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Tego Calderon's 3rd Alubum is set to release August 29 2006. It is going to have 23 songs.

Sources, 00:09, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Australian Involvement in the Vietnam War

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The Labor party, once more consigned to the opposition benches in Parliament, pointed out that Australia was not bound in any way to help Malaysia, Australia being only committed to the defence of Malaya under the ANZAM agreement. They would have preferred a formal treaty between the two states as to what sort of commitment that Australia was to make to Malaysian defence. This was however defeated in parliament along party lines when it went to the vote. Although the confrontation consisted of counterinsurgency operations in North Borneo, the Government was worried about a direct attack by Indonesia against Australian territory, in particular New Guinea. When in may 1964 Sukarno called upon "21 million volunteers" to crush Malaysia, and his Government told Australia not to interfere in what was basically an Asian problem, warning that if Australia did become involved then the responsibility would be Australia's alone. After this was announced there followed a discussion on 21 April 1964 in Parliament, as to whether an attack by Indonesians on Australian troops in Borneo would activate the terms of the ANZUS agreement, leading to the involvement of America. After criticism from the opposition leader Arthur Calwell, who' said that, "America does not believe that its commitment does include the protection of Australia troops already in Malaya". The Prime Minister, Robert Menzies replied that while the letter of ANZUS does not cover Australia troops stationed abroad, the intent did. He suggested that, "The United States of America did not even withdraw its support for Malaysia. It has recognised Malaysia, and it wants Malaysia to be maintained... That when it came to the immediate defence of Malaysia this was perhaps primarily a Commonwealth responsibility." Despite the brave words the government was worried. It feared the possibility of the confrontation escalating and that as its troops were already in contact with the Indonesians in North Borneo, that the United States would not come to its aid. With defence becoming more of important in the thinking of the Government, selective compulsory conscription was introduced before Parliament on 10 November 1964.26 This was to increase the Army to an effective strength of 37,000. The reason being given was a lack of sufficient volunteers, due to a period of full employment and economic expansion in the civil sector. This build up of the Army was required for, Menzies said, "our deteriorating strategic: situation. We expect a continuing requirement to make our forces available for cold war and counterinsurgency tasks. We must have forces ready as an immediate contribution should hostilities occur." The small Australia Army was over-extended by its commitments both in Malaya and Borneo and the result was that only two Battalions to defend Australia. The Army was also committed to providing "advisers" as part of an aid package to the Government of South Vietnam in its war against Communist insurgents and this was stretching its limited resources to the maximum. Obviously more manpower was required if a credible defence was to be mounted against the threat of Indonesian aggression and the only way that could be achieved was through conscription. Then it was announced that Australian combat troops in the form of one infantry Battalion, with supporting elements, would be committed to the war in South Vietnam, on 29 April 1965. The Government was criticised by the Opposition as well as by a strong vocal middle-class minority which could not be dismissed as Communist or pro- Communist in their views. This vocal minority was made up of numerous dignitaries, including Bishops of various denominations, who were extremely critical of the policies of the rapidly changing South Vietnamese Governments. They believed that the Australian Government should seek a negotiated settlement of the conflict, rather than sending more military aid. As a result of this decision Australian conscripts would, for the first time serve outside Australia or its territories and north of the Equator. This had not even occurred in World War II, and it particularly incensed the Opposition leader who held to the ALP's longstanding opposition to conscription for service not in the direct defence of Australia. This initial commitment of an Infantry Battalion quickly grew to become a Task Force (or Brigade) of three or four Battalions with supporting units of Armour, Engineers, Artillery and Logistic support, as well as RAAF units flying Canberra's and helicopters and also naval units. The tasks of these units quickly changed, from guarding and defensive ones to offensive operations against the Vietnamese Communists. At its height the Australian commitment to Vietnam reached 8,000 men in 1968-69. Australia's involvement in Vietnam was prompted by three main factors. Perhaps most important of these was a very poor perception by the Government of world affairs at that time. Throughout the late fifties and sixties Australian diplomatic circles were firmly convinced of a subversive "Communist Threat" outside Australia. This threat, initially directed by Moscow, and later by Beijing, dominated Australian diplomatic thought for approximately fifteen years. It had though, roots which went much further back than that. As Frank Cain mentions, 30 the members of the coalition government gained anti-Communist convictions well before World War II. He suggests that the "the road to Vietnam was not only paved with anti-radical and anti-communist rhetoric and actions but that the non-Labor forces came to be prisoners of such rhetoric." As a consequences of their repeated successes in federal elections, they were convinced of the appropriateness of these policies. In fact when they failed to "kick the Communist can" as they did in 1961, the coalition nearly lost office. As a consequence the anti- Communist policy of the government under Menzies became electorally self-rewarding and they sought to use it where ever possible. This does not deny that they were not totally convinced for the best of reasons but that they also managed to convince the electorate that Communism must be opposed where ever possible. As Cain suggests, when Menzies made his statement suggesting that "the takeover of South Vietnam would be a direct military threat to Australia,"32 the anti-Communist convictions developed over the previous five years were now convincing them to intervene and this action led Australia into the "quagmire of the Vietnamese civil war." Even after the departure of Menzies in 1965, the ideological crusade to which the Coalition was committed carried it to greater electoral victories. In the 1966 election Harold Holt's government was returned by an even greater majority by an electorate who believed in the necessity to remain in Vietnam. However as the middle-class became more convinced about the dangers of their sons being conscripted to fight overseas in Vietnam, they switched their vote to the Labour Party in response. It was ironic that the coalition by using anti-Communist rhetoric to maintain electoral support now lost office by not taking note of it in the election which led to their defeat in 1972. The coalition government's doubts about Indonesia's political alignment had been reinforced over the years by the acceptance of large quantities of military and civil aid by Jarkata from initially Moscow, and then later Beijing. While in retrospect it is obvious that Sukarno was playing the East off against the West in an effort to gain what he wanted, it raised fears in Canberra that Sukarno was increasingly coming under the control of the local Communist members of his government. This was further reinforced when Sukarno threatened to nationalise the three major oil companies operating in Indonesia (Shell, Caltex and Stanvac) which represented over $US500 million in investment.34 This fear of a Indonesia becoming a Communist country on Australia's doorstep further reinforced the already rigid anti-communist stance of the coalition's leaders. This perception of an aggressive Communist threat in Asia prompted Australian foreign Policy planners to support American policies in Asia almost completely blind to the realities of the situation facing them. The war in Vietnam was not perceived as a local rebellion or civil war, caused by discontent, or even as a war of "national liberation" from the last vestiges of colonial rule as it perhaps should have been. Instead, it was perceived by the then Minister for External Affairs, Paul Hasluck', as he related in his policy speech on 23 March 1965, as a conflict where, "the application of the methods of and doctrines of Communist Guerrilla warfare first evolved in China and then successfully in North Vietnam." In his judgement the South Vietnamese were not dealing simply with a situation of local unrest, but with a "large scale campaign of assassination and terrorism", the direction of which was coming from "outside". This "outside" direction was perceived most definitely as from Beijing. Gregory Clark suggests that this perception of Chinese aggression was carried to the point of "Sinophobia". He relates the story of how Hasluck visited Moscow in October 1964. He was seeking to enlist Soviet aid in preventing the success of this perceived Chinese aggression in Vietnam. Needless to say the Soviets turned the discussion to things of more interest and use to them. This fear of Communist aggression was not, only confined to the Ministry of External Affairs. The Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, said in his policy speech on 29 April 1965 that, "the takeover of South Vietnam would be a direct military threat to Australia and all the countries of South and South-East Asia. It must be seen as a part of a thrust by Communist China between the Indian and Pacific Oceans." The fear of this Communist aggression was founded upon what was referred to as the "Domino Theory" by its exponents. Unless this aggressive action by China was stopped in Vietnam, ran the theory, then after Vietnam had fallen, the surrounding countries would follow, just like a row of Dominoes. These countries, which tended to be neutral in their outlook, favouring neither east nor west, might become embroiled in another war like Vietnam, or they might defect to the Communist line. It was feared that this "domino" action would eventually lead to Australia's shores and then the policy of forward defence would mean Darwin instead of Vietnam. While it was in confrontation with Indonesia the government had the added fear that, as Renouf suggests, "Indonesian success with confrontation could lead to a reverse Domino Theory - from south to north - with Singapore, a strategically placed island, being an early victim," and with Australia being perhaps the next target. Perhaps more significant than this as to why Australia became involved in the Vietnam War, was the Government's policy of relying on "great and powerful friends" for Australia's defence. The Government was afraid that if the problems with Indonesia came to armed conflict then Australia would be abandoned by America and Britain. The response of its two major allies, Great Britain and the United States, to the problems of West New Guinea and to a lesser extent Borneo, had convinced the government that they did not share Australia's deep concern about Indonesia. The United States was unwilling to support Australia's stand with anything more substantial than words. Both Britain and the United States had seen it against their interests to provoke Indonesia, who commanded considerable power amongst other third world countries and because of the large amounts of investment both countries had tied up there. They feared the danger of Sukarno nationalising their interests without compensation. In addition when Australia had asked the United States for an unequivocal commitment under the ANZUS treaty, that it was willing to guarantee Australia's defence in case things with Indonesia blew up first over Dutch West New Guinea and then later in Borneo. While Pemberton suggests that in Washington's mind it was fully committed to Australia, in Canberra the lack of a public sign or declaration to that effect weighed heavily on Menzies's mind. So it was that Australia was seeking a method by which America could be "locked into" the defence of both Asia and in particular Australia, against this feared Communist Aggression. The opportunity presented itself when America proposed that Australia provide more advisers and some air and naval aid to Vietnam. Australia however seized upon the chance to offer troops, particularly with the expansion of the Army to meet "a continuing requirement for cold war and counter- insurgency tasks". While William Bundy, the Assistant Secretary of State for SE Asia, noted the offer of troops, he was more hopeful of receiving advisers instead. As America at this time was not willing to commit her own troops to Vietnam. As Sexton suggests, this would seem to indicate that the Australians believed the Americans were not taking a tough enough line. They had allowed political events, both at home and abroad to influence their actions. The Australians believed that the Americans needed their resolve stiffened. So it was that Australia offered the use of ground troops on 18 December 1964. Although the announcement that this offer had been received and accepted by both the Americans and the Parliament until 29 April 1965. Although, as Sexton points out, the request that Menzies referred to in Parliament was not received by the Australian Government's representatives in Saigon until that very day had to be almost forced out of the South Vietnamese government. Talks on the matter had taken place well before this date, on 22 April, between the Australian and the Americans. This announcement came before an American decision to commit ground troops had occurred. So it was that at Australian insistence, Australian troops were committed to take part in the Vietnam War not, as was always stated, on the basis of an American request. So it can be seen from these short accounts that Indonesia's policy of Confrontation over West New Guinea and Malaysia was a major contributing factor in the Australian Government wishing to become involved in a war far from Australian shores. Other factors that contributed to this wish to become involved in an Asian war were the fear of the Domino theory, the seeming lack of American commitment to the defence of Asian and Australia in particular, and the fear of a perceived threat of Communist As both Sexton, and Cooksey, point out, Australia was not happy with the United States' performance over the West New Guinea and Borneo affairs, so in an effort to build up a "credit of goodwill" with America that could be drawn upon in time of need it would seem that Australia decided to enter the Vietnam War. There is an old American political adage that says "not what you have done for me, but what have you done for me lately"? So Australia became involved to show the Americans that if we were willing to help them, they would then perhaps be willing to help us if it ever came to the point of war with Indonesia.

