
:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (I) - Knowledge

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Mathematics Portal


I-adic topology -- I Am a Mathematician -- I-bundle -- I-semigroup -- I-spline -- I Want to Be a Mathematician -- IA automorphism -- IAMG Distinguished Lectureship -- Iatromathematicians -- Ibragimov–Iosifescu conjecture for φ-mixing sequences -- Ice circle -- Icelandic Junior College Mathematics Competition -- ICEM Surf -- ICER -- Icivil -- Icons of Mathematics -- Icophone -- Icosagon -- Icosahedral 120-cell -- Icosahedral honeycomb -- Icosahedral number -- Icosahedral prism -- Icosahedral pyramid -- Icosahedral symmetry -- Icosahedron -- Icosian -- Icosian calculus -- Icosian game -- Icosidigon -- Icosidodecadodecahedron -- Icosidodecahedral prism -- Icosidodecahedron -- Icosihexagon -- Icosioctagon -- Icositetragon -- Icositetrahedron -- Icositruncated dodecadodecahedron --


ICTCM Award -- ICTP Ramanujan Prize -- Ideal (order theory) -- Ideal (ring theory) -- Ideal (set theory) -- Ideal class group -- Ideal lattice -- Ideal norm -- Ideal number -- Ideal point -- Ideal polyhedron -- Ideal quotient -- Ideal reduction -- Ideal sheaf -- Ideal theory -- Ideal triangle -- Idealised population -- Idealizer -- Idempotence -- Idempotent (ring theory) -- Idempotent analysis -- Idempotent matrix -- Idempotent measure -- Idempotent relation -- Identical particles -- Identifiability -- Identifiability analysis -- Identity (mathematics) -- Identity (philosophy) -- Identity channel -- Identity component -- Identity element -- Identity function -- Identity line -- Identity matrix -- Identity of indiscernibles -- Identity theorem -- Identity theorem for Riemann surfaces -- Identity transform -- Identric mean --


Idoneal number -- If and only if -- Ignatov's theorem -- Ignorability -- Igon value -- Igusa group -- Igusa quartic -- Igusa variety -- Igusa zeta function -- Ihara zeta function -- Ihara's lemma -- II25,1 -- Iitaka dimension -- IJP The Book of Surfaces -- Ikeda lift -- Ikeda map -- Illegal number -- Illinois algorithm -- Illinois Journal of Mathematics -- Illumination problem -- Illuminationism -- Illusory contours -- Illustration of the central limit theorem -- ILNumerics -- Ilocano numbers -- IM 67118 -- Im schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon -- IMA Gold Medal -- IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics -- IMA Journal of Management Mathematics -- IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information -- IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis -- IMA Lighthill-Thwaites Prize -- Image (category theory) -- Image (mathematics) -- Image-based meshing -- Image derivative -- Image functors for sheaves -- Imaginary (exhibition) -- Imaginary curve -- Imaginary element -- Imaginary hyperelliptic curve -- Imaginary line (mathematics) -- Imaginary number -- Imaginary unit -- Imaging cycler microscopy -- Imagining Numbers --


Immanant -- Immanuel Kant -- Immediate inference -- Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem -- Immersed boundary method -- Immersion (mathematics) -- Impartial game -- Imperfect group -- Imperialist competitive algorithm -- Implementation of mathematics in set theory -- Implicant -- Implication graph -- Implicational propositional calculus -- Implicit computational complexity -- Implicit curve -- Implicit function -- Implicit function theorem -- Implicit graph -- Implicit surface -- Implied volatility -- Importance sampling -- Impossibility -- Impossibility of a gambling system -- Impossible cube -- Imprecise Dirichlet process -- Imprecise probability -- Impredicativity -- Improper integral -- Improper rotation -- Impulse -- Impulse response -- Imputation (statistics) --


