
:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (D) - Knowledge

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D-interval hypergraph -- D-module -- D-space -- D'Agostino's K-squared test -- D'Alembert–Euler condition -- D'Alembert operator -- D'Alembert's equation -- D'Alembert's formula -- D'Alembert's paradox -- D'Alembert's principle -- D* -- D/M/1 queue -- D4 polytope -- D5 polytope -- D6 polytope -- D7 polytope -- D8 polytope -- Dadda multiplier -- Dade isometry -- Dade's conjecture -- DADiSP -- Dagger category -- Dagger compact category -- Dagger symmetric monoidal category -- Dagum distribution -- Dainton Report -- Damerau–Levenshtein distance -- Damm algorithm -- Damping -- Damping matrix --


Dandelin spheres -- Daniell integral -- Danielson-Lanczos lemma -- Danish Mathematical Society -- Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics -- Danskin's theorem -- Dantzig Prize -- Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition -- Danzer set -- Danzer's configuration -- Darb-e Imam -- Darboux basis -- Darboux basis (disambiguation) -- Darboux derivative -- Darboux frame -- Darboux integral -- Darboux vector -- Darboux's formula -- Darboux's theorem -- Darboux's theorem (analysis) -- Darcy friction factor formulae -- Darcy–Weisbach equation -- Darcy's law -- Darkside communication group -- Darmois–Skitovich theorem -- Darwin–Fowler method -- Data (Euclid) -- Data analysis -- Data Analytics Library -- Data assimilation -- Data citation -- Data Documentation Initiative -- Data dredging -- Data-driven control system -- Data envelopment analysis -- Data generating process -- Data literacy -- Data point -- Data profiling -- Data reporting -- Data science -- Data Science and Predictive Analytics -- Data transformation (statistics) -- Database tuning -- Datex code -- Datum reference --


Daubechies wavelet -- Davenport chained rotations -- Davenport constant -- Davenport–Schinzel sequence -- Davenport–Schinzel Sequences and Their Geometric Applications -- Davenport–Schmidt theorem -- Davey–Stewartson equation -- David Charles (philosopher) -- David Hestenes -- David Hilbert Award -- David Hume -- David L. Banks -- David Miller (philosopher) -- David P. Robbins Prize -- Davidon–Fletcher–Powell formula -- Davies–Bouldin index -- Davies equation -- Davis distribution -- Davis–Putnam algorithm -- Dawson function -- Dawson–Gärtner theorem -- Day convolution -- DBAR problem -- DC bias -- DCORDIC -- DE-9IM -- De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas -- De Arte Combinatoria -- De arte supputandi -- De Beghinselen Der Weeghconst -- De Boor's algorithm -- De Branges space -- De Branges's theorem -- De Bruijn–Erdős theorem -- De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (disambiguation) -- De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (graph theory) -- De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (incidence geometry) -- De Bruijn Factor -- De Bruijn graph -- De Bruijn index -- De Bruijn–Newman constant -- De Bruijn notation -- De Bruijn sequence -- De Bruijn torus -- De Bruijn's theorem -- De Casteljau's algorithm -- De Corpore -- De Donder–Weyl theory -- De Finetti diagram -- De Finetti's theorem -- De Franchis theorem -- De Groot dual -- De Gua's theorem -- De Longchamps point -- De Moivre–Laplace theorem -- De Moivre's formula -- De Moivre's theorem -- De Moivre's theorem (disambiguation) -- De Morgan algebra -- De Morgan Medal -- De Morgan's laws -- De prospectiva pingendi -- De quinque corporibus regularibus -- De Rham cohomology -- De Rham curve -- De Rham invariant -- De Rham–Weil theorem -- De Sitter invariant special relativity -- De Sitter–Schwarzschild metric -- De Sitter space -- De-sparsified lasso -- De Thiende -- De vetula --


