

Source đź“ť

commonly hallucinated, both visually and auditorially... And when one really gets down to it, one realises that much of what we call 'reality' is just a hallucination in itself. We see what we expect to see, relate what we see to memories, and build upon these memories to form new and changing realities. In our base form, we don't even perceive the 'physical' world remotely the way we do when we have developed. As infants, we are incapable of relating objects around us to memories, as those memories don't exist, and thus our realities are very vague and indiscernable as infants. Infants aren't just 'stupid', their perception of the world in general is ultra-simplistic.
1246:". I never thought that the person experiencing a hallucination had to believe that what they are experiencing is real. The passage seems to be suggesting that if a person is sane enough to understand that what they are seeing is not really there, they are not hallucinating at all. Among other things, this is troublesome because it means that what defines a hallucination centers on higher brain functions rather than sensory perception, and I find that rather counter-intuitive and strange. I will definitely drop my objections if someone shows that the above is the accepted medical definition, but if it is just what someone wrote unsourced I think we should change it.- 2314:- Look up some info on hallucinations during seizures to support the irritation/activation of visual cortex idea. Look up Charles Bonnet syndrome to support visual cortex deafferentiation idea. The study you found on visual deprivation can also be used to support this idea. The reticular activation system idea can be linked to neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopmaine. Use drug-induced hallucination studies (find them) to support this idea. I'm very happy that you found this info. However, they need to be elaborated upon. I'll email this group a review article to get you started on this. 200: 2010:
entire article so if you had a designated space that lists all the disorders that experience or may experience hallucinations, I think that would really benefit you guys. If you do this, you could simply list what disorders deal with this or talk about what types of disorders experience hallucinations and possibly the commonality of the hallucinations. Otherwise, it wouldn't be necessary to go into such great detail about disorders but I do think it's important to touch on them.
370: 818:
forms of hallucination. Think about what you are writing about! How often do your ears or eyes deceive you? If you believe the tongue and nose to be more frequent culprits of deception you are a very strange person indeed!!! The eye and ear are easily deceived, the tongue and nose being more primitive , less developed organs are far less prone to deception/malfunction. The poster has clearly never experienced an hallucination in their lives. The Norwikian 31 August
616: 346: 21: 439: 637: 418: 2181:
briefly. Regarding the two paragraphs you added, I would have liked to see more depth to the theory aspect because not everyone who edits or reads Knowledge is a Psychology major and may be confused as to what you are trying to say. Just a little explanation as to why Freudian theory matter I think would be a good place to start. Otherwise that, great start to your section and just try to improve it little by little.
2308:- Put in this section fMRI studies finding that hallucination is accompanied by activation of visual or auditory cortices. Please paraphrase using your own words. I can't make sense of what you currently have written from Hoffman 2007 study (by the way, are there other authors on this paper? Please list all authors). I will email this group a paper which is a good starting point for you to locate other articles. 1230:
Oliver Sacks' (a leading neurologist) book Musicophilia that discusses musical hallucinations several times, both Sacks' own experiences of such hallucinations and the experiences of his patients. It does not seem to be necessary for a person to have a neurological illness to experience auditory hallucinations. Perhaps this page needs to be linked to the wiki page on 'ear worms', which also needs expanding. (
382: 544: 523: 866:
perceptual experience, even after an unbounded amount of time. That is, it must be believed that the non-real experience was actually real. If one "hears voices" that aren't there, and it is recognized quickly that indeed they were "fake"--then this can not be considered a hallucination. (Somewhat similar--if you find yourself wondering "am I going crazy?"--indeed, you most likely are not.)
191: 1188:. Once we become lucid in a dream, does the imagery we perceive automatically become a hallucination? Or were they always hallucinations and being conscious has nothing to do with it? Either way, the former statement is incorrect and I will change it if no objections are posed. Feel free to change it before I do, you'll probably do a better job at it. Thank you. -- 264: 233: 979:
other(s). A hallucination is the accidental and involuntary generation of a stimulus completely within one's own mind. One experiencing a hallucination perceives things which do not actually exist, whereas one experiencing a synesthetic effect generally perceives at first a real object or concept, which is connected with one which is absent or irrelevant.
1417:, and that would match my great-grandmother, if she was seeing little poeple and thinking it was babies, but I think my aunt's eyes are working well. (Then again, she had brain cancer, and the radiation plus chemo, and then the cancer possibly returning, has harmed her brain a lot. With how little she communicates right now, they might be going, anyway.) 1500:'panentheistic experience' was trying to get at was that there may be a heavy spiritual or religious overtone to the hallucinatory experience, with one feeling as if they are god; are part of god and everything. A singular universal being I suppose? I have had this experience myself, so I am just drawing from what I know. Maybe that clears stuff up? 275: 105: 2398: 1537:
Knowledge, I thought it better to set the computer aside and return again with a fresh mind. After I'd cooled down, I understood the text to mean the same as above, a deep spiritual experience, but misleading language or not, the religious bias in the article is still obvious: "One god is OK, but it is nutz to believe in all the gods".
serene state at the time, but I still kinda freaked (pardon my vernacular) when I read the bit about pantheism. I'm sure Visnu and Brahma are offended as well. Just hope Shiva doesn't read it, as I understand he can be pretty ugly when aroused. I can only imagine the consequences of declaring all Hindus insane, should he hear of it.
