Knowledge (XXG)

Gutian rule in Mesopotamia

Source ๐Ÿ“

Gutian Dynasty of Sumer
Gutian Dynasty of Sumer
c. 2141 BCโ€“c. 2050 BC
Common languagesGutian language and Sumerian language
โ€ข fl. c. 2141โ€”2138 BC
Erridu-pizir (first)
โ€ข fl. c. 2055โ€”2050 BC
Tirigan (last)
Historical eraBronze Age
โ€ข Established
c. 2141 BC
โ€ข Disestablished
c. 2050 BC
Preceded by Succeeded by
Akkadian Empire
Third Dynasty of Ur
Today part ofIraq

The Gutian dynasty (Sumerian: ๐’„–๐’‹พ๐’Œ๐’† , gu-ti-um) was a line of kings, originating among the Gutian people. Originally thought to be a horde that swept in and brought down Akkadian and Sumerian rule in Mesopotamia, the Gutians are now known to have been in the area for at least a century by then. By the end of the Akkadian period, the Sumerian city of Adab was occupied by the Gutians, who made it their capital. The Gutian Dynasty came to power in Mesopotamia near the end of the 3rd millennium BC, after the decline and fall of the Akkadian Empire. How long Gutian kings held rulership over Mesopotamia is uncertain, with estimates ranging from a few years up to a century. The end of the Gutian dynasty is marked by the accession of Uruk ruler Utu-hengal (c. 2055โ€“2048 BC), marking the short-lived "Fifth dynasty of Uruk", followed by Ur ruler Ur-Nammu (c. 2047โ€“2030 BC), founder of the Third Dynasty of Ur.

There are very few hard facts available regarding the rulers of the Gutian Dynasty, still fewer about the Gutian people; even their homeland is not known. We have a few royal inscriptions from one ruler, Erridu-pizir, an inscribed macehead from another, La-erabum, a handful of passing mentions from contemporary Mesopotamian rulers, and one long inscription by Uruk ruler Utu-hengal. And there are the many versions of the Sumerian King List, most recensions of which were written long after the time of the Gutian Dynasty and give different, sometimes conflicting versions of history. The earliest version of the Sumerian King List, written in the Ur III period, not long afterward in time, does not mention the Gutians and lists a Gutian ruler, Tirigan, as a king of Adab. Yet the SKL remains our only source for most Gutian kings.

Still, clearly the Gutian rulers had a huge impact on lateโ€“3rd-millennium Mesopotamia, reflected in the vast array of literary compositions featuring them, continuing for almost two millennia.

La-erabum, "Great King of Gutiim"
Votive macehead of Gutian king La-erabum, circa 2150 BC, and its inscription "La-eraab, great King of Gutiim" (๐’†ท๐’‚๐’Š๐’€Š ๐’•๐’ˆ ๐’ˆ— ๐’„–๐’‹พ๐’…Ž la-e-ra-ab da-num lugal gutiim). The name is quite damaged and was initially read "Lasiraab". British Museum (BM 90852)


The Gutians attacking a Babylonian city, as Akkadians are making a stand outside their city. Modern 19th century illustration.

At one time it was believed that Gutium was known from the 24th century BC, well before the time of the Gutian Dynasty. This was based on a tablet purportedly from the Early Dynastic ruler of Adab Lugal-Anne-Mundu. The inscription included Gutium in the area paying tribute to the ruler. This inscription is now understood to be an Old Babylonian period literary composition written many centuries after the time of Lugal-Anne-Mundu. The first attestation of Gutium came from early in the Sargonic period when the Gutians are mentioned in year names of Akkadian rulers and established a capital at the prominent Early Dynastic Sumerian city of Adab.

The full history of the Gutian dynasty is not known. It is known that it lies roughly between two major empires of the late 3rd millennium BC, the Akkadian Empire and the later Ur III Empire. Towards the end of the reign of the last notable Akkadian ruler, Shar-Kali-Sharri (c. 2153โ€“2129 BC), the Akkadian Empire went on to a period of disarray under several weak rulers beginning a tumultuous time in Mesopotamia as Early Dynastic city-states such as Lagash and Uruk began to re-assert themselves. The Gutian newcomers in Adab also asserted their claim to rulership. This contentious time ended with the rise of Ur III under Ur-Nammu (c. 2048โ€“2030 BC).

The end point of the Gutian dynasty is felt to be certain based on a long inscription of Utu-hengal (c. 2055 โ€“ 2048 BC) who was ruler of Uruk (and thought to be the brother of the first Ur II ruler Ur-Nammu) which described the destruction of the Gutians under their king Tirigan. For what happened up to then our only sources are the many conflicting recensions of the Sumerian King List (SKL) and the various literary compositions that were produced in the following centuries and millennia. Neither are historically reliable sources but can be mined for insights into the events of the Gutian period.

Contemporary sources

Shar-kali-sharri Year Names

In the period before the Gutian Dynasty gained rulership over Mesopotamia the Akkadian Empire controlled the region. Two year names of Akkadian ruler Shar-kali-sharri (the last before the empire began to unravel) reflect of interaction with Gutium.

  • "In the year in which Szarkaliszarri laid the foundations of the temples of the goddess Annunitum and of the god Aba in Babylon and when he defeated Szarlak, king of Gutium"
  • "Year in which the yoke was imposed on Gutium".

Ur-Nammu Year Name

One year name of Ur ruler Ur-Nammu mentions Gutium. It is uncertain if the year name was from the time when he was only governor at Ur, leaving the possibility it was a reflected year name of Utu-hengal, or was later after he had assumed rulership over Mesopotamia.

  • "Year Gutium was destroyed"

Tablet of Lugalannatum

Tablet of Lugalanatum
The name ๐’„–๐’‹พ๐’Œ๐’† , gu-ti-um appears in the last column. Louvre Museum.

The tablet marks the building of a temple, E-gidru, in Umma. In passing it mentions the name of a Gutian ruler.

  • "Lugal-ana-tuma, governor of Umma โ€” 35 years having past since (the territory of) Umma was divided up โ€” built the E-gidru at Umma, drove into the earth its foundation pegs, (and) saw after everything that was necessary therein. At that time, Si'um was king of Gutium."

Cylindrical Tablet of Nammahni

The Umma ruler Nammahni, marking the construction of a temple to the goddess Ninura, mentioned in passing the name of a Gutian ruler.

