
User talk:Jingiby/Archive 19

Source 📝

540:Ще те помоля, антични скопианецо, да спреш да ми изтриваш промените, защото Гоце Делчев е етнически българин, въпреки цялата галимация, която вашите шумадийски правителства създават. Не ме интересува, че ви стои в химна. Не ме интересува какво учите в училище. Вашата официална сърбославска историография може да служи за сюжетна линия на комикси. Ако все още не вярваш, че Гоце Делчев е етнически българин, с българско самосъзнание, можеш да огледаш беседата за Гоце Делчев в английската Уикипедия. Ако тази фактология изложена там не ти е достатъчна, ще те помоля да ми дадеш логично македонистко обяснение на следните факти: 621:Истината винаги има две лица. Тази статия e с много дълга история на редакции, заключвания и дискусии и има над 100 референции. Нещата в живота не са черно-бели, особено в случая с Делчев. Това е положението. Изчети всичко описано по горе през последните 10 години по редакциите на тази статия, също страницата за разговори с архивите й, а и източниците, които са приложени и ако след това имаш други въпроси, заповядай пак. Между другото тука се пише само на английски. Това е правило. Също така не е форум и няма място за безкрайни дискусии. Край. 578:Друго нещо забелязах, за съжаление по-късно от колкото ми се иска - грешката е моя - а именно, че ти точно си вписал доказателстввата, че Гоце Делчев е бил с българско самосъзнание. Сега забелязах също, че твоето потребителско име е "Джингиби", което означава "подобен на дух", но е по-популярно с това, че турците така са наричали Васил Левски. Тези два мои пропуска, вече забелязани, ме навеждат на мисълта, че ти си българин, или поне българофил, а не "шумадиец", както те нарекох неправилно предишния път, когато ти писах. Извинявай за което. 580:Сега обаче ще се възползвам от това твое позволение да ти задавам въпроси. Защо не искаш да пише, че Гоце Делчев е българин? Защо това важи само за английската Уикипедия, а не също така за македонската, руската, българската и останалите? Да поясня: в руската, македонската, българската и други другоезични варианти на статията за Гоце Делчев е отбелязана етническа му принадлежност - някъде като македонска, някъде като българска. Ако посоча източник, че Гоце Делчев е българин, ще може ли да "дам приноса си" към статията за Гоце Делчев? 1822:
Christianized/ Romanizsed enemies - eg Getae, Sarmatians, Carpi, etc were all defeated groups, not groups which forced their way in. Becuase a raiding group can go all the way to Greece, camp the winter there, but ultimately can never settle becuase the Romans would always eventually 'catch up with them'. Even with the Slavs/ Avars, the emerging evidence suggests that, yes they raided, but did not settle till later. it appears that the Byzantines tactically withdrew much of the population of the Balkans further south.
552:И не ми пиши на английски, защото се разбираме с теб съвършено безпроблемно. Македонският народ няма по-братски народ от българския. Когато един милион албанци и югославски партизани се засилиха през 1999 година да ви свалят правителството (щяха да успеят, да го направят, повярвай ми), България ви прати танкове и тайно ви снабдяваше с боеприпаси. Първи ви признахме, само и само да не сте в лапите на Сърбия. От вас се иска само да спрете с вашите простотии. 2036:
recent prestigious publications by Florin Curta describe the great Slavic invasion of the 6th and 7th century on the Balkans and particularly in Macedonia as an 19th-century historical invention. Thus, the construction of the first South Slavic states was organized by a subsequent invaders, called Croats, Serbs and Bulgars and the local (Slavic) poulation in today Republic of Macedonia was conquered by the Bulgars in the middle of the 9th century.[9'
31: 461:." also: Brock, Roger; Hodkinson, Stephen, 2000, Alternatives to Athens: Varieties of Political Organization and Community in Ancient Greece, Chapter 12 Zosia Halina Archibald, "Space, Hierarchy, and Community in Archaic and Classical Macedonia, Thessaly, and Thrace", pp. 222–224 and Hornblower, Simon; Matthews, Elaine; Fraser, Peter Marshall, 2000. Greek Personal Names: Their Value as Evidence. British Academy by Oxford University Press. 2855:. Living persons may publish material about themselves, such as through press releases or personal websites. Such material may be used as a source only if: it is not unduly self-serving; it does not involve claims about third parties; it does not involve claims about events not directly related to the subject; there is no reasonable doubt as to its authenticity; the article is not based primarily on such sources. 582:Послепис: Ще те помоля най-смирено, да не ми пишеш на английски, а и също така да не ми четеш лекции. Аз отлично знам, че Уикипедия не е български националистически форум. Не промених съдържанието на статията, заради някакъв болен, гол национализъм, без никакво покритие, какъвто смея да твърдя е македонския. Промених го, защото е такава истината за историческата личност Гоце Делчев. 3535: 3384: 3318: 2274: 1610: 1470: 1369: 1295: 1231: 1053: 991: 927: 511: 2090:"... Meanwhile, user Slovenski Volk is providing many POV arguments... I am more than inclined here to agree with user Jingiby. On a different, user Slovenski Volk has repeatedly used unacceptable language that is ad hominem..." etc. Also keep in mind you that you are under ARBMAC restrictions. Thank you. 2919:
Please, keep in mind, I have removed a lot of outdated sources from the talk page of the article Slavic speakers of Greek Macedonoia because Knowledge is not an indiscriminate collection of information, Knowledge is not a manual, guidebook, textbook, or scientific journal and finally Knowledge is not
There is absolutely a well defined order if the neighbors of Macedonia are set as (Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and Kosovo). A circle is formed and it's just a matter of choice where such a circle would be started. Additional plus for such an order is that Kosovo is the "least" recognized states
I just wanted to tell you that i don't want to have bad relations with you.i have calculated the numbers of albanians in the countries included in the page and the max. number is a little more than 8 million,not 6 The source said there are 6 million people who speak albanain,but if you want to incude
Oh, and as for the Pechenegs - yes they raided Macedonia, but they were not settled there. Only around Belgrade and NE Bulgaria. Raiding is different from settlement. The aim of raiding is raping and pillaging. Settlement was only ever done with Roman permission - federates or defeated, pacified and
