
Talk:Zigmas Zinkevičius

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had a predominantly anti-Polish character and, as a 'public benefit' organisation aiming to promote the Lithuanian language and culture in the so-called Eastern Lithuania (Vilnius Region), it was subsidised from the state budget. The most prominent Vilnius activists of the period in question included the above-mentioned scientists - Zigmas Zinkevičius and Alvydas Butkus, but also other members of the Sąjūdis initiative group (Romualdas Ozolas or Prof. Arnoldas Piročkinas). The President of the association - Kazimieras Garšva - held the position of "social advisor" to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Lithuania for 20 years, and the members of the Vilnija have held senior official, advisory and scientific positions since the organisation's inception.
charakter i jako organizacja „pożytku publicznego”, której celem jest krzewienie języka i kultury litewskiej na tak zwanej Litwie Wschodniej (Wileńszczyźnie), była dofinansowywana z budżetu państwa. Najwybitniejszymi działaczami Vilnii w omawianym okresie byli wspomniani wyżej naukowcy – Zigmas Zinkevičius i Alvydas Butkus, ale także inni członkowie grupy inicjatywnej Sąjūdisu (Romualdas Ozolas czy prof. Arnoldas Piročkinas). Prezes stowarzyszenia – Kazimieras Garšva – przez 20 lat sprawował funkcję „doradcy społecznego” przy Ministerstwie Oświaty Republiki Litewskiej, a członkowie Vilnii od początku istnienia organizacji zajmowali wysokie stanowiska urzędnicze, doradcze i naukowe.
Lithuanian linguist and lituanist, Zigmas Zinkevičius. In 1996-1998, he served as Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania in the government of Gediminas Vagnorius, helping to intensify the policy of Lithuanianization of so-called Southeast Lithuania. In the early 1990s, Zinkevičius promoted the view that there are "no Poles" in Lithuania - there are only "Polonized Lithuanians" who should be facilitated to return to the bosom of the nation. Voices began to be raised about the necessity of "relithuanianization " of Poles, who in their time had been "forcibly" Polonized, to which Lithuanian Poles reacted very negatively
1430:, well yes, that's the subject of a article. It's about Lithuanian ethnolinguistic nationalism and anti-polonism in Lithuania in 1980-90s. One of her conclusions is that these groups used the theories created by Zinkevičius as a political tool to Lithuanianize Poles living in Lithuania. Moreover, when I said that he does not refer negatively directly to Zinkevičius' theory, I meant that he does not claim that everything he says is nonsense. He refers to them negatively in the sense that he shows them to be ideologized and nationalistically inspired. 368: 340: 308: 2012:) is no reason for removing anything positive that Theodore R. Weeks said about Zinkevičius' work, especially after I provided direct quotations to the source which clearly proves Weeks' words. Also, you did not make it clear how the mere mention that somebody is behind any alleged theories, like what Jundo-Kaliszewska said about Zinkevičius (despite Zinkevičius never talking about a 'wicz' ethnicity), counts as 'criticism'. 1484:. NOT A SINGLE SOURCE CALLS ZIGMAS ZINKEVIČIUS ANTI-POLISH OR NATIONALIST. Ergo, you're implying conclusions not stated by any source, which justifies the entire removal of that section, especially considering your grudge against this man, as well as your dehumanizing and hate-filled attitude towards him (you repeatedly called him "chauvinistic pig" and stood by these words all the times they were brought up). 378: 511: 246: 222: 444: 191: 1323:'This "evidence", accusing Poles from the Lithuanian-Belarusian borderland of using the Belarusian language on a daily basis, could be used by the movement of Belarusian nationalists. Lithuanian linguists get lost in their theories, in which they endlessly analyze the issues of "Polonized Lithuanians" speaking "Belarusian" and undermine the right of Poles in Lithuania to be called indigenous.' ( 1326:„Dowód” ów, zarzucający Polakom z pogranicza litewsko-białoruskiego posługiwanie się na co dzień językiem białoruskim, mógłby być wykorzystany przez ruch białoruskich narodowców. Litewscy językoznawcy gubią się w swoich teoriach, w których bez końca analizują kwestie „spolszczonych Litwinów” mówiących „po białorusku” i podważają prawa Polaków na Litwie do nazywania się ludnością autochtoniczną. 354: 985:. You need to be more specific where is the issue with NPOV. I have conviction that I described his views in neutral way. My personal opinon about him didn't affect it, it's only the reason why I decided it should be described. There is nothing wrong to write articles about persons whose actions we don't like personally. As a matter of fact is the reason why we should describe them 501: 1347:
nothing to do with Polish, but to how it was used by Lithuanian nationalists. Using this theory, they claimed to know better who the Poles in Lithuania are, i.e. that they are not Poles, but Lithuanians, so therefore they have no right to a Polish school, Polish names, Polish culture, etc. I don't need to explain why this is an example of extreme, ethnocentric nationalism.