449: 2271:
it's fine to leave psychodynamic viewpoints in. However, organize all related sentences together in a subsection titled Psychodynamic perspectives. Do not mix together with biological explanations. Avoid words that suggest opinions because you need to maintain a neutral point of view (e.g., "biological theories have become
898:"The term hallucination describes a value judgement by the scientific establishment that perceptions which are not based on physical sensory reality are essentially meaningless and of no value whatsoever." - I seriously doubt that any such value judgement is implicit in the term, or indeed held by psychiatry in general. 2270:
Pathophysiology: Pathophysiology means the study of change caused by a disease. From this definition, I would argue that psychodynamic theories do not belong in this section. However, I can see an argument that psychodynamic theory also explain causes of disease. If you want to support this argument,
Schizophrenic hallucinations: "Hallucinations are perceptions that occur without connection to an appropriate source" should be deleted from this section. This definition has already been presented earlier in the article and does not belong in the section on schizophrenia. Remainder of the parts you
Command hallucinations section: Delete "or inside of the persons mind and/or consciousness". Hallucinations are by definition inside one's mind. This paragragh, starting from the quotation from reference 22, should be deleted. Reference 22 does not seem like a reliable seconadary source. Furthermore,
I would suggest more detail, hallucinations can cover so many topics and have alot of case studies presenting research. It would be really interesting to see the types of hallucinations across people's experiences and how they may differ in conditions (i.e. a schizo's vs. a drug abuser {research with
article. Appropriate content for this section include what happens in the brain during hallucinations. There are actually a number of brain imaging studies that demonstrate that brain activation during hallucinations are comparable to brain activations during perception. Do your literature searach on
The text in the introductory paragraph, "pseudohallucination, which does not mimic real perception, but is not under voluntary control" is not correct. The given definition does include pseudo-hallucinations. I suggest that pseudo-hallucination should be removed from the list of phenomena excluded by
naturally you have to define what counts as hallucination. start there. then we can discuss what happens most. if the blind spot is a hallucination, which it could be considered to be, then i side with eye people. obviously some dude did a study and found taste and smell hallucinations to be most
Hello, I know that hallucinations can cause delusions, and vice versa. (at least psychotic patients). I dont know where i can add this in the article. I have a reference titled “The relationship between delusions and hallucinations”. Written by Brendan A. Maher. The url on the PubMed website can be
I think we can assume that the IP image blanker is going to continue removing the image and is not going to engage in discussion here. I am not particularly advocating its inclusion or notability but think it does have some pertinence and don't like the idea of someone continually removing it on the
I like the overall presentation in this article, however, there are a few concerns that arose after going through your page. I would like to see a tad more detail when describing the different types of hallucinations. THe information that was presented was very good, but in a few sections i was left
As someone who was diagnosed with first episode psychosis two years ago and has had several full blown hallucinatory experiences (which usually include lots of auditory, visual and spatial hallucination) from this, I would say in my case the 'stages of hallucination' are accurate. What whoever wrote
I'm not entirely sure, but I've noticed a problem with the first sentence: "A hallukinashon, in the broadest sense, is a persepshon in the absence of a stimyoulus." Ummm... that's completely confusing. People, seriously, this is NOT Uncyclopedia. You can't just put in a bunch of random crap and call
I agree with the above. I look for some references. Hallucinations are perception of stimuli that are not there, whether or not the person believes they are real. A person may take a pscyhopdelic drug and see things that are not there, however even if the person knows they are just the result of the
I strongly agree with removal of the image, as it has negatively affected me several times while experiencing hallucinations and seeking help online. Search engines and autocomplete are picking up the article image, which 'jumpscares' individuals with a pair of creepy eyes for very general searches
I will be writing a Knowledge article on Tactile Hallucinations and I am in the process of making a Sandbox for this particular Wiki article. Once I am done with this article, I would like my Knowledge article to be linked as the main article in your section of Tactile Hallucination, only upon your
Hey group. Your additions look pretty good however as everyone else stated the pathophysiology section seems weak to me. The content of this article is very interesting but I want to know more. I agree with Alymp17 I want to know about whether blind people or deaf people are more prone to different
Your addition of the pathophysiologic mechanisms are great; however, the layout of this information seems strange. Maybe playing around with the different layout and format options of Knowledge would help. The three different mechanisms seem to be too spaced out and would look better if numbered or
In the section titled, "Visual" you mention Alzheimer's disease and other disorders and I think you should create a subcategory to talk about these disorders. They seem to be just thrown into this section and almost throw off the flow. Also, it seems like you bring up other disorders throughout the
As a mental patient (yes, fellow Wikipedians, I'm finally confirming what you've all suspected, I am indeed, crazy as a loon, currently diagnosed schizoaffective) of 40-something years, I came here seeking more understanding, as I was then coming out of a 5-day episode. Fortunately, I was in a very
This sounds a bit absurd to me; there is no reference to this information. Aside from that, this doesn't make any sense: of course men who claim to be sexually active are going to report that they had sex, and people who claim to be alcoholics are going to report having drank alcohol. If they had a
To remove an image from the article with the reason given "this image is not safe for people who think they may be hallucinating and found this article" seems both unlikely and inadequate for the removal of material. As an artistic impression of the article subject it would seem to be pertinent so
I found your section of Psychopathology to be a bit unclear in terms of what is exactly a hallucination because yeah it is mentioned in the introduction, however, don't forget that there can be many kinds such as auditory or visual and it would be helpful to talk about the differences between them
Under "Visual" you briefly touch on the causes of visual hallucinations. I can see you have a category about causes later on in your article so I think moving that information about the visual hallucination causes to the "Cause" section would help organize your information a little bit more. Right
I'm less concerned about any religious issue here, than a humanitarian one. How many people who know they're in trouble will come here for information, only to be put off by the negative and judgmental tone? Perhaps some might avoid seeking help, expecting the same attitude from others, especially
This sentence: "Recent reports have also mentioned that it is possible to get musical hallucinations from listening to music for long periods of time." needs citation... which reports exactly? I do not disagree with the statement, in fact I think it is the tip of an iceberg, I am currently reading
887:"A few decades ago, it was thought that to be deprived of rem sleep would result in mental disturbance - it was an erroneous belief. It is understood now that some drugs, such as certain anti-depressants, completely abolish rem sleep - and yet there are no noticeable deleterious effects in users." 865:
A hallucination should be reserved for a much stronger situation, not simply of "misperception", as this is entirely too common an occurence--instead, a hallucinatory experience requires a situation where the individual does not have the facilities to distinguish misperception in the wake of other
Perhaps this is purely a matter of my own personal taste, but I think it's a poor idea to have such an unsettling image front and centre on an article that likely has an outsized number of mentally distressed people reading it. If someone's looking up hallucinations because they're suffering from
this article discusses mostly hallucinations of things that are most of the time complex images (i.e. identafiable objects, like seeing people or hearing voices,) and they often occur for a prolonged period of time. is there any information on the hallucinations that i experience, which are often
In a 2005 study of pubescent males, it was discovered that 94 out of 100 males who claimed to be sexually attracted to a member of the opposite sex experienced hallucinations in which they sustained erections and inserted their penises in their partners mouths, vaginas, or anuses. Furthermore, in
Answer: Synesthesia is simpler than a hallucinatory effect. It is the accidental association by the brain of some otherwise unrelated things. Once made, this association becomes automatic, and thoughts or perceptions of one of the connected things immediately evokes thoughts or perceptions of the
Some experts believe involuntary rapid eye movement is strongly linked to hallucinatory mindstates including the majority of normal dreaming. Sufficiently unrelenting REM deprivation during sleep (by any one of several mechanisms) is believed to be causative in "shifting" REM (hallucinations) to
I just wanted to input in the auditory hallucinations section that auditory hallucinations are the most common type of hallucination. I believe that this is a useful edit because a reader can have clearer understanding of the compared frequencies between the different types of hallucinations. If
The article is presented as if the subject is understood. It is not. What is described in the article is only the current explanation of hallucination. It may be correct. Or it may be that in, say 20 years or whatever, a wholly different explanation is offered and considered 'factual'. Whilst I
Do my eyes deceive me ?? I belive the claim that taste and smell to be the most common forms of hallucination to be totally erroneous. Surely sight and sound are the most common forms of hallucination. Taste and smell sensory apparatus are not so easily deluded these are the rarest NOT commonest
Hey guys, I think what you have so far is good, it is well detailed and has appropriate citations. However, I think you could possibly add more to the article to expand our knowledge of the subject. I agree with others about adding a subsection on diseases that result in hallucinations and what
Well, what about the blindspot of the eye? Aren't we basically hallucinating the material where our blindspot is all the time? And auditory hallucinations are pretty common, actually, they're just not necessarily recognised as hallucinations because of their ambiguous nature. Words are very
As a lover of the Goddess myself, (and many other spiritual entities) for at least 56 years, I was shocked to read that my profound religious experience is considered merely a symptom of a mental disorder by the medical community. Before resorting to my usual slash & burn editing style in
The term "pseudo-hallucination" has been used for situations where a subject has a sensory experience in the absence of an appropriate external stimulus and with the full impact of a real perception, but the subject is aware that it is not real. A better term is "non-psychotic hallucination".
