the article (just below the "Rationalism and empiricism" section, of course). What do you think? --
2760: 3167:". The google test would require that a significant fraction of the 31M+ web pages with "a priori" also refer to archetypes. (The google test with "Jung" is inappropriate, as there seems to be some English word which google considers cognate to "Jung". Without a more detailed query restricting word-forms, I cannot determine whether there are the nearly 1M web pages claimed.) ā€” 2947: 706:"The proposal 'every living human has a brain' is based on a priori knowledge, since we don't have to perform surgery in order to justify it. On the other hand, the proposal 'the light bulb is currently illuminated' is based on a posteriori knowledge, namely our experience of what a light bulb and its surrounding environment looks like when an active source of light is present". 1278:
Posteriori' as "from particular instances to a general principle or law; based upon actual observation or upon experimental data". It doesn't necessarily have to, however, imply 'experience' but rather before or after being posited. Such as a dialectical 'a priori synthesis' in an idealistic dialectic; i.e. a synthesis having always been there and only separated by abstraction.
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this specific example, whether the knowledge used to justify the proposal is empirical is debatable, since it comes from ab initio mathmatical proofs and "thought experiments". In order for the justifying knowledge to be considered a posteriori the experiments would (arguably) have needed to be based on experience and provide observable and measurable results.
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language, as long as the correct notions are conveyed. Bachelor does not mean "unmarried," it means "unmarried male," and therefore this is not a straight definition, though it is a tautology (though both definitions and tautologies constitute a priori knowledge). A similar example would be that the sum of the angles in a triangle must equal 180 degrees.
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distinction. I thought of "rational" and "transcendental" in place of "conceptual", but the first still maybe doesn't reflect Kant's position (I think he regarded "rational" theories as examples of transcendental dialectic or something) while the second is odd-sounding (outside of the context of Kant's usage).
A reliable source on grammar is someone who knows the grammar. A set which obviously includes only one of the two of us. Thanks for your completely pointless comment which suggests nothing of use, and which is presumed upon a suggestion I didn't actually make. You've made an ass of yourself in record
The example put by the definition of a priori knowledge is argued to be a posteriori as well, since a human being to the base needs some sort of language to even think about certain things. So therefore, a human being also needs language to think about 2 + 2 = 4, so, a posteriori, since a language is
This is starting to look great. However, the stuff about Kant could do with some reconfigurationā€”I'm not sure that, for example, "In this way, Kant considered... all synthetic propositions to be contingent propositions," is the best way to put that. Part of Kant's theory of aprioricity was that there
Yeah, I wish I had Leibniz himself on this... All I've got is Quine's statement that Leibniz regarded truths as divided into the two categories listed. Maybe the note could read something like, "Quine, 1951, Ā§1. In his paper, Quine referred to theories of Hume and Leibniz regarding what he took to be
I'm not sure if this is an appropriate spot to add a comment about the structure/grammar of just one particular sentence. I just mean to make a note about it, not to be nit-picky. I would edit it myself, however, I don't know enough about the topic to rewrite the sentence and be absolutely sure that
The particular source seems to depend on the reliability of the (unnamed) translator from German to Italian, and as to whether Ā«a prioriĀ» is an Italian phrase (in which case the non-translation from Italian to English is unjustified) or a borrowed Latin phrase. However, even assuming the reliability
Right now, the article is focused on apriority. That's... problematic. Also, I'm (right now) not so hot when it comes to citation. I mean, I want to do it, and do it right, but I don't have the much in the way of resources (aside from secondhanding the SEP/IEP, but I want to ask the relevant authors
The example used in the first paragraph states: "'No light escapes black holes,' is a theory deduced from empirical physics". Although the example is used in support of a priori knowledge, the phrasing, especially the use of the word "empirical" seems to relate it to a posteriori knowledge. Also, in
In the intro paragraph, the explanation of the generally meanings of the terms should be left open. Thus, I figured (a) that it should say "dependent" instead of "based" (that's irrespective of Prokaryote's changes) and (b) that it should be left open what "experience" means. Anyhow, experience in
There are six entries in the "External links". Three seems to be an acceptable number to push for adding links and of course, everyone has their favorite to add for four. The problem is that none is needed for article promotion. Another problem is adding links just to add them if they do not follow
I think this example is correct, and a good one. Yes, understanding it requires knowledge of English, but so does the entire article. What we are talking about here is the "notion" of a bachelor as an unmarried male (unmarried and male also being "notions"). Therefore this example would work in any
Sure there is: ask a classicist. My one quarter of college Latin hardly qualifies me as such, but I believe the first pronunciation above is the "correct" one. But then, "alumni" would be pronounced ah-loom-nee, yet most people (including me) say uh-lum-nye. I think both of the above, and any other
Man, I have a lot of punctuation (of mine) to clean up, then. To note: the Knowledge manual of style still recommends writing full sentences with the periods, etc. within the quotation marks (except for questions about statements). As for the learning thing: I've been under the impression (right or
Changed "she would not experience the world as an orderly rule governed place" to "she would not experience the world as an orderly, rule-governed place." The phrase was annoying to read as it was unclear as well as grammatically incorrect. I also added a hyphen to "rule governed place" because the
In the subsection "Relation to the analytic-synthetic", after quoting Quine, the article says: "Analytic propositions are thought to be true in virtue of their meaning alone, while a priori synthetic propositions are thought to be true in virtue of their meaning and certain facts about the world."