First: the historicity of migration, conquest and population expulsion and extermination in Macedon have been called into question. Second: on the map Pella is shown as capital of Macedon and a start point of the campaigne of Alaxander III against the Thracians, not as Thracian settlement. Third: to
It has been noted that the earliest Pecheneg raids into the Balkans shifted from west (1027) to east (1036), in order to spare provinces that had been attacked in previous years. The reason for this shift in raiding appears to be that the regions of western Bulgaria, Serbia, and Macedonia were less
I think that it shouldn't be merged with SMK/WMC page since the only fact that relates to both is that the video was directed by Deputy of SMK/WMC. However, its creation and airing have much more to do with the public MTV television. As for notability, it was gained from racism and ethnocentrism of
Literary evidence of Greco—Thracian contact in this period is naturally strongest for the regions surrounding Sindos and Chalkidiki, lying west of the Teramic gulf and in the vicinity of major Greek centres. Until the Macedonians conquered the region in the mid—fifth century, Sindos and Chalkidiki
Cumanovo), and even a group of Magyars ! There were Kuvars people also. Don't think there were any Pechenges, they all went to NE Bulgaria and around Belgrade. (see Curta). Unfortunately , there were no Celts. They raided, but not settled in Macedonia. They settled around Belgrade (Scrodisci) and
Also the archaeological evidence does not point to any significant disruptions between the Iron Age and Hellenistic periods in Macedonia. The general continuity of material culture, settlement sites, and the pre-Greek onomastic are contrasting with the traditional "ethnic cleansing" views of early
Hi and happy new year. Because I do not want to revert you, I bring forth attention to your latest edit to the 'Identities' par: "These Slavs did not have sufficient state-building skills, they failed to unite them and in the 8th century they were reconquered by the Byzantines. On the other hand,
It seems clear that your arguments are clearly based on wp:or assumptions. In case you do not present something that labels 5th-3rd cen. BC Pella and surroundings as Thracians settlements, (and I mean with real data not hypothetical like in the Oxford Dictionary) as the map does this one will be
Hi. I really think that you made a mistake, when you delete all my edits, because I use absolutely new source of information and this is the official site of Boyko Borissov, whose actually real name is with double S, which is wrong here. You can see all the information I added here I am looking
fine . You're right because Politis (unbiased) agrees with you. I dont care about Macedonians and whether they 'are BUlgarians" (as Ive stated numerous times), but care about historical accuracy. You have made blatant errors and gross misunderstanding of texts - eg Curta. Your english is poor ,
Curta does not state that the Slavic invasion was invented, but it happened later (ie 7th century, not 5th or 6th). He rather states there was no migration from 'mother Russia' to the Danube. That is where your Daminopoulos """"scholar"" (sorry, Im choking from laughter) misunderstood . BTW you
By your logic after the Roman conquest of the South-Western Balkans during the 2th century BC, the whole area ought to be depopulated and all the locals annihilated and as a consequence all the historical maps from that period should show only Romans living into the Roman province of Macedonia.
Pella and the surrounding areas undoubtedly were inhabited originally by Thracians. We know that Emathia and Pieria were mostly occupied by Thracian tribes. After the Macedonians expanded from their homeland they partially absorbed the neighbouring tribes, but they were not totally annihilated.
yes, but can't you read the legent of the map? It's about 5th-3rd century BC when the Odrysae kingdom was established and Macedon as well (not to mention that Pella is labbeled as a Thracian settlement of that time). In fact the map is completely wp:or and 'anachronistic' and we have so far no
Hi. It has been said so many times that images of Prophet Mohammed (SAS) and other Prophets as a matter of fact is a false testament in a way to what they looked like. No one knows in this current situation what they looked like. So posting Their images is a serious offence against Islam.
aimed to equate Macedonian identity with regional identity. No doubt you know that Macedonian ethnic identity emerged in 19th century. Unless you are able to provide RS for each individual people please don't attribute them regional identity based on general observation of authors from
754: 2662:
You say you don't censor content. Tell me how come is this censorship. You are allowing wrong information to be imprinted on the website and you say you don't censor content. Freedom is everyone's right and should be performed in a rightful way without hurting one's sentiments.
750: 521:
regarding a content dispute discussion you may have participated in. Content disputes can hold up article development and make editing difficult for editors. You are not required to participate, but you are both invited and encouraged to help find a resolution. The thread is
No way. After the Macedonians expanded from their homeland they partially absorbed the neighbouring tribes, and locals were not totally annihilated. Because of that those areas are shown correctly on the map as settled with mixed population. The map is correct. For more see
I'm going to remove the problematic map. If you have something additional to suggest about the newly-created map I'm open. By the way, I just notice that the 4rth c. BC language map of se Europe is deleted. Too bad, but as soon as I have time I'll create a same one, but
2928:. The "Talk" page on Knowledge is associated with each article and helps coordinate work among multiple editors. Also editors may use the "Talk" page to reach consensus. I did not see some kind of that ideas by your pushing of outdated, biased info there. Thank you. 459:"Altogether, the graves of Macedonia, like their contents, are best explained by the durability of the non-Greek cultural element here, in which the phenomena of Greek influence – the Protogeometric pottery, and perhaps the rare cremations at Vergina – are fleeting 3062:) 13:22, 26 February 2014 (UTC) I am happy about it! Finally, its time to someone said stop for "autocrats without crown" which deleteing documents and behave as wiki is their own property. So let-s see. To bring valid documents on talk page is that a crime? No!-- 2698:
I understand you, however Knowledge is not a religious website and it does not respect the Islamic dogmas, i.e. images of Prophet Mohammed are accepted here as some kind of information about the founder of the Islam, not as a brake of its rules. Thank you.