I could find no mention of this type of hallucination as described by Oliver Sacks of page 70 of his new book "The Mind's Eye", which apparently results form "disorders of the visual pathway", and which have apparently been studied by Dominic ffytche. Not good enough. This whole article has a
I think this much stronger distinction may help illuminate the processes of mind and perception better, and be reserved for truly extraordinary circumstances. Again, we all mis-perceive the world around us, but use other perceptions to validate or falsify each other--hallucinations should be
Overall I think the organization of your article can use a little bit of work. Just to make it not only look more appealing but it will help keep your audience interested and make it easier for them to follow. The flow of your article seems to be pretty good and will only improve with better
I like what you guys have so far, although I would say to expand a bit more on the section. You talk alot about visuals and it would probably make for a better subcategory and adding more information on that. Another suggestion I would make is to link conditions that people have with their
cocaine shows halluications, which explains the role of dopamine}). I know of cases where people with tumors in specfic regions result in hallucinations but once the tumor is removed they stop...stuff like that could add more color to your sections not to mention make it more fun to read!
The claim that taste and smell are the commonest form of hallucinations are from the research referenced in this article (see reference 2). Sight and sound may be thought of as the commonest form of hallucination because these are the most prominent from hallucinogenic drugs. These are
I don't think theres anything much notable about this group. I mean...Theres no point to it. Yes, everyone hears voices in their head, or in white ::noise, especially things like names. Its not at all unusual. So what could this group possibly do? What is the purpose of that group's
added should be moved into the Pathophysiology section. By the way, ScienceDaily can be a source of inspiration and a clue to reliable, peer reviewed secondary sources; you need to track down the actual research papers or chapters refernced by ScienceDaily, read them, and cite them.
Hallucination, as defined here as a "false sensory perception in the absence of an external stimulus..." is not very good--it is too judgemental of what is "truth", doesn't specify well what is "external stimulus", and worst of all, doesn't distinguish itself from misperception.
I have tried to correct the spelling of 'Sidgewick, H.' in the References section, but could not work out how to get at it! The Sidgwick in question is the Cambridge moral philosopher Henry Sidgwick (q.v. - he has an excellent entry in Knowledge in his own right). Ranger2006
spurious grounds that it is unsafe or just a general dislike of it, particularly as they refuse to engage here. On that basis I will revert them again and could seek semi-protection if they persist but wondered if anyone else had an opinion about the image's inclusion.
Group, you posted our banner inside of the to-do template. I've fixed it by removing it from the to-do template and putting it in talk page. I've also reformatting your headings so that our class project sections are organized together and separate from other editors'
Pun intended, BTW. :-) So, where are phantom limbs on here? I guess it coudl be argued since it's neurons that think they should be feeling something perhaps it doesn't come from the same part of the brain so it can't be a hallucination, but I thought for sure it'd be
Okay, this article only states that hallucinations can cause delusions in psychotic patients, not vice versa. This is often the case in psychotic forms of schizophrenia. The fact that delusions cause hallucinations is covered in the article of schizophrenia.
Drug-induced hallucinations: I like the info you added here, but you need to add references. Too many words are capitalized here (e.g., deliriants, psychedelics, cannabis, psilocybin, opium, heroin, morphine, etc.). There are also grammar problems in this
still wanting more. Some sections are a lot more developed than others, some which are warranted, others which are not. For the most part this is a good Wiki, your information is good and i was very interested to read about Hallucinations. Good job guys..!
Surely it should read "Hallucinations are vivid; they appear substantial and to be located in external objective space, but they are in fact wholly subjective, being generated internally and existing only in the mind of the person hallucinating".
Are certain types of halluciations common among certain people? For instance, my great-grandmother (15 years ago), in a couple years before her death, would see babies on the floor. My great aunt recently had the same thing happen. The former had
forms of hallucination and as research has shown (refs 1 and 2) many people hallucinate outside the context of drug use and mental illness. BTW, hallucinations almost certainly arise from the brain rather than the sense organs themselves. -
Absolutely, I have had major visual hallucinations during migraine attacks. The first time I didn't know it was either a hallucination or a migraine, but I knew the big red and blue patch of light in the middle of my field of vision wasn't
in the first sentence, as most readers will not be familiar with the psychiatric meaning of the word. Misperception of stimulus can be just as indicative of mental illness as perception in the absence of stimulus. -Komodon- 24 Jan 2004
730: 1800:
13. Critchley, Hugo D. "Psychophysiology of Neural, Cognitive and Affective Integration: FMRI and Autonomic Indicants." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 28 Jan. 2009. Web. 05 Nov. 2012.
So yeah, I just re-added your addition with some tweaks. I don't know of any better place for it either, there is no section that talks about the things that hallucinations itself can cause. Others are free to find a better place for
So, I think that a good ideea is to add a reference to dreams in this page (not only a link, but something like "hallucinations during sleep happens most of the time during REM stage of sleep, and this experience is called a dream).
