
Talk:HIV/AIDS denialism/Archive 7

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the following paragraph, which is lengthier, attempts to disqualify these individuals. I don't even know what their views are... how about we summarize their views? no.. another list of former dissidents.. useless. Is this an attempted blacklist or something? next section "death of dissidents" purely POV given that it relies entirely on a website that seems to be the antithesis of this topic. What next? Points of contention.. here is a single sentence summarizing all that the reader should know of AIDS Reappraisal views. 1 sentence. really?? ok.. and guess what.. another insertion of criticism. Next... Impact beyond the scientific community.. this section is just another list of names mixed with more anti-topic POV. Durban section.. some political events, wonderful.. more POV.. "scientists were dismayed" yada yada.. we already know scientists don't agree.. thanks for making that so clear.. drivel. "Harm..." another topic that should actually be labeled criticism of AIDS reappraisal. So what is AIDS Reappraisal? From this article I know that it is something associated with several named people that questions the HIV cause of AIDS (there is only a single sentence in his entire page that discusses their views) and most importantly, I know that scientists can't stand to even allow this information to be accessed in a free information source.
paraphrasing the argument used to push POV is somehow an "attack" on the editors!! And that I "misattributed" them. Fine, I'll deal with that later. Okay, so let me get this straight. People push a POV on an article. They use specific arguments to justify pushing their POV (the endless bickering over "scientific consensus", "scientific community", "facts", "who is a scientist", just read the last 3 years' discussion pages). I come onto this discussion page, and I point out how pathetic their arguments used to push their POV are. When I do this, I am told I am "not addressing the article to improve it", and that I'm "attacking the editors" (!!) and that if I continue to do this, I will be banned. Whatever. Nightscream said: "I made none of the "arguments" you attributed to me, nor do I recall MastCell doing so either." But you said: "It indicates that it is referring exclusively to those who follow the
section "Points of Contention" should be reinserted in its original version. I wanted information on the points of view of the AIDS dissident movement from a third party point of view (that's one of the great assets of Knowledge) and all I was able to read in the main article was a historical account on what has the movement done so far, with lots of hints pointing to them being wrong. By the way I think the article is quite unbalanced right now since it suggests time and time again that the position of the AIDS dissidents is wrong and keeps count of how many dissidents have died of AIDS themselves. This last argument I consider to be beyond the point, since not all dissidents deny the existence of aids but rather the HIV being its cause. Anyway, I am now reading the excised "Points of Contention" section to pick up the information I came for.
2758:, and not any ol' Tom, Dick and Harry with a contrary opinion and a webpage." It does not take a ph.d. to figure out that by "any ol' Tom, Dick, and Harry with a contrary opinion and a webpage" you mean Duesberg, Perth, David Crowe, AIDS Wiki, and Virusmyth, and all the people associated with them. Hence, by your own words, you are saying that all these people, the "Tom, Dick, and Harry"'s, are not following the "scientific method" and are thus not part of your "scientific community". And this is my point. You DEFINE anyone who rejects the hypothesis as necessarily not following scientific method, hence not a member of the scientific community, then claim there's 100% or near 100% agreement in the scientific community that HIV causes AIDS. It's a completely circular argument. 2790:
interactions.", as I believed that this was way too loose a definition, since someone that a scientist "interacts" with is not necessarily doing scientific work or adhering to the Scientific Method in their arguments, and merely suggested a definition that was balanced between exclusivity and inclusiveness. At no time did I mention or imply any particular person or group with respect to falling under my proposed definition, nor mention anything about those who reject the current scientific consensus of AIDS, and I certainly never said anything about "100%". Those are statements of your own fabrication. Lastly, if you are serious about contributing to this page, then you will please do not refer to others' positions or statements as "pathetic". This violates both
1939:, from a few paragraphs above. I received some sort of automated message that I couldn't interpret correctly but seemed to threaten my whole university's editing Knowledge. So I am signing in this time to avoid any troubles although I hate to waste my time clicking on the sign in link. Anyway, what I came here to say was that at the extremely very least a link to the old version of the points of contention should be included, otherwise noboddy gets to know what are the dissidents saying and why is it wrong. Without that the article is not at all informative. I would have edited it myself, but apparently people get nervous easily around this topic and I don't want to have to explain to the IT guys why we lost access to editing wikipedia from my university. ( 2813:""It indicates that it is referring exclusively to those who follow the Scientific Method, and not any ol' Tom, Dick and Harry with a contrary opinion and a webpage." Tell me, Nightscream, WHO EXACTLY ARE YOU REFERRING TO, THEN??? You are saying that "any ol' Tom, Dick and Harry with a webpage" stand in contradistinction to "those who follow the Scientific Method". Certainly, you must have specific "Tom, Dick, and Harry's" in mind. Or do you mean ANYONE WITH A WEBPAGE? Doesn't Knowledge itself qualify as just "Tom, Dick, and Harry's with a webpage"?? How do you, Nightscream, determine who WHICH "Tom, Dick, and Harry's" agree with your "Scientific Method" and which "Tom Dick, and Harry's" do not? This was my point. YOU ARE VERY NAIVE TO THIS ISSUE. 2290:
that and then make these irrelevant arguments. If the scientific community is 'the total body of scientists, its relationships and interactions', then any debate between scientists (such as the one that is mentioned on one of the websites I provided a link to - it's a fact and not just a claim that there was a debate) shows that there is disagreement within the scientific community. Judgments in a court of law have nothing to do with anything. Judges and lawyers are not scientists and thus not part of the 'scientifc community.' I have suggested how the article oould be made both literally accurate and not misleading. Could you please indicate why you disagree?
as it is now, all it constitutes is criticism. The article should begin by defining AIDS Reappraisal, then perhaps with each individual as a topic summarizing his/her views. These sections SHOULD NOT present counterarguments, this is not a medium for debate, it is an informative resource. The counterarguments go at the bottom in an appropriately titled section as they are in every other article. Just pick your favorite contentious Wiki to see a clear example of this, I randomly chose Telepathy - and what do you know. I can look up telepathy and learn about the topic, then I can see the criticism. Where is the appropriate discussion of the topic here?
to insist, the article doesn't tell you what the dissidents believe. I came here with genuine curiosity because I couldn't think what they might argue and I could not get to know it. I mean, the article repeats time and time again that the dissidents oppose the general accepted facts known about HIV/AIDS, but that's not the same thing. I wanted to know their arguments, etc. And it is not the same to give a bunch of links to other sources than writing it up in WP. I hate following external links. I still think this article is unbalanced and uninformative and that it's a shame for Knowledge. (
145:. The reasoning is that there are already a ton of sites and information debating the fine points of Koch's postulates, etc etc - Knowledge is not really supposed to be a front in this battle, but rather to report on it. This article already contains dozens of links to both dissident and mainstream sites which address the claims, and playing them out in point-counterpoint here was just not seeming encyclopedic anymore. Also, it's remarkable how much shorter the article is without going into the evidence for Hepatitis B/C and how they're similar or different, and also remarkable how many 1860:
this debate was being refought, and that is not Knowledge's purpose. In any case, dissident claims are currently universally rejected by the scientific and medical communities, and so deserve little or no weight; to present them and "rebut" them individually gives a false impression that there is an actual scientific debate still going on over these long-since-settled topics. The article focuses on the history and the political impact of the dissident movement, since those are the areas where it remains notable.
1594:, etc. If you look at these articles, you'll see the same back-and-forth between advocates and opponents, which are a better analogy with AIDS reappraisal than telepathy, since telepathy isn't such a polarizing conflict that touches upon issues of race, politics, history, religion, etc. Because of this, there's not as much material on that topic to reference in that article. I notice, for example, that the second section in that article, which is large as any of the others, is about telepathy in 771:"There is widespread anxiety that denying or doubting the cause of AIDS will cost countless lives if blood screening, use of condoms, and methods to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus are not implemented or, worse, even abandoned." That quote from the Durban declaration seems much more appropriate. It places the blame where it belongs . The one I want to replace says . It is unfortunate that a few vocal people continue to deny the evidence. This position will cost countless lives. 2235:
like, change the article so that it says that the overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts that HIV causes AIDS. That is perfectly true and not in any way misleading, and I don't have a problem with it saying that. Just don't leave the article the way it currently is, because it's wrong and without justification. I am not going to change the article back again, at least not immediately, but you have failed to make the case that it deals with this controversy properly.
1407:: three of the four dissident websites qualify as official sites of the subjects of the article (Duesberg, the Perth Group and the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis). The other site, Virusmyth, is perhaps the most significant dissident site on the web, due to its longevity, size and prominence in search engine results. Checking my user contributions will confirm that I'm far from sympathetic to the views promoted by these websites. 35: 3859:"Majority" is misleading, because it suggests that there is a significant minority of the scientific community which believes otherwise. This is not the case. There is one semi-active scientist (Duesberg) who disputes HIV/AIDS, and he has never conducted any research on the virus. The sentence as written is correct, and amending it to "majority" creates the appearance of an active scientific debate where none exists. 2258:(they are led by a nuclear physicist and an ER doc). Again, there are sources on the Internet claiming there is a debate. However, there is no actual debate in the medical or scientific literature; the scientific community is quite unanimous on this. By comparison, a larger number of "scientists" dispute relativity, evolution, or even gravity, yet those are considered settled science. It would be misleading and 2079:"Dissident arguments have centered around claims that HIV does not exist or has not been adequately isolated, that the virus does not fulfill Koch's postulates, that HIV testing is inaccurate, or that antibodies to HIV neutralize the virus and render it harmless. Suggested alternative causes of AIDS include recreational drugs, malnutrition and the very antiretroviral drugs used to treat the syndrome." 2217:
fact that disagreement exists. The claim that 'there is literally no debate' appears to suggest that so long as debate about the cause of AIDS is not constantly happening at all times, it somehow becomes true that there is scientific unanimity, which is not the case (the Perth Group debated proponents of the HIV theory relatively recently. You probably know this, but here's the link anyway
2064:"Casper Schmidt responds to Gallo's papers by writing "The Group-Fantasy Origins of AIDS", which is published by the Journal of Psychohistory. He posits that AIDS is an example of "epidemic hysteria" in which groups of people are subconsciously acting out social conflicts, and compares it to documented cases of epidemic hysteria in the past which were mistakenly thought to be infectious." 2186:
no scientific debate on the subject. The fact that a handful of vocal advocates argue otherwise on the Internet does not change that. Is there actual scientific controversy here? If so, where are the peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature claiming that HIV doesn't cause AIDS? There are a handful from Duesberg from 5-10 years ago; nothing recent, and nothing reporting actual
relativity articles and revise them to say that "most of the scientific community" believes in relativity. Still, if the issue in question is amending the lead from "the scientific community" to "the vast majority of the scientific community", then I think that is a clear step backwards in terms of actual accuracy, but acceptable enough to not warrant arguing over any further.