480: 1194:), although it lists less notable people like "J. Aukštaitis, N. Balčiūnienė, K. Garšva, P. Gaučas, A. Petruškevičius, G. Ručinskienė, J. Tonkūnas, V. Žilius." If Zinkevičius was a member, he would have been 1000% mentioned, but he is not. And there are no other sources mentioning that Zinkevičius was a member. Ergo, she is wrong. I checked the article 256: 2131:, saying that work of historian is "more or less true" is not a positive reception; and I don't know where you see the contradiction between Weeks and Boroch, both are talking about different things. Boroch is criticising ZZ thesis that Polish language spoken in Lithuania has nothing in common with the standard Polish. 2118:, seriously? I was writing you a response when you send this warning. And why didn't give me enough time to answer you, I'm not chained to my computer. You literally send me this warning after 30 min. I stopped believing in your good intentions some time ago, but I didn't expect such dishonest actions. 1979:
The nationalist organisation Vilnija (Vilnius Region), which is still active today, became active and considered as its main objective the fastest possible Lithuanianisation of the so-called South-Eastern Lithuania (Vilnius). Characteristically, it was established in 1988. From the very beginning, it
However, there was still some sensitivity over language policy with respect to the Polish minority in Lithuania (7 percent of the total population). In January Polish organizations in Lithuania protested Education Minister Zigmas Zinkevicius's statements to journalists the previous month, in which he
Speaking of late 20th-century anti-Polonism, one cannot ignore the theory of "polonized Lithuanians" widely propagated in the Lithuanian media in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This was a thesis, drawn from interwar ideology, subsequently propounded by, among others, Lithuania's leading contemporary
Jundo-Kaliszewska does not mention any the things of 'no right to a Polish school, etc.' yet you proceed to claim that these people, including the first and foremost Lithuanian linguist of recent times, is an extreme ethno-centric nationalist despite NOT A SINGLE SOURCE SAYING THAT. Your writing has
but about Zinkevičius introduction to the exhibition at the National Museum about Vilnius in 1904-39 years; 2) saying that historical work is "more or less" true is critic not positive reception. You moved it into improper section just to water down critic section, so it will look minimal and coming
American historian Theodore R. Weeks writes that what Zigmas Zinkevičius wrote in his book Eastern Lithuania in the Past and Now (published in 1993) is "more or less true", for example, concerning that Lithuanian culture was almost completely "wiped out" in the late 19th century due to Russification
was trying to bury them, so he moved it to the main part deleting things that were uncomfortable for him. His membership was disputed before Jundo-Kaliszewska's publications, she clearly calls him "the most prominent activist". I do not insist, but I think that the mention of other nationalists with
That still sounds like a more general criticism of Zinkevičius's work, most of which, including the exact points made by the very same Boroch and Jundo-Kaliszewska, is already in the Reception and legacy section. How about a simple Criticism subsection under the Reception and legacy? The second and
Uaktywniła się nacjonalistyczna, działająca do dziś, organizacja Vilnija (Wileńszczyzna), która za swój główny cel uznała jak najszybszą lituanizację tzw. Litwy Południowo-Wschodniej (Wileńszczyzny). Charakterystyczne, że powstała ona w 1988 r. Od samego początku istnienia miała głównie antypolski
Jundo-Kaliszewska does not comment at all on the history, the origin of Poles in Lithuania. She refers negatively, first of all, not to the theory itself propagated by Zinkevičius, among others, which claimed that all Poles in Lithuania are in fact forcibly Polonized Lithuanians whose language has
due to what seems to be a lack of reliable sources, which is why I asked for the quotes to make sure the source actually says that and it's not just more synthesis of published material. And of all the numerous organizations Zinkevičius has been a part of I still don't see the point of listing his
I could reply to all of your 'answers', but that would get us nowhere because this would just continue without end, especially considering your self-contradictions between your statements on different days (one day you say that she was not negatively referring to all that (your message on 22:26,
his scientific work") and reinterpreting Boroch's criticism of Zinkevičius' "lack of objectivity, mixing ideology and scientific facts" as "anti-Polonism". How many of the other sources actually explicitly call Zinkevičius views and actions "anti-Polish" and how much of that is your own personal
I did not address your message immediately on 20 January because I realized, like Turaids did, that talking to you is like talking to a wall, so I initially decided to not even bother responding to you, but it seems for you that no response is an affirmitive response and I had to dispell your
