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US History: Pre-1800s

Week Era Year President English class tie-in Film Other readings
1 Roots (first half) Apocalypto, Elizabeth, Roots (film) (discs 1 & 2) Hakim: book 1, The First Americans; Yo! Millard Fillmore;
2 Native Americans and the European Colonists: Columbian Exchange, (Amerigo Vespucci) Pre-1500s Hiawatha Leif Ericson Christopher Columbus Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyages One and Two
3 Native Americans and the European Colonists: (Virginia Dare) 1500s Hernando de Soto Walter Raleigh Jacques Cartier Pocahontas (1995 film) Zinn: chapter 1, "Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress"
4 The Thirteen Colonies 1600 Powhatan Pocahontas John Smith The Scarlet Letter Hakim: book 2, Making Thirteen Colonies
5 The Thirteen Colonies 1650 William Bradford Anne Bradstreet Anne Hutchinson Squanto: A Warrior's Tale Hakim: book 2, Making Thirteen Colonies
6 The Thirteen Colonies Early 1700s Jonathan Edwards (theologian) Ben Franklin Jemmy Cato The Scarlet Letter (film) Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyages Three and Four
7 The Thirteen Colonies 1760 Samuel Adams Thomas Paine Chief Pontiac Roots (second half) Last of the Mohicans Zinn: chapter 2, "Drawing the Color Line" and chapter 3, "Persons of Mean and Vile Condition"
8 The American Revolution: (Betsy Ross) 1770 Patrick Henry George Washington Benedict Arnold The Patriot (film) Hakim: book 3, From Colonies to Country; My Brother Sam is Dead
9 The American Revolution 1780 George Washington Eli Whitney Phillis Wheatley Daniel Boone Drums Along the Mohawk Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyages Five and Six; The Declaration of Independence, & the U.S. Constitution
10 The American Revolution 1790 John Adams Abigail Adams John Jay Olaudah Equiano John Adams Zinn: chapter 4, "Tyranny is Tyranny" and chapter 5, "A Kind of Revolution"

US History: 1800s

Week Era Year President President Book Film Other readings
11 Shaping the Republic 1800 Thomas Jefferson Sacagawea Meriwether Lewis Sequoyah Huck Finn John Adams Hakim: book 4, The New Nation
12 Shaping the Republic 1810 James Madison Alexander Hamilton Tecumseh Davy Crockett John Adams Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyage Seven
13 Shaping the Republic 1820 James Monroe John Quincy Adams John Marshall Sojourner Truth Joseph Smith John Adams Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyage Eight
14 Slavery & the Mexican-American War 1830 Andrew Jackson Edgar Allan Poe William Lloyd Garrison Nat Turner North and South Hakim: book 5, Liberty for All?
15 Slavery & the Mexican-American War 1840 Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Dorothea Dix One Man's Hero Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyage Nine and Ten
16 Slavery & the Mexican-American War 1850 Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Harriet Tubman Harriet Beecher Stowe Samuel Morse Killer Angels Ride with the Devil Zinn: chapter 8, "We Take Nothing By Conquest, Thank God"
17 The Civil War & Reconstruction 1860 Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson Robert E. Lee Frederick Douglass Clara Barton Glory Hakim: book 6, War, Terrible War; Killer Angels
18 The Civil War & Reconstruction 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes Emily Dickinson Mark Twain Walt Whitman Lonesome Dove Mitchener's Chesapeake: Voyage Eleven
19 The Civil War & Reconstruction: Alexander Graham Bell (Canadian) 1880 James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur Grover Cleveland Thomas Edison Calamity Jane Dances with Wolves Zinn: chapter 9, "Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom" and chapter 10, "The Other Civil War"