Dead-beat control -- Dead-end elimination -- Deal.II -- Death Risk Rankings -- Deblurring -- Deborah and Franklin Haimo Awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics -- Debye function -- Decade (log scale) -- Decadic antilogarithm -- Decadic logarithm -- Decagon -- Decagonal antiprism -- Decagonal bipyramid -- Decagonal number -- Decagonal prism -- Decagonal trapezohedron -- Decagram (geometry) -- Decagrammic antiprism -- Decagrammic prism -- Decahedron -- Decidability (logic) -- Decidability of first-order theories of the real numbers -- Decidable sublanguages of set theory -- Decile -- Decimal -- Decimal antilogarithm -- Decimal logarithm -- Decimal representation -- Decimal separator -- Decimalization process -- Decision analysis cycle -- Decision Linear assumption -- Decision-making paradox -- Decision mathematics -- Decision mathematics (disambiguation) -- Decision problem -- Decision theory -- Decision tree model -- Decisional composite residuosity assumption -- Decisional Diffie–Hellman assumption -- Decoding methods -- Decomino -- Decomposable measure -- Decomposition (disambiguation) -- Decomposition matrix -- Decomposition method (queueing theory) -- Decomposition of a module -- Decomposition of spectrum (functional analysis) -- Decomposition theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne -- Decoupling -- Decoupling (probability) -- Decrement table --


Dedekind cut -- Dedekind domain -- Dedekind eta function -- Dedekind-finite ring -- Dedekind group -- Dedekind–Hasse norm -- Dedekind-infinite set -- Dedekind–Kummer theorem -- Dedekind–MacNeille completion -- Dedekind number -- Dedekind psi function -- Dedekind sum -- Dedekind zeta function -- Deduction theorem -- Deductive closure -- Deductive lambda calculus -- Deep inference -- Deeplearning4j -- Default logic -- Defeasible logic -- Defective coloring -- Defective matrix -- Deficiency (graph theory) -- Deficient number -- Definable -- Definable (disambiguation) -- Definable real number -- Definable set -- Defining equation (physics) -- Definite matrix -- Definite quadratic form -- Definition -- Definitions of mathematics -- Deformation (mathematics) -- Deformation (meteorology) -- Deformation (physics) -- Deformation ring -- Deformed Hermitian Yang–Mills equation -- DeFries–Fulker regression -- Defuzzification --


Degasperis–Procesi equation -- Degen's eight-square identity -- Degeneracy (graph theory) -- Degeneracy (mathematics) -- Degenerate bilinear form -- Degenerate conic -- Degenerate distribution -- Degeneration (algebraic geometry) -- Degree (angle) -- Degree (graph theory) -- Degree-constrained spanning tree -- Degree diameter problem -- Degree distribution -- Degree matrix -- Degree of a continuous mapping -- Degree of a differential equation -- Degree of a field extension -- Degree of a polynomial -- Degree of an algebraic variety -- Degree of anonymity -- Degree sequence -- Degree symbol -- Degrees of freedom -- Degrees of freedom (physics and chemistry) -- Degrees of freedom (statistics) -- Dehn function -- Dehn invariant -- Dehn plane -- Dehn–Sommerville equations -- Dehn surgery -- Dehn twist -- Dehn's lemma -- Dehornoy order --


Dejean's theorem -- Dejter graph -- Del -- Del in cylindrical and spherical coordinates -- Del Pezzo -- Del Pezzo (disambiguation) -- Del Pezzo surface -- Delannoy number -- Delaporte distribution -- Delaunay tessellation field estimator -- Delaunay triangulation -- Delay differential equation -- Deletion channel -- Deletion–contraction formula -- Delftware -- Delicate prime -- Deligne cohomology -- Deligne conjecture -- Deligne–Lusztig theory -- Deligne–Mumford stack -- Delone set -- Delphi method -- Delsarte–Goethals code -- Delta-convergence -- Delta function (disambiguation) -- Delta-functor -- Delta invariant -- Delta-matroid -- Delta method -- Delta operator -- Delta-ring -- Delta set -- Deltahedron -- Deltoid curve -- Deltoidal hexecontahedron -- Deltoidal icositetrahedron -- Deltoidal trihexagonal tiling -- Delzant's theorem --