It's positive reception, because Weeks said that what Zinkevičius wrote is true. Boroch, who is actually criticizing Zinkevičius, said that one part of what Zinkevičius wrote was wrong. Obviously, you shouldn't put both of these in the same category, which is precisely what you are
It's positive reception, because Weeks said that what Zinkevičius wrote is true. Boroch, who is actually criticizing Zinkevičius, said that one part of what Zinkevičius wrote was wrong. Obviously, you shouldn't put both of these in the same category, which is precisely what you are
Your conviction appears to be heavily clouded by your personal opinion of the subject of this article. Even for a third party bystander like me, there are two problems in the first sentence alone: presenting one person's opinion ("it seems to me...") as fact ("Zinkevičius
She refers negatively, first of all, not to the theory itself propagated by Zinkevičius, among others, which claimed that all Poles in Lithuania are in fact forcibly Polonized Lithuanians whose language has nothing to do with Polish, but to how it was used by Lithuanian
1775:. It's best to discuss the article, not the subject and certainly not one another. As for the article, I am open to hearing from folks what is a problem with the article. I've read the section, and while it is a big long, I don't see it as being non-neutral. -- 709:
etc. and I am not interested in Šimelionis in this page. I already explained that Vilnija is common Lithuanian word, plus it used as synonym for the Vilnius region; so no, google hits Z+V, so far gives, exactly this, rather then so called "organization".
2088:, why didn't you mention that it was instead an pamphlet for an exhibition? I now realise and admit that I made an honest mistake, but instead of removing the whole block, you should have edited within the part of the text which was inaccurate. 1679:
that's not true, I corrected the article according to your notices, included one opinion more etc. But you are now demanding to remove entire section that's based on reliable sources, because you don't like the content. I cannot agree to that.
As late as December 1996 though, Lithuanian minister of education, Zigmas Zinkevicius, had to be disavowed by his prime minister for threatening to close all non Lithuanian schools and for declaring that only Lithuanian speakers were state
You openly admit that you want to smear the leading Lithuanian linguist. This automatically invalidates any edits you might make about him and the topics he wrote about, because you are literally blinded by your hate of him.
957:. Marcelus wants to smear the leading Lithuanian linguist of recent times due to Marcelus disliking parts of his work. Marcelus has a grudge against this dead man already for quite some time, considering that Marcelus said 882:. Marcelus wants to smear the leading Lithuanian linguist of recent times due to Marcelus disliking parts of his work. Marcelus has a grudge against this dead man already for quite some time, considering that Marcelus said 2041:
Also, you did not make it clear how the mere mention that somebody is behind any alleged theories, like what Jundo-Kaliszewska said about Zinkevičius (despite Zinkevičius never talking about a 'wicz' ethnicity), counts as
153: 1585:
Then why are you the one connecting these things and not reliable sources? As I said in the very beginning, "Your conviction appears to be heavily clouded by your personal opinion of the subject of this article. "
2269: 322: 2206:
Dude, you just admited that you misqouted sources. Why would I revert distruptive editing? I have enough talking with you for today. (If you want to report me somewhere again, give me half an hour heads up) :D
Using this theory, they claimed to know better who the Poles in Lithuania are, i.e. that they are not Poles, but Lithuanians, so therefore they have no right to a Polish school, Polish names, Polish culture,
2264: 682:, has noted (pdf above) that Šimelionis is a "known activist of the Vilnija organization". In any case, I am asking if there are any reliable Lithuanian sources linking Zinkevicius to Vilnija, as a member 353: 1458:; did you actually read the "Anti-Polonism" section? It only says that he was a member of a nationalist organization, and that he pursued a policy of Lithuanianization. All with reference to sources. 1554:
Then what is putting it in a section titled Anti-Polonism if not you making a connection between his membership/support/whetever, some members of the organization and Zinkevičius' anti-Polonism? –
1876: 317: 232: 640:), but I am having trouble finding reliable sources for him being a member of that organization. Perhaps somebody could do a search in Lithuanian language to check this claim? -- 147: 2274: 2175:
Jundo-Kaliszewska makes outlandish claims in her work about a sphere beyond her competence and criticizes Zigmas Zinkevičius in his sphere of expertize. She is definitely not
1195: 1436:
Sorry, but that's literally your interpretation. "" are called quotation marks. In this way, she signals to the reader that she is using the wording that Zinkevičius used.