US History: 1900-1950

Week Era Year President Book Film Other readings
20 Westward Expansion & Native Americans: (Liliuokalani) 1890 Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley Geronimo Sitting Bull Samuel Gompers Watch for Me on the Mountain How the West Was Won Hakim: book 7, Reconstructing America
21 Westward Expansion & Native Americans 1900 Theodore Roosevelt Susan B. Anthony Jane Addams Ida B. Wells Story of an Hour Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Zinn: chapter 6, "The Intimately Oppressed"
22 Westward Expansion & Native Americans 1905 Theodore Roosevelt W. E. B. Du Bois Booker T, Washington Alice Paul The Searchers Zinn: chapter 7, "As Long As Grass Grows or Water Runs"
23 Industrialization, WWI, and Women's Suffrage: (Jim Thorpe) 1910 William Howard Taft Henry Ford Wright Brothers George Washington Carver The Jungle The Great White Hope (film) Hakim: book 8, "An Age of Extremes"
24 Industrialization, WWI, and Women's Suffrage 1915 Woodrow Wilson Babe Ruth John D. Rockefeller Ida Tarbell Legends of the Fall Zinn: chapter 11, "Robber Barons and Rebels," and chapter 12, "The Empire and the People"
25 Industrialization, WWI, and Women's Suffrage: The Miracle Worker 1920 Warren G. Harding Margaret Sanger Langston Hughes Helen Keller Iron Jawed Angels Zinn: chapter 13, "The Socialist Challenge"
26 Great Depression 1925 Calvin Coolidge Charles Lindbergh Amelia Earhart Georgia O'Keefe Grapes of Wrath Miller's Crossing (film) Hakim: book 9, "War, Peace, and All that Jazz"
27 Great Depression 1930 Herbert Hoover Albert Einstein Philo Farnsworth Walt Disney Mitchner's Chesapeake: Voyage Twelve
28 Great Depression 1935 Franklin D. Roosevelt Jesse Owens Louis Armstrong Dorothea Lange Grapes of Wrath Zinn: chapter 15, "Self-Help in Hard Times"
29 WWII & Suburbanization 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt Frank Lloyd Wright Marian Anderson J. Robert Oppenheimer Their Eyes Were Watching God Tora, Tora, Tora! Zinn: chapter 16, "A People's War?"
30 WWII & Suburbanization 1945 Harry S. Truman Jackie Robinson Elvis Presley Tennessee Williams Saving Private Ryan
31 WWII & Suburbanization 1950 Harry S. Truman Earl Warren Marilyn Monroe James D. Watson Truman The Bridges at Toko-Ri

US History: 1950-2000

Week Era Year President Book Film Other readings
32 Civil Rights Movement & Space Race 1955 Dwight D. Eisenhower Jonas Salk Rosa Parks César Chávez A Rumor of War The Right Stuff (film) or Forrest Gump (film) Hakim: book 10, "All the People."
33 Civil Rights Movement & Space Race 1960 John F. Kennedy Rachel Carson Alan Shepard Thurgood Marshall Thirteen Days (film) Mitchner's Chesapeake: "Voyage Thirteen."
34 Civil Rights Movement & Space Race 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson MLK Malcolm X Neil Armstrong Malcolm X (film) Zinn: chapter 17, "'Or Does It Explode?'"
35 Vietnam and the Cold War 1970 Richard Nixon Gerald Ford 80px Jimi Hendrix Betty Friedan Gloria Steinem Platoon (film) Zinn: chapter 18, "The Impossible Victory: Vietnam"
36 Vietnam and the Cold War 1975 Jimmy Carter Muhammad Ali Harvey Milk Billie Jean King Milk (film) Zinn: chapter 19, "Surprises"
37 Vietnam and the Cold War 1980 Ronald Reagan Carl Sagan Sandra Day O'Connor Sally Ride Tortilla Curtain And the Band Played On (film) or Do the Right Thing Zinn: chapter 20, "The Seventies: Under Control?"
38 Computer Revolution: (Sam Walton) 1985 Ronald Reagan Oprah Michael Jackson Madonna (entertainer) Boyz N the Hood Zinn: chapter 21, "Carter-Reagan-Bush: The Bipartisan Consensus"
39 Computer Revolution 1990 George H. W. Bush Bill Gates Jerry Yang (entrepreneur) Mia Hamm An Inconvenient Truth or American Beauty (film) Zinn: chapter 22, "The Unreported Resistance"
40 Computer Revolution 1995 Bill Clinton Michael Jordan Madeleine Albright Jeff Bezos Crash (2005 film) or American History X (film) Zinn: chapter 24, "The Clinton Presidency"

US History: 2000s

Week Era Year President Book Film Other readings
41 Terrorism, oil, & U.S. military hegemony 2000 George W. Bush Jennifer Lopez Tiger Woods Serena Williams World Trade Center (film) (first half); United 93 (film) (second half) Zinn: chapter 25, "The 2000 Election and the War On Terrorism"
42 Terrorism, oil, & U.S. military hegemony 2005 George W. Bush Colin Powell Condi Rice Alex Rodriguez W. (film)
43 Terrorism, oil, & U.S. military hegemony 2010 Barack Obama Sonia Sotomayor Stephenie Meyer Nancy Pelosi Syriana