Would the idea that George V must have reigned for at least a day if at all have to be based on some understanding that the word "reigned" directly implies this in order to be a priori? If so, and if "reigned" does not imply a minimum length of one day, the suggestion could be added that something
I made some changes to your suggested revision. I mostly tried to organize, add some things, and remove some things in order to tie all of it together into the relation to the a priori and a posteriori (such as relating it all to Kant's theory of pure intuition). I like the idea of going back to
Updating the learning thing: the SEP article on belief includes the following sentence: "When someone learns a particular fact, for example, when Kai reads that some astronomers no longer classify Pluto as a planet, he acquires a new belief (in this case, the belief that some astronomers no longer
I'm sure it wasn't time wasted, it seems to have made you feel better about yourself. I think, reading your first sentence in the preceding comment, that you are operating under an incomplete understanding of Knowledge policy. Allow me to rephrase. Your reading of the subject is at odds with this
953:"References and further reading" section, and then just refer to those in the endnotes of the "Notes" section. Hope that sounds good. A quetsion for Prokaryote though: Why did you make the Quine citation under some info about Leibniz? Maybe it should be more clear why you're citing Quine there. - 3496:
There is nothing wrong with adding one or more useful content-relevant links to the external links section of an article; however, excessive lists can dwarf articles and detract from the purpose of Knowledge. On articles about topics with many fansites, for example, including a link to one major
The statement "Both terms appear in Euclid's Elements" should be re-phrased. We are dealing with two Latin phrases, but Euklid's Elements are originally written in Ancient Greek. Either it should be stated that the original concepts are mentioned there (but not with these phrases), or that these
Suggest a seperate section on the highly controvertial area of the synthetic apriori. I searched wiki, expecting to find a seperate article on the subject but was re-directed to the synthetic/analytic distinction, an awful article, so came here, a little better, but dont you think the synthetic
Am I the only one that feels this article is especially confusing? Surely the concept of a priori can be summed up succinctly for people that do not already understand the concept. If you have no prior knowledge of the term, this article is very much unhelpful. I can assure you of this, as I
tests and so on don't require "JUSTIFICATIONS" written in capital letters. And anyway I have just added a simple link to a == See also == section. So I am kindly asking to Dr. Rubin (which happens to be also a wikipedia administrator and a doctor in mathematics) to try to stick to his areas of
There is worldwide philosophical consensus on apriori nature of knowledge of the world. If man is endowed with only one medium to experience the physical world (five senses)any evidence whatever it might be could only be known through human senses. In this case, the evidence relied upon by the
We also need an article that compares and relates the three distinctions, again with a set of good examples, that set being constructed with a view to allow easy comparison on any one of the three dimensions of aprioricity, analyticity and necessity. Such ease of comparison requires that each
Much of this outdated philosophical nonsense is dead and buried as a result of modern Bayesian statistics and science; knowledge is just a configuration of the brain and experiences are just observed data. If the author includes a discussion on Bayesian statistics then the statement, "A priori
the "before experience" & "after experience" definition doesn't follow the whole gamut of the possible philosophic interpretation of thr word. defines it fairly well under 'A Priori' as "from a general law to a particular instance; valid independently of observation." and 'A
Correct me if I'm wrong, but din't Kant describe how synthetical a priori knowledge was possible in his 'Critique of Pure Reason'? He gave the example of any basic mathematical or geometrical equation. You mention Quine's argument against the analytic theory, but you don't mention Kant's own
There is nothing in the article that cites to Aristotle's Organon, where much of the conceptual basis for a priori and a posteriori thinking was laid down. Certainly there is a semantic change over time regarding the a priori concept, moving from existance/essence to likelihood of event having
In the Intuitive Distinction section, it seems clear that a priori does not have anything to do with being learned. It has to do with an epistemological notion of knowledge, not a psychological one of learning. Also, it's important to keep in mind that the thing that one is said to know (the
As written, these phrases are both nonsensical and grammatically incorrect. To salvage it with minimal modification, in the context of worldly knowledge gained in the presence or absence of experience, to render such phrases as "knowledge from prior/posterior to experience" as Kant presumably
Apparently I'm not making myself clear. I was saying that I oppose bigotry in regard marijuana, and that such bigotry clearly exists, not that all opposed to legalization of marijuana are bigots, or that all in favor of legalization of marijuana are sane or not bigots. To avoid any further
of experience." sentence doesn't exactly fit with the stuff about pure intuition. Kant's theory distinguishes (accurately or not) between concepts and intuitions. But, I'm having a hard time rewording the sentence so that it stays as simple as it is and yet accounts for the concept/intuition
recently added a reference note/citation to Quine. I modified the format just a bit to accord with the majority of the other philosophy articles on Wikipeida: I added a "Notes" section, for the citations to go under. Preferably we can have all the references (the books and articles) in the
knowledge is what we generally know from experience, before looking at the particular case. "Most 20 year old bachelors eventually get married" or "... a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" would be what I am thinking of. "All bachelors are unmarried" is a
Identity, Identity, Edited by Chad Carmichael (Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis), About this topic,Summary Identity is sameness: the relation that holds between each thing and itself, and never holds between two things. Most philosophical issues about identity concern the
There are certainly lots of ways to use "learn". This SEP entry seems to claim that learning involves acquiring beliefs. That seems intuitive and uncontroversial, although it's still not using them interchangeably. Anyhow, what I was worrying about before, though, was using "learn" and
To my mind, this does not support the notion expressed in the final sentence that summarises the section: "However, most philosophers at least seem to agree that while the various distinctions may overlap, the notions are clearly not identical: the a priori/a posteriori distinction is
Lots of this entry needs cleaning up (and expansion--see below). The notion of the a priori and related issues is a huge area of philosophy and even affects metaphilosophical issues. Hopefully it can be made up to be a great article, since it's so central to the discipline. -
It should be easy to figure out whether you are violating copyright. Just don't copy anything out of there without quoting it and providing a proper citation. Even if you paraphrase something from it or got an idea from it, you should cite it and the relevant section. -
I have never seen it hyphened, at least in philosophy. Sometimes professional philosophers write it together as one word, especially when used as a noun, e.g. "aprioricity". I think it's just an attempt to make it a term of art in philosophy, which, by now, it is. -
Grammatical or not, these terms have been standard philosophical terminology for centuries, and there is no question of Knowledge trying to amend the perceived mistakes of history. So I would suggest, if you want the article to include grammatical commentary, to find
It seems to me that it should follow the capitalization rules of any other pair of words, i.e. "A priori" at the beginning of a sentence, "A Priori" in a title, etc. It is, though, as someone said, a term of art in Philosophy, so maybe different rules could apply.
like "If George V reigned at all, then he reigned for some amount of time." would be a priori. The same section of the article mentions varying usage of the terms and if the Fodor citation is in fact being used to exemplify this more explanation would be helpful.
I understand (as stated in the article) that the meaning is up for debate, but this doesn't seem to me a good excuse for avoiding an attempt at defining it. Nearly every sentence in the opening pages of the article is apologetic rather than informative.
Should some of the phenomenological philosophers such a Drs. Josef Siefert or Dietrich von Hildebrand be mentioned? Von Hildebrand has given one of the best definitions of a priori vis a vis a whole person experience in his book "What is Philosophy."
