Knowledge (XXG)

List of plant family names with etymologies

Source πŸ“

Painting of a bed of irises
Irises, by Vincent van Gogh. The iris (from Greek for "rainbow") is in the family Iridaceae.

Since the first edition of Carl Linnaeus's Species Plantarum in 1753, plants have been assigned one epithet or name for their species and one name for their genus, a grouping of related species. Related genera are in turn grouped into families. Each family's formal name ends in the Latin suffix -aceae and is derived from the name of a genus that is or once was part of the family.

The table below contains seed-bearing families from Plants of the World by Maarten J. M. Christenhusz (lead author), Michael F. Fay and Mark W. Chase, with two updated families from Plants of the World Online. The second column gives the family's original type genus, unless that name is no longer accepted in taxonomic databases. The fourth column gives an associated meaning, derivation or person.


LG: derived from a Greek word (G), a Latin word (L), another language (–), or a personal name (P)
Ba: listed in Ross Bayton's The Gardener's Botanical
Bu: listed in Lotte Burkhardt's Index of Eponymic Plant Names
CS: listed in both Allen Coombes's The A to Z of Plant Names and William T. Stearn's Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners
Gl: listed in David Gledhill's The Names of Plants
Qu: listed in Umberto Quattrocchi's four-volume CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names
St: listed in Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners
Linked numerical citations in the last column refer to Plants of the World.

Except for Plants of the World, these books list genera alphabetically. "Latin plant name" or "Greek plant name" in the fourth column means that the name appears in Classical Latin or Greek or both for some plant, not necessarily the plant listed here.


leaf and tendril
peeling bark
fruit and foliage
flowers and foliage
Geranium fruit←
male flowers
Lecythis fruit←
Menispermum seeds←
plant illustration
Illustration of Orchis←
Pera fruit←
tangled stalks
plant illustration
Rubia illustration←
fruit pods
Open pods of Stegnosperma←
flowers and foliage
Family Original type genus LG Associated meaning, derivation or person Order Refs
Acanthaceae Acanthus G thorns Lamiales CS
Achariaceae Acharia P Erik Acharius (1757–1819) Malpighiales Bu
Achatocarpaceae Achatocarpus G agate fruit Caryophyllales
Acoraceae Acorus L Latin plant name Acorales CS
Actinidiaceae Actinidia G radiating out from the center (the styles) Ericales CS
Aextoxicaceae Aextoxicon G goat poison Berberidopsidales
Aizoaceae Aizoon G always living (in a variety of habitats) Caryophyllales Gl
Akaniaceae Akania G bractless, possibly Brassicales
Alismataceae Alisma G Greek plant name Alismatales CS
Alseuosmiaceae Alseuosmia G grove fragrance Asterales St
Alstroemeriaceae Alstroemeria P Clas AlstrΓΆmer (1736–1794) Liliales
Altingiaceae β€” P Willem Arnold Alting (1724–1800), colonial administrator Saxifragales Bu
Alzateaceae Alzatea P JosΓ© Antonio de Alzate y RamΓ­rez (d. 1795), cartographer Myrtales
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus G unfading Caryophyllales CS
Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis G Amaryllis, a Greek shepherdess from classical poetry Asparagales CS
Amborellaceae Amborella – Malagasy plant name Amborellales
Anacampserotaceae Anacampseros G Greek plant name Caryophyllales St
Anacardiaceae Anacardium G Greek plant name Sapindales St
Ancistrocladaceae Ancistrocladus G fish-hooked branches Caryophyllales
Anisophylleaceae Anisophyllea G unequal leaves Cucurbitales
Annonaceae Annona – TaΓ­no plant name Magnoliales St
Aphanopetalaceae Aphanopetalum G inconspicuous petals Saxifragales Gl
Aphloiaceae Aphloia G unbarked Crossosomatales
Apiaceae Apium L Latin plant name Apiales CS
Apocynaceae Apocynum G Greek plant name Gentianales St
Apodanthaceae Apodanthes G stalkless flowers Cucurbitales Qu
Aponogetonaceae Aponogeton L near (hot springs at) Aponus (now Abano Terme) Alismatales St
Aquifoliaceae β€” L Latin plant name Aquifoliales
Araceae Arum L Greek and Latin plant name Alismatales CS
Araliaceae Aralia – French-Canadian plant name Apiales CS
Araucariaceae Araucaria – Araucanos (now Mapuche) Pinales CS
Arecaceae Areca – Malabar plant name Arecales St
Argophyllaceae Argophyllum G silver leaves Asterales
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia G best childbirth (for which some species used to be prescribed) Piperales CS
Asparagaceae Asparagus L Latin plant name Asparagales CS
Asphodelaceae Asphodeline G like Asphodelus Asparagales CS
Asteliaceae Astelia G trunkless Asparagales Ba
Asteraceae Aster L star Asterales CS
Asteropeiaceae Asteropeia G Asteropeia, daughter of the mythological king Pelias Caryophyllales Bu
Atherospermataceae Atherosperma G awned seeds, or a reference to the fruit Laurales St
Austrobaileyaceae Austrobaileya P Frederick Manson Bailey (1827–1915) and Irving Widmer Bailey (1884–1967) Austrobaileyales
Balanopaceae Balanops G acorn-like Malpighiales
Balanophoraceae Balanophora G acorn-bearing (the shape of the male flower heads) Santalales
Balsaminaceae β€” G Greek plant name Ericales Gl
Barbeuiaceae Barbeuia P Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg (1709–1779) Caryophyllales
Barbeyaceae Barbeya P William Barbey (1842–1914) Rosales
Basellaceae Basella – Malabar plant name Caryophyllales St
Bataceae Batis G walking Brassicales
Begoniaceae Begonia P Michel BΓ©gon (1638–1710), government official and plant collector Cucurbitales
Berberidaceae Berberis – Arabic plant name Ranunculales CS
Berberidopsidaceae Berberidopsis – like Berberis Berberidopsidales CS
Betulaceae Betula L Latin plant name Fagales CS
Biebersteiniaceae Biebersteinia P Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein (1768–1826) Sapindales
Bignoniaceae Bignonia P Jean-Paul Bignon (1662–1743), statesman and royal librarian Lamiales
Bixaceae Bixa – Carib plant name Malvales St
Blandfordiaceae Blandfordia P George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of Marlborough (1766–1840) Asparagales