  • "For the goddess Ninura, mother of Umma, Namahni, governor of Umma, built her E-ula temple (and) restored it. At that time Iarlagan was king of Gutium."

Tablet of Iลกarum

A tablet from Umma, dating to the waning days of the Akkadian empire, mentions a Gutian governor.

  • "Thus says Iลกarum to Me-sag โ€œAs to the fact that Lugal-ฤiลก and? Ka-Utu ... How can my loyal servant, who has held my feet, become hostile? (By) Iลกtar and Ilaba I swear that he shall approach me. I will not set the weapon of blood against him. Henceforth, I shall appoint him anew as the Gutian ensi. ..."

Tablet of Utu-hengal

Utu-Hengal victory stele AO 6018 (photograph and transcription of the obverse). Louvre Museum

An inscription of the Uruk ruler Utu-hengal, known from 3 Old Babylonian copies, commemorated the defeat of Gutian (and its king Tirigan) and the return of rulership to Sumer. Note the Mesopotamian names of Tirigan's generals.

  • "The god Enlil โ€” (as for) Gu, the fanged serpent of the mountain, who acted with violence against the gods, who carried off the kingship of the land of Sumer to the mountain land, who fied the land of Sumer with wickedness, who took away the wife from the one who had a wife, who took away the child from the one who had a child, who put wickedness and evil in the land (of Sumer) โ€” the god Enlil, lord of the foreign lands, commissioned Utu-hegal, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of the four quarters, the king whose utterance cannot be countermanded, to destroy their name. (Thereupon) he (Utu-hegal) went to the goddess Inanna, his lady (and) prayed to her,(saying) 'My lady, lioness of battle, who butts the foreign lands, the god Enlil has comto bring back the kingship of the land of Sumer. a The enemy hordes had trampled(everything). Tiri, the king of Gutium, had ..., (but) no one set out against him. He had seized both banks of the Tigris River. In the south, in Sumer, he had blocked (water from) the fields. In the north, he had closed off the roads (and) caused tall grass to grow up along the highway(s) of the land. (But), the king granted power by the god Enlil, the one chosen in the heart of the goddess Inanna โ€” Utu-hegal โ€” the mighty man, went forth from Uruk (and) set up ... in the temple of the god Iลกkur. He called out to the citizens of his city,(saying): 'The god Enlil has given Gutium to me. My lady, the goddess Inanna, is my ally. The god Dumuzi-ama-uลกumgal-ana has declared 'It is a matter for me'. The god Gilgameลก, son of the goddess Ninsun, has assigned him (Dumuzi) to me as bailiff. He made the citizens of Uruk (and) Kullab happy. His city followed him as if they were (just) one person. He (Utu-hegal) arranged in correct array his select elite troops. After he (Utu-hegal) departed (from) the temple of the god Iลกkur, on the fourth day he set up... in the city of Nagsu on the Iturungal canal. On the fifth day he set up ... in the shrine Ili-tappe. He captured Ur-Ninazu (and) Nabi-Enlil, generals whom he (Tirigan) had sent as envoys to the land of Sumer, (and) put handcuffs on them. After he departed (from) the shrine Ili-tappe, on the sixth day he set up ... at Karkar. He proceeded to the god Iskur (and) prayed to him, (saying) 'O god Iลกkur! The god Enlil has given me (his) weapon. May you be my ally'. In the middle of that night he , and at day break (to a point) upstream from Adab. He to him (Utu), (saying) 'O god Utu! The god Enlil has given Gutium to me. May you be my ally' In that place, against the Gutians, he laid a trap (and) led (his) troops against them. Utu-hegal, the mighty man, defeated their generals. Then Tirigan, king of Gutium, fled alone on foot. In the place where he (tried) to save his life โ€” Dabrum โ€” he (at first) was safe. (But) since the citizens of Dabrum realized that Utu-hegal was the king to whom the god Enlil had granted power, they did not let Tirigan go. The envoys of Utu-hegal captured Tirigan along with his wife (and) children at Dabrum. They put handcuffs and a blindfold on him. Utu-hegal made him lie at the feet of the god U and placed his foot on his neck. Gutium, the fanged serpent of the mountain โ€” ... drank water (from) the watercourses.... (Utu-hegal) removed ... He brought back the kingship of the land of Sumer."

In later literature

Great Revolt against Naram-Sin

This source lives on the borderline between history and literary composition. Some elements of it are from Old Babylonian copies of Naram-Sin royal inscriptions. That core was transformed into a wide variety of literary efforts with names like "Naram-Sin and the Enemy Hordes". A relevant one is "Gula-AN and the Seventeen Kings against Naram-Sin". The narrative is that Gutian king Gula-AN, leading 17 other kings, attacks Akkad and is defeated, captured, and then paroled by Naram-Sin, only to attack again resulting in a huge battle the results of which are unknown.

  • "... Gula-AN, king of Gut(i)um, , whom I in my strong battle , and whom I had released to return to his land (but) PN , he who is not ฬ†flesh nor blood, verily he is . In the Amanus the cedar mountain his oracles . Before the great divides of the mountains, its gate he captured and stealthily in the night he attacked and my a he did kill, he did decimate and he did . a confusing mass of their corpses. The depressions and the wadis were with their blood. Until the sunrise, for six double hours he . They did not let (me?) rest . He pursued me, he me frontally fu. 90,000 of my troops, who were under the command of , he did kill, he did decimate and he did tra. In my 360,000 troops I . Son of a nobody , He encircled me. For the sake(?) of life of Sargon ..." (BM 79987)
Geographical Treatise on Sargon of Akkad's Empire

Another source of uncertain historicity or dating. It is known from a single tablet, findspot thought to be Qalat Sherqat, which was translated in 1925, in the early days of cuneiform studies. Gutium is listed among the area in Sargon's domain.

