Knowledge (XXG)

Slovene punctuation

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1098:Če v bližnji prihodnosti, kolega Novak, ne zaprete svojega kljunčka, bomo prisiljeni izvesti določene sankcije, kot so, denimo, mučenje ali preprost izgon: svarim Vas: bodite tiho, če ne –! (If you, colleague Novak (likely a university student), do not close your beak (sarcastic for mouth), we shall be forced to impose certain sanctions, such as, let us say, torture or a simple exile: I am warning you: be silent, or else –!) 25: 1048:) is a one or two part non-leaning punctuation mark (except where noted). Semantically, there is no difference between the longer and the shorter dash, – and –, although common usage prefers the shorter one in all cases except upon connection of unrelated sentences. In electronic writing, a hyphen may be used instead of a dash. 1378:
inserted sentences or clauses: Takoj zatem (če se prav spominjam) se je zabliskalo. (Straight afterwards (if I recall correctly) lightning struck.) Druga svetovna vojna (1939–45) je terjala mnogo krvi. (The second world war (1939–45) demanded much blood.) – dashes, ellipses or commas are
Inverted commas are positioned so that the first one is right-leaning, and the second one is left-leaning, coming after the ending punctuation mark of the direct speech sentence. If what the inverted commas enclose is not a sentence in itself but only a part thereof, the second inverted comma stands
is also used for this purpose), with the rest of the word following in the next line. If the last character in a line is a plus (+), a dash (–), a solidus (/), a times or division sign (·, :), an equal sign (=), a hyphen (-), or similar, the same character is repeated at the beginning of
Dates are written with dots separating the day, month and year. Note that the numerical English dates below are British English; American English switches the month and the day. It is important to realise that the full stop is left-leaning; the space is intentional (yet only few are aware of that).
Subtilna občutja – to je, nežna in občutljiva – se očividno izražajo v prebranem delu. (Subtile emotions – that is, gentle and delicate – are apparently expressed in the read work.) (note that the word 'subtile' in this sense in English is somewhat
Dash sometimes separates multiple surnames, though it is more usual to merely use a space. A dash is still used when listing an alias after a full name, but only if this alias does not function as a surname. In these senses, a dash is a leaning punctuation mark.
The original sentence in full: "Nekaj mi šepeta, nekaj točno določenega, skoraj čutiti bi se dalo, da gre ta šolska ura h koncu." (Something is whispering to me, something exactly defined, it can almost be felt, that this period is nearing completion.)
Začela je: „Uganeš, kaj mi je tista ostudna pošast rekla? Rekla je: ‚Potem pa kar jutri pridi. Bo v redu?‘“ (She started: "Can you guess what that hideous monster told me? She ('monster' is feminine) said: 'Then just come tomorrow. Will that be all
Lepo je bilo ... kako tudi ne? ..., saj je dež nežno padal, mi pa smo tesno drug ob drugem ležali ob kaminu. (It was nice ... how wouldn't it be? ... for the rain was gently falling, and we were lying closely to one another near the fireplace.)
The cadence of pitch before a bracket is rising (cadent) when what is inside brackets is a variation, otherwise it is falling (anticadent). If brackets contain a fully-fledged sentence, the cadence is as per the sentence punctuation.
Ne vem, zakaj govori o „alternative medicine“; kot da bi bilo tako težko reči „alternativna medicina“. (I do not know why he/she is talking about "alternative medicine" (left intact); as though it is so difficult to say "alternative
To je lepo: neizmerna umetnina. (This is beautiful: an unmeasurable piece of art.) – this may also be written as "To je lepo, in pri tem neizmerna umetnina." (This is beautiful, and an unmeasurable piece of art at that.) or
Inverted commas are also used when trying to stress a curious use of a word: that is, to illustrate that a word is not used as it normally is, or simply to emphasise it. Usually, in printed texts, such words are printed either
Govorim o hibridizaciji sp² – to veš, kaj je? – ogljikovega atoma v tej organski molekuli. (I am talking about the sp² hybridisation – do you know what this is? – of the carbon atom in this organic
When emphasising that whatever has been left out is a subsequent omission not performed by the original author, the ellipsis is enclosed in round or square brackets ((), ), or, more often, in solidi (//).