642:.) As expected, Parenzee lost his appeal. Justice John Sulan's decision stated that Ms. Papadopulos-Eleopulos and Dr Valendar Turner of the Perth Group "lacked credibility and were advocates for a cause rather than independent experts," and made other interesting findings (HIV exists, it causes AIDS, it is sexually transmissible). No surprises. Mr Parenzee awaits sentencing. - 2396:'The vast majority' or the 'overwhelming majority' is not point of view, and it's not useful to go on insisting that it is. It is part of a factual statement. Anyone who has studied this issue is aware that the vast majority support the HIV theory. I have no idea what you mean when you write that I must not 'lend to a popular sect.' Please try to write more clearly. 1598:, which is hardly helpful to someone wanting to learn what telepathy is about. But if you think you can bring this article more in line with WP policies, then be bold and edit it. Just two things: Please sign your posts by typing four tildes (~~~~) at the end of them, and please do not refer to the work of others as "drivel". It's not really in keeping with the 717:
circumcision prevents AIDS - this has saved many people from thinking that it does besides any other benefits we will not list. The use of vitamins and mineral supplements is a covert admission that maybe lifestyle might be a tinsy-winsy problem - and the "consensus" doctors et al think that maybe vitamins, 3 meals a day, sleep,less drug use etc can't hurt.
scientific debate, it is the place for information. If a particular group disagrees with something that is fine and can be limited to a small portion of the article labeled appropriately. This entire article is an attempt to "debunk" something which is nowhere defined. There are plenty of places for debunking, Knowledge is not one of them.
would happen. In response to the person who changed it back, let me observe that the comment that all members of the scientific community other than Duesberg reject the dissidents is factually false, that it is easy to show that it is false, and that anyone who has spent any significant amount of time studying this issue should know this.
interpretations of fact or made up allegations. In response to the false allegations, Eliza Janeā€™s parents gathered testimony from a number of people who knew EJ very well and Christine wrote to the board directly as well. The names of the people giving testimony are not included in the letters as they appear here to protect their privacy.
the Scientific Method was not invented by me, and does not change according to personal whim, aesthetics, determination or agreement. Your continued refusal to conduct yourself here with civility or politeness make it clear that you are either not capable or interested in improving this article. Given your previous block for violating
2421:. And it would be true even if we went by a loose interpretation of "its relationships and interactions" in defining the "scientific community" to include the denialists. There's a reason that the word "scientific" comes first in that phrase. It indicates that it is referring exclusively to those who follow the 2457:
It is not sufficient to discuss an opinion as fact merely by stating "some people believe..." as is common in political debates. A reliable source supporting that a group holds an opinion must accurately describe how large this group is. In addition, this source should be written by named authors who
to me as the comment does not represent the "entire" scientific community and no interviews were completed to encompass that community to make it a "Vast Majority". I just feel that maybe a better use of wording would make it more accurate and not so bias. That is the reason I think others are having
Check the dates on those "papers published" by the Perth Group. Also note that they are not actual research, for the most part. Also note that in a recent court proceeding in Australia, the Perth Group was explicitly rejected as having any sort of scientific authority or weight on the question of HIV
My statement that most of the scientific community thinks that HIV causes AIDS was factually correct. It does not necessarily imply that the majority that disagrees is a significant one (I certainly wasn't trying to suggest that), although I grant that some people might interpret it that way. If you
OK, I give up. However you have to accept that the arguments are not as well presented as they were in the old "Points of Contention" section. They are spread all over instead of nicely elaborated. Anyway I got what I wanted, which was the info, I rather not edit the article myself. I am not really a
I don't know if it was there before and I missed or someone just put it there, but the "see also Duesberg hypothesis" does help a bit. Still, I don't think the previous edit in which the points of contention were cut off made the article any better (so long for WP policies, etc). And sorry but I have
Which passage is drivel? Again, the whole article is drivel. There is a single sentence of informative content and the rest is either criticism or lists of names. All the criticism regarding a particular topic should be placed in a single section that says "Criticism of AIDS Reappraisal" .. of course
That's a good point. However, the global warming/iceberg comparison is a bit misleading. The equivalent in this case would be a picture of a car exhaust pipe as the lead image in the Global Warming article, since most climate sceptics now agree that warming is happening, but disagree on whether human
part of the Durban Declaration: rather it is part of the material printed in Nature magazine before the text of the Declaration proper. If you read the Declaration itself, you will find the quotation as it appears in our article: "HIV causes AIDS. It is unfortunate that a few vocal people continue to
So, tell me "JoeSmack", which dissident sites are more heavily trafficked? I only know of 2 possible ones -- YBYL ("You Bet Your Life") and Virusmyth. The latter has more traffic than the wiki, but has slid and is not up to date. All the others you list here have much less traffic than the wiki (some
In the timeline, it says: "1986: The viruses discovered by Montagnier and Gallo, having been found to be genetically indistinguishable, are renamed HIV." The citation is from 1986. But it is inaccurate. Later, it was found that Gallo's HTlV-III virus was not the same as the LAV virus discovered by
as opposed to novel interpretations of the existing literature. Hence, the scientific community's view is clear and easily verifiable. What is the justification for claiming that "most" of the community thinks HIV causes AIDS? "Most" implies a significant minority believe otherwise, which is not the
Before doing that, please take a look at archived discussion and some older revisions. At one point, the article was set up as a point/counterpoint "debate" artificially constructed by listing an AIDS-denialist "point", then a mainstream "rebuttal", then (depending on how many denialist editors were
Knowledge tends to give greater coverage to views held by the scientific community, and less coverage to views held by an unscientific fringe. As do most respected encyclopedias and reference works. If that's "bias", then yes, Knowledge is "biased" toward "conventional" concepts that are accepted as
Let's save ourselves some time. I'm now very interested in this topic - seeing that some find it so morally offensive - I will research it elsewhere. I'm a scientist, I can evaluate evidence. I leave you with this: What will happen when science becomes so blind to its own fallibility that it becomes
OK... I restored the links. I'm of two minds about it, for the very two reasons you mention above. On the one hand, those sites are representative of the AIDS reappraisal movement, which is the subject of the page. On the other hand, the sites clearly mislead (or attempt to mislead) the reader. I'll
Well it's not prima facie "scientific proof" of the existence of a virus, but it's the virus, and it belongs. I would agree that an melting iceberg would not belong in the Global warming article, because frankly that iceberg could be melting for any number of reasons, including global warming. But
THANK YOU. I will check it out. The more I read about the aids deniers the less sympathy I have for them. I do think that it is wrong for the scientific community to vilify them but I am NOT going to be the one to tag that article unless I find deliberate dis-information on the part of its writers.
Or possibly an article about the trial? I think Parenzee is probably not so interesting as the forces that unethically led him to believe that his appeal stood a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding. His family, apparently, has been impoverished by supporting the appeal. But either a biography or
No question that should be mentioned... I was just thinking that we already mention it in the lead ("endanger public health"), and in the Impact in South Africa section ("responsible for 600 deaths a day"). Maybe an added mention under "Impact in North America", and the section would be superfluous?