Western Civilization: Ancient Civilizations

Year Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Media
2000s BC Sargon of Akkad Menes, Khufu Ancient Minoans (Clan of the Cave Bear)
1000s BC Hammurabi, Babylonian Empire Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tut, Ramesses II Ancient Minoans Akhenaten (Mahfouz)
800BC Homer Magna Graecia, Founding of Rome Troy
600BC Ashurbanipal, Assyrian Empire; Nebuchadnezzar II, Neo-Babylonian Empire Ashurbanipal of Assyria Aeschylus, Aesop, Pythagoras, Sappho Founding of the Roman Republic; Cincinnatus
400BC Achaemenid Empire: Cyrus the Great, Darius I, Xerxes Pericles, Socrates, Plato, Aristophanes, Democritus, Herodotus, Hippocrates, Sophocles, Thucydides Roman Republic 300
200BC Darius III of the Achaemenid Empire Alexander the Great Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Archimedes, Euclid Punic Wars, rapid growth of the Roman Republic
0 Mithridates I of Parthia, Parthian Empire Cleopatra Julius Caesar & Augustus Julius Caesar & Augustus: Roman Republic turns into Roman Empire; Cicero, Virgil, Ovid; Christ I, Cladius (Graves); Ben-Hur; Rome (HBO)
200AD Ardashir I, Sassanid Empire Diocletian Diocletian Diocletian: height of the Roman Empire Gladiator
400AD Bahram V, Sassanid Empire Constantine I Constantine I Constantine I & the Spread of Christianity; the Fall of the Roman Empire
600AD Mohammad & the Spread of Islam Spread of Christianity The Message (Akkad)

Western Civilization: the Last Thousand Years

Year Era & Media Spain England France Germany Italy Russia
500: "Why/How is most of the Western world Christian?" Fall of the Roman Empire, Spread of Christianity: Hun (Burgess); St. Patrick, the Irish Legend; A Child's History of England (Churchill) Reccared I Saint Patrick Clovis I Attila the Hun Odoacer
750 Viking Age: The Vikings File:Tariq ibn Ziyad.JPG Tariq ibn Ziyad Alfred the Great Charlemagne Charlemagne Charlemagne Rurik
1000 High Middle Ages: El Cid; The War Lord Abd-ar-Rahman II William the Conqueror Peter Abelard Hildegard of Bingen Pope Urban II Vladimir I
1100s Crusades: Kingdom of Heaven; Ivanhoe (Scott); The Lion in Winter El Cid Richard the Lionhearted Philip II of France Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor Giotto di Bondone Yaroslav I the Wise
1200s Late Middle Ages, Mongol invasions: Pillars of the Earth; Braveheart; Here be Dragons Alfonso VIII William Wallace Eleanor of Aquitaine Albertus Magnus Marco Polo File:Monkh statue.JPG Möngke Khan
1300s Black Plague: World Without End; A Knight's Tale; Katherine (novel) Alfonso XI Geoffrey Chaucer Philip IV of France Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor Dante Alighieri Alexander Nevsky
1400s: "Why/How did Europe come to make settlements in the Americas?" Discovery of the Americas: 1492; The Other Boleyn Girl; The Messenger; The Passion of Joan of Arc; Magellan; The Sunne in Splendour Isabella I of Castile Henry VIII Joan of Arc Johannes Gutenberg Christopher Columbus Dmitry Donskoy
1500: "Why is Christianity split into Catholics and Protestants?" Protestant Reformation: Elizabeth; Luther Hernán Cortés Elizabeth I Catherine de' Medici Martin Luther Leonardo da Vinci Ivan III
1550: "Why is the international language English (instead of Spanish)?" Protestant Reformation: Agony & the Ecstasy; Dangerous Beauty Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Shakespeare Louis XIV Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Michelangelo Ivan the Terrible
1600: "Why are most Western countries democratic?" Age of Enlightenment: Cromwell; The Last Valley Diego Velázquez Oliver Cromwell Cardinal Richelieu Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei Michael Romanov
1650: "Why has rationality replaced religion in Western philosophy?" Age of Enlightenment: Don Quixote; Captain Blood; The Girl with a Peal Earring; Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Miguel de Cervantes Blackbeard René Descartes Bach Artemisia Gentileschi Peter the Great
1700: "How did Europe come to colonize the rest of the world?" Industrial Revolution: Barry Lyndon; Tale of Two Cities; Amadeus; Scarlett Empress; Catherine the Great; Four Seasons Lope de Vega Isaac Newton Maximilien Robespierre Mozart Antonio Vivaldi Catherine the Great
1750: "Why are most Western countries capitalist?" Industrial Revolution: Goya's Ghosts; Madness of King George; Marie Antoinette; Immortal Beloved; Cassanova; Symphony No.9; (Yemelyan Pugachev) Francisco Goya Adam Smith Marie Antoinette Beethoven Giacomo Casanova Yekaterina Dashkova
1800: "Why is the international language English (instead of French)?" European Imperialism: Sorcerer's Apprentice; The Barber of Seville Rosalía de Castro Isambard Kingdom Brunel Napoleon Johann von Goethe Gioachino Rossini Leo Tolstoy
1850: "How do we know about evolution?" European Imperialism: Nutcracker; War & Peace; How Green Was My Valley; Great Train Robbery; Waterloo; (Mikhail Glinka), (Karl Briullov) Charles Darwin Alexandre Dumas Karl Marx Giuseppe Garibaldi Alexander Pushkin
1875: "Why haven't there been more plagues lately?" European Imperialism: (Peter Tchaikovsky) Benito Pérez Galdós Queen Victoria Louis Pasteur Otto von Bismark Camillo di Cavour Anna Pavlova