Demand optimization -- Demazure character formula -- Demazure conjecture -- Demazure module -- Demidov Prize -- Demihypercube -- Deming regression -- DeMix -- Demon algorithm -- Demonic composition -- Dempster–Shafer theory -- Dempwolff group -- Demushkin group -- Dendrite (mathematics) -- Dendrogram -- Dendroid (topology) -- Dendroidal set -- Denisyuk polynomials -- Denjoy–Carleman–Ahlfors theorem -- Denjoy–Koksma inequality -- Denjoy–Luzin–Saks theorem -- Denjoy–Luzin theorem -- Denjoy–Riesz theorem -- Denjoy theorem -- Denjoy–Wolff theorem -- Denjoy–Young–Saks theorem -- Denjoy's theorem on rotation number -- Denotational semantics -- Dense graph -- Dense-in-itself -- Dense order -- Dense set -- Dense subgraph -- Dense submodule -- Densely defined operator -- Density (disambiguation) -- Density (polytope) -- Density estimation -- Density matrix -- Density matrix embedding theory -- Density on a manifold -- Density theorem -- Density theorem (category theory) -- Density theorem (disambiguation) --


Deontic logic -- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University -- Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester -- Dependability state model -- Dependence logic -- Dependence relation -- Dependency graph -- Dependency network (graphical model) -- Dependency relation -- Dependent and independent variables -- Dependent Dirichlet process -- Depth (ring theory) -- Depth-first search -- Depth of noncommutative subrings -- Derangement -- Derivation (differential algebra) -- Derivation of the conjugate gradient method -- Derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations -- Derivation of the Routh array -- Derivative -- Derivative algebra (abstract algebra) -- Derivative of the exponential map -- Derivative test -- Derivator -- Derived algebraic geometry -- Derived category -- Derived functor -- Derived noncommutative algebraic geometry -- Derived scheme -- Derived series -- Derived set (mathematics) -- Derived stack -- Derived tensor product -- Derrick's theorem --


Desargues configuration -- Desargues graph -- Desargues's theorem -- Desarguesian plane -- Descartes number -- Descartes on Polyhedra -- Descartes snark -- Descartes' rule of signs -- Descartes' theorem -- Descendant subgroup -- Descendant tree (group theory) -- Descent (mathematics) -- Descent algebra -- Descent along torsors -- Descent direction -- Describing function -- Description logic -- Description number -- Descriptive Complexity -- Descriptive complexity theory -- Descriptive geometry -- Descriptive interpretation -- Descriptive research -- Descriptive set theory -- Descriptive statistics -- Design matrix -- Design of experiments -- Design theory (disambiguation) -- Desmic system -- Dessin d'enfant -- Destination dispatch -- Destructive dilemma -- Desuspension --


Detailed balance -- Determinacy -- Determinant -- Determinant identities -- Determinant method -- Determinantal conjecture -- Determinantal point process -- Determinantal variety -- Deterministic blockmodeling -- Deterministic context-free grammar -- Deterministic context-free language -- Deterministic global optimization -- Deterministic rendezvous problem -- Deterministic simulation -- Deterministic system -- Detrended correspondence analysis -- Detrended fluctuation analysis -- Deuring–Heilbronn phenomenon -- Deutsche Mathematik -- Devanagari numerals -- Developable -- Developable (disambiguation) -- Developable roller -- Developable surface -- Development (differential geometry) -- Development (topology) -- Devex algorithm -- Deviance (statistics) -- Deviance information criterion -- Deviant logic -- Deviation (statistics) -- Deviation analysis (disambiguation) -- Deviation of a local ring -- Deviation of a poset -- Devil's curve -- Dévissage --


DeWitt notation -- DF-space -- DFFITS -- DFT matrix -- Dharmakirti -- Dharmottara -- Diabolical cube -- Diaconescu's theorem -- Diagnostic odds ratio -- Diagonal -- Diagonal argument -- Diagonal argument (disambiguation) -- Diagonal form -- Diagonal functor -- Diagonal intersection -- Diagonal lemma -- Diagonal magic cube -- Diagonal matrix -- Diagonal morphism -- Diagonal morphism (algebraic geometry) -- Diagonal subgroup -- Diagonalizable group -- Diagonalizable matrix -- Diagonalization -- Diagonalization (disambiguation) -- Diagonally dominant matrix -- Diagram (category theory) -- Diagram (mathematical logic) -- Diagrammatic Monte Carlo -- Diagrammatic reasoning -- Diairesis -- Dialectica interpretation -- Dialectica space -- Dialetheism -- Dialgebra -- Dialling (mathematics) -- Diamagnetic inequality -- Diameter -- Diameter (graph theory) -- Diameter (group theory) -- Diamond cubic -- Diamond graph -- Diamond operator -- Diamond principle -- Diamond-square algorithm -- Diamond theorem -- Dianalytic manifold -- Diaspora (novel) --