1854: 2122:
I now realise and admit that I made an honest mistake, but instead of removing the whole block, you should have edited within the part of the text which was inaccurate.
WP:NPOV is a core content policy of Knowledge. You openly stated that you are going against it and you are justifying going against Knowledge's core content policies.
ULE list of members is far from being complete. Jundo-Kaliszewska calls hims "the most prominent activist", it's a reliable source so this discussion is pointless.
If she didn't, she would not have put the "" around the term "forced" polonization („przymusowo” spolonizowani), "polonized Lithuanians"(„spolszczonych Litwinów”).
820: 816: 802: 1233:, the organization's leader, would forget to mention Lithuania's foremost linguist of recent times when writing about his organization in an encyclopedia entry. 634:
Was he a member of Vilnija? Some sources indicate he shares their views (for example, he has written a positive review (intro?) to a book published by Vilnija:
44: 2304: 567: 557: 2101:
Zinkevičius does not even mention any 'vičiai' ethnicity in his work, I have no clue on what basis Jundo-Kaliszewska and possibly others are claiming this.
Zinkevičius does not even mention any 'vičiai' ethnicity in his work, I have no clue on what basis Jundo-Kaliszewska and possibly others are claiming this.
I'm not connecting any things myself, all what I wrote in the article is based on reliable sources. Your opinion about isn't based on anything substantial
2289: 1658: 1518:. As is "the mention of other nationalists" to show "his environment" and that "it says a lot about himself". There's even a scientific term for it: the 1456:
yet you proceed to claim that these people, including the first and foremost Lithuanian linguist of recent times, is an extreme ethno-centric nationalist
434: 424: 79: 1191:'s article (in Lithuanian) about the Vilnija organization does not even name him amongst their "Prominent members of the society" (at the very bottom, 2309: 2299: 2294: 1522:(and that's assuming Vilnija and the members selected by you are indeed anti-Polonic). A reliable source will have to make that connection, not you. – 2189:
one because you were initially removing any of my attempts at further contextualization and summarization of the sources and what was said in them
2284: 2279: 2259: 274: 1123:
third sentences, which are now the first and second sentences respectively, have several problems as well. Zinkevičius being a member of Vilnija
as a fact since the author doesn't seem to clearly state who or what forced the prime minister to do so (though one can certainly speculate). –
533: 768: 85: 2225:, instead of accusing each other. It's frankly unbelievable how many times we have talked with each other on many talk pages. Good night :D 1571:
the connection is clear, Vilnija was an antipolish organisation, and they all were members of it. I thought it's pretty clear from the text
1013:? Since you don't seem to be able to tell the difference it would be a good idea for you to provide quotes from the other sources as well. – 1248:
never happened. All of which are absolutely incorrect statements. She is definitely an unreliable source and your claims are preposterous.
611: 400: 278: 1639:
it's not up to you to decide if it's place for me or not. Everything in the section is based on reliable sources and confirmed by them.
282: 168: 2140:
I think that solves the issue, and shows why your editing was distruptive. And why you can be trusted as a fellow Wikipedian. Cheers
and Polonization, as well as that it was official Polish policy during the interwar to hinder Lithuanian education, culture and press
She is very obviously negatively referring to all of that, because she uses the term "extreme nationalists" to describe these people?
She is very obviously negatively referring to all of that, because she uses the term "extreme nationalists" to describe these people?
1188: 590: 524: 485: 135: 273:, a collaborative effort to create, develop and organize Knowledge's articles about people. All interested editors are invited to 1473:
January 20, 2023), and another one you say that she is negatively referring to all that (your message on 21:31, 22 January 2023.)
Putting things within a sentence into "" is a clear show that the person writing it disagrees with it. E.g. if somebody writes
391: 345: 269: 227: 99: 30: 1451:(p. 235-236); I didn't use exactly the same words as her, but that's what she is talking about. Don't be so nitpicking really. 1618: 1151:
Including the exact points made by the very same Boroch and Jundo-Kaliszewska, is already in the Reception and legacy section
104: 20: 1201:? Only the mention that he was presenting his scientific research to them, not any statements that he was their supporter. 1048:
That is absolutely not the case - nobody calls him that. Furthermore, his work revolves more around Poland than Lithuania
74: 129: 1031:
hi, I reworded the section also added opinion of Theodore R. Weeks, he is main anglosaxon expert on Lithuanian history.
863: 202: 1694:
Only after it turned out you had manipulated the text by attributing a claim to a source that clearly didn't make it. –
Of course not, I don't like him because of the things he did and wrote. Are you able to provide other sources or not?