Western Civilization: the Last Hundred Years

Year Era Spain England France Germany Italy Russia
1910s: "What was the Cold War about?" WWI: Paths to Glory (Kubrick); All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque); Wind that Shakes the Barley; Michael Collins; Doctor Zhivago; Reds; Nicholas and Alexandra Antoni Gaudí Michael Collins (Irish leader) Claude Monet Sigmund Freud Maria Montessori Vladimir Lenin
1920s: "When did women get political rights?" Women's suffrage movement: 1812 Overture, (Natalia Goncharova) Pablo Picasso Emmeline Pankhurst Marie Curie Albert Einstein Anna Maria Mozzoni Igor Stravinsky
1930s Fascism & Communism Santiago Ramón y Cajal Alexander Fleming Marcel Proust Anne Frank Guglielmo Marconi Sergey Korolyov
1940s WWII: Battle of Britain (film); Winds of War; Schindler's List (film); Maus; Downfall (film); Mussolini: The Untold Story (film); Stalin (film); Stalingrad (film) Francisco Franco Churchill Charles de Gaulle Adolf Hitler Mussolini Stalin
1950s Cold War Sara Montiel Alan Turing Albert Camus Konrad Adenauer Sophia Loren Nikita Khrushchev
1960s Decolonization Salvador Dalí Francis Crick Édith Piaf Willy Brandt Aldo Moro Yuri Gagarin
1970s Adolfo Suarez John Lennon Charles Aznavour Wernher von Braun Federico Fellini Alla Pugacheva
1980s End of the Cold War Juan Carlos I Margaret Thatcher François Mitterrand Helmut Kohl Giorgio Armani Gorbachev
1990s Growth of the EU Penélope Cruz Princess Diana Zinedine Zidane Steffi Graf Roberto Baggio Boris Yeltsin
2000s Rafael Nadal J. K. Rowling Jacques Chirac Angela Merkel Luciano Pavarotti Vladimir Putin
2010s Rafael Nadal Lakshmi Mittal Bernard Arnault Angela Merkel Luciano Pavarotti Vladimir Putin

World History: Ancient Civilizations

Year Ancient China Ancient India Ancient Mesopotamia & Ancient Iran Ancient Egypt Ancient Rome
2000s BC Sargon of Akkad Menes, Khufu
1000s BC King Wu of Zhou, Zhou Dynasty Indus Valley Civilization; Vedic civilization Hammurabi of Babylonia; Zoroaster Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tut, Ramesses II
800BC Zhou Dynasty Magna Graecia, Founding of Rome
600BC Laozi, Zhou Dynasty Magadha Empire Ashurbanipal, Assyrian Empire; Nebuchadnezzar II, Neo-Babylonian Empire Ashurbanipal of Assyria Founding of the Roman Republic
400BC Confucius, Zhou Dynasty Buddha; Magadha Empire Achaemenid Empire: Cyrus the Great, Darius I, & Xerxes Cincinnatus, Roman Republic
200BC Mencius Ashoka the Great, Maurya Empire Alexander the Great vs Darius III of the Achaemenid Empire Alexander the Great Punic Wars, rapid growth of the Roman Republic
0 Emperor Wu of Han, Han Dynasty Maurya Empire Mithridates I of Parthia, Parthian Empire Cleopatra Caesar & Augustus: Roman Republic turns into Roman Empire
200AD Cai Lun, Han Dynasty Satavahana dynasty Ardashir I, Sassanid Empire Trajan & Diocletian Trajan & Diocletian, Roman Empire
400AD Zu Chongzhi Chandragupta II, Gupta Empire Bahram V, Sassanid Empire Constantine Constantine; Fall of the Roman Empire
600AD Wu Zetian Aryabhata, Gupta Empire Khosrau I, Sassanid Empire Justinian