Bonnetiaceae Bonnetia P Charles Bonnet (1720–1793) Malpighiales
Boraginaceae Borago L hairy clothes, possibly (the leaves) Boraginales CS
Boryaceae Borya P Jean Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent (1778–1846) Asparagales Bu
Brassicaceae Brassica L Latin plant name Brassicales CS
Bromeliaceae Bromelia P Olof Bromelius (1639–1705), Swedish doctor and botanist Poales
Brunelliaceae Brunellia P Gabriele Brunelli (1728–1797), Italian clergyman and botanist Oxalidales
Bruniaceae Brunia P Alexander Brown (fl. 1692–1698), English doctor and plant collector Bruniales Qu
Burmanniaceae Burmannia P Johannes Burman (1707–1780) Dioscoreales
Burseraceae Bursera P Joachim Burser (1583–1639) Sapindales
Butomaceae Butomus G ox-wounding (the inedible leaves harm cattle) Alismatales CS
Buxaceae Buxus L Greek and Latin plant name Buxales CS
Byblidaceae Byblis G Byblis, a mythological character Lamiales Bu
Cabombaceae Cabomba – Guianese plant name Nymphaeales St
Cactaceae β€” G Greek plant name Caryophyllales
Calceolariaceae Calceolaria G slipper (the flowers) Lamiales CS
Calophyllaceae Calophyllum G beautiful leaves Malpighiales St
Calycanthaceae Calycanthus G calyx flower (the sepals are like the petals) Laurales CS
Calyceraceae Calycera G calyx horn Asterales
Campanulaceae Campanula L little bell (the flowers) Asterales CS
Campynemataceae Campynema G bent thread Liliales
Canellaceae Canella G little Canna Canellales St
Cannabaceae Cannabis L Greek and Latin plant name Rosales St
Cannaceae Canna G Greek plant name Zingiberales CS
Capparaceae Capparis G Greek plant name Brassicales St
Caprifoliaceae β€” L goat leaves Dipsacales
Cardiopteridaceae Cardiopteris G heart wing or fern (the fruit) Aquifoliales Qu
Caricaceae Carica L Latin plant name Brassicales St
Carlemanniaceae Carlemannia P Charles Morgan Lemann (1806–1852) Lamiales Bu
Caryocaraceae Caryocar G nut heart Malpighiales
Caryophyllaceae β€” G clove Caryophyllales
Casuarinaceae Casuarina – from a Malaysian word for cassowary Fagales St
Celastraceae Celastrus G Greek plant name Celastrales CS
Centroplacaceae Centroplacus G spurred and flat (the styles) Malpighiales Qu
Cephalotaceae Cephalotus G head-like Oxalidales Gl
Ceratophyllaceae Ceratophyllum G horned (antler-shaped) leaves Ceratophyllales CS
Cercidiphyllaceae Cercidiphyllum G with leaves like Cercis siliquastrum Saxifragales CS
Chloranthaceae Chloranthus G green flowers Chloranthales Ba
Chrysobalanaceae Chrysobalanus G gold acorns Malpighiales St
Circaeasteraceae Circaeaster G Circe, a mythological witch Ranunculales Bu
Cistaceae Cistus L Greek and Latin plant name Malvales CS
Cleomaceae Cleome G brilliance Brassicales St
Clethraceae Clethra G Greek plant name Ericales CS
Clusiaceae Clusia P Carolus Clusius (1526–1609) Malpighiales Bu
Colchicaceae Colchicum G Colchis Liliales CS
Columelliaceae Columellia P Columella (1st century) Bruniales Bu
Combretaceae Combretum L Latin plant name Myrtales St
Commelinaceae Commelina P Jan (1629–1692) and Caspar Commelijn (1667–1734) Commelinales CS
Connaraceae Connarus G Greek plant name Oxalidales
Convolvulaceae Convolvulus L twining Solanales CS
Coriariaceae Coriaria L leather (for tanning) Cucurbitales CS
Cornaceae Cornus L Latin plant name Cornales CS
Corsiaceae Corsia P Bardo Corsi Salviati (1844–1907), Italian nobleman Liliales Bu
Corynocarpaceae Corynocarpus G club fruit Cucurbitales St
Costaceae Costus L Latin plant name Zingiberales St
Crassulaceae Crassula L little thick (the leaves) Saxifragales CS
Crossosomataceae Crossosoma G fringed body (the seeds) Crossosomatales
Crypteroniaceae Crypteronia G hidden love (the small flowers) Myrtales
Ctenolophonaceae Ctenolophon G comb hills Malpighiales
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita L Latin plant name Cucurbitales CS
Cunoniaceae Cunonia P Johann Christian Cuno (b. 1708) Oxalidales Bu
Cupressaceae Cupressus L Greek and Latin plant name Pinales CS
Curtisiaceae Curtisia P William Curtis (1746–1799) Cornales Bu
Cycadaceae Cycas G Greek plant name Cycadales CS
Cyclanthaceae Cyclanthus G circle of flowers Pandanales St
Cymodoceaceae Cymodocea G Cymodoce, a sea nymph Alismatales Bu
Cynomoriaceae Cynomorium G dog penis Saxifragales
Cyperaceae Cyperus G Greek plant name Poales CS
Cyrillaceae Cyrilla P Domenico Cirillo (1739–1799) Ericales St
Cytinaceae Cytinus G part of a pomegranate Malvales
Daphniphyllaceae Daphniphyllum G leaves like Daphne Saxifragales CS
Dasypogonaceae Dasypogon G hairy beard Arecales
Datiscaceae Datisca L Greek and Latin plant name Cucurbitales CS
Degeneriaceae Degeneria P Otto Degener (1899–1988) Magnoliales Bu
Diapensiaceae Diapensia G Greek plant name Ericales St
Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum G two-part petals Malpighiales
Didiereaceae Didierea P Alfred Grandidier (1836–1921) Caryophyllales Ba
Dilleniaceae Dillenia P Johann Jacob Dillenius (1684–1747) Dilleniales
Dioncophyllaceae Dioncophyllum G two-hooked leaves Caryophyllales
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea P Pedanius Dioscorides (c. 40 – c. 90) Dioscoreales
Dipentodontaceae Dipentodon G two groups of five teeth (on the sepals and petals) Huerteales
Dipterocarpaceae Dipterocarpus G two-winged fruit Malvales
Dirachmaceae Dirachma – Socotran name, possibly Rosales
Doryanthaceae Doryanthes G spear of flowers Asparagales St
Droseraceae Drosera G dew (the secretions) Caryophyllales St
Drosophyllaceae Drosophyllum G dewy leaves Caryophyllales
Ebenaceae β€” G Greek plant name Ericales
Ecdeiocoleaceae Ecdeiocolea G binding sheath (the scaly leaves) Poales
Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus G Greek plant name Rosales CS
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus G olive (oil) fruit Oxalidales St
Elatinaceae Elatine L Greek and Latin plant name Malpighiales St
Emblingiaceae Emblingia P Thomas Embling (1814–1893), doctor Brassicales Qu
Ephedraceae Ephedra L Greek and Latin plant name Ephedrales St
Ericaceae Erica L Greek and Latin plant name Ericales CS
Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon G woolly stem Poales