In-crowd algorithm -- In-place matrix transposition -- In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman -- In Pursuit of the Unknown -- Inaccessible cardinal -- Incandescence (novel) -- Ince equation -- Incidence (geometry) -- Incidence (graph) -- Incidence algebra -- Incidence and Symmetry in Design and Architecture -- Incidence coloring -- Incidence geometry -- Incidence matrix -- Incidence poset -- Incidence structure -- Incircle and excircles of a triangle -- Inclined plane -- Included angle -- Inclusion (Boolean algebra) -- Inclusion (logic) -- Inclusion–exclusion principle -- Inclusion map -- Inclusion order -- Inclusive -- Incomplete Bessel functions -- Incomplete Bessel K function/generalized incomplete gamma function -- Incomplete Cholesky factorization -- Incomplete Fermi–Dirac integral -- Incomplete gamma function -- Incomplete LU factorization -- Incomplete polylogarithm -- Incompressibility method -- Incompressible flow -- Incompressible surface -- Increasing process -- Increment theorem -- Incremental validity --


Ind-completion -- Ind-scheme -- Indagationes Mathematicae -- Indecomposability -- Indecomposable continuum -- Indecomposable distribution -- Indecomposable module -- Indefinite and fictitious numbers -- Indefinite inner product space -- Indefinite orthogonal group -- Indefinite product -- Indefinite sum -- Independence (mathematical logic) -- Independence (probability theory) -- Independence complex -- Independence-friendly logic -- Independence number -- Independence of premise -- Independence system -- Independence Theory in Combinatorics -- Independent and identically distributed random variables -- Independent component analysis -- Independent domination number -- Independent equation -- Independent increments -- Independent S-increments -- Independent set -- Independent set (graph theory) -- Independent set problem -- Indescribable cardinal -- Indestructibility -- Indeterminacy in concurrent computation -- Indeterminate -- Indeterminate (variable) -- Indeterminate equation -- Indeterminate form -- Indeterminate system -- Index calculus algorithm -- Index ellipsoid -- Index group -- Index notation -- Index of a Lie algebra -- Index of a subgroup -- Index of accounting articles -- Index of coincidence -- Index of combinatorics articles -- Index of cryptography articles -- Index of dispersion -- Index of fractal-related articles -- Index of information theory articles -- Index of logarithm articles -- Index of logic articles -- Index of wave articles -- Index set -- Index set (recursion theory) -- Indexed category -- Indexed family -- Indexed language -- Indexed search -- Indian buffet process -- Indian logic -- Indian Mathematical Society -- Indian mathematics -- Indian National Mathematical Olympiad -- Indian numbering system -- Indian Statistical Institute -- Indiana Pi Bill -- Indiana University Mathematics Journal -- Indicative conditional -- Indicator (statistics) -- Indicator function -- Indicator function (complex analysis) -- Indicator vector -- Indicators of spatial association -- Indifference graph -- Indigenous bundle -- Indirect Fourier transform -- Indiscernibles -- Indiscrete category -- Indistinguishability quotient -- Individual pieces set -- Indra's Pearls (book) -- Induced character -- Induced homomorphism -- Induced homomorphism (quotient group) -- Induced matching -- Induced metric -- Induced path -- Induced representation -- Induced subgraph -- Induced subgraph isomorphism problem -- Induction, bounding and least number principles -- Inductive dimension -- Inductive inference -- Inductive probability -- Inductive set -- Inductive tensor product -- Industrial-grade prime --