3300:-Change from: These terms are used with respect to reasoning (epistemology) to distinguish "necessary conclusions from first premises" (i.e., what must come before sense observation) from "conclusions based on sense observation" which must follow it. 981:
and there it was, plain and simple. I put the quote in this entry, since it had some relevant info in it. I also tried to find references to some of the other things discussed in the article. Glad to see some positive collaboration going on. -
by law; all other substances are assigned to their appropriate category based on scientific information, except some "supplements" which are declared legal, even though they would be "Schedule I" or "Schedule II" if subject to regulation. ā€”
The second sentence of the entry is ā€³A priori knowledge is independent from current experience (e.g., as part of a new study).ā€³ What is ā€³current experienceā€³ suppose to mean? The whole point of a priori knowledge is that it is independent of
The examples in the article are poor; they should clearly illustrate the definition. I am afraid your example of 'every living human has a brain' as a priori is not a good one, since it would appear to be an example of something discovered
reading the above questions/comments I feel something is missing. you could be a deaf mute living in a tribe and over time you could develop a notion of what a bachelor is conceptually based on your observations of behavior. Isn't
This sentence doesn't even make sense. It does not use "other words," it uses only an "other word." English is a contextual and descriptive language. One-word definitions are rarely enough to convey anything of meaningful value.
I would guess that the original author(s) intended the designator "George V" to be by definition an entity incapable of reigning indefinitely, i.e. a mortal man. The point could be better made using fewer assumptions, I agree.
original examples of synthetic a priori knowledge. I am, at best, a casual student of philosophy, so perhaps there is some flaw in Kant's work that invalidates it, but I'm confused as to why it wasn't included in the article.
depending on the expereinces we have of light being bent by gravity as in apparent star shifts durin solar ecclipses. In any case the "black hole" is a bad example since the average reader would not know the definition of
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Granted, if a reader wanted to know more about tautologies, he/she could follow the link, however, a general definition with a link for further study is far more useful in providing understanding, context, and meaning.
I am confused by the differences in these sections. I would think the sources would be used in the text and should therefore be citations. If they were not used to write the text shouldn't they be under further reading?
By contrast, consider the proposition, "If George V reigned at all, then he reigned for a finite period of time." This is something that one knows a priori, because it expresses a statement that one can derive by reason
it follows a fortiori that light canot escape a black hole. If on the hand black hole is defined in some otherway, invoving intenstity of gravitational filed or the like, light not escaping a black hole would be known
of experience, which is innate", or something like that. Better yet, I might do like you did with Leibniz and directly quote the man on the subject. But I'll start work on that when it's not so late where I am, maybe.
3552: 1816:
This example is incorrect, as pointed out in the first note of this section. It IS merely a definition. The defining element of "bachelor" is NOT that it refers to a male; it is that it refers to an UNMARRIED
Yeah, maybe "transcendental" should replace "conceptual". It is a special use of the term for Kant, but it would then be explained after it was used ("...knowledge is transcendental, in that it is based on the
I had a quick look and I feel the addition makes some sense -even if I am not leaning strongly on either side. Also, I am Italian, and as such I can confirm the source translation is indeed correct. However
experience, not only current experience. See IEP definition of a priori . If a proposition is dependent on future experience is it then a priori knowledge? I would say it is neither a priori nor knowledge.
Seconded. I'm sure there are some rulers in history who have not held power for even a full day, and even if there were no real-world examples, the idea certainly isn't inconceivable. I will edit this.
I agree with What, too, if George V is still reigning? Surely it would better say, "If George V reigned at all, and if his reign has ended, then he reigned for a finite period of time"?
wrong) that "learning" is synonymous (on some level) with "acquiring knowledge." I'll leave it the way you put it, though, since I'm not altogether familiar with acadamic usage of the word "learning."
article. See there for more examples. I am not saying I know better, but I heard some good arguments. I know if you think about language being a requisite, you must eliminate a lot in the article.
477: 3542: 2554:(Undid revision 528456245 by Arthur Rubin (talk). A search using "a priori categories" & "archetypes" keywords returns an average of 17.400 results. So I guess there are "somehow"correlated.) 2392: 3053:. So I guess I have all reasons to think that I am not a "bigot" (thanks for the "compliments"). But, obviously, if anyone thinks marijuana legalisation should be pursued anyone should have the 531:
entry). I hope no one minds. I checked the talk pages and people seemed to want to disambiguate the philosophical use of the term "a priori" from the non-philosophical uses. Furthermore, the
3557: 1599:
I'm confused about this sentence: "The American philosopher Saul Kripke (1972), for example, provided strong arguments against this position." What position, exactly, is being referred to?
It is pronounced the second way in the best English, even by classicists like me. Similarly with alumni, whereas alumnae would end in -ee. Initial a in alumni is short in Latin, by the way.
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won't do it without Maurice's consent. If my previous comment of 10:11, 6 January 2013 is to be hatted, so should "Thirdly", above, but I'm not going to do that without consensus. ā€”
should have its own article, despite Kant's rejection of it. Such an article should of course include Kant's (and others') justification for rejecting it, but there are others, (e.g.,
escalation of this issue, I decline comment as to whether your example supports your thesis. Neither the argument nor any refutation has any place on Knowledge, even on talk pages.
of the source, it verifies that "a priori categories" is relevant to (Jungian archetypes), not necessarily the reverse. I still lean against inclusion, but you have established a
A priori knowledge is knowledge that rests on a priori justification. A priori justification is a type of epistemic justification that is, in some sense, independent of experience.
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Either way, I think. I have heard professionals pronounce it each way pretty much 50/50. I don't think there's a way to tell how it is "truly" pronounced, since it is Latin. -
If, indeed, an a priori synthetic proposition is one that notices "certain facts about the world", it is one that derives its knowledge not solely from language, but also from
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Humans first believe in something and then try to confirm its acceptability with their peers. Scientific method is one of the many ways humans try to confirm their beliefs.
proposition) must be knowledge. That's why I put the qualification on there that "George V reigned from 1910-1936" must be assumed to be knowledge; it may not even be true.
ideas are derived from impressions. This would support my belief that Hume thinks that all knowledge is a posteriori. Indeed, the article on this piece describes him as an
knowledge or justification is independent of experience" will have to be changed to say that a priori knowledge is the sum of knowledge over all possible given experiences.