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum G red wood Malpighiales St
Escalloniaceae Escallonia P Antonio JosΓ© EscallΓ³n y FlΓ³rez (1739–1819), Spanish official and plant-hunter in South America Escalloniales
Eucommiaceae Eucommia G good gum Garryales St
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia L Greek and Latin plant name Malpighiales CS
Euphroniaceae Euphronia P Euphronis, ancient writer on cultivation Malpighiales Bu
Eupomatiaceae Eupomatia G well-capped Magnoliales
Eupteleaceae Euptelea G good elm Ranunculales St
Fabaceae β€” L Latin plant name Fabales
Fagaceae Fagus L Latin plant name Fagales CS
Flagellariaceae Flagellaria G whip-like (tendrils) Poales
Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria P Pierre Fouquier (1776–1850), doctor Ericales
Francoaceae Francoa P Francisco Franco (c. 1515 – c. 1569), Spanish doctor Geraniales
Frankeniaceae Frankenia P Johann Francke (1590–1661), Swedish botanist Caryophyllales
Garryaceae Garrya P Nicholas Garry (c. 1782 – 1856), merchant and trader Garryales
Geissolomataceae Geissoloma G tiled fringe (the petals) Crossosomatales Qu
Gelsemiaceae Gelsemium – Italian plant name Gentianales CS
Gentianaceae Gentiana P Gentius (d. 168 BC), king Gentianales
Geraniaceae Geranium L crane (the fruit). Greek and Latin name. Geraniales CS
Gerrardinaceae Gerrardina P William Tyrer Gerrard (c. 1831 – 1866) Huerteales Qu
Gesneriaceae Gesneria P Conrad Gessner (1516–1565) Lamiales St
Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo – Chinese and Japanese plant name Ginkgoales CS
Gisekiaceae Gisekia P Paul Dietrich Giseke (1741–1796) Caryophyllales Qu
Gnetaceae Gnetum – Maluku or Malay plant name Gnetales
Gomortegaceae Gomortega P Casimiro GΓ³mez Ortega (1741–1818) Laurales Bu
Goodeniaceae Goodenia P Samuel Goodenough (1743–1827) Asterales
Goupiaceae Goupia – Ndyuka plant name Malpighiales
Griseliniaceae Griselinia P Francesco Griselini (1717–1783), Italian botanist Apiales
Grossulariaceae β€” L Latin plant name Saxifragales
Grubbiaceae Grubbia P Michael Grubb (1728–1808), Swedish botanist, plant collector and mineralogist Cornales Qu
Guamatelaceae Guamatela – anagram of Guatemala Crossosomatales
Gunneraceae Gunnera P Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718–1773) Gunnerales
Gyrostemonaceae Gyrostemon G round stamens Brassicales
Haemodoraceae Haemodorum G blood gift Commelinales
Halophytaceae Halophytum G salt plant Caryophyllales
Haloragaceae Haloragis G salt berries Saxifragales
Hamamelidaceae Hamamelis G Greek plant name Saxifragales CS
Hanguanaceae Hanguana – Indonesian plant name Commelinales
Heliconiaceae Heliconia L Latin name, from Mount Helicon Zingiberales St
Helwingiaceae Helwingia P Georg Andreas Helwing (1666–1748) Aquifoliales
Hernandiaceae Hernandia P Francisco HernΓ‘ndez de Toledo (1514–1587) Laurales Qu
Himantandraceae β€” G strap-like male parts Magnoliales
Huaceae Hua P Henri Hua (1861–1919), French botanist Oxalidales Bu
Humiriaceae Humiria – Carib plant name Malpighiales
Hydatellaceae β€” G little water (plant) Nymphaeales
Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea G water container (the cup-shaped capsules) Cornales CS
Hydrocharitaceae Hydrocharis G water grace Alismatales St
Hydroleaceae Hydrolea G water olive Solanales St
Hydrostachyaceae Hydrostachys G water spike Cornales
Hypericaceae Hypericum G Greek plant name Malpighiales
Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis G Greek plant name Asparagales St
Icacinaceae Icacina – Arawak name, originally Icacinales
Iridaceae Iris G rainbow (the flowers) Asparagales CS
Irvingiaceae Irvingia P Edward Irving (1816–1855) Malpighiales Qu
Iteaceae Itea G Greek plant name Saxifragales CS
Ixioliriaceae Ixiolirion G Ixia + lily Asparagales St
Ixonanthaceae Ixonanthes G sticky flowers Malpighiales Gl
Joinvilleaceae Joinvillea P FranΓ§ois d'OrlΓ©ans, Prince of Joinville (1818–1900) Poales Bu
Juglandaceae Juglans L Latin plant name Fagales CS
Juncaceae Juncus L binding. Latin name. Poales CS
Juncaginaceae β€” L Latin plant name Alismatales
Kewaceae Kewa – Kew, London, England Caryophyllales
Kirkiaceae Kirkia P John Kirk (1832–1922) Sapindales Bu
Koeberliniaceae Koeberlinia P Christoph Ludwig KΓΆberlin (1794–1862), German botanist and clergyman Brassicales Bu
Krameriaceae Krameria P Wilhelm Heinrich Kramer (1724–1765) Zygophyllales
Lacistemataceae Lacistema L torn + Greek: stamens Malpighiales
Lamiaceae Lamium L Latin name: open mouth (the flowers) Lamiales CS
Lanariaceae Lanaria G woolly Asparagales
Lardizabalaceae Lardizabala P Manuel de LardizΓ‘bal y Uribe (1744–1824), politician Ranunculales
Lauraceae Laurus L Latin plant name Laurales CS
Lecythidaceae Lecythis G oil pot (the shape of the fruit) Ericales
Lentibulariaceae β€” G lentil-shaped bladders, probably Lamiales
Lepidobotryaceae Lepidobotrys G scale clusters Celastrales
Liliaceae Lilium L Latin plant name Liliales CS
Limeaceae Limeum L path (some habitats) Caryophyllales
Limnanthaceae Limnanthes G marsh flowers Brassicales St
Linaceae Linum L Latin plant name Malpighiales CS
Linderniaceae Lindernia P Franz Balthasar von Lindern (1682–1755), French doctor and botanist Lamiales Bu
Loasaceae Loasa – probably a South American plant name Cornales St
Loganiaceae Logania P James Logan (1674–1751) Gentianales
Lophiocarpaceae Lophiocarpus G small-crested fruit Caryophyllales
Lophopyxidaceae Lophopyxis G crested box (the fruit) Malpighiales
Loranthaceae Loranthus L strap + Greek: flowers Santalales
Lowiaceae Lowia P Hugh Lowe (1824–1905), English colonial administrator and naturalist Zingiberales Bu
Lythraceae Lythrum G bloody (the flowers) Myrtales CS
Macarthuriaceae Macarthuria P William Macarthur (1800–1882) Caryophyllales Qu
Magnoliaceae Magnolia P Pierre Magnol (1638–1715) Magnoliales
Malpighiaceae Malpighia P Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694) Malpighiales
Malvaceae Malva L Latin plant name Malvales CS
Marantaceae Maranta P Bartolomeo Maranta (1500–1571) Zingiberales
Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia P Georg Marcgrave (1610–1644) Ericales Qu
Martyniaceae Martynia P John Martyn (1699–1768) Lamiales