Sources 00:27, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Declined - the source is a newsgroup posting and this text is verbatim from that post. Newsgroup posts are not reliable sources. Please write it in your own words and provide reliable sources. Baseball,Baby! 00:42, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Air Force (game)

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Air Force was a tactical air warfare game set in the skies over Europe during World War 2. It was published by Battleline Games but later sold by Avalon Hill.

Sources 00:27, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria (A7) and/or guidelines on notability. Please provide more information on why the subject is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Mattie 23:02, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

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Sources 00:30, 26 August 2006 (UTC)


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Lt. Black Dawn : Vocals Souless : Guitar Draven : Bass Kaos : Drums


An experimental death metal band from central New Jersey. Pheromonia has recorded three songs (Govern My Solemnity, Skin, & Lust) that have been posted on both PureVolume and MySpace. A 10-song demo called Biochemistry will be recorded and produced later this year.


Elkman - (Elkspeak) 02:33, 26 August 2006 (UTC)


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Eric Hertz

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Sources 01:01, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Eric Hertz

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Sources 01:11, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Jeremy Lynch

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Jeremy Lynch is a native of Rochester, NY and is probably the funniest man alive (literally!) Summer '06 reading Completed: Guideon the Cutpurse The Idiots Guide to the Gnostic Gospels Portrait of Killer A Brief History of Time Tuesdays with Morrie 01:20, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Kara Crudo

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Once upon a time there was a lively girl with a lot of class - who loved to party hardy, always in a hotty mcgee outfit - That Kara was such a smart student with straight A grades and a fabulous pair of shoes... One day, she ordered a red-hot lover on EBAY ... and was pleasantly surprised to find her package.

Kara was slim and paired nicely with her beau. They were the hottest couple that fall - although the political atmosphere was dark and somber Kara felt sad being that happy. She deicede to limit her accessories in order to make up for her happiness that season.

Every day kara would put on her American Apparel leggings and Striped sweater she stole from her faveorite friend Tina Turnbeau.

Who wore it best? 85% say Tina 15% say Kara

Sources 01:43, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Kara Crudo

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Once upon a time there was a lively girl with a lot of class - who loved to party hardy, always in a hotty mcgee outfit - That Kara was such a smart student with straight A grades and a fabulous pair of shoes... One day, she ordered a red-hot lover on EBAY ... and was pleasantly surprised to find her package.

Kara was slim and paired nicely with her beau. They were the hottest couple that fall - although the political atmosphere was dark and somber Kara felt sad being that happy. She deicede to limit her accessories in order to make up for her happiness that season.

Every day kara would put on her American Apparel leggings and Striped sweater she stole from her faveorite friend Tina Turnbeau.

Who wore it best? 85% say kara 15% say maggie sue

Sources 01:44, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Benjamin Choong

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Benjamin Choong

Born January 1, 1992, he is a respectable member of the Highvale Secondary College community.

He is considered by many to be a tennis child prodigy; dubbed to be the next new, exciting young talent. His origins come from Malaysia but he was born, raised and educated in Melbourne, Australia.

Mack Park

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Historic Mack Park was the original home field of Detroit’s Negro National League baseball franchise, the Detroit Stars, and was constructed in 1914 by Joe Roesink. Mr. Roesink, a Dutchman of Jewish descent born in Grand Rapids, owned a chain of haberdasheries throughout the Detroit area and built the facility to house the semi-professional baseball team that he sponsored.

The park, situated on Detroit’s eastside about four miles from downtown, was located at the southeast corner of Mack and Fairview avenues, hence the name. However, the park was not in the eastside African American neighbor of Paradise Valley that was a short distance away along Hastings Street; it was located in the heart of a German working class family community.

The single decked structure, constructed of timber and tin sheeting, was built to seat 6,000 occupants; however, varying reports suggest as many as 10,000 could be packed into the stadiums wooden bleachers. The park is said to have had cozy confines, having a short right field porch and power alley. This may have artificially inflated power hitting numbers of left-handed hitters, despite the high fence in right field. The park has been called a haven for home run hitters and a nightmare for pitchers.

In 1915, the new Federal League sought to locate a franchise in Detroit and contacted Mr. Roesink about operating a franchise out of Mack Park; he stalwartly declined the offer. However, just 3 years later, in 1918, he accepted an offer from Chicago sports promoter Rube Foster to place a Negro National League franchise in the booming metropolis of Detroit and use Mack Park as its home field.

Before 1920, the Detroit Stars first season of play, the park played host to teams like the Boston Braves, New York Giants, Philadelphia Phillies, and Brooklyn Dodgers. It was common in those days for major league teams to play minor league or semi-professional teams on their off days to generate additional revenue.

In July of 1929, the Kansas City Monarchs were in Detroit to play a doubleheader with the Stars. Two days of heavy rain left the ball field with standing water and threatened to postpone the game. Mr. Roesink, working with the grounds crew, ordered gasoline to be spread on the field for eventual ignition to dry out the field and save the game from cancellation. After dispersing as much gasoline as they needed, the grounds crew stored the spare cans of petrol below the wooden bleachers. It is thought that an errantly discarded cigarette butt accidentally and prematurely ignited the gasoline on the field and the flames quickly spread to the storage area, resulting in a raging fire that engulfed the wooden structure. No one was killed in the blaze; however, 106 to 222 were reported injured when the grandstand area collapsed.

The Stars finished the season at Hamtramck Stadium which is located where Keyworth Stadium is, situated between Gallagher, Roosevelt, Jacob, and Conant streets in Hamtramck. The last season of play saw the Stars playing games at Dequindre Park, located on Dequindre , two blocks north of Davison Rd in Hamtramck. That park has also been called Linton Field, or Cubs Park.

Mack Park was eventually rebuilt for Detroit Southeastern High School’s baseball team. The school is located just south of the facility on Goethe and Fairview Streets. During a 1960s revitalization effort by the federal government, Mack Park was flattened to make way for a senior citizens complex that is called Fairview Homes.

Sources 01:50, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Avenger Boats

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Avenger Boats by Cee Bee were manufactured in Lynwood, California and were fast, jet driven ski and daycruiser boats ranging in size from 14' to 25' feet. Beginning in the late 1960's the boats were very popular in California (especially in the Sacramento-Stockton Delta region) and throughout the west coast. They were made mainly of fiberglass and used Berkley jet drives usually with Chevrolet or Oldsmobile big block motors.

Sources 01:52, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria (A7) and/or guidelines on notability. Please provide more information on why the subject is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Mattie 23:03, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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ATX Sluggaz

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→ your name An underground gang in Austin Texas. They started off small but soon as the namn got out on the streets success was right around the corner. The ATX Sluggaz pla to take over the south of the Austin Texas area. So far they are up to 50 men strong (not including females) An original member of the group namn Fabian Limon came up with the namn of the group but is not the leader of the group. their is no leader everybody gets treated equally.