  • "... From Sinu (?) to the land of Armani. From izzat to Abul-Adad, the land of Gutium. From Abul-Adad to Hallab, the land of Akkad. ... From Hisat to Sippar, the land of Akkad. From Tirqan of Gutium to Uzarilulu, the land of Edamarus. From Uzarilulu to Bit-Sin, the land of Mari. ..."(KAV 092)

Weidner Chronicle

The Weidner Chronicle is a literary composition, known from 7 mostly fragmentary Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian (1st Millennium BC) recensions purportedly a copy of a damaged Old Babylonian Period (1894 - 1595 BC) original which described events of centuries earlier. In the case of the Gutians the premise is that the Gutians destroyed the Akkadian Empire because Naram-Sin was mean to the city of Babylon. There are scholars who state that the description of the Gutian rule over parts of Mesopotamia was fiction or that it at least gave undue importance to the Guti horde. This is believed to be perpetuated by the chroniclers of Uruk to turn Utu-hegal's minor victory into an event of universal significance for the purpose of solidifying support for his emergent regime. This view is based on the varying accounts of the surviving manuscripts, with many of them in total disagreement as to the length of the king's reign and even the identities of the Guti kings. The Weidner Chronicle accounts for the Gutian period as follows:

  • "Naram-Sin defiled the people of Babylon. Twice he called up the horde of Gutium against it. ... his people as with a goad ... he gave his sovereignty to the horde of Gutium. Gutium was an oppressive people. They did not know divine worship; rites and regulations they did not know how to perform properly. the "fisherman" caught fish as offering-presents on the edge of the seacoast. Until that fish was offered to the Marduk, it was not offered to any other god. The Gutians took the cooked fish away from him before it was offered. By his exalted command he took away sovereignty from the horde and gave it to Utuhegal"

In this text, the Gutians are "scattered" by an unknown horde, the Umman Manda on their way to attacking Naram-Sin with the Gutians then picking up the pieces afterward. An excerpt reads

  • "... They scattered the (army of the upper) seas, and reached Gutium. ... They scattered (the army of) Gutium and reached Elam. ..."

Tablet of Islikun-Dagan

A tablet, thought to be from Uruk and from the period following the fall of the Akkadian Empire Islikun-Dagan, known from another tablet read:

  • "Islikun-Dagan to ... Cultivate the land and preserve the cattle. Up to now the Gutian did not cultivate the land. Donโ€™t say 'How so ?' You are strong, so settle Akkad (?), and do you cultivate the land. Let the store-places and the ponds be sought (?) out for you for an approach, and have the cattle brought into the city. With regard to (?) the cattle the Gutians have reared (?), now as for myself I shall say nothing, I shall pay you the money. I swear by the life of Sharkalisharri that if you will indeed deliver the cattle the Gutians reared (?) of your own free will, I will transport (? lit. carry), and that I will pay you the money when (the cattle) come to me.

Lugal-Ane-mundu inscription

Originally thought to be an authentic inscription of the 24th century BC ruler it is now known to be a pseudoautobiographical literary composition. It is known from 3 Old Babylonian tablet copies. The fragmentary text lists areas that are tributary to Lugal-Ane-mundu.

  • "... The ... of broad Gutium ... seized the ... in Zulum, ... The chief ministers of the Cedar Mountain, Elam, Marแธซaลกi, Gutium, Subartu, Amurru, Sutium and ... The ... of the Cedar Mountain, Elam, Marแธซaลกi, Gutium, ... Subartu, Amurru, Sutium, and the Mountain(?) of Eanna"

Curse of Akkad

More commonly called the Curse of Agade (known by Sumerians as "The Frown of Enlil"), this is a Sumerian literary composition, many sources and versions of which have been found, purporting to describe the fall of the Akkadian Empire because it had been cursed by the gods. On the Gutians it says:

  • "Enlil brought out of the mountains those who do not resemble other people, who are not reckoned as part of the Land, the Gutians, an unbridled people, with human intelligence but canine instincts and monkeys' features. Like small birds they swooped on the ground in great flocks. Because of Enlil, they stretched their arms out across the plain like a net for animals. Nothing escaped their clutches, no one left their grasp. Messengers no longer traveled the highways, the courier's boat no longer passed along the rivers. The Gutians drove the trusty (?) goats of Enlil out of their folds and compelled their herdsmen to follow them, they drove the cows out of their pens and compelled their cowherds to follow them. Prisoners manned the watch. Brigands occupied the highways. The doors of the city gates of the Land lay dislodged in mud, and all the foreign lands uttered bitter cries from the walls of their cities. They established gardens for themselves within the cities, and not as usual on the wide plain outside. As if it had been before the time when cities were built and founded, the large arable tracts yielded no grain, the inundated tracts yielded no fish, the irrigated orchards yielded no syrup or wine, the thick clouds (?) did not rain, the macgurum plant did not grow."


We know little about what deities the Gutian rulers worshiped though we do know that they did follow gods (both their own, and those of Mesopotamia based on inscriptions of their first known ruler, Erridu-pizir such as this one:

  • " he inflicted punishment. Their survivors delivered (lit. โ€œtook hereโ€) their offerings โ€“ their donkeys, their horses, their large and small cattle. They embraced the feet of the god of Gutium and Erridu-pizir, (saying): โ€œLet our lord ... (rest broken)"


  • ", r-tum (is) his ..., (and) the god Ilaba, the mighty one of the gods, is his clan (god). Erridu-pizir, the mighty, king of Gutium and of the four quarters: ... and dedicated a statue of myself to the god Enlil in Nippur. As for the one who removes this inscription, may the gods Samas, Astar, Ila tear out his foundations and destroy his rogeny."

And on the mace head of a later Gutian ruler La-erabum

  • "Lasirab, the migng of utium, Lacuna ... fash and dedicated (this mace) .As for the one who removes this inscription and writes his own name (instead), may the god of Gutium, Astar, and Sin tear out his foundations and destroy his progeny."

One possible god of Gutium has been proposed, Abublab, identified with Ninurta.