I do not have any specific person or group in mind, nor do I have to. I made the context of my prior remarks quite clear in my last post to anyone who reads them. The motives or meaning you attribute to them are those of your own creation. There is no such thing as "your Scientific Method", since
That's my feeling as well. This may be a mountain out of a molehill - after all, both "the vast majority" and "the scientific community" are accurate statements, just as "more than half the scientific community" would be technically accurate. I think a simple statement that the scientific community
magazine (who is neither a scientist nor someone working on the disease), or someone like me, who is merely an interested layman not working in any science or journalism-related field, who understands the criteria for drawing conclusions on these issues. This way, it's not only a reasonable balance
Offered without qualification, the statement that 'the scientific community' accepts the HIV theory is therefore incorrect; it would be true only if all scientists without exception accepted that theory. That thousands of papers that accept the HIV theory are published every year does not alter the
It is completely correct and verifiable to say that the scientific community finds that HIV is the cause of AIDS. Thousands of scientific papers every year are published based on this premise. I am not aware of any peer-reviewed research in the last few years to the contrary, and there is literally
Like MastCell, I like pictures in articles, but Vickers' argument above that denialists only exist on the fringe cannot be used as the basis of any decision as to the article's content, precisely because their conflict with the mainstream is what the article is about, just as there is an article on
I agree with that point. Our role must be to present reliable sources in a neutral manner. This picture of HIV is reliable and its caption does not make any statement on the truth or otherwise of the claims made in the article. This is an entirely neutral presentation of data. However, removing any
it most certainly would, as it's extremely pertinent; but, it would be, ironically, giving undue weight to the scientific point of view from the perspective of this article to include a picture of the virus it's claiming either doesn't exist or is non-causal to AIDS. Again, whether this is correct
juxtaposed with the first paragraph of his findings with a caption of "Genesis says that the earth is the center of the universe, and Galileo thinks the opposite--" even though the majority of the "scientific community" (read: religion) at the time disagreed with him. We look back now and go, "oh,
In this communication, we critically analyse the evidence which in 1983 was claimed to prove the existence of HIV....since Montagnier's "purified virus" did not contain particles with the "morphology typical of retroviruses", the proteins cannot be retroviral. We conclude that, these phenomena are
MastCell, you are the one who wrote that it would be more accurate to say that the scientific community except for Duesberg accepts HIV. That shows that you know that it is not literally accurate to say without qualification that the scientific community accepts HIV. I don't know how you can admit
There's no way, in keeping with WP policies and manual of style, to link to an old version of an article, nor does it make sense to, since the editing of a particular version is an implicit statement that it was not the best one. But again, it is an exaggeration to argue that "nobody gets to know
reflect that accurately, then it really would need rewriting. If you want a detailed "third-party" discussion of the points of contention, we've helpfully linked any number of excellent and authoritative sources which argue them. The "points of contention" section was essentially an arena in which
1816:, and misleading - in that it created the impression of a more robust scientific debate than actually exists. AIDS denialist arguments are summarized here. More detail, both on the arguments themselves and on the rebuttals, is easily available on the Internet via the sources linked in the article. 1539:
Sure, lets begin at the top.. The first thing one finds is a timeline, this is somewhat useful in that it directs one to some secondary reading, but otherwise not incredibly informative on its own. The next section.. The AIDS Dissident is drivel. The first paragraph lists names of "dissidents" and
proof" that his findings were wrong (from their point of view). Granted, this analogy doesn't mean that I'm in any way trying to say that this article's point of view is in any way as inherently factual as Galileo's research, but I don't feel we should be cutting the chicken's neck off before it's
I think the article would a lot better balanced without the Durban Declaration. It seems very similar to blaming gay men for spreading HIV AND AIDS. Scientists should not be vilified for having dissenting opinions . Consensus can be misleading. Until someone can explain the science to me in laymen
That's an excellent suggestion - well found. Essentially my point is that the article should at some point mention the alleged harm caused by dissident views, which after all is why this topic is significant and controversial. Perhaps the existing section ("Alleged harm caused by dissident views")
that the quotes from Geffen and Moore could be removed, but perhaps the reference to the "HIV Science and Responsible Journalism" transcript could be retained and moved elsewhere. In any case I think we should keep the counterarguments from Duesberg and the Perth Group, for the sake of neutrality.
I think that the quotes from Montagnier and Sandra Thurman are superior because they explicitly allege that the promotion of dissident theories endangers life. However I agree that the copyright status of that article is unclear. Could we just reference Newsweek without providing any link? I agree
You're missing my point. My point was -- IF SOMEONE HAD UPLOADED ALL THE INFORMATION THAT IS AT THE WIKI ONTO A GENERIC "WEBSITE" (LIKE WWW.VIRUSMYTH.NET), YOU WOULD HAVE NO RATIONALE FOR DELETING IT. This is what I mean when I say you are "penalizing it just for being a wiki". This is a clear-cut
clearly lists, under "Links to Avoid" #12, links to wikis without a substantial number of contributors and a substantial history of stability. Alexa rankings don't enter into it; it's a matter of reliability as encyclopedic content. The fact that the link appears to be added by the founder of said
I realise now that I shouldn't have put that paragraph back into the "Impact in North America and Europe" section without discussing it first, as I'm sure you had a good reason for removing it. The paragraph in question is the one that begins, "In the following few years". It seems to me that this
Please do not presume to tell me what "I mean", as I never mentioned any names, nor had any particular people or groups in mind. The statement of mine you refer to was a response to Skoojal's argument that "scientific community" should refer to "the total body of scientists, its relationships and
Going by the definition in its wikipedia article, the scientific community is 'the total body of scientists, its relationships and interactions.' Please note the 'total' part. This definition implies that all scientists form part of the scientific community, and it is a fact that some scientists,
I recently re-wrote the introduction of this article slightly, changing the claim that 'the scientific community' considers the dissidents wrong to the claim that most members of the scientific community consider them wrong. Someone then changed it back again. This is exactly what I was expecting
I don't know why you feel the need to "give up", but do you feel it's unreasonable to require that such information be sourced? You said essential information is left out. My response was to encourage you to put it back in with sources. But if you don't care enough to do so, what do you expect
I had previously added my comment up there where MastCell informs of his/her deleting most of the "Points of Contention" section. I haven't read this whole section but I totally agree with opening argument on how this article needs rewriting, hence I post my comment down here instead: I think the
who disagree with the dissidents. Since the passage you mentioned is properly attributed to reliable source, it is appropriate. It's also an overstatement to argue that this prevents one from knowing what dissidents' views are. It says the Intro what their views are, the timeline mentions their
No, that's my fault for removing a sourced paragraph without giving any indication of my thought process. I was thinking it was a bit vague and didn't flow with the rest of the paragraph. However, after re-reading it with the paragraph reinserted, I think it actually looks fine. Sorry about that.
Fair enough. Everything is here for people to read. You say "It indicates that it is referring exclusively to those who follow the Scientific Method, and not any ol' Tom, Dick and Harry with a contrary opinion and a webpage." and then say you "don't have any specific person or group in mind". In
Duesberg doesn't conduct research on HIV. He never has. Neither does Kary Mullis. Neither does the Perth Group. I am part of the "scientific community" in the all-encompassing sense, but if I published a website claiming that relativity is a crock, then there would be no need to go to all of the
the viewpoint we are describing. Presenting all viewpoints as equal (as your comments on balance implies) is not a neutral treatment as defined here. Weight must be given to views in proportion to the number of experts who hold them, while describing even marginal views fairly. Clearly if we're
I disagree, since almost nobody denies that HIV exists, the only real debate within this rather extreme community is the role of the virus in causing AIDS. HIV is thus the sole focus of this article. I've replaced the image for now, with a different caption, but am open to other opinions on this
The question is: what scientists are saying this. Yes, I'd look up the reference, if someone can tell me how to get to it. The reference is to an online database of journal abstracts. That's nice, but does anyone have the article they can share for me, or at least point out a relevant quote, or
actually summarized, with citations to various low-quality but relevant online sources substantiating them in more detail. The rebuttals are also summarized and linked for more detail. I'm not clear on what's to gain by expanding this into a point-counterpoint on Knowledge, while I see several
In the article the Brief History section 1983: The Pasteur group found a virus in a patient who had symptoms that usually precede AIDS. Is the "a" before patient correct. They didn't start this with one patient did they? There must have been a study - 100s,1000s and found the virus in at least
That sounds fine. I'm all for keeping it brief (i.e. short summaries of allegations from Montaignier, and short rebuttal, without the quotes). Recently I've been feeling like many of these articles are too wordy (maybe I'm just in more of a hurry). I think we should keep the HIV Science &
Moreover, there are usually disagreements about how opinions should be properly stated. To fairly represent all the leading views in a dispute it is sometimes necessary to qualify the description of an opinion, or to present several formulations of this opinion and attribute them to specific
It has never been heretical, in science, to suggest alternative views. However, continuing to advocate a particular view single-mindedly, using selective citation and misrepresentation while conducting no actual research, long after it has been soundly disproven, tends to result in a loss of
Knowledge policy requires than any article about a controversial person must be written from a neutral point of view, representing all significant views published by reliable sources. It is not the article or passage that seeks to "disqualify" proponents of a given idea, it is merely that it
In the article there is a section on Harm Caused... a section on Benfit Derived.... would be helpful. Things like AZT limits probably have saved many lives ( a small dose of poison is better than a big dose - stupid to take any but some progress ), dissenters deny ( love the word deny ) that
the Montagnier group. LAV is the virus that was later renamed HIV. Gallo had asked the French group to send their samples instead of publish and then he published data to try to make his discovery appear to be the virus that causes AIDS. He was greatly discredited when people found out.
I MUST object to this. When I originally put forth my version of MastCell and Nightscream's "argument", I was told I was not addressing the article, but just babbling on the issue. So, I defended myself that this is directly related to the article and its POV. Then, I was told, that somehow
I came to this article to find out what AIDS reappraisal is.. after seeing it brought up in another article somewhere... instead all I see is a polemic against AIDS reappraisal. As of reading it, all I know about this is a few names of people associated with this. This is not the place for
Eliza Jane Scovill had regular checkups with two local pediatricians during her life. After EJā€™s death the California Medical Board investigated boh of the pediatricians and charged one of the two doctors, Paul Fleiss, with negligence. The charges issued by the board are based on malicious
My concerns don't stem from whether or not the topic is credible, factual, right, or wrong. I, personally, don't believe in the topic-- as I stated earlier. However, I honestly believe that images should only be used to further the understanding of the topic-- not to prove points. As an
You know, the moon landing article is often cited as an example of how to cover fringe topics, but when I look at it, I see endless bickering about the presentation of point-counterpoint arguments on its talk page, as well as a failed good-article nomination. The AIDS-dissident arguments
And in any event, this has nothing to do with the article, since Anonymous128 seems more interested in promoting one side in the issue, instead of focusing on the article's description of it, which is what Talk Pages are for. His hypothetical question has nothing to do with this article.
3639:'s view on something. It isn't feasible to have 100% agreement from everyone in every field of science on every question, but I think this article makes it entirely clear that the scientific community thinks one thing and a handful of scientists (Duesberg, Mullis perhaps) disagree. 987:. So, the choice is that we either change the name to reflect that the article is an examination debate over the causal relationship between HIV and AIDS, or we understand that an image of HIV in the introduction of an article that says that HIV doesn't cause AIDS is a paradox. -- 392:
recently posted on the site. I agree that the existing section is not very good, but I think it should remain until we have something better to take its place. Without this section, the article would give the impression that the causation debate is merely academic.