65: 1290:
Clearly then, she denies forced polonization because she writes '...who in their time were "forcibly" Polonized' (...
1176:, but because your additions broke several of Knowledge's policies and were definitely guided by your hatred of him ( 1905:
If you state just facts, it should do it. The section should be short, a few sentences (in my opinion), that’s it. @
I trimmed it a bit, but as for now I don't see anything that can be removed without losing some substantial content
She is not a reliable source, because what she writes is contradicted by actually reliable sources. She claims that
125: 686:
supporter? A google search for Zinkevičius+Vilnija produces quite a few hits, if mostly in Lithuanian language. --
He's the most important Lithuanian linguist of the past 50 years, which makes it a top-level article, not 'mid'.--
You were the one who literally re-introduced the problems and the notice pointing them out. Your editing was the
Do not combine material from multiple sources to reach or imply a conclusion not explicitly stated by any source.
Accidental and honest mistake. If you would have made it clear in the edit summary, then we could have actually
2165:. Half an hour is more than sufficient, especially considering that you were definitely online at these moments. 819:
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
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If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
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or where the sources end and your own fantasies begin, then maybe Knowledge is not the place for you. –
745:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 738: 24: 1306:'The aforementioned linguist belonged to the group of promoters of the thesis “local” and “simply”.' ( 904:
Of course I have, because he was chauvinistic pig, and that's what this part is proving, with sources
2186: 1237: 1230: 793: 607: 141: 2169: 1772: 1519: 1052: 161: 55: 1300:
Skrajni nacjonaliści, tacy jak Čepaitis czy Landsbergis, zajmowali najwyższe stanowiska państwowe.
635: 532:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
2212: 2145: 2049: 1986: 1912: 1882: 1828: 1804: 1717: 1685: 1644: 1608: 1576: 1545: 1463: 1352: 1270: 1220: 1163: 1081: 1036: 990: 938: 909: 756: 638: 516: 70: 1540:
I'm not making any connections myself, he was a member of Vilnija and the other guys also were.
before doing mass systematic removals. This message is updated dynamically through the template
772: 839: 1940: 1781: 1699: 1666: 1626: 1591: 1559: 1527: 1406: 1187:
If Jundo-Kaliszewska calls him the "the most prominent activist", then she is 100% wrong. The
1141: 1100:, etc., so the section "Anti-Polonism" and the category "anti-Polish" has to go, because it's 1018: 693: 647: 51: 2226: 2193: 2102: 2013: 1906: 1654: 1485: 1414: 1333: 1262: 1249: 1202: 1154: 1109: 1063: 964: 920: 890: 454: 383: 261: 1362:
Jundo-Kaliszewska does not comment at all on the history, the origin of Poles in Lithuania.
You either don't understand what she is saying, or deliberately misrepresenting her words.
which was supposed to prove that Zinkevičius was their supporter and you know what's there
846: 1798: 1515: 1477: 1398: 1297:'Extreme nationalists such as Čepaitis and Landsbergis held the highest state positions' ( 1172:
Bury them? By including them in the article? Come on. I wasn't deleting them because they
1105: 1010: 2124:, you misqouted the source completely, probably on purpose, I removed it because of that. 1049: 1653:
It is clear that you do as you please, regardless of what the others say, which is why
1136:, which, by the way, calls Zinkevičius a supporter of the organization, not a member. – 954: 879: 805:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 661: 845:
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
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I don't need to explain why this is an example of extreme, ethnocentric nationalism.
1179: 2234: 2216: 2201: 2176: 2149: 2110: 2053: 2021: 1990: 1944: 1936: 1926: 1896: 1832: 1818: 1787: 1777: 1721: 1709: 1703: 1695: 1689: 1676: 1670: 1662: 1648: 1636: 1630: 1622: 1612: 1600: 1595: 1587: 1580: 1568: 1563: 1555: 1549: 1537: 1531: 1523: 1493: 1467: 1422: 1402: 1387: 1356: 1341: 1274: 1257: 1245: 1224: 1210: 1167: 1145: 1137: 1117: 1101: 1085: 1071: 1040: 1028: 1022: 1014: 994: 972: 942: 928: 913: 898: 868: 719: 700: 689: 673: 654: 643: 619: 598: 462: 762: 664:, and no that book was published by Petro ofsetas. Stop making OR involving BLP? 812: 529: 510: 443: 245: 221: 1283:, that means that they deny the Polish occupation of Vilnius or if they write 811:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 506: 373: 251: 1794: 1314: 1158:
whom he collaborated shows his environment, so it says a lot about himself.