44: 1489:
Is there any objection to spell the term 'a-priori' to avoid confusion with the English article 'a', especially in situation where the term is broken into two lines? --
comparable pair discusses similar things in similar ways, e.g. "All apples are sweet." Perhaps a tabular presentation of such examples would help clarify matters.
Links in the "External links" section should be kept to a minimum. A lack of external links or a small number of external links is not a reason to add external links.
example? That all bachelors are unmarried is simply by definition. It is a matter of semantics not of knowledge. Arguably our knowing that all bachelors are unmarred
on Knowledge. If you would like to support the project, please visit the project page, where you can get more details on how you can help, and where you can join the
3577: 3241:
I am not sure I understand why a priori points here and a posteriori points to A priori and a posteriori. Shouldn't they both point to A priori and a posteriori?
the definition of what a bachelor is in the statement "all bachelors are unmarried", the relationship between the references, not the fact that these are words?
hasn't provided any discussion here regarding his suggestion, I'm just going to take off the merge banner. But, by all means, discuss it here if you'd like. --
this sense is not normally limited by "sensory input" or "introspective consciousness". I think that, in the intro, it should be fairly general and unspecified.
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In other words, this sentence does not explain why a priori statements, which are true, are tautologies, and why a priori statements which are false, are not.
Sounds good. I'll put the changes in the article. I'll move them from here to there. (So, the text will no longer be on this talk page, taking up space.) --
Under "History", the last sentence under "Immanuel Kant" doesn't really make sense. At the very least it's awkwardly stated and difficult to read - see below
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has suggested some sort of merger. I'm not sure exactly what he wants merged and why. It would be nice if Ajo Mama would clarify here on the talk page. -
629:, under the section on punctuation. I know that the normal U.S. English style is to do it the other way, but the U.K. English style makes much more sense 332: 1990:
The following material has been pasted into a number of articles with only tenuous connection to the topic; I have reverted and retain the content here:
79: 1709:
I take issue with the presentation of Hume's beliefs. From my reading, I understand Hume to believe that all knowledge is a posteriori. The section in
3582: 3537: 1711: 1008:(supposedly) necessarily true. But, maybe it's a matter of what kind of necessity is being talked aboutā€”logical (in which case, yeah, even synthetic 2679: 2612: 834:
How can I incorporate the info on apriority that I've located in the S.E.P. and the I.E.P. without violating copyright? HAVE I violated copyright?
3607: 3592: 3547: 2973: 2838: 467: 2221:
reflect his ignorance of mathematics. He was, in truth, a pretty shabby philosopher. Aristotle did much more with much less to use as a basis. --
3572: 3061:
the rest of the world for being a "bigot". Last but not least I am starting to believe that "someone" is using wikipedia as means of political
2138: 930: 297: 85: 3562: 3009:
unreasonable. There may be reasons to oppose full legalization of cannabis; however, it is clear from a study of the (US) law that it was
2311: 2256: 2222: 3005:
Unfortunately, I must defend myself against charges that I accuse others of bigotry without evidence, because Maurice's accusation is not
e, quindi, con schemi mentali che sono presenti in tutti gli uomini e ne condizionano il sapere e la stessa comprensione del mondo. (...)
880: 2446:
There are many points of view on these two types of assertion, and their relationship is one of the oldest problems in modern philosophy.
are rendered in the dative case. However, this preposition takes only the ablative case, which would require the words to be rendered as
I think some facts need to be checked. Quine accepts that there is a priori knowledge? He demolished the analytic/synthetic distinction!
Fine: I really appreciate that you are starting to decline comments in order to avoid any further escalations of the issue. I agree in "
2491: 2061: 1824: 1803: 906: 168: 3597: 2675:
and, therefore, with thought patterns that are present in all people and influence the knowledge and understanding of the world (...)
2396: 2368: 1747:
The terms "a priori" and "a posteriori" are used in philosophy to distinguish between deductive and inductive reasoning, respectively.
1728: 135: 2584:
of all I would like to point out that the "occurring" is not on "one same page" (sic!) but on 16,300 webpages (sorry not 17,400. (
definition, isn't it? It doesn't tell us anything about the real world except what we call unmarried men, when we speak English.
2019:, one develop the similar based movement into a deconstruction of the elements, follows this powerful movement of 1970s and 1980s. 703:
Might more mundane and less debatable examples serve the article better for the purposes of clarity? For example, something like:
Reverted good faith edits by Maurice Carbonaro (talk): Please JUSTIFY the inclusion. Occuring on the same web page is not enough.
443: 287: 238: 3602: 3587: 3532: 3014: 1621:"... some philosophers have considered the relationship between aprioricity, analyticity, and necessity to be extremely close." 1481:
is doing over the article? I can't seem to spot what's causing it in the article source. ink_13 04:23, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
99: 30: 1854: 1020:
truths are still supposed to be necessary). Here's my suggestion for rewriting it: "In this way, Kant considered all analytic
1899: 1515:
stumbled across the page without knowing of this term. In the end, I checked other resources for a definition of the terms.
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entries were both slim and the two are best presented together. There wasn't much talk going on those talk pages either. -
129: 2540:ā€ŽSee also: remove *Jungian archetypes; possibly examples of "a priori" and/or "a posteriori", but not really that related) 2303:
This is not true: one would need to consult experience to know that it is impossible for a person to reign forever, or to
The opening paragraph gives "all bachelors are unmarried" as an example of a priori. Is this a good example? Is it even a
74: 213: 3206: 3108: 3086: 2967: 2882: 434: 411: 385: 247: 125: 65: 2114:"most philosophers ... seem to agree" also worry me. Why pretend there is a consensus when there so clearly isn't? 1945:
I also disagree. What we need to provide are clear articles, with good examples, on each of the three distinctions:
3449: 2119: 2050: 1975: 1764: 1631: 1566: 740:
Kant suggested any true mathematical statement. You DO have to be careful with examples. It could be argued that
3066: 2142: 626: 175: 24: 1715:
preceding the one mentioned that delineates "relations of ideas" and "matters of fact" explains his belief that
934: 2315: 2260: 2226: 2495: 902: 2419: 2372: 2065: 1888: 1828: 1807: 1732: 1410:
Can you use "a priori" capitalized? I've changed put up the lowercase template to show that it shouldn't. --
1298: 713: 109: 3473:
More than one instance of "A priori and a posteriori" in the "External links" will likely prove redundancy.