612: 2056: 353: 2851:. Never use self-published sources – including but not limited to books, zines, websites, blogs, and tweets – as sources of material about a living person, unless written or published by the subject. Using the subject as a self-published source per 2452:
of Aaron Assa as unreliable. But when I followed your request and used talkpage to discuss this issue you refused to reply to my question about the source I used although I asked you two times about "Yugoslav communist historiography" of Aaron Assa
from The Cambridge ancient history. 3,2. “The” Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and other states of the Near East, from the eighth to the sixth centuries B.C. John Boardman, Iorwerth E. S. Edwards, N. G. L. Hammond, Cambridge University Press, 1991,
742: 830:
Maybe the color used to designate the area inhabited by Thracian tribes (pink) is not the best choice. When it is set over the basic color (grey) the result is obscure. If it is possible change pink with another color for more clarity. Thank you.
2717:, thanks for reaching out. It is said that Knowledge is for gaining Knowledge. What good is Knowledge if it's false? Posting blasphemous images in this context is like providing a graphical representation of what had happened. Isn't this wrong? 3053:
As user on this wiki i will bring back this documents. You deleted it, not me! So stop acting like that (without reason) only because you dont want or like to see real and valid documents. There is people which wants to see it! Thank you user.
406: 2537:. One text published by Вида Боева Попова that criticizes Assa for not emphasizing that Macedonians are Bulgarians (пропуска да отбележи, че тия „дейни членове на македонското движение“ бяха българи) speaks for itself. Pointing to 2118:
level sourcing is - Academic, peer-reviewed international Journals, not sensationalist, nationalist "books" by unheard of Greek and Bulgarian chauvanists. So keeep up the good -work, it is a testament to you. See u round, "drugar"
Hi. I notice what you are tryig to do and I have already semi protected one article, but please be careful to avoid being inadvertently led into a 3r or even a slow edit war. Ask for PP before it gets this close.
settled in Macedonia also, some of those "300, 000) (not doubt exaggerated figure by the Romans) Limigantes redistrubuted throughtout Moesia Inferior, Dacia Ripensis and Macedonia; there were also "Goths", possibly Cumans (-:
article. I do not know if you have some kind of "agenda" and I am not sure what your viewpoints are regarding Bulgaria and the Bulgarian peoples, but we need to work together in a neutral way to contribute to the article.
3078:) 13:53, 26 February 2014 (UTC) LANGUAGE is one thing, ETHNICITY OF PEOPLE is not relevant for this article. So when you changed article and talk about theme, then the reason for my documents will be out of questions!-- 3070:) 13:50, 26 February 2014 (UTC) Anyway, why i see in article thing like "Bulgarians"?!? This is article of people which are speaking slavic language in REPUBLIC OF GREECE, about which "bulgarian" we are talking here?-- 2062:
Bulgaria. There is no evidence of a Bulgarian invasion into northern Macedonia (apart from some raids into the far eastern aspect - around Struma and Thessaloniki) - as per the cited reference by Fine in the 'origins'
3098: 2041:
should generally avoid using a second ""scholar"' to interpret the work of an original modern source. That's just poor editing, especially when its decidedly wrong. There definitely was a migration of some sort
312:] is fine to me). My objection is about the supposed Thracian area which includes the kingdom of Macedonia and most important isn't supported by Oxford dictionary (i.e. Pella is not part of the area the period). 2802:
Hello. I write to you because of the changes you made with the information I shared. It provides the viewers with wider information which for sure helps him or her in getting acquainted with the personality of
2505: 576:може да се умозаключи, че Гоце Делчев е българин. Аз настоявам за нещо повече от косвени заключения - той е български герой, който заслужава един път завинаги да излезе от тази гнусна идеологическа въртележка. 2666:
I request Knowledge again to remove alleged images of Prophets from articles they are present in. This is a serious offence against Islam and Allah doesn't like it. This is totally wrong to our beliefs.
the Slavs settled (? were allowed to settle) by Phocas or Heraclius. The problem is the sources are silent on this matter, becuase the Byzantine historians of the 8th/ 9th century disliked those Emperors.
No, there is not such order defined by the recognition of the states. The standard order adopted in carthography, i.e. in geography and geographical descriptions is according to the standard order of the
I did not do my own research in this issue and its not about the bulding functioning as a Mosque. Machiel Kiel is an historian on Ottoman architecture and he says two mosques remains in Sofia. See the
The Historical dictionary of Republic of Macedonia mentiones Pechenegs' as Turkic settlers in Byzantine Macedonia, together with Kumans and Vardariots during 11-12th century. However, Curta wrote:
and historical documents of serbian Macedonia you are calling forum? ha...My dear you should learn something! Stop delete that document because truth is thing by which we calling ourselves human.--
By improvement it hasn't meant only rewording, but also putting stats, references and general description. Do you understand now what I've meant? Don't go into verbal war with me. Have a nice day.
this source,you should go to wikipedia page of greeks,and put the number of greks at 12 million,the same as you did to albanians.The greeks in that page are 14-17 million. Have a nice day Jingiby
702:] is why we should mention Thracians next to Ancient Anatolians, since several people were inhabiting the region with much more deep impact on local culture. There is a widely accepted consensus 323:
Both maps are nearly identical. If you check the other map carefully, you will see that the city of Pella is marked on it and it is located in Macedon, remoted far west from the border of Thrace.
276:]. There isn't an Thracian area in this book that includes for example the capital of the Macedonian kingdom. The kingdom of Odrysae is reprented in a variety of maps (from Struma to Black Sea). 3297:
You are right.IGENEA is the most serious company regarding genetics,but it is weird that they published results on their internal forum.I didn't realize that when I put sources.My bad.Thanks
Assa himself was an communist activist, and his interpretation of the historical events is nonproffessional and biased. I do not say Boeva is objective, she is also biased from another angle.