Maundiaceae Maundia P John Maund (1823–1858), English-born Australian doctor and chemist Alismatales Bu
Mayacaceae Mayaca – French Guianese plant name Poales St
Mazaceae Mazus G teat, for swellings on the lower lip of the flowers Lamiales CS
Melanthiaceae Melanthium G dark flowers Liliales St
Melastomataceae Melastoma G black mouth (the berries stain the mouth when eaten) Myrtales St
Meliaceae Melia G Greek plant name Sapindales CS
Menispermaceae Menispermum G moon seeds Ranunculales St
Menyanthaceae Menyanthes G Greek name: small flowers or moon flowers Asterales CS
Metteniusaceae Metteniusa P Georg Heinrich Mettenius (1823–1866) Metteniusales Bu
Microteaceae Microtea G smallness, probably Caryophyllales
Misodendraceae Misodendrum G hating trees Santalales
Mitrastemonaceae Mitrastemon G miter + stamens Ericales
Molluginaceae Mollugo G soft Caryophyllales
Monimiaceae Monimia P Monime (d. 71 BC), a queen of Pontus Laurales Bu
Montiaceae Montia P Giuseppe Monti (1682–1760) Caryophyllales
Montiniaceae Montinia P Lars Jonasson Montin (1723–1785), Swedish botanist and doctor Solanales Bu
Moraceae Morus L Greek and Latin plant name Rosales CS
Moringaceae Moringa – Latinised Tamil plant name Brassicales St
Muntingiaceae Muntingia P Abraham Munting (1626–1683) Malvales Bu
Musaceae Musa – Latinised Arabic plant name Zingiberales St
Myodocarpaceae Myodocarpus G mouse (-eared) fruit Apiales
Myricaceae Myrica L Greek and Latin plant name Fagales CS
Myristicaceae Myristica G fragrant ointment Magnoliales St
Myrothamnaceae Myrothamnus G perfume bush Gunnerales
Myrtaceae Myrtus L Greek and Latin plant name Myrtales CS
Nartheciaceae Narthecium G Greek plant name Dioscoreales St
Nelumbonaceae Nelumbo – Sinhalese plant name Proteales St
Nepenthaceae Nepenthes G antidepressant Caryophyllales St
Neuradaceae Neurada L Greek and Latin plant name Malvales Qu
Nitrariaceae Nitraria G niter (found in the habitat) Sapindales
Nothofagaceae Nothofagus L false Fagus Fagales CS
Nyctaginaceae β€” G night (flowering) Caryophyllales
Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea G water nymphs Nymphaeales CS
Nyssaceae Nyssa G Nysa, a water nymph Cornales CS
Ochnaceae Ochna G Greek plant name Malpighiales St
Olacaceae Olax L scented (wood) Santalales
Oleaceae Olea L Latin plant name Lamiales CS
Onagraceae β€” G onager (fodder) Myrtales
Oncothecaceae Oncotheca G bulky box (the anthers) Icacinales Qu
Opiliaceae Opilia – (unknown) Santalales
Orchidaceae Orchis G testicle (the root tubers) Asparagales St
Orobanchaceae Orobanche L Greek and Latin plant name Lamiales St
Oxalidaceae Oxalis L Greek and Latin plant name Oxalidales CS
Paeoniaceae Paeonia L Greek and Latin plant name Saxifragales CS
Pandaceae Panda P Paul Panda Farnana (1888–1930) Malpighiales
Pandanaceae Pandanus – Malay plant name Pandanales St
Papaveraceae Papaver L Latin plant name Ranunculales CS
Paracryphiaceae Paracryphia G almost hidden Paracryphiales Qu
Passifloraceae Passiflora L Latin: passion flowers Malpighiales CS
Paulowniaceae Paulownia P Anna Pavlovna of Russia (1795–1865) Lamiales
Pedaliaceae Pedalium G rudder Lamiales
Penaeaceae Penaea P Pierre Pena (1535–1605), French doctor and botanist Myrtales Bu
Pennantiaceae Pennantia P Thomas Pennant (1726–1798) Apiales Bu
Pentadiplandraceae Pentadiplandra G five double male parts (the ten stamens, usually) Brassicales
Pentaphragmataceae Pentaphragma G five fences (around the ovaries) Asterales Qu
Pentaphylacaceae Pentaphylax G five guardians (the stamens) Ericales Qu
Penthoraceae Penthorum G five (sections per fruit) Saxifragales
Peraceae Pera G pouch (the fruits) Malpighiales
Peridiscaceae Peridiscus G around the disk (the stamens) Saxifragales Qu
Petenaeaceae Petenaea – Lake PetΓ©n ItzΓ‘ Huerteales
Petermanniaceae Petermannia P August Heinrich Petermann (1822–1878), cartographer Liliales Bu
Petiveriaceae Petiveria P James Petiver (c. 1660 – 1718) Caryophyllales
Petrosaviaceae Petrosavia P Pietro Savi (1811–1871), Italian professor of botany Petrosaviales Bu
Phellinaceae Phelline G corky (the fruits and seeds) Asterales Qu
Philesiaceae Philesia G loving Liliales St
Philydraceae Philydrum G friend of water Commelinales
Phrymaceae Phryma G toad, possibly Lamiales
Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus G leaf-flowers (the source of some flowers) Malpighiales St
Phyllonomaceae Phyllonoma G leaf meadow (the flowers sprouting from the leaves) Aquifoliales Qu
Physenaceae Physena G inflated (the fruit) Caryophyllales Qu
Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca G plant lac Caryophyllales CS
Picramniaceae Picramnia G bitter bush Picramniales
Picrodendraceae Picrodendron G bitter tree Malpighiales
Pinaceae Pinus L Latin plant name Pinales CS
Piperaceae Piper L Latin name, from Sanskrit and Greek names Piperales St
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum G tar seeds Apiales CS
Plantaginaceae Plantago L Latin plant name Lamiales CS
Platanaceae Platanus L Greek and Latin plant name Proteales CS
Plocospermataceae Plocosperma G tufted seeds Lamiales
Plumbaginaceae Plumbago L Latin plant name Caryophyllales CS
Poaceae Poa G Greek plant name Poales CS
Podocarpaceae Podocarpus G stalked fruit Pinales CS
Podostemaceae Podostemum G foot stamens Malpighiales Gl
Polemoniaceae Polemonium L Greek and Latin plant name Ericales CS
Polygalaceae Polygala L Greek and Latin plant name Fabales CS
Polygonaceae Polygonum L Greek and Latin plant name Caryophyllales St
Pontederiaceae Pontederia P Giulio Pontedera (1688–1757) Commelinales
Portulacaceae Portulaca L Latin plant name Caryophyllales St
Posidoniaceae Posidonia G Poseidon, a god Alismatales Bu
Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton L Greek and Latin plant name Alismatales St
Primulaceae Primula L Medieval Latin plant name Ericales CS
Proteaceae Protea G Proteus of mythology Proteales St
Putranjivaceae Putranjiva – Sanskrit plant name Malpighiales
Quillajaceae Quillaja – Chilean plant name Fabales St
Rafflesiaceae Rafflesia P Stamford Raffles (1781–1826) Malpighiales
Ranunculaceae Ranunculus L Latin: little frog (some species are aquatic) Ranunculales CS