2750:. Talking about psychiatry I wonder if the very same user that has published on his user page the userbox 2657: 2602: 1883: 3433: 3188: 3171: 3139: 3090: 3050: 3022: 2963: 2933: 2864: 2529: 1520: 1411: 2415: 2407: 2115: 2046: 1971: 1760: 1627: 1562: 1549: 898: 781:
The article now has a lot of section, but very little in each. Hopefully people can expand the section
219: 2016: 1873: 1313: 1294: 1249: 881:
709: 141: 2980:-if anything he/she's bossing around Arthur Rubin by asking him to "stick to his areas of expertise". 1490: 2794: 2487: 2388: 2364: 1846: 1820: 1587: 1422: 1337: 926: 894: 738:
Standard examples of propositions known a priori include: a bachelor is an unmarried male; 2 + 3 = 5;
672:" interchangebly. Belief is, presumably, only part of knowledge. When you learn something, such as 3279: 3271:, this most famous of Kant's deductions has made the successful attempt in the case for the fact of 2217:
This misuse of Latin reflects Kant's ignorance of the language, just as most of the contents of his
of all possible experience..."? If you don't want that, then I say: just go with what you suggested.
816: 190: 3283: 3046: 2821: 2327: 2275: 2242: 2030: 1604: 1357: 820: 562: 548: 528: 161: 55: 1652: 1245: 442:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
3491: 3482: 3275:, what constitutes subjectivity and what relation it holds with objectivity and the empirical." 3246: 3160: 3156: 3070: 2992: 2517: 1878: 1788: 1723:. I grant that I haven't been reading Hume for long, but it seems to me there's a contradiction. 1561:
Me too! Why don't you make the connection, and add a mention of its use in Bayesian statistics?
1534: 1446: 1385: 1361: 938: 676:, you may acquire a belief, but you surely don't acquire knowledge, namely because it's false. - 70: 3183:" but I would wait first in order to make the "incidents happened between us" more readable for 2917:
argument, not to my substantive arguments. As this is the first time you've added a source for
Yes! We need experience (a posteriori) to know that men are mortal. It is not known a priori.
reigned forever. These facts cannot be deduced from reason independent of knowledge of reality.
2000: 1787:
come from experience...our experience of learning that the word "bachelor" means "unmarried". --
884: 879:
Siefert gives a wonderful example of using a priori in his work "Back to Things in Themselves."
of your (on the surface, implausible) edits, I'll have to consider the merits of your argument.
2701: 2634: 3429: 3376: 3358: 3168: 3136: 3131:
Furthermore, it would probably be a good idea to "hat" the previous comment and this one; but
3054: 3019: 2930: 2525: 2438: 1934: 1907: 1724: 1666:
apriori needs to be clearly delineated as there will be people searching for it specifically.
Hey, I didn't see this until late. Gotta sleep. I'll definitely take a look soon though. --
766: 625:
I changed the style back to having the punctuation outside of quotation marks as it is in the
279: 51: 2689: 2622: 2241:
such as academic journals that cover the matter and incorporating those as references. Best,
622:. So, that's why I put in the qualification that it's only that way if the identity is true. 3513: 3457: 2825: 1964:
And shouldn't each article discuss the relation between the distinction it makes, and truth?
1792: 1696: 1461: 2779:"This user is pro-cannabis, and opposes bigotry and oppression suffered by cannabis users." 3501: 2705: 2638: 2085: 2012: 1667: 1647:
only mastered through experience. I have added a piece about posteriori and priori in the
1583: 1500: 1190: 1139: 1078: 1059: 965: 949: 859: 835: 801: 690: 658: 648: 591: 505: 2854:
in order to see if we can cool down our relationship that, IMHO, is starting to heat up.
Huh. No philosopher am I, but my thought on reading the George example was that this is
permutations of those syllables, are probably fine outside of an ancient Latin context.
3187:. Anyway there are less invasive actions than undoing ... like placing "" templates... 3043: 2903: 2829: 2809: 2349: 2026: 2008: 1600: 923:
terms have later been used in a Latin translation of the Elements (or possibly both).
426: 405: 3517: 3461: 3437: 3380: 3362: 3287: 3250: 3220: 3174: 3142: 3122: 3025: 2994: 2936: 2896: 2499: 2442: 2423: 2400: 2376: 2353: 2334: 2319: 2282: 2264: 2249: 2230: 2146: 2123: 2069: 2054: 2034: 1979: 1938: 1923: 1858: 1832: 1811: 1796: 1768: 1736: 1699: 1670: 1655: 1635: 1608: 1591: 1570: 1552: 1537: 1523: 1503: 1493: 1464: 1425: 1414: 1399: 1388: 1365: 1340: 1326: 1316: 1302: 1282: 1253: 1218: 1193: 1164: 1142: 1103: 1091: 1081: 1062: 986: 968: 957: 910: 862: 849: 838: 824: 804: 789: 770: 717: 693: 680: 661: 657:
classify Pluto as a planet)." Right, wrong, colloquial,Ā ??? use of the word "learns"?
651: 641: 585: 569: 555: 543: 508: 377: 361: 3526: 3334: 3242: 3184: 3074: 2981: 2977: 2907: 2411: 1919: 1545: 1530: 1279: 687: 3372: 3354: 3350: 3272: 3180: 3082: 3078: 3039: 3035: 2952: 2851: 2782: 2759: 2747: 2595:
I can also provide a "JUSTIFICATION" (pardon me, a "Reference") like the following:
2434: 2433:
The following in the lede strikesme as inappropriate in the lede and badly phrased:
2271: 2238: 2200:. Or even more correctly, one would use entirely different words: the prepositions 2111: 2093: 1930: 762: 536: 524: 2793:
could be seen as an insult). There could be several reasons for being against the
based on any rational information; "marijuana" is the only substance declared a "
2671:(...) Among the sources of inspiration then there is also Immanuel Kant with his 3509: 3453: 3315: 2004: 1438:). We do not typically capitalize "cheese" either. Yet the Knowledge article on 1435: 1396: 1323: 1215: 1161: 1100: 1088: 983: 954: 846: 786: 677: 638: 582: 566: 552: 540: 2946: 3062: 2929:
between the concepts. I'll tag the addition, rather than reverting again. ā€”
2914: 2813: 2089: 1959:
Further, each example needs to emphasise the distinction made in that article.