List of rulers

Aside from a few inscriptions, mostly from a single ruler, Erridupizir, most of what is known about the names and reigns of Gutian rulers comes from the Sumerian King List (SKL). There are about two dozen sources, most fragments, for the SKL which often conflict. The earliest source is from the Ur III period, well after some of the events described. Unlike the literary narratives, which have the Akkadian Empire falling to the Gutian hordes, the SKL has rulership passing from Akkad to Uruk, which then falls to the Gutians. It is also unknown if the dynasties listed in the SKL are all sequential or if there is overlap in rulership. Note that the order and dates vary in different recensions of the SKL. The listed reign lengths throughout much of the Gutian period are comparatively short and uniform. The following list should not be considered complete:

# Portrait or inscription Ruler Approx. date and length of reign Comments, notes, and references for mentions
Akkadian period (c. 2350 โ€“ c. 2154 BC)
Gutian kings not on the SKL (c. 2350 โ€“ c. 2211 BC)
1 Sarlak Uncertain, fl.c. 2350 โ€“ c. 2250 BC

fl.c. 2250 โ€“ c. 2150 BC

2 Gula-AN Uncertain, fl.c. 2250 โ€“ c. 2220 BC

fl.c. 2150 โ€“ c. 2147 BC

  • Historicity uncertain
  • temp. of Naram-Suen according to the narrative Gula-AN and the Seventeen Kings against Naram-Sin
3 Erridupizir
Uncertain, reigned c. 2220 โ€“ c. 2211 BC

r. c. 2147 โ€“ c. 2138 BC
(9 years)

  • temp. of Naram-Suen
  • temp. of Ka-Nisba
  • Thought to be the, "king without a name" mentioned on the SKL
  • Held the title of, "King of the Four Corners"
  • Known from a number of royal inscriptions
Gutian kings on the SKL (c. 2211 โ€“ c. 2120 BC)

"Then the reign of Uruk was abolished and the kingship was taken to the land of Gutium. In the land of Gutium, at first no king was famous; they ruled themselves for 5 years."

โ€” Sumerian King List (SKL)
4 Imta Uncertain, fl.c. 2211 โ€“ c. 2208 BC

fl.c. 2138 โ€“ c. 2135 BC
(3 years)

5 Inkishush
๐’…”๐’† ๐’‹™
Uncertain, fl.c. 2208 โ€“ c. 2202 BC

fl.c. 2135 โ€“ c. 2129 BC
(6 or 7 years)

  • temp. of Naram-Suen
6 Sarlagab
Uncertain, fl.c. 2202 โ€“ c. 2196 BC

fl.c. 2129 โ€“ c. 2126 BC
(6 years)

7 Shulme
Uncertain, fl.c. 2196 โ€“ c. 2190 BC

fl.c. 2126 โ€“ c. 2120 BC
(6 years)

8 Elulmesh
Uncertain, fl.c. 2190 โ€“ c. 2184 BC

fl.c. 2120 โ€“ c. 2114 BC
(6 or 7 years)

9 Inimabakesh
๐’„ฟ๐’‰Œ๐’ˆ ๐’€๐’† ๐’Œ
Uncertain, fl.c. 2184 โ€“ c. 2179 BC

fl.c. 2114 โ€“ c. 2109 BC
(5 or 6 years)

10 Igeshaush
Uncertain, fl.c. 2179 โ€“ c. 2173 BC

fl.c. 2109 โ€“ c. 2103 BC
(3 or 6 years)

11 Yarlagab
Uncertain, fl.c. 2173 โ€“ c. 2158 BC

fl.c. 2103 โ€“ c. 2088 BC
(5 or 15 years)

12 Ibate
Uncertain, fl.c. 2158 โ€“ c. 2155 BC

fl.c. 2088 โ€“ c. 2085 BC
(3 years)

Gutian period (c. 2154 โ€“ c. 2119 BC)
13 Yarla
Uncertain, fl.c. 2155 โ€“ c. 2152 BC

fl.c. 2085 โ€“ c. 2082 BC
(3 years)

14 Kurum
Uncertain, fl.c. 2152 โ€“ c. 2151 BC

fl.c. 2082 โ€“ c. 2081 BC
(1 or 3 years)

15 Apilkin
๐’€€๐’‰ˆ๐’† ๐’…”
Uncertain, fl.c. 2151 โ€“ c. 2148 BC

fl.c. 2081 โ€“ c. 2078 BC
(3 years)

16 La-erabum
Uncertain, fl.c. 2148 โ€“ c. 2146 BC

fl.c. 2078 โ€“ c. 2076 BC
(2 years)

  • Known from a alabaster mace head inscription found at Sippar
17 Irarum
Uncertain, fl.c. 2146 โ€“ c. 2144 BC

fl.c. 2076 โ€“ c. 2074 BC
(2 years)

18 Ibranum
Uncertain, fl.c. 2144 โ€“ c. 2143 BC

fl.c. 2074 โ€“ c. 2073 BC
(1 year)

19 Hablum
Uncertain, fl.c. 2143 โ€“ c. 2141 BC

fl.c. 2073 โ€“ c. 2071 BC
(2 years)

20 Puzur-Suen
Uncertain, fl.c. 2141 โ€“ c. 2134 BC

fl.c. 2071 โ€“ c. 2064 BC
(7 years)

  • Son of Hablum
21 Yarlaganda
Uncertain, fl.c. 2134 โ€“ c. 2127 BC

fl.c. 2064 โ€“ c. 2057 BC
(7 years)

  • Known from inscription of Nammahni of Umma.
22 Siium
Uncertain, fl.c. 2127 โ€“ c. 2120 BC

fl.c. 2057 โ€“ c. 2050 BC
(7 years)

23 Tirigan
Uncertain, fl.c. 2120 โ€“ c. 2119 BC

fl.c. 2055, c. 2050 BC
(40 days)

  • temp. of Utu-hengal
  • temp. of Ur-Nammu
  • Defeated by the Uruk king (Utu-hengal) according to victory stele erected in Uruk

"23 kings; they ruled for 125 years and 40 days. Then the army of Gutium was defeated and the kingship was taken to Uruk."