What's completely or on this map is that it shows Pella (and various other regions) as inhabited by Thracians. Therefore it should be remove, unless you have find something rs to support it.
Happy new year! Check the sources. All are academic tertiarry sources and they support every word written there. Also other users comments on talk are interesting for you, as for example:
Macedonian expansion. Fore more see: Snodgrass, Anthony M. 2000. The Dark Age of Greece: An Archaeological Survey of the Eleventh to the Eighth Centuries BC. New York, New York: Routledge.
The UCLA data is from the 1980s, and the BBC uses the same number (god knows where they got it from), while Ethnologue is from the 2011 census (though their Ukrainian data is undated). —
that Thracians shoudn't be mentioned in lead (they are indirectly included in the mention of 'various people'. In case you object this point you are free to participate in the discussion.
But Curta (and others) say that there was no separate migrations of "Serbs" and "Croat" migration which was actually a 'politogenesis' in the 9th century. The Bulgar invasion obviously
2577:. Communist ≠ nonproffessional and biased by definition. You have very pragmatic approach to communist era historical works. When they support Bulgarian identity of some Macedonian ( 572:Аз добре прочетох цялата статия в английския ѝ вариант, още преди да започна, да правя редакциите. Отлично съм запознат с по-нататъшното ѝ съдържание. Вижда се, че навсякъде в нея 1573:. Please note that one is not exempt from the edit warring policy because one believes one 's edits are right, and that edit warring can lead to being blocked from editing. 2871:
Hi, I put a detailed biography from his personal site which can be find everywhere but not here and also a lot of new information from different sources which you delete.
1711: 2959: 1707: 1775:
For now, I have amended it slightly to what we have references for. If you can find references for Kumans that would be great ! I couldnt find it in Curta's paper.
Bringing the Dark Past to Light: The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Europe, John-Paul Himka, Joanna Beata Michlic, University of Nebraska Press, 2013,
Assa was an communist partisan during WWII, who later moved to Israel. He published his book at first in 1972 in Tel Aviv. Parts from it were crticized by the
So i suggest you remove the entire addition- as it is full of factual errors and non-relevant topics. Noone claimed that there was a "state' in 8th century ?!
Please do not use unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography. Do revert reliably sourced clarifying content. Discuss on talk. Thanks.
3149: 3454:
Instead of reverting my edits and posting unnecessary warnings on my talk page, how about we try to find a solution and work together to contribute to the
2618: 2232: 1920: 3145: 2762: 234: 3583: 3517: 3159: 2772: 2628: 2614: 2242: 2228: 2005: 1944: 1916: 1904: 1721: 1199: 1189: 895: 764: 244: 2758: 1589: 523: 518: 230: 2943:
If it is valid documents with references, then you dont think that is useful for someone who wants to give more for this article? Based on what?--
1940: 1185: 2066:"These Slavs did not have sufficient state-building skills" That's just stupid. Croats, Serbs, Poles , are all Slavs and they all formed "states" 3330: 2925: 2985:) 13:12, 26 February 2014 (UTC) Anyway, you can deleteing valid documents maybe in bulgarian wikipedia, this is wiki in ENGLISH not voulgar!-- 3579: 3155: 2887: 2768: 2624: 2238: 2161:
case that concerns Slovenski Volk. In fact his pov agenda in Ethnic Macedonians, made clear that some people can't give up with the same pov.
2001: 1900: 1717: 1195: 1157: 891: 760: 240: 1995: 885: 3226: 796: 3573: 1991: 881: 2823: 2733: 2686: 2533:
When I saw you added some link I hoped I was wrong and reverted myself. Unfortunately, you failed to prove that work of Aaron Assa is
1620: 184: 3569: 2538: 2488: 1987: 613:
Athens, Thrace, and the Shaping of Athenian Leadership, Matthew A. Sears, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 1107030536, p. 187.
465: 454: 2055:
The Macedonian area was not conquered by the Byzantines "Stauriakos campaigns had no effect on the Sklaviniae in northern Greece"
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that you've added some links pointing to
2921: 3576:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3152:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 2765:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 2621:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 2235:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 1998:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 1714:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 1192:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 888:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 757:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 546:Гоце Делчев се подписва под устава за създаване на БМОРК, където пише, че член може да е всеки българин, без значение на пола. 237:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3001: 2501: 1897:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 361: 3216: 3190: 1138:
and this is a sourced information(source 4). And, Altaic Japanese've established Turanist organisations. You can look at
3221: 72: 67: 59: 2586: 2546: 2477: 2422: 2384: 2189: 3462: 3264: 1699: 38: 2541:
that promotes the view that ethnic Macedonians are Bulgarians additionally shows the weakness of your arguments.--
2883: 2835: 1161: 2124: 2078: 1894: 1832: 1812: 1780: 1763: 1635:
Since the IP editor has continued edit warring after being warned, I have blocked the IP address for 48 hours.
105: 104:. Respectfully, I would ask you to consider bringing them back, because you've got to agree, there aren't many 853:
I made major changes in the article that you wrote. I`m here to discuss the changes based on policy.--
800: 677:
Lol,Go ahead,..?. Any discusion with you is wasting of time. Learn more about your origin.No offense ,please.
Because of that those areas are shown correctly on the map as settled with mixed population. For more see pp.
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
686: 221:
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
3565: 3407:
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
3106: 3083: 3075: 3067: 3059: 3024: 2990: 2982: 2948: 2909: 2297:
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
1570: 1493:
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
1381: 1318:
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
1134:. On the other hand, you at least need to read the article which you trying to change. According to article 1076:
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
I have corrected the description as per map legend which reflects the situation during the 5th. century BC.
the Balkans from Romania, at some time between 600 and 700, the details of which are still being clarified.