World History: the Last Thousand Years

Year China India Iran Turkey Egypt Nigeria South Africa Mexico Brazil
500 Wu Zetian Aryabhata Mohammad Mohammad, (Umar), (Ali) Mohammad (Ghana Empire) Maya civilization
1000 Emperor Renzong Raja Raja Chola I Abu Nawas Byzantine Empire Harun al-Rashid (Ghana Empire) Maya civilization
1100s Zhu Xi Rajendra Chola I Omar Khayyam Byzantine Empire Saladin
1200s Ghenghis Khan Ghenghis Khan Rumi Byzantine Empire Baibars Ife Kingdom
1300s Zheng He Amir Khusrow Rashid-al-Din Hamadani Osman I Mamluk Sultanate (Mali Empire) Acamapichtli
1400s Yongle Emperor Timur Timur Mehmed II Mamluk Sultanate (Songhai Empire) Ahuitzotl Pedro Álvares Cabral
1500s: Aztec Wanli Emperor Akbar the Great Ismail I Selim I Selim I (Songhai Empire) Moctezuma II José de Anchieta
1600s: Caribean Kangxi Emperor Nur Jahan Abbas I of Persia Suleiman the Magnificent Suleiman the Magnificent Oyo Empire Jan van Riebeeck Hernán Cortés Zumbi
1700s Qianlong Emperor Robert Clive Nader Shah Patrona Halil Napoleon Usman dan Fodio Shaka Miguel Hidalgo Tiradentes
1800s: (Simón Bolívar) Empress Dowager Cixi Lakshmibai Naser al-Din Shah Abdulhamid II Mehmet Ali Jaja of Opobo Cecil Rhodes Benito Juárez Pedro II of Brazil

World History: the Last Hundred Years

Year Indonesia Japan China India Iran Turkey Egypt Nigeria Mexico Brazil
1910s Empress Dowager Cixi Bhagat Singh Mohammad Ali Shah Abdul Hamid II Saad Zaghlul Frederick Lugard Emiliano Zapata Machado de Assis
1920s: Attaturk & the End of the Ottoman Empire Sun Yat-sen Ambedkar Reza Shah Mustafa Kemal Hoda Shaarawi Herbert Macaulay Louis Botha Pancho Villa Alberto Santos-Dumont
1930s: Chinese civil war, Indian independence movement Lu Xun Gandhi Sabiha Gökçen Hassan al-Banna (Yoruba people) Jan Smuts Diego Rivera Getúlio Vargas
1940s: WWII, Chinese revolution, Indian independence Chiang Kai-shek Jawaharlal Nehru Mohammad Reza Pahlavi İsmet İnönü Naguib Mahfouz (Igbo people) Hendrik Verwoerd Frida Kahlo Heitor Villa-Lobos
1950s: The Cold War, Partition of India Mao Naushad Mohammad Mosaddeq Adnan Menderes Nasser Chinua Achebe Steve Biko Octavio Paz João Gilberto
1960s Jiang Qing Indira Gandhi Googoosh Leyla Gencer Umm Kulthum Nnamdi Azikiwe Christiaan Barnard Carlos Fuentes Candido Portinari
1970s Deng Xiaoping Lata Mangeshkar Hayedeh Bülent Ecevit Anwar Sadat Fela Kuti Desmond Tutu Carlos Santana Roberto Carlos (singer)
1980s: Iran's Islamic Revolution; Whale Rider; A Thousand Spendid Suns; Beast of War; Afghan Breakdown; 9th Company; Yacoubian Building; Cry Freedom; Invictus; Innocent Voices; Salvador; Under Fire Andy Lau Indira Gandhi Khomeini Kenan Evren Adel Emam Wole Soyinka Brenda Fassie Santo Pele
1990s: Kite Runner; Paradise Now; We Wish to Inform You; Hotel Rwanda; Maria Full of Grace; Y Tu Mama Tambien Jiang Zemin Shahrukh Khan File:Ali Khamenei,.jpg Khamenei Tarkan File:Amrbw.jpg Amr Diab Hakeem Olajuwon Nelson Mandela Carlos Slim Paulo Coelho
2000s: Monsoon Wedding; English, August; Slumdog Millionaire; House of Saddam; Syriana; Blood Diamond; City of God; Sin Nombre Hu Jintao Sachin Tendulkar Shirin Ebadi Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Hosni Mubarak Olusegun Obasanjo Brenda Fassie Enrique Iglesias Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
2010s: Lata Mangeshkar, Eike Batista, Mukesh Ambani Zhang Yimou A. R. Rahman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Mohamed ElBaradei Goodluck Jonathan Jacob Zuma Felipe Calderón Dilma Rousseff

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