Rapateaceae Rapatea – French Guianese name, probably Poales
Resedaceae Reseda L Latin plant name Brassicales St
Restionaceae Restio L rope-maker Poales Ba
Rhabdodendraceae Rhabdodendron G rod tree Caryophyllales
Rhamnaceae Rhamnus L Greek and Latin plant name Rosales CS
Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora G root-bearing Malpighiales
Ripogonaceae Ripogonum G wicker knees (the many joints on the tangled stalks) Liliales St
Roridulaceae Roridula G dewy (leaves) Ericales Gl
Rosaceae Rosa L Latin plant name Rosales CS
Rousseaceae Roussea P Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), Enlightenment philosopher Asterales Bu
Rubiaceae Rubia L red (the roots, used in dyeing) Gentianales St
Ruppiaceae Ruppia P Heinrich Bernhard Ruppius (1688–1719) Alismatales Qu
Rutaceae Ruta L Latin plant name Sapindales CS
Sabiaceae Sabia – Hindi plant name Proteales
Salicaceae Salix L Latin plant name Malpighiales CS
Salvadoraceae Salvadora P Jaime Salvador y Pedrol (1649–1740), Spanish apothecary Brassicales Bu
Santalaceae Santalum L Greek and Latin plant name Santalales St
Sapindaceae Sapindus L soap of India Sapindales St
Sapotaceae β€” – Nahuatl plant name Ericales
Sarcobataceae Sarcobatus G fleshy thorn bush Caryophyllales Gl
Sarcolaenaceae Sarcolaena G flesh cloak Malvales
Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia P Michel Sarrazin (1659–1736) Ericales
Saururaceae Saururus G lizard tail Piperales St
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga L stone-breaking Saxifragales CS
Scheuchzeriaceae Scheuchzeria P Johann Gaspar Scheuchzer (1684–1738) and his brother Johann Jacob Scheuchzer (1672–1733) Alismatales Bu
Schisandraceae Schisandra G divided male parts (the anthers) Austrobaileyales CS
Schlegeliaceae Schlegelia P Hermann Schlegel (1804–1884) Lamiales Bu
Schoepfiaceae Schoepfia P Johann David Schoepff (1752–1800) Santalales Bu
Sciadopityaceae Sciadopitys G umbel or parasol + pine or fir (the leaves) Pinales CS
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia L (supposed cure for) scrofula Lamiales St
Setchellanthaceae Setchellanthus P William Albert Setchell (1864–1943) Brassicales Bu
Simaroubaceae Simarouba – Carib plant name Sapindales
Simmondsiaceae Simmondsia P Thomas William Simmonds (1767–1804), English doctor and naturalist Caryophyllales Ba
Siparunaceae Siparuna – French Guianese plant name Laurales
Sladeniaceae Sladenia P Edward Bosc Sladen (1827–1890), army officer Ericales Bu
Smilacaceae Smilax L Greek and Latin plant name Liliales CS
Solanaceae Solanum L Latin plant name Solanales CS
Sphaerosepalaceae β€” G spherical sepals Malvales
Sphenocleaceae Sphenoclea G closed wedge (the fruit capsules) Solanales
Stachyuraceae Stachyurus G spike tail (the inflorescences) Crossosomatales CS
Staphyleaceae Staphylea G clusters (of flowers) Crossosomatales CS
Stegnospermataceae Stegnosperma G seeds covered (by arilla) Caryophyllales
Stemonaceae Stemona G stamens Pandanales
Stemonuraceae Stemonurus G stamen tail Aquifoliales
Stilbaceae Stilbe G shining Lamiales
Strasburgeriaceae Strasburgeria P Eduard Strasburger (1844–1912) Crossosomatales Bu
Strelitziaceae Strelitzia P Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744–1818) Zingiberales
Stylidiaceae Stylidium G little pillar (the style and stamens form a column) Asterales St
Styracaceae Styrax L Greek and Latin name, from an Arabic plant name Ericales CS
Surianaceae Suriana P Joseph Donat Surian (1650–1691), French doctor, chemist and botanist Fabales Bu
Symplocaceae Symplocos G combination (the unified stamens) Ericales St
Talinaceae Talinum – (unclear) Caryophyllales Ba
Tamaricaceae Tamarix L Latin plant name Caryophyllales CS
Tapisciaceae Tapiscia – anagram of Pistacia Huerteales
Taxaceae Taxus L Latin plant name Pinales CS
Tecophilaeaceae Tecophilaea P Tecophila Billotti (1802 or 1803 – 1885 or 1886), Italian botanical artist Asparagales
Tetracarpaeaceae Tetracarpaea G four-fruited Saxifragales
Tetrachondraceae Tetrachondra G four-cartilaged Lamiales Qu
Tetramelaceae Tetrameles G four parts (the sepals) Cucurbitales
Tetrameristaceae Tetramerista G four-part (flowers) Ericales
Theaceae β€” – Chinese plant name Ericales
Thomandersiaceae Thomandersia P Thomas Anderson (1832–1870) Lamiales Bu
Thurniaceae Thurnia P Everard im Thurn (1852–1932) Poales Bu
Thymelaeaceae Thymelaea G poison olive Malvales
Ticodendraceae Ticodendron G Tico tree Fagales
Tofieldiaceae Tofieldia P Thomas Tofield (1730–1779), English hydrological engineer and botanist Alismatales Bu
Torricelliaceae Torricellia P Evangelista Torricelli (1608–1647), physicist and mathematician Apiales Bu
Tovariaceae Tovaria P SimΓ³n de Tovar, Spanish doctor and botanist Brassicales Bu
Trigoniaceae Trigonia G triangular (the fruit) Malpighiales
Trimeniaceae Trimenia P Henry Trimen (1843–1896) Austrobaileyales Bu
Triuridaceae Triuris G three tails Pandanales
Trochodendraceae Trochodendron G wheel (of stamens) + tree Trochodendrales CS
Tropaeolaceae Tropaeolum G trophy Brassicales CS
Typhaceae Typha L Greek and Latin plant name Poales CS
Ulmaceae Ulmus L Latin plant name Rosales CS
Urticaceae Urtica L Latin plant name Rosales St
Vahliaceae Vahlia P Martin Vahl (1749–1804) Vahliales Qu
Velloziaceae Vellozia P Joaquim Velloso de Miranda (1733–1815), Brazilian clergyman and plant collector Pandanales Bu
Verbenaceae Verbena L ceremonial plant Lamiales CS
Viburnaceae Viburnum L Latin name. Previously Adoxaceae. Dipsacales CS
Violaceae Viola L Latin plant name Malpighiales CS
Vitaceae Vitis L Latin plant name Vitales CS
Vochysiaceae Vochysia – Carib plant name Myrtales
Welwitschiaceae Welwitschia P Friedrich Welwitsch (1806–1872) Welwitschiales
Winteraceae Wintera P John Winter (16th century), ship captain Canellales Bu
Xeronemataceae Xeronema G dry thread Asparagales
Xyridaceae Xyris G razor (the leaves) Poales
Zamiaceae Zamia L from a Latin plant name Cycadales CS
Zingiberaceae Zingiber L Greek and Latin name, from a Sanskrit plant name Zingiberales St
Zosteraceae Zostera G belt Alismatales
Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum G yoked leaves Zygophyllales

See also