530:) is a left-leaning punctuation mark. It is used as a closing punctuation mark of emphatic sentences and clauses, and as a non-closing punctuation mark finishing inserted sentences. They are typical of 603:
Morda je to res, a emancipacijo (!) testov smo pričakovali. (Perhaphs that is true, but the emancipation (!) of tests has been expected. – used to emphasise a word used, which should probably be
298:); npr. (na primer; e.g., for example, exempli gratia); tj. (to je; this is); l. (leto; year); t.i. (tako imenovani; so-called); itn., itd. (in tako naprej, in tako dalje; etc., et cetera, and so on). 743:
Dejali so, da se je nafta (?) razlila. (They have said that oil (?) has spilt.) (the speaker is not certain whether it was oil or something else, or perhaps if this is indeed how the word is spelt)
Sentence punctuation is not changed when using dashes, so an inserted sentence before a comma is usually followed by a comma nonetheless, even though some might see this usage as rather pedantic.
Pogovarjali smo se, bilo je zelo zanimivo, potem pa je Luka nenadoma rekel – uganeš kaj? (We had been talking, it had been very interesting, but then Luka suddenly said – guess what?)
So stvari, o katerih ne vem popolnoma nič: fiziologija, oftalmologíja, socialna antropologija. (There are things I know absolutely nothing about: physiology, ophthalmology, social anthropology.)
Joj, prejoj – občutljivi kot smo bili – sneg je zapadel in zeblo nas je. (Oh dear and even more so – sensitive as we were – snow had fallen and we were feeling cold.)
separating verses when written in one line (non-leaning): Ko brez miru okrog divjam, / prijatlji prašajo me, kam? (I drift in dark unrest and pain, / 'Where now?' you ask, and ask again. (
V najbolj preprosti obliki ti povem, ker vem, da ne razumeš dobro: spelji se mi izpred oči. (I tell you in the simplest form, for I know you do not understand well: get out of my sight.)
O čem se gre predstava, tega pač ne vem. (What the performance is about, that I just don't know. (with the implied meaning that the original question is stupid, for how am I to know?))
but 'zelenomoder pulover' if the colour is a mix of green and blue (thus also 'etnocentričen' (ethnocentric), not 'etno-centričen', since one cannot add an 'and' in between the words)
Potrebuje se: moka, mleko, med in sojina omaka. (Needed are: flour, milk, honey and soya sauce.) – this may also be written as "Potrebuje se moka, mleko, med in sojina omaka."
Mnogo let nazaj – joj, da bi le že pozabila na to! – sem živela na kmetiji. (Many years ago – oh, if only I should forget this already! – I lived on a farm.)
Rekel sem: ne rekel, vzkliknil! (I said: not said, exclaimed!) – this may also be written as "Rekel sem – ne rekel, vzkliknil!" or "Rekel sem, ne rekel, vzkliknil!"
A dash can be used instead of a comma to emphasise separation words and clauses. Note that in example 2, unlike in English, the end of the appositive is unmarked in Slovene.
The final punctuation mark of a quoted sentence (with or without inverted commas) within a declaratory sentence is omitted if the quoted sentence is not preceded by a colon.
In certain cases, the question mark may be doubled (for emphasis of a repeated question), or it may be combined with an exclamation mark in emphatic and emotional contexts.
If the independent clause of a sentence is not interrogative, the sentence ends with a full stop or an exclamation mark. This is similar to reported speech in English.
O problemu individuacija – rast sebstva po Frommu smo morali pisati esej. (We had to write an essay on the problem 'individuation – growth of self' as per
When the direct speech includes another direct speech, different types of inverted commas ought to be used, or the inner ones may be omitted if the context is clear.