Dichotomous thinking -- Dichotomy -- Dichromatic reflectance model -- Dickey–Fuller test -- Dickman function -- Dickson invariant -- Dickson invariant (disambiguation) -- Dickson polynomial -- Dickson's conjecture -- Dickson's lemma -- Dictum de omni et nullo -- Dicyclic group -- Dielectric breakdown model -- Dieudonné determinant -- Dieudonné module -- Dieudonné plank -- Dieudonné's theorem -- Diffeology -- Diffeomorphism -- Diffeomorphism constraint -- Diffeomorphometry -- Difference algebra -- Difference bound matrix -- Difference engine -- Difference hierarchy -- Difference in differences -- Difference of Gaussians -- Difference of two squares -- Difference polynomials -- Difference quotient -- Difference set -- Different ideal -- Differentiable curve -- Differentiable function -- Differentiable manifold -- Differentiable programming -- Differentiable stack -- Differentiable vector–valued functions from Euclidean space -- Differential (mathematics) -- Differential algebra -- Differential algebraic geometry -- Differential algebraic group -- Differential-algebraic system of equations -- Differential analyser -- Differential calculus -- Differential calculus over commutative algebras -- Differential coefficient -- Differential CORDIC -- Differential dynamic programming -- Differential entropy -- Differential equation -- Differential Equations (journal) -- Differential equations of addition -- Differential evolution -- Differential form -- Differential forms on a Riemann surface -- Differential Galois theory -- Differential game -- Differential geometry -- Differential geometry of surfaces -- Differential graded algebra -- Differential graded category -- Differential graded Lie algebra -- Differential graded module -- Differential group delay -- Differential ideal -- Differential inclusion -- Differential invariant -- Differential of a function -- Differential of the first kind -- Differential operator -- Differential optical absorption spectroscopy -- Differential poset -- Differential structure -- Differential topology -- Differential variational inequality -- Differentially closed field -- Differentiation in Fréchet spaces -- Differentiation of integrals -- Differentiation of measures -- Differentiation of measures (disambiguation) -- Differentiation of trigonometric functions -- Differentiation rules -- Differintegral -- Diffie–Hellman problem -- Diffiety -- Diffuse element method -- Diffusion equation -- Diffusion-limited aggregation -- Diffusion model -- Diffusion Monte Carlo -- Diffusion MRI -- Diffusion process -- Diffusion wavelets -- Diffuson -- Difunctional --


Digamma function -- Digit-reassembly number -- Digit sum -- Digital control -- Digital geometry -- Digital Library of Mathematical Functions -- Digital manifold -- Digital Morse theory -- Digital root -- Digital sum -- Digital sum (disambiguation) -- Digital sum in base b -- Digital sundial -- Digital topology -- Dignāga -- Digon -- Digraph realization problem -- Dihedral angle -- Dihedral group -- Dihedral group of order 6 -- Dihedral prime -- Dihedral symmetry in three dimensions -- Dihedron -- DIIS -- Dijkstra–Scholten algorithm -- Dijkstra's algorithm -- Dilation (metric space) -- Dilation (operator theory) -- Dilworth's theorem -- DIMACS -- Dimension -- Dimension (graph theory) -- Dimension (vector space) -- Dimension function -- Dimension of a scheme -- Dimension of an algebraic variety -- Dimension theorem for vector spaces -- Dimension theory (algebra) -- Dimensional analysis -- Dimensional metrology -- Dimensional operator -- Dimensional regularization -- Dimensionality reduction -- Dimensionless quantity -- Dimensions (animation) -- Diminished rhombic dodecahedron -- Diminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Diminished trapezohedron --