Your additions to the section titled "Command Hallucinations" are all great. Your topic is overall interesting but so is this type of hallucination. The examples you've included add great detail to your article because they are so
I checked the reference regarding HH and brainstem abnormalities. Most of the time HH are associated with narcolepsy. The authors then say that HH can be associated with brainstem abnormalities, but this is not often the case.
Beyond that, you do need to add more wikilinks in your sections and I would like to see more on hallucinations based on sensory deprivation. Are blind people prone to visual hallucinations? Are deaf people prone to auditory?
medically based databases such as PubMed. Look for secondary sources of information that are reliable (e.g., review articles, chapters). Please edit your outline and references as you find more appropriate information. Thanks!
2953: 2904:
I do not consider myself experienced enough at editing wikipedia to come up with a suitable alternative, but in my opinion this is not the right image for the article and I would be interested to hear if others agree.
Thank y'all for reading this, and perhaps someone who's edits to the page are trusted enough to avoid any flaming or editing wars will have the compassion to set the article right, as it does have some major issues.
hallucinations. What specific parts of the brain create the hallucinations? Make sure when adding information you word things as simply as possible and use more wiki links! I really like this topic, wish I had it.
If hearing voices causes distress, the person who hears the voices can learn strategies to cope with the experience. This is often achieved by  ::confronting the past problems that lie behind the experience.
1095:. Currently it takes up about half of the very short section on auditory hallucinations. I think it would be better to expand the first part (conventional view), rather than to cut the second part (HVM view). -- 2765:
I noticed that this material was recently restored. My impression is that this is a very general article where every possible cause of hallucinations does not necessarily deserve mention. We already have the
for some more information on that. Plus, Google is your friend, and you should look up some sources about that, if you'd like. They're super-abundant on the internet, but I'm not sure very many are verifiable.
the scumbag was here i will rule the world with my facist veiws on goverment.god is not real? I don't have a problem with the article expressing what some people like to believe, but this is an encyclopedia. ~
common. but they used some definition for hallucination there. i like all halucinations. i am totally tweeked out right now, sleep deprivation may be my favorite trip yet. no chemicals needed here. peace.
True, IMHO. People can have 'visual disturbances' caused by medically prescribed drugs for instance, or be tripping on acid and know they are tripping. To believe the hallucinations are real, is more like
That said, I'm not seeing any other major issues other than the need for expansion. Remember that when you expand, you can divide it into subsections using headers. Let me know if you have any trouble with
2943: 1908:
Hi everyone! The Pathophysiology section looks good so far. I just have a couple suggestions; I'll put them below in a bulleted list. If you have questions, feel free to either ask in this section or on
3053: 973:
I could find absolutely nothing in this article that would help to explain the difference between synaesthesia and hallucination, in fact I could find no mention of synesthesia at all. Not good enough.
2958: 2255:
Visual section: I like what you added; however, the information you added should be organized together in the Pathophysiology section. Please move the info you added to the Pathophysiology section.
204: 1184:
The article states: "These definitions distinguish hallucinations from the related phenomena of dreaming, which does not involve consciousness". One can be conscious while sleeping: see
Under "Visual" you state specific classifications of hallucinations. This section has a lot of information and I believe your article would benefit if you made this it's own subsection.
No. I cannot support an orginization that is so incompatible with a normal mode of logical existance to the piont that it should not exist. I think ::whoever wrote this might be a bot.
146: 1091:
This seems like an important viewpoint to have in the article, but at the same time it's a minority viewpoint, and that should be reflected in the amount of weight it receives as per
agree the article needs to say something, some degree of moderation (expressions like *It is thought*, *It is currently argued* and so on) would make it more accurate - not less so.
wake states. Numerous negative REM effects and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) from antidepressant users have begun to strongly cast doubt upon expert advice such as the following...
Sometiimes, if a person is half-asleep, he/she will visualize images that are not actually there, while fully aware of their surroundings. Is this stated? I can't seem to find it.
Under "Drug Induced Hallucination" the information you've added makes this section understandable. Without your additions, this section would've been very incomplete. Great job.
Hi Hallucination people! I really like how you guys have expanded on the rest of the sections, but I am confused, were you supposed to expand on the Pathophysiology section?
395: 247: 355: 292: 243: 1382:
more basic and fleeting (i.e. a wave of static momentarily passes over my vision or the mental 'omnipresence' of an idea or number). does anyone know anything about this?
The above quote is dubious. REM appears now to be linked to many health and mental benefits and REM deprivation appears to be causative in numerous deleterious effects.
Is there any evidence for this ? Seems a bit speculative to me. I think many of the hallucinatory sensory deprivation effects were found to be demand characteristics. -
296: 115: 1251: 1459:
it a joke. I can't revert it back or change it to something more sensible because I don't know what words used to be in the places of "persepshon" and "stimyoulus".
I know you can't give a medical diagnosis, but my question isn't really about that, it's more about whether "seeing babies" is a special type of hallucination or not.
2436: 2302:- put info currently in Visual, Schizophrenic hallucinations, neurotransmitter systems, and imaging related info here. This section will need further subsections: 2403: 1162:
According to encyclopedia britannica, the dreams are "a hallucinatory experience that occurs during sleep" and in the wikipedia page regarding hallucinations
3013: 2426: 495: 140: 3043: 2993: 1247: 699: 689: 505: 400: 1526:
First, I'd like to raise the question of how reliable a 36 year old text is, in a field as rapidly changing as this one. A lot has changed since 1975.
2978: 2746:
I also agree that a section on auditory hallucination needs to be added. It is the most common type of hallucination. I typed out an edit in my sandbox.
360: 3028: 2968: 2938: 1015:
What exactly is a pseudo-hallucination? Is it where you think you see an hallucination, but you really don't (an hallucination of an hallucination)?
598: 588: 336: 326: 3048: 3018: 32: 2259:
the quotations do not add more knowledge to understanding command hallucination; they teach how to look for them, which is not a goal of Knowledge.