1158:"Otroci, na vlaku Trst–Dunaj zaspite. Tam vmes ničesar ni." (Children, on the train Triest–Vienna, go to sleep. There is nothing in between.) ( 1275:, when marking stems, suffixes, prefixes and similar (many examples at declensions above) and in prices (1000,- SIT (which is the same as 1000,0 SIT)). 1014:
Accusative 'tožilnik' je velikokrat združen z dative 'dajalnikom' v oblique 'predmetni' sklon. (The accusative is often merged with the dative into the
Da – tako je tudi res bilo –, in to sem mu jasno povedala. (Yes – and it really was so, too –, and I told him that clearly.)
1026:„Sonetni venec“ je zelo zapleten. (The "Wreath of Sonnets" is very complex. – referring likely to Prešeren's wreath of sonnets by that name) 388:
If a non-syntactical full stop is at the end of a sentence, it is not usual to append another full stop to it; however, doing so is not incorrect.
marks word division over two lines. At the end of a line, a word may be spelt only to the end of a certain syllable, followed by the left-leaning
Množini ogljika in klorove (VII) kisline sta v razmerju 1 : 1 . (The amounts of carbon and chloric (VII) acid are in the ratio 1 : 1.)
Ko smo hodili po travi, smo opazili prepoved Ne hodi po travi. (When walking on the grass, we noticed the restriction Do not walk on the grass.)
Reci mu vendar, naj pride domov! (Tell him to come home! – the exclamation mark is likely bound to 'come home', however, and not 'tell')
Any other punctuation may or may not be appended; a full stop is usually (but not always) omitted, but other punctuation normally remains:
46: 485:
An ellipsis usually indicates pausing or abrupt interruption. When used as a sentence closing punctuation mark, the pitch is cadent, thus
1427:: Bolezen se prepozna po rumeni/rjavkasti lisi na čelu. (The disease can be recognised by the yellow/brownish stripe on the forehead.) 1382:
word parts (in this case it may be fully leaning): Spoštovani/a gost(ja)! (Dear guest! (the feminine form is what is in the brackets))
508:) is a traditional – and one of the few present in Slovene – profanity, though rather innocent and extremely seldom used.) 1051:
A dash usually indicates pausing or abrupt interruption. When used as a sentence closing punctuation mark, the pitch is cadent, thus
Otorinola... – ne vem naprej. (Otorhinola... – I don't know further.) (probably otorinolaringolog; otorhinolaryngologist)
Similarly, a leaning dash is used in other instances where words are closely connected to one another and both parts are inflected.
889:) is a two part left- and right-leaning punctuation mark. There are many types of inverted commas used in Slovene texts, videlicet: 116: 381:
25. 6. 1991 (petindvajseti šesti (junij) tisoč devetsto enaindevetdeset; the twenty-fifth of June, nineteen ninety-one, 25/6/1991)
Ob 22.15 ('dvaindvajset petnajst' or 'dvaindvajsetih in petnajst minut') se film konča. (At 22.15 (10.15 pm) the film ends.)
97: 649:
Rok, kam greš? (Rok, whither are you going? (normally, the English would say 'Where', but it is important to distinguish between
Nekaj mi šepeta /.../ da gre ta šolska ura h koncu. (Something is whispering to me /.../ that this period is nearing completion.)
69: 632:) is a left-leaning punctuation mark. It is used in single clause sentences and in compound sentences in which the independent 277:"Oh, mar bi bile ostale doma," je zamrmrala Marjeta. ("Oh, they/we might as well have stayed home," muttered Marjeta (Daisy).) 223:
It is ordinarily used at the end of a neutral declaratory sentence, be it a real sentence with a predicate or a non-sentence.
partly one thing and partly the other: Poslovno leto 2000/01 je bilo katastrofalno. (The fiscal year 2000/01 was disastrous.)
50: 1022:
Inverted commas are also used to mark proper nouns that could be mistaken for common nouns, such as at sentence beginnings.