  1. Calceolariaceae and Viburnaceae
  2. The arrows provide a link to the table row for the given genus.
  3. Except for the people with an indication in their name or description that they were known for something else, all are remembered for their work as naturalists, including amateur and professional botanists, zoologists, apothecaries, and collectors.
  4. Present-day geographical names are used wherever possible.


  1. Cullen, p. 38.
  2. ^ Christenhusz, p. 14.
  3. ICN, art. 18.
  4. Bayton.
  5. Burkhardt.
  6. Coombes.
  7. Gledhill.
  8. Quattrocchi1.
  9. Quattrocchi2.
  10. Quattrocchi3.
  11. Quattrocchi4.
  12. Stearn.
  13. Christenhusz, pp. 563–566.
  14. Christenhusz, pp. 323–324.
  15. Christenhusz, pp. 448–449.
  16. Christenhusz, p. 117.
  17. Christenhusz, pp. 503–504.
  18. Christenhusz, p. 420.
  19. Christenhusz, pp. 457–458.
  20. Christenhusz, pp. 401–402.
  21. Christenhusz, p. 122.
  22. Christenhusz, pp. 596–597.
  23. Christenhusz, pp. 144–145.
  24. Christenhusz, pp. 233–234.
  25. Christenhusz, pp. 356–357.
  26. Christenhusz, pp. 449–452.
  27. Christenhusz, pp. 170–171.
  28. Christenhusz, p. 88.
  29. Christenhusz, p. 468.
  30. Christenhusz, pp. 369–371.
  31. Christenhusz, pp. 441–442.
  32. Christenhusz, p. 284.
  33. Christenhusz, pp. 105–106.
  34. Christenhusz, p. 241.
  35. Christenhusz, pp. 358–359.
  36. Christenhusz, pp. 632–637.
  37. Christenhusz, pp. 525–529.
  38. Christenhusz, p. 283.
  39. Christenhusz, p. 126.
  40. Christenhusz, pp. 588–589.
  41. Christenhusz, pp. 118–120.
  42. Christenhusz, pp. 629–631.
  43. Christenhusz, p. 81.
  44. Christenhusz, pp. 177–179.
  45. Christenhusz, pp. 597–598.
  46. Christenhusz, pp. 100–101.
  47. Christenhusz, pp. 171–174.
  48. Christenhusz, p. 168.
  49. Christenhusz, pp. 160–161.
  50. Christenhusz, pp. 601–615.
  51. Christenhusz, pp. 444–445.
  52. Christenhusz, p. 109.
  53. Christenhusz, p. 92.
  54. Christenhusz, pp. 318–319.
  55. Christenhusz, pp. 424–425.
  56. Christenhusz, pp. 479–480.
  57. Christenhusz, p. 455.
  58. ^ Christenhusz, p. 268.
  59. Christenhusz, pp. 465–466.
  60. Christenhusz, pp. 407–408.
  61. Christenhusz, pp. 291–292.
  62. Christenhusz, pp. 219–220.
  63. Christenhusz, pp. 420–421.
  64. Christenhusz, p. 282.
  65. Christenhusz, p. 365.
  66. Christenhusz, pp. 566–568.
  67. Christenhusz, pp. 396–397.
  68. Christenhusz, p. 160.
  69. Christenhusz, p. 308.
  70. Christenhusz, pp. 529–532.
  71. Christenhusz, pp. 159–160.
  72. Christenhusz, pp. 415–419.
  73. Christenhusz, pp. 194–196.
  74. Christenhusz, p. 301.
  75. Christenhusz, pp. 617–618.
  76. Christenhusz, pp. 133–134.
  77. ^ Christenhusz, pp. 367–368.
  78. Christenhusz, p. 123.
  79. Christenhusz, pp. 227–228.
  80. Christenhusz, pp. 558–559.
  81. Christenhusz, p. 90.
  82. Christenhusz, pp. 468–470.
  83. ^ POWO.
  84. Christenhusz, pp. 310–311.
  85. Christenhusz, p. 107.
  86. Christenhusz, pp. 600–601.
  87. Christenhusz, pp. 591–594.
  88. Christenhusz, p. 141.
  89. Christenhusz, p. 95.
  90. Christenhusz, pp. 272–273.
  91. Christenhusz, p. 188.
  92. Christenhusz, pp. 412–413.
  93. Christenhusz, pp. 621–625.
  94. Christenhusz, p. 586.
  95. Christenhusz, pp. 404–405.
  96. Christenhusz, pp. 544–545.
  97. Christenhusz, pp. 313–314.
  98. Christenhusz, pp. 280–281.
  99. Christenhusz, pp. 293–295.
  100. Christenhusz, pp. 315–316.
  101. Christenhusz, pp. 300–301.
  102. Christenhusz, p. 212.
  103. Christenhusz, pp. 235–236.
  104. Christenhusz, p. 114.
  105. Christenhusz, pp. 321–322.
  106. Christenhusz, pp. 216–217.
  107. Christenhusz, pp. 397–398.
  108. Christenhusz, pp. 413–414.
  109. Christenhusz, pp. 504–505.
  110. Christenhusz, pp. 309–310.
  111. Christenhusz, pp. 145–146.
  112. Christenhusz, pp. 616–617.
  113. Christenhusz, pp. 345–346.
  114. Christenhusz, pp. 180–181.
  115. Christenhusz, p. 296.
  116. Christenhusz, pp. 534–535.
  117. Christenhusz, pp. 285–286.
  118. Christenhusz, pp. 477–479.
  119. Christenhusz, pp. 141–142.
  120. Christenhusz, pp. 284–285.
  121. Christenhusz, pp. 190–191.
  122. Christenhusz, pp. 239–241.
  123. Christenhusz, pp. 362–363.
  124. Christenhusz, p. 356.
  125. Christenhusz, pp. 303–304.
  126. Christenhusz, pp. 286–289.
  127. Christenhusz, pp. 298–299.
  128. Christenhusz, p. 84.
  129. Christenhusz, pp. 476–477.
  130. Christenhusz, pp. 73–74.
  131. Christenhusz, p. 139.
  132. Christenhusz, p. 131.
  133. Christenhusz, pp. 243–244.
  134. ^ Christenhusz, p. 200.