Dinatural transformation -- Dini continuity -- Dini criterion -- Dini derivative -- Dini–Lipschitz criterion -- Dini test -- Dini's surface -- Dini's theorem -- Dinic's algorithm -- Dining cryptographers problem -- Dining philosophers problem -- Dinitz conjecture -- Dinostratus' theorem -- Diophantine approximation -- Diophantine equation -- Diophantine geometry -- Diophantine quintuple -- Diophantine set -- Diophantus and Diophantine Equations -- Diophantus II.VIII -- Dipole -- Dipole graph -- Dirac (video compression format) -- Dirac adjoint -- Dirac algebra -- Dirac bracket -- Dirac comb -- Dirac delta function -- Dirac equation -- Dirac equation in curved spacetime -- Dirac equation in the algebra of physical space -- Dirac measure -- Dirac operator -- Dirac spectrum -- Dirac–von Neumann axioms -- Dirac's theorem -- Dirac's theorem (disambiguation) -- Direct algebraic logic -- Direct comparison test -- Direct image functor -- Direct image with compact support -- Direct integral -- Direct limit -- Direct limit of groups -- Direct linear transformation -- Direct material variance -- Direct method in the calculus of variations -- Direct multiple shooting method -- Direct product -- Direct product of groups -- Direct proof -- Direct simulation Monte Carlo -- Direct stiffness method -- Direct sum -- Direct sum of groups -- Direct sum of modules -- Direct sum of topological groups -- Directed acyclic graph -- Directed algebraic topology -- Directed cycle -- Directed graph -- Directed infinity -- Directed pseudoforest -- Directed set -- Direction cosine -- Direction-preserving function -- Directional derivative -- Directional statistics -- Directional symmetry -- Director circle -- Director string -- Directrix -- Dirichlet algebra -- Dirichlet average -- Dirichlet beta function -- Dirichlet boundary condition -- Dirichlet character -- Dirichlet conditions -- Dirichlet convolution -- Dirichlet density -- Dirichlet distribution -- Dirichlet eigenvalue -- Dirichlet energy -- Dirichlet eta function -- Dirichlet form -- Dirichlet function -- Dirichlet hyperbola method -- Dirichlet integral -- Dirichlet kernel -- Dirichlet L-function -- Dirichlet-multinomial distribution -- Dirichlet negative multinomial distribution -- Dirichlet problem -- Dirichlet process -- Dirichlet series -- Dirichlet series inversion -- Dirichlet space -- Dirichlet's approximation theorem -- Dirichlet's principle -- Dirichlet's test -- Dirichlet's theorem -- Dirichlet's theorem (disambiguation) -- Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions -- Dirichlet's unit theorem -- Dirk Niblick of the Math Brigade --