1. 10. 2003 (prvi deseti dva tisoč tri, prvi oktober dva tisoč tri; the first of October, two thousand and three, 1/10/2003)
1375:(HCl) is dangerous.) Tekst (besedilo) smo prečistili. (We cleaned the text (and a more Slovene word for text in brackets).) 76: 1386:
Essentially, a thing to be borne in mind is that whatever is inside brackets may be left out with no change in meaning.
towards the end of such a sentence, or semi-cadent, indicating a half-finished thought, or there is no change in pitch.
towards the end of such a sentence, or semi-cadent, indicating a half-finished thought, or there is no change in pitch.
Nuna (!) je strastno govorila o umetnosti ljubljenja. (The nun (!) passionately talked about the art of making love.)
83: 35: 479:
Lepo je bilo – kako tudi ne? –, saj je dež nežno padal, mi pa smo tesno drug ob drugem ležali ob kaminu.
220:) is a left-leaning punctuation mark. This means that it 'touches' the preceding word, but is followed by a space. 54: 39: 957:
left-leaning directly to the ending character. This is the same as in the so-called British or logical quoting.
65: 1456: 311: 1306:
We read through the first half of the paragraph when Marija's stammering exceeded the boundaries of normality.
Začela je: »Uganeš, kaj mi je tista ostudna pošast rekla? Rekla je: „Potem pa kar jutri pridi. Bo v redu?“«
Začela je: ‚Uganeš, kaj mi je tista ostudna pošast rekla? Rekla je: „Potem pa kar jutri pridi. Bo v redu?“‘
A question mark need not be a sentence terminating punctuation mark; it may be used in inserted sentences.
Saj bi šel, pa ... (I/He would go, but ...) (an alternative is to write this thus: "Saj bi šel, pa –)
marks are one or two part graphical marks used in writing, denoting tonal progress, pauses, sentence type (
Katarina Čkorjanc–Vesel (or Katarina Čkorjanc-Vesel, or, as it is oftenest, Katarina Čkorjanc Vesel)
Prodajam časopise, avtobusne žetone, zobne ščetke itd. (I sell newspapers, bus tokens, toothbrushes, etc.)
In sentences without a predicate, a dash can represent the connexion between the subject and the object.
A dash at the end of a sentence marks an abrupt end, a breaking of thought or unwillingness to continue:
Za domačo nalogo boste rešili naloge 272–279. (For homework, you will do exercises 272–279.)
This sentence can also be written as "Čigav je že izrek Užij dan?" or "Čigav je že izrek 'Užij dan'?".
Si res želiš, Ana, dobiti enojko? (Do you, Ana, really wish to get a one (the worst grade at school)?)
Zadregetala je od same jeze: "Kaj? Tako drago?" (She shivered with pure anger: "What? So expensive?")
Tristo kosmatih med... (Three hundred hairy be...) ("Tristo kosmatih medvedov" (Three hundred hairy
1413: 758: 192: 164: 156: 1159: 1041: 820:
Sodelujemo vsi: to vključuje tudi tebe, Metka. (Everyone participates: this includes you, Metka.)
Pleši, pleši, dokler ti petke dopuste! (Dance, dance, as long as your shoe heels allow for that!)
90: 1111: 939: 471:
An ellipsis may indicate an inserted sentence, though a dash is more often used in such cases:
1372: 1129: 1029:
But: Prešernov Sonetni venec je zelo zapleten. (Prešeren's Wreath of Sonnets is very complex.)
188: 1136: 730:
Le kako si lahko dovoliš kaj takega?! (However can you allow yourself something like that?!)
523: 303: 287: 152: 694:
Vprašali so me, če grem peš ali s taksijem. (They asked me if I should walk or go by taxi.)
Spoštovani! (Respected! (at the beginning of a letter, though more usual is "Spoštovani,"))
1440: 1272: 242: 1172:
A dash is used as the symbol for minus, although the separate minus sign is also used:
882: 782: 295: 180: 1062:
Smrt fašizmu – svoboda narodu! (Death to fascism – freedom to the nation!)