12. "Hallucinations In Schizophrenia Linked To Brain Area That Processes Voices." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 01 Aug. 2007. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. <
1. Jones, Dr. Gemma. "Hallucinations in People with Dementia." - Alzheimer's Society. Jadu Content Management, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <
761:, i.e. relevance of hallucinations, it seems to be clear that their occurrence strongly correlates with two extremes of sensory activation: either 3003: 2998: 2948: 3033: 2983: 2349:
The second issue is that some of the references are not to particularly reliable sources. We typically use high quality secondary sources per
2928: 1720:. 11. "Focus on Re:Action - Drug Induced Hallucinations." West Midlands Centre For Adverse Drug Reactions, Nov. 2003. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. < 1421: 1337: 665: 471: 1662:
3. "Hallucinations & False Ideas." Managing Hallucinations and False Ideas in People with Dementia. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <
1244:...a perception in the absence of a stimulus that is believed to be genuine, ie. the subject experiences an imaginary stimulus as being real 3038: 3008: 2988: 2235: 1389: 1141: 1671: 2973: 2408: 2140: 1560: 986: 564: 301: 47: 3023: 2963: 2856:
I just undid everything back to how it was. I still don't know where it should be added. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?--
1860: 1762: 1620: 1507: 1466: 42: 1166:
there is no single mention of these normal hallucinations which happens during sleep (and happens about 2 hours for 8 hours sleeping
now this section (Visual) has a lot of great content, but if the organization was tweaked a bit, the flow would be much more smooth.
940: 159: 2675:
that it "does not add to article" is questionable at best. Not liking content is not a justification for continually removing it.
1789: 1741: 1715:
10. Frood, Aaran. "Drug Hallucinations Look Real in the Brain." New Scientist - Life. N.p., 28 Oct. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <
That said, if my appeal to reason isn't enough to have the article changed, how about one to conscience instead: Religious bias.
I've removed this paragraph as I've found no research to back it up. Objections and further evidence I may of missed welcome ! -
644: 621: 462: 423: 41:
at the time. There may be suggestions below for improving the article. Once these issues have been addressed, the article can be
2. DeNoma, Jeanene. "Memory, Cognition, Hallucinations." Memory, Cognition, Hallucinations. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <
2933: 2585: 2431: 38: 2133:
causes these. I think that would be really interesting and would add a lot to my knowledge of the subject. Great job though.
1716: 908:
I've removed the value judgements section, because, as mentioned above, I don't think it adds much. Other comments welcome. -
The second sentence "Hallucinations are vivid, substantial, and located in external objective space" appears to be nonsense.
2612: 2013:
Under "Visual" you mention an optical illusion. I think it would be interesting for you to add a picture one in this section.
551: 528: 287: 238: 2767: 2660: 2072:
I agree about adding subsections on diseases that result in hallucinations and maybe add them as links to other wiki pages
722: 1413:, and the latter has dementia, so I was wondering if that could be the cause. I read about the size aspect being part of 2792:
It's unsourced and doesn't explain anything useful anyway, even if it's about a real thing. Am I missing anything here?
2537: 2475: 2369: 213: 2879: 2827: 2043: 2035:
organization. Also, all of your additions and edits are great and really make the content of your article substantial.
More details/specifics are needed. Why are dopamine and glutamate neurotransmitter abnormalities considered important?
20: 1125:
Hearing voices is experienced by many people who do not have symptoms that would lead to diagnosis of mental illness.
Breakthrough in understanding of eye physiology & function including dreaming and hallucination...
6. "Articles Related to Jaynes's Bicameral Mind Theory." Command Hallucinations. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. <
another study, males who claimed to be drug addicts or alcoholics reported hallucinations of drugs and alcohol use.
923: 870:
reserved for situations where one cannot/is not falsifying that which to other observers would be considered false.
1171: 664:
related articles on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
2608: 1670:
4. "Dementia - Hallucinations and False Ideas." Home. State Goverment of Victoria, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <
1425: 1341: 2564:
The subject of derilium tremens fascinated me because i had the same problem, but i am trying to come over it.
The subject of derilium tremens fascinated me because i had the same problem, but i am trying to come over it.
2656: 2627: 2541: 2373: 2325: 1894: 1145: 1099: 2239: 1648: 1393: 1564: 2144: 1663: 1624: 1511: 1470: 1414: 1231: 990: 174: 2875: 2861: 2843: 2823: 2799: 2776: 2454: 2450: 2039: 1856: 1758: 1694:
7. Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 23 June 2012. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. <
1687: 1193: 84: 2715: 2589: 2696: 2680: 2214: 1958: 1603: 1579: 1550: 1006: 936: 899: 726: 219: 2795: 2736: 2494:
issues. Many sections are not formatted properly. A number of section are not in the correct order per
1707:. 9. "Drug-Induced Hallucinations." - Distorted Sensory Perceptions. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. < 1189: 2346:
Some of the text does not follow the manual of style. For when thing we never write words in all caps.
1069: 762: 2910: 2231: 2190: 2136: 2113: 2080: 2049: 1993: 1848: 1785: 1777: 1750: 1737: 1729: 1585: 1556: 1503: 1462: 1385: 1364: 1304: 982: 965:
definite bias towards offering psychiatric rather than neurological explanations for hallucinations.
928: 154: 2711: 2632:
The references to hallucinations in Stalingrad have checked out with reports in books on the battle
This section definitely needs more wikilinks for the reader with less of a grounding in the subject.
1049: 1031: 190: 2321: 2166: 2107: 1890: 1444: 1323: 1053: 1035: 770: 2732: 1016: 563:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
2751: 2633: 2569: 2555: 1769: 1410: 1982:
Other than that, your edits look pretty good. You need to work on the pathophysiology section!
2857: 2839: 2771: 2515: 1987: 1910: 1852: 1754: 1490: 1265: 1020: 794: 560: 454: 387: 369: 2706: 2692: 2676: 2637: 2533: 2469: 2365: 2210: 1954: 1599: 1575: 1546: 932: 766: 636: 615: 1717:
1708: 1397: 2906: 2511: 2495: 2350: 2076: 1781: 1733: 1360: 1300: 1283: 280: 1703: 2522:
Still a lot of work to do. While give people a week to begin. If not will close. Cheers
1721: 1485:
What is exactly a pantheistic experience?? (mentioned in the stages of hallucinations)__
882: 2162: 2103: 1802: 1440: 1319: 1096: 1092: 120: 1695: 1682:
advice/mental-health/mental-health-a-z/hallucinations/hallucinations-information/: -->
1655: 345: 2922: 2747: 2565: 2551: 2491: 1882: 1220: 1163: 657: 653: 2320:
This is a tough topic, but I have confidence that you can rise up to the challenge.
true hallucination to that effect, they wouldn't know that it was a hallucination. (
2184: 1983: 1929: 1928:
Great job, I'm looking forward to seeing how your section turns out! All the best,
1679: 1678:
5. "Hallucinations Information." Hallucinations. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. <
1611: 1486: 1261: 1185: 909: 842: 829: 810: 802: 786: 2099:
hallucinations. What do people see more of when they hallucinate? Good job so far.