Sources 02:13, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Wojtek Gil

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Wojtek Gil was born in Poland 34 years ago but his artistic landscape is the light and life of Los Angeles, particularly the social life of the street. Through his work Gil attempts to unmask his surroundings and capture them in their essence, the life within the life, the truth within the truth as only a camera can reveal it. There are no smiling faces filling the lens in Gil’s portfolio. Instead there are people devoured by the subway at rush hour; the exhausted figures of street workers; the physical and mental prostration of the homeless; the beauty that resides in the moment, however ugly its emotional underpinning or social interpretation.

The fruit of this perception is Who Are They?, the working title of a project in which Gil uses photography to tell the story of the homeless who are part of the fabric of all our lives. If we are coins then homeless people are the reverse to our obverse, those whom circumstance has mediated a different course from similar origins, from families as good or bad as our own, from lives that may have been ordinary but for their extraordinary wretchedness. Why? How? From where, and to what? The idea is to create a book in which photos and text weave a narrative which connects their lives, hopes and dreams with our own. The aim is to change or enhance the social perspective of at least one person, for in changing one thing one can change everything.

The essence of Gil’s art resides not only in the most acute observation of life but in painstaking attention to detail at every stage of the creative process from composition to final print. In Gil’s photography the camera blends life, art and technology into a truly exciting body of work. 02:25, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Sources 02:28, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
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Untitled submission

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O.B.G.Kitchener blood gang.

Sources 02:54, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Lucas Podolski

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Lucas Podolski was born in Poland on June 4, 1985. Eventually him and his family immegrated to Germany, where he resides today. Therefore, as a citzen he was eligble to compeate on the German national squad. THis is very similar to the other primary striker on the German squad Miroslav Klose, who was also born in Poland, and immagrated to Germany.

Soccer History

Lucas Podolski is a Polish born German striker. His first apperance for the German Naitional team when he was only 19, playing against the team of Hungry in 2004. ALso in that year he played in UAFE EURO 2004, and in 2005 in the FIFA 2005 Federation cup, when he scored 3 goals for the German squad. Lucas, also plays for the club FC Cologne, since 2003. He even plaied with FC Cologne through their demotion to the second division, and to the present when they were reinstated to the Bundesliga. While playing in FC Cologne, he has scored 24 goals.


Durring the FIFA world cup, Lucas Podolski and his German squad went to the semi-finals and lost to ITaly 2-0 in overtime. And, eventually won the third place match against Portugal. Durring this world cup, Lucas Podolski scored 3 Goals. Which tied him for second in the Golden Shoe compition. Which his teamate Miroslav Klose, evetualy won with 5 goals. Podolski tied with soccer greats like Ronaldo, Tierry Henry, Fernado Torres, David Villa, Maxi Rodrigez, Hernan Crespo, and FIFA world cup MVP(winner of the golden ball) Zinedine Zidane. This adds to his total of Int. goals, wich as of Jul-8-2006 is 15.

Sources 03:28, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:10, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

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Kid Elrick

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Sources 04:45, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Imperial Schrade

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Imperial Schrade was a knife manufacturer established in Walden, New York in 1904. Due to a fire in 1957, the company moved to Ellenville, New York. It was closed on July 30, 2004.


  • Walden and Maybrook (Images of America: New York) (Images of America) by Marc Newman
  • Taylor Brands

Category:Knife manufacturing companies 05:17, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Article created. Thank you for your contribution to Knowledge (XXG)! Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:35, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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from the bay

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Sources 05:20, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

briGo wOrld

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briGo, commonly known as wOrld, is an up-and-coming mogul. she is most known for her eclectic tendencies and use of knowledge to spread her ideas.
at a young age, she started creating her empire through the use of mind, and leadership; refusing to follow or even join the crowds.

Sources 05:35, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
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Sambal / Zambal

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Sambal or Zambal is a dialect used by Zambaleños (the people who reside in the province of Zambales). There are different kind of Zambal. The towns Botolan and Cabangan have common Zambal. Iba, the capital of the mentioned province, has a different one and so do the towns Palauig, Masinloc, Candelaria and Sta. Cruz. The northern Zambal is called Zambal-tina. In the southern part of Zambales, Zambal is not commonly used.


Actually I read it in our town's history. My town is Cabangan. 05:43, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:12, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

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File:Http:// jeremiah3003 is an enigmatic character that was developed in the late 1990's. It is an alias for the man formerly known as jeremiah m. smith. he is more or less a legend. You can find a trail of his crumbs scattered about the information highway. watch as there will be much more to come of this renaissance man.

Sources 06:05, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 20:55, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

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Inagakuen public high school

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Inagakuen is a coeducational junior and senior high school in Saitama prefecture, Japan. It was establised in 1984 and is one of Japan's largest public schools. It has the status of SELHi, Super English Language High school.

The school homepage is

The founding day (which is a school holiday) is June the 8th.

Although Japanese law prohibits the hiring of non-Japanese-citizens as teachers, there are 7 full-time and 1 part-time native speakers of foreign languages: French, German, English and Australian.

The school's address is: Inagakuen Sogo Koto Ina-machi Kita adatchi gun Saitama ken 362 0802 Japan

and the main switchboard number is +81 (0)48-728-2510

The nearest station is Hanuki, on the New_Shuttle


The school is divided into 6 houses, owing to the large size (around 2700 students with over 250 teachers). Each house is a separate building, and these are connected by a 2nd-floor corridor. The campus is over 3 times as large as the Tokyo Dome, at 155,000 square meters, and features 3 gymnasiums, an outdoor swimming pool, a running track, baseball and tennis courts as well as soccer pitches. There are over 50 extra-curricular clubs for students to participate in. In 2006 air-conditioning was installed in all classrooms, and most staffrooms.

House system

Because of Inagakuen's size, it is split into 6 houses, of roughly equal size. Each house has a principal, who acts as a vice principal of the school as a whole. So the school has one principal and 6 vice-principals. Students wear a school uniform with the school logo on their shirt which is coloured according to which house they are in.

1st house: Since 2003/2004 academic year, this house has been entirely a junior high house, with no senior high students. The house colour is red.

2nd house: A senior high only house, house colour is yellow

3rd house: A senior high only house, specialising in social studies (humanities). House colour is white, or orange if on a white background.

4th house: A senior high house, specialising in mathematics. House colour is green.

5th house: A senior high house, specialising in sciences. House colour is dark blue.

6th house: A senior high house, specialising in sciences. house colour is light blue.

Students belong to the same house throughout their study in Inagakuen, and have a home-room in their house. Owing to the size of the school, and the elective nature of some of the studies, it is not possible for students to receive all of their lessons in their own home-room (as is normal in Japanese schools). There is a 10 minute break between each class to allow students to move to their next classroom.

Clubs and activities

There are approximately 50 very active extra-curriclaur clubs, including all the usual sports and hobbies, and some less common, such as lacrosse and broadcasting.

Notable club successes:

  • Boys volleyball section
    • 2006 nationwide high school comprehensive physical education conference
    • 37th nationwide high school volleyball selection victory conference participation (2nd place)
  • Wind band
    • In the 27th Vienna international young people's music festival invitational, grand prix winners
    • In the 15th pacific music festival, grand prix winners.
  • Archery section
    • Womens 2006 nationwide high school comprehensive physical education conference, competitors.

Cultural festival

Every year, over a weekend at the beginning of September the school hosts a culture festival, which is very popular with local Japanese people (usually over 15000 attendees). The houses compete for a prize awarded to the house which best decorates their building according to a certain theme. There is live music, and demonstrations from some of the clubs and societies.

In 2006 the festival will be held on 9th and 10th of September, and will hopefully be larger than any previous year.


Owing to its concentration on modern languages, many alumni go on to work abroad. Some who have stayed in Japan are:

Mimura Japanese TV and film actress ...others...


Most of this article has come from translating the Japanese wikipedia page of the same subject, here. Some from the schools official homepage, and some from personal experience of the school. 06:29, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Article created. Thank you for your contribution to Knowledge (XXG)! Graeme Bartlett (talk) 21:04, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

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Faith, Love & Hope

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Faith, Love & Hope 

Category: Music

From: Sandy

Date: Aug 16, 2006 1:13 AM

Robert & Sandy Waters

I'm e-mailing you two stories that were done on our family. The stories appeared in The Park Ridge Journal-Topics Newspaper. The Chicago Tribune is doing a story on us next week. Hollywood Artist Metin Bereketli contacted us. Metin would like to put his art work on the cover of our CD to benefit autism charities. We were asked by Autism Speaks to perform our song live at their Chicago Walk on Oct. 15th, 2006 in Lincoln Park CBS 2 & ABC 7 will cover our performance there!! (2,000 to 3,000 people are expected!! ) This event is sponsored by The Chicago Sun Times and NBC. Bob Wright the CEO of NBC is Autism Speaks founder. Also, we were invited to perform our song at Cure Autism Now Phoenix Arizona Walk on Nov. 19th. We have our own talk show its called The Candy Store on Autism One Radio Click here

Actor Joe Mantegna one of our many special up coming guests. 

We are working closely with The Autism Society of Illinois and will be performing our song at several of their up coming events. Also, Cook County Commissioner Hon. Elizabeth Doody Gorman is honoring our family with a resolution in September at the Commissioners meeting. Alderman Rex Parker (6th) district will accompany us when we go to accept this great honor.