961:„Dobro jutro,“ je pohitel novi assistant. ("Good morning," hurried the new assistant.) 946:„Potem pa kar grem,“ je zaihtel Jaka. ("Then I shall just be on my way," sobbed Jaka.) 663:"Je to res, Urša?" je zavpil professor. ("Is this true, Urša?" shouted the professor.) 559:Če mi še kdaj izustiš kaj takega ...! (If you ever say something like that again ...!) 273:
A full stop is replaced by a comma in direct speech before the accompanying sentence.
1450: 1356:) is a two part one-side leaning punctuation mark. The introducing bracket, known as 765:) is a left-leaning punctuation mark. It is used in various ways as described below. 625: 148: 1015: 968:
If there is no accompanying sentence, inverted commas may be replaced with a dash:
A non-syntactical ellipsis is left-leaning, and expresses omission of a word part.
137: 964:
Govorili so o „nekem blaznem načrtu“. (They were talking about "some crazy plan".)
15 : 3 = 5 (petnajst deljeno s tri je pet) (fifteen divided by three is five)
1066: 129: 24: 1007:
Kaj pa pravzaprav pomeni „svoboda“? (What does "freedom" actually mean anyway?)
note that in this case, the dot is raised to the line centre and is non-leaning
It is also used when inserting sentences or including additional information.
196: 575:
See the note on the use of the combination with a question mark below under
1.000.000 (en milijon; one million, 1,000,000) (but more usual is 1 000 000)
213: 160: 144: 775:
Kot v zboru so dejali: Seveda. (As though in a choir they said: Naturally.)
705:Čigav je že izrek: Užij dan. (Whose is, again, the saying, Seize the day?) 599:
An exclamation mark may be used for emphasis of a certain point in a text.
Pri m-ju se ji vedno zatakne. (She always falters at m (in the alphabet).)
towards the end of such a sentence. Otherwise, the pitch is cadent, thus
410: 176: 1364:, is left-leaning. Round brackets are those used most often in writing. 1330: 1018:. – notice that in this case, single up inverted commas are used) 845:
When a colon is encountered in reading, the pitch is semi-cadent, thus
Numbers may be separated by leaning full stops in the following cases:
184: 583:(or even more exclamation marks) to express further exclamatory mood. 1198: 633: 417:) is a non-leaning punctuation mark. It expresses omission of words. 246: 172: 133: 1371:
a variation or supplement: Klorovodikova kislina (HCl) je nevarna. (
To se mi je zdela odlična ideja! (That I thought a marvellous idea!)
Vino – strup ali zdravilo? (Wine – poison or medicine?)
Zapeti bi bila morala, pa – (I should have sung, but –)
A question mark can be used non-syntactically if it denotes doubt.
if there is no accompanying sentence before direct speech itself.
1404:(Choose the correct answer: a) spear, b) locomotive, c) discus.) 1151:
A dash also expresses the meaning of 'to' or 'up to' or 'until':
1420:) is a leaning punctuation mark. It has the following meanings: 857:
1. for the meaning 'proti' (to, against) (usually non-leaning):
Zrecitiraj Kons V! (Recite Kons V!) (But: "Zrecitiraj: Kons V.")
505: 321: 168: 269:
Ko smo hodili po travi, smo opazili prepoved: Ne hodi po travi!
Rekli so mi, naj grem, a kam? (They told me to go, but where?)
18: 1401:
Izberite pravilni odgovor: a) kopje, b) lokomotiva, c) disk.
Zahvaliti se želim še posebej: (I wish to thank especially:)
1. to introduce direct speech after an accompanying sentence
571:"Gremo!" je vzkliknila Janja. ("Let's go!" exclaimed Janja.) 249:
that does not end in a full stop, the full stop is omitted.
Heh ... česa vsega ne pove. (Heh ... whatever he/she says.)