396: 2086:
manipulation weeks never said that about Zinkevicius book Eastern Lithuania
Yes she does. If she didn't, she would not have put the "" around the term
I called him that, but whatever, he is still expert on Lithuanian history
2062:? In none of the edit summaries did you explain yourself, instead saying 1310: 1192: 711: 665: 1386:
Jundo-Kaliszewska does not mention this anywhere. This your unjustified
I understand what she is saying and I am not misrepresenting her words.
historical work is "more or less" true is critic not positive reception
Jundo-Kaliszewska does not mention this anywhere. This your unjustified
627: 1841:
Maybe trim more and replace it with only particulars such as this one?
you need to be more specific, I don't know what you are talking about
500: 479: 1287:, that means they deny that such a thing as re-lithuanization exists. 1617:
If you're incapable of distinguishing between someone's opinion and
I would already preemtively caution against presenting the wording
Any sources, that ALL his published academic books were monographs?
281:. For instructions on how to use this banner, please refer to the 2137:, well you aren't RS, Jundo-Kaliszewska is, that's the difference. 1514:
it with the intention of "proving" his anti-Polonism is still
Zinkevičius is a chauvinistic pig and I won't pretend he isn't
Zinkevičius is a chauvinistic pig and I won't pretend he isn't
184: 15: 1873:
suggested that Polish-language schools should be closed down.
Wspomniany językoznawca należał do grona propagatorów tezy „
When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the
442: 306: 2270:
Low-importance biography (politics and government) articles
is manipulation, because 1) Weeks isn't talking here about
1132:" from Vilnija specifically. There's an article for that: 749:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
Start-Class biography (politics and government) articles
którzy w swoim czasie zostali „przymusowo” spolonizowani
This section was obviously written without caring about
This section was obviously written without caring about
2190: 2162: 2158: 2157:
I asked you nicely twice to revert your fourth revert:
2081: 2075: 2069: 2063: 2059: 2009: 2005: 1129: 887: 742: 160: 1909:
perhaps you can help in trimming that section down?
528:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 395:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1046:
he is main anglosaxon expert on Lithuanian history.
815:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 1285:they talked about "re-lithuanization" of the Poles 2155:And why didn't give me enough time to answer you 2044:, it's not a reason to remove it, but to expand 33:for general discussion of the article's subject. 2116:Why did you write this only after I warned you? 1795:Relations with the Polish minority in Lithuania 763: 983:the NPOV policy says nothing about objectivity 801:This message was posted before February 2018. 2099:it's not a reason to remove it, but to expand 1125:has been previously disputed by other editors 705:So far you failed to provided source for the 174: 8: 2275:Politics and government work group articles 1092:There are no sources that call Zinkevičius 188: 737:I have just modified one external link on 474: 334: 216: 2168:It is undeniable by now that you have no 2179:, especially not regarding linguistics. 1124: 604:dieve duok jam bent 100 metu sulaukti 476: 336: 218: 2183:shows why your editing was distruptive 2182: 2154: 2134: 2127: 2121: 2115: 2098: 2091: 2040: 2028: 1932: 1870: 1845: 1771:Passing comment: please remember that 1455: 1439: 1433: 1427: 1393: 1382: 1375: 1361: 1173: 1150: 1045: 982: 952: 883: 318:the politics and government work group 2034:Eastern Lithuania in the Past and Now 1778:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1058:in Poland and his email is literally 790:to let others know (documentation at 690:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 644:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 7: 2058:Why did you write this only after I 1294:... p.234). As for her other claims: 522:This article is within the scope of 389:This article is within the scope of 267:This article is within the scope of 2305:Mid-importance Linguistics articles 1659:report about you on the noticeboard 678:A reliable and Lithuanian scholar, 207:It is of interest to the following 23:for discussing improvements to the 2065:Massive removal of sourced content 1153:, well they are but only because @ 14: 2290:Top-importance Lithuania articles 2010:you dehumanized him several times 1189:Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia 1182:and your attitude is exactly that 1004:for his nationalist views, which 741:. Please take a moment to review 542:Knowledge:WikiProject Linguistics 2310:WikiProject Linguistics articles 2300:Start-Class Linguistics articles 2295:Lithuania articles with comments 1240:is an extreme nationalist, that 545:Template:WikiProject Linguistics 509: 499: 478: 376: 366: 352: 338: 254: 244: 220: 189: 45:Click here to start a new topic. 