โ€” SKL

See also


  1. ^ M. Molina, "The palace of Adab during the Sargonic period", D. Wicke (ed.), Der Palast im antiken und islamischen Orient, Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 9, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2019, pp. 151-20
  2. Susanne Paulus, "Fraud, Forgery, and Fiction: Is There Still Hope for Agum-Kakrime?", Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 70, pp. 115โ€“66, 2018
  3. ^ Steinkeller, Piotr., "An Ur III Manuscript of the Sumerian King List.", In Literatur, Politic und Recht in Mesopotamien: Festschrift fรผr Claus Wilcke, ed. Walther Sallaberger et al. 267โ€“92, 2003 Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 14. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
  4. The Sumerian Kings List (PDF). p. 119, note 305.
  5. ^ Douglas Frayne, "ADAB". Presargonic Period: Early Periods, Volume 1 (2700-2350 BC), RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Volume 1, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 17-34, 2008 ISBN 9780802035868
  6. Gelb, I. J., "The Date of the Cruciform Monument of Maniลกtuลกu", Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 346โ€“48, 1949
  7. Frayne, Douglas, "Ur-Nammu E3/2.1.1". Ur III Period (2112-2004 BC), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 5-90, 1997
  8. ^ Douglas Frayne, "Uruk" in "Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2234-2113 BC)", RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Volume 2, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 274-296, 1993 ISBN 0-8020-0593-4
  9. Michalowski, Piotr, "History as Charter: Some Observations on the Sumerian King List", JAOS 103, pp. 237โ€“47, 1983
  10. Vincente, Claudine-Adrienne, "The Tall Leilฤn Recension of the Sumerian King List", ZA 85: 234โ€“70, 1995
  11. Hallo, W. W., ""Beginning and End of the Sumerian King List in the Nippur Recension", JCS 17: 52โ€“57, 1963
  12. ^ Jean-Jacques Glassner, "Mesopotamian Chronicles", Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2004 ISBN 1-58983-090-3
  13. Lambert, Wilfred G., "Babylon: Origins". Babylon: Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident", edited by Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Margarete van Ess and Joachim Marzahn, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 71-76, 2011
  14. F. Thureau-Dangin, "Recueil des tablettes chaldรฉennes", Paris 1903
  15. Marcel Sigrist and Peter Damerow, "Mesopotamian Year Names", Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, 2001
  16. Huber, Peter J., "Astronomical Dating of Ur III and Akkad", Archiv Fรผr Orientforschung, vol. 46/47, pp. 50โ€“79, 1999
  17. ^ Douglas Frayne, "Umma" in "Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2234-2113 BC)", RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Volume 2, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 261-268, 1993 ISBN 0-8020-0593-4
  18. Kraus, Nicholas. "The Weapon of Blood: Politics and Intrigue at the Decline of Akkad" Zeitschrift fรผr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archรคologie, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2018
  19. Westenholz, Joan Goodnick. "Chapter 9. The Great Revolt against Naram-Sin". Legends of the Kings of Akkade: The Texts, University Park, USA: Penn State University Press, pp. 221-262, 1997
  20. Albright, W. F., "A Babylonian Geographical Treatise on Sargon of Akkadโ€™s Empire", Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 45, pp. 193โ€“245, 1925
  21. Finkelstein, J. J., "Mesopotamian Historiography", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 107, no. 6, pp. 461โ€“72, 1963
  22. Al-Rawi, F. N. H. โ€œTablets from the Sippar Library. I. The โ€˜Weidner Chronicleโ€™: A Supposititious Royal Letter Concerning a Vision.โ€ Iraq, vol. 52, pp. 1โ€“13, 1990
  23. O. R. Gurney, "The Sultantepe Tablets (Continued). IV. The Cuthaean Legend of Naram-Sin", Anatolian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 93โ€“113, 1955
  24. Westenholz, Joan Goodnick, "Chapter 10. โ€œNaram-Sin and the Enemy Hordesโ€: The โ€œCuthean Legendโ€ of Naram-Sin". Legends of the Kings of Akkade: The Texts, University Park, USA: Penn State University Press, pp. 263-368, 1997
  25. Smith, Sidney, "Notes on the Gutian Period", Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, no. 2, pp. 295โ€“308, 1932
  26. Cooper, Jerrold S., The Curse of Agade., The Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore/London, 1983
  27. Jacobsen, Thorkild, The Harps that Once .... Sumerian Poetry in Translation. Yale University Press: New Haven/London, 1987
  28. Markina, Ekaterina, "They embraced his feet, saying โ€ฆ and ezฤ“bum as idioms of loyalty and defiance in Sargonic", Zeitschrift fรผr Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archรคologie, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 165-168, 2010
  29. ^ Douglas Frayne, "Gutium" in "Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2234-2113 BC)", RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Volume 2, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 219-230, 1993 ISBN 0-8020-0593-4
  30. Litke, Richard L., "A Reconstruction of the Assyro-Babylonian God-Lists, AN: A NU-UM and AN: ANU SA AMร‰LI", New Haven: Yale University, 1998
  31. Douglas Frayne, "Akkad" in "Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2234-2113 BC)", RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Volume 2, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, , pp. 5-218, 1993 ISBN 0-8020-0593-4
  32. W. Sallaberger, "Der kultische Kalender der Ur III - Zeit I", Berlin - New York 1993
  33. THUREAU-DANGIN, Fr. (1912). "La Fin de la Domination Gutienne". Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archรฉologie orientale. 9 (3): 111โ€“120. ISSN 0373-6032. JSTOR 23283609.

External links

Ishtar Gate in the city of Babylon
Rulers of the Ancient Near East
Egypt Canaan Ebla Mari Kish/
Uruk Adab Umma
Lagash Ur Elam
4000โ€“3200 BCE Naqada I
Naqada II
Gebel el-Arak Knife
Egypt-Mesopotamia relations Pre-Dynastic period (4000โ€“2900 BCE) Susa I

Uruk period
(4000โ€“3100 BCE)

(Anu Ziggurat, 4000 BCE)

(Anonymous "King-priests")
Susa II
Susa II Priest-King with bow and arrows
(Uruk influence or control)
3200โ€“3100 BCE Proto-Dynastic period
(Naqada III)
Early or legendary kings:
Upper Egypt
Finger Snail Fish Pen-Abu Animal Stork Canide Bull Scorpion I Shendjw Iry-Hor Ka Scorpion II Narmer / Menes
Lower Egypt
Hedju Hor Ny-Hor Hsekiu Khayu Tiu Thesh Neheb Wazner Nat-Hor Mekh Double Falcon Wash
3100โ€“2900 BCE Early Dynastic Period
First Dynasty of Egypt
Narmer Palette
Narmer Palette

Narmer Menes Neithhotep (regent) Hor-Aha Djer Djet Merneith (regent) Den Anedjib Semerkhet Qa'a Sneferka Horus Bird
Canaanites Jemdet Nasr period
(3100โ€“2900 BCE)
(Susa III)
(3100โ€“2700 BCE)
2900 BCE Second Dynasty of Egypt

Hotepsekhemwy Nebra/Raneb Nynetjer Ba Nubnefer Horus Sa Weneg-Nebty Wadjenes Senedj Seth-Peribsen Sekhemib-Perenmaat Neferkara I Neferkasokar Hudjefa I Khasekhemwy
Early Dynastic Period I (2900โ€“2700 BCE)
First Eblaite