3302: 3207: 3202: 2879: 2831: 2819: 2729: 2682: 2582: 2542: 2473: 2418: 2380: 2185: 1640: 1624: 1578: 746: 294: 3258: 3237: 2344: 138: 97: 2815: 2725: 2678: 440:
presenting a source that labels the area during the time somwhere between 5th-3rd cen. BC as populated
3193:. I hope you like the place and decide to stay. Here are a few links to pages you might find helpful: 681:.It seems you been blocked already from writing articles.Work it good manner and put citations.Thanks 168:
from all of the above thus not deserving the first position on the list. I hope you agree with this?
3440: 3373: 3233: 3197: 3035: 2875: 2852: 2811: 2721: 2674: 2495:. Also read a critical view to its interpretation by the post-communist Macedonian historiography in 2325: 1616: 1520: 1459: 1358: 1284: 1153: 1113: 1042: 980: 172: 3525: 3245: 3137: 2166: 2120: 2074: 1828: 1808: 1776: 1759: 1679: 820: 711: 703: 430: 395: 342: 317: 281: 198: 180: 2570: 963: "В Mакедония под робство. Солунското съзаклятие (1903)" Павел Шатев
586: 556: 3396: 3102: 3079: 3071: 3063: 3055: 3020: 2986: 2978: 2944: 2905: 2606: 2525: 2316:{{lang-mk|Гевгелија}} ;{{IPA-mk|ɡɛvˈɡɛlija||Mk-Gevgelija.ogg}} is a town with a population of 15, 2220: 2180:
Bulgarian Vukašin Mrnjavčević from Bosnian town Livno which is in Herzegovina? Are you sure that
1912: 1548: 1089:поделби", Разговор со д-р Зоран Тодоровски, директор на Државниот архив на Република Македониja 1027:поделби", Разговор со д-р Зоран Тодоровски, директор на Државниот архив на Република Македониja 3420:
Century Battles Series, Richard C. Hall, Indiana University Press, 2010, ISBN 0253354528,p. 82.
3244:(~~~~); this will automatically insert your username and the date. If you need help, check out 1751:
Of course there were. The Romans practiced a lot of measure re-settlement. Actually Sarmatians
F.O. 424/70, No. 134/I zikr., Bilal N. ªimsir, British Documents on Ottoman Armenians 1856–1880
1429:{{cite book|last=Stillman|first=Norman A|title=Myth, Countermyth, and Distortion}}</ref: --> 1095:
in Macedonian; in English: "We are still in servitude to the old divisions", interview with PhD
in Macedonian; in English: "We are still in servitude to the old divisions", interview with PhD
3599: 3546: 3501: 3298: 3282: 3175: 3121: 3043: 3009: 2967: 2933: 2860: 2807:. And this is the reason I applied the information. Thank you. 16:06, 24 February 2014 (UTC) 2788: 2750: 2704: 2644: 2560: 2513: 2498: 2399: 2359: 2258: 2204: 2138: 2095: 2021: 1968: 1876: 1858: 1798: 1737: 1657: 1636: 1597: 1574: 1215: 1098:
s family at his grave in 1925], with a slogan: ''Through golgotha to independent Macedonia''.]
1065: 911: 858: 836: 780: 726: 682: 662: 647: 626: 590: 560: 487: 473: 462: 451: 415: 369: 358: 328: 301: 260: 222: 206: 176: 152: 117: 47: 17: 3427:
In the battles, several thousand people were killed, including civilians. In April 1917, the
2848: 2340: 1936: 1338:
During the late 18th century, the Enlightenment in Western Europe provided influence for the
1307: 1243: 1177: 1139: 1127: 134: 1435:
That is not to say that the Jews weren't persecuted during this time and that as the Empire
1419:и Възраждане, том 2, Георги Бакалов, TRUD Publishers, 2004, ISBN 9545284676, стр. 23. (Bg.) 1331:и Възраждане, том 2, Георги Бакалов, TRUD Publishers, 2004, ISBN 9545284676, стр. 23. (Bg.) 3436: 3432: 3388: 3369: 3365: 3322: 2321: 2278: 1516: 1474: 1455: 1373: 1354: 1299: 1280: 1235: 1109: 1057: 1038: 995: 976: 931: 1348:
Balkans: A Mirror of the New World Order, Istanbul: EREN, 1995; pp. 121-132.</ref: -->
Balkans: A Mirror of the New World Order, Istanbul: EREN, 1995; pp. 121-132.</ref: -->
3521: 3486: 3478: 2162: 1675: 1003: 816: 707: 527: 426: 391: 338: 313: 293:
If I see you are wrong again. The border fgollows exactly the lower cource of Strymon.
277: 93: 3590:
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It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these
2804: 2779:
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these
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1540: 1531: 1206:
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1136:..."Turanid race" that included the Uralic and Altaic speaking peoples more generally 902:
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847: 771:
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Provisional representation of the former United Internal Revolutionary Organization
730: 722: 715: 690: 666: 658: 651: 643: 630: 622: 594: 564: 532: 491: 483: 477: 469: 434: 419: 411: 399: 373: 365: 346: 332: 324: 305: 297: 285: 264: 256: 252: 210: 202: 188: 156: 148: 121: 113: 2977:
Are you administrator on this wiki? And if you are not stop deleteing documents!--
2610: 1983: 873: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
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number, come from non-reliable websites, etc. Hope on getting your reply soon,
3456: 3141: 2417:". Will you please be so kind to present diffs that justify your accusation?-- 1703: 1342:
Nationality on the Balkans. The case of the Macedonians, by F. A. K. Yasamee.
Nationality on the Balkans. The case of the Macedonians, by F. A. K. Yasamee.
Bulgarian Vukašin Mrnjavčević from Bosnian town Livno which is in Herzegovina
Hi, Knowledge is a place for reliable sources, not for private calculations.