1801:weight (as of Jan. 27, 2023) - 1797:needs to be trimmed, it has an 1244:doesn't exist, and that forced 1054:. He is also apparently called 562:This article has been rated as 429:This article has been rated as 409:Knowledge:WikiProject Lithuania 291:Knowledge:WikiProject Biography 2285:Start-Class Lithuania articles 2280:WikiProject Biography articles 2260:Start-Class biography articles 1963:Qoute from Jundo-Kaliszewska. 1368:(„przymusowo” spolonizowani), 1281:Polish "occupation" of Vilnius 874:The section of "Anti-Polonism" 412:Template:WikiProject Lithuania 294:Template:WikiProject Biography 1: 2235:22:47, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 2217:22:35, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 2202:22:27, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 2150:22:11, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 2111:22:01, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 2071:restored well sourced content 2054:21:45, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 2022:21:19, 11 February 2023 (UTC) 536:and see a list of open tasks. 403:and see a list of open tasks. 315:This article is supported by 42:Put new text under old text. 1991:21:22, 27 January 2023 (UTC) 1945:15:43, 29 January 2023 (UTC) 1927:16:25, 27 January 2023 (UTC) 1897:16:09, 27 January 2023 (UTC) 1833:15:48, 27 January 2023 (UTC) 1819:12:51, 27 January 2023 (UTC) 1788:11:04, 21 January 2023 (UTC) 1722:06:46, 21 January 2023 (UTC) 1704:01:19, 21 January 2023 (UTC) 1690:22:28, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1671:22:25, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1649:22:10, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1631:20:23, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1613:20:12, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1596:18:09, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1581:17:55, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1564:17:52, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1550:17:38, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1532:16:37, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1494:21:56, 22 January 2023 (UTC) 1468:21:31, 22 January 2023 (UTC) 1423:19:49, 22 January 2023 (UTC) 1357:22:26, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1342:16:55, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1275:16:35, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1258:16:26, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1225:16:16, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1211:15:55, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1168:15:36, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1146:15:15, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1118:14:47, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1086:14:48, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1072:14:40, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1041:14:10, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 1023:13:16, 20 January 2023 (UTC) 995:22:32, 15 January 2023 (UTC) 973:22:24, 15 January 2023 (UTC) 943:22:14, 15 January 2023 (UTC) 929:22:10, 15 January 2023 (UTC) 914:22:03, 15 January 2023 (UTC) 899:21:17, 15 January 2023 (UTC) 463:20:59, 16 January 2023 (UTC) 279:contribute to the discussion 1372:(„spolszczonych Litwinów”). 660:Vilnija in this case means 50:New to Knowledge? Welcome! 2326: 2008:. You hating Zinkevičius ( 1174:were uncomfortable for him 832:(last update: 5 June 2024) 734:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 720:12:07, 18 March 2009 (UTC) 701:18:46, 17 March 2009 (UTC) 674:17:24, 17 March 2009 (UTC) 655:17:10, 17 March 2009 (UTC) 620:15:59, 24 March 2010 (UTC) 599:11:48, 7 August 2008 (UTC) 568:project's importance scale 435:project's importance scale 869:19:35, 20 July 2016 (UTC) 707:book published by Vilnija 561: 494: 450: 428: 361: 314: 239: 215: 80:Be welcoming to newcomers 1397:an obvious problem with 2084:where you accuse me of 1370:"polonized Lithuanians" 730:External links modified 525:WikiProject Linguistics 233:Politics and Government 1442:; she literally says: 1229:It is impossible that 1134:Vilnija (organization) 447: 311: 197:This article is rated 75:avoid personal attacks 2037:from only one person. 