First kingdom of Mari
Kish I dynasty
Jushur, Kullassina-bel
Babum, Puannum, Kalibum
2800 BCE

Kalumum Zuqaqip Atab
Mashda Arwium Etana
Balih En-me-nuna
Melem-Kish Barsal-nuna
Uruk I dynasty
Enmerkar ("conqueror of Aratta")
2700 BCE Early Dynastic Period II (2700โ€“2600 BCE)
Zamug, Tizqar, Ilku
Dumuzid, the Fisherman
Enmebaragesi ("made the land of Elam submit")
Aga of Kish Aga of Kish Gilgamesh Old Elamite period
(2700โ€“1500 BCE)

Indus-Mesopotamia relations
2600 BCE Third Dynasty of Egypt

Saqqarah Djeser pyramid
(First Egyptian pyramids)
Sekhemkhet Sanakht Nebka Khaba Qahedjet Huni
Early Dynastic Period III (2600โ€“2340 BCE)
Kish II dynasty
(5 kings)
(Queen Puabi)
2575 BCE Old Kingdom of Egypt
Fourth Dynasty of Egypt
Snefru Khufu

Djedefre Khafre Bikheris Menkaure Shepseskaf Thamphthis
Ur I dynasty
"King of Ur and Kish", victorious over Uruk
2500 BCE Phoenicia (2500-539 BCE) Second kingdom of Mari


Kish III dynasty
Akshak dynasty
Uruk II dynasty
Mug-si Umma I dynasty

Lagash I dynasty


Awan dynasty
2450 BCE Fifth Dynasty of Egypt

Userkaf Sahure Neferirkare Kakai Neferefre Shepseskare Nyuserre Ini Menkauhor Kaiu Djedkare Isesi Unas
Elamite invasions
(3 kings)

2425 BCE Kun-Damu Eannatum
(King of Lagash, Sumer, Akkad, conqueror of Elam)
2400 BCE Adub-Damu
Kish IV dynasty
Urur Lugal-kinishe-dudu
(Queen Bara-irnun)
Enannatum II
Ur II dynasty
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II
2380 BCE Sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Teti Userkare Pepi I Merenre Nemtyemsaf I Pepi II Merenre Nemtyemsaf II Netjerkare Siptah
Kneeling statuette of Pepy I
Adab dynasty
"King of the four quarters of the world"
2370 BCE Isar-Damu Enna-Dagan
Invasion by Mari
Anbu, Anba, Bazi, Zizi of Mari, Limer, Sharrum-iter
Ukush Lugalanda
2350 BCE Puzur-Nirah
Uruk III dynasty
(Governor of Umma, King of all Sumer)
2340 BCE Akkadian Period (2340โ€“2150 BCE)
Akkadian Empire

Sargon of Akkad Rimush Manishtushu
Akkadian Governors:
2250 BCE Naram-Sin Lugal-ushumgal
(vassal of the Akkadians)
2200 BCE First Intermediate Period
Seventh Dynasty of Egypt
Eighth Dynasty of Egypt
Menkare Neferkare II Neferkare Neby Djedkare Shemai Neferkare Khendu Merenhor Neferkamin Nikare Neferkare Tereru Neferkahor Neferkare Pepiseneb Neferkamin Anu Qakare Ibi Neferkaure Neferkauhor Neferirkare
Second Eblaite
Third kingdom of Mari

(Vassals of the Akkadians)

Igigi, Imi, Nanum, Ilulu (3 years)
Uruk IV dynasty
Lagash II dynasty
Ur-Ningirsu I
2150 BCE Ninth Dynasty of Egypt
Meryibre Khety Neferkare VII Nebkaure Khety Setut
Ur III period (2150โ€“2000 BCE)

Gutian dynasty
(21 kings)

Kuda (Uruk)
Umma II dynasty
(vassal of the Gutians)


2125 BCE Tenth Dynasty of Egypt
Meryhathor Neferkare VIII Wahkare Khety Merykare

Uruk V dynasty
2100 BCE (Vassals of UR III) Iddi-ilum
(Vassals of Ur III)
Ur III dynasty
"Kings of Ur, Sumer and Akkad"
Ur-Nammu Shulgi Amar-Sin Shu-Sin
2025-1763 BCE Amorite invasions Ibbi-Sin Elamite invasions
Kindattu (Shimashki Dynasty)
Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt
Mentuhotep I Intef I Intef II Intef III Mentuhotep II Mentuhotep III Mentuhotep IV
Third Eblaite


Immeya Indilimma
(Amorite Shakkanakkus)

Lim Dynasty
of Mari
Yaggid-Lim Yahdun-Lim Yasmah-Adad Zimri-Lim (Queen Shibtu)
Old Assyria
Puzur-Ashur I
Erishum I
Sargon I
Puzur-Ashur II
Erishum II
Isin-Larsa period
Dynasty of Isin: Ishbi-Erra Shu-Ilishu Iddin-Dagan Ishme-Dagan Lipit-Eshtar Ur-Ninurta Bur-Suen Lipit-Enlil Erra-imitti Enlil-bani Zambiya Iter-pisha Ur-du-kuga Suen-magir Damiq-ilishu
Dynasty of Larsa: Naplanum Emisum Samium Zabaia Gungunum Abisare Sumuel Nur-Adad Sin-Iddinam Sin-Eribam Sin-Iqisham Silli-Adad Warad-Sin Rim-Sin I (...) Rim-Sin II
Uruk VI dynasty: Alila-hadum Sumu-binasa Naram-Sin of Uruk Sรฎn-kฤลกid Sรฎn-iribam Sรฎn-gฤmil Ilum-gamil Anam of Uruk Irdanene Rim-Anum Nabi-iliลกu
Sukkalmah dynasty

Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt
Amenemhat I Senusret I Amenemhat II Senusret II Senusret III Amenemhat III Amenemhat IV Sobekneferu
1800โ€“1595 BCE Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon
(Yamhad dynasty)
Old Assyria

(Shamshi-Adad dynasty
1808โ€“1736 BCE)
Shamshi-Adad I Ishme-Dagan I Mut-Ashkur Rimush Asinum Ashur-dugul Ashur-apla-idi Nasir-Sin Sin-namir Ipqi-Ishtar Adad-salulu Adasi