3561: 3482: 2286: 2110:
lacking an understanding of basic propositions and syntax ("Slavic invasion
226: 108:, and few of the existing ones seem to be rather strange, they don't have a 3248:, ask me on my talk page, or ask your question on this page and then place 542:Гоце Делчев завършва българските начално, основно, средно и военно училища. 3534: 1868:
Sorry, I have written this in affect. Thought you've meant my edits. Bye.
2224: 2670:
I am not an enemy. Just trying to protect my religion from such acts.
2581:) you don't mind if a source is published in communist era Bulgaria. -- 2491:
as biased publication afterwards in their magazine Macedonian Tribune.
1181: 678: 544:Гоце Делчев е основал Български Македоно-Одрински Революционен Комитет. 510: 3400: 3334: 2290: 1871:
Don't worry. However my edits didn'n change nothing you have edited.
1486: 1482: 1385: 1311: 1247: 1069: 1007: 943: 877: 3099:
Massacres against Turks during the Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire
A new user who focused and targeted on Bulgarian-related articles:
2575:"unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography" 2535:"unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography" 2470:"unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography" 2450:"unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography" 2442:"unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography" 2199:
Of course, that was a mistake. I have corrected myself. Thank you.
3533: 3241: 2754: 1951: 1927: 517:
This message is being sent to let you know of a discussion at the
3360:], ''Savezno izvršno veće (SIV)'', ''Савезно извршно веће (СИВ)'' 2432:
Unreliable, biased sources from Yugoslav Communist historiography
unusual type which one never saw in recent history of television.
969:Трето издание, Изд. на Отеч. фронт, София, 1983 г.]</ref: --> 109: 25: 3277:
Thank you 7&6=thirteen, but I am active here since 2007.
2058:, but were Byzantine 'clients' , yet independent. They later 1445:, Vol. I, Ankara 19R2, p. 173. Document No. 69.</ref: --> 509: 2472:
or to apologize for your actions and revert your tagging.--
I can't understand why you add a wrong source for this map
Fortunately, this ip madness has been fixed. Thanks Jing.
Hello, Jingiby, and welcome to Knowledge! Thank you for
I expect you to either prove that work of Aaron Assa is
526:". Please join us to help form a consensus. Thank you! 506:
Hello! There is a DR/N request you may have interest in.
3564:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 3408: 3404: 3392: 3342: 3338: 3326: 3140:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 2753:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 2609:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 2578: 2462: 2458: 2454: 2437: 2410: 2375: 2298: 2294: 2282: 2223:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 2181: 1986:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 1702:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 1494: 1490: 1478: 1393: 1389: 1377: 1319: 1315: 1303: 1255: 1251: 1239: 1180:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 1142:
to see it. Therefore, I can easily add the Japanese to
1077: 1073: 1061: 1015: 1011: 999: 951: 947: 935: 876:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 745:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 225:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 101: 2114:
the Balkans"), and you dont appear to even known what
by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just
forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you very much
by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just
by modifying 1 "{}"s. If you have, don't worry: just
by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just
by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just
by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just
by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just
A Companion to Greek Studies, CUP Archive, pp. 31-32.
occur- as plenty of contemporary sources noticed it.
1613:it's useless, fantasy is more important than fact. 3403:by modifying 1 ""s. If you have, don't worry: just 2448:. You tagbombed the article I just created tagging 1388:by modifying 1 ""s. If you have, don't worry: just 1314:by modifying 1 ""s. If you have, don't worry: just 550:Гоце Делчев служи в българското военно разузнаване. 1565:I see that you have recently been involved in an 217:Disambiguation link notification for September 23 3415:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 3349:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 2960:Knowledge:Identifying reliable sources (history) 2745:Disambiguation link notification for February 25 2601:Disambiguation link notification for February 16 2305:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 1694:Disambiguation link notification for December 25 1501:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 1326:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 1262:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 1084:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 1022:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 958:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 868:Disambiguation link notification for November 28 2215:Disambiguation link notification for January 30 1978:Disambiguation link notification for January 17 1889:Disambiguation link notification for January 10 1403:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page 1172:Disambiguation link notification for December 5 737:Disambiguation link notification for October 16 2654:I have engaged in Edit war and for Good Reason 704:Talk:Turkish_people#So_what.27s_the_reason.3F 92:Hi. I'm gonna ask you something briefly. The 8: 3556:Disambiguation link notification for April 6 3132:Disambiguation link notification for March 4 3019:Is that your answer? RE YOU admin OR NOT?