Our mission/goal is to bring inspiration through our story and song to other parents who have a child with autism or any other disability. Also, to increase autism awareness and compassion. Through that increased awareness & compassion. Our hope is that our lawmakers will be able to provide better services and get the help that these children need and deserve!!! We challenge and invite you to join us in our crusade. Step up!!! Make a commitment to play a important part in this awareness!! We would appreciate if you acknowledge this e-mail so we know you received it. If you would like to do a story on our family please contact us at # 847-720-4521

We All Need Faith,

Love & Hope,

Robert, Sandy, Candace, Baby Evan and Enrique the dog.

Sources 07:40, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. The proposed article is not suitable for Knowledge (XXG). Mattie 23:03, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Phantom Orange Shirt Guy, Neopets

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Also known as POSG or oliver, he plays a part some cheats in neopian games at For example on Snowmuncher, click the highlight in the Polarchucks eye and he will pop up with dynamite. He also features in Whack A Staff, Hannah and The Ice Caves.<-----click her for his cartoon picture 07:49, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 21:05, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

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Arminou is a beautiful old mountain village in Paphos District in Cyprus in the east Mediterranean Sea.

Sources 08:26, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:40, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Roberto Castillo (Misterioso)

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Roberto Castillo, (Born May 28, 1966 in Los Angeles, California) better known by his ring names Rey Mysterio II (Named after his mentor Miguel Ángel López Díaz,Rey Mysterio Sr.) and Misterioso was a Mexican-American professional wrestler.

Misterioso is known for his flamboyant, colourful styal of wresling.On June 18, 1988, Castillo was presented with a seemingly insurmountable challenge. With great honour came great expectations as Miguel Lopez gave Castillo the "Rey Mysterio II" gimmick. In May 1990, Misterioso left for Mexico City and Arena Mexico, the true home of lucha libre. With the influence of promoter Antonio Pena, Rey Mysterio II became the flamboyant, colourful "Misterioso." After training with Hijo Del Gladiator for two months, Castillo made his debut as Misterioso. However his initial run as Misterioso would be cut short when, in February 1991, he was recalled to the Royal Marines. After three months out of the ring, Misterioso returned and was placed in a high-profile feud against Fuerza Guerrera, a true sign of the potential Antonio Pena saw in "The Mysterious One." Misterioso captured his first title in incredible fashion defeating Fuerza Guerrera (father of Juventud Guerrera)December 6, 1991 in front of a capacity crowd at Arena Mexico to become NWA Welterweight champion. Now Misterioso really began to develop as an in-ring performer, attracting a loyal following on the way. In 1992, Misterioso's push continued as he formed a partnership with another rising star -- Volador. Few could have predicted the young duo would go on to become one of lucha libre's hottest tag teams. In December 1997, Misterioso faced Rey Mysterio Jr. at the Tijuana Auditorio, where he had his very first training session with Rey's uncle some 10 years previous. Misterioso lost his mask to Rey in a match where many believe the throne was passed onto the next generation of tecnicos (faces) in Rey Jr.

Sources 08:33, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept copyrighted content taken from web sites or printed sources. Note that copyright protection is granted to all works automatically, whether it is asserted or not. Unless stated otherwise, assume that most content on the internet is copyrighted and not suitable for Knowledge (XXG). Please write in your own words, and in continuous prose. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 20:26, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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49th Military Police Brigade

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The 49th Military Police Brigade was converted from the 49th Infantry Brigade and redesignated on l February 1976 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 49th Military Police Brigade, California Army National Guard.

The brigade was ordered into active Federal service during the Los Angeles riots from its headquarters in Alameda, California; (also known as the Rodney King uprising or the Rodney King riots) sparked on 29 April 1992 when a mostly white jury acquitted four police officers accused in the videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King, after he fled from police. Thousands of people in Los Angeles, mainly young black and Latino males, joined in what has often been characterized as a race riot, involving mass law-breaking, including looting, arson and murder. In all 50 to 60 people were killed during the riots.

The brigade was released 9 May 1992 from active Federal service and reverted to California State control. The brigade moved on 1 June 1996 to San Rafael, California. Consolidated 1 September 1997 with Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 185th Military Police Battalion and consolidated unit reorganized and redesignated at Pittsburg as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Military Police Battalion.

On 17 May 2005 the 49th Military Police Brigade was reactivated under the command of Colonel (Promotable) Rod Barham and sent to Fort Hood, Texas for deployment training. Upon completion of training at Fort Hood, Texas, the 49th Military Police Brigade deployed to Iraq on 30 September 2005 in support of Iraqi Freedom. The brigade was assigned to train Iraqi Police for throughout the entire country of Iraq.

The 49th Military Police Brigade is do to complete a 1 year deployment rotation in Iraq in September 2006. Upon completion of the mission, the brigade will return to Fairfield, California and control of the California Army National Guard.

Operations and Deployments Supported by the 49th Military Police Brigade:

Yama Sakura (Japan) Team Spirit (South Korea) Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Subordinate Battalions and Companies) (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq -1991) Cascade Peak (Fort Lewis, WA) Operation Garden Plot (Los Angeles Riots – 1992) Operation Joint Endeavor/Joint Guard (Germany – 1997) Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq – 2005-2006)


California National Guard Home Page California Army National Guard History 49th Military Police Lineage and Honors United States Army Historical Data 08:51, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 20:11, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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the hidden language "chin chon chan"

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Chin chon chan

As you may know, some people may speak in the language of chin chon chan, which basically doesnt mean anything, the language of chin chon chan is just a language made up by whoever and only means what the person who uses it whants it to mean, so do not be fooled to think it is a language, so if anyone says it is a language, it isnt, it is just stupidity of people.
Declined. Your article appears to be a joke. It might be a wonderful entry in Uncyclopedia, a wiki where jokes and parodies are highly encouraged. However, Knowledge (XXG) requires a stodgier, more factual tone in its articles, and your comedic efforts cannot be rewarded here. Mattie 23:04, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Murat Ocak

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Sources 10:10, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept blank suggestions. Please consider submitting to Knowledge (XXG):Requested articles instead. Mattie 23:04, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Advanced Windows Care

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Advanced Windows Care is a product of IObit. The program is currently in beta testing but when completed will have a Pro version which fully optizimatize systems and a freeware version which optizimatizes sytems, with less features than the Pro version. The Pro version is currently selling lincense keys and subscribtion for USD $20.95 until September 20th 2006, after which for USD 29.95.

Sources,,, 10:11, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria (A7) and/or guidelines on notability. Please provide more information on why the subject is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 21:18, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

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McOndo is a literary concept first articulated by Chilean author Alberto Fuguet. It is a response to, and perhaps reaction against, the magic realist trend in Latin American literature, dominant at least since Gabriel García Márquez's 1967 novel One Hundred Years of Solitude.

García Márquez's novel takes place in the fictional city of Macondo, a land in which "the world was so recent that many things still lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point" (Gregory Rambassa translation, 1970). The world of McOndo, on the other hand, is an urban, slick-living, phosphorescent landscape, where, as Fuguet describes it, Latin Americans are "hooked on cable TV (CNN en Español), addicted to movies and connected to the Net... far away from the jalapeño-scented, siesta-happy atmosphere that permeates too much of the South American literary landscape".

Proponents of the genre claim to be writing about their own experiences, freed from bearing the overt agenda of an ultra-politicized continent. Moreover, the style is an attempt to avoid pandering to the North American market's taste for the fabled paradise south of the border. As Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas, referring to the current interest in the so-called 'authentic' Latin America observed, "to write in Latin America is a drama (whether conscious or not), played out beneath the eternal double curse of underdevelopment and exoticism". While such authors claim to maintain their respect for the writers of the Boom, a period so intrinsic to the recent history of Latin American literature, they resist the sweeping and reductive categorisation that followed their success.

Writers who have been identified with the concept include Bolivian Edmundo Paz Soldán); Argentians Rodrigo Fresán and Martin Rejtman; Peruvian Jaime Bayly; Chilean Sergio Gómez, and Naief Yeyha of Mexico.


'Hacking Through Bolivia': The Age, Melbourne Australia, (A2, Culture and Life segment), Saturday August 26, 2006. Review of Turing's Delirium by Edmundo Paz Soldán.

See Also: Alberto Fuguet.

Kaele 11:02, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:43, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Marcus Agar

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Marcus Agar Communications

Marcus Agar Communications is a communications consultancy.

Based in the UK, their team is active across a range of disciplines, from international media relations, personal representation and event management, to internal communications, brand building and general PR. Most high profile recent accounts include Prof. Wangari Maathai (Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2004, known for her groundbreaking Green Belt Movement) and the Miss World Organisation (Miss World 2005 in China and Miss World 2006 in Poland).

They work with leading international brands, movies, events, celebrities, NGOs, Government bodies. As well as establishing a strong foothold in the UK, Marcus Agar Communications has been active in the UK, China, the Republic of Congo, France, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and the USA.

Marcus Agar Communications was established as a communications consultancy in 2004 by two PR practitioners. Marcus Agar has wide-ranging international PR experience while Marc van der Veen is a specialist in internal communications. Both are active across all accounts, with additional team members allocated when required by the business.