(Non-dynastic usurpers
1735โ€“1701 BCE)
Puzur-Sin Ashur-dugul Ashur-apla-idi Nasir-Sin Sin-namir Ipqi-Ishtar Adad-salulu Adasi

(Adaside dynasty
1700โ€“722 BCE)
Bel-bani Libaya Sharma-Adad I Iptar-Sin Bazaya Lullaya Shu-Ninua Sharma-Adad II Erishum III Shamshi-Adad II Ishme-Dagan II Shamshi-Adad III Ashur-nirari I Puzur-Ashur III Enlil-nasir I Nur-ili Ashur-shaduni Ashur-rabi I Ashur-nadin-ahhe I Enlil-Nasir II Ashur-nirari II Ashur-bel-nisheshu Ashur-rim-nisheshu Ashur-nadin-ahhe II

First Babylonian dynasty
("Old Babylonian Period")

Sumu-abum Sumu-la-El Sin-muballitSabium Apil-Sin Sin-muballit Hammurabi Samsu-iluna Abi-eshuh Ammi-ditana Ammi-saduqa Samsu-Ditana

Early Kassite rulers

Second Babylonian dynasty
("Sealand Dynasty")

Ilum-ma-ili Itti-ili-nibi Damqi-ilishu
Ishkibal Shushushi Gulkishar
DIล +U-EN Peshgaldaramesh Ayadaragalama
Akurduana Melamkurkurra Ea-gamil

Second Intermediate Period

Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a Hyksos
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a Hyksos

Semqen 'Aper-'Anati Sakir-Har Khyan Apepi Khamudi
(1600โ€“1260 BCE)
Kirta Shuttarna I Parshatatar
1531โ€“1155 BCE
New Kingdom of Egypt
Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Ahmose I Amenhotep I
Third Babylonian dynasty (Kassites)
Agum-Kakrime Burnaburiash I Kashtiliash III Ulamburiash Agum III Karaindash Kadashman-harbe I Kurigalzu I Kadashman-Enlil I Burnaburiash II Kara-hardash Nazi-Bugash Kurigalzu II Nazi-Maruttash Kadashman-Turgu Kadashman-Enlil II Kudur-Enlil Shagarakti-Shuriash Kashtiliashu IV Enlil-nadin-shumi Kadashman-Harbe II Adad-shuma-iddina Adad-shuma-usur Meli-Shipak II Marduk-apla-iddina I Zababa-shuma-iddin Enlil-nadin-ahi
Middle Elamite period

(1500โ€“1100 BCE)
Kidinuid dynasty
Igehalkid dynasty

Thutmose I Thutmose II Hatshepsut Thutmose III
Amenhotep II Thutmose IV Amenhotep III Akhenaten Smenkhkare Neferneferuaten Tutankhamun Ay Horemheb Hittite Empire

Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Ramesses I Seti I Ramesses II Merneptah Amenmesses Seti II Siptah Twosret
Elamite Empire
Shutrukid dynasty
1155โ€“1025 BCE Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt

Setnakhte Ramesses III Ramesses IV Ramesses V Ramesses VI Ramesses VII Ramesses VIII Ramesses IX Ramesses X Ramesses XI

Third Intermediate Period

Twenty-first Dynasty of Egypt
Smendes Amenemnisu Psusennes I Amenemope Osorkon the Elder Siamun Psusennes II

Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon

Kingdom of Israel
Syro-Hittite states Middle Assyria
Eriba-Adad I Ashur-uballit I Enlil-nirari Arik-den-ili Adad-nirari I Shalmaneser I Tukulti-Ninurta I Ashur-nadin-apli Ashur-nirari III Enlil-kudurri-usur Ninurta-apal-Ekur Ashur-dan I Ninurta-tukulti-Ashur Mutakkil-Nusku Ashur-resh-ishi I Tiglath-Pileser I Asharid-apal-Ekur Ashur-bel-kala Eriba-Adad II Shamshi-Adad IV Ashurnasirpal I Shalmaneser II Ashur-nirari IV Ashur-rabi II Ashur-resh-ishi II Tiglath-Pileser II Ashur-dan II
Fourth Babylonian dynasty ("Second Dynasty of Isin")
Marduk-kabit-ahheshu Itti-Marduk-balatu Ninurta-nadin-shumi Nebuchadnezzar I Enlil-nadin-apli Marduk-nadin-ahhe Marduk-shapik-zeri Adad-apla-iddina Marduk-ahhe-eriba Marduk-zer-X Nabu-shum-libur
Neo-Elamite period (1100โ€“540 BCE)
1025โ€“934 BCE Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Babylonian dynasties ("Period of Chaos")
Simbar-shipak Ea-mukin-zeri Kashshu-nadin-ahi Eulmash-shakin-shumi Ninurta-kudurri-usur I Shirikti-shuqamuna Mar-biti-apla-usur Nabรป-mukin-apli
911โ€“745 BCE Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt
Shoshenq I Osorkon I Shoshenq II Takelot I Osorkon II Shoshenq III Shoshenq IV Pami Shoshenq V Pedubast II Osorkon IV

Twenty-third Dynasty of Egypt
Harsiese A Takelot II Pedubast I Shoshenq VI Osorkon III Takelot III Rudamun Menkheperre Ini

Twenty-fourth Dynasty of Egypt
Tefnakht Bakenranef

Kingdom of Samaria

Kingdom of Judah
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Adad-nirari II Tukulti-Ninurta II Ashurnasirpal II Shalmaneser III Shamshi-Adad V Shammuramat (regent) Adad-nirari III Shalmaneser IV Ashur-Dan III Ashur-nirari V
Eight Babylonian Dynasty
Ninurta-kudurri-usur II Mar-biti-ahhe-iddina Shamash-mudammiq Nabu-shuma-ukin I Nabu-apla-iddina Marduk-zakir-shumi I Marduk-balassu-iqbi Baba-aha-iddina (five kings) Ninurta-apla-X Marduk-bel-zeri Marduk-apla-usur Eriba-Marduk Nabu-shuma-ishkun Nabonassar Nabu-nadin-zeri Nabu-shuma-ukin II Nabu-mukin-zeri
Humban-Tahrid dynasty

Tammaritu I
Humban-haltash III
745โ€“609 BCE Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt
("Black Pharaohs")
Piye Shebitku Shabaka Taharqa Tanutamun
Neo-Assyrian Empire