Disc integration -- Disc theorem -- Discharging method (discrete mathematics) -- Discontinuities of monotone functions -- Discontinuous Galerkin method -- Discontinuous group -- Discontinuous linear map -- Discourse on the Method -- Discourse representation theory -- Discovery system (AI research) -- Discrepancy (algebraic geometry) -- Discrepancy (disambiguation) -- Discrepancy function -- Discrepancy of hypergraphs -- Discrepancy theory -- Discrete & Computational Geometry -- Discrete Analysis -- Discrete Applied Mathematics -- Discrete calculus -- Discrete category -- Discrete Chebyshev polynomials -- Discrete Chebyshev transform -- Discrete cosine transform -- Discrete differential geometry -- Discrete element method -- Discrete exterior calculus -- Discrete fixed-point theorem -- Discrete Fourier series -- Discrete Fourier transform -- Discrete Fourier transform over a ring -- Discrete geometry -- Discrete group -- Discrete Hartley transform -- Discrete Laplace operator -- Discrete least squares meshless method -- Discrete logarithm -- Discrete logarithm records -- Discrete mathematics -- Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science -- Discrete Mathematics (journal) -- Discrete measure -- Discrete metric -- Discrete modelling -- Discrete Morse theory -- Discrete optimization -- Discrete orthogonal polynomials -- Discrete phase-type distribution -- Discrete Poisson equation -- Discrete q-Hermite polynomials -- Discrete series representation -- Discrete sine transform -- Discrete space -- Discrete spectrum -- Discrete spectrum (mathematics) -- Discrete spectrum (physics) -- Discrete spline interpolation -- Discrete-stable distribution -- Discrete symmetry -- Discrete time and continuous time -- Discrete-time Fourier transform -- Discrete tomography -- Discrete two-point space -- Discrete uniform distribution -- Discrete valuation -- Discrete valuation ring -- Discrete wavelet transform -- Discrete Weibull distribution -- Discretization -- Discretization error -- Discriminant -- Discriminant function analysis -- Discriminant of an algebraic number field -- Discriminant validity -- Discriminated union -- Discriminated union (disambiguation) -- Disdyakis dodecahedron -- Disdyakis triacontahedron -- Disentanglement puzzle -- DiShIn -- Disintegration theorem -- Disjoint sets -- Disjoint union -- Disjoint union (topology) -- Disjoint union of graphs -- Disjunct matrix -- Disjunction and existence properties -- Disjunction elimination -- Disjunction introduction -- Disjunction property of Wallman -- Disjunctive graph -- Disjunctive normal form -- Disjunctive sequence -- Disjunctive sum -- Disjunctive syllogism -- Disk (mathematics) -- Disk algebra -- Disk covering problem -- Disorder problem -- Disparity filter algorithm of weighted network -- Disperser -- Dispersion point -- Dispersionless equation -- Dispersive flies optimisation -- Dispersive partial differential equation -- Disphenocingulum -- Disphenoid -- Displaced Poisson distribution -- Displacement (vector) -- Displacement operator -- Displair -- Disposition effect -- Disquisitiones Arithmeticae -- Disquotational principle -- Dissection into orthoschemes -- Dissection problem -- Dissection puzzle -- Dissipation -- Dissipation factor -- Dissipative operator -- Dissipative soliton -- Dissociated press -- Dissociation number -- Distance -- Distance (graph theory) -- Distance between two parallel lines -- Distance correlation -- Distance from a point to a line -- Distance from a point to a plane -- Distance geometry -- Distance-hereditary graph -- Distance matrix -- Distance of closest approach -- Distance oracle -- Distance-regular graph -- Distance sampling -- Distance set -- Distance-transitive graph -- Distinguished limit -- Distinguished space -- Distinguishing coloring -- Distinguishing number -- Distortion (mathematics) -- Distortion function -- Distortion problem -- Distributed constraint optimization -- Distributed lag -- Distributed minimum spanning tree -- Distributed source coding -- Distribution (differential geometry) -- Distribution (mathematics) -- Distribution (number theory) -- Distribution algebra -- Distribution ensemble -- Distribution-free maximum likelihood for binary responses -- Distribution function (measure theory) -- Distribution function (physics) -- Distribution of the product of two random variables -- Distribution on a linear algebraic group -- Distributive category -- Distributive homomorphism -- Distributive lattice -- Distributive law between monads -- Distributive numeral -- Distributive polytope -- Distributive property -- Distributivity (order theory) --


Ditkin set -- Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron -- Ditrigonal polyhedron -- Dittert conjecture -- Div operator -- Divergence -- Divergence (computer science) -- Divergence (statistics) -- Divergence of the sum of the reciprocals of the primes -- Divergence theorem -- Divergent geometric series -- Divergent series -- Diversity index -- Divide and conquer algorithm -- Divide-and-conquer eigenvalue algorithm -- Divided differences -- Divided domain -- Divided power structure -- Dividing a circle into areas -- Divina proportione -- DiVincenzo's criteria -- Divisibility (ring theory) -- Divisibility rule -- Divisibility sequence -- Divisible group -- Division (mathematics) -- Division algebra -- Division algorithm -- Division by infinity -- Division by two -- Division by zero -- Division by zero (disambiguation) -- Division lattice -- Division polynomials -- Division ring -- Division sign -- Divisor -- Divisor (algebraic geometry) -- Divisor function -- Divisor sum identities -- Divisor summatory function -- Divisor topology -- Divisorial scheme --