931:, because the article talks about, essentially, HIV's allegedly non-causal relationship to AIDS; however, placing images of HIV in an article that talks about people who deny its existence and/or claim that AIDS and HIV are unrelated is kind of like placing a melting iceberg on 541:
could be replaced with a short paragraph to that effect - referencing the Newsweek article, the Durban Declaration and perhaps the "Responsible Journalism" seminar as well - plus another short paragraph explaining that the Perth Group and Duesberg reject such accusations.
is a picture of the Earth taken from the moon", for good reason. This encyclopedia attempts to provide an overview of scientific topics which is in line with respected scientific thought. Your edit undermines that purpose. I would suggest seeking outside input from the
Will an experienced editor that is NOT interested in voicing their own opinion please delete all the drivel on this page and produce an informative article about AIDS REAPPRAISAL for those of us that do not know anything of the topic and would like to learn something.
320:) is apparently directly involved in the creation and operation of the AIDSwiki, but it's not an appropriate external link for Knowledge per the guideline. Many highly trafficked pages (blogs, MySpace, YouTube) are nonetheless generally inappropriate as external links. 494:(co-discoverer of HIV) and Sandra Thurman (White House AIDS policy director) have alleged that the AIDS reappraisal movement endangers lives by persuading people to abandon safer sex or medications." This could then be followed by the dissident rebuttal. Any thoughts? 2867:
i have to stay behind here. some of htis discussion is way out of lin enad blattant POV pushing. regardless of your views on hiv mythology you have to agree that this article is totally in the grip of POV pushers and talk page discussion editors.
What do you think of the addition to the "Impact in North America and Europe" section? I'm a little leery of directly linking to AIDStruth's reprint of the Newsweek article - it seems a little sketchy from a copyright standpoint, but maybe I'm just being paranoid.
If scientific consensus is only reached through original research published in peer-reviewed journals, then it would be independent of the scientific community (since only a fraction of scientists and researchers publish on the topic of any given article, such as
It looks pretty much in line with the sources I checked, as well as with my understanding of the "controversy" as a whole. Any language from which a reasonable reader would infer serious and widespread ongoing scientific discussion over HIV ā†’ AIDS would be giving
IT IS MISQUOTE. It was taken out of context by chopping off the end of what The declaration actually said. Read the Declaration again please. Show me that the existing one is actually a quote and I will not tag it and or the article as lacking neutrality.
images is an equally POV move, considering that this specific image was only added a couple weeks ago. And I agree, entertaining "denialists" isn't appropriate; however, all I'm asking for is that we look at how we handle other denialist pages. Not to
363:), with an edit summary claiming that the article was "subject of a copyright dispute". Can you provide more details? I've removed the ref for now, but would like to know the details, as the POZ magazine site says nothing about any copyright issues. 249:
Well, why don't you just get rid of *ALL* the links?? If you can't have a link to the most trafficked dissident site, just throw them all away. God forbid we should mention the existence of websites directly relevant to the subject of the article.
2054:"Dissidents argue that the consensus that HIV causes AIDS has resulted in inaccurate diagnoses, psychological terror, toxic treatments, and a squandering of public funds, as well as an unprecedented deviation from scientific method and standards." 3309:
Perhaps it's epistemologically irrelevant (though that's debatable), but we're not having an epistemological debate here. We're just trying to figure out how to properly and proportionately represent this particular fringe view without giving it
I like pictures. I should add that some AIDS denialists do, indeed, argue that HIV doesn't exist or "has never been properly isolated". Insofar as there is a "mainstream" to the movement, it's probably Duesberg, who agrees that HIV doubtlessly
The neutrality of this article and also that of Knowledge on AIDS is highly disputed. It relegates it to political movement which it is not. All articles on AIDS by Wiki needs to carry this headline 'The neutrality of this article is disputed'
or not is irrelevant, but I feel that inclusion of a picture just for the sake of including a picture--especially if it apparently contradicts the article-- might be doing more harm to the article than good. Again, this is just my opinion. --
1200:-- even though their inclusion would be inherently relevant and factual. Would you be willing to add them? Yes? No? The main thing I'm asking is for us to ask ourselves the question, "why?" and you'll understand where I'm coming from. -- 2352:
The points you make above would be relevant if this were a debate about whether HIV causes AIDS or not, but it isn't. What we have been disussing is a distinct issue. But in any case, I am glad that you apparently agree with my proposal.
Their arguments are there, but they're incorrect and stated as such. If you're comparing the Knowledge article to external links, of course they are not going to be the same thing. Knowledge values an NPOV, and these external links most
90% of patients. I don't see the relevance to the timeline of citing specific details of this paper, as opposed to the several others which came out nearly simultaneously, but I guess I don't feel that strongly one way or the other.
2524:. Doing this covers both scientists and doctors, and skeptics who understand that valid scientific methodologies are the best method on which to basis their position on the issue, whether it's someone like Michael Shermer, editor of 755:
Whether or not you (or anyone else for that matter) agree with the Durban Declaration is irrelevant. The fact remains that it has an important place in the history of AIDS reappraisal, and therefore must be mentioned in the article.
I guess my point is that regardless of how "Scientific community" is defined, we don't need its members to be in absolute 100% unanimity to be able to state that the "Scientific community considers such and such to be true/untrue."
I'm considering excising the subsection entitled "Alleged harm caused by dissident views". It consists mostly of quotes from the two sides, and doesn't add much that hasn't already been made clear earlier in the article. Thoughts?
3658:. Current wording is ilogical, because aforementioned authors ARE part of the "scientific community". AFAIK (plase correct me if I am wrong) there is no poll about what the "scientific community" at large thinks about this issue. 569:
I agree at removing it, else I would add on the foot image a note saying "Extreme disidents like Lanka explains that this picture realy is...." What realy would be a neutral point of view, do you preffer this or removin it?
Moreover: The picture is a 1985 picture! (see description at the CDC website, sorry but it is not linkable). In 1984 and 1985 no claims of HIV isolation were still made. How then they know at the CDC that thatĀ“s HIV?.
Should intelligent design and global warming skepticism be considered pseudoscience? I can understand intelligent design, but the wiki page on global warming skepticism makes no reference to it being pseudoscientific.
Thus, the statement that dissident arguments are not presented in the article is untrue. I have no problem including the arguments in the previous edit of that section you mentioned, but I notice that in that edit,
Yes, if anything I was thinking that was reason to remove some of the other links as well (and some of the mainstream links). In general I'd prefer fewer external links - this site isn't intended to replace Google.
OK, in accordance with the discussion above, I've gone through and substantially trimmed the section on "Points of Contention". Here is a permalink to the version immediately before my major revision, for reference
If someone more competent than me brownsing at wants to look for the original sentence, it would be great to have again that sentence linked. ThatĀ“s the reason I am creating this section.
Also, "aknowleding the existence of those pictures would be taking sides," and "The CDC claims this is a picture of HIV" makes me wonder if you think a caveat "according to astronomers" should be added to the
Articles by established journalists and published authors may sometimes be judged by the reputation of the author rather than the venue they are published in, Knowledge:Reliable_sources#Evaluating_reliability
I agree that this is the right approach to a compromise, and since MastCell is correct when he points out that some denialists dispute even the virus' existence, I would suggest a slight alteration to this:
states, "HIV causes AIDS. It is unfortunate that a few vocal people continue to deny the evidence. This position will cost countless lives." (in terms of sourcing the claim that AIDS denialism is dangerous).
references. Many more could easily be added, but I get the sense that this is an objection for the sake of objecting, since its premise is easily falsified by a simple reading of the sentence in question.
contributor just one of the millions that parasite Knowledge. Still, just for the record: I still think the article leaves essential information on the the arguments of the dissidents out of the picture. (
4194:, favorably profiling from Science or not. OTOH, I made no claim of GilbertĀ“s positions, so I can not understand why you cite the alleged unrealibility of the sources claiming Gilbert being a "denialist" 2910:
I have to agree on the issue that not all the scientific community agrees on this issue. Should we make a hand count on how many of the people that have written here to ask for some editing are actually
scientific credibility. Those who have lost credibility in such a manner inevitably compare themselves to Galileo/Socrates and imagine themselves victims of a massive conspiracy. It has ever been thus.
I believe that although aids is comparatively over funded,that that only means that our governments should be spending more money to bring the others up to par. Thanks again for the clarification.
Mast Cell and Nightscream are using this pathetic "argument" as a justification for pushing their POV. So, yes, this comment IS very definitely in reference to "improving the article". THANK YOU.
Mere skepticism is never pseudoscience unless it uses faulty claims in order to back itself up. Debate is the lifeblood of science and it serves no useful purpose to slander the opponents here. --
including pictures of fetuses and aborted tissue; because, even though it might be true/factual, it doesn't inherently deserve a place in the article when it comes to issues of neutrality. --
article has a fairly extensive and detailed point-by-point claim-and-rebuttal section, despite the fact that the Hoax proponents' ideas are just as invalid as those of the AIDS dissidents'.
3249:, and not to be taken seriously. The overwhelming majority of the relevant scientific community has accepted the evidence that the HIV virus both exists and is the causal agent for AIDS. - 4096:
The article generally uses "AIDS dissident" as the preferred term for those who dispute either the existence of HIV or its causative role in AIDS. This is consistent with self-naming (per
fact by the scientific community (like gravity and HIV/AIDS). If you're asking why AIDS-denialist views are not expounded at greater length and uncritically, then the answers can be found
I am going to change the article once again, and I strongly suggest that before changing it back yet again MastCell discuss the issue here and offer some justification for his actions.
I recommend, in accordance with neutrality, including the scientific details of the AIDs denialists' ideas...How about just neutrally including the science that HIV denialists expound?
Why replace it? The existing quote is pithier, more concise, makes the point more directly, and summarizes one of the major objections to the continued propagation of AIDS denialism.