(Sargonid dynasty)
Tiglath-Pileser Shalmaneser Marduk-apla-iddina II Sargon Sennacherib Marduk-zakir-shumi II Marduk-apla-iddina II Bel-ibni Ashur-nadin-shumi Nergal-ushezib Mushezib-Marduk Esarhaddon Ashurbanipal Ashur-etil-ilani Sinsharishkun Sin-shumu-lishir Ashur-uballit II

Assyrian conquest of Egypt Assyrian conquest of Elam
626โ€“539 BCE Late Period
Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Necho I Psamtik I Necho II Psamtik II Wahibre Ahmose II Psamtik III
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Nabopolassar Nebuchadnezzar II Amel-Marduk Neriglissar Labashi-Marduk Nabonidus
Median Empire
Deioces Phraortes Madyes Cyaxares Astyages
539โ€“331 BCE Twenty-seventh Dynasty of Egypt
(First Achaemenid conquest of Egypt)
Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon
Achaemenid Empire
Cyrus Cambyses Darius I Xerxes Artaxerxes I Darius II Artaxerxes II Artaxerxes III Artaxerxes IV Darius III
Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt
Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt
Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt
Thirty-first Dynasty of Egypt
331โ€“141 BCE Argead dynasty and Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy Keraunos Ptolemy II Philadelphus Arsinoe II Ptolemy III Euergetes Berenice II Euergetis Ptolemy IV Philopator Arsinoe III Philopator Ptolemy V Epiphanes Cleopatra I Syra Ptolemy VI Philometor Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator Cleopatra II Philometor Soter Ptolemy VIII Physcon Cleopatra III Ptolemy IX Lathyros Cleopatra IV Ptolemy X Alexander Berenice III Ptolemy XI Alexander Ptolemy XII Auletes Cleopatra V Cleopatra VI Tryphaena Berenice IV Epiphanea Ptolemy XIII Ptolemy XIV Cleopatra VII Philopator Ptolemy XV Caesarion Arsinoe IV
Hellenistic Period
Seleukos I Nikator Tetradrachm from Babylon
Seleukos I Nikator Tetradrachm from Babylon
Argead dynasty: Alexander III Philip III Alexander IV
Antigonid dynasty: Antigonus I
Seleucid Empire: Seleucus I Antiochus I Antiochus II Seleucus II Seleucus III Antiochus III Seleucus IV Antiochus IV Antiochus V Demetrius I Alexander III Demetrius II Antiochus VI Dionysus Diodotus Tryphon Antiochus VII Sidetes
141โ€“30 BCE Kingdom of Judea
Simon Thassi John Hyrcanus Aristobulus I Alexander Jannaeus Salome Alexandra Hyrcanus II Aristobulus II Antigonus II Mattathias
Alexander II Zabinas Seleucus V Philometor Antiochus VIII Grypus Antiochus IX Cyzicenus Seleucus VI Epiphanes Antiochus X Eusebes Antiochus XI Epiphanes Demetrius III Eucaerus Philip I Philadelphus Antiochus XII Dionysus Antiochus XIII Asiaticus Philip II Philoromaeus Parthian Empire
Mithridates I Phraates Hyspaosines Artabanus Mithridates II Gotarzes Mithridates III Orodes I Sinatruces Phraates III Mithridates IV Orodes II Phraates IV Tiridates II Musa Phraates V Orodes III Vonones I Artabanus II Tiridates III Artabanus II Vardanes I Gotarzes II Meherdates Vonones II Vologases I Vardanes II Pacorus II Vologases II Artabanus III Osroes I
30 BCEโ€“116 CE Roman Empire
(Roman conquest of Egypt)
Province of Egypt
Judea Syria
116โ€“117 CE Province of Mesopotamia under Trajan Parthamaspates of Parthia
117โ€“224 CE Syria Palaestina Province of Mesopotamia Sinatruces II Mithridates V Vologases IV Osroes II Vologases V Vologases VI Artabanus IV
224โ€“270 CE Sasanian Empire
Province of Asoristan
Coin of Ardashir I, Hamadan mint.
Coin of Ardashir I, Hamadan mint.
Ardashir I Shapur I Hormizd I Bahram I Bahram II Bahram III Narseh Hormizd II Adur Narseh Shapur II Ardashir II Shapur III Bahram IV Yazdegerd I Shapur IV Khosrow Bahram V Yazdegerd II Hormizd III Peroz I Balash Kavad I Jamasp Kavad I Khosrow I Hormizd IV Khosrow II Bahram VI Chobin Vistahm
270โ€“273 CE Palmyrene Empire
Vaballathus Zenobia Antiochus
273โ€“395 CE Roman Empire
Province of Egypt Syria Palaestina Syria Province of Mesopotamia
395โ€“618 CE Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Egypt Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda Byzantine Syria Byzantine Mesopotamia
618โ€“628 CE (Sasanian conquest of Egypt)
Province of Egypt
Shahrbaraz Sahralanyozan Shahrbaraz
Sasanian Empire
Province of Asoristan
Khosrow II Kavad II
628โ€“641 CE Byzantine Empire Ardashir III Shahrbaraz Khosrow III Boran Shapur-i Shahrvaraz Azarmidokht Farrukh Hormizd Hormizd VI Khosrow IV Boran Yazdegerd III Peroz III Narsieh
Byzantine Egypt Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda Byzantine Syria Byzantine Mesopotamia
639โ€“651 CE Muslim conquest of Egypt Muslim conquest of the Levant Muslim conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia
Chronology of the Neolithic period Rulers of Ancient Central Asia
  1. Rulers with names in italics are considered fictional.
  2. Hallo, W.; Simpson, W. (1971). The Ancient Near East. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. pp. 48โ€“49.
  3. "Rulers of Mesopotamia". University of Oxford, CNRS.
  4. Thomas, Ariane; Potts, Timothy (2020). Mesopotamia: Civilization Begins. Getty Publications. p. 14. ISBN 978-1-60606-649-2.
  5. Roux, Georges (1992). Ancient Iraq. Penguin Books Limited. pp. 532โ€“534 (Chronological Tables). ISBN 978-0-14-193825-7.
  6. ^ Per Sumerian King List
  7. Unger, Merrill F. (2014). Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus: A Study in Archaeological Illumination of Bible History. Wipf and Stock Publishers. p. 5. ISBN 978-1-62564-606-4.

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