Ineffable cardinal -- Inellipse -- Inequalities in information theory -- Inequality (mathematics) -- Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means -- Inequation -- Inertial manifold -- Inexact differential -- Inexact differential equation -- Infeld–Van der Waerden symbols -- Inference -- Infimum and supremum -- Infinitary combinatorics -- Infinitary logic -- Infinite broom -- Infinite chess -- Infinite compositions of analytic functions -- Infinite conjugacy class property -- Infinite descending chain -- Infinite difference method -- Infinite dihedral group -- Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics -- Infinite-dimensional holomorphy -- Infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure -- Infinite-dimensional optimization -- Infinite-dimensional vector function -- Infinite divisibility -- Infinite divisibility (probability) -- Infinite element method -- Infinite expression -- Infinite group -- Infinite loop -- Infinite loop space machine -- Infinite monkey theorem -- Infinite monkey theorem in popular culture -- Infinite-order triangular tiling -- Infinite-period bifurcation -- Infinite product -- Infinite set -- Infinite skew polygon -- InfiniteGraph -- Infinitely near point -- Infinitesimal -- Infinitesimal character -- Infinitesimal cohomology -- Infinitesimal generator (stochastic processes) -- Infinitesimal strain theory -- Infinitesimal transformation -- Infinitism -- Infinity -- Infinity (philosophy) -- Infinity and the Mind -- Infinity-Borel set -- Infinity Laplacian -- Infinity mirror -- Infinity plus one -- Infinity symbol -- Infix notation -- Inflation-restriction exact sequence -- Inflection point -- Influence of nonstandard analysis -- Influential observation -- Info-metrics -- Infomax -- Informal mathematics -- Information -- Information algebra -- Information-based complexity -- Information bottleneck method -- Information diagram -- Information distance -- Information field theory -- Information fluctuation complexity -- Information geometry -- Information matrix test -- Information projection -- Information set -- Information set (game theory) -- Information source -- Information source (mathematics) -- Information theory -- Information theory and measure theory -- Information Visualization (journal) -- Infosys Prize -- Infra-exponential -- Infrabarrelled space -- Infrared fixed point -- Infrastructure (number theory) -- Infrastructure bias --


Ingleton's inequality -- Ingredient-flavor network -- Inhabited set -- Inherent bias -- Inherent zero -- Inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation -- Initial algebra -- Initial and terminal objects -- Initial attractiveness -- Initial condition -- Initial topology -- Initial value problem -- Initial value theorem -- Initialized fractional calculus -- Injection locking -- Injective cogenerator -- Injective function -- Injective hull -- Injective metric space -- Injective module -- Injective object -- Injective sheaf -- Injective tensor product -- Inner angle -- Inner automorphism -- Inner form -- Inner measure -- Inner model -- Inner model theory -- Inner product space -- Inner regular measure -- Innovation (signal processing) -- Innovations vector -- Innumeracy (book) --


Inoue–Hirzebruch surface -- Inoue surface -- Input shaping -- Inquisitive semantics -- Inscribed angle -- Inscribed figure -- Inscribed sphere -- Inscribed square problem -- INSEE code -- Inserter category -- Insolubilia -- Inspec -- Instability -- Instant Insanity -- Instantaneous phase and frequency -- Instanton -- Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu – Paris Rive Gauche -- Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse -- Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques -- Institut Henri Poincaré -- Institute for Advanced Study -- Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics -- Institute for Experimental Mathematics -- Institute For Figuring -- Institute for Mathematical Research -- Institute for Mathematical Sciences -- Institute for Mathematics and its Applications -- Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics -- Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics -- Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications -- Institute of Mathematical Logic and Fundamental Research -- Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology -- Institute of Mathematical Sciences -- Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Spain) -- Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai -- Institute of Mathematics -- Institute of Mathematics (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) -- Institute of Mathematics and Applications, Bhubaneswar -- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications -- Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo -- Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia -- Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences -- Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy -- Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics -- Institute of Mathematics, UFRJ -- Institute of Statistical Mathematics -- Institute of Statisticians -- Institution (computer science) -- Institutional model theory -- Institutiones calculi differentialis -- Institutiones calculi integralis -- Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía -- Instituto Nacional de Estatística -- Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada -- Instrumental variables estimation --