Dixmier conjecture -- Dixmier mapping -- Dixmier trace -- Dixon elliptic functions -- Dixon's factorization method -- Dixon's identity -- Dixon's Q test -- DLOGTIME -- DNSS point -- Dobiński's formula -- Dodecadodecahedron -- Dodecagon -- Dodecagonal number -- Dodecagonal prism -- Dodecagram -- Dodecahedral conjecture -- Dodecahedral cupola -- Dodecahedral-icosahedral honeycomb -- Dodecahedral number -- Dodecahedral prism -- Dodecahedral pyramid -- Dodecahedron -- Dodgem -- Dodgson condensation -- Does God Play Dice? -- Dogbone space -- Doi–Naganuma lifting -- Dolbeault cohomology -- Dold–Kan correspondence -- Dold manifold -- Dold–Thom theorem -- Doléans-Dade exponential -- Dolgachev surface --


Domain (mathematical analysis) -- Domain (ring theory) -- Domain coloring -- Domain decomposition method -- Domain decomposition methods -- Domain of a function -- Domain of discourse -- Domain of holomorphy -- Domain relational calculus -- Domain theory -- Domain-to-range ratio -- Domain wall -- Domain wall (string theory) -- Domatic number -- Dome of the Rock -- Dominance order -- Dominant functor -- Dominated convergence theorem -- Dominating decision rule -- Dominating set -- Domination number -- Domination perfect graph -- Dominator (graph theory) -- Domineering -- Dominical letter -- Domino (mathematics) -- Domino problem -- Domino tiling -- Dominoes -- Donald in Mathmagic Land -- Donald Kreider -- Donaldson theory -- Donaldson–Thomas theory -- Donaldson's theorem -- Donkey sentence -- Donsker's theorem --


Doo–Sabin subdivision surface -- Doob decomposition theorem -- Doob–Dynkin lemma -- Doob martingale -- Doob–Meyer decomposition theorem -- Doob's martingale convergence theorems -- Doob's martingale inequality -- Doomsday argument -- Doomsday conjecture -- Door space -- Dormand–Prince method -- Dot planimeter -- Dot product -- Dot product representation of a graph -- Dots (game) -- Dots and Boxes -- Dotted circle -- Dottie number -- Douady–Earle extension -- Douady rabbit -- Double (manifold) -- Double affine braid group -- Double affine Hecke algebra -- Double bubble theorem -- Double centralizer theorem -- Double complex -- Double coset -- Double counting (fallacy) -- Double counting (proof technique) -- Double cover -- Double cover (disambiguation) -- Double dabble -- Double Diamond (design process model) -- Double exponential -- Double exponential distribution -- Double exponential distribution (disambiguation) -- Double exponential function -- Double extension set theory -- Double factorial -- Double Fourier sphere method -- Double group -- Double groupoid -- Double lattice -- Double layer potential -- Double limit theorem -- Double Mersenne number -- Double Mersenne prime -- Double negation -- Double-negation translation -- Double origin topology -- Double pendulum -- Double pushout graph rewriting -- Double recursion -- Double-star snark -- Double suspension theorem -- Double tangent bundle -- Double torus knot -- Double turnstile -- Double vector bundle -- Double wedge -- Doubling map -- Doubling-oriented Doche–Icart–Kohel curve -- Doubling space -- Doubling the cube -- Doubling time -- Doubly connected edge list -- Doubly linked face list -- Doubly periodic function -- Doubly stochastic matrix -- Doubly stochastic model -- Doubly triangular number -- Dougall's formula -- Dougall's formula (disambiguation) -- Douglas' lemma --