-- 2847:Hi. Please avoid self-published sources per 1150:to the article. Knowledge is not ur blog! 1146:part of the article and also I can add the 1398: 3518:National Archaeological Museum (Bulgaria) 1506:For|the medieval battle|Battle of Pliska} 2461:) and replied with "full stop for now" ( 1590:Knowledge:Dispute resolution noticeboard 1537:Please participate when you have time.-- 548:Гоце Делчев преподава по български език. 519:Knowledge:Dispute resolution noticeboard 3608: 602: 3331:Federal Executive Council (Yugoslavia) 3256:before the question. Again, welcome! 2926:Knowledge:Identifying reliable sources 971:[ 447:were largely populated by Thracians... 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 3481:. Please verify his edits. Thanks. -- 3391:. I have automatically detected that 3325:. I have automatically detected that 2281:. I have automatically detected that 1477:. I have automatically detected that 1376:. I have automatically detected that 1302:. I have automatically detected that 1238:. I have automatically detected that 1060:. I have automatically detected that 998:. I have automatically detected that 934:. I have automatically detected that 310:I'm ok with the Odrysae kingdom map ( 7: 3354:The '''Federal Executive Council''' 3097:Thank you for your improvements to 2440:) you labeled the source I used as 1588:OK, then. I have asked for help on 425:removed from the relevant articles. 1652:I hope, this was a wise decision. 24: 2569:You failed to prove that work of 2539:Macedonian Patriotic Organization 2489:Macedonian Patriotic Organization 2184:of yours was really (Rv. POV.)?-- 1988:Museum of the Macedonian Struggle 163:Republic of Macedonia (neighbors) 143:) 20:09, 16 september 2013 (UTC) 3382: 3316: 3222:How to create your first article 2272: 1608: 1468: 1367: 1293: 1229: 1051: 989: 925: 29: 606: 201:: North, East, South and West. 3002:Knowledge:Talk page guidelines 700:The problematic issue on this 667:04:51, 30 September 2013 (UTC) 652:03:54, 30 September 2013 (UTC) 631:06:22, 29 September 2013 (UTC) 595:19:53, 28 September 2013 (UTC) 565:19:27, 27 September 2013 (UTC) 533:19:51, 25 September 2013 (UTC) 492:10:09, 26 September 2013 (UTC) 478:06:35, 26 September 2013 (UTC) 435:21:42, 25 September 2013 (UTC) 420:13:24, 25 September 2013 (UTC) 400:13:01, 25 September 2013 (UTC) 374:06:45, 25 September 2013 (UTC) 347:18:15, 24 September 2013 (UTC) 333:19:42, 23 September 2013 (UTC) 306:18:01, 23 September 2013 (UTC) 286:17:54, 23 September 2013 (UTC) 265:09:20, 23 September 2013 (UTC) 211:05:03, 23 September 2013 (UTC) 189:17:15, 22 September 2013 (UTC) 157:18:24, 16 September 2013 (UTC) 122:18:47, 12 September 2013 (UTC) 1: 3208:The five pillars of Knowledge 3126:05:41, 28 February 2014 (UTC) 3111:17:26, 27 February 2014 (UTC) 3088:13:56, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 3048:13:19, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 3029:13:16, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 3014:13:14, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 2995:13:13, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 2972:12:45, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 2953:12:43, 26 February 2014 (UTC) 2938:07:39, 25 February 2014 (UTC) 2914:03:33, 25 February 2014 (UTC) 2892:10:15, 25 February 2014 (UTC) 2865:09:09, 25 February 2014 (UTC) 2840:08:43, 25 February 2014 (UTC) 2793:09:03, 25 February 2014 (UTC) 2738:11:13, 24 February 2014 (UTC) 2709:10:58, 24 February 2014 (UTC) 2691:10:31, 24 February 2014 (UTC) 2649:17:02, 16 February 2014 (UTC) 2591:08:20, 15 February 2014 (UTC) 2565:08:02, 15 February 2014 (UTC) 2551:07:55, 15 February 2014 (UTC) 2518:07:26, 15 February 2014 (UTC) 2482:22:51, 14 February 2014 (UTC) 2427:15:57, 14 February 2014 (UTC) 2404:13:09, 14 February 2014 (UTC) 2389:12:44, 14 February 2014 (UTC) 2364:07:48, 10 February 2014 (UTC) 2349:07:47, 10 February 2014 (UTC) 1881:14:59, 31 December 2013 (UTC) 1863:14:56, 31 December 2013 (UTC) 1837:08:26, 26 December 2013 (UTC) 1817:02:30, 26 December 2013 (UTC) 1803:16:22, 23 December 2013 (UTC) 1785:00:28, 22 December 2013 (UTC) 1768:23:44, 21 December 2013 (UTC) 1742:08:55, 25 December 2013 (UTC) 1684:21:24, 18 December 2013 (UTC) 1556:19:10, 18 December 2013 (UTC) 1525:05:59, 17 December 2013 (UTC) 1118:12:36, 30 November 2013 (UTC) 1047:09:24, 17 November 2013 (UTC) 985:14:10, 12 November 2013 (UTC) 916:08:59, 28 November 2013 (UTC) 3520:. Which is a former mosque. 2415:biased edits and POV-pushing 2330:10:53, 9 February 2014 (UTC) 2263:09:02, 30 January 2014 (UTC) 2209:10:53, 25 January 2014 (UTC) 2194:09:12, 25 January 2014 (UTC) 2171:23:06, 22 January 2014 (UTC) 2143:06:23, 20 January 2014 (UTC) 2133:Thank you for your advises. 