Marcus Agar - Founder

With 15 years of experience, Marcus is established as an expert in media and entertainment publicity and international communications. Marcus has represented international celebrities, leading brands and UK broadcasters. As Consumer PR Manager for ITV Digital, Marcus steered publicity for the infamous Monkey campaign. Event experience extends from managing media at film premieres and global award shows to overseeing intensive tours of Africa, Asia and Europe. He has a media awareness which was developed while training and working as a journalist.

“We have been fortunate enough to work with great people on some ground-breaking projects for high profile accounts. This experience positions us to deliver creative and effective work and achieve high levels of client satisfaction,' said Marcus. "As a company we never stop pushing ourselves and we convert experience into action – a formula that has produced tremendous results for our clients and continues to see our business grow.”

Marc van der Veen - Founder

Marc is a communications professional with expertise in strategic campaign development, international media, and internal communications. Dutch-born Marc brings a logic, precision and strategic understanding to his role as communications consultant across all accounts. He has 12 years of experience at leading agencies and in-house, fronting major internal branding and communications projects for high street brands and well-known finance houses in the UK, Europe and the Middle East. His experience extends to directing international PR accounts across Europe and in the US.

“Diversity is the fuel that powers our engine. We are able to use lessons learned through experience in internal communications and strategic development to provide our clients with the best possible advice and support in their general PR campaigns,' said Marc. "Working across the communications spectrum helps set us apart from the competition.”

External links

Sources 11:19, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. I'm sorry, but your article appears to read more like an advertisement than an entry in an encyclopedia. If you still feel that this subject is appropriate for Knowledge (XXG), please rewrite your proposed article in the form of an encyclopedia entry. Encyclopedia entries should be written from a neutral point of view, and should refer to a range of published, verifiable sources, not just to materials produced by the creator of the item being discussed. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:43, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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The Modern Montessori School

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The Modern Montessori School is a private school founded in 1985 by Randa Amin Hasan offering education for children from 3 to 18 years. It applies the Montessori philosophy of education through the application of a unique bilingual curriculum. It is affiliated with the International Baccalaureate Organization and accredited by the International Centre for Montessori Education (ICME). It offers a Montessori Early Childhood Education Programme from Nursery 1 to KG2; bilingual English/Arabic curriculum for grades 1-8; a specially formulated pre-IB Bridge Years curriculum for grades 9 + 10; and IB curriculum for grades 11 + 12. The school comprises a highly qualified faculty that caters to 1350 students of 15 nationalities with a student-teacher ratio of 7 to 1. School website:


Montessori homepage
International Baccalaureate Organization
Jordan IT News
Italy Link
ECIS 11:32, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Sources 11:44, 26 August 2006 (UTC) persian search engine, dahio! is a persian search engine and web directory. dahio! run at 2006
Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:47, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Parsa Fatehi

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Sources 11:48, 26 August 2006 (UTC) parsa fatehi was born on tehran iran at 1988
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:44, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Seymour College

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Seymour College, founded in 1922, was previously known as Presbyterian Girls' College. Seymour College is currently located in the suburb of Glen Osmond, Adelaide, South Australia. The school provides both Day Schooling and Boarding, from Pre-school to Year 13.


Tiffyelle 12:42, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Hurricane
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:47, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Skaneateles ; correct pronunciation

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Skaneateles I was the Town Supervisor for 14 years and now am a retired N Y State Supreme Court Jucyice. Skaneateles is not pronunced " slinny--' Itis pronunced SKAN e atles. It is the ultimate to say Skinny at les. The pronunciation you use is used by persons as an "insult" to our town. Charles T Major


Skaneateles Press, Skaneateles 13:53, 26 August 2006 (UTC)


It is Digestive juice secreted by Jejunum and Illeum 14:04, 26 August 2006 (UTC)


It is juice secreted by jejunum and illeum 14:06, 26 August 2006 (UTC) dey 14:06, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

A native metal is any of twenty-one metals that can be found freely in nature. These metals include cadmium, chromium, indium, iron, nickel, tellurium, tin, titanium, and zinc, as well as two groups of metals, the gold group, and the platinum group. The gold group consists of gold, aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, and silver. The platinum group consists of platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium.


Declined. This is the English-language Knowledge (XXG); we can only accept articles written in the English language. Please provide an English-language translation for your article, or visit the Knowledge (XXG) home page to find the version of Knowledge (XXG) for your desired language. Mattie 23:05, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Texas State Network

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The Texas State Network, incorporated by Elliott Roosevelt (the son of President Franklin D. Roosevelt) and others on August 2, 1938, is the oldest and largest state radio network in America. TSN debuted five weeks after its incorporation date with a broadcast originating from the old Casa Manana in Fort Worth, and featured personalities like Bob Hope and Texas Governor James Allred, along with a 300-voice choir.

The network’s original programming included soap operas such as "Uncle Jeremiah" and "The Adventures of Gary and Jill". As is the case today, most of TSN's early programming was devoted to news and sports. Nearly 30 network announcers, production personnel and control room operators produced "Highlights in the World News" daily.

The first baseball broadcasts on TSN were of the Fort Worth Cats, with announcer Zack Hurt, calling the play-by-play.


TSN studios have moved around over the years including periods where the network broadcast from faclities on John Carpenter Freeway in Dallas and at Ameriquest Field, aka The Ballpark at Arlington, in Arlington, Texas. In summer 2005, the station moved to a fifth floor office at the southwest corner of Fitzhugh and Central Expressway, in Dallas.

Today the focus of TSN is news, sports, business, weather, agriculture and talk programming to more than 100 affiliated radio stations in Texas including the network’s flagship station KRLD which is located at the same facility north of downtown. Seven affiliates that carried TSN's premier broadcast are still presently carrying the network’s programming.

The tradition of sports broadcasts continues into the present as the network is also known as the Texas Rangers Radio Network, uplinking both home and road broadcasts for the Major League Baseball team to affiliates in Texas and in other states.


External links 14:25, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:51, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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DDR memory

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DDR memory redirect to DDR SDRAM

Sources 14:30, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Redirect created. Thank you for your contribution to Knowledge (XXG)! Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:56, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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The Sequel To The Incredibles Movie.

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Sources 14:35, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept blank suggestions. Please consider submitting to Knowledge (XXG):Requested articles instead. Mattie 23:05, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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The Sequel To The Incredibles Movie.

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Does anyone know of the sequel or a sequel coming out from The Incredibles movie? I need to know. So, if anyone finds out, please list the information or something.( Title, When it may come out/when they start making it, just some basic information about the whole sequel, etc...) I LOVE The Incredibles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Source: My friends said they saw it on Knowledge (XXG) or something. But I really wanna know if there really IS a sequel.

Sources 14:41, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. The proposed article is not suitable for Knowledge (XXG). Mattie 23:06, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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ATC zero

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{{peerreview}} ATC zero is a term used when airspace is shut down and no aircraft can take off, land, or pass through airspace. Airspace is divided into sectors by region and monitored by air traffic centers (Washington Center, Boston Center, ect.). Any aircraft that passes through airspace must be in contact with the center until moving on to the next sector. Airspace is shut down when aircraft in the area pose a threat to those abord the aircraft and/or those on the ground. Only on September 11th, 2001 was all of United States airspace shut down after American Airlines Flight 77 flew into The Pentagon.


The History channel: Grounded on 9/11 14:44, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:52, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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SERL stands for Super Eutectic Recording Layer

SERL is a special recording layer present on Verbatim's Cd-RW and DVD/RW media that ensures noise-free recording time and time again.

Verbatim's CD-Rewriteable (CD-RW) and DVD-Rewriteable (DVD-RW) uses a Super Eutectic Recording Layer (SERL). With conventional rewriteable media, the recording layer deteriorates with every rewrite, meaning a decrease in quality. With SERL however, the recording layer is returned to perfect condition on every erasure, leaving a flawless disk for the next recording. SERL also enables this media to enjoy excellent archival stability and high-speed recording. This means users can enjoy perfect, high-speed data storage every time.

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Verbatim Corporation 14:48, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. I'm sorry, but your article appears to read more like an advertisement than an entry in an encyclopedia. If you still feel that this subject is appropriate for Knowledge (XXG), please rewrite your proposed article in the form of an encyclopedia entry. Encyclopedia entries should be written from a neutral point of view, and should refer to a range of published, verifiable sources, not just to materials produced by the creator of the item being discussed. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:53, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Consumer IR

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Consumer IR, or CIR, is a communications protocol which is used for consumer remote control devices.

Also some IRDA devices found on PDA's have been programmed to create signals which can mimick the CIR protocol.

Compare CIR at it's 115Kbps long and wide range to Fast IR (FIR) and Serial IR (SIR).

Sources 14:50, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:53, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Beqtlez is an american rock band with a strange sound and sense of humor. Jesse "Puma" Halstead plays a pop and funk influenced style bass. His younger brother John Halstead plays pop-punk guitar in a similar vein to Nirvana's Kurt Cobain. Kyle "Dirt" Connurs is the vocalist which completes the origonal incarnation of the band, formed in late 2005. With the addition of a drummer; Jordan "Ripp" Ripley the band has become more serious in their efforts to release a full length follow-up to their demo album, Guano.

Sources 16:01, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on musical artists. Please provide more information on why this musical artist is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:57, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Open With

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In the Windows operating system (OS), Open With is a context-menu command which provides a list of programs which are capable of opening the selected file.