The former dissendents - both of them - certainly appear to give a very weak thumbs up to the "consensus" opinion. Tey mention cofactors a lot - cofactors being what somone might ask.
3690:, et cetera. Personally this would not be my first interpretation when reading about "the scientific community" regarding AIDS. Second, we do have a "poll" on this. It is called the 1267:
Well allllrighty then :P. it seems that most people believe it should stay, and I'm totally cool with that. Anyway, sorry if it caused any sort of ruckus, but I feel as though
that HIV is harmless, is found by the court "not qualified to express opinions about the existence of HIV, or whether it has been established that it causes AIDS." <ref: -->
to a demonstrably fringe view well outside of the scientific mainstream. Perhaps specific suggestions for improvements to this article could be made in new sections below? -
218:. In addition, EL acceptable additions are not based on relative merits (edit summary when added was "the wiki has more traffic than any other dissident site listed here"). 2833:, I have placed another warning on your Talk Page. Violate that policy again, and I will block you for far longer than 24 hours. Beyond that, I'm done speaking with you. 2165:
reject the dissidents. For someone to alter an article to make it say something that he actually admits is wrong is totally unjustified, and a clear expression of bias.
1445:). You should at least include her mother's opinion (and that of the toxicologist who both reviewed the LA County coroner's report and reanalysed Eliza's lung tissue). 935:. Don't get me wrong-- as a medical nerd myself, I don't necessarily agree with the point either; however, I don't feel that the image is appropriate on this article. -- 1733:
Honestly, the tone of this piece is quite shrill with bias towards conventional HIV theory. How about just neutrally including the science that HIV denialists expound?
The lead paragraph implies that the scientific community "feels" that dissenters are cherry-picking data, etc. I DO NOT DOUBT THAT DISSENTERS ARE CHERRY-PICKING DATA.
You did not "paraphrase" anything. You attribute statements to me that I never said. Please do not distort others' words, and then call it a "paraphrase". You claim:
2520:). For this reason, I think it's reasonable to define it as not only scientists, but people whose approach to this issue (and all science-centered issues) follows the 1080:
I agree that pictures make a page prettier, but they should be as neutral as possible. The main question we should ask ourselves is "... but does it make the article
3216: 3719:. The sentence as written is logical, accurate, and easily comprehensible, and making the wording more torturous will not improve its meaning, clarity, or accuracy. 1429:
Why did someone revert my edit? Eliza Jane's death can be attributed to her mother's denialist views and refusal to take AZT and get her children testing for HIV.
4220: 2586:
makes clear. But since we're arguing extensively over shades of accuracy, I could live with "the vast majority" though it would certainly not be my preference.
Agreed. That is perfectly reasonable, and in keeping with WP policy. Feel free to add that material in, so long as it is properly sourced/attributed. Thanks.
That the dissidents' claims are universally rejected does not mean that it follows that a points of contention section should necessarily be threadbare. The
akin to heresy to suggest alternative views? At that moment science ceases to exist as such, and mirrors the tyranny of a religion. good night and good luck.
Yes, a common argument when one disagrees with a scientific consensus is that nobody went and polled every single scientist. This ignores the definitions of
part of the article needs to mention the promotion of dissident views in the mainstream media. However, perhaps you think the paragraph should be rewritten?
I recommend, in accordance with neutrality, including the scientific details of the AIDs denialists' ideas. Then I think it will be a well rounded article.
images of HIV because they might contradict some of the wilder claims of the fringes of HIV denialists would not be neutral. I suspect you are confusing a
I think that the article must at some point mention the allegations that dissident views have contributed to avoidable illness and deaths. For example see
Withholding a picture because it contradicts someone's erroneous assertion would be the non-neutral move. We're here to convey informtion, not hide it. -
I'd suggest replacing your addition to the "Impact in North America and Europe" section with the following, or something similar: "AIDS experts including
2479:'s argument seems to boil down to: "The phrase 'scientific community' is equivalent to the phrase 'every single scientist.'" I would argue they are not. 2417:
a point of view. It is simply factually true. That the vast majority of the scientific community accepts the current consensus that HIV causes AIDS is
reject the dissidents - is not only false, but does not even correspond to what he wrote in the article, which implies that the scientific community
360: 4075:
Nevertheless, the beliefs of those who have been labeled ā€œAIDS denialistsā€ are far more extreme than the challenging skepticism of AIDS dissidents"
not be linked to. However, an exception is "a page that is the subject of the article or an official page of the article subject". The articles on
2577: 2502:
Going by the definition in its wikipedia article, the scientific community is 'the total body of scientists, its relationships and interactions.
writing about someone who claims "there are no pink elephants", it is pertinent to include a photograph of a pink elephant in the article. -
2069:" conclude that there is "no compelling reason for preferring the viral hypothesis of AIDS to one based on the activity of oxidising agents." 2386:
and not lend to a popular sect. You can say "The Scientic Community" and even that needs to be sourced. So the revert I did is appropriate.
It's troubling that people put so much effort into silencing views that are discordant with their own; that, if anything, is unscientific.
4100:). We should not be using the term "AIDS denialist" in the article, unless as part of a quote. The distinctions between those who deny the 3223:
non-specific to retroviruses and thus cannot be considered proof for the existence of a unique retrovirus HIV. Copyright 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
1623: 1557: 1506: 1388:
leave the links in for now - I think it's a gray area, but they've been there for awhile and there clearly isn't consensus to remove them.
129: 1468: is neither a reliable nor an accurate source of information. However, this whole thing is covered in much more detail at
2854: 2814: 2759: 2696: 2635: 2593: 1930: 1836: 1734: 1688: 603: 2986:
I learned about this event in my Global Health class in college. It's also shown in a factual movie called "And the Band Played On."
feel that way, then we should all listen! So I respectfully ask for better references here. Several articles are depending on this. --
Claim: The evidence for HIV is so overwhelming, anyone who claims HIV does not cause AIDS must not be following the scientific method.
scientists. My feeling is that that phrase should mean neither everyone that scientists "interact" with (way too loose and inclusive)
317: 98: 3489:
Dissident arguments are considered to be the result of cherry-picking and misrepresentation of predominantly outdated scientific data
3193:"Peter Duesberg is an AIDS reappraiser, and he doses NOT dispute the existence of HIV." Does he not deny HIV causes AIDS? Please see 813:
deny the evidence. This position will cost countless lives." Nothing has been added, and nothing has been "chopped off the end". -
by a factor of 3-5). But, don't let the facts get in the way of anything. Facts never got in the way re: HIV, no point starting now.
It is relevant because the verb "is" without an appended "claimed to be" is reserved for our current best approximation to reality,
3049:. I challenge the veracity of the caption, backed on the virusmyth link, therefore it is required to attribute the claim to the CDC. 1146:
have been about the emotional impact of photographs, and no one's going to have an emotional reaction to the one in this article. -
and a fact sheet from the NIAID (a division of the NIH) in which dissident arguments are described as cherry-picking or inaccurate.
93: 88: 76: 71: 63: 3950:
a sourced line on the 1984 Gallo paper, and he/she failed to add the line again despite he/she added tha source back again later
picture of it is false, but that doesn't mean that every time we discuss HIV in this encyclopedia that we need to say: "...which
Corollary: Therefore, all "debate" over the HIV hypothesis occurs in "non-scientific" forums, "outside the scientific community".
policies. I'll be away from Dec 12-23, but if there's anything I can help you with when I get back, let me know. Happy Holidays!
1229:; so, rebalancing it more to the proof of a causal link of HIV to AIDS is upsetting the NPOV of both articles (in my opinion). -- 3878:
from the point of view of your previous post) misleading, for the reasons presented. Which alternative wording do you suggest?
I thought this article was a bit drab. I added an image of HIV at the top, since this virus is the main topic of the article.
3354: 3254: 2892: 2617:
Definition: A scientist is someone who follows the scientific method. The scientific community is composed of all scientists.
Journalism transcript - it's under external links, but perhaps could be sourcing for statements in the article body as well.
For reasons unknown, you cited an argument I did not use, sir (please provide diff if you think I am not telling the truth).
Also, your third claim is nonsensical. The caption is completely correct. It says that dissidents deny the existence of HIV
scientists exclusively (way too exclusive, as it eliminates people like the journalists working for skeptical journals like
4248: 3001: 2157:
Furthermore, the comment that MastCell made when changing the article back - that all members of the scientific community
Thank you for your time and for your thinking. You asked and argued impeccabily for a very reasonable standard of proof.
views, some dissidents have their own WP articles, etc. It is thus on all such articles on controversial topics, such as
site; every wiki that has an article to one of its subjects on wikipedia does not get a cart blanche to linking it here.
4252: 4163:
The source is, a website run by a group of prominent HIV/AIDS researchers which was favorably profiled in
state that, "Any site that misleads the reader by use of factually inaccurate material or unverifiable research" should
354: 3587:
This article does support the idea of the "scientific community" accepting HIV/AIDS mainstream ideas. I suggest to use
is not a wikimedia/wikipedia guideline or policy (it's from ""). I'd rather like to focus on
2795: 1599: 872: 214:
I agree with MastCell; it is not a substantial/stable/reliable wiki, and thus should not be linked in accordance with
Editors should provide attribution for quotations and for any material that is challenged or likely to be challenged
2093:. I would encourage you to edit them back into that section, but only if you can provide credible sources for them. 1196:
the discussion, but we don't have pictures of German concentration camps (for better argument, present-day ones) on
When establishing what the accepted view on a certain topic within a specific scientific field is we adhere to the
1214: 1171: 42: 3057:
is misleading. For instance: Peter Duesberg is an AIDS reappraiser, and he doses NOT dispute the existence of HIV.
considers HIV/AIDS settled is the most accurate reflection of reality. Whatever debate still exists is being held
1221:-- not a third party wikipedia competition site's interpretation of it. This article is, arguably, the balance to 4041:
to HTLV-III antigens, not the antigens themselves. At the very least, it should read that they detected HTLV-III
Some AIDS reappraisal advocates dispute the role of this virus in causing AIDS, whereas some deny its existence."
is ilogical, and false, because aforelinked AIDS reappraisers are part of that very same "scientific community".
too much "meta-discussion" on this talk page, so forgive me for not taking the bait. Consider some other forum.