  135. Christenhusz, pp. 505–506.
  136. Christenhusz, pp. 385–386.
  137. Christenhusz, p. 236.
  138. Christenhusz, p. 175.
  139. Christenhusz, pp. 290–291.
  140. ^ Christenhusz, p. 104.
  141. Christenhusz, pp. 498–499.
  142. Christenhusz, p. 320.
  143. Christenhusz, pp. 464–465.
  144. Christenhusz, p. 231.
  145. Christenhusz, pp. 440–441.
  146. Christenhusz, pp. 134–135.
  147. Christenhusz, p. 384.
  148. Christenhusz, pp. 399–400.
  149. Christenhusz, pp. 163–164.
  150. Christenhusz, pp. 436–438.
  151. Christenhusz, p. 440.
  152. Christenhusz, pp. 491–492.
  153. Christenhusz, pp. 205–206.
  154. Christenhusz, p. 269.
  155. Christenhusz, pp. 299–300.
  156. Christenhusz, pp. 316–317.
  157. ^ Christenhusz, p. 409.
  158. Christenhusz, p. 78.
  159. Christenhusz, pp. 506–510.
  160. Christenhusz, p. 198.
  161. Christenhusz, pp. 305–306.
  162. Christenhusz, pp. 615–616.
  163. Christenhusz, p. 514.
  164. Christenhusz, pp. 332–336.
  165. Christenhusz, pp. 320–321.
  166. Christenhusz, p. 105.
  167. Christenhusz, p. 214.
  168. Christenhusz, pp. 249–259.
  169. Christenhusz, pp. 277–278.
  170. Christenhusz, p. 204.
  171. Christenhusz, pp. 482–484.
  172. Christenhusz, pp. 343–344.
  173. Christenhusz, p. 431.
  174. Christenhusz, p. 515.
  175. Christenhusz, p. 359.
  176. Christenhusz, p. 524.
  177. Christenhusz, pp. 520–522.
  178. Christenhusz, pp. 342–343.
  179. Christenhusz, p. 383.
  180. Christenhusz, pp. 548–551.
  181. Christenhusz, p. 75.
  182. Christenhusz, p. 456.
  183. Christenhusz, p. 77.
  184. Christenhusz, pp. 108–109.
  185. Christenhusz, pp. 599–600.
  186. Christenhusz, pp. 325–326.
  187. Christenhusz, pp. 627–628.
  188. Christenhusz, pp. 237–239.
  189. Christenhusz, p. 477.
  190. Christenhusz, p. 361.
  191. Christenhusz, pp. 229–230.
  192. Christenhusz, pp. 410–411.
  193. Christenhusz, pp. 183–184.
  194. Christenhusz, p. 466.
  195. Christenhusz, p. 243.
  196. Christenhusz, pp. 234–235.
  197. Christenhusz, pp. 179–180.
  198. Christenhusz, p. 186.
  199. Christenhusz, pp. 587–588.
  200. Christenhusz, p. 110.
  201. Christenhusz, pp. 295–296.
  202. Christenhusz, pp. 322–323.
  203. Christenhusz, p. 89.
  204. Christenhusz, pp. 473–474.
  205. Christenhusz, pp. 123–125.
  206. Christenhusz, pp. 542–543.
  207. Christenhusz, pp. 472–473.
  208. Christenhusz, pp. 302–303.
  209. Christenhusz, pp. 162–163.
  210. Christenhusz, pp. 512–513.
  211. Christenhusz, pp. 165–167.
  212. Christenhusz, p. 303.
  213. Christenhusz, pp. 236–237.
  214. Christenhusz, p. 164.
  215. Christenhusz, p. 338.
  216. Christenhusz, pp. 204–205.
  217. Christenhusz, pp. 279–280.
  218. Christenhusz, pp. 126–127.
  219. Christenhusz, pp. 454–455.
  220. Christenhusz, pp. 406–407.
  221. Christenhusz, p. 246.
  222. Christenhusz, p. 328.
  223. Christenhusz, pp. 573–578.
  224. Christenhusz, pp. 161–162.
  225. Christenhusz, p. 217.
  226. Christenhusz, pp. 112–113.
  227. Christenhusz, pp. 485–487.
  228. Christenhusz, pp. 569–570.
  229. Christenhusz, pp. 292–293.
  230. Christenhusz, pp. 149–150.
  231. Christenhusz, p. 453.
  232. Christenhusz, pp. 405–406.
  233. Christenhusz, pp. 337–338.
  234. Christenhusz, pp. 557–558.
  235. Christenhusz, pp. 474–476.
  236. Christenhusz, pp. 522–524.
  237. Christenhusz, p. 454.
  238. Christenhusz, p. 314.
  239. Christenhusz, pp. 429–430.
  240. Christenhusz, p. 185.
  241. Christenhusz, pp. 346–347.
  242. Christenhusz, p. 445.
  243. Christenhusz, p. 103.
  244. Christenhusz, pp. 317–318.
  245. Christenhusz, pp. 388–393.
  246. Christenhusz, pp. 189–190.
  247. Christenhusz, pp. 480–481.
  248. Christenhusz, p. 560.
  249. Christenhusz, p. 127.
  250. Christenhusz, p. 199.
  251. Christenhusz, p. 579.
  252. Christenhusz, pp. 142–143.
  253. Christenhusz, pp. 354–355.
  254. Christenhusz, pp. 380–381.
  255. Christenhusz, p. 218.
  256. Christenhusz, pp. 598–599.
  257. Christenhusz, pp. 513–514.
  258. Christenhusz, p. 446.
  259. Christenhusz, pp. 427–428.
  260. Christenhusz, p. 510.
  261. Christenhusz, p. 462.
  262. Christenhusz, p. 111.
  263. Christenhusz, pp. 463–464.
  264. Christenhusz, pp. 541–542.
  265. Christenhusz, pp. 273–274.
  266. Christenhusz, pp. 403–404.
  267. Christenhusz, pp. 386–387.
  268. Christenhusz, pp. 187–188.
  269. Christenhusz, p. 631.
  270. Christenhusz, pp. 278–278.
  271. Christenhusz, p. 102.
  272. Christenhusz, p. 229.
  273. Christenhusz, pp. 350–353.
  274. Christenhusz, pp. 132–133.
  275. Christenhusz, pp. 223–224.
  276. Christenhusz, pp. 438–439.
  277. Christenhusz, pp. 387–388.
  278. Christenhusz, pp. 365–366.
  279. Christenhusz, pp. 276–277.
  280. Christenhusz, pp. 460–462.
  281. Christenhusz, p. 91.
  282. Christenhusz, pp. 471–472.
  283. Christenhusz, pp. 306–308.