1720: 292: 269: 3049:
in favour of cannabis legalisation ended up hitting mainstream media for the
returns 52,300 results. Should I provide a "JUSTIFICATION" for this as well?
729: 686:
Something to think about re: my use of the word "learning" and epistemology:
3346: 3304: 2345: 1648: 1499:
The italics should help avoid confusion. I doubt using a hyphen is proper. ā€“
truths aren't necessary), or, uh, I've said "cognitive", but "metaphysical"
Similarly, in the section on Kripke, it is important to note that "Water = H
2842: 2310:
People who are babysitting this article, get your shit together. Please. --
1618:, I'd say it referred to the first claim of the preceding paragraph, viz.: 2902:
There has been some discussion, here and in the real world, as to whether
expertise while editing (and undoing) in wikipedia instead of stalking my
In the last days I have added in the == See also == section a link to the
O" may not be true. What Kripke really argued was that what is necessary
3338: 3319: 3006: 2606:(...) Tra le fonti di ispirazione c'ĆØ poi anche Immanuel Kant con le sue 2510:
Please JUSTIFY the inclusion. Occuring on the same web page is not enough
1996: 1915: 532: 520: 2274:
under which we are operating, do you propose to do about it? Sincerely,
ever hyphenated? It seems like it should be, but I almost never see it.
3342: 3308: 3031: 2788: 964:
pre-Kantian examples of a distinction between analysis and synthesis."
291:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of content related to 2799:
a serch that uses the keywords "paranoid schizophrenia" and "cannabis"
3326: 1439: 500:
phrase "rule-governed" is describing "place" and reads a bit better.
263: 232: 1077:
So, how's it look? Definitely not perfect. But, hopefully, better.
3312: 2785:
to all those that don't agree with full legalisation of cannabis (
2103:(in this case, by "facts", however ascertained) - in other words, 1681:
In other words, statements that are a priori true are tautologies.
439: 3353:
more comprehensive update; Please go for the consensus. thanks...
2770:, and opposes bigotry and oppression suffered by cannabis users. 977:
That made me curious too. So, I searched the online text of the
3323: 3261:
I haven't incorrectly changed the meaning of it in the process.
2857: 2833: 2696:, page - VIII -, Introduction to the reader's digest edition of 2629:, page - VIII -, Introduction to the reader's digest edition of 1138:
I also edited the suggested revision otherwise in a few places.
3400: 3371:
Finished the changes and links; go for the consensus, thanks...
3159:, for which I now see adequate documentation, I don't see that 2188:
that would be rendered in the dative if anything would be, not
728:, by experience (i.e. the opening of skulls). Have a look at 3042:
acceptable. There has been at least one case in which another
and with all due respect to everyone... thanks for reading me.
2654: 2599: 184: 15: 2698:"The archetypes and the collective subconscious by C.G. Jung" 1626:
However, it's not clear to me how to effect an improvement.
Me too. Also it doesn't even mention its scientific use (see
since 2014 and echoed again in 2022. Reassess article. --
propositions to be necessary propositions and all synthetic
376: 360: 3553:
Knowledge level-4 vital articles in Philosophy and religion
Last but not least I have posted this talk page comment in
03:57, 14 November 2007 (UTC) Absolutely endorse the above
Additionally, I'm thinking of changing "according to which
for permission first, or whatever, when it comes to that).
This discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.
Getting back to the substance of the dispute. Even if "
Unfortunately, I must defend myself of being accused of
3038:) without evidence, because Arthur's accusation is not 2566: 2553: 2539: 1434:"Philosophy" is not capitalized either (as it is not a 2414:, and therefore, the sentence may not be pure reason. 2129:
Evidence (scientific empiricism) and Apriori Knowledge
Analyticity and necessity - faulty concluding sentence
Can someone figure out what a large copy of Courbet's
160: 2631:"Gli archetipi e l'inconscio collettivo di C.G. Jung" 1116:
knowledge is conceptual, in that it is based on the
Suggested revision of the second half of the article
438:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 3543:
Knowledge vital articles in Philosophy and religion
1160:of all possible experience..."). Watcha think? -- 1124:knowledge is empirical, in that it is based on the 633:
it's the way that Wikipedian's want it per the MOS.
343: 3322:premise; from what must follow sense observation- 2627:"L'inconscio collettivo di Carl Gustav Jung, oggi" 1914:knowledge not only exists, but is even important. 1869:IMO, there needs to be four seperate articles for 688: 3558:C-Class vital articles in Philosophy and religion 3303:-Change to: These terms are used with respect to 2270:encyclopaedia's treatment of it: what, given the 2910:. But, that's only relevant to the "merits" of 2746:Dr. Vittorino Andreoli happens to be an italian 523:entry (at least the philosophical part) and the 33:for general discussion of the article's subject. 1312:Is it pronounced: ah-pree-ori, or ay-pry-oriy? 810:More stuff about philosophy - basics/background 594:made, only because they seem pretty important: 2816:are not exact sciences like mathematics where 2092:, and the necessary/contingent distinction is 795:More stuff about empirical knowledge, citation 3267:"In consideration of a possible logic of the 3237:a priori knowledge and a posteriori knowledge 3065:. Which, sooner or later, could bring to the 2406:It must be noted that the example contains a 1529:I agree. The article needs to be more clear. 