Please ignore my suggestion about referencing the Newsweek article - I didn't realise you had already cited it.
3398: 1627: 1561: 1510: 125: 2529:
between exclusivity and inclusivity, but makes the use of the word "scientific" in the phrase non-arbitrary.
1738: 1692: 607: 350: 2858: 2818: 2763: 2700: 2639: 2597: 1934: 1840: 1292:
No problem, best to discuss these things carefully. Consensus does seem to have been reached at the moment.
620: 21: 2787:"you mean Duesberg, Perth, David Crowe, AIDS Wiki, and Virusmyth, and all the people associated with them." 3172: 2977:
Gallo HTLV-III virus was not "genetically indistinguishable" from Montagnier's LAV virus, as written here.
I made none of the "arguments" you attributed to me, nor do I recall MastCell doing so either. Those are
311: 3582:
That HIV is the primary cause of AIDS is the strongly held consensus opinion of the scientific community,
to the views of the tiny minority of people (largely non-scientists) who hold otherwise in this article.
718: 707: 696: 121: 3549: 3160: 3042: 2873: 2838: 2803: 2731: 2534: 2496:
Actually, Skoojal seemed pretty explicit in his/her definition of that phrase to include people who are
2430: 2139: 2098: 1961: 1914: 1881: 1800: 1666: 1611: 1526: 932: 332: 307: 286: 251: 3105:
No, it is a picture of HIV. A tiny fringe disputes the existence of HIV and therefore will claim that
True-- removing images could be seen as POV-pushing, but since the article has been around since 2003
3962: 3716: 3712: 3636: 3632: 3404:. Now, I have to go to work. Thank you for the things I learned from both of you, and have nice day. 3346: 3034: 2989: 2551: 2483: 2467: 2387: 2027:. Here all the arguments are presented as well as the scientific consensus about them, with a NPOV. ( 1926: 1832: 1553: 1502: 827: 795: 772: 746: 599: 519: 117: 3918:
Unfortunately, the link does not work, and the site is rather user unfriendly.
4199: 4153: 4083: 4020: 3994: 3979: 3933: 3907: 3883: 3849: 3747: 3663: 3621: 3560: 3505: 3409: 3288: 3229: 3095: 3070: 2947: 2916: 2116: 2032: 1980: 1944: 1412: 1377: 1272: 636: 4117: 3631:
They are not part of the scientific community which does research on HIV/AIDS. More to the point,
2993: 2726:
words, not ours, and your impolite use of all caps, boldface and bigger fonts do not change this.
active) a re-rebuttal of the mainstream point... it was at once difficult to read, messy, full of
1699:) - I seldom contribute to wikipedia talk. But I have a key suggestion for improving this article. 1342:. (Or is there some image policy about only using a mag cover if the article is about that mag?) 1303: 3358: 3342: 3276: 3258: 3242: 3164: 2896: 2830: 2791: 1603: 1469: 1434: 1017:
but argues that it's harmless. Anyhoo, I like the picture and don't see a major problem with it.
I've referenced a few more indicators of the consensus view, including a series of articles from
616: 745:
terms I will continue to believe that HIV causes AIDS. But that reference ought to be deleted.
A higher level of detail, which I'd imagine is one thing that draws people to an encyclopedia.
4121: 4097: 3691: 3459: 3444: 3005: 2997: 2403: 2358: 2295: 2240: 2175: 1873: 1404: 1029: 962: 844: 204:. If there's a question about this, I'd suggest getting independent input from other editors. 2024:
Dear Joe, take a look at the unrevised version of the section of "Points of Contention" here
1336: 4172: 3311: 2869: 2834: 2799: 2727: 2530: 2466:
I mean unless my understanding of this is distorted. After all, I am still learning myself!
2426: 2263: 2135: 2094: 1957: 1910: 1877: 1796: 1769: 1765: 1662: 1607: 1583: 1522: 1369: 1356:
I've reverted the edit that removed dissident websites from the list of external links. The
1343: 1323: 1197: 984: 3817:
are (or were) part of the "scientific community" (please follow links to source the claim).
enough for a brief Knowledge biography (seeing that red link)? There are a number of solid
4235: 4203: 4181: 4157: 4137: 4125: 4110: 4087: 4053: 4024: 3998: 3983: 3937: 3887: 3865: 3853: 3829:"The scientific community considers the causative role of HIV to be scientifically proven" 3751: 3725: 3704: 3667: 3645: 3625: 3564: 3536: 3526: 3509: 3475: 3413: 3362: 3320: 3292: 3262: 3233: 3207: 3194: 3140: 3099: 3074: 2966: 2951: 2936: 2920: 2900: 2884: 2877: 2862: 2842: 2822: 2807: 2767: 2735: 2704: 2690: 2671: 2643: 2601: 2558: 2548: 2538: 2490: 2480: 2470: 2434: 2407: 2390: 2362: 2327: 2299: 2272: 2244: 2197: 2179: 2143: 2120: 2102: 2036: 2007: 1984: 1965: 1948: 1918: 1903: 1885: 1866: 1844: 1822: 1804: 1778: 1742: 1696: 1670: 1647: 1631: 1615: 1565: 1530: 1514: 1478: 1416: 1394: 1381: 1346: 1306: 1296: 1293: 1283: 1262: 1253: 1237: 1208: 1178: 1175: 1152: 1137: 1116: 1101: 1043: 1023: 1006: 1003: 995: 976: 954: 951: 943: 914: 911: 899: 883: 856: 830: 819: 798: 787: 775: 760: 749: 733: 721: 710: 699: 684: 672: 648: 640: 624: 584: 574: 559: 545: 527: 509: 498: 476: 451: 429: 411: 397: 382: 367: 335: 324: 289: 279: 254: 236: 222: 208: 178: 164: 153: 1956:
what the dissidents are saying", when the article flat-out tells you what they're saying.
1449: 4195: 4149: 4079: 4016: 3990: 3975: 3929: 3879: 3845: 3798: 3743: 3659: 3617: 3604: 3556: 3501: 3405: 3284: 3225: 3091: 3066: 2943: 2912: 2665:
Thank you for your input. I'll put you down for "vast majority" then. Have a nice day.
2448: 2112: 2089:
of them are sourced. The ones that made it to the current section, on the other hand,
2028: 1976: 1940: 1855:
wrong, in the opinion of the entire scientific and medical communities; if the article
1591: 1408: 1373: 1218: 1167: 757: 581: 571: 542: 495: 491: 473: 448: 394: 197: 161: 3974:
Could User:MastCell please explain us the reasons for this deletion of sourced data?.
mathematics, we call this talk -- saying things without any grounding in examples --
4177: 4132: 4106: 4049: 3861: 3802: 3721: 3641: 3522: 3462:, determined that AIDS is caused by HIV, we need the same scientific method, and not 3387:
Gentlemen, My code of values compels me to formally disagree with both of you: It is
3350: 3316: 3250: 3136: 3123: 3119: 2962: 2932: 2888: 2686: 2667: 2588: 2582: 2323: 2268: 2193: 2004: 1899: 1862: 1818: 1774: 1643: 1474: 1430: 1390: 1259: 1249: 1193: 1148: 1142:
Not at all analogous. No one has denied the existence of fetuses. The argument there
1122: 1112: 1019: 928: 895: 852: 815: 783: 729: 680: 668: 655: 644: 556: 524: 506: 426: 408: 379: 364: 321: 276: 233: 219: 205: 175: 150: 4116:
I could not agree more. This article is a smear not a unbiased artcle on the topic.
On the other hand, the "scientific community" expression should be counterweighted.
That would be irrelevant, since the existence of a scientific consensus is based on
2222: 1441:
Dunno. But she seems to have died of an allergic reaction by at least one account (
389: 4212: 3463: 3280: 3246: 3179: 3168: 2476: 2399: 2383: 2354: 2291: 2236: 2171: 1813: 1357: 1061:
was quite literally soul butter, he wouldn't have taken too kindly to a picture of
point to a secondary source? Ah, the article from the Guardian extensively quotes
663: 659: 303: 215: 201: 192: 146: 2626:
Theorem: Therefore, all members of the scientific community agree HIV causes AIDS.
3906:::*2007: Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, having testified at an appeals hearing for 3283:
down to the commas. OTOH, what majorities think is epistemologically irrelevant.
It's not the most trafficked dissident site, it is the most trafficked dissident
4230: 4191: 4190: cites a blog as a source, and a blog is not a proper source under
3814: 3806: 3699: 3695: 3608: 3470: 3452: 3202: 3156: 2984:
I need a better source than the ones I have in order to change the text, please.
2927: 2623:
Lemma: Therefore, someone who claims HIV does not cause AIDS is not a scientist.
1587: 1365: 1326:, even though there's no empirical validity to it. The caption currently says, 1058: 880: 50:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
3810: 3612: 3448: 3437: 3187: 3063:
unless reasons for an improvement supported by Knowledge policies are provided
2218: 1276: 1230: 1201: 1130: 1094: 988: 936: 4077: 3769: 3015:
Rationale based on Knowledge policies for changing the caption of the picture
the scientific community, largely via the Internet and discussion forums, as
a problem with skoojal's edit. I based my argument from this statement about
2425:, and not any ol' Tom, Dick and Harry with a contrary opinion and a webpage. 3687: 3683: 3679: 3134:
its role in causing AIDS.Duesberg disputes the role of HIV in causing AIDS.
3055:"AIDS reappraisal disputes the existence of HIV or its role in causing AIDS" 1121:
Or does placing one do the same thing? Consider the same argument I had on
1062: 347: 3147:
Having seen a comment regarding this page I would like to give my opinion.