2329: 1898: 1702:
8. "Hallucinations and Schizophrenia." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. <
2525: 2465: 2357: 438: 417: 381: 1355: 1333: 774: 661: 467: 444: 377: 269: 2815: 2628:
1279: 754: 2457:. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review. 1649:
Occurs often when extremely fatigued. Perhaps this term could be included.
543: 522: 1664:
moved the following sentences to the talk page for source verifications:
850: 778: 556: 2770:
article where this probably belongs (at least in my opinion). Thanks, —
2296:- put cognitive theories in here (e.g., overactive top-down processing) 1688:
790: 758: 649: 2914: 2883: 2865: 2847: 2831: 2803: 2782: 2755: 2740: 2719: 2700: 2684: 2664: 2641: 2616: 2593: 2573: 2559: 2545: 2479: 2377: 2243: 2218: 2194: 2170: 2148: 2117: 2084: 2053: 1997: 1962: 1933: 1864: 1793: 1628: 1589: 1568: 1515: 1494: 1474: 1448: 1429: 1368: 1345: 1326: 1308: 1290: 1269: 1254: 1223: 1197: 1149: 1104: 1072: 1057: 1039: 1024: 1009: 994: 944: 912: 902: 168: 135: 1950:
What are the pathophysiological causes for different hallucinations?
263: 232: 104: 2900:
we hit them with the spooky eyes image, it could freak them out.
Expand on the research. What factors are being researched and why?
1167: 1881:
Your assignment is to expand the Pathophysiology section of the
782: 299:. Please visit the project page for details or ask questions at 2954:
Knowledge level-4 vital articles in Biology and health sciences
The references are neither correctly or consistently formatted.
184: 99: 1770:
291:, which recommends that medicine-related articles follow the 1128:
Hearing voices is often related to problems in life history.
368: 344: 113:
for Knowledge's health content are defined in the guideline
I have a problem with this passage from the introduction- "
1170:). Also, see more about hallucinations in the sane people: 2731:
there is anyone opposed to this edit please let me know.
Hearing voices is not in itself a sign of mental illness.
Knowledge vital articles in Biology and health sciences
a.over the counter medicine that causes hallucinations
The unsigned comment above was posted by Terry Yager.
caring professionals. How many have already been lost?
Something tells me the article doesn't mention them...
during the 2012 Q3 term. Further details are available
77: 3054:
Knowledge Ambassador Program student projects, 2012 Q3
B-Class vital articles in Biology and health sciences
2290:- organize all psychodynamic facts in this subsection 1722:
References such as "medical news today" do not pass
See also section should be combined into the article
Recommended outline for the Pathophysiology section:
Your reference templates look good to go, great job!
648:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 555:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 466:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 51:
of the decision if they believe there was a mistake.
clinical publications about evidence-based medicine
969:Difference between synaesthesia and hallucination? 2187:(Usertalk:Maryrus]]) 12:44 p.m. 30 October 2012 1979:Make sure you expand on your article a bit more! 773:. Both, of course, may be caused by external (as 116:Knowledge:Identifying reliable sources (medicine) 1820:a. see, hear,smell, and feel things not present 1817:1.Hallucinations in individuals with Alzheimers 1680: 874:REM strongly linked to hallucinatory mindstates 295:and that biomedical information in any article 2788:Remove "False Hallucination" section entirely? 1596:Changes made, feel free to butcher at will... 924:Difference between Hallucination and Illusion 293:Manual of Style for medicine-related articles 8: 2544:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2386: 2376:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2228:Thanks for all the feedback/suggestions! 1829:b. The different types (hear, see, smell) 980: 926: 725:at Roosevelt University supported by the 610: 517: 412: 227: 56: 15: 2816: 1158:Hallucinations in dreams (while sleeping) 141:review articles from the past five years 2417: 2389: 1354:Yes, I agree, check out the article on 1260:drugs, they are still hallucinations.-- 717:Knowledge Ambassador Program assignment 612: 519: 414: 229: 188: 1248:Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg 1634:Roosevelt University PSYC 336 Project 7: 642:This article is within the scope of 549:This article is within the scope of 460:This article is within the scope of 285:This article is within the scope of 169:Centre for Reviews and Dissemination 3014:High-importance psychology articles 302:Knowledge talk:WikiProject Medicine 218:It is of interest to the following 3044:Low-importance Skepticism articles 2994:Mid-importance psychiatry articles 2294:Information processing perspective 1376: 721:This article is the subject of an 14: 2979:Mid-importance neurology articles 2647:The second sentence is nonsense.. 849:I added a prominent reference to 166:Other potential sources include: 3029:Mid-importance Epilepsy articles 2969:Mid-importance medicine articles 2939:Knowledge level-4 vital articles 2889:Regarding the main article image 1675:. — Preceding unsigned comment 674:Knowledge:WikiProject Skepticism 635: 614: 542: 521: 480:Knowledge:WikiProject Psychology 447: 437: 416: 380: 297:use high-quality medical sources 273: 262: 231: 198: 189: 103: 19: 3049:WikiProject Skepticism articles 3019:WikiProject Psychology articles 2518:from at most the last 10 years. 