2129:20:16, 19 January 2014 (UTC) 2100:09:04, 19 January 2014 (UTC) 2083:04:56, 19 January 2014 (UTC) 2026:08:59, 17 January 2014 (UTC) 1973:09:00, 10 January 2014 (UTC) 1662:14:40, 9 December 2013 (UTC) 1645:14:33, 9 December 2013 (UTC) 1629:12:05, 9 December 2013 (UTC) 1602:12:29, 9 December 2013 (UTC) 1583:09:28, 9 December 2013 (UTC) 1464:09:19, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1363:09:17, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1289:07:22, 4 December 2013 (UTC) 1220:11:07, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1166:09:28, 3 December 2013 (UTC) 863:19:39, 31 October 2013 (UTC) 841:06:13, 28 October 2013 (UTC) 825:20:52, 27 October 2013 (UTC) 805:13:47, 19 October 2013 (UTC) 785:11:39, 16 October 2013 (UTC) 585: 555: 3473:His edits need verification 2571:Bulgarian author Aaron Assa 2444:and insisted that I should 731:15:33, 6 October 2013 (UTC) 716:15:29, 6 October 2013 (UTC) 691:07:58, 4 October 2013 (UTC) 96:I've put up on the article 3632: 3506:07:48, 30 March 2014 (UTC) 3491:07:47, 30 March 2014 (UTC) 3468:20:12, 29 March 2014 (UTC) 3445:08:52, 25 March 2014 (UTC) 3433:these opt-out instructions 3366:these opt-out instructions 3227:Simplified Manual of Style 2354:The UCLA cites 1999 data. 1700:Macedonians (ethnic group) 390:serious reason to keep it. 3604:08:54, 6 April 2014 (UTC) 3551:12:04, 1 April 2014 (UTC) 3530:12:01, 1 April 2014 (UTC) 3378:07:34, 3 March 2014 (UTC) 3307:05:45, 7 March 2014 (UTC) 3287:20:21, 6 March 2014 (UTC) 3272:20:17, 6 March 2014 (UTC) 3203:Introduction to Knowledge 3180:09:08, 4 March 2014 (UTC) 1950:added a link pointing to 1926:added a link pointing to 790:Video "Macedonian Prayer" 2157:I've mentioned you in a 1849:@Rv. Not an improvement. 3566:Alexander of Yugoslavia 3409:my operator's talk page 3343:my operator's talk page 3217:How to develop articles 2413:) you accused me for " 2299:my operator's talk page 1571:Millet (Ottoman Empire) 1561:Millet (Ottoman Empire) 1495:my operator's talk page 1394:my operator's talk page 1382:Millet (Ottoman Empire) 1320:my operator's talk page 1256:my operator's talk page 1078:my operator's talk page 1016:my operator's talk page 952:my operator's talk page 3538: 1807:Hi I replied on my TP 1758:Bulgaria (Tylis, etc) 1341:Greeks]]".<ref: --> 1267:Greeks]]".<ref: --> 1148:...or Ural-Altaic race 1130:was redirected to the 747:Paris Peace Conference 514: 295:File:Tracian state.png 106:references and sources 3537: 2922:What Knowledge is not 1123:Ask first, write next 513: 98:Aleksandar Turundzhev 88:Aleksandar Turundzhev 42:of past discussions. 3592:opt-out instructions 3399:may have broken the 3333:may have broken the 3168:opt-out instructions 3036:Knowledge guidelines 2781:opt-out instructions 2637:opt-out instructions 2374:I noticed your edit 2289:may have broken the 2251:opt-out instructions 2014:opt-out instructions 1961:opt-out instructions 1895:disambiguation pages 1730:opt-out instructions 1485:may have broken the 1384:may have broken the 1310:may have broken the 1246:may have broken the 1208:opt-out instructions 1068:may have broken the 1006:may have broken the 942:may have broken the 904:opt-out instructions 773:opt-out instructions 696:Turkish people intro 270:Wrong use of sources 253:opt-out instructions 102:reverted by yourself 3574:fix with Dab solver 3246:Knowledge:Questions 3232:Please remember to 3150:fix with Dab solver 3138:Seven Slavic tribes 2763:fix with Dab solver 2619:fix with Dab solver 2409:With this comment ( 2233:fix with Dab solver 1996:fix with Dab solver 1945:fix with Dab solver 1921:fix with Dab solver 1712:fix with Dab solver 1530:Discussion open at 1190:fix with Dab solver 886:fix with Dab solver 755:fix with Dab solver 444:by Thracians see: 235:fix with Dab solver 199:Cardinal directions 3582:• Join us at the 3539: 3397:Surdulica massacre 3213:How to edit a page 3191:your contributions 3158:• Join us at the 2771:• Join us at the 2627:• Join us at the 2607:Rafael Moshe Kamhi 2493:Check here, please 2241:• Join us at the 2221:Mihajlo Apostolski 2004:• Join us at the 1913:Adrianople Vilayet 1903:• Join us at the 1720:• Join us at the 1198:• Join us at the 894:• Join us at the 763:• Join us at the 515: 243:• Join us at the 3587: 3479:His contributions 3236:your messages on 3163: 2895: 2878:comment added by 2828: 2814:comment added by 2776: 2751:Macedonia (theme) 2741: 2724:comment added by 2694: 2677:comment added by 2632: 2583:Antidiskriminator 2543:Antidiskriminator 2529: 2474:Antidiskriminator 2446:"discuss on talk" 2419:Antidiskriminator 2381:Antidiskriminator 2246: 2186:Antidiskriminator 2009: 1908: 1725: 1619:comment added by 1452: 1451: 1203: 1156:comment added by 1066:Todor Aleksandrov 899: 768: 248: 223:Nikola Martinoski 192: 175:comment added by 85: 84: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 18:User talk:Jingiby 3623: 3616: 3613: 3577: 3570:check to confirm 3465: 3425: 3386: 3385: 3359: 3320: 3319: 3270: 3260:7&6=thirteen 3254: 3253: 3153: 3146:check to confirm 3103:Star Lord - 星王 2894: 2872: 2827: 2808: 2766: 2759:check to confirm 2740: 2718: 2693: 2671: 2622: 2615:check to confirm 2523: 2436:With this edit ( 2370:Demacedonization 2315: 2310:'''Gevgelija''' 2276: 2275: 2236: 2229:check to confirm 1999: 1992:check to confirm 1941:check to confirm 1937:Salonica Vilayet 1917:check to confirm 1898: 1715: 1708:check to confirm 1631: 1612: 1611: 1554: 1551: 1511: 1472: 1471: 1444: 1434: 1424: 1410: 1408: 1399: 1371: 1370: 1347: 1336: 1308:Bulgarian Millet 1297: 1296: 1273: 1244:Bulgarian Millet 1233: 1232: 1193: 1186:check to confirm 1178:Bulgarian Millet 1168: 1140:Turanian Society 1128:Ural-Altaic race 1103: 1094: 1055: 1054: 1032: 993: 992: 968: 929: 928: 889: 882:check to confirm 758: 751:check to confirm 615: 610: 530: 238: 231:check to confirm 191: 169: 141: 81: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 3631: 3630: 3626: 3625: 3624: 3622: 3621: 3620: 3619: 3614: 3610: 3584:DPL WikiProject 3558: 3514: 3475: 3463: 3452: 3421: 3383: 3355: 3317: 3314: 3295: 3257: 3251: 3250: 3240:by typing four 3198:Getting started 3187: 3160:DPL WikiProject 3134: 3095: 2920:a forum. 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18:47, 12 September 2013 (UTC)
18:24, 16 September 2013 (UTC)
17:15, 22 September 2013 (UTC)
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05:03, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
Nikola Martinoski

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