To access the context menu, use the mouse to right-click on the file.

The Windows OS uses its registry to associate a file-extension (for example .jpg) with the program which should be used to open it. Very often, however, more that one program may be capable of openning a particular file type and the Open With command is the means by which a user may select which one to use.

Where (a) there is only one program which can open a file or (b) there are no programs which can open the file, the Open With list will be empty.

The list can, however, be expanded using the Choose Program option (at the bottom of the Open With list on Windows ME). In this way, a newly installed program may be used to open files which already exist on the system.

Sources 16:07, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 09:58, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Martin A. Hainz

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Martin A. Hainz (born in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian philosopher, but also member of Northeastern Language Association (NEMLA). He regards himself as being part of the tradition of deconstruction, his works deal with problems of translation and German studies - especially Post-Shoa literature by Paul Celan. His works on translation and concepts of multiculturalism are considered to be "beyond praise" (according to Modern Austrian Literature).


  • Entgöttertes Leid. Zur Lyrik Rose Ausländers unter Berücksichtigung der Poetologien von Theodor W. Adorno, Peter Szondi und Jacques Derrida. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2006 (Conditio Judaica)
  • Masken der Mehrdeutigkeit. Celan-Lektüren mit Adorno, Szondi und Derrida. Wien: Braumüller 2001, ²2003 (=Untersuchungen zur österreichischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, Bd 15)
  • Heilige vs. unheilige Schrift, ed. Martin A. Hainz. In: TRANS · Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, Nr 16/2005
  • Stundenwechsel. Neue Lektüren zu Rose Ausländer, Paul Celan, Alfred Margul-Sperber und Immanuel Weißglas, ed. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, George Gutu u. Martin A. Hainz. Iasi, Konstanz, Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii »Al. I. Cuza«, Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Editura Paideia 2002 (=Jassyer Beiträge zur Germanistik IX · GGR-Beiträge zur Germanistik, Bd IX)
  • Vom Glück sich anzustecken. Möglichkeiten und Risiken im Übersetzungsprozess, ed. Martin A. Hainz. Wien: Braumüller 2005 (=Wiener Arbeiten zur Literatur, Bd 20)
  • Zwischen Sprachen unterwegs, ed. Martin A. Hainz, Edit Király u. Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler. Wien: Praesens Verlag 2006

Hainz, Martin Hainz, Martin Hainz, Martin Hainz, Martin Hainz, Martin


Sources 16:27, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:16, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Imelda Cajipe Endaya

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Imelda Cajipe Endaya has made a strong presence in the Philippine and Asia Pacific art worlds. Moving in summer of 2005 to live and work in Orange County in New York, Imelda brought with her a vast experience as painter, printmaker and installation artist recognized for her distinct womanly visual language and statements. Her works are in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Manila, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Philippine National Museum, Fukuoka Art Museum, Okinawa Art Museum, and the Singapore Art Museum.

Among her international exhibitions were the 9th Biennale of Sydney, the First Asia- Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art in Brisbane, the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, the Asia Society’s “Traditions/Tensions” at the Queens Museum NY, Grand Theatre d’Angers in France, and currently at the Centro Cultural del Conde Duque in Madrid.

She was co-founder and first president of KASIBULAN, a women artists’ collective in the Philippines. She also initiated the PANANAW Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, of which she was first editor. She was co-curator at the Second Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art at the Queensland Art Gallery. She curated the Creative Collective Center’s traveling exhibition “Who Owns Women’s Bodies,” which toured over a dozen destinations in the Philippines, Thailand and Japan. As an artist in residence at the Ecole Cantonale d’Art du Valais, she conducted an art workshop “Art for a Culture of Peace” in Sierre, Switzerland.

When asked why she had moved to New York, she says: “It’s great to have some change and adventure when one is over fifty. My children are all grown. I have part of family here. There are many opportunities for art in New York. Upstate New York is different from New York, New York, yet I can be in either. New York City has many of the most exciting multicultural events from all over the whole world---but it is also too fast and impersonal. Orange County is nestled in the highlands by the bank of the Hudson River; it is bucolic and beautiful, and its people warm. The community here is proud and supportive of their homegrown artists; I really admire that. Yet I have gained friends and acquaintances here who make me feel I am welcome, even as I continue to create in the direction I have committed to pursue.”

She held her first USA solo exhibition entitled DIGIWATA in March 2006 at the Philippine Center in New York City. Since her relocation, she has been exhibiting locally with the Orange County Art Federation, and the Arts Alliance of the Lower Hudson Valley. Five of her works were exhibited at “The Worth of A Woman,” A V-Day advocacy event against violence on women, held at the Sarabrae Women’s Art Gallery, and The Grail. Her works were included in the recent event “Feast of the Arts” organized by the Historical Society of Newburgh and the Highlands. Some of her pieces may be viewed as well at The Arts Upstairs Gallery in Phoenicia, and soon at Painter’s in Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Sources 16:29, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:17, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. is an entertainment type website with over a million visitors a month. links to many fun and interesting websites created by Eric Borgos and his creative team at Impulse Communications, Inc.

Some sites created specifically for include:,,,, and

Sources 16:59, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Mattie 23:10, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Bethany Christian Services

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Headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Bethany is a not-for-profit, pro-life, Christian adoption and family services agency. Bethany’s support comes through reimbursement for services, and from gifts received from individuals, churches, corporations, and foundations that share Bethany’s commitment to improving the lives of children and families. With over 75 locations nationwide and international ministries in 15 other countries, Bethany touches the lives of more than 30,000 people each year.

Bethany is widely known as an adoption agency, but our Christian care extends to people struggling with unplanned pregnancies, infertility, and a multitude of other challenges. For more than sixty years, Bethany has responded with compassion, integrity, and commitment to the needs of children and families.

Sources, 17:14, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. I'm sorry, but your article appears to read more like an advertisement than an entry in an encyclopedia. If you still feel that this subject is appropriate for Knowledge (XXG), please rewrite your proposed article in the form of an encyclopedia entry. Encyclopedia entries should be written from a neutral point of view, and should refer to a range of published, verifiable sources, not just to materials produced by the creator of the item being discussed. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:22, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Gary Weir

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Gary Weir has portrayed Bozo the Clown for 25 years in the state of Arkansas. He currently hosts children's television program Clowntown, U.S.A., taped "on location" in over 75 cities and telecast on KARK, KAIT, KTVE, KNOE, KHOG and WPTY.


Arkansas Democrat Gazette
KTHV Little Rock, Arkansas 17:34, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 20:05, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Syed aka Salu aka Assman

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Salman aka Sallu aka Assman is a handsome hunk who is just ruling Ivycomptech wiht his Looks

Dunny007 17:56, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. Your article appears to be a joke. It might be a wonderful entry in Uncyclopedia, a wiki where jokes and parodies are highly encouraged. However, Knowledge (XXG) requires a stodgier, more factual tone in its articles, and your comedic efforts cannot be rewarded here. Mattie 23:10, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Syed aka Salu aka Assman

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Syed aka Salu aka Assman is a handsome hunk who is currently residing in Hyd


Dunny007 18:06, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. Your article appears to be a joke. It might be a wonderful entry in Uncyclopedia, a wiki where jokes and parodies are highly encouraged. However, Knowledge (XXG) requires a stodgier, more factual tone in its articles, and your comedic efforts cannot be rewarded here. Mattie 23:11, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Ustad Ijaz Bloch

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Ustad Ijaz Bloch is one of the pioneering members of Seraiki cultural movement. Born in Khanser, a village in Bhakkar ,a district of Punjab, he started his career as a teacher and served his motherland with his teaching services for 30 years. With a leftist background, he joined the pioneering group of intellectuals in farming Seraiki Lok Saanjh. He has contributed a lot in the development of Seraiki political thought and ideology. His major areas of concentration are History of Indus Valley civilization, Seraiki culture, Origin of Seraiki language and its relationship with other contemporary languages. Right now he is working on promotion of Seraiki language and culture on World Wide Web.
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:24, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Syed Ali

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Syed aka Salu aka Assman is a handsome hunk who is currently residing in Hyd


Dunny007 18:09, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. Your article appears to be a joke. It might be a wonderful entry in Uncyclopedia, a wiki where jokes and parodies are highly encouraged. However, Knowledge (XXG) requires a stodgier, more factual tone in its articles, and your comedic efforts cannot be rewarded here. Mattie 23:12, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Syed Khann

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Syed aka Salu aka Assman is a handsome hunk who is currently residing in Hyd


Dunny007 18:11, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:26, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Quinn McKaye

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Sources 18:41, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept blank suggestions. Please consider submitting to Knowledge (XXG):Requested articles instead. Mattie 23:12, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Knights of Peter Claver

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Knights of Peter Claver, is a fraternal society whose membership is predominantly African American, Roman Catholic men. The organization was established at Mobile, Alabama November 7,1909. The organization derives its name from Saint Peter Claver, a Spanish-born Catholic priest who served black slaves in the West Indies from 1616 to 1649. Claver also worked for the abolition of the slave trade.