1409:, among other things. 1366:"forced" polonization 446: 392:WikiProject Lithuania 310: 270:WikiProject Biography 100:Neutral point of view 1844:Quote from source - 1619:Knowledge guidelines 1238:Vytautas Landsbergis 1180:definition of hatred 813:regular verification 548:Linguistics articles 105:No original research 2077:Distruptive changes 1933:had to be disavowed 1520:association fallacy 961:on 11 August 2022 . 803:After February 2018 782:parameter below to 680:Algis Kasperavičius 1996:Disruptive editing 1009:intepretation and 947:You answered with 886:on 11 August 2022 857:InternetArchiveBot 808:InternetArchiveBot 739:Zigmas Zinkevičius 517:Linguistics portal 448: 415:Lithuania articles 312: 297:biography articles 203:content assessment 86:dispute resolution 47: 25:Zigmas Zinkevičius 1925: 1895: 1817: 1476:A quick reminder 1328: 1319: 1302: 1231:Kazimieras Garšva 1183: 833: 610:comment added by 582: 581: 578: 577: 574: 573: 473: 472: 469: 468: 451:Review comments: 333: 332: 329: 328: 183: 182: 66:Assume good faith 43: 2317: 2004:, please revert 1959:Vilnija activity 1924: 1922: 1917: 1910: 1894: 1892: 1887: 1880: 1816: 1814: 1809: 1802: 1784: 1449:very negatively. 1413:incorrect view. 1324: 1307: 1298: 1177: 979:WP:NOOBJECTIVITY 949:Of course I have 867: 858: 831: 830: 809: 797: 760: 698: 696: 652: 650: 622: 550: 549: 546: 543: 540: 519: 514: 513: 503: 496: 495: 490: 482: 475: 417: 416: 413: 410: 407: 386: 384:Lithuania portal 381: 380: 379: 370: 363: 362: 357: 356: 355: 350: 342: 335: 299: 298: 295: 292: 289: 275:join the project 264: 262:Biography portal 259: 258: 257: 248: 241: 240: 235: 224: 217: 200: 194: 193: 185: 179: 178: 164: 95:Article policies 16: 2325: 2324: 2320: 2319: 2318: 2316: 2315: 2314: 2250: 2249: 2006:your 4th revert 1998: 1961: 1920: 1913: 1911: 1890: 1883: 1881: 1812: 1805: 1803: 1786: 1782: 1006:often influence 977:Now read this: 876: 861: 856: 824: 817:have permission 807: 791: 754: 747:this simple FaQ 732: 699: 694: 688: 653: 648: 642: 632: 605: 587: 547: 544: 541: 538: 537: 515: 508: 488: 414: 411: 408: 405: 404: 382: 377: 375: 351: 348: 296: 293: 290: 287: 286: 260: 255: 253: 230: 201:on Knowledge's 198: 121: 116: 115: 114: 91: 61: 12: 11: 5: 2323: 2321: 2313: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2252: 2251: 2248: 2247: 2246: 2245: 2244: 2243: 2242: 2241: 2240: 2239: 2238: 2237: 2180: 2173: 2166: 2138: 2132: 2125: 2119: 2096: 2089: 2038: 1997: 1994: 1960: 1957: 1956: 1955: 1954: 1953: 1952: 1951: 1950: 1949: 1948: 1947: 1863: 1862: 1861: 1860: 1859: 1858: 1851: 1842: 1776: 1769: 1768: 1767: 1766: 1765: 1764: 1763: 1762: 1761: 1760: 1759: 1758: 1757: 1756: 1755: 1754: 1753: 1752: 1751: 1750: 1749: 1748: 1747: 1746: 1745: 1744: 1743: 1742: 1741: 1740: 1739: 1738: 1737: 1736: 1735: 1734: 1733: 1732: 1731: 1730: 1729: 1728: 1727: 1726: 1725: 1724: 1508: 1507: 1506: 1505: 1504: 1503: 1502: 1501: 1500: 1499: 1498: 1497: 1496: 1474: 1453: 1447: 1437: 1431: 1410: 1391: 1380: 1373: 1330: 1321: 1304: 1295: 1288: 1234: 1185: 1178:I checked the 1120: 1090: 1089: 1088: 875: 872: 851: 850: 843: 776: 775: 767:Added archive 765: 731: 728: 727: 726: 725: 724: 723: 722: 687: 641: 631: 624: 612: 603: 586: 583: 580: 579: 576: 575: 572: 571: 564:Mid-importance 560: 554: 553: 551: 534:the discussion 521: 520: 504: 492: 491: 489:Mid‑importance 483: 471: 470: 467: 466: 449: 439: 438: 431:Top-importance 427: 421: 420: 418: 401:the discussion 388: 387: 371: 359: 358: 349:Top‑importance 343: 331: 330: 327: 326: 323:Low-importance 313: 303: 302: 300: 266: 265: 249: 237: 236: 225: 213: 212: 206: 195: 181: 180: 118: 117: 113: 112: 107: 102: 93: 92: 90: 89: 82: 77: 68: 62: 60: 59: 48: 39: 38: 35: 34: 28: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2322: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2266: 2263: 2261: 2258: 2257: 2255: 2236: 2232: 2228: 2224: 2220: 2219: 2218: 2214: 2210: 2205: 2204: 2203: 2199: 2195: 2191: 2188: 2187:WP:DISRUPTIVE 2184: 2181: 2178: 2174: 2171: 2167: 2164: 2160: 2156: 2153: 2152: 2151: 2147: 2143: 2139: 2136: 2133: 2130: 2126: 2123: 2120: 2117: 2114: 2113: 2112: 2108: 2104: 2100: 2097: 2093: 2090: 2087: 2083: 2080:. 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