Integer -- Integer broom topology -- Integer circuit -- Integer complexity -- Integer factorization -- Integer factorization records -- Integer lattice -- Integer literal -- Integer matrix -- Integer points in convex polyhedra -- Integer programming -- Integer relation algorithm -- Integer sequence -- Integer sequence prime -- Integer square root -- Integer triangle -- Integer-valued function -- Integer-valued polynomial -- Integrability -- Integrability conditions for differential systems -- Integrable algorithm -- Integrable module -- Integrable system -- Integral -- Integral closure of an ideal -- Integral curve -- Integral domain -- Integral element -- Integral equation -- Integral Equations and Operator Theory -- Integral expression -- Integral geometry -- Integral graph -- Integral linear operator -- Integral of inverse functions -- Integral of secant cubed -- Integral of the secant function -- Integral operator -- Integral polytope -- Integral sliding mode -- Integral symbol -- Integral test for convergence -- Integral transform -- Integral Transforms and Special Functions -- Integrally closed -- Integrally closed domain -- Integrally-convex set -- Integrals and Series -- Integraph -- Integrated mathematics -- Integrated nested Laplace approximations -- Integrating factor -- Integration along fibers -- Integration Bee -- Integration by parts -- Integration by parts operator -- Integration by reduction formulae -- Integration by substitution -- Integration over time -- Integration using Euler's formula -- Integration using parametric derivatives -- Integrator -- Integro-differential equation -- Integrodifference equation -- Intellect -- Intellectualism -- Intension -- Intensional logic -- Intensity (measure theory) -- Intensity-duration-frequency curve -- Intensity measure -- Intensity of counting processes -- Inter-rater reliability -- Inter-universal Teichmüller theory -- Interacting particle system -- Interaction (statistics) -- Interaction cost -- Interactive computation -- Interactive data visualization -- Interactive evolutionary computation -- Interactive Mathematics Program -- Interactive proof system -- Interactive Theorem Proving (conference) -- Intercept theorem -- Interchange lemma -- Interchange of limiting operations -- Interclass correlation -- Interdecile range -- Interdependent networks -- Interdimensional -- Interdimensional being -- Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing -- Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling -- Interest -- Interesting number paradox -- Interface conditions for electromagnetic fields -- Interim analysis -- Interior (topology) -- Interior algebra -- Interior point method -- Interior product -- Interleave sequence -- Interlocking interval topology -- Intermediate Jacobian -- Intermediate logic -- Intermediate Math League of Eastern Massachusetts -- Intermediate Mathematical Challenge -- Intermediate value theorem -- Intermittency -- Internal and external angles -- Internal category -- Internal consistency -- Internal set -- Internal set theory -- Internal validity -- International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation -- International Association for Statistical Computing -- International Association for Statistical Education -- International Association of Black Actuaries -- International Association of Mathematical Physics -- International Astrostatistics Association -- International Centre for Mathematical Sciences -- International Centre for Theoretical Physics -- International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics -- International Commission on Mathematical Instruction -- International Commission on the History of Mathematics -- International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics -- International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics -- International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians -- International Congress of Mathematicians -- International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics -- International Congress on Mathematical Physics -- International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics -- International Day of Mathematics -- International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science -- International Futures -- International Game Theory Review -- International Giovanni Sacchi Landriani Prize -- International Journal of Algebra and Computation -- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science -- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning -- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering -- International Journal of Biomathematics -- International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications -- International Journal of Computer Mathematics -- International Journal of Forecasting -- International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics -- International Journal of Geometry -- International Journal of Mathematics -- International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science -- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences -- International Journal of Number Theory -- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education -- International Journal of Shape Modeling -- International Linear Algebra Society -- International Mathematical Knowledge Trust -- International Mathematical Modeling Challenge -- International Mathematical Olympiad -- International Mathematical Olympiad selection process -- International Mathematical Union -- International Mathematics Competition for University Students -- International Mathematics Research Notices -- International Mathematics Research Surveys -- International Prize in Statistics -- International Society for Bayesian Analysis -- International Society for Design and Development in Education -- International Society for Mathematical Sciences -- International Society for Stereology & Image Analysis -- International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization -- International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics -- International Statistical Institute -- International Symposium on Graph Drawing -- International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation -- International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process -- International trade theory -- International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving -- International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications -- Interpolation -- Interpolation (computer graphics) -- Interpolation inequality -- Interpolation space -- Interpolation theorem -- Interpolative decomposition -- Interpretability -- Interpretation (logic) -- Interpretation (model theory) -- Interprime -- Interquartile mean -- Interquartile range -- Interrupted time series -- Intersection -- Intersection (Euclidean geometry) -- Intersection (set theory) -- Intersection curve -- Intersection form of a 4-manifold -- Intersection graph -- Intersection homology -- Intersection number -- Intersection number (graph theory) -- Intersection of a polyhedron with a line -- Intersection theorem -- Intersection theory -- Intersection type discipline -- Intertemporal budget constraint -- Interval (mathematics) -- Interval arithmetic -- Interval boundary element method -- Interval chromatic number of an ordered graph -- Interval contractor -- Interval edge coloring -- Interval estimation -- Interval exchange transformation -- Interval graph -- Interval order -- Interval predictor model -- Interval propagation -- Interval temporal logic -- INTLAB -- Intra-rater reliability -- Intraclass correlation -- Intransitive dice -- Intransitive game -- Intransitivity -- Intrinsic equation -- Intrinsic flat distance -- Intrinsic metric -- Introductio in analysin infinitorum -- Introduction to 3-Manifolds -- Introduction to Arithmetic -- Introduction to Circle Packing -- Introduction to Commutative Algebra -- Introduction to gauge theory -- Introduction to Lattices and Order -- Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy -- Introduction to systolic geometry -- Introduction to the Theory of Computation -- Introduction to Tropical Geometry -- Intruder state -- Intuitionism -- Intuitionistic logic -- Intuitionistic type theory --