When a statement is articulated, the pitch is cadent, thus
Brackets are used to envelop text which is the following:
cena: 1000–1200 SIT (the price: SIT 1000–1200)
After a colon, the clause keeps its own punctuation mark.
Rezultat je bil 1 : 2 . (The result was 1 : 2.)
character (sometimes, although not often, the character
30-letnica (30th anniversary or a woman in her thirties)
angleško-francoski konflikt (an English-French conflict)
Prodajam časopise, avtobusne žetone, zobne ščetke itd..
328: 1209:) is a leaning punctuation mark (except where noted). 1147:
Kozina–Hrpelje ('Kozina in Hrpelje', two places)
187:((), , {}) (which are in syntactical use), as well as 1255:
tri- in petdnevni tečaji (three and five day courses)
slovensko-nemški slovar (a Slovene-German dictionary)
line centred single (used in some printed material):
line centred double (used in some printed material):
Prišli smo do polovice odstavka, ko je Marijino jec-
Janko Novak-Rovtar (as an equivalent to a dash; see
A hyphen is also used as in the following examples:
In compound words that would otherwise use the word
compound sentence with the last part an independent
Delovni čas: 0–24 (Opening hours: 0–24)
Kako narediš to? Kako?? (How do you do this? How??)
Nekaj sem govorila ... (I was saying something ...)
667:When a question without a question word or with 1261:ATP, ATP-ja (inflexion of symbols and acronyms) 1258:avtonomija in -kracija (autonomy and autocracy) 1220:zeleno-moder pulover (a green and blue jumper) 183:(⟨“...”⟩, ⟨‘...’⟩, ⟨‚...‘⟩, ⟨„...“⟩, ⟨»...«⟩), 1004:Pravi „prijatelj“ je. (He is a real "friend".) 793:2. in enumeration, expatiation or explanation 679:is articulated, the pitch is anticadent, thus 179:(...), different types of inverted commas and 1234:črno-belo tiskanje (black-and-white printing) 938:The most prominent use of inverted commas is 781:Estragon: Pejva. (Estragon: Let's go.) (from 8: 1398:A terminating bracket can be used in lists: 646:Oh, kaj res? (Oh, really? (in a bored tone)) 1216:(and) between the parts, a hyphen is used: 927:single up (used in some printed material): 917:double up (used in some printed material): 53:. Unsourced material may be challenged and 531: 424:... kaj to ni res? (... is this not true?) 256:(and not "Rekli so mi, naj grem, a kam?.") 1360:, is right-leaning; the closing bracket, 362:3 · 9 (tri krat devet; three times nine) 117:Learn how and when to remove this message 1433:: Sodni zapis 55/2. (Court record 55/2.) 1183:Dashes may introduce lists. For example: 952:„Potem pa,“ je zaihtel Jaka, „kar grem.“ 868:2. for the meaning 'deljeno' (divided): 384:30. maj (trideseti maj; the 30th of May) 302:However, other abbreviations are, as in 227:To je bilo včeraj. (This was yesterday.) 452:O, a tako je bilo …? (Oh, it was so …?) 1000:as opposed to using excessive quotes. 413:(in Slovene, literally 'three dots') ( 1278:The same character under the name of 1271:Hyphens are used non-syntactially in 949:Jaka je zaihtel: „Potem pa kar grem.“ 7: 687:towards the end of such a sentence. 351:to separate thousands from the rest 238:towards the end of such a sentence. 51:adding citations to reliable sources 838:Ime in priimek: (Name and surname:) 534:, but only if emotionally charged. 