1185:knowledge is transcendental, or based on the 174: 8: 783:and provide sources for claims, quotes, etc. 1676:Statements that are a priori true are WHAT? 1016:be more accurate (in which case, synthetic 2694:"Carl Jung collective subconscious, today" 2458:The following discussion has been closed. 2449: 2386: 2293:Article contains examples which are wrong. 1844: 924: 730: 400: 340: 227: 3311:-conclusions; from what must come before 2198:Scientia a priore/posteriore experientiae 1948:aprioricity --- a priori vs. a posteriori 1712:An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 858:Okay. That isn't liable to be difficult. 2088:, the analytic/synthetic distinction is 1049:of experience" into "according to which 3393: 2152:These terms are grammatically incorrect 1053:knowledge is based on the structure or 1045:knowledge is based on the structure or 402: 229: 188: 3505: 3495: 3486: 2480:knowledge with definitions? I thought 2393:2602:306:CF99:2080:BC52:E72A:3086:3E12 2213:, knowledge <having been known: --> 2011:, which almost opposite discipline of 1954:necessity --- necessary vs. contingent 1951:analyticity --- analytic vs. synthetic 1751:Eh?--Philogo 20:34, 17 May 2008 (UTC) 590:I recently reverted some changes that 301:about philosophy content on Knowledge. 3578:High-importance epistemology articles 3087:User_talk:Maurice_Carbonaro#Wikilinks 3073:. We may continue this discussion in 2841:and giving me the feeling that he is 1112:Not bad, but the "According to Kant, 742:light cannot excape from a black hole 7: 1028:propositions to be contingent ones." 519:I created this article to merge the 432:This article is within the scope of 285:This article is within the scope of 3568:High-importance Philosophy articles 2710:'Stiftung der Werke von C.G. Jung' 2643:'Stiftung der Werke von C.G. Jung' 2524:This edit has been undone twice by 748:: if a black hole is by definition 218:It is of interest to the following 23:for discussing improvements to the 2214:prior to/posterior to experience. 2101:a theory of how we can know things 1894:And that includes NOT redirecting 1452:template.Ā :) Nor should this one. 1120:of all possible experience, while 750:that from which nothing can escape 14: 3443:Article issues and classification 3296:Change 2nd sentence 2nd paragraph 3077:. But I will just wait first for 3057:to say and/or write that without 2700:, in Opere, Vol. IX, 1980, 1997, 2633:, in Opere, Vol. IX, 1980, 1997, 2164:) usually means "from", and both 1986:Retained Art/Architecture Content 674:there are 550 continents on Earth 3583:Epistemology task force articles 3538:Knowledge level-4 vital articles 2945: 2758: 2753: 425: 404: 307:Knowledge:WikiProject Philosophy 272: 262: 231: 198: 189: 45:Click here to start a new topic. 2976:) is strongly advised to avoid 1181:How about, "According to Kant, 472:This article has been rated as 327:This article has been rated as 310:Template:WikiProject Philosophy 3608:High-importance Latin articles 3593:High-importance logic articles 3548:C-Class level-4 vital articles 3307:(epistemology) to distinguish 2532:) with the following comments: 2401:14:43, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 1900:Analytic-synthetic distinction 1851:2603:8001:D300:A631:0:0:0:1D29 1700:11:08, 29 September 2007 (UTC) 1219:08:33, 10 September 2006 (UTC) 1: 3573:C-Class epistemology articles 3518:15:39, 15 February 2023 (UTC) 3462:15:18, 15 February 2023 (UTC) 3411:PhilPapers, Metaphysics : --> 2795:full legalisation of cannabis 2702:Bollati Boringhieri Publisher 1865:Four seperate articles needed 1859:07:56, 3 September 2022 (UTC) 1797:20:26, 27 February 2009 (UTC) 1671:11:29, 8 September 2007 (UTC) 1194:01:46, 8 September 2006 (UTC) 1165:04:47, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1143:22:47, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 939:12:12, 16 February 2022 (UTC) 771:20:02, 30 December 2010 (UTC) 718:17:43, 30 December 2010 (UTC) 446:and see a list of open tasks. 42:Put new text under old text. 3506:Minimize the number of links 3438:20:04, 5 December 2021 (UTC) 3401: 3288:12:56, 27 January 2017 (UTC) 3251:19:04, 28 January 2014 (UTC) 2424:17:22, 1 December 2020 (UTC) 2377:21:42, 21 October 2011 (UTC) 2335:20:05, 18 October 2010 (UTC) 2320:19:35, 18 October 2010 (UTC) 2283:20:03, 18 October 2010 (UTC) 2265:19:36, 18 October 2010 (UTC) 2250:19:32, 18 October 2010 (UTC) 2231:19:29, 18 October 2010 (UTC) 2147:12:02, 2 December 2009 (UTC) 1759:problem has been fixed!Ā ;-) 1609:00:00, 5 November 2008 (UTC) 1553:09:17, 1 November 2007 (UTC) 1426:08:56, 8 February 2007 (UTC) 1415:19:37, 5 December 2006 (UTC) 1341:08:50, 8 February 2007 (UTC) 1303:18:41, 7 November 2022 (UTC) 911:03:56, 1 December 2005 (UTC) 620:O, then it is so necessarily 3563:C-Class Philosophy articles 3497:fansite may be appropriate. 3221:12:12, 7 January 2013 (UTC) 3175:10:13, 7 January 2013 (UTC) 3143:09:54, 7 January 2013 (UTC) 3123:09:15, 7 January 2013 (UTC) 3069:. Knowledge talk pages are 3026:10:11, 6 January 2013 (UTC) 2995:15:29, 4 January 2013 (UTC) 2937:13:49, 4 January 2013 (UTC) 2897:09:49, 4 January 2013 (UTC) 2635:Bollati Boringhieri Editore 2586:Please check for yourselves 2500:00:25, 7 January 2014 (UTC) 2443:15:36, 4 January 2011 (UTC) 2124:19:51, 3 October 2009 (UTC) 1980:19:36, 3 October 2009 (UTC) 1769:19:19, 3 October 2009 (UTC) 1636:19:18, 3 October 2009 (UTC) 1571:19:14, 3 October 2009 (UTC) 1400:04:13, 15 August 2006 (UTC) 1327:04:10, 15 August 2006 (UTC) 1283:21:33, 1 October 2006 (UTC) 1254:01:20, 23 August 2008 (UTC) 1104:20:38, 31 August 2006 (UTC) 1092:07:44, 31 August 2006 (UTC) 1082:07:36, 31 August 2006 (UTC) 1063:10:37, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 987:07:04, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 969:00:41, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 958:23:36, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 863:21:39, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 850:07:30, 23 August 2006 (UTC) 839:04:49, 22 August 2006 (UTC) 825:21:04, 19 August 2020 (UTC) 805:02:08, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 790:07:22, 25 August 2006 (UTC) 746:all bachelors all are male 694:04:54, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 681:23:40, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 662:04:21, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 652:19:23, 26 August 2006 (UTC) 642:19:45, 25 August 2006 (UTC) 586:07:22, 25 August 2006 (UTC) 570:22:02, 30 August 2006 (UTC) 556:23:50, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 544:07:22, 25 August 2006 (UTC) 452:Knowledge:WikiProject Latin 50:New to Knowledge? Welcome! 