  284. Christenhusz, pp. 421–423.
  285. Christenhusz, pp. 545–547.
  286. Christenhusz, pp. 348–349.
  287. Christenhusz, p. 511.
  288. Christenhusz, pp. 423–424.
  289. Christenhusz, pp. 151–159.
  290. Christenhusz, pp. 582–584.
  291. Christenhusz, p. 297.
  292. Christenhusz, p. 232.
  293. Christenhusz, p. 302.
  294. Christenhusz, p. 140.
  295. Christenhusz, pp. 215–216.
  296. Christenhusz, p. 618.
  297. Christenhusz, pp. 326–328.
  298. Christenhusz, p. 581.
  299. Christenhusz, pp. 562–563.
  300. Christenhusz, pp. 357–358.
  301. Christenhusz, p. 625.
  302. Christenhusz, p. 410.
  303. Christenhusz, p. 594.
  304. Christenhusz, pp. 488–489.
  305. Christenhusz, pp. 242–243.
  306. Christenhusz, pp. 330–331.
  307. Christenhusz, pp. 231–232.
  308. Christenhusz, p. 382.
  309. Christenhusz, p. 143.
  310. Christenhusz, pp. 459–460.
  311. Christenhusz, pp. 131–132.
  312. Christenhusz, p. 597.
  313. Christenhusz, p. 147.
  314. Christenhusz, pp. 181–182.
  315. Christenhusz, pp. 579–580.
  316. Christenhusz, pp. 340–341.
  317. Christenhusz, pp. 586–587.
  318. Christenhusz, p. 444.
  319. Christenhusz, pp. 458–459.
  320. Christenhusz, pp. 363–364.
  321. Christenhusz, p. 339.
  322. Christenhusz, pp. 79–80.
  323. Christenhusz, p. 99.
  324. Christenhusz, pp. 628–629.
  325. Christenhusz, pp. 551–555.
  326. Christenhusz, pp. 224–225.
  327. Christenhusz, p. 544.
  328. Christenhusz, pp. 432–433.
  329. Christenhusz, pp. 206–211.
  330. Christenhusz, p. 82.
  331. Christenhusz, p. 311.
  332. Christenhusz, pp. 484–485.
  333. Christenhusz, pp. 261–262.
  334. Christenhusz, pp. 434–436.
  335. Christenhusz, pp. 182–183.
  336. Christenhusz, p. 467.
  337. ^ Christenhusz, p. 130.
  338. Christenhusz, pp. 128–129.
  339. Christenhusz, pp. 492–494.
  340. Christenhusz, pp. 225–226.
  341. Christenhusz, p. 315.
  342. Christenhusz, p. 248.
  343. Christenhusz, pp. 331–332.
  344. Christenhusz, p. 220.
  345. Christenhusz, pp. 196–197.
  346. Christenhusz, pp. 411–412.
  347. Christenhusz, pp. 202–204.
  348. Christenhusz, pp. 442–443.
  349. Christenhusz, pp. 269–271.
  350. Christenhusz, pp. 304–305.
  351. Christenhusz, pp. 147–148.
  352. Christenhusz, p. 502.
  353. Christenhusz, pp. 262–267.
  354. Christenhusz, pp. 589–591.
  355. Christenhusz, pp. 516–520.
  356. Christenhusz, pp. 374–378.
  357. Christenhusz, pp. 222–223.
  358. Christenhusz, pp. 329–330.
  359. Christenhusz, pp. 408–409.
  360. Christenhusz, pp. 426–427.
  361. Christenhusz, pp. 371–374.
  362. Christenhusz, pp. 489–491.
  363. Christenhusz, p. 460.
  364. Christenhusz, pp. 398–399.
  365. Christenhusz, pp. 500–501.
  366. Christenhusz, p. 98.
  367. Christenhusz, pp. 238–239.
  368. Christenhusz, p. 125.
  369. Christenhusz, pp. 93–94.
  370. Christenhusz, pp. 570–571.
  371. Christenhusz, p. 428.
  372. Christenhusz, p. 83.
  373. Christenhusz, pp. 555–557.
  374. Christenhusz, p. 406.
  375. Christenhusz, pp. 378–380.
  376. Christenhusz, p. 443.
  377. Christenhusz, p. 108.
  378. Christenhusz, p. 487.
  379. Christenhusz, pp. 148–149.
  380. Christenhusz, pp. 536–541.
  381. Christenhusz, p. 394.
  382. Christenhusz, p. 542.
  383. Christenhusz, pp. 361–362.
  384. Christenhusz, pp. 360–361.
  385. Christenhusz, p. 138.
  386. Christenhusz, pp. 585–586.
  387. Christenhusz, pp. 559–560.
  388. Christenhusz, pp. 359–360.
  389. Christenhusz, pp. 184–185.
  390. Christenhusz, pp. 594–596.
  391. Christenhusz, pp. 499–500.
  392. Christenhusz, p. 260.
  393. Christenhusz, pp. 497–498.
  394. Christenhusz, pp. 466–467.
  395. Christenhusz, p. 432.
  396. Christenhusz, pp. 383–384.
  397. Christenhusz, p. 86.
  398. Christenhusz, pp. 164–165.
  399. Christenhusz, p. 242.
  400. Christenhusz, pp. 547–548.
  401. Christenhusz, pp. 289–290.
  402. Christenhusz, pp. 481–482.
  403. Christenhusz, pp. 496–497.
  404. Christenhusz, p. 571.
  405. Christenhusz, pp. 199–200.
  406. Christenhusz, pp. 394–396.
  407. Christenhusz, p. 281.
  408. Christenhusz, p. 121.
  409. Christenhusz, p. 627.
  410. Christenhusz, p. 319.
  411. Christenhusz, p. 93.
  412. Christenhusz, p. 136.
  413. Christenhusz, pp. 226–227.
  414. Christenhusz, pp. 402–403.
  415. Christenhusz, pp. 193–194.
  416. Christenhusz, pp. 271–272.
  417. Christenhusz, pp. 275–276.
  418. Christenhusz, p. 533.
  419. Christenhusz, p. 137.
  420. Christenhusz, pp. 572–573.
  421. Christenhusz, pp. 324–325.
  422. Christenhusz, pp. 244–245.
  423. Christenhusz, pp. 349–350.
  424. Christenhusz, p. 76.
  425. Christenhusz, p. 96.
  426. Christenhusz, pp. 167–168.
  427. Christenhusz, pp. 197–198.
  428. Christenhusz, pp. 74–75.
  429. Christenhusz, pp. 191–193.
  430. Christenhusz, pp. 127–128.
  431. Christenhusz, p. 247.


Further reading

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