Iñupiaq numerals -- Inv (function prefix) -- Invariance of domain -- Invariance theorem -- Invariant (mathematics) -- Invariant basis number -- Invariant convex cone -- Invariant decomposition -- Invariant differential operator -- Invariant estimator -- Invariant factor -- Invariant factorization of LPDOs -- Invariant manifold -- Invariant measure -- Invariant of a binary form -- Invariant polynomial -- Invariant set postulate -- Invariant subspace -- Invariant subspace problem -- Invariant theory -- Invariants of tensors -- Invasion percolation -- Inventiones Mathematicae -- Inventory theory -- Inverse bundle -- Inverse-chi-squared distribution -- Inverse curve -- Inverse Dirichlet distribution -- Inverse distance weighting -- Inverse distribution -- Inverse dynamics -- Inverse element -- Inverse function -- Inverse function rule -- Inverse function theorem -- Inverse Galois problem -- Inverse gambler's fallacy -- Inverse-gamma distribution -- Inverse Gaussian distribution -- Inverse hyperbolic function -- Inverse image functor -- Inverse iteration -- Inverse kinematics -- Inverse Laplace transform -- Inverse limit -- Inverse lithography -- Inverse matrix gamma distribution -- Inverse mean curvature flow -- Inverse Mills ratio -- Inverse probability -- Inverse probability weighting -- Inverse problem -- Inverse problem for Lagrangian mechanics -- Inverse problem in optics -- Inverse Pythagorean theorem -- Inverse quadratic interpolation -- Inverse scattering problem -- Inverse scattering transform -- Inverse semigroup -- Inverse-square law -- Inverse Symbolic Calculator -- Inverse tangent integral -- Inverse transform sampling -- Inverse trigonometric functions -- Inverse-variance weighting -- Inverse-Wishart distribution -- Inversion (discrete mathematics) -- Inversion operator -- Inversion transformation -- Inversive congruential generator -- Inversive distance -- Inversive geometry -- Inverted bell -- Inverted bell curve -- Inverted Dirichlet distribution -- Inverted snub dodecadodecahedron -- Invertible knot -- Invertible matrix -- Invertible module -- Invertible sheaf -- Investigations in Mathematics Learning -- Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space -- Invex function -- Involute -- Involution -- Involution (mathematics) -- Involutive monoid -- Involutory matrix --