The goals and the Knights of Peter Claver are the following:

  • To be a supporter to the local pastor of the parish and to the bishop of the diocese.
  • To participate collectively in various parish and community activities.
  • To promote Civic Improvements.
  • To encourage Lay Apostolic and Catholic action.
  • To make contributions to worthwhile causes.
  • To award scholarships.
  • To foster recreational assemblies and facilities.
  • To develop youth.
  • To provide social and intellectual fellowship for its members

Sources 18:47, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:27, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Aspidoras depinnai

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Scientific name: Aspidoras depinnai Britto, 2000
Common Name: none known (please add a common name and reference it)
Family: Callichthyidae
Sub-family: Corydoradinae
Distribution: South America: Ipojuca River basin, Brazil.
Maximum Size: 1.6" (40mm)

This is a relatively recently discovered fish. It belongs to the Corydoradinae sub-family of the Callichthyidae family. The corydora group of fish is massively varietied and as a result many fish are hard to differentiate and define. There are no known procedures to follow for aquaria based breeding, but as with all cordora fish they tend to breed after heavy rainfall or when there is a drop in water temperatures or hardness.


Planet Catfish
Copeia 2000 (no. 4) 1049 Figs. 1-5

Petermckane 18:51, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Article created. Thank you for your contribution to Knowledge (XXG)! Graeme Bartlett (talk) 19:57, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Helena Blackman

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Helena Blackman Age: 23 Born in Southampton but lives in London

Best known for appearing as a contestant on *How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?*
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:56, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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jolly roger

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JOLLY ROGER jolly roger is a very optimistic frog from the game banjo tooie he is also a playable character in banjo-pilot.he runs the inn/bar jolly's.jolly will also let you rent aroom with a valuble move in it(although he lets you rent the room it stays open for the rest of thegame).


you can find more info in the strategy guide for the game 19:16, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This article provides insufficient context for those unfamiliar with the subject matter. Please see tips on how to better format your article. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:56, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Mary Elizabeth Ellis

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Mary Elizabeth Ellis is a film and television actress who is best known for appearing in the crossover F/X comedy, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." In the show, she is the victim of Charlie's unwanted affection; in real life, she is his wife.

She also appeared on the "Not Without My Moustache!" episode of Reno 911.

Sources 19:32, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 10:59, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Mehmet Kilic

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"Mehmet Kilic (PZ author!)

File:Http:// kilic.jpgMehmet Kilic was born in the year 1951 in Havza (with Samsun) in Turkey. After its study he worked on different primary schools first in Turkey, then in Deutschland.Seither is he in both languages at home and works also as interpreter and a translator. In its spare time it engages politically, is written, sealed and painted. For it the love are the center of attention and the peace as well as humans and nature

"publications: As an immigrant worker child in Turkey As Domuz under Knoblauchfressern Plays for young people (as a co-author in co-operation with Roswitha desire heaths)

Of one, the auszog… (play for adults) Much luck, Elfi! (play for adults) Feel you like at home (novel) If I in crying laugh (selection: Poems to the love and to the peace) "target group: 7. -13. Class "book example: "the poems of Mehmet Kilic agitate the heart of the reader. Its view is directed to appeal to the reason of humans. Urgently, but not with raised index finger, he swears to affectionate handling of humans with humans and its environment. Sensitively it pays thereby its attention to nature, includes it with all its verses also, is it thoughts over the bird freshly slipped in the nest or the ungeborene child in the nut/mother body. Dearest Mehmet Kilic would embrace the world to protect around it thereby before war and unbill." (Karin Liebschner)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:00, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Shelby Belle

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From Shelby Belle Birthdate: July 22, 1983 Birth location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Measurements: 34B-26-36 Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m) Weight: 121 lb (55 kg) Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Ethnicity: Caucasian Stage Name(s): Shelby Bell Shelby Belle (born July 22, 1983 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) is a porn star. She has also been credited as Shelby Bell.

Appearance Ethnicity: Caucasian Hair color: Currently blond (naturally brown) Measurements 34B-26-36 Height 5 feet, 8 inches (1.73 m) Weight 121 lb (55 kg) Tattoos: Tribal below navel, Behind Left Ear, Lower Back, Right Calf Piercings: Pierced nipples (barbells), Pierced navel, Pierced Labret, Pierced Clitoris (Horizontal Hood) External links Shelby Bell at The Internet Movie Database This entry is from Knowledge (XXG), the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer)

Donate to Wikimedia 19:54, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:03, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Aaron Huey, motivational speaker

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Aaron Huey, of Boulder Colorado, is the founder of Fire Mountain Kids ( as well as Fire Hawk--both programs to teach empowerment. Huey has been working with children for over 13 years. He opened a martial arts school for children in 1991. since then he has been an elementary, middle and high school teacher, a coach, a mentor, a storyteller, a director, a trainer, a camp counselor, a life coach, and a father as well as a step-dad. He teaches seminars to children and adults all over the US and Canada and speaks at educator conferences about meeting children's needs. Aaron believes that people have more power than they acknowledge. His mission is to unleash the hidden fire that resides within each person by helping them discover choice. "It's not about being better, it's about giving up the struggle to be different from who you are." His work focuses around archetypal study and somatic therapies and he teaches primarily through storytelling and experiential activities. He was raised in Longmont, Colorado and has 2 younger brothers. He graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1991 and is a certified EMT and Red Cross 1 st Responder instructor as well as a Wilderness 1 st Aid instructor. Fire Mountain was founded in December of 2004.


Wholepicture 20:06, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia, and cite reliable, published third-party sources, so that the information in the article is verifiable. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:04, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Garvadians: Race of Fire Elements

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Garvadians are known as the strongest line of Fire Elements in the Wiccan world. A war spread between the Garvadians and another line, unknown, and soon both lines were forced into hiding due to the Witch Hunts. A private war spread between them, and the last known pair ever recorded in the book of Garvadians is in 1973, the marriage of Silera MoonHeart and her husband Siliceous DarkFire. These two were the last known living Garvadians, and had children, but were lost from history. Little known is the last of the bloodline, if they still exist or did they get killed by the other line?

Facts: 1. Garvadians were the most powerful, even stronger than demons 2. All Garvadians were fire elements, they had strict rules on when a child was to be born. If the child is born too early, too late, or is not a pure fire element, they were either killed or given away and forgotten. 3. If any Garvadian were to mix with any other element, or one that was not pure, both were to be killed. 4. Garvadians have strong recesses of power, and most are born with demons that help them instead of using them. 5. No element in the times before the Witch Hunts wanted trouble from this line; anyone who did was killed within the week of insulting the member.

No other facts are truly known of this race, but the Garvadians were truly the most powerful of all the elements, and would still be, if they were still alive...
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Reused water

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This term is intended to be distinct from "recycled water" or "reclaimed water".

Sources 20:26, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. Knowledge (XXG) is an encyclopedia and not a dictionary. We cannot accept articles that are little more than definitions of words or abbreviations as entries. A good article should begin with a good definition, but expand on the subject. Please try creating an article at Wiktionary instead. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:05, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Second Hand Charity

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Second Hand Charity (Wakefield, R.I.) was formed in early 2002. They started playing shows at the AntHole and The Atrium. They slowly started to leave their home to travel into the unknown city of Providence and played some shows with Jared Paul And The Dead Sober Band at AS220. They relesed a self-titled EP and a full length called Get Ready To Explode! One show had a guest play the drums, that guest was Chris Gilroy of Next Haven.

The band consists of:

  • Lou Colavecchio - Guitar
  • Matt Gilroy - Bass
  • Tom McCauley - Drums
  • Dan (DS300) Sawyer - Vocals
  • Matt Gallant - Vocals


  • 20:35, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on musical artists. Please provide more information on why this musical artist is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:10, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Album List for Lionel Richie's "Encore" Album
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I searched Knowledge (XXG) for a Lionel Richie album titled, "Encore". The result was nil, but offered a link to post the missing information. I then went to Yahoo! Music and located the album there, along with the listing I was looking for, to wit:

1. Hello 2. Running With The Night 3. Penny Lover 4. Easy 5. Dancing On The Ceiling 6. Stuck On You 7. Brick House 8. Three Times A Lady 9. All Night Long 10. Say You, Say Me 11. Angel 12. Still


Yahoo! Music (Link: 20:55, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. The proposed article is not suitable for Knowledge (XXG). Mattie 23:14, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Anri (Singer)

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Anri, real name Eiko Kawashima birth on August 31, 1961 in Kanagawa is a Jpop singer & songwriter. One of the most popular singers in her native Japan, her music ranges from disco, dance music to soft rock, & later R&B. She recorded her debut album in 1978, but it wasn't until she did the theme for the anime Cat's Eye in 1983 as well as made her debut appearace at the NHK Red and White New Year's Music Special at the end of that year that she was finally known throughout Japan and her popularaly shyrocketed.

Thoughout the 1980s, Anri's LPs were bestsellers, & she had highly sucessful tours as well (one with attendance of almost 100,000) & toured Hawaii for the first time in 1987.

Some of her songs that were hits include "Kanashimi ga Tomaranai, "Summer Candles", & "Dolphin Ring" (the last 2 later became wedding standards in Japanese weddings)

In the early 1990s, Anri's popularly started to die down. She also faced a divorce from her husband due to finacial problems. She began to look at overseas markets to & began to incorparate more & an R&B sound to her music. (one of her early 1990s songs "Move Me" is a duet with American singer Johnny Gill). She was given a boost by singing the closing theme for the 1998 Winter Olympics at Nagano. In 2002, she began collaborating with jazz fusion guitarist Lee Ritenour who produced her 2002 LP "Smooth Jam - Quiet Storm".