If that's not good enough another alternative would be to use the cover of
847: 4104:
of HIV and those who deny its pathogenicity is made later in the article.
3031: 2262:
accurate to suggest that "most" scientists think HIV causes AIDS. We give
Sounds good - I'll work on it as time permits, or feel free to go for it.
3966: 3822:
Those individuals express (or expressed) dissident views on AIDS (ditto).
I think that was the point: in contrast to others, at Knowledge we don't
51: 17: 3037:, and aknowleding the existence of those pictures would be taking sides. 2930:, not on the personal credentials of editors of this Knowledge article. 1521:
Can you cite the passages in question that you feel are drivel? Thanks.
4167:. Furthermore, the source for Gilbert's disavowal - - is 1071: 1054: 875:, AIDS activist and receiver of a Bachelor of Arts from Oxford. So if 4171:
than the sources which claim he supports the denialist position (see
3554:"many scientists and journalists consider the dissident arguments..." 4007:
Please look at the title of the section where the line was located:
3314:. For that task, the opinion of "majorities" is of great relevance. 1271:
discussion is better than none.Ā :) Thankfully there's some sort of
1328:"AIDS reappraisal disputes the role of this virus in causing AIDS." 1053:
off-the-wall example of this, I imagine that back in the day, when
Possibly because it has been superceded by more up to date data?
epistemology. I invite you to embrace a rational, life-affirming
both include links to websites promoting discredited viewpoints.
I would show a picture of the how much glaciers have retreated.
1226: 1089: 4131:
MastCell is correct. AIDS Denialist is a highly POV term here.
that's silly," but again, it simply wouldn't have been neutral
Interesting, though not sure if/how it should be incorporated:
Therefore, I change back the caption to the previous version,
2443: 2379: 1222: 1085: 29: 2221:. The Perth Group have also published in scientific journals 2207:
certainly a very small number of them, reject the HIV theory.
Inclusion of dissident websites in the list of external links
This is often referred to as "mass attribution". (See e.g.,
This may help you in determining whether a source satisfies
images of HIV in its header, an argument could be made that
1442: 927:). I have to disagree with this move. It subtly fosters a 4068:
An "AIDS denialist" is not the same as an "AIDS dissident
issue as well, but regardless of who adds it, it violates
The papers announced that more than 90% of patients with
implies that the reader might think these scientists are
3676:"the scientific community that does research on HIV/AIDS" 3656:"the scientific community that does research on HIV/AIDS" 3178:"I challenge the veracity of the caption," please supply 3654:
I agree with you, sir. My point: The article should say
such as "The Vast Majority". You must keep this article
3951: 3948: 3922: 3915:
This is a very, very interesting piece of information.
3787: 3596: 3020: 2676:
I think you may have to count him twice, since he used
I can respect this point, however, it still seems very
2025: 924: 143: 3275:
I did not know about the not peer reviewed status of
3126:, but these arguments are unconvincing to me at least. 2134:
to do? Better to light a candle than curse the dark.
1213:... and it should also be mentioned that your link to 4226:"Established authors" seem to be the operative words. 3155:
is under dispute" is easily settled if you provide a
3022:, which was reverted based (IMHO) on shaky grounds. 1687:
Hi, excuse the absent or unused nick that comes up (
Sorry for shouting, but I want to make my POV clear.
ThatĀ“s the expression that should be in the article
3790:"The sentence as written is logical, accurate..." 3500:?. We need a referenced "whom" for this sentence. 3279:. Thank you very much for the info. I shall study 3113:is the cause of AIDS." We don't say "here's what 2504:, in order to include denialists, who are mostly 2223: 1028:You keep bringing up Duesberg. Stop that!!!!!! 740:Durban Declaration as irrelavant and prejudicial. 306:is pretty clear on this point. I understand that 191:I've removed the link to the dissident AIDSwiki. 3921:I changed the link to other with similar effect a blog. Line and reference should go out 3794:It is not. The syllogism is simple and clear: 3019:I am talking about my rationale for this edit 2798:. Please follow Knowledge policy. Thank you. 2076:From the current Points of Contention section: 3393:relevant. Both of you are embracing a lethal 8: 3033:, therefore at Knowledge we must be neutral 1425:"Harm" section-- Death of Eliza Jane Scovill 3466:, to establish this assesment is incorrect. 3433:We are not having a socio-political debate. 2976: 2219: 1461:Put that in your biased pipe and smoke it. 678:a trial article sounds like a good idea. - 1472:and too much detail is out of place here. 3088:"The CDC claims this is a picture of HIV" 3215:Here is the article you requested, sir: 3065:. I am open to hear about such reasons. 2928:verifiable, reliable third-party sources 4240: 4064:"AIDS denialists": Lead must be changed 3458:If the scientific community, using the 664:many other Knowledge biography subjects 149:or unsourced assertions this removes. 48:Do not edit the contents of this page. 3086:is not a proper Knowledge statement. 7: 3615:parte of the "scientific community"? 3171:. Lacking that we can safely assume 4144:Ultimate source for reference 38... 3591:source (intead of sources 1 and 2) 1487:This entire article needs rewriting 1337:the September/October issue of the 706:everyone with AIDS first, n'est pa? 4011:. The section is about what happen 3764:Formal statement by User:Randroide 28: 3835:The solution: To use the sourced 1057:was trying to tell everyone that 3897:Supreme Court of South Australia 3451:approach as that is not open to 1258:I agree, the image should stay. 862:Dissenters are felt ... by whom? 804:It is not a misquote. The quote 331:example of "gaming the system". 33: 2500:scientists, when he/she argued 3956:The contentious sourced line: 3635:is generally aligned with the 3595:it is believed that this edit 3084:"This is a picture of the HIV" 2592:18:51, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 1937:) 12:35, 22 January 2008 (UTC) 1075:hatched (pardon the metaphor). 915:05:46, 23 September 2007 (UTC) 727:I'm sorry, I'm not following. 1: 4249:Knowledge:Avoid peacock terms 2937:17:15, 29 February 2008 (UTC) 2921:15:13, 29 February 2008 (UTC) 2901:21:42, 23 February 2008 (UTC) 2878:20:29, 23 February 2008 (UTC) 2863:18:27, 23 February 2008 (UTC) 2843:09:04, 23 February 2008 (UTC) 2823:07:10, 23 February 2008 (UTC) 2808:17:10, 16 February 2008 (UTC) 2768:10:07, 16 February 2008 (UTC) 2736:05:31, 16 February 2008 (UTC) 2705:10:08, 16 February 2008 (UTC) 2691:04:44, 16 February 2008 (UTC) 2672:04:41, 16 February 2008 (UTC) 2644:21:18, 15 February 2008 (UTC) 2602:19:49, 15 February 2008 (UTC) 2559:18:41, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2539:18:18, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2491:17:48, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2471:12:49, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2435:08:31, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2408:06:16, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2391:06:04, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2363:05:42, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2328:05:33, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2300:05:28, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2273:05:09, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2245:05:02, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2198:04:07, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 2180:03:37, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 1671:15:59, 25 December 2007 (UTC) 1648:19:09, 13 December 2007 (UTC) 1632:08:30, 13 December 2007 (UTC) 1616:05:46, 12 December 2007 (UTC) 1566:08:51, 10 December 2007 (UTC) 1417:22:25, 18 November 2007 (UTC) 1395:21:15, 17 November 2007 (UTC) 1382:14:38, 17 November 2007 (UTC) 518:Here's another thought - the 179:19:52, 28 February 2007 (UTC) 165:10:28, 28 February 2007 (UTC) 154:23:49, 26 February 2007 (UTC) 4253:Knowledge:Avoid weasel words 4037:First of all, they detected 3771:uses the correct expression 3603:I have just a question: Are 2796:Knowledge: Assume Good Faith 2144:17:58, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 2121:17:48, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 2103:15:38, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 2037:12:01, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 2008:11:12, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 1985:09:13, 24 January 2008 (UTC) 1966:15:54, 23 January 2008 (UTC) 1949:13:48, 23 January 2008 (UTC) 1919:06:31, 23 January 2008 (UTC) 1904:06:17, 23 January 2008 (UTC) 1886:21:32, 22 January 2008 (UTC) 1867:20:01, 22 January 2008 (UTC) 1845:12:35, 22 January 2008 (UTC) 1531:07:59, 9 December 2007 (UTC) 1515:07:52, 9 December 2007 (UTC) 1479:16:08, 9 December 2007 (UTC) 1347:04:14, 8 November 2007 (UTC) 1307:03:42, 8 November 2007 (UTC) 767:HOW ABOUT THIS QUOTE INSTEAD 4169:significantly more reliable 3552:. I suggest something like 3120:fringe theories noticeboard 1823:06:28, 5 January 2008 (UTC) 1805:02:54, 5 January 2008 (UTC) 1779:19:15, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 1772:, in Knowledge's policies. 