1522:A couple more pennies, if I may 1336:to me, but I'm not really sure. 737:Above message substituted from 694:This article has been rated as 677:Template:WikiProject Skepticism 593:This article has been rated as 500:This article has been rated as 483:Template:WikiProject Psychology 331:This article has been rated as 3004:All WikiProject Medicine pages 2999:Psychiatry task force articles 2949:B-Class level-4 vital articles 2726:Auditory Hallucination section 2642:18:11, 27 September 2013 (UTC) 2622:Hallucinations from refeeding? 2617:21:53, 24 September 2013 (UTC) 2574:17:25, 14 September 2015 (UTC) 2560:17:25, 14 September 2015 (UTC) 2224:In response to the evaluations 1835:a.(Marijuana, Acid,"Shrooms") 1744:) 02:10, 23 October 2012 (UTC) 1150:03:42, 13 September 2011 (UTC) 1010:11:56, 13 September 2007 (UTC) 753:However one may interpret the 743:on 14:38, 7 January 2023 (UTC) 573:Knowledge:WikiProject Epilepsy 311:Knowledge:WikiProject Medicine 37:nominee, but did not meet the 33:Natural sciences good articles 1: 3034:WikiProject Epilepsy articles 2984:Neurology task force articles 2884:11:34, 6 September 2021 (UTC) 2866:22:17, 5 September 2021 (UTC) 2848:22:08, 5 September 2021 (UTC) 2832:21:54, 5 September 2021 (UTC) 2768:Non-celiac gluten sensitivity 2761:Non-celiac gluten sensitivity 2665:15:15, 11 November 2014 (UTC) 2546:17:59, 14 December 2012 (UTC) 2480:17:59, 14 December 2012 (UTC) 2378:22:56, 17 November 2012 (UTC) 1765:) 01:25, 2 October 2012 (UTC) 1590:12:04, 21 December 2011 (UTC) 1569:02:45, 21 December 2011 (UTC) 1516:13:07, 4 September 2009 (UTC) 1495:21:33, 18 November 2008 (UTC) 1449:12:15, 7 September 2008 (UTC) 1270:06:33, 27 November 2007 (UTC) 1198:23:43, 11 December 2008 (UTC) 1105:21:17, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 945:19:09, 27 February 2006 (UTC) 913:19:00, 15 November 2005 (UTC) 668:and see a list of open tasks. 576:Template:WikiProject Epilepsy 567:and see a list of open tasks. 474:and see a list of open tasks. 393:This article is supported by 353:This article is supported by 314:Template:WikiProject Medicine 127:sources of information about 2929:Former good article nominees 2330:23:18, 5 November 2012 (UTC) 2244:17:33, 29 October 2012 (UTC) 2219:15:26, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 2195:17:45, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 2171:17:35, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 2149:18:39, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 2118:15:10, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 2085:02:37, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 2054:01:49, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 1998:00:36, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 1963:22:31, 27 October 2012 (UTC) 1934:19:39, 25 October 2012 (UTC) 1899:22:18, 10 October 2012 (UTC) 1794:18:20, 30 October 2012 (UTC) 1475:05:01, 29 October 2008 (UTC) 1309:10:25, 22 January 2010 (UTC) 1291:23:26, 12 January 2008 (UTC) 1255:07:42, 4 November 2007 (UTC) 995:06:30, 16 January 2015 (UTC) 903:03:02, 9 November 2005 (UTC) 727:Knowledge Ambassador Program 3039:B-Class Skepticism articles 3009:B-Class psychology articles 2989:B-Class psychiatry articles 2804:12:27, 8 January 2019 (UTC) 2514:. All references should be 2490:There are a whole bunch of 2312:Pathophysiologic mechanisms 2277:may have an aspect of truth 2127:Comments from Daniadams9121 1865:16:23, 9 October 2012 (UTC) 1844:d. Natural Hallucinations 1629:22:20, 15 August 2012 (UTC) 1404:Elderly women seeing babies 1369:03:12, 1 October 2009 (UTC) 1234:17:56 GMT, 4 January 2008) 3070: 2974:B-Class neurology articles 2783:00:44, 24 April 2018 (UTC) 2756:18:35, 17 April 2015 (UTC) 2741:07:16, 15 April 2015 (UTC) 2701:10:26, 16 April 2015 (UTC) 2685:07:36, 10 April 2015 (UTC) 2670:Continued removal of image 2306:Neuroanatomical correlates 2004:Michellepapandrea Comments 1172:Hallucinations_in_the_sane 1058:15:22, 22 March 2011 (UTC) 1040:15:22, 22 March 2011 (UTC) 919:Hallucination and Illusion 781:) or internal factors (as 700:project's importance scale 599:project's importance scale 506:project's importance scale 337:project's importance scale 45:. Editors may also seek a 3024:B-Class Epilepsy articles 2964:B-Class medicine articles 2915:05:48, 26 July 2023 (UTC) 2594:20:39, 19 July 2013 (UTC) 2288:Psychodynamic perspective 2204:Critique from Sasenick412 2176:Mary Ruscitti peer review 1430:23:07, 14 June 2008 (UTC) 1398:19:48, 12 June 2008 (UTC) 1346:23:02, 14 June 2008 (UTC) 1078:hypnagogic hallucinations 1025:10:58, 23 July 2008 (UTC) 960:"Lexical hallucinations"? 805:16:27, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC) 693: 630: 592: 537: 499: 432: 396:the Psychiatry task force 376: 352: 330: 257: 226: 59: 55: 2720:02:38, 4 July 2024 (UTC) 2249: 2063:Comments from VWBeetle23 1939:Comments for Smallman12q 1871: 1327:13:04, 9 June 2008 (UTC) 1073:08:28, 25 May 2007 (UTC) 813:17:42, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC) 356:the Neurology task force 2093:Comments from Aalwaraqi 1481:Pantheistic experience? 1415:Charles Bonnet Syndrome 1224:15:12, 9 May 2007 (UTC) 1087:Hearing Voices Movement 832:07:21, 1 Sep 2003 (UTC) 2934:B-Class vital articles 2602:Tactile Hallucinations 2455:Talk:Hallucination/GA1 2300:Biological perspective 1435:Command hallucinations 1232:User:unregistered/Adam 1215: 723:educational assignment 645:WikiProject Skepticism 463:WikiProject Psychology 373: 349: 2607:review of my article. 