Ionescu-Tulcea theorem -- IOSO -- Iota and Jot -- IP (complexity) -- IP set -- Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems -- Iranian Mathematical Society -- Irish logarithm -- Irish Mathematical Society -- Irrational base discrete weighted transform -- Irrational number -- Irrational rotation -- Irrationality sequence -- Irreducibility (mathematics) -- Irreducible component -- Irreducible element -- Irreducible fraction -- Irreducible ideal -- Irreducible polynomial -- Irreducible representation -- Irreducible ring -- Irregular matrix -- Irregular prime -- Irregularity of a surface -- Irregularity of distributions -- Irrelevant ideal -- Irresistible force paradox -- Irving Joshua Matrix -- Irwin–Hall distribution -- Isaac Newton Institute -- Isaac Newton's early life and achievements -- Isaac Newton's later life -- Isaac Newton's occult studies -- Isaac Watts -- IsaPlanner --


Isbell conjugacy -- Ishango bone -- Ishimori equation -- Ishtar Gate -- Ising critical exponents -- Ising model -- Isis (journal) -- Islamic geometric patterns -- Ismail polynomials -- ISO 31-11 -- Isochron -- Isocline -- Isoclinism of groups -- Isodynamic point -- Isoelastic function -- Isogeny -- Isogeny theorem -- Isogonal -- Isogonal conjugate -- Isogonal figure -- Isohedral figure -- Isolated point -- Isolated singularity -- Isolating neighborhood -- Isolation lemma -- Isoline retrieval -- Isomap -- Isometric projection -- Isometries in physics -- Isometry -- Isometry (disambiguation) -- Isometry group -- Isomonodromic deformation -- Isomorphism -- Isomorphism class -- Isomorphism-closed subcategory -- Isomorphism extension theorem -- Isomorphism of categories -- Isomorphism problem -- Isomorphism theorems -- Isoparametric function -- Isoparametric manifold -- Isoperimetric dimension -- Isoperimetric inequality -- Isoperimetric point -- Isoperimetric ratio -- Isophote -- Isopsephy -- Isosceles set -- Isosceles trapezoid -- Isosceles triangle -- Isospectral -- Isosurface -- Isothermal coordinates -- Isothetic polygon -- Isotomic conjugate -- Isotonic regression -- Isotopy of loops -- Isotoxal figure -- Isotropic coordinates -- Isotropic helicoid -- Isotropic line -- Isotropic manifold -- Isotropic measure -- Isotropic position -- Isotropic quadratic form -- Isotropy representation -- Isotypic component -- Isotypical representation --


Israel Halperin Prize -- Israel Journal of Mathematics -- Israel Mathematical Union -- Isserlis' theorem -- Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences -- Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi -- Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo Mauro Picone -- Italian Mathematical Union -- Italian school of algebraic geometry -- Item response theory -- Item-total correlation -- Item tree analysis -- Iterable cardinal -- Iterated binary operation -- Iterated conditional modes -- Iterated filtering -- Iterated function -- Iterated function system -- Iterated Hilbert Transform -- Iterated integral -- Iterated limit -- Iterated local search -- Iterated logarithm -- Iterated monodromy group -- Iteration -- Iterative closest point -- Iterative compression -- Iterative deepening A* -- Iterative deepening depth-first search -- Iterative learning control -- Iterative method -- Iterative proportional fitting -- Iterative rational Krylov algorithm -- Iterative refinement -- Iterative Viterbi decoding -- Iteratively reweighted least squares -- ITest --


Itô calculus -- Itô diffusion -- Itō isometry -- Itô's lemma -- Itô's theorem -- Itoh–Tsujii inversion algorithm -- ITP method -- Iverson bracket -- Iwahori–Hecke algebra -- Iwahori subgroup -- Iwasawa algebra -- Iwasawa conjecture -- Iwasawa decomposition -- Iwasawa group -- Iwasawa manifold -- Iwasawa theory -- Iznik pottery --

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