1743:18:58, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 1697:18:58, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 1297:15:50, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1284:11:47, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1263:10:24, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1254:08:48, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1238:06:46, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1219:the actual wikipedia policy 1209:06:39, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1179:04:26, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1153:08:48, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1138:06:39, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1117:04:07, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1102:03:48, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1044:03:19, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1024:02:55, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 1007:01:53, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 996:07:01, 4 October 2007 (UTC) 977:22:55, 3 October 2007 (UTC) 955:22:33, 3 October 2007 (UTC) 944:10:37, 3 October 2007 (UTC) 900:03:13, 12 August 2007 (UTC) 884:00:49, 12 August 2007 (UTC) 4272: 4236:18:47, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4204:17:58, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4182:17:56, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4158:14:01, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4111:17:53, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4088:13:25, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4054:18:15, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 4025:08:55, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3999:08:43, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3984:23:34, 27 April 2008 (UTC) 3938:14:38, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3888:17:53, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3866:17:50, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3854:13:16, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3752:14:45, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3726:06:12, 27 April 2008 (UTC) 3705:18:55, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3668:22:57, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3646:22:21, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3626:13:48, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3565:23:08, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3527:22:18, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3510:11:16, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3476:18:12, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3414:17:08, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3395:"primacy of consciousness" 3363:16:51, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3321:16:42, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3293:16:35, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3263:16:27, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3245:is not peer reviewed, not 3234:15:32, 29 April 2008 (UTC) 3208:18:37, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 3151:Whether "The existence of 3141:22:16, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3100:11:13, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3075:08:04, 26 April 2008 (UTC) 3006:22:01, 13 April 2008 (UTC) 2059:From the Timeline section: 1437:) 16:38, 25 November 2007 1002:activities are the cause. 685:18:10, 29 April 2007 (UTC) 673:20:50, 28 April 2007 (UTC) 649:15:56, 28 April 2007 (UTC) 585:19:11, 22 March 2007 (UTC) 575:09:08, 22 March 2007 (UTC) 560:20:55, 14 March 2007 (UTC) 546:20:34, 14 March 2007 (UTC) 528:04:22, 11 March 2007 (UTC) 336:10:36, 11 March 2007 (UTC) 290:10:36, 11 March 2007 (UTC) 3943:1984 Gallo original paper 3874:Current wording is also ( 2967:18:42, 3 March 2008 (UTC) 2952:16:56, 3 March 2008 (UTC) 1215:sympathetic point of view 1172:sympathetic point of view 929:non-neutral point of view 857:18:27, 18 June 2007 (UTC) 510:22:34, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 499:21:56, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 477:21:45, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 452:21:43, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 430:21:22, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 412:21:13, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 398:20:07, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 383:19:27, 9 March 2007 (UTC) 368:18:20, 5 March 2007 (UTC) 346:The following reference ( 325:16:49, 8 March 2007 (UTC) 280:13:44, 8 March 2007 (UTC) 255:12:01, 8 March 2007 (UTC) 237:05:26, 5 March 2007 (UTC) 223:06:37, 4 March 2007 (UTC) 209:06:12, 4 March 2007 (UTC) 2458:are considered reliable. 2149:Obvious and extreme bias 1443: 831:09:27, 3 June 2007 (UTC) 820:07:17, 3 June 2007 (UTC) 799:07:02, 3 June 2007 (UTC) 788:18:30, 2 June 2007 (UTC) 776:12:28, 2 June 2007 (UTC) 761:14:54, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 750:12:02, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 734:23:30, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 722:17:10, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 711:16:49, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 700:16:43, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 4138:01:09, 8 May 2008 (UTC) 4126:04:26, 5 May 2008 (UTC) 3827:Therefore, to say that 2413:"The vast majority" is 2264:more than enough weight 983:The article's title is 662:on him, in contrast to 625:18:20, 7 May 2008 (UTC) 3947:User:MastCell removed 3577:From source number 8: 3515:The sentence contains 1851:Er... AIDS dissidents 1463: 1459: 1275:for now. Cheers =) -- 3843:scientific community" 3777:scientific community" 3598:should be reverted. 3447:. This precludes any 3167:, otherwise known as 3161:scientific literature 3153:"pictures of the HIV" 3028:"pictures of the HIV" 2956:There's already been 1454: 1439: 1168:neutral point of view 1070:to put a picture of " 933:Climate change denial 602:comment was added by 120:comment was added by 46:of past discussions. 3786:User:MastCell wrote 3717:scientific community 3713:scientific consensus 3637:scientific community 3633:scientific consensus 3573:scientific community 3436:We are not debating 3400:Primacy of Existence 3347:problem of induction 3163:, and more specific 3157:verifiable statement 2695:FUCK YOU, NUNH-HUH. 654:Perhaps Parenzee is 635:The decision in the 373:Alleged harm section 4192:Knowledge:V#Sources 3908:Andre Chad Parenzee 3548:Current text fails 3429:Some observations: 3349:notwithstanding. - 3173:there is no dispute 3124:request for comment 2831:Knowledge: Civility 2792:Knowledge: Civility 2680:SUCH VERY BIG WORDS 2578:this recent article 2159:except for Duesberg 1897:obvious downsides. 808:prefer is actually 637:Andre Chad Parenzee 631:Andre Chad Parenzee 196:wiki is probably a 3343:logical positivism 3277:Medical Hypotheses 3243:Medical Hypotheses 3165:medical literature 2518:Skeptical Inquirer 1470:Christine Maggiore 1339:Skeptical Inquirer 520:Durban Declaration 390:this article (PDF) 351:Ghostoflearnedhand 147:unreliably sourced 3692:scientific method 3460:scientific method 3445:scientific method 3030:is under dispute 3026:The existence of 3008: 2992:comment added by 2756:Scientific Method 2522:Scientific Method 2423:Scientific Method 2163:without exception 1938: 1929:comment added by 1874:Moon Landing Hoax 1847: 1835:comment added by 1814:original research 1600:Assume Good Faith 1568: 1556:comment added by 1517: 1505:comment added by 1282: 1236: 1207: 1136: 1100: 1042: 994: 975: 942: 869: 660:secondary sources 639:case is in. (See 611: 349:) was removed by 342:Copyright issues? 133: 104: 103: 58: 57: 52:current talk page 4263: 4256: 4245: 4233: 4135: 3902:Former version: 3702: 3535:You are failing 3473: 3205: 3201:Hope this helps. 3182:to support that. 2987: 2689: 1924: 1830: 1592:JFK conspiracies 1584:Holocaust denial 1578:refers to others 1551: 1500: 1370:Holocaust denial 1324:Holocaust denial 1281: 1279: 1252: 1235: 1233: 1206: 1204: 1198:Holocaust denial 1151: 1135: 1133: 1115: 1099: 1097: 1041: 1039: 1034: 993: 991: 985:AIDS reappraisal 974: 972: 967: 941: 939: 867: 818: 683: 647: 597: 591:Pseudoscientific 565:Broken reference 115: 85: 60: 59: 37: 36: 30: 4271: 4270: 4266: 4265: 4264: 4262: 4261: 4260: 4259: 4246: 4242: 4231: 4146: 4133: 4066: 3945: 3900: 3841:majority of the 3775:majority of the 3766: 3700: 3674:This statement 3575: 3483: 3471: 3203: 3195:logical fallacy 3017: 2979: 2685: 2683: 2646: 2631: 2613: 2468:Canyouhearmenow 2388:Canyouhearmenow 2378:You cannot use 2151: 2051:From the Intro: 1489: 1427: 1403:In response to 1354: 1277: 1248: 1231: 1202: 1147: 1131: 1111: 1095: 1035: 1030: 989: 968: 963: 937: 908: 864: 841: 828:Moses Weintraub 814: 796:Moses Weintraub 773:Moses Weintraub 769: 747:Moses Weintraub 742: 679: 643: 633: 598:ā€”The preceding 593: 580:I've fixed it. 567: 375: 344: 189: 139: 116:ā€”The preceding 109: 81: 34: 26: 25: 24: 12: 11: 5: 4269: 4267: 4258: 4257: 4239: 4228: 4227: 4224: 4209: 4208: 4207: 4206: 4185: 4184: 4145: 4142: 4141: 4140: 4114: 4113: 4093: 4092: 4091: 4090: 4065: 4062: 4061: 4060: 4059: 4058: 4057: 4056: 4030: 4029: 4028: 4027: 4002: 4001: 3972: 3971: 3944: 3941: 3899: 3894: 3893: 3892: 3891: 3890: 3869: 3868: 3833: 3832: 3824: 3823: 3819: 3818: 3799:Peter Duesberg 3765: 3762: 3761: 3760: 3759: 3758: 3757: 3756: 3755: 3754: 3733: 3732: 3731: 3730: 3729: 3728: 3709: 3708: 3707: 3649: 3648: 3605:Peter Duesberg 3585: 3584: 3574: 3571: 3570: 3569: 3568: 3567: 3550:WP:ATTRIBUTION 3543: 3542: 3541: 3540: 3530: 3529: 3494: 3493: 3492: 3491: 3482: 3479: 3468: 3467: 3456: 3441: 3434: 3427: 3426: 3425: 3424: 3423: 3422: 3421: 3420: 3419: 3418: 3417: 3416: 3374: 3373: 3372: 3371: 3370: 3369: 3368: 3367: 3366: 3365: 3330: 3329: 3328: 3327: 3326: 3325: 3324: 3323: 3300: 3299: 3298: 3297: 3296: 3295: 3268: 3267: 3266: 3265: 3237: 3236: 3199: 3198: 3191: 3183: 3176: 3145: 3144: 3111:the CDC claims 3059: 3058: 3051: 3050: 3043:WP:ATTRIBUTION 3039: 3038: 3016: 3013: 3011: 2978: 2975: 2974: 2973: 2972: 2971: 2970: 2969: 2908: 2907: 2906: 2905: 2904: 2903: 2826: 2825: 2783: 2782: 2781: 2780: 2779: 2778: 2777: 2776: 2775: 2774: 2773: 2772: 2771: 2770: 2720: 2719: 2718: 2717: 2716: 2715: 2714: 2713: 2712: 2711: 2710: 2709: 2708: 2707: 2677: 2654: 2653: 2652: 2651: 2650: 2649: 2648: 2647: 2633: 2630: 2627: 2624: 2621: 2618: 2615: 2614: 2606: 2564: 2563: 2562: 2561: 2494: 2493: 2464: 2463: 2459: 2454: 2453: 2452: 2451: 2411: 2410: 2397: 2376: 2375: 2374: 2373: 2372: 2371: 2370: 2369: 2368: 2367: 2366: 2365: 2339: 2338: 2337: 2336: 2335: 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AIDS denialism
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unreliably sourced
23:49, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
10:28, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
19:52, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
06:12, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

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