Dowker space -- Dowker–Thistlethwaite notation -- Dowling geometry -- Doyle spiral -- Dozen -- DPLL algorithm -- DPLL(T) -- Drag equation -- Dragon curve -- Dragon king theory -- Dragon's Eye (symbol) -- DragonflyTV -- Dravidian numerals -- Drawdown (economics) -- Drawing straws -- Drazin inverse -- DrGeo -- Drift plus penalty -- Drinfeld module -- Drinfeld reciprocity -- Drinfeld–Sokolov–Wilson equation -- Drinfeld upper half plane -- Drinker paradox -- Droz-Farny line theorem -- DSatur -- DSPACE -- DTIME -- Du Bois singularity -- Du Val singularity -- Dual (category theory) -- Dual abelian variety -- Dual basis -- Dual basis in a field extension -- Dual bundle -- Dual code -- Dual cone and polar cone -- Dual constraint graph -- Dual control theory -- Dual curve -- Dual-flashlight plot -- Dual graph -- Dual Hahn polynomials -- Dual impedance -- Dual lattice -- Dual linear program -- Dual matroid -- Dual module -- Dual norm -- Dual number -- Dual object -- Dual-phase evolution -- Dual polygon -- Dual polyhedron -- Dual q-Hahn polynomials -- Dual q-Krawtchouk polynomials -- Dual quaternion -- Dual representation -- Dual space -- Dual Steenrod algebra -- Dual system -- Dual topology -- Dual total correlation -- Dual wavelet -- Duality -- Duality (disambiguation) -- Duality (electrical circuits) -- Duality (electricity and magnetism) -- Duality (mathematics) -- Duality (mechanical engineering) -- Duality (optimization) -- Duality (order theory) -- Duality (projective geometry) -- Duality gap -- Duality principle -- Duality principle (disambiguation) -- Duality theory for distributive lattices -- Dualizing module -- Dualizing sheaf -- Dually chordal graph --


Dubins path -- Dubins–Spanier theorems -- Dubner's conjecture -- Ducci sequence -- Dudeney number -- Dudley triangle -- Dudley's theorem -- Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau algebra -- Duffin–Schaeffer conjecture -- Duffing equation -- Duffing map -- Duflo isomorphism -- Duggan–Schwartz theorem -- Duhamel's integral -- Duhamel's principle -- Duistermaat–Heckman formula -- Duke Mathematical Journal -- Dulmage–Mendelsohn decomposition -- Dummy variable (disambiguation) -- Dummy variable (statistics) -- Dunbar's number -- Duncan's new multiple range test -- Dunce hat (topology) -- Dune (software) -- Dunford–Pettis property -- Dunford–Schwartz theorem -- Dunham expansion -- Dunkl operator -- Dunnett's test -- Duocylinder -- Duodecimal -- Duoprism -- Duopyramid --


Dupin cyclide -- Dupin hypersurface -- Dupin indicatrix -- Dupin's theorem -- Duplication and elimination matrices -- Durand–Kerner method -- Durand–Kerner method -- Durbin test -- Durbin–Watson statistic -- Durbin–Wu–Hausman test -- Dürer graph -- Durfee square -- Dushnik–Miller theorem -- Dutch book -- Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality -- Dvoretzky's theorem -- Dwork conjecture -- Dwork family -- Dwork's lemma -- Dyadic cubes -- Dyadic distribution -- Dyadic logarithm -- Dyadic rational -- Dyadic space -- Dyadic transformation -- Dyadics -- Dyck congruence -- Dyck graph -- Dyck's surface -- Dyck's theorem --


Dykstra's projection algorithm -- Dym equation -- Dynamic aperture (accelerator physics) -- Dynamic Bayesian network -- Dynamic connectivity -- Dynamic contagion process -- Dynamic convex hull -- Dynamic design analysis method -- Dynamic discrete choice -- Dynamic equation -- Dynamic fluid film equations -- Dynamic link matching -- Dynamic logic (modal logic) -- Dynamic Markov compression -- Dynamic mode decomposition -- Dynamic Monte Carlo method -- Dynamic network analysis -- Dynamic optimality conjecture -- Dynamic problem (algorithms) -- Dynamic programming -- Dynamic rectangle -- Dynamic relaxation -- Dynamic scaling -- Dynamic semantics -- Dynamic similarity (Reynolds and Womersley numbers) -- Dynamic simulation -- Dynamic time warping -- Dynamic unobserved effects model -- Dynamical billiards -- Dynamical neuroscience -- Dynamical system -- Dynamical systems theory -- Dynamics of Markovian particles -- Dynkin diagram -- Dynkin index -- Dynkin system -- Dynkin's formula -- Dynkin's lemma --


Dyscalculia -- Dyson conjecture -- Dyson's transform -- Dzongkha numerals --

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