2250:Instructor's feedback 1968:Comments from Alymp17 1904:Comments from Keilana 1872:Instructor's comments 1377:'microhallucinations' 1210: 1001:pseudo-hallucinations 372: 348: 205:level-4 vital article 39:good article criteria 2894:hallucinations, and 2710:of 'hallucination.' 2609:Angela Mariam Thomas 2156:Max Frazier Comments 1913:. Happy editing! :) 1614:? What am I missing? 1238:Believed to be real? 552:WikiProject Epilepsy 288:WikiProject Medicine 147:free review articles 123:. Here are links to 85:Good article nominee 2657:Cassandrathesceptic 2017:with bullet points. 1063:Paranormal theories 771:sensory deprivation 680:Skepticism articles 486:psychology articles 1823:2.Pharmaceuticals 1706:schizophrenia: --> 1411:Parkinsons Disease 1048:the definition. -- 740:{{WAP assignment}} 731:on the course page 561:epileptic seizures 374: 350: 214:content assessment 119:and are typically 60:Article milestones 2876:WikiJanitorPerson 2824:WikiJanitorPerson 2516:secondary sources 2445: 2444: 2234:comment added by 2139:comment added by 2040:Michellepapandrea 1868: 1851:comment added by 1797: 1780:comment added by 1767: 1753:comment added by 1746: 1732:comment added by 1559:comment added by 1506:comment added by 1465:comment added by 1400: 1388:comment added by 997: 985:comment added by 947: 931:comment added by 795:sleep deprivation 714: 713: 710: 709: 706: 705: 609: 608: 605: 604: 579:Epilepsy articles 516: 515: 512: 511: 455:Psychology portal 411: 410: 407: 406: 388:Psychiatry portal 317:medicine articles 183: 182: 98: 97: 94: 93: 78:December 14, 2012 3061: 2779: 2774: 2530: 2399:Copyvio detector 2387: 2362: 2342:Two main things 2246: 2197: 2151: 2120: 2056: 2000: 1867: 1845: 1838:b. Psychedelics 1796: 1774: 1766: 1747: 1745: 1726: 1593: 1571: 1518: 1477: 1383: 1314:What about this? 1287: 1102: 767:sensory overload 763:sensory flooding 744: 742: 741: 682: 681: 678: 675: 672: 639: 632: 631: 626: 618: 611: 581: 580: 577: 574: 571: 546: 539: 538: 533: 525: 518: 488: 487: 484: 481: 478: 457: 452: 451: 450: 441: 434: 433: 428: 420: 413: 390: 385: 384: 319: 318: 315: 312: 309: 283: 278: 277: 276: 266: 259: 258: 253: 250: 235: 228: 211: 202: 201: 194: 193: 185: 107: 100: 80: 57: 23: 16: 3069: 3068: 3064: 3063: 3062: 3060: 3059: 3058: 2919: 2918: 2891: 2811: 2790: 2777: 2772: 2763: 2728: 2672: 2649: 2624: 2604: 2581: 2526: 2487: 2449:This review is 2441: 2413: 2385: 2358: 2340: 2252: 2229: 2226: 2206: 2188: 2178: 2158: 2134: 2129: 2111: 2095: 2065: 2047: 2006: 1991: 1970: 1941: 1906: 1874: 1869: 1846: 1842: 1839: 1836: 1830: 1827: 1821: 1812: 1810:ARTICLE OUTLINE 1775: 1748: 1727: 1645: 1642: 1636: 1616: 1597: 1583: 1554: 1524: 1501: 1483: 1460: 1456: 1437: 1422: 1406: 1379: 1338: 1316: 1285: 1240: 1206: 1204:Citation needed 1200: 1160: 1100: 1089: 1080: 1065: 1003: 971: 962: 953: 921: 876: 750: 739: 738: 736: 719: 679: 676: 673: 670: 669: 624: 578: 575: 572: 569: 568: 531: 502:High-importance 485: 482: 479: 476: 475: 453: 448: 446: 427:High‑importance 426: 386: 379: 316: 313: 310: 307: 306: 281:Medicine portal 279: 274: 272: 251: 241: 212:on Knowledge's 209: 199: 125:possibly useful 121:review articles 76: 12: 11: 5: 3067: 3065: 3057: 3056: 3051: 3046: 3041: 3036: 3031: 3026: 3021: 3016: 3011: 3006: 3001: 2996: 2991: 2986: 2981: 2976: 2971: 2966: 2961: 2956: 2951: 2946: 2941: 2936: 2931: 2921: 2920: 2903: 2890: 2887: 2871: 2870: 2869: 2868: 2851: 2850: 2810: 2807: 2789: 2786: 2762: 2759: 2745: 2727: 2724: 2723: 2722: 2703: 2671: 2668: 2648: 2645: 2623: 2620: 2603: 2600: 2598: 2580: 2579:Too simplistic 2577: 2520: 2519: 2507: 2506: 2502: 2501: 2498: 2486: 2483: 2460: 2459: 2443: 2442: 2440: 2439: 2434: 2429: 2423: 2420: 2419: 2415: 2414: 2412: 2411: 2409:External links 2406: 2401: 2395: 2392: 2391: 2384: 2381: 2355: 2354: 2347: 2339: 2336: 2334: 2322:Neuropsychprof 2318: 2317: 2316: 2315: 2309: 2297: 2291: 2284: 2283: 2280: 2268: 2264: 2260: 2256: 2251: 2248: 2236: 2225: 2222: 2205: 2202: 2200: 2193:comment added 2177: 2174: 2157: 2154: 2153: 2152: 2128: 2125: 2123: 2116:comment added 2101: 2100: 2094: 2091: 2089: 2074: 2073: 2070: 2064: 2061: 2059: 2052:comment added 2037: 2036: 2032: 2029: 2025: 2021: 2018: 2014: 2011: 2005: 2002: 1996:comment added 1969: 1966: 1952: 1951: 1948: 1945: 1940: 1937: 1926: 1925: 1921: 1918: 1905: 1902: 1891:Neuropsychprof 1888: 1887: 1879: 1873: 1870: 1843: 1841:c. Deleriants 1840: 1837: 1834: 1828: 1825: 1819: 1814:HALLUCINATION 1811: 1808: 1644: 1640: 1637: 1635: 1632: 1615: 1608: 1595: 1588:comment added 1523: 1520: 1482: 1479: 1455: 1454:What the hell? 1452: 1436: 1433: 1405: 1402: 1390: 1378: 1375: 1374: 1373: 1372: 1371: 1349: 1348: 1315: 1312: 1296: 1295: 1294: 1293: 1239: 1236: 1217: 1205: 1202: 1183: 1180: 1159: 1156: 1155: 1154: 1153: 1152: 1142: 1135: 1134: 1133: 1132: 1129: 1126: 1123: 1117: 1116: 1115: 1114: 1088: 1085: 1079: 1076: 1064: 1061: 1045: 1044: 1043: 1042: 1002: 999: 977: 970: 967: 961: 958: 952: 949: 920: 917: 916: 915: 897: 893: 875: 872: 846: 845: 836: 834: 833: 815: 814: 799: 798: 749: 746: 718: 715: 712: 711: 708: 707: 704: 703: 696:Low-importance 692: 686: 685: 683: 666:the discussion 640: 628: 627: 625:Low‑importance 619: 607: 606: 603: 602: 595:Mid-importance 591: 585: 584: 582: 565:the discussion 547: 535: 534: 532:Mid‑importance 526: 514: 513: 510: 509: 498: 492: 491: 489: 472:the discussion 459: 458: 442: 430: 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