Anri currently lives in Hawaii (where she's been living since the late 1980s) & is engaged to Ritenour.

External links

Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:19, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Many folks are blind and do not know how many tiems they get braces. thes is thus is this is thos. good stuff o'. fold!

Sources 21:33, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. Your article appears to be a joke. It might be a wonderful entry in Uncyclopedia, a wiki where jokes and parodies are highly encouraged. However, Knowledge (XXG) requires a stodgier, more factual tone in its articles, and your comedic efforts cannot be rewarded here. Mattie 23:14, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Artisian are a British Extreme Black / Death Metal band based in London. Formed originally in 2004 by Iain Miro as a one man project, it attracted lots of interest, and soon turned into a band. Following limited release on Grindethic records, Artisian's first album 'Lament For The Eternal Frost' was released fully, worldwide in 2006 on Copro / Casket Records. The band have also just finished recording their follow up release 'The Beast Out Of The Earth', due for release later this year.

The current line up of the band is as follows:

Iain: Vocals, Guitars , Bagpipes Ash: Bass, Backing Vocals Frazer: Dums and Percussion

Official Band Websites:

Genre: Black / Death / Thrash / Grindcore

For Fans of: Dark Throne, Slayer, Emperor, Gogoroth, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Deeds Of Flesh, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary


  • - Official Band Website
  • - Record Company Site
  • - Official Band Myspace page 21:35, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on musical artists. Please provide more information on why this musical artist is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Mattie 23:15, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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The guy who has been out with the most girls

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Sam Cross has been out with a total of 446 girls throughout his 15 years of life. And yet it carrys on...

Sources 21:56, 26 August 2006 (UTC) my ass smells bad two six love why dont u touch me please for a good time call 1773 699 9445
Declined. Your article appears to be a joke. It might be a wonderful entry in Uncyclopedia, a wiki where jokes and parodies are highly encouraged. However, Knowledge (XXG) requires a stodgier, more factual tone in its articles, and your comedic efforts cannot be rewarded here. Mattie 23:15, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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Daniel Patrick Quinn

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British musician, composer, producer and performer born February 26th 1981, Ipswich, England. Founder of the experimental Edinburgh-based record label Suilven Recordings (2003 - early 2006) which released his own works and that of postminimalist ambient American composers DAC Crowell and Kurt Doles, with whom he also collaborated. Quinn's work is difficult to pigeonhole, seemingly taking influence from as disparate genres as European folk and folklore, pastoral ambient, punk and post-punk, minimalism, classical, spoken-word, jazz and avant-garde thought. Key works include Severed From The Land (2004) and Ridin' The Stang (2005). Currently lives in London where he fronts the newly-formed band One More Grain and participates in wholly improvised sessions with Second Branch.

Sources 23:20, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

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Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:17, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Order of St. Stanislas

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There is a great deal of contention concerning the formation and status of the modern Order of St. Stanislas. Many contributors opining about the legitimacy of this particular organization can not seem to forego to terms like "illegal" and "criminal" in conjunction with the modern reinteration of this Order in this neutral Knowledge (XXG) environment. This is one version of the story of the refounding of the modern Order of St. Stanislas by Juliusz Nowina-Sokolnicki and the Polish Government in Exile.

The Order of Saint Stanislas was re-established by a decree of the President of the Republic of Poland (In Exile) on the 9 June 1979, on the basis of Article 79 paragraph 2, and in conjunction with Article 57 paragraph 1, of the Polish Constitution [note 1791 POLSKIE KONSTYTYCJE of 23 April 1935, which was decreed as follows:

Art. 1 • To commemorate the 900th anniversary of the martyrdom of the great son of the Polish Nation, Saint Stanislas of Szczepanow, Bishop of Krakow, historical defender of human rights in the name of Christianity, the Order of Saint Stanislas is herewith re-established.

Art. 2

• The Order of Saint Stanislas may be granted to all Poles independently of their present citizenship, clergy or other believers in the Christian faith, who defend the faith and human rights for the good of the Polish Nation and State.

• The Order of Saint Stanislas may be granted to people of other than Polish origin who have given service as in par. 1, or who rendered services for humanity as a whole.

• The Order can be granted posthumously

Art. 3

• The Grand Chapter of the Order of Saint Stanislas grants the President of the Republic of Poland (In Exile) the title of Grand Master. The proposal is supported by all officers, and the Chancellor of the Chapter as their head, who are appointed in their turn by the President

Art. 4

• The Order of Saint Stanislas in the hierarchy of the decorations takes its place after the highest military decoration The Order of the White Eagle and the highest military decoration The Order of the Virtuti Militaria but precedes the Order of Polonia Restituta

Art. 5

• The Order of Saint Stanislas has five classes.

Art. 6

• The Shape, dimensions, pictures and writings on the Order as well as type, colour and measurements of the cordon as well as names of the classes of the Order will be specified in the Statutes of the Order, issued by a Decree of the President.

• All administrative problems up to the time of appointment of the Grand Chapter of the Order are entrusted to the Prime Minister jointly with the Minister of Justice.

Art. 7

• This Decree takes effect with date of publishing in the Official Journal of Laws. London, June 9, 1979

President of the Polish Republic (In Exile) Juliusz Nowina-Sokolnicki

Prime Mister: Colonel Stanislaw Zieba

All other Ministers:

Also signed were: General Jan Libront (later Prime Minister) General Tadeus Jagoszewski

In mid 1990, the Polish Government (In Exile) of President Sokolnicki was informed that the soon to be democratically elected government of Poland had no intention of any form of continuation of the Order of Saint Stanislas. Knowing this the members of the Government (In Exile) decided to give the Order an independent character; (it had been used with very great success as a weapon against communism and had established a great many secure networks in Eastern Europe); on the 15 September 1990 an amendment to that effect was drawn up and signed by the President and all members of the legitimate Polish Government (In Exile).

The Order was, on that date, transferred from a Polish decoration into a charitable Order of chivalry, and so as not to cause confusion a name change to: The Sovereign Order of Saint Stanislas. The word Sovereign was used for a period of five (5) years and then discarded.

At the same time the Order discarded the Insignias design that had been used during the "Exile" period (which featured an upraised crusaders sword between the initials SS, surmounted by a Corona Civica), and began having the decorations struck from the original dies of the Order which had gathered dust in a Warsaw museum for a period of 200 years. These featured Saint Stanislas as the decorations centerpiece. With the fall of Communism the Order of St. Stanislas swung into action and in the first five critical years of Poland's new found freedom the Order provided financial aid to Poland. This aid was out of all proportion to the size of its membership. Funds were raised and distributed through the Saint Stanislas Foundation to Parish Priests, in Poland, for allocation to the needy. Weekly shipments of ex. US Army medical supplies were distributed to hospitals and rural medical clinics.

With the fall of Communism the Order of St. Stanislas swung into action and in the first five critical years of Poland's new found freedom the Order provided financial aid to Poland. This aid was out of all proportion to the size of its membership. Funds were raised and distributed through the Saint Stanislas Foundation to Parish Priests, in Poland, for allocation to the needy.

Today the Order of St. Stanislas, reformed under the auspices of Juliusz Nowina-Sokolnicki, is active in humanitarian efforts throughout the world, but particularly in Poland and Eastern Europe.



Author: Captain Michael Subritzky-Kusza.
Publisher: 1996. Three Feathers Publishing. New Zealand.
ISBN: 0-958-3484-8-0
Available: Saint Stanislas Foundation,
101 Timbergate Drive,
South Carolina 29073-9009
United States of America.

A most important monograph on the history of the late Polish Government (In Exile) written by a well-known New Zealand author who knew at first hand virtually all of the major players in the “Polish Exile” community. This book is backed up by numerous verified documents and a number of photographs, including several showing Lech Walesa, the then head of “Solidarity” accepting decorations and awards from Ministers in Sokolnicki's Government (In Exile).


Author: Captain Michael Subritzky-Kusza.
Publisher: 1994. Three Feathers Publishing. New Zealand.
ISBN: 0-473-02931-6
Available: Out of Print

This book contains a brief history of the legitimate Polish Government (In Exile), photographs of the various Grand Masters and as well the constitution of the Order of Saint Stanislas as of 1990 when it was made an "Independent" charitable Order of chivalry.

ORDER OF SAINT STANISLAS STATUTES OF 1979 (with changes as of 1984).

Author: General Tadeusz Jagoszewski.
Publisher: 1984. Polish Government (In Exile), London.
ISBN: Unknown
Available: Out of Print

This book contains the original statutes of the re-established Order of Saint Stanislas as laid down by the late Polish Government (In Exile). 23:41, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Declined. This article already exists in Knowledge (XXG). Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:19, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

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Brandon Saller

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Brandon Saller (Born 24/06/83) Is The Drummer & Vocalist For The Metalcore Band Atreyu

Sources 00:07, 27 August 2006 (UTC)
Declined. We cannot accept unsourced suggestions or sources that are not reliable per the verifiability policy. Please provide reputable, third-party sources with your suggestions. Third party sources are needed both to establish the verifiability of the submission as well as its notability. Mattie 23:16, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

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