310:ZDA (Združene države Amerike; USA, 16:Punctuation in the Slovene language 576: 538:Gregor, utihni! (Gregor, shut up!) 290:, always followed by a full stop. 14: 306:, never followed by a full stop. 1252:TV-oddaja (television programme) 778:Kot v zboru so dejali: "Seveda." 556:Ubil te bom! (I shall kill you!) 23: 344:22.15 can also be written as 22 834:3. optionally after form data 579:. One may use the combination 286:Some abbreviations are, as in 143:Marks used in Slovene include 1: 1264:le-to, le-tak, le-tako, ka-li 331:are followed by a full stop. 317:km (kilometer; km, kilometre) 1176:5x² – 5x – 1 = 0 1301:ljanje prešlo meje normale. 1473: 972:– Potem pa kar grem. 1243: 899:standard single up-down: 893:standard double up-down: 430:Ja ... in? (Yes ... so?) 312:United States of America 1379:also used in this sense 1189:– tretji primer. 359:to show multiplication 1187:– drugi primer, 1125:Josip Broz–Tito 1110:A dash can introduce 636:expresses enquiries. 590:Izgini!! (Get lost!!) 66:"Slovene punctuation" 1185:– prvi primer, 338:for time of the day 230:Včeraj. (Yesterday.) 47:improve this article 1394:Non-Syntactical Use 853:Non-Syntactical Use 735:Non-Syntactical Use 595:Non-Syntactical Use 493:Non-Syntactical Use 282:Non-Syntactical Use 199:(=), and so forth. 657:(kje) in Slovene)) 1373:Hydrochloric acid 1313:= 17 + (15 + 3) = 1130:Charles the Great 789:(Čakajoč Godota)) 787:Waiting for Godot 544:Na pomoč! (Help!) 541:Mojbog! (My god!) 294:dr. (doktor; Dr, 153:exclamation marks 127: 126: 119: 101: 1464: 1179:–2 °C 1137:Charles the Bald 1135:Karel Plešasti ( 524:exclamation mark 513:Exclamation mark 329:Ordinal numerals 320:Fe (železo; Fe, 304:American English 288:American English 122: 115: 111: 108: 102: 100: 59: 27: 19: 1472: 1471: 1467: 1466: 1465: 1463: 1462: 1461: 1457:Slovene grammar 1447: 1446: 1441:France Preseren 1410: 1325:Syntactical Use 1322: 1314: 1312: 1311:(17 + 15) + 3 = 1300: 1295:the next line. 1273:syllabification 1195: 1188: 1186: 1184: 1038: 934: 930: 924: 920: 914: 908: 902: 896: 879: 753:Syntactical Use 750: 620:Syntactical Use 617: 532:imperative mood 518:Syntactical Use 515: 405:Syntactical Use 402: 208:Syntactical Use 205: 181:quotation marks 123: 112: 106: 103: 60: 58: 44: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 1470: 1468: 1460: 1459: 1449: 1448: 1445: 1444: 1437: 1434: 1428: 1409: 1406: 1384: 1383: 1380: 1376: 1321: 1318: 1317: 1316: 1308: 1307: 1303: 1302: 1269: 1268: 1265: 1262: 1259: 1256: 1253: 1250: 1247: 1236: 1235: 1232: 1229: 1226: 1225: 1224: 1194: 1191: 1181: 1180: 1177: 1170: 1169: 1166: 1163: 1156: 1149: 1148: 1141: 1140: 1133: 1128:Karel Veliki ( 1126: 1123: 1108: 1107: 1100: 1099: 1096: 1086: 1085: 1082: 1079: 1078:old-fashioned) 1071: 1070: 1063: 1037: 1034: 1033: 1032: 1031: 1030: 1020: 1019: 1012: 1008: 1005: 989: 988: 985: 982: 974: 973: 966: 965: 962: 954: 953: 950: 947: 936: 935: 932: 928: 925: 922: 918: 915: 912: 909: 906: 903: 900: 897: 894: 883:inverted comma 878: 877:Inverted comma 875: 874: 873: 866: 865: 862: 843: 842: 841:Datum: (Date:) 839: 832: 831: 828: 825: 821: 818: 817: 816: 813: 810: 807: 801: 798: 791: 790: 783:Samuel Beckett 779: 776: 773: 749: 746: 745: 744: 732: 731: 728: 721: 720: 712: 711: 710: 709: 699: 698: 695: 665: 664: 661: 658: 647: 644: 643:Tukaj? 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