3624: 3423:Sources and future reading 3381:14:16, 29 March 2019 (UTC) 3363:02:05, 27 March 2019 (UTC) 2477:Isn't this page confusing 2156:In Latin, the preposition 2070:19:28, 2 August 2010 (UTC) 1737:08:57, 18 April 2011 (UTC) 1656:21:31, 3 August 2007 (UTC) 1592:10:34, 22 March 2011 (UTC) 1504:15:28, 23 April 2007 (UTC) 1494:11:42, 23 April 2007 (UTC) 1317:14:22, 21 April 2006 (UTC) 918:Terms in Euclid's Elements 887:00:01, Oct 01, 2005 (EDT) 455:Template:WikiProject Latin 333:project's importance scale 3598:Logic task force articles 3067:Politicization of science 2839:recent contributions page 2684: 2617: 2354:05:18, 8 March 2011 (UTC) 2055:05:02, 24 July 2009 (UTC) 2035:06:40, 26 June 2009 (UTC) 1939:23:35, 4 March 2009 (UTC) 1924:13:54, 3 March 2009 (UTC) 1833:19:55, 22 July 2009 (UTC) 1812:22:25, 7 March 2009 (UTC) 1538:14:14, 15 July 2007 (UTC) 1465:04:23, 20 June 2007 (UTC) 627:Knowledge Manual of Style 471: 420: 384: 368: 339: 326: 257: 226: 80:Be welcoming to newcomers 25:A priori and a posteriori 3333:That Kant was proposing 2461:Please do not modify it. 2184:intended, it's actually 1389:13:39, 30 May 2006 (UTC) 1366:16:32, 1 July 2022 (UTC) 917: 614:is the proposition that 509:03:37, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 3448:Article has failed the 3047:wikipedia administrator 2783:making personal attacks 2543:11:56, 17 December 2012 2219:Critique of Pure Reason 2210:Scientia <scita: --> 1524:07:46, 2 May 2007 (UTC) 744:is known a priori like 344:Associated task forces: 3603:C-Class Latin articles 3588:C-Class logic articles 3533:C-Class vital articles 3477:the content guideline. 3051:2010 Pentagon shooting 2822:rigorous demonstration 2818:every single statement 2704:, translated from the 2637:, translated from the 2272:particular limitations 2211:ante/post experientiam 1889:synthetic a posteriori 381: 365: 288:WikiProject Philosophy 75:avoid personal attacks 2953:third opinion request 2673:Ā«a priori categoriesĀ» 2570:16:16, 3 January 2013 2558:13:14, 3 January 2013 1912:analytic a posteriori 1904:analytic a posteriori 1884:analytic a posteriori 380: 364: 205:level-4 vital article 100:Neutral point of view 2608:Ā«categorie a prioriĀ» 2040:Jerry Fodor Citation 1614:Reading between the 1473:What a big painting! 1442:doesn't include the 527:entry (that is, the 105:No original research 2482:a priori</a: --> 2479:a priori</a: --> 529:empirical knowledge 313:Philosophy articles 3161:Jungian archetypes 3157:Jungian archetypes 2690:Vittorino Andreoli 2623:Vittorino Andreoli 2518:Jungian archetypes 1910:), who argue that 1896:synthetic a priori 1879:synthetic a priori 1479:L'Origine du Monde 382: 366: 298:general discussion 214:content assessment 86:dispute resolution 47: 3341:of living in the 3256:awkward sentence? 3234: 3233: 3155:" is relevant to 3055:freedom of speech 3000: 2999: 2964:MauriceĀ Carbonaro 2862:Yours faithfully. 2826:Free associations 2797:. For instance a 2774: 2773: 2720: 2719: 2716: 2713: 2712:, Zűrich, Schweiz 2664: 2653: 2652: 2649: 2646: 2645:, Zűrich, Schweiz 2571: 2559: 2544: 2490:comment added by 2403: 2391:comment added by 2367:comment added by 2017:De-Constructivism 1908:Stephen Palmquist 1874:analytic a priori 1861: 1849:comment added by 1823:comment added by 1775:bachelors example 1661:Synthetic Apriori 941: 929:comment added by 914: 897:comment added by 504:Agreed; thanks. ā€“ 492: 491: 488: 487: 484: 483: 435:WikiProject Latin 399: 398: 395: 394: 391: 390: 280:Philosophy portal 183: 182: 66:Assume good faith 43: 3615: 3450:B-class criteria 3415: 3409: 3403: 3398: 3218: 3217: 3216: 3204: 3203: 3202: 3163:is relevant to " 3120: 3119: 3118: 3106: 3105: 3104: 3081:about your past 2990: 2984: 2978:personal attacks 2949: 2942: 2941: 2894: 2893: 2892: 2880: 2879: 2878: 2762: 2754: 2715: 2714: 2687: 2663: 2655: 2648: 2647: 2620: 2600: 2569: 2557: 2542: 2502: 2463: 2450: 2379: 2332: 2331: 2280: 2279: 2255:time, surely. -- 2247: 2246: 2239:reliable sources 2047:DearthOfMateriel 2003:(archetype) and 1835: 1742:Opening sentence 1642:two plus two = 4 1451: 1445: 913: 891: 830:Copyright issues 478:importance scale 460: 459: 456: 453: 450: 429: 422: 421: 416: 408: 401: 351: 341: 315: 314: 311: 308: 305: 282: 277: 276: 275: 266: 259: 258: 253: 250: 235: 228: 211: 202: 201: 194: 193: 185: 179: 178: 164: 95:Article policies 16: 3623: 3622: 3618: 3617: 3616: 3614: 3613: 3612: 3523: 3522: 3470: 3445: 3425: 3420: 3419: 3418: 3410: 3406: 3399: 3395: 3298: 3258: 3239: 3214: 3213: 3208: 3207: 3198: 3197: 3190: 3189: 3116: 3115: 3110: 3109: 3100: 3099: 3092: 3091: 3036:personal attack 3015:Schedule I drug 2988: 2987: 2982: 2890: 2889: 2884: 2883: 2874: 2873: 2866: 2865: 2830:Rorschach tests 2706:german language 2685: 2639:german language 2618: 2512: 2485: 2475: 2459: 2431: 2362: 2329: 2328: 2295: 2277: 2276: 2244: 2243: 2154: 2139: 2131: 2105:an epistemology 2086:epistemological 2077: 2042: 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